using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using Vanara.InteropServices; using static Vanara.PInvoke.User32; namespace Vanara.PInvoke { public static partial class Shell32 { /// Flags used by . [Flags] public enum GetIconLocationFlags : uint { /// /// Set this flag to determine whether the icon should be extracted asynchronously. If the icon can be extracted rapidly, this /// flag is usually ignored. If extraction will take more time, GetIconLocation should return E_PENDING. See the Remarks for /// further discussion. /// GIL_ASYNC = 0x0020, /// /// Retrieve information about the fallback icon. Fallback icons are usually used while the desired icon is extracted and added /// to the cache. /// GIL_DEFAULTICON = 0x0040, /// The icon is displayed in a Shell folder. GIL_FORSHELL = 0x0002, /// /// The icon indicates a shortcut. However, the icon extractor should not apply the shortcut overlay; that will be done later. /// Shortcut icons are state-independent. /// GIL_FORSHORTCUT = 0x0080, /// /// The icon is in the open state if both open-state and closed-state images are available. If this flag is not specified, the /// icon is in the normal or closed state. This flag is typically used for folder objects. /// GIL_OPENICON = 0x0001, /// Explicitly return either GIL_SHIELD or GIL_FORCENOSHIELD in pwFlags. Do not block if GIL_ASYNC is set. GIL_CHECKSHIELD = 0x0200 } /// /// Flags returned by . /// [Flags] public enum GetIconLocationResultFlags : uint { /// The calling application should create a document icon using the specified icon. GIL_SIMULATEDOC = 0x0001, /// /// Each object of this class has its own icon. This flag is used internally by the Shell to handle cases like Setup.exe, where /// objects with identical names can have different icons. Typical implementations of IExtractIcon do not require this flag. /// GIL_PERINSTANCE = 0x0002, /// /// All objects of this class have the same icon. This flag is used internally by the Shell. Typical implementations of /// IExtractIcon do not require this flag because the flag implies that an icon handler is not required to resolve the icon on a /// per-object basis. The recommended method for implementing per-class icons is to register a DefaultIcon for the class. /// GIL_PERCLASS = 0x0004, /// /// The location is not a file name/index pair. The values in pszIconFile and piIndex cannot be passed to ExtractIcon or /// ExtractIconEx. When this flag is omitted, the value returned in pszIconFile is a fully-qualified path name to either a .ico /// file or to a file that can contain icons. Also, the value returned in piIndex is an index into that file that identifies /// which of its icons to use. Therefore, when the GIL_NOTFILENAME flag is omitted, these values can be passed to ExtractIcon or ExtractIconEx. /// GIL_NOTFILENAME = 0x0008, /// The physical image bits for this icon are not cached by the calling application. GIL_DONTCACHE = 0x0010, /// Undocumented, but appears to indicate thumbnails are available. GIL_HASTHUMBNAIL = 0x0020, /// Windows Vista only. The calling application must stamp the icon with the UAC shield. GIL_SHIELD = 0x0200, //Windows Vista only /// Windows Vista only. The calling application must not stamp the icon with the UAC shield. GIL_FORCENOSHIELD = 0x0400, //Windows Vista only /// Undocumented, but appears to indicate the folder is encrypted. GIL_ENCRYPTED = 0x0800, /// Undocumented, but appears to indicate a compressed folder. GIL_COMPRESSED = 0x1000, } /// Exposes methods that allow a client to retrieve the icon that is associated with one of the objects in a folder. // [PInvokeData("Shlobj_core.h", MSDNShortId = "bb761854")] [ComImport, Guid("000214eb-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IExtractIconA { /// Gets the location and index of an icon. /// One or more of the following values. This parameter can also be NULL.use GIL_ Consts /// /// A pointer to a buffer that receives the icon location. The icon location is a null-terminated string that identifies the /// file that contains the icon. /// /// The size of the buffer, in characters, pointed to by pszIconFile. /// A pointer to an int that receives the index of the icon in the file pointed to by pszIconFile. /// A pointer to a UINT value that receives zero or a combination of the following value /// /// Returns S_OK if the function returned a valid location, or S_FALSE if the Shell should use a default