using System; using System.Drawing; using Vanara.InteropServices; namespace Vanara.PInvoke { public static partial class UxTheme { /// The basic drawing type for this part. public enum BGTYPE { BT_IMAGEFILE = 0, BT_BORDERFILL = 1, BT_NONE = 2, } /// The type of border drawn if this part is a border fill. public enum BORDERTYPE { BT_RECT = 0, BT_ROUNDRECT = 1, BT_ELLIPSE = 2, } /// The alignment of text in the caption associated with this part. public enum CONTENTALIGNMENT { CA_LEFT = 0, CA_CENTER = 1, CA_RIGHT = 2, } /// The type of fill shape drawn if this part is a border fill. public enum FILLTYPE { FT_SOLID = 0, FT_VERTGRADIENT = 1, FT_HORZGRADIENT = 2, FT_RADIALGRADIENT = 3, FT_TILEIMAGE = 4, } /// The type of method used to select between different-sized glyphs. public enum GLYPHFONTSIZINGTYPE { GFST_NONE = 0, GFST_SIZE = 1, GFST_DPI = 2, } /// The type of glyph drawn on this part. public enum GLYPHTYPE { GT_NONE = 0, GT_IMAGEGLYPH = 1, GT_FONTGLYPH = 2, } /// The horizontal alignment if this part uses a true-size image. public enum HALIGN { HA_LEFT = 0, HA_CENTER = 1, HA_RIGHT = 2, } /// The type of effect to be displayed when this part is drawn using DrawThemeIcon. public enum ICONEFFECT { ICE_NONE = 0, ICE_GLOW = 1, ICE_SHADOW = 2, ICE_PULSE = 3, ICE_ALPHA = 4, } /// The type of alignment used when multiple images are drawn. public enum IMAGELAYOUT { IL_VERTICAL = 0, IL_HORIZONTAL = 1, } /// The type of method used to select between sized images for this part. See the TMT_IMAGEFILE1 value of GetThemeFilename. public enum IMAGESELECTTYPE { IST_NONE = 0, IST_SIZE = 1, IST_DPI = 2, } /// The alignment of this part on the window. public enum OFFSETTYPE { OT_TOPLEFT = 0, OT_TOPRIGHT = 1, OT_TOPMIDDLE = 2, OT_BOTTOMLEFT = 3, OT_BOTTOMRIGHT = 4, OT_BOTTOMMIDDLE = 5, OT_MIDDLELEFT = 6, OT_MIDDLERIGHT = 7, OT_LEFTOFCAPTION = 8, OT_RIGHTOFCAPTION = 9, OT_LEFTOFLASTBUTTON = 10, OT_RIGHTOFLASTBUTTON = 11, OT_ABOVELASTBUTTON = 12, OT_BELOWLASTBUTTON = 13, } /// The method used to size an image if this part uses an image file. public enum SIZINGTYPE { ST_TRUESIZE = 0, ST_STRETCH = 1, ST_TILE = 2, } /// The type of shadow effect to draw behind text associated with this part. public enum TEXTSHADOWTYPE { /// No shadow will be drawn. TST_NONE = 0, /// The shadow will be drawn to appear detailed underneath text. TST_SINGLE = 1, /// The shadow will be drawn to appear blurred underneath text. TST_CONTINUOUS = 2, } /// TMT_ values for UxTheme methods. public enum ThemeProperty { /// The background image. [CorrespondingType(typeof(IntPtr))] TMT_DIBDATA = 2, /// The glyph image drawn on top of the background, if present. [CorrespondingType(typeof(IntPtr))] TMT_GLYPHDIBDATA = 3, /// Enumerated value TMT_ENUM = 200, /// Unicode string TMT_STRING = 201, /// Signed number TMT_INT = 202, /// TRUE or FALSE TMT_BOOL = 203, /// RGB color value TMT_COLOR = 204, /// Margins: left, top, right, and bottom TMT_MARGINS = 205, /// Filename relative to the theme directory TMT_FILENAME = 206, /// Size of an item TMT_SIZE = 207, /// Location of an item TMT_POSITION = 208, /// Size and location of a rectangle TMT_RECT = 209, /// Font description TMT_FONT = 210, /// List of integers TMT_INTLIST = 211, /// Bitmap [CorrespondingType(typeof(IntPtr))] TMT_HBITMAP = 212, /// Disk stream [CorrespondingType(typeof(byte[]))] TMT_DISKSTREAM = 213, /// Stream - Valid for GetThemeStream. [CorrespondingType(typeof(byte[]))] TMT_STREAM = 214, /// Undocumented TMT_BITMAPREF = 215, /// A float value. TMT_FLOAT = 216, /// A list of float values. TMT_FLOATLIST = 217, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_COLORSCHEMES = 401, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_SIZES = 402, /// TMT_CHARSET = 403, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_NAME = 600, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_DISPLAYNAME = 601, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_TOOLTIP = 602, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_COMPANY = 603, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_AUTHOR = 604, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_COPYRIGHT = 605, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_URL = 606, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_VERSION = 607, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_DESCRIPTION = 608, /// TMT_FIRST_RCSTRING_NAME = TMT_DISPLAYNAME, /// TMT_LAST_RCSTRING_NAME = TMT_DESCRIPTION, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(LOGFONT))] TMT_CAPTIONFONT = 801, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(LOGFONT))] TMT_SMALLCAPTIONFONT = 802, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(LOGFONT))] TMT_MENUFONT = 803, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(LOGFONT))] TMT_STATUSFONT = 804, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(LOGFONT))] TMT_MSGBOXFONT = 805, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(LOGFONT))] TMT_ICONTITLEFONT = 806, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(LOGFONT))] TMT_HEADING1FONT = 807, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(LOGFONT))] TMT_HEADING2FONT = 808, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(LOGFONT))] TMT_BODYFONT = 809, /// TMT_FIRSTFONT = TMT_CAPTIONFONT, /// TMT_LASTFONT = TMT_BODYFONT, /// /// Describes how menus are drawn. If TRUE, menus are drawn without shadows. If FALSE, menus have shadows underneath them. /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_FLATMENUS = 1001, /// TMT_FIRSTBOOL = TMT_FLATMENUS, /// TMT_LASTBOOL = TMT_FLATMENUS, /// Width of a sizing border. [CorrespondingType(typeof(SIZE))] TMT_SIZINGBORDERWIDTH = 1201, /// Scroll bar width. [CorrespondingType(typeof(SIZE))] TMT_SCROLLBARWIDTH = 1202, /// Scroll bar height. [CorrespondingType(typeof(SIZE))] TMT_SCROLLBARHEIGHT = 1203, /// Caption bar width. [CorrespondingType(typeof(SIZE))] TMT_CAPTIONBARWIDTH = 1204, /// Caption bar height. [CorrespondingType(typeof(SIZE))] TMT_CAPTIONBARHEIGHT = 1205, /// Caption bar width. [CorrespondingType(typeof(SIZE))] TMT_SMCAPTIONBARWIDTH = 1206, /// Caption bar height. [CorrespondingType(typeof(SIZE))] TMT_SMCAPTIONBARHEIGHT = 1207, /// Menu bar width. [CorrespondingType(typeof(SIZE))] TMT_MENUBARWIDTH = 1208, /// Menu bar height. [CorrespondingType(typeof(SIZE))] TMT_MENUBARHEIGHT = 1209, /// Padded border width. [CorrespondingType(typeof(SIZE))] TMT_PADDEDBORDERWIDTH = 1210, /// TMT_FIRSTSIZE = TMT_SIZINGBORDERWIDTH, /// TMT_LASTSIZE = TMT_PADDEDBORDERWIDTH, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_MINCOLORDEPTH = 1301, /// TMT_FIRSTINT = TMT_MINCOLORDEPTH, /// TMT_LASTINT = TMT_MINCOLORDEPTH, /// The name of the CSS file associated with the theme specified by hTheme. [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_CSSNAME = 1401, /// The name of the XML file associated with the theme specified by hTheme. [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_XMLNAME = 1402, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_LASTUPDATED = 1403, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_ALIAS = 1404, /// TMT_FIRSTSTRING = TMT_CSSNAME, /// TMT_LASTSTRING = TMT_ALIAS, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_SCROLLBAR = 1601, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_BACKGROUND = 1602, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_ACTIVECAPTION = 1603, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_INACTIVECAPTION = 1604, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_MENU = 1605, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_WINDOW = 1606, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_WINDOWFRAME = 1607, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_MENUTEXT = 1608, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_WINDOWTEXT = 1609, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_CAPTIONTEXT = 1610, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_ACTIVEBORDER = 1611, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_INACTIVEBORDER = 1612, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_APPWORKSPACE = 1613, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_HIGHLIGHT = 1614, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_HIGHLIGHTTEXT = 1615, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_BTNFACE = 1616, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_BTNSHADOW = 1617, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_GRAYTEXT = 1618, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_BTNTEXT = 1619, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT = 1620, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_BTNHIGHLIGHT = 1621, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_DKSHADOW3D = 1622, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_LIGHT3D = 1623, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_INFOTEXT = 1624, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_INFOBK = 1625, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_BUTTONALTERNATEFACE = 1626, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_HOTTRACKING = 1627, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION = 1628, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION = 1629, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_MENUHILIGHT = 1630, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_MENUBAR = 1631, /// TMT_FIRSTCOLOR = TMT_SCROLLBAR, /// TMT_LASTCOLOR = TMT_MENUBAR, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_FROMHUE1 = 