using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; namespace Vanara.PInvoke { public static partial class Ole32 { /// Specifies the FMTID/PID identifier that programmatically identifies a property. Replaces SHCOLUMNID. [PInvokeData("Wtypes.h", MSDNShortId = "bb773381")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] public partial struct PROPERTYKEY : IComparable, IEquatable { private static Dictionary revIndex; public Guid fmtid; public uint pid; public PROPERTYKEY(Guid key, uint id) { fmtid = key; pid = id; } public Guid Key => fmtid; public uint Id => pid; public override string ToString() => GetCononicalName() ?? ReverseLookup(this) ?? $"{Key:B} {Id}"; public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is PROPERTYKEY other && Equals(other); public bool Equals(PROPERTYKEY other) => Equals(Key, other.Key) && Id == other.Id; public static bool operator ==(PROPERTYKEY pk1, PROPERTYKEY pk2) => pk1.Equals(pk2); public static bool operator !=(PROPERTYKEY pk1, PROPERTYKEY pk2) => !pk1.Equals(pk2); public override int GetHashCode() => new { Key, Id }.GetHashCode(); int IComparable.CompareTo(PROPERTYKEY other) { var ret = Key.GetHashCode() - other.Key.GetHashCode(); if (ret == 0) ret = (int)(Id - other.Id); return ret; } public string GetCononicalName() { try { var pk = this; PropSys.PSGetNameFromPropertyKey(pk, out var str); return str; } catch { } return null; } public static string ReverseLookup(PROPERTYKEY key) { if (revIndex == null) { revIndex = new Dictionary(); AddMembersToIndex(typeof(System)); } revIndex.TryGetValue(key, out var ret); return ret; void AddMembersToIndex(Type type, int level = 0) { foreach (var pi in type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)) { if (pi.PropertyType == typeof(PROPERTYKEY)) { var pType = type; var name = new StringBuilder(pi.Name); for (var i = 0; i < level; i++) { name.Insert(0, pType.Name + "."); pType = pType.DeclaringType; } try { revIndex.Add((PROPERTYKEY)pi.GetValue(null, null), name.ToString()); } catch { } } } foreach (var ti in type.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.Public)) AddMembersToIndex(ti, level + 1); } } [PInvokeData("Propkey.h", MSDNShortId = "dd561977")] public static class System { /// /// Name: System.Thumbnail -- PKEY_Thumbnail /// Description: A data that represents the thumbnail in VT_CF format. /// Type: Clipboard -- VT_CF /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 17 (PIDSI_THUMBNAIL) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Thumbnail = new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 17); /// /// Name: System.AcquisitionID -- PKEY_AcquisitionID /// Description: Hash to determine acquisition session. /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: {65A98875-3C80-40AB-ABBC-EFDAF77DBEE2}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AcquisitionID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{65A98875-3C80-40AB-ABBC-EFDAF77DBEE2}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ApplicationName -- PKEY_ApplicationName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 18 (PIDSI_APPNAME) /// public static PROPERTYKEY ApplicationName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 18); /// /// Name: System.Author -- PKEY_Author /// Description: /// /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. /// /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 4 (PIDSI_AUTHOR) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Author => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.Capacity -- PKEY_Capacity /// Description: The amount of total space in bytes. /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// /// FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 3 (PID_VOLUME_CAPACITY) (Filesystem Volume Properties) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY Capacity => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Category -- PKEY_Category /// Description: Legacy code treats this as VT_LPSTR. /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 2 (PIDDSI_CATEGORY) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Category => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Comment -- PKEY_Comment /// Description: Comments. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 6 (PIDSI_COMMENTS) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Comment => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.Company -- PKEY_Company /// Description: The company or publisher. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 15 (PIDDSI_COMPANY) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Company => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 15); /// /// Name: System.ComputerName -- PKEY_ComputerName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 5 (PID_COMPUTERNAME) /// public static PROPERTYKEY ComputerName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.ContainedItems -- PKEY_ContainedItems /// /// Description: The list of type of items, this item contains. For example, this item contains urls, attachments etc. This /// is represented as a vector array of GUIDs where each GUID represents certain type. /// /// Type: Multivalue Guid -- VT_VECTOR | VT_CLSID (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_CLSID) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 29 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContainedItems => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 29); /// /// Name: System.ContentStatus -- PKEY_ContentStatus /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 27 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContentStatus => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 27); /// /// Name: System.ContentType -- PKEY_ContentType /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 26 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContentType => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 26); /// /// Name: System.Copyright -- PKEY_Copyright /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 11 (PIDMSI_COPYRIGHT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Copyright => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 11); /// /// Name: System.DateAccessed -- PKEY_DateAccessed /// Description: The time of the last access to the item. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'access'. /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 16 (PID_STG_ACCESSTIME) /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateAccessed => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}"), 16); /// /// Name: System.DateAcquired -- PKEY_DateAcquired /// /// Description: The time the file entered the system via acquisition. This is not the same as System.DateImported. Examples /// are when pictures are acquired from a camera, or when music is purchased online. /// /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {2CBAA8F5-D81F-47CA-B17A-F8D822300131}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateAcquired => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{2CBAA8F5-D81F-47CA-B17A-F8D822300131}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.DateArchived -- PKEY_DateArchived /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {43F8D7B7-A444-4F87-9383-52271C9B915C}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateArchived => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{43F8D7B7-A444-4F87-9383-52271C9B915C}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.DateCompleted -- PKEY_DateCompleted /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {72FAB781-ACDA-43E5-B155-B2434F85E678}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateCompleted => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{72FAB781-ACDA-43E5-B155-B2434F85E678}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.DateCreated -- PKEY_DateCreated /// Description: The date and time the item was created. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'create'. /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 15 (PID_STG_CREATETIME) /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateCreated => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}"), 15); /// /// Name: System.DateImported -- PKEY_DateImported /// /// Description: The time the file is imported into a separate database. This is not the same as System.DateAcquired. (Eg, /// 2003:05:22 13:55:04) /// /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 18258 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateImported => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 18258); /// /// Name: System.DateModified -- PKEY_DateModified /// Description: The date and time of the last write to the item. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'write'. /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 14 (PID_STG_WRITETIME) /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateModified => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}"), 14); /// /// Name: System.DescriptionID -- PKEY_DescriptionID /// Description: The contents of a SHDESCRIPTIONID structure as a buffer of bytes. /// Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 2 (PID_DESCRIPTIONID) /// public static PROPERTYKEY DescriptionID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.DueDate -- PKEY_DueDate /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {3F8472B5-E0AF-4DB2-8071-C53FE76AE7CE}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DueDate => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{3F8472B5-E0AF-4DB2-8071-C53FE76AE7CE}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.EndDate -- PKEY_EndDate /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {C75FAA05-96FD-49E7-9CB4-9F601082D553}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY EndDate => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C75FAA05-96FD-49E7-9CB4-9F601082D553}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.FileAllocationSize -- PKEY_FileAllocationSize /// Description: /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 18 (PID_STG_ALLOCSIZE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileAllocationSize => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}"), 18); /// /// Name: System.FileAttributes -- PKEY_FileAttributes /// Description: This is the WIN32_FIND_DATA dwFileAttributes for the file-based item. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 13 (PID_STG_ATTRIBUTES) /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileAttributes => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}"), 13); /// /// Name: System.FileCount -- PKEY_FileCount /// Description: /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 12 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 12); /// /// Name: System.FileDescription -- PKEY_FileDescription /// Description: This is a user-friendly description of the file. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 3 (PIDVSI_FileDescription) /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileDescription => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.FileExtension -- PKEY_FileExtension /// /// Description: This is the file extension of the file based item, including the leading period. If System.FileName is /// VT_EMPTY, then this property should be too. Otherwise, it should be derived appropriately by the data source from /// System.FileName. If System.FileName does not have a file extension, this value should be VT_EMPTY. To obtain the type of /// any item (including an item that is not a file), use System.ItemType. Example values: If the path is... The property /// value is... /// ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" ".txt" /// "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" ".doc" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" ".xls" "\\server\share\folder" VT_EMPTY /// "c:\foo\MyFolder" VT_EMPTY [desktop] VT_EMPTY /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E4F10A3C-49E6-405D-8288-A23BD4EEAA6C}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileExtension => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E4F10A3C-49E6-405D-8288-A23BD4EEAA6C}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.FileFRN -- PKEY_FileFRN /// /// Description: This is the unique file ID, also known as the File Reference Number. For a given file, this is the same /// value as is found in the structure variable FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO.FileId, via GetFileInformationByHandleEx(). /// /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 21 (PID_STG_FRN) /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileFRN => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}"), 21); /// /// Name: System.FileName -- PKEY_FileName /// /// Description: This is the file name (including extension) of the file. It is possible that the item might not exist on a /// filesystem (ie, it may not be opened using CreateFile). Nonetheless, if the item is represented as a file from the /// logical sense (and its name follows standard Win32 file-naming syntax), then the data source should emit this property. /// If an item is not a file, then the value for this property is VT_EMPTY. See System.ItemNameDisplay. This has the same /// value as System.ParsingName for items that are provided by the Shell's file folder. Example values: If the path is... The /// property value is... /// ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "hello.txt" /// "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "goodnews.doc" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "numbers.xls" "c:\foo\MyFolder" /// "MyFolder" (email message) VT_EMPTY (song on portable device) "song.wma" /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {41CF5AE0-F75A-4806-BD87-59C7D9248EB9}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{41CF5AE0-F75A-4806-BD87-59C7D9248EB9}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.FileOwner -- PKEY_FileOwner /// Description: This is the owner of the file, according to the file system. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_Misc) {9B174B34-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 4 (PID_MISC_OWNER) /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileOwner => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9B174B34-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.FileVersion -- PKEY_FileVersion /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 4 (PIDVSI_FileVersion) /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileVersion => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.FindData -- PKEY_FindData /// Description: WIN32_FIND_DATAW in buffer of bytes. /// Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 0 (PID_FINDDATA) /// public static PROPERTYKEY FindData => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 0); /// /// Name: System.FlagColor -- PKEY_FlagColor /// Description: /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: {67DF94DE-0CA7-4D6F-B792-053A3E4F03CF}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FlagColor => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{67DF94DE-0CA7-4D6F-B792-053A3E4F03CF}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.FlagColorText -- PKEY_FlagColorText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.FlagColor. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {45EAE747-8E2A-40AE-8CBF-CA52ABA6152A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FlagColorText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{45EAE747-8E2A-40AE-8CBF-CA52ABA6152A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.FlagStatus -- PKEY_FlagStatus /// Description: Status of Flag. Values: (0=none 1=white 2=Red). cdoPR_FLAG_STATUS /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 12 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FlagStatus => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 12); /// /// Name: System.FlagStatusText -- PKEY_FlagStatusText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.FlagStatus. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {DC54FD2E-189D-4871-AA01-08C2F57A4ABC}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FlagStatusText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DC54FD2E-189D-4871-AA01-08C2F57A4ABC}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.FreeSpace -- PKEY_FreeSpace /// Description: The amount of free space in bytes. /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// /// FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 2 (PID_VOLUME_FREE) (Filesystem Volume Properties) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY FreeSpace => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.FullText -- PKEY_FullText /// /// Description: This PKEY is used to specify search terms that should be applied as broadly as possible, across all valid /// properties for the data source(s) being searched. It should not be emitted from a data source. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {1E3EE840-BC2B-476C-8237-2ACD1A839B22}, 6 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FullText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{1E3EE840-BC2B-476C-8237-2ACD1A839B22}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.Identity -- PKEY_Identity /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {A26F4AFC-7346-4299-BE47-EB1AE613139F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IdentityProperty => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A26F4AFC-7346-4299-BE47-EB1AE613139F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ImageParsingName -- PKEY_ImageParsingName /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D7750EE0-C6A4-48EC-B53E-B87B52E6D073}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ImageParsingName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D7750EE0-C6A4-48EC-B53E-B87B52E6D073}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Importance -- PKEY_Importance /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 11 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Importance => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 11); /// /// Name: System.ImportanceText -- PKEY_ImportanceText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Importance. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {A3B29791-7713-4E1D-BB40-17DB85F01831}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ImportanceText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A3B29791-7713-4E1D-BB40-17DB85F01831}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.InfoTipText -- PKEY_InfoTipText /// Description: The text (with formatted property values) to show in the infotip. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 17 /// public static PROPERTYKEY InfoTipText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 17); /// /// Name: System.InternalName -- PKEY_InternalName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 5 (PIDVSI_InternalName) /// public static PROPERTYKEY InternalName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.IsAttachment -- PKEY_IsAttachment /// Description: Identifies if this item is an attachment. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {F23F425C-71A1-4FA8-922F-678EA4A60408}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsAttachment => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F23F425C-71A1-4FA8-922F-678EA4A60408}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.IsDefaultNonOwnerSaveLocation -- PKEY_IsDefaultNonOwnerSaveLocation /// Description: Identifies the default save location for a library for non-owners of the library /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 5 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsDefaultNonOwnerSaveLocation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.IsDefaultSaveLocation -- PKEY_IsDefaultSaveLocation /// Description: Identifies the default save location for a library for the owner of the library /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsDefaultSaveLocation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.IsDeleted -- PKEY_IsDeleted /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {5CDA5FC8-33EE-4FF3-9094-AE7BD8868C4D}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsDeleted => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5CDA5FC8-33EE-4FF3-9094-AE7BD8868C4D}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.IsEncrypted -- PKEY_IsEncrypted /// Description: Is the item encrypted? /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {90E5E14E-648B-4826-B2AA-ACAF790E3513}, 10 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsEncrypted => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{90E5E14E-648B-4826-B2AA-ACAF790E3513}"), 10); /// /// Name: System.IsFlagged -- PKEY_IsFlagged /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {5DA84765-E3FF-4278-86B0-A27967FBDD03}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsFlagged => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5DA84765-E3FF-4278-86B0-A27967FBDD03}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.IsFlaggedComplete -- PKEY_IsFlaggedComplete /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {A6F360D2-55F9-48DE-B909-620E090A647C}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsFlaggedComplete => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A6F360D2-55F9-48DE-B909-620E090A647C}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.IsIncomplete -- PKEY_IsIncomplete /// Description: Identifies if the message was not completely received for some error condition. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {346C8BD1-2E6A-4C45-89A4-61B78E8E700F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsIncomplete => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{346C8BD1-2E6A-4C45-89A4-61B78E8E700F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.IsLocationSupported -- PKEY_IsLocationSupported /// Description: A bool value to know if a location is supported (locally indexable, or remotely indexed). /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 8 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsLocationSupported => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}"), 8); /// /// Name: System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree -- PKEY_IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree /// Description: A bool value to know if a shell folder is pinned to the navigation pane /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.IsRead -- PKEY_IsRead /// Description: Has the item been read? /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 10 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsRead => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 10); /// /// Name: System.IsSearchOnlyItem -- PKEY_IsSearchOnlyItem /// Description: Identifies if a location or a library is search only /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 4 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsSearchOnlyItem => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.IsSendToTarget -- PKEY_IsSendToTarget /// Description: Provided by certain shell folders. Return TRUE if the folder is a valid Send To target. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 33 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsSendToTarget => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 33); /// /// Name: System.IsShared -- PKEY_IsShared /// Description: Is this item shared? This only checks for ACLs that are not inherited. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {EF884C5B-2BFE-41BB-AAE5-76EEDF4F9902}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsShared => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{EF884C5B-2BFE-41BB-AAE5-76EEDF4F9902}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ItemAuthors -- PKEY_ItemAuthors /// /// Description: This is the generic list of authors associated with an item. For example, the artist name for a track is the /// item author. /// /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D0A04F0A-462A-48A4-BB2F-3706E88DBD7D}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemAuthors => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D0A04F0A-462A-48A4-BB2F-3706E88DBD7D}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ItemClassType -- PKEY_ItemClassType /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {048658AD-2DB8-41A4-BBB6-AC1EF1207EB1}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemClassType => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{048658AD-2DB8-41A4-BBB6-AC1EF1207EB1}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ItemDate -- PKEY_ItemDate /// /// Description: This is the main date for an item. The date of interest. For example, for photos this maps to System.Photo.DateTaken. /// /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {F7DB74B4-4287-4103-AFBA-F1B13DCD75CF}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemDate => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F7DB74B4-4287-4103-AFBA-F1B13DCD75CF}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ItemFolderNameDisplay -- PKEY_ItemFolderNameDisplay /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly display name of the parent folder of an item. If System.ItemFolderPathDisplay is /// VT_EMPTY, then this property should be too. Otherwise, it should be derived appropriately by the data source from /// System.ItemFolderPathDisplay. If the folder is a file folder, the value will be localized if a localized name is /// available. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... /// ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "bar" /// "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "mydir" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "share" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "foo" "/Mailbox /// Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "Inbox" /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 2 (PID_STG_DIRECTORY) /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemFolderNameDisplay => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.ItemFolderPathDisplay -- PKEY_ItemFolderPathDisplay /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly display path of the parent folder of an item. If System.ItemPathDisplay is /// VT_EMPTY, then this property should be too. Otherwise, it should be derived appropriately by the data source from /// System.ItemPathDisplay. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... /// ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "c:\foo\bar" /// "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "\\server\share\mydir" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "\\server\share" /// "c:\foo\MyFolder" "c:\foo" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox" /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 6 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemFolderPathDisplay => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.ItemFolderPathDisplayNarrow -- PKEY_ItemFolderPathDisplayNarrow /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly display path of the parent folder of an item. The format of the string should be /// tailored such that the folder name comes first, to optimize for a narrow viewing column. If the folder is a file folder, /// the value includes localized names if they are present. If System.ItemFolderPathDisplay is VT_EMPTY, then this property /// should be too. Otherwise, it should be derived appropriately by the data source from System.ItemFolderPathDisplay. /// Example values: If the path is... The property value is... /// ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "bar (c:\foo)" /// "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "mydir (\\server\share)" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "share (\\server)" /// "c:\foo\MyFolder" "foo (c:\)" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "Inbox (/Mailbox Account)" /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {DABD30ED-0043-4789-A7F8-D013A4736622}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemFolderPathDisplayNarrow => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DABD30ED-0043-4789-A7F8-D013A4736622}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ItemName -- PKEY_ItemName /// /// Description: This is the base-name of the System.ItemNameDisplay. If the item is a file this property includes the /// extension in all cases, and will be localized if a localized name is available. If the item is a message, then the value /// of this property does not include the forwarding or reply prefixes (see System.ItemNamePrefix). /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {6B8DA074-3B5C-43BC-886F-0A2CDCE00B6F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6B8DA074-3B5C-43BC-886F-0A2CDCE00B6F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ItemNameDisplay -- PKEY_ItemNameDisplay /// /// Description: This is the display name in "most complete" form. This is the best effort unique representation of the name /// of an item that makes sense for end users to read. It is the concatentation of System.ItemNamePrefix and System.ItemName. /// If the item is a file this property includes the extension in all cases, and will be localized if a localized name is /// available. There are acceptable cases when System.FileName is not VT_EMPTY, yet the value of this property is completely /// different. Email messages are a key example. If the item is an email message, the item name is likely the subject. In /// that case, the value must be the concatenation of the System.ItemNamePrefix and System.ItemName. Since the value of /// System.ItemNamePrefix excludes any trailing whitespace, the concatenation must include a whitespace when generating /// System.ItemNameDisplay. Note that this property is not guaranteed to be unique, but the idea is to promote the most /// likely candidate that can be unique and also makes sense for end users. For example, for documents, you might think about /// using System.Title as the System.ItemNameDisplay, but in practice the title of the documents may not be useful or unique /// enough to be of value as the sole System.ItemNameDisplay. Instead, providing the value of System.FileName as the value of /// System.ItemNameDisplay is a better candidate. In Windows Mail, the emails are stored in the file system as .eml files and /// the System.FileName for those files are not human-friendly as they contain GUIDs. In this example, promoting /// System.Subject as System.ItemNameDisplay makes more sense. Compatibility notes: Shell folder implementations on Vista: /// use PKEY_ItemNameDisplay for the name column when you want Explorer to call ISF::GetDisplayNameOf(SHGDN_NORMAL) to get /// the value of the name. Use another PKEY (like PKEY_ItemName) when you want Explorer to call either the folder's property /// store or ISF2::GetDetailsEx in order to get the value of the name. Shell folder implementations on XP: the first column /// needs to be the name column, and Explorer will call ISF::GetDisplayNameOf to get the value of the name. The PKEY/SCID /// does not matter. Example values: /// File: "hello.txt" /// Message: "Re: Let's talk about Tom's argyle socks!" Device folder: "song.wma" /// Folder: "Documents" /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 10 (PID_STG_NAME) /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemNameDisplay => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}"), 10); /// /// Name: System.ItemNamePrefix -- PKEY_ItemNamePrefix /// /// Description: This is the prefix of an item, used for email messages. where the subject begins with "Re:" which is the /// prefix. If the item is a file, then the value of this property is VT_EMPTY. If the item is a message, then the value of /// this property is the forwarding or reply prefixes (including delimiting colon, but no whitespace), or VT_EMPTY if there /// is no prefix. Example values: System.ItemNamePrefix System.ItemName System.ItemNameDisplay /// --------------------- ------------------- ---------------------- VT_EMPTY "Great day" "Great day" "Re:" "Great day" /// "Re: Great day" "Fwd: " "Monthly budget" "Fwd: Monthly budget" VT_EMPTY "accounts.xls" "accounts.xls" /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D7313FF1-A77A-401C-8C99-3DBDD68ADD36}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemNamePrefix => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D7313FF1-A77A-401C-8C99-3DBDD68ADD36}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ItemParticipants -- PKEY_ItemParticipants /// /// Description: This is the generic list of people associated with an item and who contributed to the item. For example, /// this is the combination of people in the To list, Cc list and sender of an email message. /// /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D4D0AA16-9948-41A4-AA85-D97FF9646993}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemParticipants => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D4D0AA16-9948-41A4-AA85-D97FF9646993}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ItemPathDisplay -- PKEY_ItemPathDisplay /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly display path to the item. If the item is a file or folder this property includes /// the extension in all cases, and will be localized if a localized name is available. For other items,this is the /// user-friendly equivalent, assuming the item exists in hierarchical storage. Unlike System.ItemUrl, this property value /// does not include the URL scheme. To parse an item path, use System.ItemUrl or System.ParsingPath. To reference shell /// namespace items using shell APIs, use System.ParsingPath. