using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using Vanara.Extensions; using Vanara.InteropServices; using static Vanara.PInvoke.SetupAPI; namespace Vanara.PInvoke { /// /// Items from the CfgMgr32.dll /// public static partial class CfgMgr32 { // Win95 compatibility--not applicable to 32-bit ConfigMgr Win95 compatibility--not applicable to 32-bit ConfigMgr Win95 // compatibility--not applicable to 32-bit ConfigMgr private const string Lib_Cfgmgr32 = "cfgmgr32.dll"; #pragma warning disable CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member public const int CONFIGMG_VERSION = 0x0400; public const int MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN = 32; public const int MAX_CONFIG_VALUE = 9999; public const int MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN = 200; public const int MAX_DEVNODE_ID_LEN = MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN; public const int MAX_DMA_CHANNELS = 7; public const int MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN = 39; // 38 chars + terminator null public const int MAX_INSTANCE_VALUE = 9999; public const int MAX_IO_PORTS = 20; public const int MAX_IRQS = 7; public const int MAX_MEM_REGISTERS = 9; public const int MAX_PROFILE_LEN = 80; #pragma warning restore CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member /// Caller-supplied flag constant that specifies the list onto which the supplied device ID should be appended. [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h")] public enum CM_ADD_ID { /// CM_ADD_ID_HARDWARE = 0x00000000, /// CM_ADD_ID_COMPATIBLE = 0x00000001, } /// Class property flags [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Class_Property_ExW")] public enum CM_CLASS_PROPERTY { /// ClassGUID specifies a device setup class. Do not combine with CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INTERFACE. CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INSTALLER = 0x00000000, /// ClassGUID specifies a device interface class. Do not combine with CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INSTALLER. CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INTERFACE = 0x00000001, } /// /// A value of type ULONG that identifies the property to be retrieved. /// [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Class_Registry_PropertyW")] public enum CM_CRP { /// UpperFilters REG_MULTI_SZ property (RW) CM_CRP_UPPERFILTERS = CM_DRP.CM_DRP_UPPERFILTERS, /// LowerFilters REG_MULTI_SZ property (RW) CM_CRP_LOWERFILTERS = CM_DRP.CM_DRP_LOWERFILTERS, /// Class default security (RW) CM_CRP_SECURITY = CM_DRP.CM_DRP_SECURITY, /// Class default security (RW) CM_CRP_SECURITY_SDS = CM_DRP.CM_DRP_SECURITY_SDS, /// Class default Device-type (RW) CM_CRP_DEVTYPE = CM_DRP.CM_DRP_DEVTYPE, /// Class default (RW) CM_CRP_EXCLUSIVE = CM_DRP.CM_DRP_EXCLUSIVE, /// Class default (RW) CM_CRP_CHARACTERISTICS = CM_DRP.CM_DRP_CHARACTERISTICS, } /// Delete class key flags [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h")] public enum CM_DELETE_CLASS { /// Delete the class only if it does not contain any subkeys. CM_DELETE_CLASS_ONLY = 0x00000000, /// Delete the class and all of its subkeys. CM_DELETE_CLASS_SUBKEYS = 0x00000001, /// Indicates that ClassGuid specifies a device interface class and not a device setup class. CM_DELETE_CLASS_INTERFACE = 0x00000002, } /// Disable flags [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h")] [Flags] public enum CM_DISABLE : uint { /// Ask the driver CM_DISABLE_POLITE = 0x00000000, /// Don't ask the driver CM_DISABLE_ABSOLUTE = 0x00000001, /// Don't ask the driver, and won't be restarteable CM_DISABLE_HARDWARE = 0x00000002, /// Do not display any interface to the user if the attempt to disable the device fails. CM_DISABLE_UI_NOT_OK = 0x00000004, /// Disables the device across reboots. CM_DISABLE_PERSIST = 0x00000008, } /// Enumerate flags. [Flags] public enum CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES : uint { /// Enumerate device setup classes. CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES_INSTALLER = 0x00000000, /// Enumerate device interface classes. CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES_INTERFACE = 0x00000001, } /// One of the following caller-supplied bit flags that specifies search filters. [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Device_ID_ListA")] [Flags] public enum CM_GETIDLIST { /// If this flag is set, pszFilter is ignored, and a list of all devices on the system is returned. CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_NONE = 0x00000000, /// /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify the name of a device enumerator, optionally followed by a device ID. The string /// format is EnumeratorName\<DeviceID>, such as ROOT or ROOT\*PNP0500. /// /// /// If pszFilter supplies only an enumerator name, the function returns device instance IDs for the instances of each device /// associated with the enumerator. Enumerator names can be obtained by calling CM_Enumerate_Enumerators. /// /// /// If pszFilter supplies both an enumerator and a device ID, the function returns device instance IDs only for the instances of /// the specified device that is associated with the enumerator. /// /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_ENUMERATOR = 0x00000001, /// /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify the name of a Microsoft Windows service (typically a driver). The function /// returns device instance IDs for the device instances controlled by the specified service. /// /// /// Note that if the device tree does not contain a devnode for the specified service, this function creates one by default. To /// inhibit this behavior, also set CM_GETIDLIST_DONOTGENERATE. /// /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_SERVICE = 0x00000002, /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify a device instance identifier. The function returns device instance IDs for the /// ejection relations of the specified device instance. /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_EJECTRELATIONS = 0x00000004, /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify a device instance identifier. The function returns device instance IDs for the /// removal relations of the specified device instance. /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_REMOVALRELATIONS = 0x00000008, /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify a device instance identifier. The function returns device instance IDs for the /// power relations of the specified device instance. /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_POWERRELATIONS = 0x00000010, /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify a device instance identifier. The function returns device instance IDs for the /// bus relations of the specified device instance. /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_BUSRELATIONS = 0x00000020, /// /// Used only with CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_SERVICE. If set, and if the device tree does not contain a devnode for the specified /// service, this flag prevents the function from creating a devnode for the service. /// CM_GETIDLIST_DONOTGENERATE = 0x10000040, /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify the device instance identifier of a composite device node (devnode). /// /// The function returns the device instance identifiers of the devnodes that represent the transport relations of the specified /// composite devnode. /// /// For more information about composite devnodes and transport relations, see the following Remarks section. /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_TRANSPORTRELATIONS = 0x00000080, /// /// If this flag is set, the returned list contains only device instances that are currently present on the system. This value /// can be combined with other ulFlags values, such as CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_CLASS. /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_PRESENT = 0x00000100, /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter contains a string that specifies a device setup class GUID. The returned list contains device /// instances for which the property (referenced by the CM_DRP_CLASSGUID constant) matches the specified device setup class GUID. /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_CLASS = 0x00000200, } /// Delete device node key flags. Indicates the scope and type of registry storage key to delete. [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Delete_DevNode_Key")] [Flags] public enum CM_REGISTRY { /// Delete the device’s hardware key. Do not combine with CM_REGISTRY_SOFTWARE. CM_REGISTRY_HARDWARE = 0x00000000, /// Delete the device’s software key. Do not combine with CM_REGISTRY_HARDWARE. CM_REGISTRY_SOFTWARE = 0x00000001, /// Delete the per-user key for the current user. Do not combine with CM_REGISTRY_CONFIG. CM_REGISTRY_USER = 0x00000100, /// Delete the key that stores hardware profile-specific configuration information. Do not combine with CM_REGISTRY_USER. CM_REGISTRY_CONFIG = 0x00000200, } /// One of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h")] public enum CONFIGRET : uint { #pragma warning disable CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member CR_SUCCESS = 0x00000000, CR_DEFAULT = 0x00000001, CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 0x00000002, CR_INVALID_POINTER = 0x00000003, CR_INVALID_FLAG = 