using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using Vanara.PInvoke; using static Vanara.PInvoke.DwmApi; namespace Vanara.Windows.Forms; /// Extracts all or a portion of a window and renders it as a thumbnail on another portion of the desktop. public class LiveThumbnail : IDisposable { private readonly HTHUMBNAIL hThumbnail; private DWM_THUMBNAIL_PROPERTIES tProps; /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// The window. internal LiveThumbnail(IWin32Window win) { hThumbnail = DesktopWindowManager.thumbnailMgr.Register(win); SourceClientAreaOnly = true; tProps.opacity = 255; } /// Gets or sets the area in the destination window where the thumbnail will be rendered. /// The destination rectangle. public Rectangle DestinationRectangle { get => tProps.rcDestination; set { tProps.dwFlags = DWM_TNP.DWM_TNP_RECTDESTINATION; tProps.rcDestination = value; DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties(hThumbnail, tProps).ThrowIfFailed(); } } /// /// Gets or sets the opacity with which to render the thumbnail. 0 is fully transparent while 255 is fully opaque. The default value is 255. /// /// The opacity. public byte Opacity { get => tProps.opacity; set { tProps.dwFlags = DWM_TNP.DWM_TNP_OPACITY; tProps.opacity = value; DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties(hThumbnail, tProps).ThrowIfFailed(); } } /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use only the thumbnail source's client area. /// TRUE to use only the thumbnail source's client area; otherwise, FALSE. The default is FALSE. public bool SourceClientAreaOnly { get => tProps.fSourceClientAreaOnly; set { tProps.dwFlags = DWM_TNP.DWM_TNP_SOURCECLIENTAREAONLY; tProps.fSourceClientAreaOnly = value; DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties(hThumbnail, tProps).ThrowIfFailed(); } } /// Gets or sets the region of the source window to use as the thumbnail. By default, the entire window is used as the thumbnail. /// The source region rectangle. public Rectangle SourceRectangle { get => tProps.rcSource; set { tProps.dwFlags = DWM_TNP.DWM_TNP_RECTSOURCE; tProps.rcSource = value; DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties(hThumbnail, tProps).ThrowIfFailed(); } } /// Gets the size of the source. /// The size of the source. public Size SourceSize { get { DwmQueryThumbnailSourceSize(hThumbnail, out var sz).ThrowIfFailed(); return sz; } } /// Gets a value indicating whether this is visible. /// true if visible; otherwise, false. public bool Visible { get => tProps.fVisible; private set { tProps.dwFlags = DWM_TNP.DWM_TNP_VISIBLE; tProps.fVisible = value; DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties(hThumbnail, tProps).ThrowIfFailed(); } } /// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() => DesktopWindowManager.thumbnailMgr.Unregister(hThumbnail); /// Hides the thumbnail. public void Hide() => Visible = false; /// Shows the thumbnail at the location specified by . public void Show() => Visible = true; /// Shows the thumbnail at the location specified by . /// The destination window where the thumbnail will be rendered. public void Show(Rectangle destRect) { tProps.dwFlags = DWM_TNP.DWM_TNP_VISIBLE | DWM_TNP.DWM_TNP_RECTDESTINATION; tProps.fVisible = true; tProps.rcDestination = destRect; DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties(hThumbnail, tProps).ThrowIfFailed(); } /// Shows the thumbnail at the location specified by and at the specified opacity. /// The destination window where the thumbnail will be rendered. /// The opacity with which to render the thumbnail. 0 is fully transparent while 255 is fully opaque. public void Show(Rectangle destRect, byte opacity) { tProps.dwFlags = DWM_TNP.DWM_TNP_VISIBLE | DWM_TNP.DWM_TNP_RECTDESTINATION | DWM_TNP.DWM_TNP_OPACITY; tProps.fVisible = true; tProps.rcDestination = destRect; tProps.opacity = opacity; DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties(hThumbnail, tProps).ThrowIfFailed(); } }