icon. If the GIL_ASYNC /// flag is set in uFlags, the method can return E_PENDING to indicate that icon extraction will be time-consuming. /// [PreserveSig] HRESULT GetIconLocation(GetIconLocationFlags uFlags, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr, SizeParamIndex = 2)] StringBuilder szIconFile, int cchMax, out int piIndex, out GetIconLocationResultFlags pwFlags); /// Extracts an icon image from the specified location. /// A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the icon location. /// The index of the icon in the file pointed to by pszFile. /// /// A pointer to an HICON value that receives the handle to the large icon. This parameter may be NULL. /// /// /// A pointer to an HICON value that receives the handle to the small icon. This parameter may be NULL. /// /// /// The desired size of the icon, in pixels. The low word contains the size of the large icon, and the high word contains the /// size of the small icon. The size specified can be the width or height. The width of an icon always equals its height. /// /// Returns S_OK if the function extracted the icon, or S_FALSE if the calling application should extract the icon. [PreserveSig] unsafe HRESULT Extract([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string pszFile, uint nIconIndex, [Optional] HICON* phiconLarge, [Optional] HICON* phiconSmall, uint nIconSize); } /// Exposes methods that allow a client to retrieve the icon that is associated with one of the objects in a folder. // [PInvokeData("Shlobj_core.h", MSDNShortId = "bb761854")] [ComImport, Guid("000214fa-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IExtractIconW { /// Gets the location and index of an icon. /// One or more of the following values. This parameter can also be NULL.use GIL_ Consts /// /// A pointer to a buffer that receives the icon location. The icon location is a null-terminated string that identifies the /// file that contains the icon. /// /// The size of the buffer, in characters, pointed to by pszIconFile. /// A pointer to an int that receives the index of the icon in the file pointed to by pszIconFile. /// A pointer to a UINT value that receives zero or a combination of the following value /// /// Returns S_OK if the function returned a valid location, or S_FALSE if the Shell should use a default icon. If the GIL_ASYNC /// flag is set in uFlags, the method can return E_PENDING to indicate that icon extraction will be time-consuming. /// [PreserveSig] HRESULT GetIconLocation(GetIconLocationFlags uFlags, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr, SizeParamIndex = 2)] StringBuilder szIconFile, int cchMax, out int piIndex, out GetIconLocationResultFlags pwFlags); /// Extracts an icon image from the specified location. /// A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the icon location. /// The index of the icon in the file pointed to by pszFile. /// /// A pointer to an HICON value that receives the handle to the large icon. This parameter may be NULL. /// /// /// A pointer to an HICON value that receives the handle to the small icon. This parameter may be NULL. /// /// /// The desired size of the icon, in pixels. The low word contains the size of the large icon, and the high word contains the /// size of the small icon. The size specified can be the width or height. The width of an icon always equals its height. /// /// Returns S_OK if the function extracted the icon, or S_FALSE if the calling application should extract the icon. [PreserveSig] unsafe HRESULT Extract([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszFile, uint nIconIndex, [Optional] HICON* phiconLarge, [Optional] HICON* phiconSmall, uint nIconSize); } /// Extracts an icon image from the specified location. /// The instance. /// A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the icon location. /// The index of the icon in the file pointed to by pszFile. /// /// The desired size of the icon, in pixels. The size specified can be the width or height. The width of an icon always equals /// its height. /// /// A pointer to an HICON value that receives the handle to the icon. This parameter may be NULL. /// Returns S_OK if the function extracted the icon, or S_FALSE if the calling application should extract the icon. public static HRESULT Extract(this IExtractIconA exIcon, string pszFile, uint nIconIndex, ushort nIconSize, out SafeHICON phicon) { if (exIcon