0x00000004, CR_INVALID_DEVNODE = 0x00000005, CR_INVALID_DEVINST = CR_INVALID_DEVNODE, CR_INVALID_RES_DES = 0x00000006, CR_INVALID_LOG_CONF = 0x00000007, CR_INVALID_ARBITRATOR = 0x00000008, CR_INVALID_NODELIST = 0x00000009, CR_DEVNODE_HAS_REQS = 0x0000000A, CR_DEVINST_HAS_REQS = CR_DEVNODE_HAS_REQS, CR_INVALID_RESOURCEID = 0x0000000B, CR_DLVXD_NOT_FOUND = 0x0000000C, // WIN 95 ONLY CR_NO_SUCH_DEVNODE = 0x0000000D, CR_NO_SUCH_DEVINST = CR_NO_SUCH_DEVNODE, CR_NO_MORE_LOG_CONF = 0x0000000E, CR_NO_MORE_RES_DES = 0x0000000F, CR_ALREADY_SUCH_DEVNODE = 0x00000010, CR_ALREADY_SUCH_DEVINST = CR_ALREADY_SUCH_DEVNODE, CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST = 0x00000011, CR_INVALID_RANGE = 0x00000012, CR_FAILURE = 0x00000013, CR_NO_SUCH_LOGICAL_DEV = 0x00000014, CR_CREATE_BLOCKED = 0x00000015, CR_NOT_SYSTEM_VM = 0x00000016, // WIN 95 ONLY CR_REMOVE_VETOED = 0x00000017, CR_APM_VETOED = 0x00000018, CR_INVALID_LOAD_TYPE = 0x00000019, CR_BUFFER_SMALL = 0x0000001A, CR_NO_ARBITRATOR = 0x0000001B, CR_NO_REGISTRY_HANDLE = 0x0000001C, CR_REGISTRY_ERROR = 0x0000001D, CR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID = 0x0000001E, CR_INVALID_DATA = 0x0000001F, CR_INVALID_API = 0x00000020, CR_DEVLOADER_NOT_READY = 0x00000021, CR_NEED_RESTART = 0x00000022, CR_NO_MORE_HW_PROFILES = 0x00000023, CR_DEVICE_NOT_THERE = 0x00000024, CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE = 0x00000025, CR_WRONG_TYPE = 0x00000026, CR_INVALID_PRIORITY = 0x00000027, CR_NOT_DISABLEABLE = 0x00000028, CR_FREE_RESOURCES = 0x00000029, CR_QUERY_VETOED = 0x0000002A, CR_CANT_SHARE_IRQ = 0x0000002B, CR_NO_DEPENDENT = 0x0000002C, CR_SAME_RESOURCES = 0x0000002D, CR_NO_SUCH_REGISTRY_KEY = 0x0000002E, CR_INVALID_MACHINENAME = 0x0000002F, // NT ONLY CR_REMOTE_COMM_FAILURE = 0x00000030, // NT ONLY CR_MACHINE_UNAVAILABLE = 0x00000031, // NT ONLY CR_NO_CM_SERVICES = 0x00000032, // NT ONLY CR_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x00000033, // NT ONLY CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 0x00000034, CR_INVALID_PROPERTY = 0x00000035, CR_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ACTIVE = 0x00000036, CR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_INTERFACE = 0x00000037, CR_INVALID_REFERENCE_STRING = 0x00000038, CR_INVALID_CONFLICT_LIST = 0x00000039, CR_INVALID_INDEX = 0x0000003A, CR_INVALID_STRUCTURE_SIZE = 0x0000003B, #pragma warning restore CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member } /// Caller-supplied flags that specify the type of the logical configuration. [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h")] public enum LOG_CONF_FLAG { /// Specifies the req list. BASIC_LOG_CONF = 0x00000000, /// Specifies the filtered req list. FILTERED_LOG_CONF = 0x00000001, /// Specifies the Alloc Element. ALLOC_LOG_CONF = 0x00000002, /// Specifies the RM Alloc Element. BOOT_LOG_CONF = 0x00000003, /// Specifies the Forced Log Conf FORCED_LOG_CONF = 0x00000004, /// Specifies the Override req list. OVERRIDE_LOG_CONF = 0x00000005, /// Number of Log Conf type NUM_LOG_CONF = 0x00000006, /// The bits of the log conf type. LOG_CONF_BITS = 0x00000007, /// Same priority, new one first PRIORITY_EQUAL_FIRST = 0x00000008, /// Same priority, new one last PRIORITY_EQUAL_LAST = 0x00000000, } /// /// If the PnP manager rejects a request to perform an operation, the PNP_VETO_TYPE enumeration is used to identify the reason for /// the rejection. /// /// /// /// Text strings are associated with most of the veto types, and a function that receives a veto type value can typically request to /// also receive the value's associated text string. The following table identifies the text string associated with each value. /// /// /// /// pVeto type value /// Text String /// /// /// PNP_VetoTypeUnknown /// None. /// /// /// PNP_VetoLegacyDevice /// A device instance path. /// /// /// PNP_VetoPendingClose /// A device instance path. /// /// /// PNP_VetoWindowsApp /// An application module name. /// /// /// PNP_VetoWindowsService /// A Windows service name. /// /// /// PNP_VetoOutstandingOpen /// A device instance path. /// /// /// PNP_VetoDevice /// A device instance path. /// /// /// PNP_VetoDriver /// A driver name. /// /// /// PNP_VetoIllegalDeviceRequest /// A device instance path. /// /// /// PNP_VetoInsufficientPower /// None. /// /// /// PNP_VetoNonDisableable /// A device instance path. /// /// /// PNP_VetoLegacyDriver /// A Windows service name. /// /// /// // typedef enum _PNP_VETO_TYPE { PNP_VetoTypeUnknown, // PNP_VetoLegacyDevice, PNP_VetoPendingClose, PNP_VetoWindowsApp, PNP_VetoWindowsService, PNP_VetoOutstandingOpen, PNP_VetoDevice, // PNP_VetoDriver, PNP_VetoIllegalDeviceRequest, PNP_VetoInsufficientPower, PNP_VetoNonDisableable, PNP_VetoLegacyDriver, // PNP_VetoInsufficientRights, PNP_VetoAlreadyRemoved } PNP_VETO_TYPE, *PPNP_VETO_TYPE; [PInvokeData("cfg.h", MSDNShortId = "NE:cfg._PNP_VETO_TYPE")] public enum PNP_VETO_TYPE { /// The specified operation was rejected for an unknown reason. PNP_VetoTypeUnknown, /// The device does not support the specified PnP operation. PNP_VetoLegacyDevice, /// The specified operation cannot be completed because of a pending close operation. PNP_VetoPendingClose, /// A Microsoft Win32 application vetoed the specified operation. PNP_VetoWindowsApp, /// A Win32 service vetoed the specified operation. PNP_VetoWindowsService, /// The requested operation was rejected because of outstanding open handles. PNP_VetoOutstandingOpen, /// The device supports the specified operation, but the device rejected the operation. PNP_VetoDevice, /// The driver supports the specified operation, but the driver rejected the operation. PNP_VetoDriver, /// The device does not support the specified operation. PNP_VetoIllegalDeviceRequest, /// There is insufficient power to perform the requested operation. PNP_VetoInsufficientPower, /// The device cannot be disabled. PNP_VetoNonDisableable, /// The driver does not support the specified PnP operation. PNP_VetoLegacyDriver, /// The caller has insufficient privileges to complete the operation. PNP_VetoInsufficientRights, } /// Caller-supplied configuration priority value. [PInvokeData("cfg.h")] public enum PRIORITY { /// Coming from a forced config LCPRI_FORCECONFIG = 0x00000000, /// Coming from a boot config LCPRI_BOOTCONFIG = 0x00000001, /// Preferable (better performance) LCPRI_DESIRED = 0x00002000, /// Workable (acceptable performance) LCPRI_NORMAL = 0x00003000, /// CM only--do not use LCPRI_LASTBESTCONFIG = 0x00003FFF, /// Not desired, but will work LCPRI_SUBOPTIMAL = 0x00005000, /// CM only--do not use LCPRI_LASTSOFTCONFIG = 0x00007FFF, /// Need to restart LCPRI_RESTART = 0x00008000, /// Need to reboot LCPRI_REBOOT = 0x00009000, /// Need to shutdown/power-off LCPRI_POWEROFF = 0x0000A000, /// Need to change a jumper LCPRI_HARDRECONFIG = 0x0000C000, /// Cannot be changed LCPRI_HARDWIRED = 0x0000E000, /// Impossible configuration LCPRI_IMPOSSIBLE = 0x0000F000, /// Disabled configuration LCPRI_DISABLED = 0x0000FFFF, } /// Caller-supplied resource type identifier, which identifies the type of structure supplied by ResourceData. [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h")] public enum RESOURCEID { /// Return all resource types ResType_All = 0x00000000, /// Arbitration always succeeded ResType_None = 0x00000000, /// Physical address resource [CorrespondingType(typeof(MEM_RESOURCE))] ResType_Mem = 0x00000001, /// Physical I/O address resource [CorrespondingType(typeof(IO_RESOURCE))] ResType_IO = 0x00000002, /// DMA channels resource [CorrespondingType(typeof(DMA_RESOURCE))] ResType_DMA = 0x00000003, /// IRQ resource [CorrespondingType(typeof(IRQ_RESOURCE_32))] [CorrespondingType(typeof(IRQ_RESOURCE_64))] ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004, /// Used as spacer to sync subsequent ResTypes w/NT ResType_DoNotUse = 0x00000005, /// bus number resource [CorrespondingType(typeof(BUSNUMBER_RESOURCE))] ResType_BusNumber = 0x00000006, /// Memory resources >= 4GB ResType_MemLarge = 0x00000007, /// Maximum known (arbitrated) ResType ResType_MAX = 0x00000007, /// Ignore this resource ResType_Ignored_Bit = 0x00008000, /// class-specific resource [CorrespondingType(typeof(CS_RESOURCE))] ResType_ClassSpecific = 0x0000FFFF, /// reserved for internal use ResType_Reserved = 0x00008000, /// device private data //[CorrespondingType(typeof(DEVPRIVATE_RESOURCE))] ResType_DevicePrivate = 0x00008001, /// PC Card configuration data [CorrespondingType(typeof(PCCARD_RESOURCE))] ResType_PcCardConfig = 0x00008002, /// MF Card configuration data [CorrespondingType(typeof(MFCARD_RESOURCE))] ResType_MfCardConfig = 0x00008003, } /// /// The CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf function creates an empty logical configuration, for a specified configuration type and a /// specified device instance, on the local machine. /// /// Address of a location to receive the handle to an empty logical configuration. /// Caller-supplied device instance handle that is bound to the local machine. /// /// /// Caller-supplied configuration priority value. This must be one of the constant values listed in the following table. The /// constants are listed in order of priority, from highest to lowest. (For multiple configurations with the same ulFlags value, the /// system will attempt to use the one with the highest priority first.) /// /// /// /// Priority Constant /// Definition /// /// /// LCPRI_FORCECONFIG /// Result