using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using Vanara.Extensions; using Vanara.InteropServices; using static Vanara.PInvoke.DbgHelp; namespace Vanara.PInvoke { /// Items from the ImageHlp.dll public static partial class ImageHlp { private const string Lib_ImageHlp = "imagehlp.dll"; /// /// An application-defined callback function used by the ImageGetDigestStream function to process data. /// /// The DIGEST_FUNCTION type defines a pointer to this callback function. DigestFunction is a placeholder for the /// application-defined function name. /// /// /// /// A user-supplied handle to the digest. This value is passed as a parameter to the ImageGetDigestStream function. /// /// The data stream. /// The size of the data stream, in bytes. /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value should be TRUE. If the function fails, the return value should be FALSE. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// // DIGEST_FUNCTION DigestFunction; BOOL // DigestFunction( DIGEST_HANDLE refdata, PBYTE pData, DWORD dwLength ) {...} [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Winapi, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NC:imagehlp.DIGEST_FUNCTION")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public delegate bool DIGEST_FUNCTION(IntPtr refdata, IntPtr pData, uint dwLength); /// /// /// An application-defined callback function used with the BindImageEx function. The status routine is called during the process of /// the image binding. /// /// /// The PIMAGEHLP_STATUS_ROUTINE type defines a pointer to this callback function. StatusRoutine is a placeholder for /// the application-defined function name. /// /// /// /// The current status of the bind operation. This parameter can be one of the following values. /// /// /// Value /// Meaning /// /// /// BindOutOfMemory 0 /// Out of memory. The Parameter value is the number of bytes in the allocation attempt. /// /// /// BindRvaToVaFailed 1 /// The relative virtual address is invalid for the image. The Parameter value is not used. /// /// /// BindNoRoomInImage 2 /// No room in the image for new format import table. The Parameter value is not used. /// /// /// BindImportModuleFailed 3 /// Module import failed. The Parameter value is not used. /// /// /// BindImportProcedureFailed 4 /// Procedure import failed. The Parameter value is the name of the function. /// /// /// BindImportModule 5 /// Module import is starting. The Parameter value is not used. /// /// /// BindImportProcedure 6 /// Procedure import is starting. The Parameter value is the name of the function. /// /// /// BindForwarder 7 /// The Parameter value is the name of the function forwarded. /// /// /// BindForwarderNOT 8 /// The Parameter value is the name of the function not forwarded. /// /// /// BindImageModified 9 /// Image modified. The Parameter value is not used. /// /// /// BindExpandFileHeaders 10 /// File headers expanded. The Parameter value is the number of bytes /// /// /// BindImageComplete 11 /// Binding is complete. For more information on the Parameter value, see the following Remarks section. /// /// /// BindMismatchedSymbols 12 /// Checksum did not match. The Parameter value is the name of the symbol file. /// /// /// BindSymbolsNotUpdated 13 /// Symbol file was not updated. The Parameter value is the name of the symbol file not updated. /// /// /// /// The name of the file to be bound. This value can be a file name, a partial path, or a full path. /// The name of the DLL. /// The computed virtual address. /// /// Any additional status information. This value depends on the value of the Reason parameter. For more information, see the code /// fragment in the following Remarks section. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// The following code fragment describes how to use the Va value when the status is BindImageComplete. /// /// case BindImageComplete: if (fVerbose) { fprintf(stderr, "BIND: Details of binding %s\n", ImageName ); NewImports = (PIMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)Va; NewImport = NewImports; while (NewImport->OffsetModuleName) { fprintf( stderr, " Import from %s [%x]", (LPSTR)NewImports + NewImport->OffsetModuleName, NewImport->TimeDateStamp ); if (NewImport->NumberOfModuleForwarderRefs != 0) { fprintf( stderr, " with %u forwarders", NewImport-> NumberOfModuleForwarderRefs ); } fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); NewForwarder = (PIMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF)(NewImport+1); for (i=0; i<NewImport->NumberOfModuleForwarderRefs; i++) { fprintf( stderr, " Forward to %s [%x]\n", (LPSTR)NewImports + NewForwarder->OffsetModuleName, NewForwarder->TimeDateStamp); NewForwarder += 1; } NewImport = (PIMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)NewForwarder; } } break; /// /// // PIMAGEHLP_STATUS_ROUTINE // PimagehlpStatusRoutine; BOOL PimagehlpStatusRoutine( IMAGEHLP_STATUS_REASON Reason, PCSTR ImageName, PCSTR DllName, ULONG_PTR Va, // ULONG_PTR Parameter ) {...