is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(exIcon)); var sz = nIconSize > 16 ? Macros.MAKELONG(nIconSize, 0) : Macros.MAKELONG(0, nIconSize); unsafe { HICON h1 = default; var hr = nIconSize > 16 ? exIcon.Extract(pszFile, nIconIndex, &h1, null, sz) : exIcon.Extract(pszFile, nIconIndex, null, &h1, sz); phicon = h1 == default ? null : new SafeHICON((IntPtr)h1); return hr; } } /// Extracts an icon image from the specified location. /// The instance. /// A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the icon location. /// The index of the icon in the file pointed to by pszFile. /// /// The desired size of the large icon, in pixels. The size specified can be the width or height. The width of an icon always equals /// its height. /// /// A pointer to an HICON value that receives the handle to the large icon. This parameter may be NULL. /// /// The desired size of the small icon, in pixels. The size specified can be the width or height. The width of an icon always equals /// its height. /// /// A pointer to an HICON value that receives the handle to the small icon. This parameter may be NULL. /// Returns S_OK if the function extracted the icon, or S_FALSE if the calling application should extract the icon. public static HRESULT Extract(this IExtractIconA exIcon, string pszFile, uint nIconIndex, ushort nIconSizeLarge, out SafeHICON phiconLarge, ushort nIconSizeSmall, out SafeHICON phiconSmall) { if (exIcon is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(exIcon)); var sz = Macros.MAKELONG(nIconSizeLarge, nIconSizeSmall); unsafe { HICON h1 = default, h2 = default; var hr = exIcon.Extract(pszFile, nIconIndex, nIconSizeLarge == 0 ? null : &h1, nIconSizeSmall == 0 ? null : &h2, sz); phiconLarge = h1 == default ? null : new SafeHICON((IntPtr)h1); phiconSmall = h2 == default ? null : new SafeHICON((IntPtr)h2); return hr; } } /// Extracts an icon image from the specified location. /// The instance. /// A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the icon location. /// The index of the icon in the file pointed to by pszFile. /// /// The desired size of the icon, in pixels. The size specified can be the width or height. The width of an icon always equals /// its height. /// /// A pointer to an HICON value that receives the handle to the icon. This parameter may be NULL. /// Returns S_OK if the function extracted the icon, or S_FALSE if the calling application should extract the icon. public static HRESULT Extract(this IExtractIconW exIcon, string pszFile, uint nIconIndex, ushort nIconSize, out SafeHICON phicon) { if (exIcon is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(exIcon)); var sz = nIconSize > 16 ? Macros.MAKELONG(nIconSize, 0) : Macros.MAKELONG(0, nIconSize); unsafe { HICON h1 = default; var hr = nIconSize > 16 ? exIcon.Extract(pszFile, nIconIndex, &h1, null, sz) : exIcon.Extract(pszFile, nIconIndex, null, &h1, sz); phicon = h1 == default ? null : new SafeHICON((IntPtr)h1); return hr; } } /// Extracts an icon image from the specified location. /// The instance. /// A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the icon location. /// The index of the icon in the file pointed to by pszFile. /// /// The desired size of the large icon, in pixels. The size specified can be the width or height. The width of an icon always equals /// its height. /// /// A pointer to an HICON value that receives the handle to the large icon. This parameter may be NULL. /// /// The desired size of the small icon, in pixels. The size specified can be the width or height. The width of an icon always equals /// its height. /// /// A pointer to an HICON value that receives the handle to the small icon. This parameter may be NULL. /// Returns S_OK if the function extracted the icon, or S_FALSE if the calling application should extract the icon. public static HRESULT Extract(this IExtractIconW exIcon, string pszFile, uint nIconIndex, ushort nIconSizeLarge, out SafeHICON phiconLarge, ushort nIconSizeSmall, out SafeHICON phiconSmall) { if (exIcon is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(exIcon)); var sz = Macros.MAKELONG(nIconSizeLarge, nIconSizeSmall); unsafe { HICON h1 = default, h2 = default; var hr = exIcon.Extract(pszFile, nIconIndex, nIconSizeLarge == 0 ? null : &h1, nIconSizeSmall == 0 ? null : &h2, sz); phiconLarge = h1 == default ? null : new SafeHICON((IntPtr)h1); phiconSmall = h2 == default ? null : new SafeHICON((IntPtr)h2); return hr; } } } }