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... /// ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" /// "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" /// "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "/Mailbox /// Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 7 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemPathDisplay => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 7); /// /// Name: System.ItemPathDisplayNarrow -- PKEY_ItemPathDisplayNarrow /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly display path to the item. The format of the string should be tailored such that /// the name comes first, to optimize for a narrow viewing column. If the item is a file, the value excludes the file /// extension, and includes localized names if they are present. If the item is a message, the value includes the /// System.ItemNamePrefix. To parse an item path, use System.ItemUrl or System.ParsingPath. Example values: If the path is... /// The property value is... /// ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "hello (c:\foo\bar)" /// "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "goodnews (\\server\share\mydir)" "\\server\share\folder" "folder (\\server\share)" /// "c:\foo\MyFolder" "MyFolder (c:\foo)" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "Re: Hello! (/Mailbox Account/Inbox)" /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 8 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemPathDisplayNarrow => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 8); /// /// Name: System.ItemType -- PKEY_ItemType /// /// Description: This is the canonical type of the item and is intended to be programmatically parsed. If there is no /// canonical type, the value is VT_EMPTY. If the item is a file (ie, System.FileName is not VT_EMPTY), the value is the same /// as System.FileExtension. Use System.ItemTypeText when you want to display the type to end users in a view. (If the item /// is a file, passing the System.ItemType value to PSFormatForDisplay will result in the same value as System.ItemTypeText.) /// Example values: If the path is... The property value is... /// ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" ".txt" /// "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" ".doc" "\\server\share\folder" "Directory" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "Directory" [desktop] /// "Folder" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "MAPI/IPM.Message" /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 11 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemType => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 11); /// /// Name: System.ItemTypeText -- PKEY_ItemTypeText /// /// Description: This is the user friendly type name of the item. This is not intended to be programmatically parsed. If /// System.ItemType is VT_EMPTY, the value of this property is also VT_EMPTY. If the item is a file, the value of this /// property is the same as if you passed the file's System.ItemType value to PSFormatForDisplay. This property should not be /// confused with System.Kind, where System.Kind is a high-level user friendly kind name. For example, for a document, /// System.Kind = "Document" and System.Item.Type = ".doc" and System.Item.TypeText = "Microsoft Word Document" Example /// values: If the path is... The property value is... /// ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "Text File" /// "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "Microsoft Word Document" "\\server\share\folder" "File Folder" "c:\foo\MyFolder" /// "File Folder" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "Outlook E-Mail Message" /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 4 (PID_STG_STORAGETYPE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemTypeText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.ItemUrl -- PKEY_ItemUrl /// /// Description: This always represents a well formed URL that points to the item. To reference shell namespace items using /// shell APIs, use System.ParsingPath. Example values: /// Files: "file:///c:/foo/bar/hello.txt" "csc://{GUID}/..." /// Messages: "mapi://..." /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_Query) {49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}, 9 (DISPID_QUERY_VIRTUALPATH) /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemUrl => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.Keywords -- PKEY_Keywords /// Description: The keywords for the item. Also referred to as tags. /// /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. /// /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 5 (PIDSI_KEYWORDS) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Keywords => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.Kind -- PKEY_Kind /// /// Description: System.Kind is used to map extensions to various .Search folders. Extensions are mapped to Kinds at /// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\KindMap The list of kinds is not extensible. /// /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {1E3EE840-BC2B-476C-8237-2ACD1A839B22}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Kind => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{1E3EE840-BC2B-476C-8237-2ACD1A839B22}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.KindText -- PKEY_KindText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Kind. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {F04BEF95-C585-4197-A2B7-DF46FDC9EE6D}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY KindText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F04BEF95-C585-4197-A2B7-DF46FDC9EE6D}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Language -- PKEY_Language /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 28 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Language => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 28); /// /// Name: System.MileageInformation -- PKEY_MileageInformation /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {FDF84370-031A-4ADD-9E91-0D775F1C6605}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MileageInformation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{FDF84370-031A-4ADD-9E91-0D775F1C6605}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.MIMEType -- PKEY_MIMEType /// Description: The MIME type. Eg, for EML files: 'message/rfc822'. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {0B63E350-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 5 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MIMEType => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0B63E350-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.NamespaceCLSID -- PKEY_NamespaceCLSID /// /// Description: The CLSID of the name space extension for an item, the object that implements IShellFolder for this item /// /// Type: Guid -- VT_CLSID /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 6 /// public static PROPERTYKEY NamespaceCLSID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.Null -- PKEY_Null /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}, 0 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Null => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"), 0); /// /// Name: System.OfflineAvailability -- PKEY_OfflineAvailability /// Description: /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {A94688B6-7D9F-4570-A648-E3DFC0AB2B3F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OfflineAvailability => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A94688B6-7D9F-4570-A648-E3DFC0AB2B3F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.OfflineStatus -- PKEY_OfflineStatus /// Description: /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {6D24888F-4718-4BDA-AFED-EA0FB4386CD8}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OfflineStatus => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D24888F-4718-4BDA-AFED-EA0FB4386CD8}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.OriginalFileName -- PKEY_OriginalFileName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 6 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OriginalFileName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.OwnerSID -- PKEY_OwnerSID /// Description: SID of the user that owns the library. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 6 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OwnerSID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.ParentalRating -- PKEY_ParentalRating /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 21 (PIDMSI_PARENTAL_RATING) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY ParentalRating => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 21); /// /// Name: System.ParentalRatingReason -- PKEY_ParentalRatingReason /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {10984E0A-F9F2-4321-B7EF-BAF195AF4319}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ParentalRatingReason => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{10984E0A-F9F2-4321-B7EF-BAF195AF4319}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ParentalRatingsOrganization -- PKEY_ParentalRatingsOrganization /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {A7FE0840-1344-46F0-8D37-52ED712A4BF9}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ParentalRatingsOrganization => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A7FE0840-1344-46F0-8D37-52ED712A4BF9}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ParsingBindContext -- PKEY_ParsingBindContext /// Description: used to get the IBindCtx for an item for parsing /// Type: Any -- VT_NULL Legacy code may treat this as VT_UNKNOWN. /// FormatID: {DFB9A04D-362F-4CA3-B30B-0254B17B5B84}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ParsingBindContext => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DFB9A04D-362F-4CA3-B30B-0254B17B5B84}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ParsingName -- PKEY_ParsingName /// /// Description: The shell namespace name of an item relative to a parent folder. This name may be passed to /// IShellFolder::ParseDisplayName() of the parent shell folder. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 24 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ParsingName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 24); /// /// Name: System.ParsingPath -- PKEY_ParsingPath /// /// Description: This is the shell namespace path to the item. This path may be passed to SHParseDisplayName to parse the /// path to the correct shell folder. If the item is a file, the value is identical to System.ItemPathDisplay. If the item /// cannot be accessed through the shell namespace, this value is VT_EMPTY. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 30 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ParsingPath => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 30); /// /// Name: System.PerceivedType -- PKEY_PerceivedType /// Description: The perceived type of a shell item, based upon its canonical type. /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 9 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PerceivedType => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.PercentFull -- PKEY_PercentFull /// Description: The amount filled as a percentage, multiplied by 100 (ie, the valid range is 0 through 100). /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 5 (Filesystem Volume Properties) /// public static PROPERTYKEY PercentFull => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.Priority -- PKEY_Priority /// Description: /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: {9C1FCF74-2D97-41BA-B4AE-CB2E3661A6E4}, 5 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Priority => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9C1FCF74-2D97-41BA-B4AE-CB2E3661A6E4}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.PriorityText -- PKEY_PriorityText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Priority. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D98BE98B-B86B-4095-BF52-9D23B2E0A752}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PriorityText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D98BE98B-B86B-4095-BF52-9D23B2E0A752}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Project -- PKEY_Project /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {39A7F922-477C-48DE-8BC8-B28441E342E3}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Project => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{39A7F922-477C-48DE-8BC8-B28441E342E3}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ProviderItemID -- PKEY_ProviderItemID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {F21D9941-81F0-471A-ADEE-4E74B49217ED}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ProviderItemID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F21D9941-81F0-471A-ADEE-4E74B49217ED}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Rating -- PKEY_Rating /// /// Description: Indicates the users preference rating of an item on a scale of 1-99 (1-12 = One Star, 13-37 = Two Stars, /// 38-62 = Three Stars, 63-87 = Four Stars, 88-99 = Five Stars). /// /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 9 (PIDMSI_RATING) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Rating => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.RatingText -- PKEY_RatingText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Rating. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {90197CA7-FD8F-4E8C-9DA3-B57E1E609295}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY RatingText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{90197CA7-FD8F-4E8C-9DA3-B57E1E609295}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Sensitivity -- PKEY_Sensitivity /// Description: /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: {F8D3F6AC-4874-42CB-BE59-AB454B30716A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Sensitivity => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F8D3F6AC-4874-42CB-BE59-AB454B30716A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.SensitivityText -- PKEY_SensitivityText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Sensitivity. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D0C7F054-3F72-4725-8527-129A577CB269}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SensitivityText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D0C7F054-3F72-4725-8527-129A577CB269}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.SFGAOFlags -- PKEY_SFGAOFlags /// Description: IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf flags, with SFGAO_PKEYSFGAOMASK attributes masked out. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 25 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SFGAOFlags => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 25); /// /// Name: System.SharedWith -- PKEY_SharedWith /// Description: Who is the item shared with? /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {EF884C5B-2BFE-41BB-AAE5-76EEDF4F9902}, 200 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SharedWith => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{EF884C5B-2BFE-41BB-AAE5-76EEDF4F9902}"), 200); /// /// Name: System.ShareUserRating -- PKEY_ShareUserRating /// Description: /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 12 (PIDMSI_SHARE_USER_RATING) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY ShareUserRating => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 12); /// /// Name: System.SharingStatus -- PKEY_SharingStatus /// Description: What is the item's sharing status (not shared, shared, everyone (homegroup or everyone), or private)? /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {EF884C5B-2BFE-41BB-AAE5-76EEDF4F9902}, 300 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SharingStatus => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{EF884C5B-2BFE-41BB-AAE5-76EEDF4F9902}"), 300); /// /// Name: System.SimpleRating -- PKEY_SimpleRating /// /// Description: Indicates the users preference rating of an item on a scale of 0-5 (0=unrated, 1=One Star, 2=Two Stars, /// 3=Three Stars, 4=Four Stars, 5=Five Stars) /// /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {A09F084E-AD41-489F-8076-AA5BE3082BCA}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SimpleRating => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A09F084E-AD41-489F-8076-AA5BE3082BCA}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Size -- PKEY_Size /// Description: /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 12 (PID_STG_SIZE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Size => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}"), 12); /// /// Name: System.SoftwareUsed -- PKEY_SoftwareUsed /// Description: PropertyTagSoftwareUsed /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 305 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SoftwareUsed => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 305); /// /// Name: System.SourceItem -- PKEY_SourceItem /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {668CDFA5-7A1B-4323-AE4B-E527393A1D81}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SourceItem => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{668CDFA5-7A1B-4323-AE4B-E527393A1D81}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.StartDate -- PKEY_StartDate /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {48FD6EC8-8A12-4CDF-A03E-4EC5A511EDDE}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY StartDate => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{48FD6EC8-8A12-4CDF-A03E-4EC5A511EDDE}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Status -- PKEY_Status /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_IntSite) {000214A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, 9 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Status => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{000214A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.Subject -- PKEY_Subject /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 3 (PIDSI_SUBJECT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Subject => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.ThumbnailCacheId -- PKEY_ThumbnailCacheId /// /// Description: Unique value that can be used as a key to cache thumbnails. The value changes when the name, volume, or data /// modified of an item changes. /// /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: {446D16B1-8DAD-4870-A748-402EA43D788C}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ThumbnailCacheId => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{446D16B1-8DAD-4870-A748-402EA43D788C}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.ThumbnailStream -- PKEY_ThumbnailStream /// /// Description: Data that represents the thumbnail in VT_STREAM format that GDI+/WindowsCodecs supports (jpg, png, etc). /// /// Type: Stream -- VT_STREAM /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 27 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ThumbnailStream => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 27); /// /// Name: System.Title -- PKEY_Title /// Description: Title of item. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 2 (PIDSI_TITLE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Title => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.TotalFileSize -- PKEY_TotalFileSize /// Description: /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 14 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TotalFileSize => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}"), 14); /// /// Name: System.Trademarks -- PKEY_Trademarks /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 9 (PIDVSI_Trademarks) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Trademarks => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}"), 9); /// AppUserModel Properties public static class AppUserModel { /// /// Name: System.AppUserModel.ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall -- PKEY_AppUserModel_ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 8 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}"), 8); /// /// Name: System.AppUserModel.ID -- PKEY_AppUserModel_ID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 5 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.AppUserModel.IsDestListSeparator -- PKEY_AppUserModel_IsDestListSeparator /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 6 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsDestListSeparator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.AppUserModel.PreventPinning -- PKEY_AppUserModel_PreventPinning /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 9 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PreventPinning => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.AppUserModel.RelaunchCommand -- PKEY_AppUserModel_RelaunchCommand /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY RelaunchCommand => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.AppUserModel.RelaunchDisplayNameResource -- PKEY_AppUserModel_RelaunchDisplayNameResource /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 4 /// public static PROPERTYKEY RelaunchDisplayNameResource => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.AppUserModel.RelaunchIconResource -- PKEY_AppUserModel_RelaunchIconResource /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY RelaunchIconResource => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}"), 3); } /// Audio Properties public static class Audio { /// /// Name: System.Audio.ChannelCount -- PKEY_Audio_ChannelCount /// Description: Indicates the channel count for the audio file. Values: 1 (mono), 2 (stereo). /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 7 (PIDASI_CHANNEL_COUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY ChannelCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 7); /// /// Name: System.Audio.Compression -- PKEY_Audio_Compression /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 10 (PIDASI_COMPRESSION) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Compression => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 10); /// /// Name: System.Audio.EncodingBitrate -- PKEY_Audio_EncodingBitrate /// Description: Indicates the average data rate in Hz for the audio file in "bits per second". /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 4 (PIDASI_AVG_DATA_RATE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY EncodingBitrate => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.Audio.Format -- PKEY_Audio_Format /// Description: Indicates the format of the audio file. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_BSTR. /// FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 2 (PIDASI_FORMAT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Format => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Audio.IsVariableBitRate -- PKEY_Audio_IsVariableBitRate /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {E6822FEE-8C17-4D62-823C-8E9CFCBD1D5C}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsVariableBitRate => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E6822FEE-8C17-4D62-823C-8E9CFCBD1D5C}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Audio.PeakValue -- PKEY_Audio_PeakValue /// Description: /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {2579E5D0-1116-4084-BD9A-9B4F7CB4DF5E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PeakValue => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{2579E5D0-1116-4084-BD9A-9B4F7CB4DF5E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Audio.SampleRate -- PKEY_Audio_SampleRate /// Description: Indicates the audio sample rate for the audio file in "samples per second". /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 5 (PIDASI_SAMPLE_RATE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY SampleRate => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.Audio.SampleSize -- PKEY_Audio_SampleSize /// Description: Indicates the audio sample size for the audio file in "bits per sample". /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 6 (PIDASI_SAMPLE_SIZE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY SampleSize => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.Audio.StreamName -- PKEY_Audio_StreamName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 9 (PIDASI_STREAM_NAME) /// public static PROPERTYKEY StreamName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.Audio.StreamNumber -- PKEY_Audio_StreamNumber /// Description: /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 8 (PIDASI_STREAM_NUMBER) /// public static PROPERTYKEY StreamNumber => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 8); } /// Calendar Properties public static class Calendar { /// /// Name: System.Calendar.Duration -- PKEY_Calendar_Duration /// Description: The duration as specified in a string. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {293CA35A-09AA-4DD2-B180-1FE245728A52}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Duration => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{293CA35A-09AA-4DD2-B180-1FE245728A52}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.IsOnline -- PKEY_Calendar_IsOnline /// Description: Identifies if the event is an online event. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {BFEE9149-E3E2-49A7-A862-C05988145CEC}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsOnline => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{BFEE9149-E3E2-49A7-A862-C05988145CEC}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.IsRecurring -- PKEY_Calendar_IsRecurring /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {315B9C8D-80A9-4EF9-AE16-8E746DA51D70}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsRecurring => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{315B9C8D-80A9-4EF9-AE16-8E746DA51D70}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.Location -- PKEY_Calendar_Location /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {F6272D18-CECC-40B1-B26A-3911717AA7BD}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Location => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F6272D18-CECC-40B1-B26A-3911717AA7BD}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.OptionalAttendeeAddresses -- PKEY_Calendar_OptionalAttendeeAddresses /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D55BAE5A-3892-417A-A649-C6AC5AAAEAB3}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OptionalAttendeeAddresses => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D55BAE5A-3892-417A-A649-C6AC5AAAEAB3}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.OptionalAttendeeNames -- PKEY_Calendar_OptionalAttendeeNames /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {09429607-582D-437F-84C3-DE93A2B24C3C}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OptionalAttendeeNames => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{09429607-582D-437F-84C3-DE93A2B24C3C}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.OrganizerAddress -- PKEY_Calendar_OrganizerAddress /// Description: Address of the organizer organizing the event. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {744C8242-4DF5-456C-AB9E-014EFB9021E3}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OrganizerAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{744C8242-4DF5-456C-AB9E-014EFB9021E3}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.OrganizerName -- PKEY_Calendar_OrganizerName /// Description: Name of the organizer organizing the event. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {AAA660F9-9865-458E-B484-01BC7FE3973E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OrganizerName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{AAA660F9-9865-458E-B484-01BC7FE3973E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.ReminderTime -- PKEY_Calendar_ReminderTime /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {72FC5BA4-24F9-4011-9F3F-ADD27AFAD818}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ReminderTime => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{72FC5BA4-24F9-4011-9F3F-ADD27AFAD818}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.RequiredAttendeeAddresses -- PKEY_Calendar_RequiredAttendeeAddresses /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {0BA7D6C3-568D-4159-AB91-781A91FB71E5}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY RequiredAttendeeAddresses => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0BA7D6C3-568D-4159-AB91-781A91FB71E5}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.RequiredAttendeeNames -- PKEY_Calendar_RequiredAttendeeNames /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {B33AF30B-F552-4584-936C-CB93E5CDA29F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY RequiredAttendeeNames => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B33AF30B-F552-4584-936C-CB93E5CDA29F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.Resources -- PKEY_Calendar_Resources /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {00F58A38-C54B-4C40-8696-97235980EAE1}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Resources => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{00F58A38-C54B-4C40-8696-97235980EAE1}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.ResponseStatus -- PKEY_Calendar_ResponseStatus /// Description: This property stores the status of the user responses to meetings in her calendar. /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: {188C1F91-3C40-4132-9EC5-D8B03B72A8A2}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ResponseStatus => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{188C1F91-3C40-4132-9EC5-D8B03B72A8A2}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.ShowTimeAs -- PKEY_Calendar_ShowTimeAs /// Description: /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: {5BF396D4-5EB2-466F-BDE9-2FB3F2361D6E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ShowTimeAs => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5BF396D4-5EB2-466F-BDE9-2FB3F2361D6E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Calendar.ShowTimeAsText -- PKEY_Calendar_ShowTimeAsText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Calendar.ShowTimeAs. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {53DA57CF-62C0-45C4-81DE-7610BCEFD7F5}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ShowTimeAsText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{53DA57CF-62C0-45C4-81DE-7610BCEFD7F5}"), 100); } /// Communication Properties public static class Communication { /// /// Name: System.Communication.AccountName -- PKEY_Communication_AccountName /// Description: Account Name /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 9 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AccountName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.Communication.DateItemExpires -- PKEY_Communication_DateItemExpires /// Description: Date the item expires due to the retention policy. /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {428040AC-A177-4C8A-9760-F6F761227F9A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateItemExpires => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{428040AC-A177-4C8A-9760-F6F761227F9A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Communication.FollowupIconIndex -- PKEY_Communication_FollowupIconIndex /// Description: This is the icon index used on messages marked for followup. /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: {83A6347E-6FE4-4F40-BA9C-C4865240D1F4}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FollowupIconIndex => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{83A6347E-6FE4-4F40-BA9C-C4865240D1F4}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Communication.HeaderItem -- PKEY_Communication_HeaderItem /// /// Description: This property will be true if the item is a header item which means the item hasn't been fully downloaded. /// /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {C9C34F84-2241-4401-B607-BD20ED75AE7F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HeaderItem => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9C34F84-2241-4401-B607-BD20ED75AE7F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Communication.PolicyTag -- PKEY_Communication_PolicyTag /// Description: This a string used to identify the retention policy applied to the item. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {EC0B4191-AB0B-4C66-90B6-C6637CDEBBAB}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PolicyTag => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{EC0B4191-AB0B-4C66-90B6-C6637CDEBBAB}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Communication.SecurityFlags -- PKEY_Communication_SecurityFlags /// Description: Security flags associated with the item to know if the item is encrypted, signed or DRM enabled. /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: {8619A4B6-9F4D-4429-8C0F-B996CA59E335}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SecurityFlags => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8619A4B6-9F4D-4429-8C0F-B996CA59E335}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Communication.Suffix -- PKEY_Communication_Suffix /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {807B653A-9E91-43EF-8F97-11CE04EE20C5}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Suffix => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{807B653A-9E91-43EF-8F97-11CE04EE20C5}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Communication.TaskStatus -- PKEY_Communication_TaskStatus /// Description: /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: {BE1A72C6-9A1D-46B7-AFE7-AFAF8CEF4999}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TaskStatus => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{BE1A72C6-9A1D-46B7-AFE7-AFAF8CEF4999}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Communication.TaskStatusText -- PKEY_Communication_TaskStatusText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Communication.TaskStatus. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {A6744477-C237-475B-A075-54F34498292A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TaskStatusText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A6744477-C237-475B-A075-54F34498292A}"), 100); } /// Computer Properties public static class Computer { /// /// Name: System.Computer.DecoratedFreeSpace -- PKEY_Computer_DecoratedFreeSpace /// Description: Free space and total space: "%s free of %s" /// Type: Multivalue UInt64 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI8) /// FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 7 (Filesystem Volume Properties) /// public static PROPERTYKEY DecoratedFreeSpace => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}"), 7); } /// Contact Properties public static class Contact { /// /// Name: System.Contact.Anniversary -- PKEY_Contact_Anniversary /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {9AD5BADB-CEA7-4470-A03D-B84E51B9949E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Anniversary => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9AD5BADB-CEA7-4470-A03D-B84E51B9949E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.AssistantName -- PKEY_Contact_AssistantName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {CD102C9C-5540-4A88-A6F6-64E4981C8CD1}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AssistantName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{CD102C9C-5540-4A88-A6F6-64E4981C8CD1}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.AssistantTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_AssistantTelephone /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {9A93244D-A7AD-4FF8-9B99-45EE4CC09AF6}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AssistantTelephone => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9A93244D-A7AD-4FF8-9B99-45EE4CC09AF6}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.Birthday -- PKEY_Contact_Birthday /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 47 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Birthday => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}"), 47); /// /// Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddress -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddress /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {730FB6DD-CF7C-426B-A03F-BD166CC9EE24}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BusinessAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{730FB6DD-CF7C-426B-A03F-BD166CC9EE24}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressCity -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressCity /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {402B5934-EC5A-48C3-93E6-85E86A2D934E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BusinessAddressCity => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{402B5934-EC5A-48C3-93E6-85E86A2D934E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressCountry -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressCountry /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {B0B87314-FCF6-4FEB-8DFF-A50DA6AF561C}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BusinessAddressCountry => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B0B87314-FCF6-4FEB-8DFF-A50DA6AF561C}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressPostalCode -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressPostalCode /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E1D4A09E-D758-4CD1-B6EC-34A8B5A73F80}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BusinessAddressPostalCode => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E1D4A09E-D758-4CD1-B6EC-34A8B5A73F80}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {BC4E71CE-17F9-48D5-BEE9-021DF0EA5409}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{BC4E71CE-17F9-48D5-BEE9-021DF0EA5409}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressState -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressState /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {446F787F-10C4-41CB-A6C4-4D0343551597}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BusinessAddressState => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{446F787F-10C4-41CB-A6C4-4D0343551597}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressStreet -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressStreet /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {DDD1460F-C0BF-4553-8CE4-10433C908FB0}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BusinessAddressStreet => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DDD1460F-C0BF-4553-8CE4-10433C908FB0}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.BusinessFaxNumber -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessFaxNumber /// Description: Business fax number of the contact. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {91EFF6F3-2E27-42CA-933E-7C999FBE310B}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BusinessFaxNumber => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{91EFF6F3-2E27-42CA-933E-7C999FBE310B}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.BusinessHomePage -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessHomePage /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {56310920-2491-4919-99CE-EADB06FAFDB2}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BusinessHomePage => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56310920-2491-4919-99CE-EADB06FAFDB2}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.BusinessTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessTelephone /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {6A15E5A0-0A1E-4CD7-BB8C-D2F1B0C929BC}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BusinessTelephone => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6A15E5A0-0A1E-4CD7-BB8C-D2F1B0C929BC}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.CallbackTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_CallbackTelephone /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {BF53D1C3-49E0-4F7F-8567-5A821D8AC542}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CallbackTelephone => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{BF53D1C3-49E0-4F7F-8567-5A821D8AC542}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.CarTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_CarTelephone /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {8FDC6DEA-B929-412B-BA90-397A257465FE}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CarTelephone => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8FDC6DEA-B929-412B-BA90-397A257465FE}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.Children -- PKEY_Contact_Children /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D4729704-8EF1-43EF-9024-2BD381187FD5}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Children => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D4729704-8EF1-43EF-9024-2BD381187FD5}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.CompanyMainTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_CompanyMainTelephone /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {8589E481-6040-473D-B171-7FA89C2708ED}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CompanyMainTelephone => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8589E481-6040-473D-B171-7FA89C2708ED}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.Department -- PKEY_Contact_Department /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {FC9F7306-FF8F-4D49-9FB6-3FFE5C0951EC}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Department => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{FC9F7306-FF8F-4D49-9FB6-3FFE5C0951EC}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.EmailAddress -- PKEY_Contact_EmailAddress /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {F8FA7FA3-D12B-4785-8A4E-691A94F7A3E7}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY EmailAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F8FA7FA3-D12B-4785-8A4E-691A94F7A3E7}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.EmailAddress2 -- PKEY_Contact_EmailAddress2 /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {38965063-EDC8-4268-8491-B7723172CF29}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY EmailAddress2 => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{38965063-EDC8-4268-8491-B7723172CF29}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.EmailAddress3 -- PKEY_Contact_EmailAddress3 /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {644D37B4-E1B3-4BAD-B099-7E7C04966ACA}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY EmailAddress3 => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{644D37B4-E1B3-4BAD-B099-7E7C04966ACA}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.EmailAddresses -- PKEY_Contact_EmailAddresses /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {84D8F337-981D-44B3-9615-C7596DBA17E3}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY EmailAddresses => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{84D8F337-981D-44B3-9615-C7596DBA17E3}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.EmailName -- PKEY_Contact_EmailName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {CC6F4F24-6083-4BD4-8754-674D0DE87AB8}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY EmailName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{CC6F4F24-6083-4BD4-8754-674D0DE87AB8}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.FileAsName -- PKEY_Contact_FileAsName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {F1A24AA7-9CA7-40F6-89EC-97DEF9FFE8DB}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileAsName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F1A24AA7-9CA7-40F6-89EC-97DEF9FFE8DB}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.FirstName -- PKEY_Contact_FirstName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {14977844-6B49-4AAD-A714-A4513BF60460}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FirstName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14977844-6B49-4AAD-A714-A4513BF60460}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.FullName -- PKEY_Contact_FullName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {635E9051-50A5-4BA2-B9DB-4ED056C77296}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FullName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{635E9051-50A5-4BA2-B9DB-4ED056C77296}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.Gender -- PKEY_Contact_Gender /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {3C8CEE58-D4F0-4CF9-B756-4E5D24447BCD}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Gender => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{3C8CEE58-D4F0-4CF9-B756-4E5D24447BCD}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.GenderValue -- PKEY_Contact_GenderValue /// Description: /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: {3C8CEE58-D4F0-4CF9-B756-4E5D24447BCD}, 101 /// public static PROPERTYKEY GenderValue => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{3C8CEE58-D4F0-4CF9-B756-4E5D24447BCD}"), 101); /// /// Name: System.Contact.Hobbies -- PKEY_Contact_Hobbies /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {5DC2253F-5E11-4ADF-9CFE-910DD01E3E70}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Hobbies => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5DC2253F-5E11-4ADF-9CFE-910DD01E3E70}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.HomeAddress -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddress /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {98F98354-617A-46B8-8560-5B1B64BF1F89}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HomeAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{98F98354-617A-46B8-8560-5B1B64BF1F89}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressCity -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressCity /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 65 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HomeAddressCity => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}"), 65); /// /// Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressCountry -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressCountry /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {08A65AA1-F4C9-43DD-9DDF-A33D8E7EAD85}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HomeAddressCountry => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{08A65AA1-F4C9-43DD-9DDF-A33D8E7EAD85}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressPostalCode -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressPostalCode /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {8AFCC170-8A46-4B53-9EEE-90BAE7151E62}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HomeAddressPostalCode => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8AFCC170-8A46-4B53-9EEE-90BAE7151E62}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressPostOfficeBox -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressPostOfficeBox /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {7B9F6399-0A3F-4B12-89BD-4ADC51C918AF}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HomeAddressPostOfficeBox => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7B9F6399-0A3F-4B12-89BD-4ADC51C918AF}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressState -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressState /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C89A23D0-7D6D-4EB8-87D4-776A82D493E5}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HomeAddressState => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C89A23D0-7D6D-4EB8-87D4-776A82D493E5}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressStreet -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressStreet /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {0ADEF160-DB3F-4308-9A21-06237B16FA2A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HomeAddressStreet => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0ADEF160-DB3F-4308-9A21-06237B16FA2A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.HomeFaxNumber -- PKEY_Contact_HomeFaxNumber /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {660E04D6-81AB-4977-A09F-82313113AB26}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HomeFaxNumber => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{660E04D6-81AB-4977-A09F-82313113AB26}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.HomeTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_HomeTelephone /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 20 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HomeTelephone => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}"), 20); /// /// Name: System.Contact.IMAddress -- PKEY_Contact_IMAddress /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D68DBD8A-3374-4B81-9972-3EC30682DB3D}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IMAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D68DBD8A-3374-4B81-9972-3EC30682DB3D}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.Initials -- PKEY_Contact_Initials /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {F3D8F40D-50CB-44A2-9718-40CB9119495D}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Initials => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F3D8F40D-50CB-44A2-9718-40CB9119495D}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.JobTitle -- PKEY_Contact_JobTitle /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 6 /// public static PROPERTYKEY JobTitle => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.Contact.Label -- PKEY_Contact_Label /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {97B0AD89-DF49-49CC-834E-660974FD755B}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Label => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{97B0AD89-DF49-49CC-834E-660974FD755B}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.LastName -- PKEY_Contact_LastName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {8F367200-C270-457C-B1D4-E07C5BCD90C7}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LastName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8F367200-C270-457C-B1D4-E07C5BCD90C7}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.MailingAddress -- PKEY_Contact_MailingAddress /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C0AC206A-827E-4650-95AE-77E2BB74FCC9}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MailingAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C0AC206A-827E-4650-95AE-77E2BB74FCC9}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.MiddleName -- PKEY_Contact_MiddleName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 71 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MiddleName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}"), 71); /// /// Name: System.Contact.MobileTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_MobileTelephone /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 35 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MobileTelephone => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}"), 35); /// /// Name: System.Contact.NickName -- PKEY_Contact_NickName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 74 /// public static PROPERTYKEY NickName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}"), 74); /// /// Name: System.Contact.OfficeLocation -- PKEY_Contact_OfficeLocation /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 7 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OfficeLocation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}"), 7); /// /// Name: System.Contact.OtherAddress -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddress /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {508161FA-313B-43D5-83A1-C1ACCF68622C}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OtherAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{508161FA-313B-43D5-83A1-C1ACCF68622C}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressCity -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressCity /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {6E682923-7F7B-4F0C-A337-CFCA296687BF}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OtherAddressCity => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6E682923-7F7B-4F0C-A337-CFCA296687BF}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressCountry -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressCountry /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {8F167568-0AAE-4322-8ED9-6055B7B0E398}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OtherAddressCountry => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8F167568-0AAE-4322-8ED9-6055B7B0E398}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressPostalCode -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressPostalCode /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {95C656C1-2ABF-4148-9ED3-9EC602E3B7CD}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OtherAddressPostalCode => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{95C656C1-2ABF-4148-9ED3-9EC602E3B7CD}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressPostOfficeBox -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressPostOfficeBox /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {8B26EA41-058F-43F6-AECC-4035681CE977}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OtherAddressPostOfficeBox => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8B26EA41-058F-43F6-AECC-4035681CE977}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressState -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressState /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {71B377D6-E570-425F-A170-809FAE73E54E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OtherAddressState => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{71B377D6-E570-425F-A170-809FAE73E54E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressStreet -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressStreet /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {FF962609-B7D6-4999-862D-95180D529AEA}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OtherAddressStreet => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{FF962609-B7D6-4999-862D-95180D529AEA}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.PagerTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_PagerTelephone /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D6304E01-F8F5-4F45-8B15-D024A6296789}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PagerTelephone => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D6304E01-F8F5-4F45-8B15-D024A6296789}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.PersonalTitle -- PKEY_Contact_PersonalTitle /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 69 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PersonalTitle => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}"), 69); /// /// Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressCity -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressCity /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C8EA94F0-A9E3-4969-A94B-9C62A95324E0}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrimaryAddressCity => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C8EA94F0-A9E3-4969-A94B-9C62A95324E0}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressCountry -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressCountry /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E53D799D-0F3F-466E-B2FF-74634A3CB7A4}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrimaryAddressCountry => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E53D799D-0F3F-466E-B2FF-74634A3CB7A4}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressPostalCode -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressPostalCode /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {18BBD425-ECFD-46EF-B612-7B4A6034EDA0}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrimaryAddressPostalCode => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{18BBD425-ECFD-46EF-B612-7B4A6034EDA0}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressPostOfficeBox -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressPostOfficeBox /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {DE5EF3C7-46E1-484E-9999-62C5308394C1}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrimaryAddressPostOfficeBox => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DE5EF3C7-46E1-484E-9999-62C5308394C1}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressState -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressState /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {F1176DFE-7138-4640-8B4C-AE375DC70A6D}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrimaryAddressState => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F1176DFE-7138-4640-8B4C-AE375DC70A6D}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressStreet -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressStreet /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {63C25B20-96BE-488F-8788-C09C407AD812}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrimaryAddressStreet => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{63C25B20-96BE-488F-8788-C09C407AD812}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.PrimaryEmailAddress -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryEmailAddress /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 48 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrimaryEmailAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}"), 48); /// /// Name: System.Contact.PrimaryTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryTelephone /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 25 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrimaryTelephone => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}"), 25); /// /// Name: System.Contact.Profession -- PKEY_Contact_Profession /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {7268AF55-1CE4-4F6E-A41F-B6E4EF10E4A9}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Profession => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7268AF55-1CE4-4F6E-A41F-B6E4EF10E4A9}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.SpouseName -- PKEY_Contact_SpouseName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {9D2408B6-3167-422B-82B0-F583B7A7CFE3}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SpouseName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9D2408B6-3167-422B-82B0-F583B7A7CFE3}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.Suffix -- PKEY_Contact_Suffix /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 73 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Suffix => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}"), 73); /// /// Name: System.Contact.TelexNumber -- PKEY_Contact_TelexNumber /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C554493C-C1F7-40C1-A76C-EF8C0614003E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TelexNumber => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C554493C-C1F7-40C1-A76C-EF8C0614003E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.TTYTDDTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_TTYTDDTelephone /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {AAF16BAC-2B55-45E6-9F6D-415EB94910DF}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TTYTDDTelephone => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{AAF16BAC-2B55-45E6-9F6D-415EB94910DF}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Contact.WebPage -- PKEY_Contact_WebPage /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 18 /// public static PROPERTYKEY WebPage => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 18); /// JA Properties public static class JA { /// /// Name: System.Contact.JA.CompanyNamePhonetic -- PKEY_Contact_JA_CompanyNamePhonetic /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CompanyNamePhonetic => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Contact.JA.FirstNamePhonetic -- PKEY_Contact_JA_FirstNamePhonetic /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FirstNamePhonetic => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Contact.JA.LastNamePhonetic -- PKEY_Contact_JA_LastNamePhonetic /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}, 4 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LastNamePhonetic => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}"), 4); } } /// Device Properties public static class Device { /// /// Name: System.Device.PrinterURL -- PKEY_Device_PrinterURL /// Description: Printer information Printer URL. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {0B48F35A-BE6E-4F17-B108-3C4073D1669A}, 15 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrinterURL => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0B48F35A-BE6E-4F17-B108-3C4073D1669A}"), 15); } /// DeviceInterface Properties public static class DeviceInterface { /// /// Name: System.DeviceInterface.PrinterDriverDirectory -- PKEY_DeviceInterface_PrinterDriverDirectory /// Description: Printer information Printer Driver Directory. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {847C66DE-B8D6-4AF9-ABC3-6F4F926BC039}, 14 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrinterDriverDirectory => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{847C66DE-B8D6-4AF9-ABC3-6F4F926BC039}"), 14); /// /// Name: System.DeviceInterface.PrinterDriverName -- PKEY_DeviceInterface_PrinterDriverName /// Description: Printer information Driver Name. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {AFC47170-14F5-498C-8F30-B0D19BE449C6}, 11 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrinterDriverName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{AFC47170-14F5-498C-8F30-B0D19BE449C6}"), 11); /// /// Name: System.DeviceInterface.PrinterName -- PKEY_DeviceInterface_PrinterName /// Description: Printer information Printer Name. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {0A7B84EF-0C27-463F-84EF-06C5070001BE}, 10 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrinterName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0A7B84EF-0C27-463F-84EF-06C5070001BE}"), 10); /// /// Name: System.DeviceInterface.PrinterPortName -- PKEY_DeviceInterface_PrinterPortName /// Description: Printer information Port Name. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {EEC7B761-6F94-41B1-949F-C729720DD13C}, 12 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrinterPortName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{EEC7B761-6F94-41B1-949F-C729720DD13C}"), 12); } /// Devices Properties public static class Devices { /// /// Name: System.Devices.BatteryLife -- PKEY_Devices_BatteryLife /// Description: Remaining battery life of the device as an integer between 0 and 100 percent. /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 10 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BatteryLife => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 10); /// /// Name: System.Devices.BatteryPlusCharging -- PKEY_Devices_BatteryPlusCharging /// /// Description: Remaining battery life of the device as an integer between 0 and 100 percent and the device's charging state. /// /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 22 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BatteryPlusCharging => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 22); /// /// Name: System.Devices.BatteryPlusChargingText -- PKEY_Devices_BatteryPlusChargingText /// Description: Remaining battery life of the device and the device's charging state as a string. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 23 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BatteryPlusChargingText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 23); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Category -- PKEY_Devices_Category_Desc_Singular /// Description: Singular form of device category. /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 91 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Category => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 91); /// /// Name: System.Devices.CategoryGroup -- PKEY_Devices_CategoryGroup_Desc /// Description: Plural form of device category. /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 94 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CategoryGroup => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 94); /// /// Name: System.Devices.CategoryPlural -- PKEY_Devices_Category_Desc_Plural /// Description: Plural form of device category. /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 92 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CategoryPlural => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 92); /// /// Name: System.Devices.ChargingState -- PKEY_Devices_ChargingState /// Description: Boolean value representing if the device is currently charging. /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 11 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ChargingState => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 11); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Connected -- PKEY_Devices_IsConnected /// /// Description: Device connection state. If VARIANT_TRUE, indicates the device is currently connected to the computer. /// /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 55 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Connected => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 55); /// /// Name: System.Devices.ContainerId -- PKEY_Devices_ContainerId /// Description: Device container ID. /// Type: Guid -- VT_CLSID /// FormatID: {8C7ED206-3F8A-4827-B3AB-AE9E1FAEFC6C}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContainerId => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8C7ED206-3F8A-4827-B3AB-AE9E1FAEFC6C}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Devices.DefaultTooltip -- PKEY_Devices_DefaultTooltip /// Description: Tooltip for default state /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {880F70A2-6082-47AC-8AAB-A739D1A300C3}, 153 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DefaultTooltip => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{880F70A2-6082-47AC-8AAB-A739D1A300C3}"), 153); /// /// Name: System.Devices.DeviceDescription1 -- PKEY_Devices_DeviceDescription1 /// Description: First line of descriptive text about the device. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 81 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DeviceDescription1 => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 81); /// /// Name: System.Devices.DeviceDescription2 -- PKEY_Devices_DeviceDescription2 /// Description: Second line of descriptive text about the device. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 82 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DeviceDescription2 => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 82); /// /// Name: System.Devices.DiscoveryMethod -- PKEY_Devices_DiscoveryMethod /// /// Description: Device discovery method. This indicates on what transport or physical connection the device is discovered. /// /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 52 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DiscoveryMethod => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 52); /// /// Name: System.Devices.FriendlyName -- PKEY_Devices_FriendlyName /// Description: Device friendly name. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}, 12288 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FriendlyName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}"), 12288); /// /// Name: System.Devices.FunctionPaths -- PKEY_Devices_FunctionPaths /// Description: Available functions for this device. /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FunctionPaths => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Devices.InterfacePaths -- PKEY_Devices_InterfacePaths /// Description: Available interfaces for this device. /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY InterfacePaths => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Devices.IsDefault -- PKEY_Devices_IsDefaultDevice /// Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device is not working properly. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 86 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsDefault => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 86); /// /// Name: System.Devices.IsNetworkConnected -- PKEY_Devices_IsNetworkDevice /// Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device is not working properly. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 85 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsNetworkConnected => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 85); /// /// Name: System.Devices.IsShared -- PKEY_Devices_IsSharedDevice /// Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device is not working properly. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 84 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsShared => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 84); /// /// Name: System.Devices.IsSoftwareInstalling -- PKEY_Devices_IsSoftwareInstalling /// Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device installer is currently installing software. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {83DA6326-97A6-4088-9453-A1923F573B29}, 9 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsSoftwareInstalling => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{83DA6326-97A6-4088-9453-A1923F573B29}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.Devices.LaunchDeviceStageFromExplorer -- PKEY_Devices_LaunchDeviceStageFromExplorer /// Description: Indicates whether to launch Device Stage or not /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 77 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LaunchDeviceStageFromExplorer => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 77); /// /// Name: System.Devices.LocalMachine -- PKEY_Devices_IsLocalMachine /// Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device in question is actually the computer. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 70 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LocalMachine => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 70); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Manufacturer -- PKEY_Devices_Manufacturer /// Description: Device manufacturer. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}, 8192 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Manufacturer => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}"), 8192); /// /// Name: System.Devices.MissedCalls -- PKEY_Devices_MissedCalls /// Description: Number of missed calls on the device. /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 5 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MissedCalls => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.Devices.ModelName -- PKEY_Devices_ModelName /// Description: Model name of the device. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}, 8194 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ModelName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}"), 8194); /// /// Name: System.Devices.ModelNumber -- PKEY_Devices_ModelNumber /// Description: Model number of the device. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}, 8195 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ModelNumber => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}"), 8195); /// /// Name: System.Devices.NetworkedTooltip -- PKEY_Devices_NetworkedTooltip /// Description: Tooltip for connection state /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {880F70A2-6082-47AC-8AAB-A739D1A300C3}, 152 /// public static PROPERTYKEY NetworkedTooltip => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{880F70A2-6082-47AC-8AAB-A739D1A300C3}"), 152); /// /// Name: System.Devices.NetworkName -- PKEY_Devices_NetworkName /// Description: Name of the device's network. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 7 /// public static PROPERTYKEY NetworkName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 7); /// /// Name: System.Devices.NetworkType -- PKEY_Devices_NetworkType /// Description: String representing the type of the device's network. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 8 /// public static PROPERTYKEY NetworkType => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 8); /// /// Name: System.Devices.NewPictures -- PKEY_Devices_NewPictures /// Description: Number of new pictures on the device. /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 4 /// public static PROPERTYKEY NewPictures => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Notification -- PKEY_Devices_Notification /// Description: Device Notification Property. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {06704B0C-E830-4C81-9178-91E4E95A80A0}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Notification => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{06704B0C-E830-4C81-9178-91E4E95A80A0}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Devices.NotificationStore -- PKEY_Devices_NotificationStore /// Description: Device Notification Store. /// Type: Object -- VT_UNKNOWN /// FormatID: {06704B0C-E830-4C81-9178-91E4E95A80A0}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY NotificationStore => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{06704B0C-E830-4C81-9178-91E4E95A80A0}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Devices.NotWorkingProperly -- PKEY_Devices_IsNotWorkingProperly /// Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device is not working properly. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 83 /// public static PROPERTYKEY NotWorkingProperly => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 83); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Paired -- PKEY_Devices_IsPaired /// Description: Device paired state. If VARIANT_TRUE, indicates the device is not paired with the computer. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 56 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Paired => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}"), 56); /// /// Name: System.Devices.PrimaryCategory -- PKEY_Devices_PrimaryCategory /// Description: Primary category group for this device. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 10 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrimaryCategory => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}"), 10); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Roaming -- PKEY_Devices_Roaming /// Description: Status indicator used to indicate if the device is roaming. /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 9 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Roaming => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.Devices.SafeRemovalRequired -- PKEY_Devices_SafeRemovalRequired /// Description: Indicates if a device requires safe removal or not /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {AFD97640-86A3-4210-B67C-289C41AABE55}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SafeRemovalRequired => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{AFD97640-86A3-4210-B67C-289C41AABE55}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Devices.SharedTooltip -- PKEY_Devices_SharedTooltip /// Description: Tooltip for sharing state /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {880F70A2-6082-47AC-8AAB-A739D1A300C3}, 151 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SharedTooltip => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{880F70A2-6082-47AC-8AAB-A739D1A300C3}"), 151); /// /// Name: System.Devices.SignalStrength -- PKEY_Devices_SignalStrength /// Description: Device signal strength. /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SignalStrength => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Status1 -- PKEY_Devices_Status1 /// Description: 1st line of device status. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 257 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Status1 => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}"), 257); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Status2 -- PKEY_Devices_Status2 /// Description: 2nd line of device status. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 258 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Status2 => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}"), 258); /// /// Name: System.Devices.StorageCapacity -- PKEY_Devices_StorageCapacity /// Description: Total storage capacity of the device. /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 12 /// public static PROPERTYKEY StorageCapacity => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 12); /// /// Name: System.Devices.StorageFreeSpace -- PKEY_Devices_StorageFreeSpace /// Description: Total free space of the storage of the device. /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 13 /// public static PROPERTYKEY StorageFreeSpace => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 13); /// /// Name: System.Devices.StorageFreeSpacePercent -- PKEY_Devices_StorageFreeSpacePercent /// Description: Total free space of the storage of the device as a percentage. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 14 /// public static PROPERTYKEY StorageFreeSpacePercent => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 14); /// /// Name: System.Devices.TextMessages -- PKEY_Devices_TextMessages /// Description: Number of unread text messages on the device. /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TextMessages => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Voicemail -- PKEY_Devices_Voicemail /// Description: Status indicator used to indicate if the device has voicemail. /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 6 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Voicemail => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}"), 6); /// Notifications Properties public static class Notifications { /// /// Name: System.Devices.Notifications.LowBattery -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_LowBattery /// Description: Device Low Battery Notification. /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {C4C07F2B-8524-4E66-AE3A-A6235F103BEB}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LowBattery => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C4C07F2B-8524-4E66-AE3A-A6235F103BEB}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Notifications.MissedCall -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_MissedCall /// Description: Device Missed Call Notification. /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {6614EF48-4EFE-4424-9EDA-C79F404EDF3E}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MissedCall => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6614EF48-4EFE-4424-9EDA-C79F404EDF3E}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Notifications.NewMessage -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_NewMessage /// Description: Device New Message Notification. /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {2BE9260A-2012-4742-A555-F41B638B7DCB}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY NewMessage => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{2BE9260A-2012-4742-A555-F41B638B7DCB}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Notifications.NewVoicemail -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_NewVoicemail /// Description: Device Voicemail Notification. /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {59569556-0A08-4212-95B9-FAE2AD6413DB}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY NewVoicemail => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{59569556-0A08-4212-95B9-FAE2AD6413DB}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Notifications.StorageFull -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_StorageFull /// Description: Device Storage Full Notification. /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: {A0E00EE1-F0C7-4D41-B8E7-26A7BD8D38B0}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY StorageFull => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A0E00EE1-F0C7-4D41-B8E7-26A7BD8D38B0}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Devices.Notifications.StorageFullLinkText -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_StorageFullLinkText /// Description: Link Text for the Device Storage Full Notification. /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: {A0E00EE1-F0C7-4D41-B8E7-26A7BD8D38B0}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY StorageFullLinkText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A0E00EE1-F0C7-4D41-B8E7-26A7BD8D38B0}"), 3); } } /// Document Properties public static class Document { /// /// Name: System.Document.ByteCount -- PKEY_Document_ByteCount /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 4 (PIDDSI_BYTECOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY ByteCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.Document.CharacterCount -- PKEY_Document_CharacterCount /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 16 (PIDSI_CHARCOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY CharacterCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 16); /// /// Name: System.Document.ClientID -- PKEY_Document_ClientID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {276D7BB0-5B34-4FB0-AA4B-158ED12A1809}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ClientID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{276D7BB0-5B34-4FB0-AA4B-158ED12A1809}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Document.Contributor -- PKEY_Document_Contributor /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {F334115E-DA1B-4509-9B3D-119504DC7ABB}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Contributor => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F334115E-DA1B-4509-9B3D-119504DC7ABB}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Document.DateCreated -- PKEY_Document_DateCreated /// Description: This property is stored in the document, not obtained from the file system. /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 12 (PIDSI_CREATE_DTM) /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateCreated => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 12); /// /// Name: System.Document.DatePrinted -- PKEY_Document_DatePrinted /// Description: Legacy name: "DocLastPrinted". /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 11 (PIDSI_LASTPRINTED) /// public static PROPERTYKEY DatePrinted => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 11); /// /// Name: System.Document.DateSaved -- PKEY_Document_DateSaved /// Description: Legacy name: "DocLastSavedTm". /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 13 (PIDSI_LASTSAVE_DTM) /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateSaved => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 13); /// /// Name: System.Document.Division -- PKEY_Document_Division /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {1E005EE6-BF27-428B-B01C-79676ACD2870}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Division => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{1E005EE6-BF27-428B-B01C-79676ACD2870}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Document.DocumentID -- PKEY_Document_DocumentID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E08805C8-E395-40DF-80D2-54F0D6C43154}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DocumentID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E08805C8-E395-40DF-80D2-54F0D6C43154}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Document.HiddenSlideCount -- PKEY_Document_HiddenSlideCount /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 9 (PIDDSI_HIDDENCOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY HiddenSlideCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.Document.LastAuthor -- PKEY_Document_LastAuthor /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 8 (PIDSI_LASTAUTHOR) /// public static PROPERTYKEY LastAuthor => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 8); /// /// Name: System.Document.LineCount -- PKEY_Document_LineCount /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 5 (PIDDSI_LINECOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY LineCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.Document.Manager -- PKEY_Document_Manager /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 14 (PIDDSI_MANAGER) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Manager => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 14); /// /// Name: System.Document.MultimediaClipCount -- PKEY_Document_MultimediaClipCount /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 10 (PIDDSI_MMCLIPCOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY MultimediaClipCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 10); /// /// Name: System.Document.NoteCount -- PKEY_Document_NoteCount /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 8 (PIDDSI_NOTECOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY NoteCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 8); /// /// Name: System.Document.PageCount -- PKEY_Document_PageCount /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 14 (PIDSI_PAGECOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY PageCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 14); /// /// Name: System.Document.ParagraphCount -- PKEY_Document_ParagraphCount /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 6 (PIDDSI_PARCOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY ParagraphCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.Document.PresentationFormat -- PKEY_Document_PresentationFormat /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 3 (PIDDSI_PRESFORMAT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY PresentationFormat => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Document.RevisionNumber -- PKEY_Document_RevisionNumber /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 9 (PIDSI_REVNUMBER) /// public static PROPERTYKEY RevisionNumber => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.Document.Security -- PKEY_Document_Security /// Description: Access control information, from SummaryInfo propset /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 19 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Security => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 19); /// /// Name: System.Document.SlideCount -- PKEY_Document_SlideCount /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 7 (PIDDSI_SLIDECOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY SlideCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 7); /// /// Name: System.Document.Template -- PKEY_Document_Template /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 7 (PIDSI_TEMPLATE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Template => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 7); /// /// Name: System.Document.TotalEditingTime -- PKEY_Document_TotalEditingTime /// Description: 100ns units, not milliseconds. VT_FILETIME for IPropertySetStorage handlers (legacy) /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 10 (PIDSI_EDITTIME) /// public static PROPERTYKEY TotalEditingTime => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 10); /// /// Name: System.Document.Version -- PKEY_Document_Version /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 29 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Version => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"), 29); /// /// Name: System.Document.WordCount -- PKEY_Document_WordCount /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 15 (PIDSI_WORDCOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY WordCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}"), 15); } /// DRM Properties public static class DRM { /// /// Name: System.DRM.DatePlayExpires -- PKEY_DRM_DatePlayExpires /// Description: Indicates when play expires for digital rights management. /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 6 (PIDDRSI_PLAYEXPIRES) /// public static PROPERTYKEY DatePlayExpires => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.DRM.DatePlayStarts -- PKEY_DRM_DatePlayStarts /// Description: Indicates when play starts for digital rights management. /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 5 (PIDDRSI_PLAYSTARTS) /// public static PROPERTYKEY DatePlayStarts => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.DRM.Description -- PKEY_DRM_Description /// Description: Displays the description for digital rights management. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 3 (PIDDRSI_DESCRIPTION) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Description => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.DRM.IsProtected -- PKEY_DRM_IsProtected /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 2 (PIDDRSI_PROTECTED) /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsProtected => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.DRM.PlayCount -- PKEY_DRM_PlayCount /// Description: Indicates the play count for digital rights management. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 4 (PIDDRSI_PLAYCOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY PlayCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}"), 4); } /// GPS Properties public static class GPS { /// /// Name: System.GPS.Altitude -- PKEY_GPS_Altitude /// /// Description: Indicates the altitude based on the reference in PKEY_GPS_AltitudeRef. Calculated from /// PKEY_GPS_AltitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_AltitudeDenominator /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {827EDB4F-5B73-44A7-891D-FDFFABEA35CA}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Altitude => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{827EDB4F-5B73-44A7-891D-FDFFABEA35CA}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.AltitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_AltitudeDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Altitude /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {78342DCB-E358-4145-AE9A-6BFE4E0F9F51}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AltitudeDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{78342DCB-E358-4145-AE9A-6BFE4E0F9F51}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.AltitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_AltitudeNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Altitude /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {2DAD1EB7-816D-40D3-9EC3-C9773BE2AADE}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AltitudeNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{2DAD1EB7-816D-40D3-9EC3-C9773BE2AADE}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.AltitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_AltitudeRef /// /// Description: Indicates the reference for the altitude property. (eg: above sea level, below sea level, absolute value) /// /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: {46AC629D-75EA-4515-867F-6DC4321C5844}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AltitudeRef => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{46AC629D-75EA-4515-867F-6DC4321C5844}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.AreaInformation -- PKEY_GPS_AreaInformation /// Description: Represents the name of the GPS area /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {972E333E-AC7E-49F1-8ADF-A70D07A9BCAB}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AreaInformation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{972E333E-AC7E-49F1-8ADF-A70D07A9BCAB}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.Date -- PKEY_GPS_Date /// Description: Date and time of the GPS record /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {3602C812-0F3B-45F0-85AD-603468D69423}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Date => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{3602C812-0F3B-45F0-85AD-603468D69423}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestBearing -- PKEY_GPS_DestBearing /// /// Description: Indicates the bearing to the destination point. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_DestBearingNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DestBearingDenominator. /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {C66D4B3C-E888-47CC-B99F-9DCA3EE34DEA}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestBearing => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C66D4B3C-E888-47CC-B99F-9DCA3EE34DEA}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestBearingDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DestBearingDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DestBearing /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {7ABCF4F8-7C3F-4988-AC91-8D2C2E97ECA5}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestBearingDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7ABCF4F8-7C3F-4988-AC91-8D2C2E97ECA5}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestBearingNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DestBearingNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DestBearing /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {BA3B1DA9-86EE-4B5D-A2A4-A271A429F0CF}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestBearingNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{BA3B1DA9-86EE-4B5D-A2A4-A271A429F0CF}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestBearingRef -- PKEY_GPS_DestBearingRef /// /// Description: Indicates the reference used for the giving the bearing to the destination point. (eg: true direction, /// magnetic direction) /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {9AB84393-2A0F-4B75-BB22-7279786977CB}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestBearingRef => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9AB84393-2A0F-4B75-BB22-7279786977CB}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestDistance -- PKEY_GPS_DestDistance /// /// Description: Indicates the distance to the destination point. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceDenominator. /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {A93EAE04-6804-4F24-AC81-09B266452118}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestDistance => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A93EAE04-6804-4F24-AC81-09B266452118}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestDistanceDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DestDistance /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {9BC2C99B-AC71-4127-9D1C-2596D0D7DCB7}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestDistanceDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9BC2C99B-AC71-4127-9D1C-2596D0D7DCB7}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestDistanceNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DestDistance /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {2BDA47DA-08C6-4FE1-80BC-A72FC517C5D0}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestDistanceNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{2BDA47DA-08C6-4FE1-80BC-A72FC517C5D0}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestDistanceRef -- PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceRef /// /// Description: Indicates the unit used to express the distance to the destination. (eg: kilometers, miles, knots) /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {ED4DF2D3-8695-450B-856F-F5C1C53ACB66}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestDistanceRef => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{ED4DF2D3-8695-450B-856F-F5C1C53ACB66}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestLatitude -- PKEY_GPS_DestLatitude /// /// Description: Indicates the latitude of the destination point. This is an array of three values. Index 0 is the /// degrees, index 1 is the minutes, index 2 is the seconds. Each is calculated from the values in /// PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeDenominator. /// /// Type: Multivalue Double -- VT_VECTOR | VT_R8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_R8) /// FormatID: {9D1D7CC5-5C39-451C-86B3-928E2D18CC47}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestLatitude => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9D1D7CC5-5C39-451C-86B3-928E2D18CC47}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestLatitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DestLatitude /// Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) /// FormatID: {3A372292-7FCA-49A7-99D5-E47BB2D4E7AB}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestLatitudeDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{3A372292-7FCA-49A7-99D5-E47BB2D4E7AB}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestLatitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DestLatitude /// Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) /// FormatID: {ECF4B6F6-D5A6-433C-BB92-4076650FC890}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestLatitudeNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{ECF4B6F6-D5A6-433C-BB92-4076650FC890}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestLatitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeRef /// Description: Indicates whether the latitude destination point is north or south latitude /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {CEA820B9-CE61-4885-A128-005D9087C192}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestLatitudeRef => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{CEA820B9-CE61-4885-A128-005D9087C192}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestLongitude -- PKEY_GPS_DestLongitude /// /// Description: Indicates the latitude of the destination point. This is an array of three values. Index 0 is the /// degrees, index 1 is the minutes, index 2 is the seconds. Each is calculated from the values in /// PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeDenominator. /// /// Type: Multivalue Double -- VT_VECTOR | VT_R8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_R8) /// FormatID: {47A96261-CB4C-4807-8AD3-40B9D9DBC6BC}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestLongitude => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{47A96261-CB4C-4807-8AD3-40B9D9DBC6BC}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestLongitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DestLongitude /// Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) /// FormatID: {425D69E5-48AD-4900-8D80-6EB6B8D0AC86}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestLongitudeDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{425D69E5-48AD-4900-8D80-6EB6B8D0AC86}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestLongitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DestLongitude /// Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) /// FormatID: {A3250282-FB6D-48D5-9A89-DBCACE75CCCF}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestLongitudeNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A3250282-FB6D-48D5-9A89-DBCACE75CCCF}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DestLongitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeRef /// Description: Indicates whether the longitude destination point is east or west longitude /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {182C1EA6-7C1C-4083-AB4B-AC6C9F4ED128}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DestLongitudeRef => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{182C1EA6-7C1C-4083-AB4B-AC6C9F4ED128}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.Differential -- PKEY_GPS_Differential /// Description: Indicates whether differential correction was applied to the GPS receiver /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: {AAF4EE25-BD3B-4DD7-BFC4-47F77BB00F6D}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Differential => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{AAF4EE25-BD3B-4DD7-BFC4-47F77BB00F6D}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DOP -- PKEY_GPS_DOP /// /// Description: Indicates the GPS DOP (data degree of precision). Calculated from PKEY_GPS_DOPNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DOPDenominator /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {0CF8FB02-1837-42F1-A697-A7017AA289B9}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DOP => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0CF8FB02-1837-42F1-A697-A7017AA289B9}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DOPDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DOPDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DOP /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {A0BE94C5-50BA-487B-BD35-0654BE8881ED}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DOPDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A0BE94C5-50BA-487B-BD35-0654BE8881ED}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.DOPNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DOPNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DOP /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {47166B16-364F-4AA0-9F31-E2AB3DF449C3}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DOPNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{47166B16-364F-4AA0-9F31-E2AB3DF449C3}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.ImgDirection -- PKEY_GPS_ImgDirection /// /// Description: Indicates direction of the image when it was captured. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionNumerator /// and PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionDenominator. /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {16473C91-D017-4ED9-BA4D-B6BAA55DBCF8}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ImgDirection => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{16473C91-D017-4ED9-BA4D-B6BAA55DBCF8}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.ImgDirectionDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_ImgDirection /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {10B24595-41A2-4E20-93C2-5761C1395F32}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ImgDirectionDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{10B24595-41A2-4E20-93C2-5761C1395F32}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.ImgDirectionNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_ImgDirection /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {DC5877C7-225F-45F7-BAC7-E81334B6130A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ImgDirectionNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DC5877C7-225F-45F7-BAC7-E81334B6130A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.ImgDirectionRef -- PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionRef /// /// Description: Indicates reference for giving the direction of the image when it was captured. (eg: true direction, /// magnetic direction) /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {A4AAA5B7-1AD0-445F-811A-0F8F6E67F6B5}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ImgDirectionRef => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A4AAA5B7-1AD0-445F-811A-0F8F6E67F6B5}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.Latitude -- PKEY_GPS_Latitude /// /// Description: Indicates the latitude. This is an array of three values. Index 0 is the degrees, index 1 is the /// minutes, index 2 is the seconds. Each is calculated from the values in PKEY_GPS_LatitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_LatitudeDenominator. /// /// Type: Multivalue Double -- VT_VECTOR | VT_R8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_R8) /// FormatID: {8727CFFF-4868-4EC6-AD5B-81B98521D1AB}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Latitude => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8727CFFF-4868-4EC6-AD5B-81B98521D1AB}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.LatitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_LatitudeDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Latitude /// Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) /// FormatID: {16E634EE-2BFF-497B-BD8A-4341AD39EEB9}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LatitudeDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{16E634EE-2BFF-497B-BD8A-4341AD39EEB9}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.LatitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_LatitudeNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Latitude /// Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) /// FormatID: {7DDAAAD1-CCC8-41AE-B750-B2CB8031AEA2}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LatitudeNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7DDAAAD1-CCC8-41AE-B750-B2CB8031AEA2}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.LatitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_LatitudeRef /// Description: Indicates whether latitude is north or south latitude /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {029C0252-5B86-46C7-ACA0-2769FFC8E3D4}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LatitudeRef => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{029C0252-5B86-46C7-ACA0-2769FFC8E3D4}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.Longitude -- PKEY_GPS_Longitude /// /// Description: Indicates the longitude. This is an array of three values. Index 0 is the degrees, index 1 is the /// minutes, index 2 is the seconds. Each is calculated from the values in PKEY_GPS_LongitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_LongitudeDenominator. /// /// Type: Multivalue Double -- VT_VECTOR | VT_R8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_R8) /// FormatID: {C4C4DBB2-B593-466B-BBDA-D03D27D5E43A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Longitude => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C4C4DBB2-B593-466B-BBDA-D03D27D5E43A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.LongitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_LongitudeDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Longitude /// Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) /// FormatID: {BE6E176C-4534-4D2C-ACE5-31DEDAC1606B}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LongitudeDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{BE6E176C-4534-4D2C-ACE5-31DEDAC1606B}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.LongitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_LongitudeNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Longitude /// Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) /// FormatID: {02B0F689-A914-4E45-821D-1DDA452ED2C4}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LongitudeNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{02B0F689-A914-4E45-821D-1DDA452ED2C4}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.LongitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_LongitudeRef /// Description: Indicates whether longitude is east or west longitude /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {33DCF22B-28D5-464C-8035-1EE9EFD25278}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LongitudeRef => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{33DCF22B-28D5-464C-8035-1EE9EFD25278}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.MapDatum -- PKEY_GPS_MapDatum /// Description: Indicates the geodetic survey data used by the GPS receiver /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {2CA2DAE6-EDDC-407D-BEF1-773942ABFA95}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MapDatum => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{2CA2DAE6-EDDC-407D-BEF1-773942ABFA95}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.MeasureMode -- PKEY_GPS_MeasureMode /// Description: Indicates the GPS measurement mode. (eg: 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional) /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {A015ED5D-AAEA-4D58-8A86-3C586920EA0B}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MeasureMode => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A015ED5D-AAEA-4D58-8A86-3C586920EA0B}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.ProcessingMethod -- PKEY_GPS_ProcessingMethod /// Description: Indicates the name of the method used for location finding /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {59D49E61-840F-4AA9-A939-E2099B7F6399}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ProcessingMethod => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{59D49E61-840F-4AA9-A939-E2099B7F6399}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.Satellites -- PKEY_GPS_Satellites /// Description: Indicates the GPS satellites used for measurements /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {467EE575-1F25-4557-AD4E-B8B58B0D9C15}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Satellites => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{467EE575-1F25-4557-AD4E-B8B58B0D9C15}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.Speed -- PKEY_GPS_Speed /// /// Description: Indicates the speed of the GPS receiver movement. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_SpeedNumerator and PKEY_GPS_SpeedDenominator. /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {DA5D0862-6E76-4E1B-BABD-70021BD25494}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Speed => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DA5D0862-6E76-4E1B-BABD-70021BD25494}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.SpeedDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_SpeedDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Speed /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {7D122D5A-AE5E-4335-8841-D71E7CE72F53}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SpeedDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7D122D5A-AE5E-4335-8841-D71E7CE72F53}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.SpeedNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_SpeedNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Speed /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {ACC9CE3D-C213-4942-8B48-6D0820F21C6D}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SpeedNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{ACC9CE3D-C213-4942-8B48-6D0820F21C6D}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.SpeedRef -- PKEY_GPS_SpeedRef /// /// Description: Indicates the unit used to express the speed of the GPS receiver movement. (eg: kilometers per hour, /// miles per hour, knots). /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {ECF7F4C9-544F-4D6D-9D98-8AD79ADAF453}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SpeedRef => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{ECF7F4C9-544F-4D6D-9D98-8AD79ADAF453}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.Status -- PKEY_GPS_Status /// /// Description: Indicates the status of the GPS receiver when the image was recorded. (eg: measurement in progress, /// measurement interoperability). /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {125491F4-818F-46B2-91B5-D537753617B2}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Status => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{125491F4-818F-46B2-91B5-D537753617B2}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.Track -- PKEY_GPS_Track /// /// Description: Indicates the direction of the GPS receiver movement. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_TrackNumerator and PKEY_GPS_TrackDenominator. /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {76C09943-7C33-49E3-9E7E-CDBA872CFADA}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Track => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{76C09943-7C33-49E3-9E7E-CDBA872CFADA}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.TrackDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_TrackDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Track /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {C8D1920C-01F6-40C0-AC86-2F3A4AD00770}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TrackDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C8D1920C-01F6-40C0-AC86-2F3A4AD00770}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.TrackNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_TrackNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Track /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {702926F4-44A6-43E1-AE71-45627116893B}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TrackNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{702926F4-44A6-43E1-AE71-45627116893B}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.TrackRef -- PKEY_GPS_TrackRef /// /// Description: Indicates reference for the direction of the GPS receiver movement. (eg: true direction, magnetic direction) /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {35DBE6FE-44C3-4400-AAAE-D2C799C407E8}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TrackRef => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{35DBE6FE-44C3-4400-AAAE-D2C799C407E8}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.GPS.VersionID -- PKEY_GPS_VersionID /// Description: Indicates the version of the GPS information /// Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) /// FormatID: {22704DA4-C6B2-4A99-8E56-F16DF8C92599}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY VersionID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{22704DA4-C6B2-4A99-8E56-F16DF8C92599}"), 100); } /// Identity Properties public static class Identity { /// /// Name: System.Identity.Blob -- PKEY_Identity_Blob /// Description: Blob used to import/export identities /// Type: Blob -- VT_BLOB /// FormatID: {8C3B93A4-BAED-1A83-9A32-102EE313F6EB}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Blob => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8C3B93A4-BAED-1A83-9A32-102EE313F6EB}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Identity.DisplayName -- PKEY_Identity_DisplayName /// Description: Display Name /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {7D683FC9-D155-45A8-BB1F-89D19BCB792F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DisplayName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7D683FC9-D155-45A8-BB1F-89D19BCB792F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Identity.IsMeIdentity -- PKEY_Identity_IsMeIdentity /// Description: Is it Me Identity /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {A4108708-09DF-4377-9DFC-6D99986D5A67}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsMeIdentity => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A4108708-09DF-4377-9DFC-6D99986D5A67}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Identity.PrimaryEmailAddress -- PKEY_Identity_PrimaryEmailAddress /// Description: Primary Email Address /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {FCC16823-BAED-4F24-9B32-A0982117F7FA}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PrimaryEmailAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{FCC16823-BAED-4F24-9B32-A0982117F7FA}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Identity.ProviderID -- PKEY_Identity_ProviderID /// Description: Provider ID /// Type: Guid -- VT_CLSID /// FormatID: {74A7DE49-FA11-4D3D-A006-DB7E08675916}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ProviderID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{74A7DE49-FA11-4D3D-A006-DB7E08675916}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Identity.UniqueID -- PKEY_Identity_UniqueID /// Description: Unique ID /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E55FC3B0-2B60-4220-918E-B21E8BF16016}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY UniqueID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E55FC3B0-2B60-4220-918E-B21E8BF16016}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Identity.UserName -- PKEY_Identity_UserName /// Description: Identity User Name /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C4322503-78CA-49C6-9ACC-A68E2AFD7B6B}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY UserName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C4322503-78CA-49C6-9ACC-A68E2AFD7B6B}"), 100); } /// IdentityProvider Properties public static class IdentityProvider { /// /// Name: System.IdentityProvider.Name -- PKEY_IdentityProvider_Name /// Description: Identity Provider Name /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {B96EFF7B-35CA-4A35-8607-29E3A54C46EA}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Name => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B96EFF7B-35CA-4A35-8607-29E3A54C46EA}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.IdentityProvider.Picture -- PKEY_IdentityProvider_Picture /// Description: Picture for the Identity Provider /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {2425166F-5642-4864-992F-98FD98F294C3}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Picture => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{2425166F-5642-4864-992F-98FD98F294C3}"), 100); } /// Image Properties public static class Image { /// /// Name: System.Image.BitDepth -- PKEY_Image_BitDepth /// Description: /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 7 (PIDISI_BITDEPTH) /// public static PROPERTYKEY BitDepth => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 7); /// /// Name: System.Image.ColorSpace -- PKEY_Image_ColorSpace /// Description: PropertyTagExifColorSpace /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 40961 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ColorSpace => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 40961); /// /// Name: System.Image.CompressedBitsPerPixel -- PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixel /// /// Description: Calculated from PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixelNumerator and PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixelDenominator. /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {364B6FA9-37AB-482A-BE2B-AE02F60D4318}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CompressedBitsPerPixel => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{364B6FA9-37AB-482A-BE2B-AE02F60D4318}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Image.CompressedBitsPerPixelDenominator -- PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixelDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixel. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {1F8844E1-24AD-4508-9DFD-5326A415CE02}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CompressedBitsPerPixelDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{1F8844E1-24AD-4508-9DFD-5326A415CE02}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Image.CompressedBitsPerPixelNumerator -- PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixelNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixel. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {D21A7148-D32C-4624-8900-277210F79C0F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CompressedBitsPerPixelNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D21A7148-D32C-4624-8900-277210F79C0F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Image.Compression -- PKEY_Image_Compression /// Description: Indicates the image compression level. PropertyTagCompression. /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 259 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Compression => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 259); /// /// Name: System.Image.CompressionText -- PKEY_Image_CompressionText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Image.Compression. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {3F08E66F-2F44-4BB9-A682-AC35D2562322}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CompressionText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{3F08E66F-2F44-4BB9-A682-AC35D2562322}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Image.Dimensions -- PKEY_Image_Dimensions /// Description: Indicates the dimensions of the image. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 13 (PIDISI_DIMENSIONS) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Dimensions => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 13); /// /// Name: System.Image.HorizontalResolution -- PKEY_Image_HorizontalResolution /// Description: /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 5 (PIDISI_RESOLUTIONX) /// public static PROPERTYKEY HorizontalResolution => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.Image.HorizontalSize -- PKEY_Image_HorizontalSize /// Description: /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 3 (PIDISI_CX) /// public static PROPERTYKEY HorizontalSize => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Image.ImageID -- PKEY_Image_ImageID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {10DABE05-32AA-4C29-BF1A-63E2D220587F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ImageID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{10DABE05-32AA-4C29-BF1A-63E2D220587F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Image.ResolutionUnit -- PKEY_Image_ResolutionUnit /// Description: /// Type: Int16 -- VT_I2 /// FormatID: {19B51FA6-1F92-4A5C-AB48-7DF0ABD67444}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ResolutionUnit => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{19B51FA6-1F92-4A5C-AB48-7DF0ABD67444}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Image.VerticalResolution -- PKEY_Image_VerticalResolution /// Description: /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 6 (PIDISI_RESOLUTIONY) /// public static PROPERTYKEY VerticalResolution => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.Image.VerticalSize -- PKEY_Image_VerticalSize /// Description: /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 4 (PIDISI_CY) /// public static PROPERTYKEY VerticalSize => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 4); } /// Journal Properties public static class Journal { /// /// Name: System.Journal.Contacts -- PKEY_Journal_Contacts /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {DEA7C82C-1D89-4A66-9427-A4E3DEBABCB1}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Contacts => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DEA7C82C-1D89-4A66-9427-A4E3DEBABCB1}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Journal.EntryType -- PKEY_Journal_EntryType /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {95BEB1FC-326D-4644-B396-CD3ED90E6DDF}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY EntryType => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{95BEB1FC-326D-4644-B396-CD3ED90E6DDF}"), 100); } /// LayoutPattern Properties public static class LayoutPattern { /// /// Name: System.LayoutPattern.ContentViewModeForBrowse -- PKEY_LayoutPattern_ContentViewModeForBrowse /// /// Description: Specifies the layout pattern that the content view mode should apply for this item in the context of /// browsing. Register the regvalue under the name of "ContentViewModeLayoutPatternForBrowse". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 500 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContentViewModeForBrowse => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 500); /// /// Name: System.LayoutPattern.ContentViewModeForSearch -- PKEY_LayoutPattern_ContentViewModeForSearch /// /// Description: Specifies the layout pattern that the content view mode should apply for this item in the context of /// searching. Register the regvalue under the name of "ContentViewModeLayoutPatternForSearch". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 501 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContentViewModeForSearch => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 501); } /// Link Properties public static class Link { /// /// Name: System.Link.Arguments -- PKEY_Link_Arguments /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {436F2667-14E2-4FEB-B30A-146C53B5B674}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Arguments => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{436F2667-14E2-4FEB-B30A-146C53B5B674}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Link.Comment -- PKEY_Link_Comment /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_LINK) {B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}, 5 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Comment => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.Link.DateVisited -- PKEY_Link_DateVisited /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {5CBF2787-48CF-4208-B90E-EE5E5D420294}, 23 (PKEYs relating to URLs. Used by IE History.) /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateVisited => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5CBF2787-48CF-4208-B90E-EE5E5D420294}"), 23); /// /// Name: System.Link.Description -- PKEY_Link_Description /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {5CBF2787-48CF-4208-B90E-EE5E5D420294}, 21 (PKEYs relating to URLs. Used by IE History.) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Description => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5CBF2787-48CF-4208-B90E-EE5E5D420294}"), 21); /// /// Name: System.Link.Status -- PKEY_Link_Status /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (PSGUID_LINK) {B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}, 3 (PID_LINK_TARGET_TYPE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Status => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Link.TargetExtension -- PKEY_Link_TargetExtension /// Description: The file extension of the link target. See System.File.Extension /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {7A7D76F4-B630-4BD7-95FF-37CC51A975C9}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TargetExtension => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7A7D76F4-B630-4BD7-95FF-37CC51A975C9}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Link.TargetParsingPath -- PKEY_Link_TargetParsingPath /// /// Description: This is the shell namespace path to the target of the link item. This path may be passed to /// SHParseDisplayName to parse the path to the correct shell folder. If the target item is a file, the value is /// identical to System.ItemPathDisplay. If the target item cannot be accessed through the shell namespace, this value is VT_EMPTY. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_LINK) {B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}, 2 (PID_LINK_TARGET) /// public static PROPERTYKEY TargetParsingPath => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Link.TargetSFGAOFlags -- PKEY_Link_TargetSFGAOFlags /// /// Description: IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf flags for the target of a link, with SFGAO_PKEYSFGAOMASK attributes masked out. /// /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (PSGUID_LINK) {B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}, 8 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TargetSFGAOFlags => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}"), 8); /// /// Name: System.Link.TargetSFGAOFlagsStrings -- PKEY_Link_TargetSFGAOFlagsStrings /// /// Description: Expresses the SFGAO flags of a link as string values and is used as a query optimization. See /// PKEY_Shell_SFGAOFlagsStrings for possible values of this. /// /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D6942081-D53B-443D-AD47-5E059D9CD27A}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TargetSFGAOFlagsStrings => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D6942081-D53B-443D-AD47-5E059D9CD27A}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Link.TargetUrl -- PKEY_Link_TargetUrl /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {5CBF2787-48CF-4208-B90E-EE5E5D420294}, 2 (PKEYs relating to URLs. Used by IE History.) /// public static PROPERTYKEY TargetUrl => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{5CBF2787-48CF-4208-B90E-EE5E5D420294}"), 2); } /// Media Properties public static class Media { /// /// Name: System.Media.AuthorUrl -- PKEY_Media_AuthorUrl /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 32 (PIDMSI_AUTHOR_URL) /// public static PROPERTYKEY AuthorUrl => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 32); /// /// Name: System.Media.AverageLevel -- PKEY_Media_AverageLevel /// Description: /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {09EDD5B6-B301-43C5-9990-D00302EFFD46}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AverageLevel => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{09EDD5B6-B301-43C5-9990-D00302EFFD46}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Media.ClassPrimaryID -- PKEY_Media_ClassPrimaryID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 13 (PIDMSI_CLASS_PRIMARY_ID) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY ClassPrimaryID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 13); /// /// Name: System.Media.ClassSecondaryID -- PKEY_Media_ClassSecondaryID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 14 (PIDMSI_CLASS_SECONDARY_ID) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY ClassSecondaryID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 14); /// /// Name: System.Media.CollectionGroupID -- PKEY_Media_CollectionGroupID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 24 (PIDMSI_COLLECTION_GROUP_ID) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY CollectionGroupID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 24); /// /// Name: System.Media.CollectionID -- PKEY_Media_CollectionID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 25 (PIDMSI_COLLECTION_ID) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY CollectionID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 25); /// /// Name: System.Media.ContentDistributor -- PKEY_Media_ContentDistributor /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 18 (PIDMSI_CONTENTDISTRIBUTOR) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContentDistributor => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 18); /// /// Name: System.Media.ContentID -- PKEY_Media_ContentID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 26 (PIDMSI_CONTENT_ID) /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContentID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 26); /// /// Name: System.Media.CreatorApplication -- PKEY_Media_CreatorApplication /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 27 (PIDMSI_TOOL_NAME) /// public static PROPERTYKEY CreatorApplication => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 27); /// /// Name: System.Media.CreatorApplicationVersion -- PKEY_Media_CreatorApplicationVersion /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 28 (PIDMSI_TOOL_VERSION) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY CreatorApplicationVersion => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 28); /// /// Name: System.Media.DateEncoded -- PKEY_Media_DateEncoded /// Description: DateTime is in UTC (in the doc, not file system). /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {2E4B640D-5019-46D8-8881-55414CC5CAA0}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateEncoded => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{2E4B640D-5019-46D8-8881-55414CC5CAA0}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Media.DateReleased -- PKEY_Media_DateReleased /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {DE41CC29-6971-4290-B472-F59F2E2F31E2}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateReleased => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DE41CC29-6971-4290-B472-F59F2E2F31E2}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Media.Duration -- PKEY_Media_Duration /// Description: 100ns units, not milliseconds /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 3 (PIDASI_TIMELENGTH) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Duration => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Media.DVDID -- PKEY_Media_DVDID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 15 (PIDMSI_DVDID) /// public static PROPERTYKEY DVDID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 15); /// /// Name: System.Media.EncodedBy -- PKEY_Media_EncodedBy /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 36 (PIDMSI_ENCODED_BY) /// public static PROPERTYKEY EncodedBy => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 36); /// /// Name: System.Media.EncodingSettings -- PKEY_Media_EncodingSettings /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 37 (PIDMSI_ENCODING_SETTINGS) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY EncodingSettings => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 37); /// /// Name: System.Media.FrameCount -- PKEY_Media_FrameCount /// Description: Indicates the frame count for the image. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 12 (PIDISI_FRAMECOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY FrameCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 12); /// /// Name: System.Media.MCDI -- PKEY_Media_MCDI /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 16 (PIDMSI_MCDI) /// public static PROPERTYKEY MCDI => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 16); /// /// Name: System.Media.MetadataContentProvider -- PKEY_Media_MetadataContentProvider /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 17 (PIDMSI_PROVIDER) /// public static PROPERTYKEY MetadataContentProvider => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 17); /// /// Name: System.Media.Producer -- PKEY_Media_Producer /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 22 (PIDMSI_PRODUCER) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Producer => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 22); /// /// Name: System.Media.PromotionUrl -- PKEY_Media_PromotionUrl /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 33 (PIDMSI_PROMOTION_URL) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY PromotionUrl => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 33); /// /// Name: System.Media.ProtectionType -- PKEY_Media_ProtectionType /// Description: If media is protected, how is it protected? /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 38 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ProtectionType => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 38); /// /// Name: System.Media.ProviderRating -- PKEY_Media_ProviderRating /// Description: Rating (0 - 99) supplied by metadata provider /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 39 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ProviderRating => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 39); /// /// Name: System.Media.ProviderStyle -- PKEY_Media_ProviderStyle /// Description: Style of music or video, supplied by metadata provider /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 40 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ProviderStyle => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 40); /// /// Name: System.Media.Publisher -- PKEY_Media_Publisher /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 30 (PIDMSI_PUBLISHER) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Publisher => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 30); /// /// Name: System.Media.SubscriptionContentId -- PKEY_Media_SubscriptionContentId /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {9AEBAE7A-9644-487D-A92C-657585ED751A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SubscriptionContentId => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9AEBAE7A-9644-487D-A92C-657585ED751A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Media.SubTitle -- PKEY_Media_SubTitle /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 38 (PIDSI_MUSIC_SUB_TITLE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY SubTitle => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 38); /// /// Name: System.Media.UniqueFileIdentifier -- PKEY_Media_UniqueFileIdentifier /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 35 (PIDMSI_UNIQUE_FILE_IDENTIFIER) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY UniqueFileIdentifier => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 35); /// /// Name: System.Media.UserNoAutoInfo -- PKEY_Media_UserNoAutoInfo /// Description: If true, do NOT alter this file's metadata. Set by user. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 41 /// public static PROPERTYKEY UserNoAutoInfo => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 41); /// /// Name: System.Media.UserWebUrl -- PKEY_Media_UserWebUrl /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 34 (PIDMSI_USER_WEB_URL) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY UserWebUrl => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 34); /// /// Name: System.Media.Writer -- PKEY_Media_Writer /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 23 (PIDMSI_WRITER) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Writer => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 23); /// /// Name: System.Media.Year -- PKEY_Media_Year /// Description: /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 5 (PIDSI_MUSIC_YEAR) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Year => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 5); } /// Message Properties public static class Message { /// /// Name: System.Message.AttachmentContents -- PKEY_Message_AttachmentContents /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {3143BF7C-80A8-4854-8880-E2E40189BDD0}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AttachmentContents => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{3143BF7C-80A8-4854-8880-E2E40189BDD0}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Message.AttachmentNames -- PKEY_Message_AttachmentNames /// Description: The names of the attachments in a message /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 21 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AttachmentNames => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 21); /// /// Name: System.Message.BccAddress -- PKEY_Message_BccAddress /// Description: Addresses in Bcc: field /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BccAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Message.BccName -- PKEY_Message_BccName /// Description: person names in Bcc: field /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BccName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Message.CcAddress -- PKEY_Message_CcAddress /// Description: Addresses in Cc: field /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 4 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CcAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.Message.CcName -- PKEY_Message_CcName /// Description: person names in Cc: field /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 5 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CcName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.Message.ConversationID -- PKEY_Message_ConversationID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {DC8F80BD-AF1E-4289-85B6-3DFC1B493992}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ConversationID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DC8F80BD-AF1E-4289-85B6-3DFC1B493992}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Message.ConversationIndex -- PKEY_Message_ConversationIndex /// Description: /// Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) /// FormatID: {DC8F80BD-AF1E-4289-85B6-3DFC1B493992}, 101 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ConversationIndex => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DC8F80BD-AF1E-4289-85B6-3DFC1B493992}"), 101); /// /// Name: System.Message.DateReceived -- PKEY_Message_DateReceived /// Description: Date and Time communication was received /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 20 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateReceived => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 20); /// /// Name: System.Message.DateSent -- PKEY_Message_DateSent /// Description: Date and Time communication was sent /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 19 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateSent => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 19); /// /// Name: System.Message.Flags -- PKEY_Message_Flags /// /// Description: These are flags associated with email messages to know if a read receipt is pending, etc. The values /// stored here by Outlook are defined for PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS on MSDN. /// /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: {A82D9EE7-CA67-4312-965E-226BCEA85023}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Flags => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A82D9EE7-CA67-4312-965E-226BCEA85023}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Message.FromAddress -- PKEY_Message_FromAddress /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 13 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FromAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 13); /// /// Name: System.Message.FromName -- PKEY_Message_FromName /// Description: Address in from field as person name /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 14 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FromName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 14); /// /// Name: System.Message.HasAttachments -- PKEY_Message_HasAttachments /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {9C1FCF74-2D97-41BA-B4AE-CB2E3661A6E4}, 8 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HasAttachments => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9C1FCF74-2D97-41BA-B4AE-CB2E3661A6E4}"), 8); /// /// Name: System.Message.IsFwdOrReply -- PKEY_Message_IsFwdOrReply /// Description: /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: {9A9BC088-4F6D-469E-9919-E705412040F9}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsFwdOrReply => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9A9BC088-4F6D-469E-9919-E705412040F9}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Message.MessageClass -- PKEY_Message_MessageClass /// Description: What type of outlook msg this is (meeting, task, mail, etc.) /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {CD9ED458-08CE-418F-A70E-F912C7BB9C5C}, 103 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MessageClass => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{CD9ED458-08CE-418F-A70E-F912C7BB9C5C}"), 103); /// /// Name: System.Message.ProofInProgress -- PKEY_Message_ProofInProgress /// Description: This property will be true if the message junk email proofing is still in progress. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {9098F33C-9A7D-48A8-8DE5-2E1227A64E91}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ProofInProgress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9098F33C-9A7D-48A8-8DE5-2E1227A64E91}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Message.SenderAddress -- PKEY_Message_SenderAddress /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {0BE1C8E7-1981-4676-AE14-FDD78F05A6E7}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SenderAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0BE1C8E7-1981-4676-AE14-FDD78F05A6E7}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Message.SenderName -- PKEY_Message_SenderName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {0DA41CFA-D224-4A18-AE2F-596158DB4B3A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SenderName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0DA41CFA-D224-4A18-AE2F-596158DB4B3A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Message.Store -- PKEY_Message_Store /// Description: The store (aka protocol handler) FILE, MAIL, OUTLOOKEXPRESS /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 15 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Store => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 15); /// /// Name: System.Message.ToAddress -- PKEY_Message_ToAddress /// Description: Addresses in To: field /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 16 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ToAddress => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 16); /// /// Name: System.Message.ToDoFlags -- PKEY_Message_ToDoFlags /// /// Description: Flags associated with a message flagged to know if it's still active, if it was custom flagged, etc. /// /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: {1F856A9F-6900-4ABA-9505-2D5F1B4D66CB}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ToDoFlags => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{1F856A9F-6900-4ABA-9505-2D5F1B4D66CB}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Message.ToDoTitle -- PKEY_Message_ToDoTitle /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {BCCC8A3C-8CEF-42E5-9B1C-C69079398BC7}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ToDoTitle => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{BCCC8A3C-8CEF-42E5-9B1C-C69079398BC7}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Message.ToName -- PKEY_Message_ToName /// Description: Person names in To: field /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 17 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ToName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}"), 17); } /// Music Properties public static class Music { /// /// Name: System.Music.AlbumArtist -- PKEY_Music_AlbumArtist /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 13 (PIDSI_MUSIC_ALBUM_ARTIST) /// public static PROPERTYKEY AlbumArtist => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 13); /// /// Name: System.Music.AlbumID -- PKEY_Music_AlbumID /// /// Description: Concatenation of System.Music.AlbumArtist and System.Music.AlbumTitle, suitable for indexing and /// display. Used to differentiate albums with the same title from different artists. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AlbumID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Music.AlbumTitle -- PKEY_Music_AlbumTitle /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 4 (PIDSI_MUSIC_ALBUM) /// public static PROPERTYKEY AlbumTitle => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.Music.Artist -- PKEY_Music_Artist /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 2 (PIDSI_MUSIC_ARTIST) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Artist => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Music.BeatsPerMinute -- PKEY_Music_BeatsPerMinute /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 35 (PIDSI_MUSIC_BEATS_PER_MINUTE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY BeatsPerMinute => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 35); /// /// Name: System.Music.Composer -- PKEY_Music_Composer /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 19 (PIDMSI_COMPOSER) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Composer => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 19); /// /// Name: System.Music.Conductor -- PKEY_Music_Conductor /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 36 (PIDSI_MUSIC_CONDUCTOR) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Conductor => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 36); /// /// Name: System.Music.ContentGroupDescription -- PKEY_Music_ContentGroupDescription /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 33 (PIDSI_MUSIC_CONTENT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION) /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContentGroupDescription => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 33); /// /// Name: System.Music.DisplayArtist -- PKEY_Music_DisplayArtist /// /// Description: This property returns the best representation of Album Artist for a given music file based upon /// AlbumArtist, ContributingArtist and compilation info. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {FD122953-FA93-4EF7-92C3-04C946B2F7C8}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DisplayArtist => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{FD122953-FA93-4EF7-92C3-04C946B2F7C8}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Music.Genre -- PKEY_Music_Genre /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 11 (PIDSI_MUSIC_GENRE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Genre => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 11); /// /// Name: System.Music.InitialKey -- PKEY_Music_InitialKey /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 34 (PIDSI_MUSIC_INITIAL_KEY) /// public static PROPERTYKEY InitialKey => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 34); /// /// Name: System.Music.IsCompilation -- PKEY_Music_IsCompilation /// Description: Indicates whether the file is part of a compilation. /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {C449D5CB-9EA4-4809-82E8-AF9D59DED6D1}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsCompilation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C449D5CB-9EA4-4809-82E8-AF9D59DED6D1}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Music.Lyrics -- PKEY_Music_Lyrics /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 12 (PIDSI_MUSIC_LYRICS) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Lyrics => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 12); /// /// Name: System.Music.Mood -- PKEY_Music_Mood /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 39 (PIDSI_MUSIC_MOOD) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Mood => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 39); /// /// Name: System.Music.PartOfSet -- PKEY_Music_PartOfSet /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 37 (PIDSI_MUSIC_PART_OF_SET) /// public static PROPERTYKEY PartOfSet => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 37); /// /// Name: System.Music.Period -- PKEY_Music_Period /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 31 (PIDMSI_PERIOD) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Period => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 31); /// /// Name: System.Music.SynchronizedLyrics -- PKEY_Music_SynchronizedLyrics /// Description: /// Type: Blob -- VT_BLOB /// FormatID: {6B223B6A-162E-4AA9-B39F-05D678FC6D77}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SynchronizedLyrics => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6B223B6A-162E-4AA9-B39F-05D678FC6D77}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Music.TrackNumber -- PKEY_Music_TrackNumber /// Description: /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 7 (PIDSI_MUSIC_TRACK) /// public static PROPERTYKEY TrackNumber => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}"), 7); } /// Note Properties public static class Note { /// /// Name: System.Note.Color -- PKEY_Note_Color /// Description: /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: {4776CAFA-BCE4-4CB1-A23E-265E76D8EB11}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Color => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{4776CAFA-BCE4-4CB1-A23E-265E76D8EB11}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Note.ColorText -- PKEY_Note_ColorText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Note.Color. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {46B4E8DE-CDB2-440D-885C-1658EB65B914}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ColorText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{46B4E8DE-CDB2-440D-885C-1658EB65B914}"), 100); } /// Photo Properties public static class Photo { /// /// Name: System.Photo.Aperture -- PKEY_Photo_Aperture /// /// Description: PropertyTagExifAperture. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ApertureNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ApertureDenominator /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37378 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Aperture => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 37378); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ApertureDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ApertureDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_Aperture /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {E1A9A38B-6685-46BD-875E-570DC7AD7320}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ApertureDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E1A9A38B-6685-46BD-875E-570DC7AD7320}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ApertureNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ApertureNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_Aperture /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {0337ECEC-39FB-4581-A0BD-4C4CC51E9914}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ApertureNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0337ECEC-39FB-4581-A0BD-4C4CC51E9914}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.Brightness -- PKEY_Photo_Brightness /// /// Description: This is the brightness of the photo. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_BrightnessNumerator and /// PKEY_Photo_BrightnessDenominator. The units are "APEX", normally in the range of -99.99 to 99.99. If the numerator of /// the recorded value is FFFFFFFF.H, "Unknown" should be indicated. /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {1A701BF6-478C-4361-83AB-3701BB053C58}, 100 (PropertyTagExifBrightness) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Brightness => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{1A701BF6-478C-4361-83AB-3701BB053C58}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.BrightnessDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_BrightnessDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_Brightness /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {6EBE6946-2321-440A-90F0-C043EFD32476}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BrightnessDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6EBE6946-2321-440A-90F0-C043EFD32476}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.BrightnessNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_BrightnessNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_Brightness /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {9E7D118F-B314-45A0-8CFB-D654B917C9E9}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BrightnessNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9E7D118F-B314-45A0-8CFB-D654B917C9E9}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.CameraManufacturer -- PKEY_Photo_CameraManufacturer /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 271 (PropertyTagEquipMake) /// public static PROPERTYKEY CameraManufacturer => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 271); /// /// Name: System.Photo.CameraModel -- PKEY_Photo_CameraModel /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 272 (PropertyTagEquipModel) /// public static PROPERTYKEY CameraModel => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 272); /// /// Name: System.Photo.CameraSerialNumber -- PKEY_Photo_CameraSerialNumber /// Description: Serial number of camera that produced this photo /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 273 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CameraSerialNumber => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 273); /// /// Name: System.Photo.Contrast -- PKEY_Photo_Contrast /// /// Description: This indicates the direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. /// /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {2A785BA9-8D23-4DED-82E6-60A350C86A10}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Contrast => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{2A785BA9-8D23-4DED-82E6-60A350C86A10}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ContrastText -- PKEY_Photo_ContrastText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Contrast. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {59DDE9F2-5253-40EA-9A8B-479E96C6249A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContrastText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{59DDE9F2-5253-40EA-9A8B-479E96C6249A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.DateTaken -- PKEY_Photo_DateTaken /// Description: PropertyTagExifDTOrig /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 36867 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateTaken => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 36867); /// /// Name: System.Photo.DigitalZoom -- PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoom /// /// Description: PropertyTagExifDigitalZoom. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoomNumerator and PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoomDenominator /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {F85BF840-A925-4BC2-B0C4-8E36B598679E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DigitalZoom => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F85BF840-A925-4BC2-B0C4-8E36B598679E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.DigitalZoomDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoomDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoom /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {745BAF0E-E5C1-4CFB-8A1B-D031A0A52393}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DigitalZoomDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{745BAF0E-E5C1-4CFB-8A1B-D031A0A52393}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.DigitalZoomNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoomNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoom /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {16CBB924-6500-473B-A5BE-F1599BCBE413}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DigitalZoomNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{16CBB924-6500-473B-A5BE-F1599BCBE413}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.Event -- PKEY_Photo_Event /// Description: The event at which the photo was taken /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 18248 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Event => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 18248); /// /// Name: System.Photo.EXIFVersion -- PKEY_Photo_EXIFVersion /// Description: The EXIF version. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D35F743A-EB2E-47F2-A286-844132CB1427}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY EXIFVersion => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D35F743A-EB2E-47F2-A286-844132CB1427}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ExposureBias -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureBias /// /// Description: PropertyTagExifExposureBias. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ExposureBiasNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ExposureBiasDenominator /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37380 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExposureBias => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 37380); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ExposureBiasDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureBiasDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureBias /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: {AB205E50-04B7-461C-A18C-2F233836E627}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExposureBiasDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{AB205E50-04B7-461C-A18C-2F233836E627}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ExposureBiasNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureBiasNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureBias /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: {738BF284-1D87-420B-92CF-5834BF6EF9ED}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExposureBiasNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{738BF284-1D87-420B-92CF-5834BF6EF9ED}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ExposureIndex -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndex /// /// Description: PropertyTagExifExposureIndex. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndexNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndexDenominator /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {967B5AF8-995A-46ED-9E11-35B3C5B9782D}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExposureIndex => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{967B5AF8-995A-46ED-9E11-35B3C5B9782D}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ExposureIndexDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndexDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndex /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {93112F89-C28B-492F-8A9D-4BE2062CEE8A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExposureIndexDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{93112F89-C28B-492F-8A9D-4BE2062CEE8A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ExposureIndexNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndexNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndex /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {CDEDCF30-8919-44DF-8F4C-4EB2FFDB8D89}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExposureIndexNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{CDEDCF30-8919-44DF-8F4C-4EB2FFDB8D89}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ExposureProgram -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureProgram /// Description: /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 34850 (PropertyTagExifExposureProg) /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExposureProgram => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 34850); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ExposureProgramText -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureProgramText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.ExposureProgram. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {FEC690B7-5F30-4646-AE47-4CAAFBA884A3}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExposureProgramText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{FEC690B7-5F30-4646-AE47-4CAAFBA884A3}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ExposureTime -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureTime /// /// Description: PropertyTagExifExposureTime. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ExposureTimeNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ExposureTimeDenominator /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 33434 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExposureTime => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 33434); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ExposureTimeDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureTimeDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureTime /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {55E98597-AD16-42E0-B624-21599A199838}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExposureTimeDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{55E98597-AD16-42E0-B624-21599A199838}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ExposureTimeNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureTimeNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureTime /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {257E44E2-9031-4323-AC38-85C552871B2E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExposureTimeNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{257E44E2-9031-4323-AC38-85C552871B2E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.Flash -- PKEY_Photo_Flash /// Description: PropertyTagExifFlash /// Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37385 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Flash => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 37385); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FlashEnergy -- PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergy /// /// Description: PropertyTagExifFlashEnergy. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergyNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergyDenominator /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 41483 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FlashEnergy => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 41483); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FlashEnergyDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergyDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergy /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {D7B61C70-6323-49CD-A5FC-C84277162C97}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FlashEnergyDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D7B61C70-6323-49CD-A5FC-C84277162C97}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FlashEnergyNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergyNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergy /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {FCAD3D3D-0858-400F-AAA3-2F66CCE2A6BC}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FlashEnergyNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{FCAD3D3D-0858-400F-AAA3-2F66CCE2A6BC}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FlashManufacturer -- PKEY_Photo_FlashManufacturer /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {AABAF6C9-E0C5-4719-8585-57B103E584FE}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FlashManufacturer => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{AABAF6C9-E0C5-4719-8585-57B103E584FE}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FlashModel -- PKEY_Photo_FlashModel /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {FE83BB35-4D1A-42E2-916B-06F3E1AF719E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FlashModel => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{FE83BB35-4D1A-42E2-916B-06F3E1AF719E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FlashText -- PKEY_Photo_FlashText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Flash. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {6B8B68F6-200B-47EA-8D25-D8050F57339F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FlashText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6B8B68F6-200B-47EA-8D25-D8050F57339F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FNumber -- PKEY_Photo_FNumber /// Description: PropertyTagExifFNumber. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FNumberNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FNumberDenominator /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 33437 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FNumber => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 33437); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FNumberDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FNumberDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FNumber /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {E92A2496-223B-4463-A4E3-30EABBA79D80}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FNumberDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E92A2496-223B-4463-A4E3-30EABBA79D80}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FNumberNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FNumberNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FNumber /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {1B97738A-FDFC-462F-9D93-1957E08BE90C}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FNumberNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{1B97738A-FDFC-462F-9D93-1957E08BE90C}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FocalLength -- PKEY_Photo_FocalLength /// /// Description: PropertyTagExifFocalLength. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthDenominator /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37386 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FocalLength => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 37386); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FocalLengthDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FocalLength /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {305BC615-DCA1-44A5-9FD4-10C0BA79412E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FocalLengthDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{305BC615-DCA1-44A5-9FD4-10C0BA79412E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FocalLengthInFilm -- PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthInFilm /// Description: /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: {A0E74609-B84D-4F49-B860-462BD9971F98}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FocalLengthInFilm => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A0E74609-B84D-4F49-B860-462BD9971F98}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FocalLengthNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FocalLength /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {776B6B3B-1E3D-4B0C-9A0E-8FBAF2A8492A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FocalLengthNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{776B6B3B-1E3D-4B0C-9A0E-8FBAF2A8492A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneXResolution -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolution /// /// Description: PropertyTagExifFocalXRes. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionDenominator. /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {CFC08D97-C6F7-4484-89DD-EBEF4356FE76}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FocalPlaneXResolution => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{CFC08D97-C6F7-4484-89DD-EBEF4356FE76}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneXResolutionDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolution /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {0933F3F5-4786-4F46-A8E8-D64DD37FA521}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FocalPlaneXResolutionDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0933F3F5-4786-4F46-A8E8-D64DD37FA521}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneXResolutionNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolution /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {DCCB10AF-B4E2-4B88-95F9-031B4D5AB490}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FocalPlaneXResolutionNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DCCB10AF-B4E2-4B88-95F9-031B4D5AB490}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneYResolution -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolution /// /// Description: PropertyTagExifFocalYRes. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionDenominator. /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {4FFFE4D0-914F-4AC4-8D6F-C9C61DE169B1}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FocalPlaneYResolution => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{4FFFE4D0-914F-4AC4-8D6F-C9C61DE169B1}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneYResolutionDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolution /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {1D6179A6-A876-4031-B013-3347B2B64DC8}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FocalPlaneYResolutionDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{1D6179A6-A876-4031-B013-3347B2B64DC8}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneYResolutionNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolution /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {A2E541C5-4440-4BA8-867E-75CFC06828CD}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FocalPlaneYResolutionNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A2E541C5-4440-4BA8-867E-75CFC06828CD}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.GainControl -- PKEY_Photo_GainControl /// /// Description: This indicates the degree of overall image gain adjustment. Calculated from /// PKEY_Photo_GainControlNumerator and PKEY_Photo_GainControlDenominator. /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {FA304789-00C7-4D80-904A-1E4DCC7265AA}, 100 (PropertyTagExifGainControl) /// public static PROPERTYKEY GainControl => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{FA304789-00C7-4D80-904A-1E4DCC7265AA}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.GainControlDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_GainControlDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_GainControl /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {42864DFD-9DA4-4F77-BDED-4AAD7B256735}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY GainControlDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{42864DFD-9DA4-4F77-BDED-4AAD7B256735}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.GainControlNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_GainControlNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_GainControl /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {8E8ECF7C-B7B8-4EB8-A63F-0EE715C96F9E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY GainControlNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8E8ECF7C-B7B8-4EB8-A63F-0EE715C96F9E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.GainControlText -- PKEY_Photo_GainControlText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.GainControl. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C06238B2-0BF9-4279-A723-25856715CB9D}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY GainControlText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C06238B2-0BF9-4279-A723-25856715CB9D}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ISOSpeed -- PKEY_Photo_ISOSpeed /// Description: PropertyTagExifISOSpeed /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 34855 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ISOSpeed => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 34855); /// /// Name: System.Photo.LensManufacturer -- PKEY_Photo_LensManufacturer /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E6DDCAF7-29C5-4F0A-9A68-D19412EC7090}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LensManufacturer => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E6DDCAF7-29C5-4F0A-9A68-D19412EC7090}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.LensModel -- PKEY_Photo_LensModel /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {E1277516-2B5F-4869-89B1-2E585BD38B7A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LensModel => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E1277516-2B5F-4869-89B1-2E585BD38B7A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.LightSource -- PKEY_Photo_LightSource /// Description: PropertyTagExifLightSource /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37384 /// public static PROPERTYKEY LightSource => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 37384); /// /// Name: System.Photo.MakerNote -- PKEY_Photo_MakerNote /// Description: /// Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) /// FormatID: {FA303353-B659-4052-85E9-BCAC79549B84}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MakerNote => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{FA303353-B659-4052-85E9-BCAC79549B84}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.MakerNoteOffset -- PKEY_Photo_MakerNoteOffset /// Description: /// Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 /// FormatID: {813F4124-34E6-4D17-AB3E-6B1F3C2247A1}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MakerNoteOffset => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{813F4124-34E6-4D17-AB3E-6B1F3C2247A1}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.MaxAperture -- PKEY_Photo_MaxAperture /// Description: Calculated from PKEY_Photo_MaxApertureNumerator and PKEY_Photo_MaxApertureDenominator /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: {08F6D7C2-E3F2-44FC-AF1E-5AA5C81A2D3E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MaxAperture => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{08F6D7C2-E3F2-44FC-AF1E-5AA5C81A2D3E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.MaxApertureDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_MaxApertureDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_MaxAperture /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {C77724D4-601F-46C5-9B89-C53F93BCEB77}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MaxApertureDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C77724D4-601F-46C5-9B89-C53F93BCEB77}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.MaxApertureNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_MaxApertureNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_MaxAperture /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {C107E191-A459-44C5-9AE6-B952AD4B906D}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MaxApertureNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C107E191-A459-44C5-9AE6-B952AD4B906D}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.MeteringMode -- PKEY_Photo_MeteringMode /// Description: PropertyTagExifMeteringMode /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37383 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MeteringMode => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 37383); /// /// Name: System.Photo.MeteringModeText -- PKEY_Photo_MeteringModeText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.MeteringMode. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {F628FD8C-7BA8-465A-A65B-C5AA79263A9E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MeteringModeText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F628FD8C-7BA8-465A-A65B-C5AA79263A9E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.Orientation -- PKEY_Photo_Orientation /// Description: This is the image orientation viewed in terms of rows and columns. /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 274 (PropertyTagOrientation) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Orientation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 274); /// /// Name: System.Photo.OrientationText -- PKEY_Photo_OrientationText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Orientation. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {A9EA193C-C511-498A-A06B-58E2776DCC28}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OrientationText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A9EA193C-C511-498A-A06B-58E2776DCC28}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.PeopleNames -- PKEY_Photo_PeopleNames /// Description: The people tags on an image. /// /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. /// /// FormatID: {E8309B6E-084C-49B4-B1FC-90A80331B638}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PeopleNames => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E8309B6E-084C-49B4-B1FC-90A80331B638}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.PhotometricInterpretation -- PKEY_Photo_PhotometricInterpretation /// /// Description: This is the pixel composition. In JPEG compressed data, a JPEG marker is used instead of this property. /// /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: {341796F1-1DF9-4B1C-A564-91BDEFA43877}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PhotometricInterpretation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{341796F1-1DF9-4B1C-A564-91BDEFA43877}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.PhotometricInterpretationText -- PKEY_Photo_PhotometricInterpretationText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.PhotometricInterpretation. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {821437D6-9EAB-4765-A589-3B1CBBD22A61}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PhotometricInterpretationText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{821437D6-9EAB-4765-A589-3B1CBBD22A61}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ProgramMode -- PKEY_Photo_ProgramMode /// /// Description: This is the class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the picture is taken. /// /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {6D217F6D-3F6A-4825-B470-5F03CA2FBE9B}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ProgramMode => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D217F6D-3F6A-4825-B470-5F03CA2FBE9B}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ProgramModeText -- PKEY_Photo_ProgramModeText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.ProgramMode. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {7FE3AA27-2648-42F3-89B0-454E5CB150C3}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ProgramModeText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7FE3AA27-2648-42F3-89B0-454E5CB150C3}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.RelatedSoundFile -- PKEY_Photo_RelatedSoundFile /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {318A6B45-087F-4DC2-B8CC-05359551FC9E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY RelatedSoundFile => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{318A6B45-087F-4DC2-B8CC-05359551FC9E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.Saturation -- PKEY_Photo_Saturation /// /// Description: This indicates the direction of saturation processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. /// /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {49237325-A95A-4F67-B211-816B2D45D2E0}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Saturation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49237325-A95A-4F67-B211-816B2D45D2E0}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.SaturationText -- PKEY_Photo_SaturationText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Saturation. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {61478C08-B600-4A84-BBE4-E99C45F0A072}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SaturationText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{61478C08-B600-4A84-BBE4-E99C45F0A072}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.Sharpness -- PKEY_Photo_Sharpness /// /// Description: This indicates the direction of sharpness processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. /// /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {FC6976DB-8349-4970-AE97-B3C5316A08F0}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Sharpness => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{FC6976DB-8349-4970-AE97-B3C5316A08F0}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.SharpnessText -- PKEY_Photo_SharpnessText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Sharpness. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {51EC3F47-DD50-421D-8769-334F50424B1E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SharpnessText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{51EC3F47-DD50-421D-8769-334F50424B1E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ShutterSpeed -- PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeed /// /// Description: PropertyTagExifShutterSpeed. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeedNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeedDenominator /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37377 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ShutterSpeed => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 37377); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ShutterSpeedDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeedDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeed /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: {E13D8975-81C7-4948-AE3F-37CAE11E8FF7}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ShutterSpeedDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E13D8975-81C7-4948-AE3F-37CAE11E8FF7}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.ShutterSpeedNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeedNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeed /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: {16EA4042-D6F4-4BCA-8349-7C78D30FB333}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ShutterSpeedNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{16EA4042-D6F4-4BCA-8349-7C78D30FB333}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.SubjectDistance -- PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistance /// /// Description: PropertyTagExifSubjectDist. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistanceNumerator and PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistanceDenominator /// /// Type: Double -- VT_R8 /// FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37382 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SubjectDistance => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}"), 37382); /// /// Name: System.Photo.SubjectDistanceDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistanceDenominator /// Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistance /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {0C840A88-B043-466D-9766-D4B26DA3FA77}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SubjectDistanceDenominator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0C840A88-B043-466D-9766-D4B26DA3FA77}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.SubjectDistanceNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistanceNumerator /// Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistance /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {8AF4961C-F526-43E5-AA81-DB768219178D}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SubjectDistanceNumerator => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8AF4961C-F526-43E5-AA81-DB768219178D}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.TagViewAggregate -- PKEY_Photo_TagViewAggregate /// Description: A read-only aggregation of tag-like properties for use in building views. /// /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. /// /// FormatID: {B812F15D-C2D8-4BBF-BACD-79744346113F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TagViewAggregate => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B812F15D-C2D8-4BBF-BACD-79744346113F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.TranscodedForSync -- PKEY_Photo_TranscodedForSync /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {9A8EBB75-6458-4E82-BACB-35C0095B03BB}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TranscodedForSync => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9A8EBB75-6458-4E82-BACB-35C0095B03BB}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.WhiteBalance -- PKEY_Photo_WhiteBalance /// Description: This indicates the white balance mode set when the image was shot. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {EE3D3D8A-5381-4CFA-B13B-AAF66B5F4EC9}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY WhiteBalance => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{EE3D3D8A-5381-4CFA-B13B-AAF66B5F4EC9}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Photo.WhiteBalanceText -- PKEY_Photo_WhiteBalanceText /// /// Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.WhiteBalance. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {6336B95E-C7A7-426D-86FD-7AE3D39C84B4}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY WhiteBalanceText => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6336B95E-C7A7-426D-86FD-7AE3D39C84B4}"), 100); } /// PropGroup Properties public static class PropGroup { /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Advanced -- PKEY_PropGroup_Advanced /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {900A403B-097B-4B95-8AE2-071FDAEEB118}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Advanced => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{900A403B-097B-4B95-8AE2-071FDAEEB118}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Audio -- PKEY_PropGroup_Audio /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {2804D469-788F-48AA-8570-71B9C187E138}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Audio => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{2804D469-788F-48AA-8570-71B9C187E138}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Calendar -- PKEY_PropGroup_Calendar /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {9973D2B5-BFD8-438A-BA94-5349B293181A}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Calendar => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9973D2B5-BFD8-438A-BA94-5349B293181A}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Camera -- PKEY_PropGroup_Camera /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {DE00DE32-547E-4981-AD4B-542F2E9007D8}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Camera => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DE00DE32-547E-4981-AD4B-542F2E9007D8}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Contact -- PKEY_PropGroup_Contact /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {DF975FD3-250A-4004-858F-34E29A3E37AA}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Contact => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DF975FD3-250A-4004-858F-34E29A3E37AA}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Content -- PKEY_PropGroup_Content /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {D0DAB0BA-368A-4050-A882-6C010FD19A4F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Content => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D0DAB0BA-368A-4050-A882-6C010FD19A4F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Description -- PKEY_PropGroup_Description /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {8969B275-9475-4E00-A887-FF93B8B41E44}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Description => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8969B275-9475-4E00-A887-FF93B8B41E44}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.FileSystem -- PKEY_PropGroup_FileSystem /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {E3A7D2C1-80FC-4B40-8F34-30EA111BDC2E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileSystem => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3A7D2C1-80FC-4B40-8F34-30EA111BDC2E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.General -- PKEY_PropGroup_General /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {CC301630-B192-4C22-B372-9F4C6D338E07}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY General => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{CC301630-B192-4C22-B372-9F4C6D338E07}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.GPS -- PKEY_PropGroup_GPS /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {F3713ADA-90E3-4E11-AAE5-FDC17685B9BE}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY GPS => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F3713ADA-90E3-4E11-AAE5-FDC17685B9BE}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Image -- PKEY_PropGroup_Image /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {E3690A87-0FA8-4A2A-9A9F-FCE8827055AC}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Image => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E3690A87-0FA8-4A2A-9A9F-FCE8827055AC}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Media -- PKEY_PropGroup_Media /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {61872CF7-6B5E-4B4B-AC2D-59DA84459248}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Media => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{61872CF7-6B5E-4B4B-AC2D-59DA84459248}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.MediaAdvanced -- PKEY_PropGroup_MediaAdvanced /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {8859A284-DE7E-4642-99BA-D431D044B1EC}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY MediaAdvanced => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{8859A284-DE7E-4642-99BA-D431D044B1EC}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Message -- PKEY_PropGroup_Message /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {7FD7259D-16B4-4135-9F97-7C96ECD2FA9E}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Message => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7FD7259D-16B4-4135-9F97-7C96ECD2FA9E}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Music -- PKEY_PropGroup_Music /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {68DD6094-7216-40F1-A029-43FE7127043F}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Music => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{68DD6094-7216-40F1-A029-43FE7127043F}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Origin -- PKEY_PropGroup_Origin /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {2598D2FB-5569-4367-95DF-5CD3A177E1A5}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Origin => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{2598D2FB-5569-4367-95DF-5CD3A177E1A5}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.PhotoAdvanced -- PKEY_PropGroup_PhotoAdvanced /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {0CB2BF5A-9EE7-4A86-8222-F01E07FDADAF}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PhotoAdvanced => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0CB2BF5A-9EE7-4A86-8222-F01E07FDADAF}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.RecordedTV -- PKEY_PropGroup_RecordedTV /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {E7B33238-6584-4170-A5C0-AC25EFD9DA56}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY RecordedTV => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{E7B33238-6584-4170-A5C0-AC25EFD9DA56}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropGroup.Video -- PKEY_PropGroup_Video /// Description: /// Type: Null -- VT_NULL /// FormatID: {BEBE0920-7671-4C54-A3EB-49FDDFC191EE}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Video => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{BEBE0920-7671-4C54-A3EB-49FDDFC191EE}"), 100); } /// PropList Properties public static class PropList { /// /// Name: System.PropList.ConflictPrompt -- PKEY_PropList_ConflictPrompt /// /// Description: The list of properties to show in the file operation conflict resolution dialog. Properties with empty /// values will not be displayed. Register under the regvalue of "ConflictPrompt". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 11 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ConflictPrompt => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 11); /// /// Name: System.PropList.ContentViewModeForBrowse -- PKEY_PropList_ContentViewModeForBrowse /// /// Description: The list of properties to show in the content view mode of an item in the context of browsing. Register /// the regvalue under the name of "ContentViewModeForBrowse". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 13 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContentViewModeForBrowse => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 13); /// /// Name: System.PropList.ContentViewModeForSearch -- PKEY_PropList_ContentViewModeForSearch /// /// Description: The list of properties to show in the content view mode of an item in the context of searching. Register /// the regvalue under the name of "ContentViewModeForSearch". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 14 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContentViewModeForSearch => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 14); /// /// Name: System.PropList.ExtendedTileInfo -- PKEY_PropList_ExtendedTileInfo /// /// Description: The list of properties to show in the listview on extended tiles. Register under the regvalue of "ExtendedTileInfo". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 9 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExtendedTileInfo => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.PropList.FileOperationPrompt -- PKEY_PropList_FileOperationPrompt /// /// Description: The list of properties to show in the file operation confirmation dialog. Properties with empty values /// will not be displayed. If this list is not specified, then the InfoTip property list is used instead. Register under /// the regvalue of "FileOperationPrompt". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 10 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileOperationPrompt => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 10); /// /// Name: System.PropList.FullDetails -- PKEY_PropList_FullDetails /// /// Description: The list of all the properties to show in the details page. Property groups can be included in this list /// in order to more easily organize the UI. Register under the regvalue of "FullDetails". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FullDetails => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.PropList.InfoTip -- PKEY_PropList_InfoTip /// /// Description: The list of properties to show in the infotip. Properties with empty values will not be displayed. /// Register under the regvalue of "InfoTip". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 4 (PID_PROPLIST_INFOTIP) /// public static PROPERTYKEY InfoTip => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.PropList.NonPersonal -- PKEY_PropList_NonPersonal /// /// Description: The list of properties that are considered 'non-personal'. When told to remove all non-personal /// properties from a given file, the system will leave these particular properties untouched. Register under the /// regvalue of "NonPersonal". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {49D1091F-082E-493F-B23F-D2308AA9668C}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY NonPersonal => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49D1091F-082E-493F-B23F-D2308AA9668C}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.PropList.PreviewDetails -- PKEY_PropList_PreviewDetails /// /// Description: The list of properties to display in the preview pane. Register under the regvalue of "PreviewDetails". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 8 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PreviewDetails => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 8); /// /// Name: System.PropList.PreviewTitle -- PKEY_PropList_PreviewTitle /// /// Description: The one or two properties to display in the preview pane title section. The optional second property is /// displayed as a subtitle. Register under the regvalue of "PreviewTitle". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 6 /// public static PROPERTYKEY PreviewTitle => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.PropList.QuickTip -- PKEY_PropList_QuickTip /// /// Description: The list of properties to show in the infotip when the item is on a slow network. Properties with empty /// values will not be displayed. Register under the regvalue of "QuickTip". /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 5 (PID_PROPLIST_QUICKTIP) /// public static PROPERTYKEY QuickTip => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.PropList.TileInfo -- PKEY_PropList_TileInfo /// Description: The list of properties to show in the listview on tiles. Register under the regvalue of "TileInfo". /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 3 (PID_PROPLIST_TILEINFO) /// public static PROPERTYKEY TileInfo => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.PropList.XPDetailsPanel -- PKEY_PropList_XPDetailsPanel /// Description: The list of properties to display in the XP webview details panel. Obsolete. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_WebView) {F2275480-F782-4291-BD94-F13693513AEC}, 0 (PID_DISPLAY_PROPERTIES) /// public static PROPERTYKEY XPDetailsPanel => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{F2275480-F782-4291-BD94-F13693513AEC}"), 0); } /// RecordedTV Properties public static class RecordedTV { /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.ChannelNumber -- PKEY_RecordedTV_ChannelNumber /// Description: Example: 42 /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 7 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ChannelNumber => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}"), 7); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.Credits -- PKEY_RecordedTV_Credits /// Description: Example: "Don Messick/Frank Welker/Casey Kasem/Heather North/Nicole Jaffe;;;" /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 4 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Credits => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.DateContentExpires -- PKEY_RecordedTV_DateContentExpires /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 15 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateContentExpires => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}"), 15); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.EpisodeName -- PKEY_RecordedTV_EpisodeName /// Description: Example: "Nowhere to Hyde" /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY EpisodeName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.IsATSCContent -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsATSCContent /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 16 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsATSCContent => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}"), 16); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.IsClosedCaptioningAvailable -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsClosedCaptioningAvailable /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 12 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsClosedCaptioningAvailable => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}"), 12); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.IsDTVContent -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsDTVContent /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 17 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsDTVContent => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}"), 17); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.IsHDContent -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsHDContent /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 18 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsHDContent => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}"), 18); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.IsRepeatBroadcast -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsRepeatBroadcast /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 13 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsRepeatBroadcast => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}"), 13); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.IsSAP -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsSAP /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 14 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsSAP => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}"), 14); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.NetworkAffiliation -- PKEY_RecordedTV_NetworkAffiliation /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {2C53C813-FB63-4E22-A1AB-0B331CA1E273}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY NetworkAffiliation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{2C53C813-FB63-4E22-A1AB-0B331CA1E273}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.OriginalBroadcastDate -- PKEY_RecordedTV_OriginalBroadcastDate /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {4684FE97-8765-4842-9C13-F006447B178C}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OriginalBroadcastDate => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{4684FE97-8765-4842-9C13-F006447B178C}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.ProgramDescription -- PKEY_RecordedTV_ProgramDescription /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ProgramDescription => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.RecordingTime -- PKEY_RecordedTV_RecordingTime /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {A5477F61-7A82-4ECA-9DDE-98B69B2479B3}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY RecordingTime => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A5477F61-7A82-4ECA-9DDE-98B69B2479B3}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.StationCallSign -- PKEY_RecordedTV_StationCallSign /// Description: Example: "TOONP" /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 5 /// public static PROPERTYKEY StationCallSign => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.RecordedTV.StationName -- PKEY_RecordedTV_StationName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {1B5439E7-EBA1-4AF8-BDD7-7AF1D4549493}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY StationName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{1B5439E7-EBA1-4AF8-BDD7-7AF1D4549493}"), 100); } /// Search Properties public static class Search { /// /// Name: System.Search.AutoSummary -- PKEY_Search_AutoSummary /// Description: General Summary of the document. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY AutoSummary => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Search.ContainerHash -- PKEY_Search_ContainerHash /// Description: Hash code used to identify attachments to be deleted based on a common container url /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {BCEEE283-35DF-4D53-826A-F36A3EEFC6BE}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ContainerHash => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{BCEEE283-35DF-4D53-826A-F36A3EEFC6BE}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Search.Contents -- PKEY_Search_Contents /// /// Description: The contents of the item. This property is for query restrictions only; it cannot be retrieved in a /// query result. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'contents'. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 19 (PID_STG_CONTENTS) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Contents => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}"), 19); /// /// Name: System.Search.EntryID -- PKEY_Search_EntryID /// /// Description: The entry ID for an item within a given catalog in the Windows Search Index. This value may be recycled, /// and therefore is not considered unique over time. /// /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_Query) {49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}, 5 (PROPID_QUERY_WORKID) /// public static PROPERTYKEY EntryID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}"), 5); /// /// Name: System.Search.ExtendedProperties -- PKEY_Search_ExtendedProperties /// Description: /// Type: Blob -- VT_BLOB /// FormatID: {7B03B546-FA4F-4A52-A2FE-03D5311E5865}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ExtendedProperties => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7B03B546-FA4F-4A52-A2FE-03D5311E5865}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Search.GatherTime -- PKEY_Search_GatherTime /// /// Description: The Datetime that the Windows Search Gatherer process last pushed properties of this document to the /// Windows Search Gatherer Plugins. /// /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {0B63E350-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 8 /// public static PROPERTYKEY GatherTime => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0B63E350-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}"), 8); /// /// Name: System.Search.HitCount -- PKEY_Search_HitCount /// /// Description: When using CONTAINS over the Windows Search Index, this is the number of matches of the term. If there /// are multiple CONTAINS, an AND computes the min number of hits and an OR the max number of hits. /// /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_Query) {49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}, 4 (PROPID_QUERY_HITCOUNT) /// public static PROPERTYKEY HitCount => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.Search.IsClosedDirectory -- PKEY_Search_IsClosedDirectory /// /// Description: If this property is emitted with a value of TRUE, then it indicates that this URL's last modified time /// applies to all of it's children, and if this URL is deleted then all of it's children are deleted as well. For /// example, this would be emitted as TRUE when emitting the URL of an email so that all attachments are tied to the last /// modified time of that email. /// /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 23 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsClosedDirectory => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}"), 23); /// /// Name: System.Search.IsFullyContained -- PKEY_Search_IsFullyContained /// /// Description: Any child URL of a URL which has System.Search.IsClosedDirectory=TRUE must emit /// System.Search.IsFullyContained=TRUE. This ensures that the URL is not deleted at the end of a crawl because it hasn't /// been visited (which is the normal mechanism for detecting deletes). For example an email attachment would emit this property /// /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 24 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsFullyContained => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}"), 24); /// /// Name: System.Search.QueryFocusedSummary -- PKEY_Search_QueryFocusedSummary /// Description: Query Focused Summary of the document. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY QueryFocusedSummary => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Search.QueryFocusedSummaryWithFallback -- PKEY_Search_QueryFocusedSummaryWithFallback /// Description: Query Focused Summary of the document, if none is available it returns the AutoSummary. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A}, 4 /// public static PROPERTYKEY QueryFocusedSummaryWithFallback => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.Search.Rank -- PKEY_Search_Rank /// Description: Relevance rank of row. Ranges from 0-1000. Larger numbers = better matches. Query-time only. /// Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_Query) {49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}, 3 (PROPID_QUERY_RANK) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Rank => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Search.Store -- PKEY_Search_Store /// Description: The identifier for the protocol handler that produced this item. (E.g. MAPI, CSC, FILE etc.) /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {A06992B3-8CAF-4ED7-A547-B259E32AC9FC}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Store => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{A06992B3-8CAF-4ED7-A547-B259E32AC9FC}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Search.UrlToIndex -- PKEY_Search_UrlToIndex /// /// Description: This property should be emitted by a container IFilter for each child URL within the container. The /// children will eventually be crawled by the indexer if they are within scope. /// /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY UrlToIndex => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Search.UrlToIndexWithModificationTime -- PKEY_Search_UrlToIndexWithModificationTime /// /// Description: This property is the same as System.Search.UrlToIndex except that it includes the time the URL was last /// modified. This is an optimization for the indexer as it doesn't have to call back into the protocol handler to ask /// for this information to determine if the content needs to be indexed again. The property is a vector with two /// elements, a VT_LPWSTR with the URL and a VT_FILETIME for the last modified time. /// /// Type: Multivalue Any -- VT_VECTOR | VT_NULL (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_NULL) /// FormatID: {0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 12 /// public static PROPERTYKEY UrlToIndexWithModificationTime => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}"), 12); } /// Shell Properties public static class Shell { /// /// Name: System.Shell.OmitFromView -- PKEY_Shell_OmitFromView /// Description: Set this to a string value of 'True' to omit this item from shell views /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {DE35258C-C695-4CBC-B982-38B0AD24CED0}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY OmitFromView => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{DE35258C-C695-4CBC-B982-38B0AD24CED0}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Shell.SFGAOFlagsStrings -- PKEY_Shell_SFGAOFlagsStrings /// Description: Expresses the SFGAO flags as string values and is used as a query optimization. /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D6942081-D53B-443D-AD47-5E059D9CD27A}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY SFGAOFlagsStrings => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D6942081-D53B-443D-AD47-5E059D9CD27A}"), 2); } /// Software Properties public static class Software { /// /// Name: System.Software.DateLastUsed -- PKEY_Software_DateLastUsed /// Description: /// Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) /// FormatID: {841E4F90-FF59-4D16-8947-E81BBFFAB36D}, 16 /// public static PROPERTYKEY DateLastUsed => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{841E4F90-FF59-4D16-8947-E81BBFFAB36D}"), 16); /// /// Name: System.Software.ProductName -- PKEY_Software_ProductName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 7 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ProductName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}"), 7); } /// Sync Properties public static class Sync { /// /// Name: System.Sync.Comments -- PKEY_Sync_Comments /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 13 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Comments => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}"), 13); /// /// Name: System.Sync.ConflictDescription -- PKEY_Sync_ConflictDescription /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 4 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ConflictDescription => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.Sync.ConflictFirstLocation -- PKEY_Sync_ConflictFirstLocation /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 6 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ConflictFirstLocation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.Sync.ConflictSecondLocation -- PKEY_Sync_ConflictSecondLocation /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 7 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ConflictSecondLocation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}"), 7); /// /// Name: System.Sync.HandlerCollectionID -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerCollectionID /// Description: /// Type: Guid -- VT_CLSID /// FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HandlerCollectionID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Sync.HandlerID -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HandlerID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Sync.HandlerName -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HandlerName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Sync.HandlerType -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerType /// Description: /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 8 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HandlerType => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}"), 8); /// /// Name: System.Sync.HandlerTypeLabel -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerTypeLabel /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 9 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HandlerTypeLabel => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.Sync.ItemID -- PKEY_Sync_ItemID /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 6 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemID => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.Sync.ItemName -- PKEY_Sync_ItemName /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ItemName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Sync.ProgressPercentage -- PKEY_Sync_ProgressPercentage /// Description: An integer value between 0 and 100 representing the percentage completed. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 23 /// public static PROPERTYKEY ProgressPercentage => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}"), 23); /// /// Name: System.Sync.State -- PKEY_Sync_State /// Description: Sync state. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 24 /// public static PROPERTYKEY State => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}"), 24); /// /// Name: System.Sync.Status -- PKEY_Sync_Status /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 10 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Status => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}"), 10); } /// Task Properties public static class Task { /// /// Name: System.Task.BillingInformation -- PKEY_Task_BillingInformation /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {D37D52C6-261C-4303-82B3-08B926AC6F12}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY BillingInformation => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{D37D52C6-261C-4303-82B3-08B926AC6F12}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Task.CompletionStatus -- PKEY_Task_CompletionStatus /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {084D8A0A-E6D5-40DE-BF1F-C8820E7C877C}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY CompletionStatus => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{084D8A0A-E6D5-40DE-BF1F-C8820E7C877C}"), 100); /// /// Name: System.Task.Owner -- PKEY_Task_Owner /// Description: /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: {08C7CC5F-60F2-4494-AD75-55E3E0B5ADD0}, 100 /// public static PROPERTYKEY Owner => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{08C7CC5F-60F2-4494-AD75-55E3E0B5ADD0}"), 100); } /// Video Properties public static class Video { /// /// Name: System.Video.Compression -- PKEY_Video_Compression /// Description: Indicates the level of compression for the video stream. "Compression". /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 10 (PIDVSI_COMPRESSION) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Compression => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 10); /// /// Name: System.Video.Director -- PKEY_Video_Director /// Description: /// Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 20 (PIDMSI_DIRECTOR) /// public static PROPERTYKEY Director => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 20); /// /// Name: System.Video.EncodingBitrate -- PKEY_Video_EncodingBitrate /// Description: Indicates the data rate in "bits per second" for the video stream. "DataRate". /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 8 (PIDVSI_DATA_RATE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY EncodingBitrate => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 8); /// /// Name: System.Video.FourCC -- PKEY_Video_FourCC /// Description: Indicates the 4CC for the video stream. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 44 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FourCC => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 44); /// /// Name: System.Video.FrameHeight -- PKEY_Video_FrameHeight /// Description: Indicates the frame height for the video stream. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 4 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FrameHeight => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.Video.FrameRate -- PKEY_Video_FrameRate /// Description: Indicates the frame rate in "frames per millisecond" for the video stream. "FrameRate". /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 6 (PIDVSI_FRAME_RATE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY FrameRate => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 6); /// /// Name: System.Video.FrameWidth -- PKEY_Video_FrameWidth /// Description: Indicates the frame width for the video stream. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 3 /// public static PROPERTYKEY FrameWidth => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 3); /// /// Name: System.Video.HorizontalAspectRatio -- PKEY_Video_HorizontalAspectRatio /// /// Description: Indicates the horizontal portion of the aspect ratio. The X portion of XX:YY, like 16:9. /// /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 42 /// public static PROPERTYKEY HorizontalAspectRatio => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 42); /// /// Name: System.Video.SampleSize -- PKEY_Video_SampleSize /// Description: Indicates the sample size in bits for the video stream. "SampleSize". /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 9 (PIDVSI_SAMPLE_SIZE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY SampleSize => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 9); /// /// Name: System.Video.StreamName -- PKEY_Video_StreamName /// Description: Indicates the name for the video stream. "StreamName". /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 2 (PIDVSI_STREAM_NAME) /// public static PROPERTYKEY StreamName => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Video.StreamNumber -- PKEY_Video_StreamNumber /// Description: "Stream Number". /// Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 11 (PIDVSI_STREAM_NUMBER) /// public static PROPERTYKEY StreamNumber => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 11); /// /// Name: System.Video.TotalBitrate -- PKEY_Video_TotalBitrate /// Description: Indicates the total data rate in "bits per second" for all video and audio streams. /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 43 (PIDVSI_TOTAL_BITRATE) /// public static PROPERTYKEY TotalBitrate => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 43); /// /// Name: System.Video.TranscodedForSync -- PKEY_Video_TranscodedForSync /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 46 /// public static PROPERTYKEY TranscodedForSync => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 46); /// /// Name: System.Video.VerticalAspectRatio -- PKEY_Video_VerticalAspectRatio /// /// Description: Indicates the vertical portion of the aspect ratio. The Y portion of XX:YY, like 16:9. /// /// Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 /// FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 45 /// public static PROPERTYKEY VerticalAspectRatio => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}"), 45); } /// Volume Properties public static class Volume { /// /// Name: System.Volume.FileSystem -- PKEY_Volume_FileSystem /// Description: Indicates the filesystem of the volume. /// Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) /// /// FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 4 (PID_VOLUME_FILESYSTEM) (Filesystem Volume Properties) /// /// public static PROPERTYKEY FileSystem => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}"), 4); /// /// Name: System.Volume.IsMappedDrive -- PKEY_Volume_IsMappedDrive /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: {149C0B69-2C2D-48FC-808F-D318D78C4636}, 2 /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsMappedDrive => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{149C0B69-2C2D-48FC-808F-D318D78C4636}"), 2); /// /// Name: System.Volume.IsRoot -- PKEY_Volume_IsRoot /// Description: /// Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL /// FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 10 (Filesystem Volume Properties) /// public static PROPERTYKEY IsRoot => new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("{9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}"), 10); } } } } }