1801, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_FROMHUE2 = 1802, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_FROMHUE3 = 1803, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_FROMHUE4 = 1804, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_FROMHUE5 = 1805, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TOHUE1 = 1806, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TOHUE2 = 1807, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TOHUE3 = 1808, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TOHUE4 = 1809, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TOHUE5 = 1810, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_FROMCOLOR1 = 2001, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_FROMCOLOR2 = 2002, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_FROMCOLOR3 = 2003, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_FROMCOLOR4 = 2004, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_FROMCOLOR5 = 2005, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TOCOLOR1 = 2006, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TOCOLOR2 = 2007, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TOCOLOR3 = 2008, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TOCOLOR4 = 2009, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TOCOLOR5 = 2010, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_TRANSPARENT = 2201, /// TRUE if the nonclient caption area associated with the part and state vary with text width. [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_AUTOSIZE = 2202, /// TRUE if the image associated with the part and state should only have its border drawn. [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_BORDERONLY = 2203, /// TRUE if the control associated with the part and state will handle its own compositing of images. [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_COMPOSITED = 2204, /// TRUE if true-sized images associated with the part and state are to be drawn on the background fill. [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_BGFILL = 2205, /// /// TRUE if the glyph associated with the part and state have transparent areas. See GetThemeColor for the definition of the /// TMT_GLYPHCOLOR value that defines the transparent color. /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_GLYPHTRANSPARENT = 2206, /// TRUE if the glyph associated with the part and state should be drawn without a background. [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_GLYPHONLY = 2207, /// TRUE if the sizing bar associated with the part and state should always be shown. [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_ALWAYSSHOWSIZINGBAR = 2208, /// /// TRUE if the image associated with the part and state should be flipped if the window is being viewed in right-to-left reading mode. /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_MIRRORIMAGE = 2209, /// TRUE if the image associated with the part and state must have equal height and width. [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_UNIFORMSIZING = 2210, /// TRUE if the truesize image or border associated with the part and state must be sized to a factor of 2. [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_INTEGRALSIZING = 2211, /// TRUE if the image associated with the part and state will scale larger in size if necessary. [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_SOURCEGROW = 2212, /// TRUE if the image associated with the part and state will scale smaller in size if necessary. [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_SOURCESHRINK = 2213, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_DRAWBORDERS = 2214, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_NOETCHEDEFFECT = 2215, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_TEXTAPPLYOVERLAY = 2216, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_TEXTGLOW = 2217, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_TEXTITALIC = 2218, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_COMPOSITEDOPAQUE = 2219, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_LOCALIZEDMIRRORIMAGE = 2220, /// The number of state images present in an image file. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_IMAGECOUNT = 2401, /// The alpha value (0-255) used for DrawThemeIcon. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_ALPHALEVEL = 2402, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_BORDERSIZE = 2403, /// The roundness (0 to 100 percent) of the part's corners. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_ROUNDCORNERWIDTH = 2404, /// The roundness (0 to 100 percent) of the part's corners. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_ROUNDCORNERHEIGHT = 2405, /// /// The amount of the first gradient color (TMT_GRADIENTCOLOR1) to use in drawing the part. This value can be from 0 to 255, but /// this value plus the values of each of the GRADIENTRATIO values must add up to 255. /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_GRADIENTRATIO1 = 2406, /// The amount of the second gradient color (TMT_GRADIENTCOLOR2) to use in drawing the part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_GRADIENTRATIO2 = 2407, /// The amount of the third gradient color (TMT_GRADIENTCOLOR3) to use in drawing the part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_GRADIENTRATIO3 = 2408, /// The amount of the fourth gradient color (TMT_GRADIENTCOLOR4) to use in drawing the part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_GRADIENTRATIO4 = 2409, /// The amount of the fifth gradient color (TMT_GRADIENTCOLOR5) to use in drawing the part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_GRADIENTRATIO5 = 2410, /// The size of the progress control "chunk" shapes that define how far an operation has progressed. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_PROGRESSCHUNKSIZE = 2411, /// The total size of all of the progress control "chunks". [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_PROGRESSSPACESIZE = 2412, /// The amount of saturation (0-255) to apply to an icon drawn using DrawThemeIcon. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_SATURATION = 2413, /// The thickness of the border drawn around text characters. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TEXTBORDERSIZE = 2414, /// The minimum alpha value (0-255) that a pixel must have to be considered opaque. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_ALPHATHRESHOLD = 2415, /// The width of the part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_WIDTH = 2416, /// The height of the part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_HEIGHT = 2417, /// The character index into the selected font that will be used for the glyph, if the part uses a font-based glyph. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_GLYPHINDEX = 2418, /// The percentage of a true-size image's original size at which the image will be stretched. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TRUESIZESTRETCHMARK = 2419, /// The minimum dots per inch (dpi) that the first image file was designed for. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_MINDPI1 = 2420, /// The minimum dpi that the second image file was designed for. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_MINDPI2 = 2421, /// The minimum dpi that the third image file was designed for. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_MINDPI3 = 2422, /// The minimum dpi that the fourth image file was designed for. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_MINDPI4 = 2423, /// The minimum dpi that the fifth image file was designed for. [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_MINDPI5 = 2424, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_TEXTGLOWSIZE = 2425, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_FRAMESPERSECOND = 2426, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_PIXELSPERFRAME = 2427, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_ANIMATIONDELAY = 2428, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_GLOWINTENSITY = 2429, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_OPACITY = 2430, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_COLORIZATIONCOLOR = 2431, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_COLORIZATIONOPACITY = 2432, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_MINDPI6 = 2433, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_MINDPI7 = 2434, /// The font that the glyph associated with this part will be drawn with, if font-based glyphs are used. [CorrespondingType(typeof(LOGFONT))] TMT_GLYPHFONT = 2601, /// /// The filename of the image associated with this part and state, or the base filename for multiple images associated with this /// part and state. /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_IMAGEFILE = 3001, /// The filename of the first scaled image associated with this part and state, for support of different resolutions. [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_IMAGEFILE1 = 3002, /// The filename of the second scaled image. [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_IMAGEFILE2 = 3003, /// The filename of the third scaled image. [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_IMAGEFILE3 = 3004, /// The filename of the fourth scaled image. [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_IMAGEFILE4 = 3005, /// The filename of the fifth scaled image. [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_IMAGEFILE5 = 3006, /// The filename for the glyph image associated