} [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Winapi, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NC:imagehlp.PIMAGEHLP_STATUS_ROUTINE")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public delegate bool PIMAGEHLP_STATUS_ROUTINE(IMAGEHLP_STATUS_REASON Reason, string ImageName, string DllName, IntPtr Va, IntPtr Parameter); /* public enum IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL_TYPE_INFO { TI_GET_SYMTAG, TI_GET_SYMNAME, TI_GET_LENGTH, TI_GET_TYPE, TI_GET_TYPEID, TI_GET_BASETYPE, TI_GET_ARRAYINDEXTYPEID, TI_FINDCHILDREN, TI_GET_DATAKIND, TI_GET_ADDRESSOFFSET, TI_GET_OFFSET, TI_GET_VALUE, TI_GET_COUNT, TI_GET_CHILDRENCOUNT, TI_GET_BITPOSITION, TI_GET_VIRTUALBASECLASS, TI_GET_VIRTUALTABLESHAPEID, TI_GET_VIRTUALBASEPOINTEROFFSET, TI_GET_CLASSPARENTID, TI_GET_NESTED, TI_GET_SYMINDEX, TI_GET_LEXICALPARENT, TI_GET_ADDRESS, TI_GET_THISADJUST, TI_GET_UDTKIND, TI_IS_EQUIV_TO, TI_GET_CALLING_CONVENTION, TI_IS_CLOSE_EQUIV_TO, TI_GTIEX_REQS_VALID, TI_GET_VIRTUALBASEOFFSET, TI_GET_VIRTUALBASEDISPINDEX, TI_GET_IS_REFERENCE, TI_GET_INDIRECTVIRTUALBASECLASS, TI_GET_VIRTUALBASETABLETYPE, IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL_TYPE_INFO_MAX, } public enum SYM_TYPE { SymNone = 0, SymCoff, SymCv, SymPdb, SymExport, SymDeferred, SymSym, // .sym file SymDia, SymVirtual, NumSymTypes } public enum SymTagEnum { SymTagNull, SymTagExe, SymTagCompiland, SymTagCompilandDetails, SymTagCompilandEnv, SymTagFunction, SymTagBlock, SymTagData, SymTagAnnotation, SymTagLabel, SymTagPublicSymbol, SymTagUDT, SymTagEnum, SymTagFunctionType, SymTagPointerType, SymTagArrayType, SymTagBaseType, SymTagTypedef, SymTagBaseClass, SymTagFriend, SymTagFunctionArgType, SymTagFuncDebugStart, SymTagFuncDebugEnd, SymTagUsingNamespace, SymTagVTableShape, SymTagVTable, SymTagCustom, SymTagThunk, SymTagCustomType, SymTagManagedType, SymTagDimension, SymTagCallSite, SymTagInlineSite, SymTagBaseInterface, SymTagVectorType, SymTagMatrixType, SymTagHLSLType, SymTagCaller, SymTagCallee, SymTagExport, SymTagHeapAllocationSite, SymTagCoffGroup, SymTagMax } public enum ADDRESS_MODE { AddrMode1616, AddrMode1632, AddrModeReal, AddrModeFlat } */ /// The bind options for . [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.BindImageEx")] [Flags] public enum BINDOPTS { /// Bind all images in the call tree for this file. BIND_ALL_IMAGES = 0x00000004, /// /// Do not discard DLL information in the cache between calls. This improves performance when binding a large number of images. /// BIND_CACHE_IMPORT_DLLS = 0x00000008, /// Do not generate a new import address table. BIND_NO_BOUND_IMPORTS = 0x00000001, /// Do not make changes to the file. BIND_NO_UPDATE = 0x00000002, /// BIND_REPORT_64BIT_VA = 0x00000010, } /// Return code from . [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.MapFileAndCheckSumA")] public enum CHECKSUM { /// Could not map a view of the file. CHECKSUM_MAPVIEW_FAILURE = 3, /// Could not map the file. CHECKSUM_MAP_FAILURE = 2, /// Could not open the file. CHECKSUM_OPEN_FAILURE = 1, /// The function succeeded. CHECKSUM_SUCCESS = 0, /// CHECKSUM_UNICODE_FAILURE 4 CHECKSUM_UNICODE_FAILURE = 4, } /// The current status of the bind operation. [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NC:imagehlp.PIMAGEHLP_STATUS_ROUTINE")] public enum IMAGEHLP_STATUS_REASON { /// Out of memory. The Parameter value is the number of bytes in the allocation attempt. BindOutOfMemory = 0, /// The relative virtual address is invalid for the image. The Parameter value is not used. BindRvaToVaFailed = 1, /// No room in the image for new format import table. The Parameter value is not used. BindNoRoomInImage = 2, /// Module import failed. The Parameter value is not used. BindImportModuleFailed = 3, /// Procedure import failed. The Parameter value is the name of the function. BindImportProcedureFailed = 4, /// Module import is starting. The Parameter value is not used. BindImportModule = 5, /// Procedure import is starting. The Parameter value is the name of the function. BindImportProcedure = 6, /// The Parameter value is the name of the function forwarded. BindForwarder = 7, /// The Parameter value is the name of the function not forwarded. BindForwarderNOT = 8, /// Image modified. The Parameter value is not used. BindImageModified = 9, /// File headers expanded. The Parameter value is the number of bytes BindExpandFileHeaders = 10, /// Binding is complete. For more information on the Parameter value, see the following Remarks section. BindImageComplete = 11, /// Checksum did not match. The Parameter value is the name of the symbol file. BindMismatchedSymbols = 12, /// Symbol file was not updated. The Parameter value is the name of the symbol file not updated. BindSymbolsNotUpdated = 13, } /// The information to be split from the image. [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.SplitSymbols")] [Flags] public enum SPLITSYM { /// /// Usually, an image with the symbols split off will still contain a MISC debug directory with the name of the symbol file. /// Therefore, the debugger can still find the symbols. Using this flag removes this link. The end result is similar to using /// the -debug:none switch on the Microsoft linker. /// SPLITSYM_EXTRACT_ALL = 0x00000002, /// This strips off the private CodeView symbolic information when generating the symbol file. SPLITSYM_REMOVE_PRIVATE = 0x00000001, /// The symbol file path contains an alternate path to locate the .pdb file. SPLITSYM_SYMBOLPATH_IS_SRC = 0x00000004, } /// Computes the virtual address of each function that is imported. /// /// The bind options. This parameter can be a combination of the following values. /// /// /// Value /// Meaning /// /// /// BIND_ALL_IMAGES 0x00000004 /// Bind all images in the call tree for this file. /// /// /// BIND_CACHE_IMPORT_DLLS 0x00000008 /// Do not discard DLL information in the cache between calls. This improves performance when binding a large number of images. /// /// /// BIND_NO_BOUND_IMPORTS 0x00000001 /// Do not generate a new import address table. /// /// /// BIND_NO_UPDATE 0x00000002 /// Do not make changes to the file. /// /// /// /// The name of the file to be bound. This value can be a file name, a partial path, or a full path. /// The root of the search path to use if the file specified by the ImageName parameter cannot be opened. /// The root of the path to search for the file's corresponding symbol file. /// /// A pointer to a status routine. The status routine is called during the progress of the image binding. For more information, see StatusRoutine. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// /// The process of binding an image consists of computing the virtual address of each imported function. The computed virtual /// address is then saved in the importing image's Import Address Table (IAT). As a result, the image is loaded much faster, /// particularly if it uses many DLLs, because the system loader does not have to compute the address of each imported function. /// /// If a corresponding symbol file can be located, its time stamp and checksum are updated. /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI BindImageEx( DWORD Flags, PCSTR // ImageName, PCSTR DllPath, PCSTR SymbolPath, PIMAGEHLP_STATUS_ROUTINE StatusRoutine ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.BindImageEx")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool BindImageEx(BINDOPTS Flags, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string ImageName, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string DllPath, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string SymbolPath, PIMAGEHLP_STATUS_ROUTINE StatusRoutine); /// Computes the checksum of the specified image file. /// The base address of the mapped file. This value is obtained by calling the MapViewOfFile function. /// The size of the file, in bytes. /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives the original checksum from the image file, or zero if there is an error. /// /// A pointer to the variable that receives the computed checksum. /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure contained in the mapped image. /// If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// /// The CheckSumMappedFile function computes a new checksum for the file and returns it in the CheckSum parameter. This /// function is used by any application that creates or modifies an executable image. Checksums are required for kernel-mode drivers /// and some system DLLs. The linker computes the original checksum at link time, if you use the appropriate linker switch. For more /// details, see your linker documentation. /// /// /// It is recommended that all images have valid checksums. It is the caller's responsibility to place the newly computed checksum /// into the mapped image and update the on-disk image of the file. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS IMAGEAPI // CheckSumMappedFile( PVOID BaseAddress, DWORD FileLength, PDWORD HeaderSum, PDWORD CheckSum ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.CheckSumMappedFile")] public static extern IntPtr CheckSumMappedFile(IntPtr BaseAddress, uint FileLength, out uint HeaderSum, out uint CheckSum); /// Locates and returns the load configuration data of an image. /// A pointer to a LOADED_IMAGE structure that is returned from a call to MapAndLoad or ImageLoad. /// /// A pointer to an IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64 structure that receives the configuration information. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// The SetImageConfigInformation function locates and changes the load configuration data of an image. /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI // GetImageConfigInformation( PLOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage, PIMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY ImageConfigInformation ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.GetImageConfigInformation")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool GetImageConfigInformation(in LOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage, out IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY32 ImageConfigInformation); /// Retrieves the offset and size of the part of the PE header that is currently unused. /// A pointer to a LOADED_IMAGE structure that is returned from a call to MapAndLoad or ImageLoad. /// /// A pointer to a variable to receive the size, in bytes, of the part of the image's header which is unused. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is the offset from the base address of the first unused header byte. /// If the function fails, the return value is zero. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// // DWORD IMAGEAPI // GetImageUnusedHeaderBytes( PLOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage, PDWORD SizeUnusedHeaderBytes ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.GetImageUnusedHeaderBytes")] public static extern uint GetImageUnusedHeaderBytes(in LOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage, out uint SizeUnusedHeaderBytes); /// Adds a certificate to the specified file. /// /// A handle to the image file to be modified. This handle must be opened for FILE_READ_DATA and FILE_WRITE_DATA access. /// /// /// A pointer to a WIN_CERTIFICATE header and all associated sections. The Length member in the certificate header /// will be used to determine the length of this buffer. /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives the index of the newly added certificate. /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// The certificate is added at the end of the existing list of certificates and is assigned an index. /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI ImageAddCertificate( // HANDLE FileHandle, LPWIN_CERTIFICATE Certificate, PDWORD Index ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.ImageAddCertificate")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool ImageAddCertificate(HFILE FileHandle, [In] IntPtr Certificate, out uint Index); /// Retrieves information about the certificates currently contained in an image file. /// A handle to the image file to be examined. This handle must be opened for FILE_READ_DATA access. /// /// The certificate section type to be used as a filter when returning certificate information. CERT_SECTION_TYPE_ANY should be /// passed for information on all section types present in the image. /// /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives the number of certificates in the image containing sections of the type specified by the /// TypeFilter parameter. If none are found, this parameter is zero. /// /// /// Optionally provides a buffer to use to return an array of indices to the certificates containing sections of the specified type. /// No ordering should be assumed for the index values, nor are they guaranteed to be contiguous when CERT_SECTION_TYPE_ANY is queried. /// /// /// The size of the Indices buffer, in DWORDs. This parameter will be examined whenever Indices is present. If /// CertificateCount is greater than IndexCount, Indices will be filled in with the first IndexCount sections found in the image; /// any others will not be returned. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// /// The ImageEnumerateCertificates function returns information about the certificates currently contained in an image file. /// It has filtering capabilities which allow certificates containing sections of any single type (or of any type) to be returned. /// /// /// After the indices of interesting certificates are discovered, they can be passed to the ImageGetCertificateData function to /// obtain the actual bodies of the certificates. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI // ImageEnumerateCertificates( HANDLE FileHandle, WORD TypeFilter, PDWORD CertificateCount, PDWORD Indices, DWORD IndexCount ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.ImageEnumerateCertificates")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool ImageEnumerateCertificates(HFILE FileHandle, ushort TypeFilter, out uint CertificateCount, [Optional, In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 4)] uint[] Indices, uint IndexCount); /// Retrieves a complete certificate from a file. /// A handle to the image file. This handle must be opened for FILE_READ_DATA access. /// The index of the certificate to be returned. /// /// A pointer to a WIN_CERTIFICATE structure that receives the certificate data. If the buffer is not large enough to contain /// the structure, the function fails and the last error code is set to ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER. /// /// /// On input, this parameter specifies the length of the Certificate buffer in bytes. On success, it receives the length of the certificate. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// The WIN_CERTIFICATE structure is defined as follows: /// /// typedef struct _WIN_CERTIFICATE { DWORD dwLength; WORD wRevision; WORD wCertificateType; // WIN_CERT_TYPE_xxx BYTE bCertificate[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } WIN_CERTIFICATE, *LPWIN_CERTIFICATE; /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI // ImageGetCertificateData( HANDLE FileHandle, DWORD CertificateIndex, LPWIN_CERTIFICATE Certificate, PDWORD RequiredLength ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.ImageGetCertificateData")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool ImageGetCertificateData(HFILE FileHandle, uint CertificateIndex, [Out] IntPtr Certificate, ref uint RequiredLength); /// Retrieves the header of the specified certificate, up to, but not including, the section offset array. /// A handle to the image file. This handle must be opened for FILE_READ_DATA access. /// The index of the certificate whose header is to be returned. /// A pointer to the WIN_CERTIFICATE structure that receives the certificate header. /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI // ImageGetCertificateHeader( HANDLE FileHandle, DWORD CertificateIndex, LPWIN_CERTIFICATE Certificateheader ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.ImageGetCertificateHeader")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool ImageGetCertificateHeader(HFILE FileHandle, uint CertificateIndex, [In, Out] IntPtr Certificateheader); /// Retrieves the requested data from the specified image file. /// A handle to the image file. This handle must be opened for FILE_READ_DATA access. /// /// /// The aspects of the image that are to be included in the returned data stream. This parameter can be one or more of the following values. /// /// /// /// Value /// Meaning /// /// /// CERT_PE_IMAGE_DIGEST_ALL_IMPORT_INFO 0x04 /// Include all import information. /// /// /// CERT_PE_IMAGE_DIGEST_DEBUG_INFO 0x01 /// Include symbolic debugging information. /// /// /// CERT_PE_IMAGE_DIGEST_RESOURCES 0x02 /// Include resource information. /// /// /// /// A pointer to a callback routine to process the data. For more information, see DigestFunction. /// A user-supplied handle to the digest. This parameter is passed to DigestFunction as the first argument. /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// /// The ImageGetDigestStream function returns the data to be digested from a specified image file, subject to the passed /// DigestLevel parameter. The order of the bytes will be consistent for different calls, which is required to ensure that the same /// message digest is always produced from the retrieved byte stream. /// /// /// To ensure cross-platform compatibility, all implementations of this function must behave in a consistent manner with respect to /// the order in which the various parts of the image file are returned. /// /// Data should be returned in the following order: /// /// /// Image (executable and static data) information. /// /// /// Resource data. /// /// /// Debugging information. /// /// /// If any of these are not specified, the remaining parts must be returned in the same order. /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI ImageGetDigestStream( // HANDLE FileHandle, DWORD DigestLevel, DIGEST_FUNCTION DigestFunction, DIGEST_HANDLE DigestHandle ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.ImageGetDigestStream")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool ImageGetDigestStream(HFILE FileHandle, uint DigestLevel, DIGEST_FUNCTION DigestFunction, IntPtr DigestHandle); /// Maintains a list of loaded DLLs. /// The name of the image. /// /// The path used to locate the image if the name provided cannot be found. If NULL is used, then the search path rules set /// forth in the SearchPath function apply. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to a LOADED_IMAGE structure. /// If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// /// The ImageLoad function is used to maintain a list of loaded DLLs. If the image has already been loaded, the prior /// LOADED_IMAGE is returned. Otherwise, the new image is added to the list. /// /// The LOADED_IMAGE structure must be deallocated by the ImageUnload function. /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // PLOADED_IMAGE IMAGEAPI ImageLoad( PCSTR // DllName, PCSTR DllPath ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.ImageLoad")] public static extern SafeLOADED_IMAGE ImageLoad([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string DllName, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string DllPath); /// Removes the specified certificate from the given file. /// /// A handle to the image file to be modified. This handle must be opened for FILE_READ_DATA and FILE_WRITE_DATA access. /// /// The index of the certificate to be removed. /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI // ImageRemoveCertificate( HANDLE FileHandle, DWORD Index ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.ImageRemoveCertificate")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool ImageRemoveCertificate(HFILE FileHandle, uint Index); /// Deallocates resources from a previous call to the ImageLoad function. /// A pointer to a LOADED_IMAGE structure that is returned from a call to the ImageLoad function. /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// ImageLoad and ImageUnload share internal data that can be corrupted if multiple consecutive calls to ImageLoad are /// performed. Therefore, make sure that you have called ImageLoad only once before calling ImageUnload. /// /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI ImageUnload( PLOADED_IMAGE // LoadedImage ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.ImageUnload")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool ImageUnload(IntPtr LoadedImage); /// Maps an image and preloads data from the mapped file. /// The file name of the image (executable file or DLL) that is loaded. /// /// The path used to locate the image if the name provided cannot be found. If this parameter is NULL, then the search path /// rules set using the SearchPath function apply. /// /// A pointer to a LOADED_IMAGE structure that receives information about the image after it is loaded. /// /// The default extension to be used if the image name does not contain a file name extension. If the value is TRUE, a .DLL /// extension is used. If the value is FALSE, then an .EXE extension is used. /// /// /// The access mode. If this value is TRUE, the file is mapped for read-access only. If the value is FALSE, the file /// is mapped for read and write access. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// /// The MapAndLoad function maps an image and preloads data from the mapped file. The corresponding function, UnMapAndLoad, /// must be used to deallocate all resources that are allocated by the MapAndLoad function. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI MapAndLoad( PCSTR ImageName, // PCSTR DllPath, PLOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage, BOOL DotDll, BOOL ReadOnly ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.MapAndLoad")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool MapAndLoad(string ImageName, [Optional] string DllPath, out LOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool DotDll, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool ReadOnly); /// Computes the checksum of the specified file. /// The file name of the file for which the checksum is to be computed. /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives the original checksum from the image file, or zero if there is an error. /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives the computed checksum. /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is CHECKSUM_SUCCESS (0). /// If the function fails, the return value is one of the following. /// /// /// Return code/value /// Description /// /// /// CHECKSUM_MAP_FAILURE 2 /// Could not map the file. /// /// /// CHECKSUM_MAPVIEW_FAILURE 3 /// Could not map a view of the file. /// /// /// CHECKSUM_OPEN_FAILURE 1 /// Could not open the file. /// /// /// CHECKSUM_UNICODE_FAILURE 4 /// Could not convert the file name to Unicode. /// /// /// /// /// /// The MapFileAndCheckSum function computes a new checksum for the file and returns it in the CheckSum parameter. This /// function is used by any application that creates or modifies an executable image. Checksums are required for kernel-mode drivers /// and some system DLLs. The linker computes the original checksum at link time, if you use the appropriate linker switch. For more /// details, see your linker documentation. /// /// /// It is recommended that all images have valid checksums. It is the caller's responsibility to place the newly computed checksum /// into the mapped image and update the on-disk image of the file. /// /// /// Passing a Filename parameter that does not point to a valid executable image will produce unpredictable results. Any user of /// this function is encouraged to make sure that a valid executable image is being passed. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// /// Note The Unicode implementation of this function calls the ASCII implementation and as a result, the function can fail if /// the codepage does not support the characters in the path. For example, if you pass a non-English Unicode file path, and the /// default codepage is English, the unrecognized non-English wide chars are converted to "??" and the file cannot be opened (the /// function returns CHECKSUM_OPEN_FAILURE). /// /// // DWORD IMAGEAPI MapFileAndCheckSumA( // PCSTR Filename, PDWORD HeaderSum, PDWORD CheckSum ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.MapFileAndCheckSumA")] public static extern CHECKSUM MapFileAndCheckSum([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string Filename, out uint HeaderSum, out uint CheckSum); /// /// Changes the load address for the specified image, which reduces the required load time for a DLL. /// Alternatively, you can use the Rebase tool. This tool is available in Visual Studio and the Windows SDK. /// Note that this function is implemented as a call to the ReBaseImage64 function. /// /// /// The name of the file to be rebased. You must specify the full path to the file unless the module is in the current working /// directory of the calling process. /// /// /// The path used to find the corresponding symbol file. Specify this path for executable images that have symbolic information /// because when image addresses change, the corresponding symbol database file (PDB) may also need to be changed. Note that even if /// the symbol path is not valid, the function will succeed if it is able to rebases your image. /// /// If this value is TRUE, the image is rebased. Otherwise, the image is not rebased. /// /// If this value is TRUE, the system image is rebased. Otherwise, the system image is not rebased. /// /// If this value is TRUE, the image can be rebased below the given base; otherwise, it cannot. /// The maximum size that the image can grow to, in bytes, or zero if there is no limit. /// A pointer to a variable that receives the original image size, in bytes. /// A pointer to a variable that receives the original image base. /// A pointer to a variable that receives the new image size after the rebase operation, in bytes. /// /// The base address to use for rebasing the image. If the address is not available and the fGoingDown parameter is set to /// TRUE, the function finds a new base address and sets this parameter to the new base address. If fGoingDown is /// FALSE, the function finds a new base address but does not set this parameter to the new base address. /// /// /// /// The new time date stamp for the image file header. The value must be represented in the number of seconds elapsed since midnight /// (00:00:00), January 1, 1970, Universal Coordinated Time, according to the system clock. /// /// If this parameter is 0, the current file header time date stamp is incremented by 1 second. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// /// The ReBaseImage function changes the desired load address for the specified image. This operation involves reading the /// entire image and updating all fixups, debugging information, and checksum. You can rebase an image to reduce the required load /// time for its DLLs. If an application can rely on a DLL being loaded at the desired load address, then the system loader does not /// have to relocate the image. The image is simply loaded into the application's virtual address space and the DllMain function is /// called, if one is present. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// You cannot rebase DLLs that link with /DYNAMICBASE or that reside in protected directories, such as the System32 folder. /// As an alternative to using this function, see the /BASE linker option. /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI ReBaseImage( PCSTR // CurrentImageName, PCSTR SymbolPath, BOOL fReBase, BOOL fRebaseSysfileOk, BOOL fGoingDown, ULONG CheckImageSize, ULONG // *OldImageSize, ULONG_PTR *OldImageBase, ULONG *NewImageSize, ULONG_PTR *NewImageBase, ULONG TimeStamp ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.ReBaseImage")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool ReBaseImage(string CurrentImageName, string SymbolPath, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fReBase, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fRebaseSysfileOk, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fGoingDown, uint CheckImageSize, out uint OldImageSize, out IntPtr OldImageBase, out uint NewImageSize, ref IntPtr NewImageBase, uint TimeStamp); /// /// Changes the load address for the specified image, which reduces the required load time for a DLL. /// Alternatively, you can use the Rebase tool. This tool is available in Visual Studio and the Windows SDK. /// /// /// The name of the file to be rebased. You must specify the full path to the file unless the module is in the current working /// directory of the calling process. /// /// /// The path used to find the corresponding symbol file. Specify this path for executable images that have symbolic information /// because when image addresses change, the corresponding symbol database file (PDB) may also need to be changed. Note that even if /// the symbol path is not valid, the function will succeed if it is able to rebases your image. /// /// If this value is TRUE, the image is rebased. Otherwise, the image is not rebased. /// /// If this value is TRUE, the system image is rebased. Otherwise, the system image is not rebased. /// /// If this value is TRUE, the image can be rebased below the given base; otherwise, it cannot. /// The maximum size that the image can grow to, in bytes, or zero if there is no limit. /// A pointer to a variable that receives the original image size, in bytes. /// A pointer to a variable that receives the original image base. /// A pointer to a variable that receives the new image size after the rebase operation, in bytes. /// /// The base address to use for rebasing the image. If the address is not available and the fGoingDown parameter is set to /// TRUE, the function finds a new base address and sets this parameter to the new base address. If fGoingDown is /// FALSE, the function finds a new base address but does not set this parameter to the new base address. /// /// /// /// The new time date stamp for the image file header. The value must be represented in the number of seconds elapsed since midnight /// (00:00:00), January 1, 1970, Universal Coordinated Time, according to the system clock. /// /// If this parameter is 0, the current file header time date stamp is incremented by 1 second. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// /// The ReBaseImage64 function changes the desired load address for the specified image. This operation involves reading the /// entire image and updating all fixups, debugging information, and checksum. You can rebase an image to reduce the required load /// time for its DLLs. If an application can rely on a DLL being loaded at the desired load address, then the system loader does not /// have to relocate the image. The image is simply loaded into the application's virtual address space and the DllMain function is /// called, if one is present. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// You cannot rebase DLLs that link with /DYNAMICBASE or that reside in protected directories, such as the System32 folder. /// As an alternative to using this function, see the /BASE linker option. /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI ReBaseImage64( PCSTR // CurrentImageName, PCSTR SymbolPath, BOOL fReBase, BOOL fRebaseSysfileOk, BOOL fGoingDown, ULONG CheckImageSize, ULONG // *OldImageSize, ULONG64 *OldImageBase, ULONG *NewImageSize, ULONG64 *NewImageBase, ULONG TimeStamp ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.ReBaseImage64")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool ReBaseImage64(string CurrentImageName, string SymbolPath, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fReBase, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fRebaseSysfileOk, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fGoingDown, uint CheckImageSize, out uint OldImageSize, out ulong OldImageBase, out uint NewImageSize, ref ulong NewImageBase, uint TimeStamp); /// Locates and changes the load configuration data of an image. /// A pointer to a LOADED_IMAGE structure that is returned from a call to MapAndLoad or LoadImage. /// A pointer to an IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64 structure. /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// The SetImageConfigInformation function locates and returns the load configuration data of an image. /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI // SetImageConfigInformation( PLOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage, PIMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY ImageConfigInformation ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.SetImageConfigInformation")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool SetImageConfigInformation(ref LOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage, in IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY32 ImageConfigInformation); /// Locates and changes the load configuration data of an image. /// A pointer to a LOADED_IMAGE structure that is returned from a call to MapAndLoad or LoadImage. /// A pointer to an IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64 structure. /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// The SetImageConfigInformation function locates and returns the load configuration data of an image. /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI // SetImageConfigInformation( PLOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage, PIMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY ImageConfigInformation ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.SetImageConfigInformation")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool SetImageConfigInformation(ref LOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage, in IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64 ImageConfigInformation); /// Strips symbols from the specified image. /// The name of the image from which to split symbols. /// The subdirectory for storing symbols. This parameter is optional. /// The name of the generated symbol file. This file typically has a .dbg extension. /// /// The information to be split from the image. This parameter can be zero or a combination of the following values. /// /// /// Value /// Meaning /// /// /// SPLITSYM_EXTRACT_ALL 0x00000002 /// /// Usually, an image with the symbols split off will still contain a MISC debug directory with the name of the symbol file. /// Therefore, the debugger can still find the symbols. Using this flag removes this link. The end result is similar to using the /// -debug:none switch on the Microsoft linker. /// /// /// /// SPLITSYM_REMOVE_PRIVATE 0x00000001 /// This strips off the private CodeView symbolic information when generating the symbol file. /// /// /// SPLITSYM_SYMBOLPATH_IS_SRC 0x00000004 /// The symbol file path contains an alternate path to locate the .pdb file. /// /// /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// /// The SplitSymbols function should be used when stripping symbols from an image. It will create a symbol file that all /// compatible debuggers understand. The format is defined in WinNT.h and consists of an image header, followed by the array of /// section headers, the FPO information, and all debugging symbolic information from the image. /// /// /// If the SymbolsPath parameter is NULL, the symbol file is stored in the directory where the image exists. Otherwise, it is /// stored in the subdirectory below SymbolsPath that matches the extension of the image. Using this method reduces the chances of /// symbol file collision. For example, the symbols for myapp.exe will be in the SymbolsPath\exe directory and the symbols for /// myapp.dll will be in the SymbolsPath\dll directory. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI SplitSymbols( PSTR ImageName, // PCSTR SymbolsPath, PSTR SymbolFilePath, ULONG Flags ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.SplitSymbols")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool SplitSymbols(StringBuilder ImageName, [Optional] string SymbolsPath, StringBuilder SymbolFilePath, SPLITSYM Flags); /// Updates the date and time at which the specified file was last modified. /// A handle to the file of interest. /// /// A pointer to a SYSTEMTIME structure. If this parameter is NULL, the current system date and time is used. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI TouchFileTimes( HANDLE // FileHandle, PSYSTEMTIME pSystemTime ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.TouchFileTimes")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool TouchFileTimes(HFILE FileHandle, in SYSTEMTIME pSystemTime); /// Updates the date and time at which the specified file was last modified. /// A handle to the file of interest. /// /// A pointer to a SYSTEMTIME structure. If this parameter is NULL, the current system date and time is used. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI TouchFileTimes( HANDLE // FileHandle, PSYSTEMTIME pSystemTime ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.TouchFileTimes")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool TouchFileTimes(HFILE FileHandle, [In, Optional] IntPtr pSystemTime); /// Deallocate all resources that are allocated by a previous call to the MapAndLoad function. /// /// A pointer to a LOADED_IMAGE structure. This structure is obtained through a call to the MapAndLoad function. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// /// The UnMapAndLoad function must be used to deallocate all resources that are allocated by a previous call to MapAndLoad. /// This function also writes a new checksum value into the image before the file is closed. This ensures that if a file is changed, /// it can be successfully loaded by the system loader. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI UnMapAndLoad( PLOADED_IMAGE // LoadedImage ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.UnMapAndLoad")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool UnMapAndLoad(ref LOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage); /// /// Uses the specified information to update the corresponding fields in the symbol file. /// Note This function works with .dbg files, not .pdb files. /// /// This function has been superseded by the UpdateDebugInfoFileEx function. Use UpdateDebugInfoFileEx to verify the checksum value. /// /// /// The name of the image that is now out of date with respect to its symbol file. /// The path in which to look for the symbol file. /// A pointer to a buffer that receives the name of the symbol file that was updated. /// A pointer to an IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure that specifies the new header information. /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError. /// /// /// /// The UpdateDebugInfoFile function takes the information stored in the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure and updates the /// corresponding fields in the symbol file. Any time an image file is modified, this function should be called to keep the numbers /// in sync. Specifically, whenever an image checksum changes, the symbol file should be updated to match. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI UpdateDebugInfoFile( // PCSTR ImageFileName, PCSTR SymbolPath, PSTR DebugFilePath, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 NtHeaders ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.UpdateDebugInfoFile")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool UpdateDebugInfoFile(string ImageFileName, string SymbolPath, StringBuilder DebugFilePath, in IMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders); /// /// Uses the specified extended information to update the corresponding fields in the symbol file. /// Note This function works with .dbg files, not .pdb files. /// /// The name of the image that is now out of date with respect to its symbol file. /// The path in which to look for the symbol file. /// A pointer to a buffer that receives the name of the symbol file that was updated. /// A pointer to an IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure that specifies the new header information. /// /// The original checksum value. If this value does not match the checksum that is present in the mapped image, the flags in the /// symbol file contain IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_MISMATCH and the last error value is set to ERROR_INVALID_DATA. /// /// /// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. /// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. /// /// /// /// The UpdateDebugInfoFileEx function takes the information stored in the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure and updates the /// corresponding fields in the symbol file. Any time an image file is modified, this function should be called to keep the numbers /// in sync. Specifically, whenever an image checksum changes, the symbol file should be updated to match. /// /// /// All ImageHlp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will /// likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more /// than one thread to this function. /// /// // BOOL IMAGEAPI // UpdateDebugInfoFileEx( PCSTR ImageFileName, PCSTR SymbolPath, PSTR DebugFilePath, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 NtHeaders, DWORD // OldCheckSum ); [DllImport(Lib_ImageHlp, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] [PInvokeData("imagehlp.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:imagehlp.UpdateDebugInfoFileEx")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool UpdateDebugInfoFileEx(string ImageFileName, string SymbolPath, StringBuilder DebugFilePath, in IMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders, uint OldCheckSum); } }