with this part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_GLYPHIMAGEFILE = 3008, /// The filename of the sixth scaled image. [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_IMAGEFILE6 = 3009, /// The filename of the seventh scaled image. [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_IMAGEFILE7 = 3010, /// The text displayed by the part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_TEXT = 3201, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_CLASSICVALUE = 3202, /// The position offset from the alignment for this part. The alignment is defined by the TMT_OFFSETTYPE value. [CorrespondingType(typeof(Point))] TMT_OFFSET = 3401, /// The offset from the text at which text shadows are drawn. [CorrespondingType(typeof(Point))] TMT_TEXTSHADOWOFFSET = 3402, /// The minimum size that the normal image file can be used for before moving to the next smallest image file. [CorrespondingType(typeof(Point))] TMT_MINSIZE = 3403, /// The minimum size that the first small image file can be used for. [CorrespondingType(typeof(Point))] TMT_MINSIZE1 = 3404, /// The minimum size that the second small image file can be used for. [CorrespondingType(typeof(Point))] TMT_MINSIZE2 = 3405, /// The minimum size that the third small image file can be used for. [CorrespondingType(typeof(Point))] TMT_MINSIZE3 = 3406, /// The minimum size that the fourth small image file can be used for. [CorrespondingType(typeof(Point))] TMT_MINSIZE4 = 3407, /// The minimum size that the fifth small image file can be used for. [CorrespondingType(typeof(Point))] TMT_MINSIZE5 = 3408, /// The size of the normal image associated with this part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(Point))] TMT_NORMALSIZE = 3409, /// The minimum size that the sixth small image file can be used for. [CorrespondingType(typeof(Point))] TMT_MINSIZE6 = 3410, /// The minimum size that the seventh small image file can be used for. [CorrespondingType(typeof(Point))] TMT_MINSIZE7 = 3411, /// The margins used for sizing a non-true-size image. [CorrespondingType(typeof(MARGINS))] TMT_SIZINGMARGINS = 3601, /// The margins that define where content may be placed within a part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(MARGINS))] TMT_CONTENTMARGINS = 3602, /// The margins that define where caption text may be placed within a part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(MARGINS))] TMT_CAPTIONMARGINS = 3603, /// The color of the border associated with the part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_BORDERCOLOR = 3801, /// The color of the background fill associated with the part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_FILLCOLOR = 3802, /// The color of the text associated with this part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_TEXTCOLOR = 3803, /// The light color of the edge associated with this part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_EDGELIGHTCOLOR = 3804, /// The highlight color of the edge associated with this part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_EDGEHIGHLIGHTCOLOR = 3805, /// The shadow color of the edge associated with this part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_EDGESHADOWCOLOR = 3806, /// The dark shadow color of the edge associated with this part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_EDGEDKSHADOWCOLOR = 3807, /// The fill color of the edge associated with this part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_EDGEFILLCOLOR = 3808, /// /// The transparent color associated with this part and state. If the TMT_TRANSPARENT value for this part and state is TRUE, /// parts of the graphic that use this color are not drawn. /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_TRANSPARENTCOLOR = 3809, /// The first color of the gradient associated with this part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_GRADIENTCOLOR1 = 3810, /// The second color of the gradient. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_GRADIENTCOLOR2 = 3811, /// The third color of the gradient. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_GRADIENTCOLOR3 = 3812, /// The fourth color of the gradient. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_GRADIENTCOLOR4 = 3813, /// The fifth color of the gradient. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_GRADIENTCOLOR5 = 3814, /// The color of the shadow drawn underneath text associated with this part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_SHADOWCOLOR = 3815, /// The color of the glow produced by calling DrawThemeIcon using this part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_GLOWCOLOR = 3816, /// The color of the text border associated with this part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_TEXTBORDERCOLOR = 3817, /// The color of the text shadow associated with this part and state. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_TEXTSHADOWCOLOR = 3818, /// The color that the font-based glyph associated with this part and state will use. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_GLYPHTEXTCOLOR = 3819, /// /// The transparent glyph color associated with this part and state. If the TMT_GLYPHTRANSPARENT value for this part and state is /// TRUE, parts of the glyph that use this color are not drawn. /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_GLYPHTRANSPARENTCOLOR = 3820, /// The color used as a fill color hint for custom controls. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_FILLCOLORHINT = 3821, /// The color used as a border color hint for custom controls. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_BORDERCOLORHINT = 3822, /// The color used as an accent color hint for custom controls. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_ACCENTCOLORHINT = 3823, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_TEXTCOLORHINT = 3824, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_HEADING1TEXTCOLOR = 3825, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_HEADING2TEXTCOLOR = 3826, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_BODYTEXTCOLOR = 3827, /// The basic drawing type for this part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(BGTYPE))] TMT_BGTYPE = 4001, /// The type of border drawn if this part is a border fill. [CorrespondingType(typeof(BORDERTYPE))] TMT_BORDERTYPE = 4002, /// The type of fill shape drawn if this part is a border fill. [CorrespondingType(typeof(FILLTYPE))] TMT_FILLTYPE = 4003, /// The method used to size an image if this part uses an image file. [CorrespondingType(typeof(SIZINGTYPE))] TMT_SIZINGTYPE = 4004, /// The horizontal alignment if this part uses a true-size image. [CorrespondingType(typeof(HALIGN))] TMT_HALIGN = 4005, /// The alignment of text in the caption associated with this part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(CONTENTALIGNMENT))] TMT_CONTENTALIGNMENT = 4006, /// The vertical alignment if this part uses a true-size image. [CorrespondingType(typeof(VALIGN))] TMT_VALIGN = 4007, /// The alignment of this part on the window. [CorrespondingType(typeof(OFFSETTYPE))] TMT_OFFSETTYPE = 4008, /// The type of effect to be displayed when this part is drawn using DrawThemeIcon. [CorrespondingType(typeof(ICONEFFECT))] TMT_ICONEFFECT = 4009, /// The type of shadow effect to draw behind text associated with this part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(TEXTSHADOWTYPE))] TMT_TEXTSHADOWTYPE = 4010, /// The type of alignment used when multiple images are drawn. [CorrespondingType(typeof(IMAGELAYOUT))] TMT_IMAGELAYOUT = 4011, /// The type of glyph drawn on this part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(GLYPHTYPE))] TMT_GLYPHTYPE = 4012, /// The type of method used to select between sized images for this part. See the TMT_IMAGEFILE1 value of GetThemeFilename. [CorrespondingType(typeof(IMAGESELECTTYPE))] TMT_IMAGESELECTTYPE = 4013, /// The type of method used to select between different-sized glyphs. [CorrespondingType(typeof(GLYPHFONTSIZINGTYPE))] TMT_GLYPHFONTSIZINGTYPE = 4014, /// The type of scaling used if this part uses a true-sized image. [CorrespondingType(typeof(TRUESIZESCALINGTYPE))] TMT_TRUESIZESCALINGTYPE = 4015, /// TRUE if the image associated with the part and state is based on the current user. [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_USERPICTURE = 5001, /// The default size of the part. [CorrespondingType(typeof(RECT))] TMT_DEFAULTPANESIZE = 5002, /// The color used as a blend color. [CorrespondingType(typeof(COLORREF))] TMT_BLENDCOLOR = 5003, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(RECT))] TMT_CUSTOMSPLITRECT = 5004, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(RECT))] TMT_ANIMATIONBUTTONRECT = 5005, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))] TMT_ANIMATIONDURATION = 5006, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(int[]))] TMT_TRANSITIONDURATIONS = 6000, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(bool))] TMT_SCALEDBACKGROUND = 7001, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(byte[]))] TMT_ATLASIMAGE = 8000, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))] TMT_ATLASINPUTIMAGE = 8001, /// [CorrespondingType(typeof(RECT))] TMT_ATLASRECT = 8002, } /// The type of scaling used if this part uses a true-sized image. public enum TRUESIZESCALINGTYPE { TSST_NONE = 0, TSST_SIZE = 1, TSST_DPI = 2, } /// The vertical alignment if this part uses a true-size image. public enum VALIGN { VA_TOP = 0, VA_CENTER = 1, VA_BOTTOM = 2, } } }