of a forced configuration. /// /// /// LCPRI_BOOTCONFIG /// Result of a boot configuration. /// /// /// LCPRI_DESIRED /// Preferred configuration (better performance). /// /// /// LCPRI_NORMAL /// Workable configuration (acceptable performance). /// /// /// LCPRI_LASTBESTCONFIG /// For internal use only. /// /// /// LCPRI_SUBOPTIMAL /// Not a desirable configuration, but it will work. /// /// /// LCPRI_LASTSOFTCONFIG /// For internal use only. /// /// /// LCPRI_RESTART /// The system must be restarted /// /// /// LCPRI_REBOOT /// The system must be restarted (same as LCPRI_RESTART). /// /// /// LCPRI_POWEROFF /// The system must be shut down and powered off. /// /// /// LCPRI_HARDRECONFIG /// A jumper must be changed. /// /// /// LCPRI_HARDWIRED /// The configuration cannot be changed. /// /// /// LCPRI_IMPOSSIBLE /// The configuration cannot exist. /// /// /// LCPRI_DISABLED /// Disabled configuration. /// /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied flags that specify the type of the logical configuration. One of the following flags must be specified. /// /// /// Configuration Type Flags /// Definitions /// /// /// BASIC_LOG_CONF /// Resource descriptors added to this configuration will describe a basic configuration. /// /// /// FILTERED_LOG_CONF /// Do not use. (Only the PnP manager can create a filtered configuration.) /// /// /// ALLOC_LOG_CONF /// Do not use. (Only the PnP manager can create an allocated configuration.) /// /// /// BOOT_LOG_CONF /// Resource descriptors added to this configuration will describe a boot configuration. /// /// /// FORCED_LOG_CONF /// Resource descriptors added to this configuration will describe a forced configuration. /// /// /// OVERRIDE_LOG_CONF /// Resource descriptors added to this configuration will describe an override configuration. /// /// /// One of the following bit flags can be ORed with the configuration type flag. /// /// /// Priority Comparison Flags /// Definitions /// /// /// PRIORITY_EQUAL_FIRST /// /// If multiple configurations of the same type (ulFlags) have the same priority (Priority), this configuration is placed at the /// head of the list. /// /// /// /// PRIORITY_EQUAL_LAST /// /// (Default) If multiple configurations of the same type (ulFlags) have the same priority (Priority), this configuration is placed /// at the tail of the list. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Note Starting with Windows 8, CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf returns CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when used in a Wow64 scenario. /// To request information about the hardware resources on a local machine it is necessary implement an architecture-native version /// of the application using the hardware resource APIs. For example: An AMD64 application for AMD64 systems. /// /// /// /// /// Calling CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf can cause the handles returned by CM_Get_First_Log_Conf and CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf to become /// invalid. Thus if you want to obtain logical configurations after calling CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf, your code must call /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf again and start at the first configuration. /// /// To remove a logical configuration created by CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf, call CM_Free_Log_Conf. /// The handle received in plcLogConf must be explicitly freed by calling CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle. /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// For information about using device instance handles that are bound to the local machine, see CM_Get_Child. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf( PLOG_CONF plcLogConf, DEVINST dnDevInst, PRIORITY Priority, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf(out SafeLOG_CONF plcLogConf, uint dnDevInst, PRIORITY Priority, LOG_CONF_FLAG ulFlags); /// /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf instead.] /// /// /// The CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex function creates an empty logical configuration, for a specified configuration type and a /// specified device instance, on either the local or a remote machine. /// /// /// Pointer to a location to receive the handle to an empty logical configuration. /// Caller-supplied device instance handle that is bound to the machine handle supplied by hMachine. /// /// Caller-supplied configuration priority value. For a list of values, see the Priority description for CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf. /// /// /// Caller-supplied flags that specify the type of the logical configuration. For a list of flags, see the description ulFlags /// description for CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf. /// /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle to which the caller-supplied device instance handle is bound. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Note Starting with Windows 8, CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex returns CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when used in a Wow64 /// scenario. To request information about the hardware resources on a local machine it is necessary implement an /// architecture-native version of the application using the hardware resource APIs. For example: An AMD64 application for AMD64 systems. /// /// /// /// /// Calling CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex can cause the handles returned by CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex and CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex /// to become invalid. Thus if you want to obtain logical configurations after calling CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex, your code /// must call CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex again and start at the first configuration. /// /// To remove a logical configuration created by CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex, call CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex. /// The handle received in plcLogConf must be explicitly freed by calling CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle. /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// For information about using device instance handles that are bound to a local or a remote machine, see CM_Get_Child_Ex. /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex( PLOG_CONF plcLogConf, DEVINST dnDevInst, PRIORITY Priority, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex(out SafeLOG_CONF plcLogConf, uint dnDevInst, PRIORITY Priority, LOG_CONF_FLAG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// The CM_Add_ID function appends a specified device ID (if not already present) to a device instance's hardware ID list or /// compatible ID list. /// /// Caller-supplied device instance handle that is bound to the local machine. /// Caller-supplied pointer to a NULL-terminated device ID string. /// /// /// Caller-supplied flag constant that specifies the list onto which the supplied device ID should be appended. The following flag /// constants are valid. /// /// /// /// Flag Constant /// Definition /// /// /// CM_ADD_ID_COMPATIBLE /// The specified device ID should be appended to the specific device instance's compatible ID list. /// /// /// CM_ADD_ID_HARDWARE /// The specified device ID should be appended to the specific device instance's hardware ID list. /// /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// /// The CM_Add_ID function can only be used when dnDevInst represents a root-enumerated device. For other devices, the bus /// driver reports hardware and compatible IDs when enumerating a child device after receiving IRP_MN_QUERY_ID. /// /// /// Each appended device ID is considered less compatible than IDs already existing in the specified list. For information about /// device IDs, hardware IDs, and compatible IDs, see Device Identification Strings. /// /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// For information about using device instance handles that are bound to the local machine, see CM_Get_Child. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Add_IDW( DEVINST dnDevInst, // PWSTR pszID, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Add_IDW")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Add_ID(uint dnDevInst, string pszID, CM_ADD_ID ulFlags); /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Add_ID instead.] /// /// The CM_Add_ID_Ex function appends a device ID (if not already present) to a device instance's hardware ID list or /// compatible ID list, on either the local or a remote machine. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied device instance handle that is bound to the machine handle supplied by /// hMachine /// . /// /// Caller-supplied pointer to a NULL-terminated device ID string. /// /// /// Caller-supplied flag constant that specifies the list onto which the supplied device ID should be appended. The following flag /// constants are valid. /// /// /// /// Flag Constant /// Definition /// /// /// CM_ADD_ID_COMPATIBLE /// The specified device ID should be appended to the specific device instance's compatible ID list. /// /// /// CM_ADD_ID_HARDWARE /// The specified device ID should be appended to the specific device instance's hardware ID list. /// /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle to which the caller-supplied device instance handle is bound. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// /// Each appended device ID is considered less compatible than IDs already existing in the specified list. For information about /// device IDs, hardware IDs, and compatible IDs, see Device Identification Strings. /// /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// For information about using device instance handles that are bound to a local or a remote machine, see CM_Get_Child_Ex. /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Add_ID_ExW( DEVINST // dnDevInst, PWSTR pszID, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Add_ID_ExW")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Add_ID_Ex(uint dnDevInst, string pszID, CM_ADD_ID ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine); /// The CM_Add_Res_Des function adds a resource descriptor to a logical configuration. /// Pointer to a location to receive a handle to the new resource descriptor. /// /// /// Caller-supplied handle to the logical configuration to which the resource descriptor should be added. This handle must have been /// previously obtained by calling one of the following functions: /// /// CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf /// CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex /// CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf /// CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex /// /// /// Caller-supplied resource type identifier, which identifies the type of structure supplied by ResourceData. This must be one of /// the ResType_-prefixed constants defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Caller-supplied pointer to one of the resource structures listed in the following table. /// /// /// ResourceID Parameter /// Resource Structure /// /// /// ResType_BusNumber /// BUSNUMBER_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_ClassSpecific /// CS_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_DevicePrivate /// DEVPRIVATE_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_DMA /// DMA_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_IO /// IO_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_IRQ /// IRQ_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_Mem /// MEM_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_MfCardConfig /// MFCARD_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_PcCardConfig /// PCCARD_RESOURCE /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied length of the structure pointed to by ResourceData. /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Note Starting with Windows 8, CM_Add_Res_Des returns CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when used in a Wow64 scenario. To /// request information about the hardware resources on a local machine it is necessary implement an architecture-native version of /// the application using the hardware resource APIs. For example: An AMD64 application for AMD64 systems. /// /// /// /// /// Callers of CM_Add_Res_Des must call CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle to deallocate the resource descriptor handle, after it is no /// longer needed. /// /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Add_Res_Des( PRES_DES // prdResDes, LOG_CONF lcLogConf, RESOURCEID ResourceID, PCVOID ResourceData, ULONG ResourceLen, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Add_Res_Des")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Add_Res_Des(out SafeRES_DES prdResDes, LOG_CONF lcLogConf, RESOURCEID ResourceID, IntPtr ResourceData, uint ResourceLen, uint ulFlags = 0); /// The CM_Add_Res_Des function adds a resource descriptor to a logical configuration. /// The type of the data. /// /// /// Caller-supplied handle to the logical configuration to which the resource descriptor should be added. This handle must have been /// previously obtained by calling one of the following functions: /// /// CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf /// CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex /// CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf /// CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex /// /// Caller-supplied resource structure. /// /// Caller-supplied resource type identifier, which identifies the type of structure supplied by ResourceData. If this value is 0, /// the method will attempt to determine the value using . /// /// /// Pointer to a location to receive a handle to the new resource descriptor. /// /// Note Starting with Windows 8, CM_Add_Res_Des throws CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when used in a Wow64 scenario. To /// request information about the hardware resources on a local machine it is necessary implement an architecture-native version of /// the application using the hardware resource APIs. For example: An AMD64 application for AMD64 systems. /// /// /// /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Add_Res_Des")] public static SafeRES_DES CM_Add_Res_Des(LOG_CONF lcLogConf, T data, RESOURCEID ResourceID = 0) where T : struct { if (ResourceID == 0 && !CorrespondingTypeAttribute.CanSet(out ResourceID)) throw new ArgumentException("Unable to determine RESOURCEID from type.", nameof(T)); using var mem = new SafeAnysizeStruct(data); CM_Add_Res_Des(out var hRD, lcLogConf, ResourceID, mem, mem.Size).ThrowIfFailed(); return hRD; } /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Add_Res_Des instead.] /// /// The CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex function adds a resource descriptor to a logical configuration. The logical configuration can be on /// either the local or a remote machine. /// /// /// Pointer to a location to receive a handle to the new resource descriptor. /// /// /// Caller-supplied handle to the logical configuration to which the resource descriptor should be added. This handle must have been /// previously obtained by calling one of the following functions: /// /// CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf /// CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex /// CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf /// CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex /// /// /// Caller-supplied resource type identifier, which identifies the type of structure supplied by ResourceData. This must be one of /// the ResType_-prefixed constants defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Caller-supplied pointer to one of the resource structures listed in the following table. /// /// /// ResourceID Parameter /// Resource Structure /// /// /// ResType_BusNumber /// BUSNUMBER_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_ClassSpecific /// CS_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_DevicePrivate /// DEVPRIVATE_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_DMA /// DMA_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_IO /// IO_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_IRQ /// IRQ_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_Mem /// MEM_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_MfCardConfig /// MFCARD_RESOURCE /// /// /// ResType_PcCardConfig /// PCCARD_RESOURCE /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied length of the structure pointed to by ResourceData. /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle, obtained from a previous call to CM_Connect_Machine, or NULL. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Note Starting with Windows 8, CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex returns CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when used in a Wow64 scenario. To /// request information about the hardware resources on a local machine it is necessary implement an architecture-native version of /// the application using the hardware resource APIs. For example: An AMD64 application for AMD64 systems. /// /// /// /// /// Callers of CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex must call CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle to deallocate the resource descriptor handle, after it is /// no longer needed. /// /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex( // PRES_DES prdResDes, LOG_CONF lcLogConf, RESOURCEID ResourceID, PCVOID ResourceData, ULONG ResourceLen, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE // hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(out SafeRES_DES prdResDes, LOG_CONF lcLogConf, RESOURCEID ResourceID, IntPtr ResourceData, uint ResourceLen, [In, Optional] uint ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// /// [Beginning in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 functionality to access remote machines has been removed. You cannot access /// remote machines when running on these versions of Windows.] /// /// The CM_Connect_Machine function creates a connection to a remote machine. /// /// /// Caller-supplied pointer to a text string representing the UNC name, including the \ prefix, of the system for which a /// connection will be made. If the pointer is NULL, the local system is used. /// /// /// Address of a location to receive a machine handle. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// /// Callers of CM_Connect_Machine must call CM_Disconnect_Machine to deallocate the machine handle, after it is no longer needed. /// /// Use machine handles obtained with this function only with the PnP configuration manager functions. /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Connect_MachineW( // PCWSTR UNCServerName, PHMACHINE phMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Connect_MachineW")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Connect_Machine(string UNCServerName, out SafeHMACHINE phMachine); /// The CM_Delete_Class_Key function removes the specified installed device class from the system. /// Pointer to the GUID of the device class to remove. /// /// Delete class key flags: /// CM_DELETE_CLASS_ONLY /// Delete the class only if it does not contain any subkeys. /// CM_DELETE_CLASS_SUBKEYS /// Delete the class and all of its subkeys. /// CM_DELETE_CLASS_INTERFACE (available only in Windows Vista and later) /// Indicates that ClassGuid specifies a device interface class and not a device setup class. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Delete_Class_Key( // LPGUID ClassGuid, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Delete_Class_Key")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Delete_Class_Key(in Guid ClassGuid, CM_DELETE_CLASS ulFlags); /// /// The CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key function deletes the registry subkey that is used by applications and drivers to store /// interface-specific information. /// /// /// Pointer to a string that identifies the device interface instance of the registry subkey to delete. /// /// Reserved. Must be set to zero. /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Delete_Device_Interface_KeyW( LPCWSTR pszDeviceInterface, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Delete_Device_Interface_KeyW")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key(string pszDeviceInterface, uint ulFlags = 0); /// /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key instead.] /// /// /// The CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key_ExW function deletes the registry subkey that is used by applications and drivers to /// store interface-specific information. /// /// /// /// Pointer to a string that identifies the device interface instance of the registry subkey to delete. /// /// Reserved. Must be set to zero. /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle, obtained from a previous call to CM_Connect_Machine. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Note /// /// The cfgmgr32.h header defines CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key_Ex as an alias which automatically selects the ANSI or Unicode /// version of this function based on the definition of the UNICODE preprocessor constant. Mixing usage of the encoding-neutral /// alias with code that not encoding-neutral can lead to mismatches that result in compilation or runtime errors. For more /// information, see Conventions for Function Prototypes. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key_ExW( LPCWSTR pszDeviceInterface, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key_ExW")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key_Ex(string pszDeviceInterface, [In, Optional] uint ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// The CM_Delete_DevNode_Key function deletes the specified user-accessible registry keys that are associated with a device. /// /// Device instance handle that is bound to the local machine. /// /// The hardware profile to delete if ulFlags includes CM_REGISTRY_CONFIG. If this value is zero, the key for the current hardware /// profile is deleted. If this value is 0xFFFFFFFF, the registry keys for all hardware profiles are deleted. /// /// /// /// Delete device node key flags. Indicates the scope and type of registry storage key to delete. Can be a combination of the /// following flags: /// /// CM_REGISTRY_HARDWARE /// Delete the device’s hardware key. Do not combine with CM_REGISTRY_SOFTWARE. /// CM_REGISTRY_SOFTWARE /// Delete the device’s software key. Do not combine with CM_REGISTRY_HARDWARE. /// CM_REGISTRY_USER /// Delete the per-user key for the current user. Do not combine with CM_REGISTRY_CONFIG. /// CM_REGISTRY_CONFIG /// Delete the key that stores hardware profile-specific configuration information. Do not combine with CM_REGISTRY_USER. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Delete_DevNode_Key( DEVNODE dnDevNode, ULONG ulHardwareProfile, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Delete_DevNode_Key")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Delete_DevNode_Key(uint dnDevNode, uint ulHardwareProfile, CM_REGISTRY ulFlags); /// The CM_Disable_DevNode function disables a device. /// Device instance handle that is bound to the local machine. /// /// Disable flags: /// CM_DISABLE_UI_NOT_OK /// Do not display any interface to the user if the attempt to disable the device fails. /// CM_DISABLE_PERSIST /// Disables the device across reboots. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// By default, CM_Disable_DevNode disables a device at one time, but after reboot the device is enabled again. Starting in /// Windows 10, you can specify the CM_DISABLE_PERSIST flag to disable the device across reboots. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Disable_DevNode( // DEVINST dnDevInst, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Disable_DevNode")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Disable_DevNode(uint dnDevInst, CM_DISABLE ulFlags = 0); /// /// /// [Beginning in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 functionality to access remote machines has been removed. You cannot access /// remote machines when running on these versions of Windows.] /// /// The CM_Disconnect_Machine function removes a connection to a remote machine. /// /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle, obtained from a previous call to CM_Connect_Machine. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Disconnect_Machine( HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Disconnect_Machine")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Disconnect_Machine(HMACHINE hMachine); /// The CM_Enable_DevNode function enables a device. /// Device instance handle that is bound to the local machine. /// Reserved. Must be set to zero. /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Enable_DevNode( // DEVINST dnDevInst, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Enable_DevNode")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Enable_DevNode(uint dnDevInst, uint ulFlags = 0); /// /// The CM_Enumerate_Classes function, when called repeatedly, enumerates the local machine's installed device classes by /// supplying each class's GUID. /// /// /// Caller-supplied index into the machine's list of device classes. For more information, see the Remarks section. /// /// /// Caller-supplied address of a GUID structure (described in the Microsoft Windows SDK) to receive a device class's GUID. /// /// /// Beginning with Windows 8, callers can specify the following flags: /// CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES_INSTALLER /// Enumerate device setup classes. /// CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES_INTERFACE /// Enumerate device interface classes. /// Otherwise, should be set to zero. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// /// To enumerate the local machine's device classes, call CM_Enumerate_Classes repeatedly, starting with a ulClassIndex value /// of zero and incrementing the index value with each subsequent call until the function returns CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE. Some index /// values might represent list entries containing invalid class data, in which case the function returns CR_INVALID_DATA. This /// return value can be ignored. /// /// The class GUIDs obtained from this function can be used as input to the device installation functions. /// /// Beginning with Windows 8 and later operating systems, callers can use the ulFlags member to specify which device classes /// CM_Enumerate_Classes should return. Prior to Windows 8, CM_Enumerate_Classes returned only device setup classes. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Enumerate_Classes( ULONG ulClassIndex, LPGUID ClassGuid, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Enumerate_Classes")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Enumerate_Classes(uint ulClassIndex, out Guid ClassGuid, CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES ulFlags); /// /// The CM_Enumerate_Classes function, when called repeatedly, enumerates the local machine's installed device classes by /// supplying each class's GUID. /// /// /// Beginning with Windows 8, callers can specify the following flags: /// CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES_INSTALLER /// Enumerate device setup classes. /// CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES_INTERFACE /// Enumerate device interface classes. /// Otherwise, should be set to zero. /// /// A sequence of device class GUIDs. [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Enumerate_Classes")] public static IEnumerable CM_Enumerate_Classes(CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES ulFlags) { var i = 0U; var cr = CM_Enumerate_Classes(i, out var guid, ulFlags); while (cr == CONFIGRET.CR_SUCCESS || cr == CONFIGRET.CR_INVALID_DATA) { if (cr == CONFIGRET.CR_SUCCESS) yield return guid; cr = CM_Enumerate_Classes(++i, out guid, ulFlags); } if (cr != CONFIGRET.CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE && cr != CONFIGRET.CR_SUCCESS && cr != CONFIGRET.CR_INVALID_DATA) throw cr.GetException(); } /// /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Enumerate_Classes instead.] /// /// /// The CM_Enumerate_Classes_Ex function, when called repeatedly, enumerates a local or a remote machine's installed device /// classes, by supplying each class's GUID. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied index into the machine's list of device classes. For more information, see the following Remarks section. /// /// /// Caller-supplied address of a GUID structure (described in the Microsoft Windows SDK) to receive a device class's GUID. /// /// /// Beginning with Windows 8, callers can specify the following flags: /// CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES_INSTALLER /// Enumerate device setup classes. /// CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES_INTERFACE /// Enumerate device interface classes. /// Otherwise, should be set to zero. /// /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle, obtained from a previous call to CM_Connect_Machine. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// /// To enumerate the local or a remote machine's device classes, call CM_Enumerate_Classes_Ex repeatedly, starting with a /// ulClassIndex index value of zero and incrementing the index value with each subsequent call until the function returns /// CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE. Some index values might represent list entries containing invalid class data, in which case the function /// returns CR_INVALID_DATA. This return value can be ignored. /// /// The class GUIDs obtained from this function can be used as input to the device installation functions. /// /// Beginning with Windows 8 and later operating systems, callers can use the ulFlags member to specify which device classes /// CM_Enumerate_Classes_Ex should return. Prior to Windows 8, CM_Enumerate_Classes_Ex returned only device setup classes. /// /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Enumerate_Classes_Ex( ULONG ulClassIndex, LPGUID ClassGuid, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Enumerate_Classes_Ex")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Enumerate_Classes_Ex(uint ulClassIndex, out Guid ClassGuid, CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// The CM_Enumerate_Enumerators function enumerates the local machine's device enumerators by supplying each enumerator's name. /// /// /// Caller-supplied index into the machine's list of device enumerators. For more information, see the following Remarks section. /// /// /// Address of a buffer to receive an enumerator name. This buffer should be MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN-sized (or, set Buffer to zero and /// obtain the actual name length in the location referenced by puLength). /// /// /// Caller-supplied address of a location to hold the buffer size. The caller supplies the length of the buffer pointed to by /// Buffer. The function replaces this value with the actual size of the enumerator's name string. If the caller-supplied buffer /// length is too small, the function supplies the required buffer size and returns CR_BUFFER_SMALL. /// /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// /// To enumerate the local machine's device enumerators, call CM_Enumerate_Enumerators repeatedly, starting with a /// ulEnumIndex index value of zero. and incrementing the index value with each subsequent call until the function returns CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE. /// /// After enumerator names have been obtained, the names can be used as input to CM_Get_Device_ID_List. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Enumerate_EnumeratorsW( ULONG ulEnumIndex, PWSTR Buffer, PULONG pulLength, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Enumerate_EnumeratorsW")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Enumerate_Enumerators(uint ulEnumIndex, StringBuilder Buffer, ref int pulLength, uint ulFlags = 0); /// /// The CM_Enumerate_Enumerators function enumerates the local machine's device enumerators by supplying each enumerator's name. /// /// A sequence of enumerator names. public static IEnumerable CM_Enumerate_Enumerators() { var i = 0U; CONFIGRET cr; var sbCap = MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN; StringBuilder sb = new(sbCap); while ((cr = CM_Enumerate_Enumerators(i, sb, ref sbCap)) == CONFIGRET.CR_SUCCESS) { yield return sb.ToString(); i++; sbCap = sb.Capacity; } if (cr != CONFIGRET.CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE && cr != CONFIGRET.CR_SUCCESS) throw cr.GetException(); } /// /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Enumerate_Enumerators instead.] /// /// /// The CM_Enumerate_Enumerators_Ex function enumerates a local or a remote machine's device enumerators, by supplying each /// enumerator's name. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied index into the machine's list of device enumerators. For more information, see the following Remarks section. /// /// /// Address of a buffer to receive an enumerator name. This buffer should be MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN-sized (or, set Buffer to zero and /// obtain the actual name length in the location referenced by puLength). /// /// /// Caller-supplied address of a location to hold the buffer size. The caller supplies the length of the buffer pointed to by /// Buffer. The function replaces this value with the actual size of the enumerator's name string. If the caller-supplied buffer /// length is too small, the function supplies the required buffer size and returns CR_BUFFER_SMALL. /// /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle, obtained from a previous call to CM_Connect_Machine. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// /// To enumerate the local or a remote machine's device enumerators, call CM_Enumerate_Enumerators_Ex repeatedly, starting /// with a ulEnumIndex index value of zero, and incrementing the index value with each subsequent call until the function returns CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE. /// /// After enumerator names have been obtained, the names can be used as input to CM_Get_Device_ID_List. /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Enumerate_Enumerators_ExW( ULONG ulEnumIndex, PWSTR Buffer, PULONG pulLength, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Enumerate_Enumerators_ExW")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Enumerate_Enumerators_Ex(uint ulEnumIndex, StringBuilder Buffer, ref int pulLength, [In, Optional] uint ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// The CM_Free_Log_Conf function removes a logical configuration and all associated resource descriptors from the local machine. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied handle to a logical configuration. This handle must have been previously obtained by calling one of the /// following functions: /// /// CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf /// CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex /// CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf /// CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex /// /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Note Starting with Windows 8, CM_Free_Log_Conf returns CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when used in a Wow64 scenario. To /// request information about the hardware resources on a local machine it is necessary implement an architecture-native version of /// the application using the hardware resource APIs. For example: An AMD64 application for AMD64 systems. /// /// /// /// /// Calling CM_Free_Log_Conf can cause the handles returned by CM_Get_First_Log_Conf and CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf to become /// invalid. Thus if you want to obtain logical configurations after calling CM_Free_Log_Conf, your code must call /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf again and start at the first configuration. /// /// /// Note that calling CM_Free_Log_Conf frees the configuration, but not the configuration's handle. To free the handle, call CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle. /// /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Free_Log_Conf( // LOG_CONF lcLogConfToBeFreed, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Free_Log_Conf")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Free_Log_Conf([In] LOG_CONF lcLogConfToBeFreed, uint ulFlags = 0); /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Free_Log_Conf instead.] /// /// The CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex function removes a logical configuration and all associated resource descriptors from either a /// local or a remote machine. /// /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied handle to a logical configuration. This handle must have been previously obtained by calling one of the /// following functions: /// /// CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf /// CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex /// CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf /// CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex /// /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle, obtained from a previous call to CM_Connect_Machine. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Note Starting with Windows 8, CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex returns CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when used in a Wow64 scenario. /// To request information about the hardware resources on a local machine it is necessary implement an architecture-native version /// of the application using the hardware resource APIs. For example: An AMD64 application for AMD64 systems. /// /// /// /// /// Calling CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex can cause the handles returned by CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex and CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex to /// become invalid. Thus if you want to obtain logical configurations after calling CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex, your code must call /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex again and start at the first configuration. /// /// /// Note that calling CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex frees the configuration, but not the configuration's handle. To free the handle, /// call CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle_Ex. /// /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex( // LOG_CONF lcLogConfToBeFreed, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex([In] LOG_CONF lcLogConfToBeFreed, [In, Optional] uint ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// The CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle function invalidates a logical configuration handle and frees its associated memory allocation. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied logical configuration handle. This handle must have been previously obtained by calling one of the following functions: /// /// CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf /// CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf /// CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex /// CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf /// CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Each time your code calls one of the functions listed under the description of lcLogConf, it must subsequently call CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle( LOG_CONF lcLogConf ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle(LOG_CONF lcLogConf); /// The CM_Free_Res_Des function removes a resource descriptor from a logical configuration on the local machine. /// /// Caller-supplied location to receive a handle to the configuration's previous resource descriptor. This parameter can be /// NULL. For more information, see the following Remarks section. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied handle to the resource descriptor to be removed. This handle must have been previously obtained by calling one /// of the following functions: /// /// CM_Add_Res_Des /// CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex /// CM_Get_Next_Res_Des /// CM_Get_Next_Res_Des_Ex /// CM_Modify_Res_Des /// CM_Modify_Res_Des_Ex /// /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Note Starting with Windows 8, CM_Free_Res_Des returns CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when used in a Wow64 scenario. To /// request information about the hardware resources on a local machine it is necessary implement an architecture-native version of /// the application using the hardware resource APIs. For example: An AMD64 application for AMD64 systems. /// /// /// /// /// Resource descriptors for each configuration are stored in an array. If you specify an address for prdResDes, then /// CM_Free_Res_Des returns a handle to the resource descriptor that was previous, in the array, to the one removed. If the /// handle specified by rdResDes represents the resource descriptor located first in the array, then prdResDes receives a handle to /// the logical configuration. /// /// /// Note that calling CM_Free_Res_Des frees the resource descriptor, but not the descriptor's handle. To free the handle, /// call CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle. /// /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Free_Res_Des( PRES_DES // prdResDes, RES_DES rdResDes, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Free_Res_Des")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Free_Res_Des(out SafeRES_DES prdResDes, RES_DES rdResDes, uint ulFlags = 0); /// The CM_Free_Res_Des function removes a resource descriptor from a logical configuration on the local machine. /// /// Caller-supplied location to receive a handle to the configuration's previous resource descriptor. This parameter can be /// NULL. For more information, see the following Remarks section. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied handle to the resource descriptor to be removed. This handle must have been previously obtained by calling one /// of the following functions: /// /// CM_Add_Res_Des /// CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex /// CM_Get_Next_Res_Des /// CM_Get_Next_Res_Des_Ex /// CM_Modify_Res_Des /// CM_Modify_Res_Des_Ex /// /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Note Starting with Windows 8, CM_Free_Res_Des returns CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when used in a Wow64 scenario. To /// request information about the hardware resources on a local machine it is necessary implement an architecture-native version of /// the application using the hardware resource APIs. For example: An AMD64 application for AMD64 systems. /// /// /// /// /// Resource descriptors for each configuration are stored in an array. If you specify an address for prdResDes, then /// CM_Free_Res_Des returns a handle to the resource descriptor that was previous, in the array, to the one removed. If the /// handle specified by rdResDes represents the resource descriptor located first in the array, then prdResDes receives a handle to /// the logical configuration. /// /// /// Note that calling CM_Free_Res_Des frees the resource descriptor, but not the descriptor's handle. To free the handle, /// call CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle. /// /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Free_Res_Des( PRES_DES // prdResDes, RES_DES rdResDes, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Free_Res_Des")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Free_Res_Des([In, Optional] IntPtr prdResDes, RES_DES rdResDes, uint ulFlags = 0); /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Free_Res_Des instead.] /// /// The CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex function removes a resource descriptor from a logical configuration on either a local or a remote machine. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied location to receive a handle to the configuration's previous resource descriptor. This parameter can be /// NULL. For more information, see the following Remarks section. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied handle to the resource descriptor to be removed. This handle must have been previously obtained by calling one /// of the following functions: /// /// CM_Add_Res_Des /// CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex /// CM_Get_Next_Res_Des /// CM_Get_Next_Res_Des_Ex /// CM_Modify_Res_Des /// CM_Modify_Res_Des_Ex /// /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle, obtained from a previous call to CM_Connect_Machine. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Note Starting with Windows 8, CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex returns CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when used in a Wow64 scenario. To /// request information about the hardware resources on a local machine it is necessary implement an architecture-native version of /// the application using the hardware resource APIs. For example: An AMD64 application for AMD64 systems. /// /// /// /// /// Resource descriptors for each configuration are stored in an array. If you specify an address for prdResDes, then /// CM_Free_Res_Des returns a handle to the resource descriptor that was previous, in the array, to the one removed. If the /// handle specified by rdResDes represents the resource descriptor located first in the array, then prdResDes receives a handle to /// the logical configuration. /// /// /// Note that calling CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex frees the resource descriptor, but not the descriptor's handle. To free the handle, /// call CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle_Ex. /// /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex( // PRES_DES prdResDes, RES_DES rdResDes, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex(out SafeRES_DES prdResDes, RES_DES rdResDes, [In, Optional] uint ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Free_Res_Des instead.] /// /// The CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex function removes a resource descriptor from a logical configuration on either a local or a remote machine. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied location to receive a handle to the configuration's previous resource descriptor. This parameter can be /// NULL. For more information, see the following Remarks section. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied handle to the resource descriptor to be removed. This handle must have been previously obtained by calling one /// of the following functions: /// /// CM_Add_Res_Des /// CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex /// CM_Get_Next_Res_Des /// CM_Get_Next_Res_Des_Ex /// CM_Modify_Res_Des /// CM_Modify_Res_Des_Ex /// /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle, obtained from a previous call to CM_Connect_Machine. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Note Starting with Windows 8, CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex returns CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when used in a Wow64 scenario. To /// request information about the hardware resources on a local machine it is necessary implement an architecture-native version of /// the application using the hardware resource APIs. For example: An AMD64 application for AMD64 systems. /// /// /// /// /// Resource descriptors for each configuration are stored in an array. If you specify an address for prdResDes, then /// CM_Free_Res_Des returns a handle to the resource descriptor that was previous, in the array, to the one removed. If the /// handle specified by rdResDes represents the resource descriptor located first in the array, then prdResDes receives a handle to /// the logical configuration. /// /// /// Note that calling CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex frees the resource descriptor, but not the descriptor's handle. To free the handle, /// call CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle_Ex. /// /// /// Callers of this function must have SeLoadDriverPrivilege. (Privileges are described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.) /// /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex( // PRES_DES prdResDes, RES_DES rdResDes, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex([In, Optional] IntPtr prdResDes, RES_DES rdResDes, [In, Optional] uint ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// The CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle function invalidates a resource description handle and frees its associated memory allocation. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied resource descriptor handle to be freed. This handle must have been previously obtained by calling one of the /// following functions: /// /// CM_Add_Res_Des /// CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex /// CM_Get_Next_Res_Des /// CM_Get_Next_Res_Des_Ex /// CM_Modify_Res_Des /// CM_Modify_Res_Des_Ex /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// Each time your code calls one of the functions listed under the description of rdResDes, it must subsequently call CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle( RES_DES rdResDes ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle(RES_DES rdResDes); /// /// The CM_Free_Resource_Conflict_Handle function invalidates a handle to a resource conflict list, and frees the handle's /// associated memory allocation. /// /// /// Caller-supplied handle to be freed. This conflict list handle must have been previously obtained by calling CM_Query_Resource_Conflict_List. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// An application must call CM_Free_Resource_Conflict_Handle after it has finished using the handle that was obtained /// calling CM_Query_Resource_Conflict_List. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Free_Resource_Conflict_Handle( CONFLICT_LIST clConflictList ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Free_Resource_Conflict_Handle")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Free_Resource_Conflict_Handle(CONFLICT_LIST clConflictList); /// /// The CM_Get_Child function is used to retrieve a device instance handle to the first child node of a specified device node /// (devnode) in the local machine's device tree. /// /// /// Caller-supplied pointer to the device instance handle to the child node that this function retrieves. The retrieved handle is /// bound to the local machine. See the Remarks section. /// /// Caller-supplied device instance handle that is bound to the local machine. /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// /// To enumerate all children of a devnode in the local machine's device tree, first call CM_Get_Child to obtain a device /// instance handle to the first child node, then call CM_Get_Sibling to obtain handles for the rest of the children. /// /// Using Device Instance Handles /// Device instance handle that you use with PnP configuration manager functions are bound to machine handles, as follows: /// /// /// All local device instance handles are bound to a NULL-valued local machine handle. /// /// /// /// If you use a remote machine handle to obtain a device instance handle, the resulting remote device instance handle is bound to /// the remote machine handle. /// /// /// /// A device instance handle can be used only with the machine handle to which it is bound. /// /// /// /// A device instance handle can be used with another device instance handle only if both device instance handles are bound to the /// same machine handle. /// /// /// /// To obtain a device instance handle that is bound to the local machine, do one of the following. /// /// /// /// Use one of the following functions that retrieve only local device instance handles: CM_Locate_DevNode, CM_Get_Child, /// CM_Get_Parent, or CM_Get_Sibling. /// /// /// /// /// Use one of the following functions, which retrieves local and remote device instance handles, to retrieve a local device /// instance handle: CM_Locate_DevNode_Ex, CM_Get_Child_Ex, CM_Get_Parent_Ex, or CM_Get_Sibling_Ex. /// /// /// /// /// You can also use the device installation functions to obtain local device instance handles from a device information set that is /// bound to the local machine. Do the following steps: /// /// /// /// /// Obtain a device information set that is bound to the local machine. (A device instance handle obtained from a device information /// set is bound to the machine handle to which the device information set is bound. You obtain the machine handle for a device /// information set from the RemoteMachineHandle member of its SP_DEVINFO_LIST_DETAIL_DATA structure. For a local device /// information set that is bound to the local machine, the value of RemoteMachineHandle is NULL. Call /// SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail to obtain an SP_DEVINFO_LIST_DETAIL_DATA structure.) /// /// /// /// Obtain an SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure for a device instance in the device information set. /// /// /// Obtain the device instance handle for the device instance from the DevInst member of the SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure. /// /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Get_Child( PDEVINST // pdnDevInst, DEVINST dnDevInst, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Child")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Child(out uint pdnDevInst, uint dnDevInst, uint ulFlags = 0); /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Get_Child instead.] /// /// The CM_Get_Child_Ex function is used to retrieve a device instance handle to the first child node of a specified device /// node (devnode) in a local or a remote machine's device tree. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied pointer to the device instance handle to the child node that this function retrieves. The retrieved handle is /// bound to the machine handle supplied by hMachine. See the Remarks section. /// /// Caller-supplied device instance handle that is bound to the machine handle supplied by hMachine. /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle to which the caller-supplied device instance handle is bound. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// /// To enumerate all children of a devnode in a local or a remote machine's device tree, first call CM_Get_Child_Ex to obtain /// a handle to the first child node, then call CM_Get_Sibling_Ex to obtain handles for the rest of the children. /// /// Using Device Instance Handles /// Device instance handle that you use with PnP configuration manager functions are bound to machine handles, as follows: /// /// /// All local device instance handles are bound to a NULL-valued local machine handle. /// /// /// /// If you use a remote machine handle to obtain a device instance handle, the resulting remote device instance handle is bound to /// the remote machine handle. /// /// /// /// A device instance handle can be used only with the machine handle to which it is bound. /// /// /// /// A device instance handle can be used with another device instance handle only if both device instance handles are bound to the /// same machine handle. /// /// /// /// Use CM_Connect_Machine to obtain a remote machine handle for use with remote device instance handles. /// To obtain a local or a remote device instance handle, do one of the following. /// /// /// /// Use one of the following functions to retrieve a device instance handle bound to the local machine: CM_Locate_DevNode, /// CM_Get_Child, CM_Get_Parent, or CM_Get_Sibling. /// /// /// /// /// Use one of the following functions to retrieve a device instance handle bound to a local or a remote machine: /// CM_Locate_DevNode_Ex, CM_Get_Child_Ex, CM_Get_Parent_Ex, or CM_Get_Sibling_Ex. /// /// /// /// You can also use the device installation functions to obtain device instance handles. Do the following steps: /// /// /// Obtain a device information set. /// /// /// Obtain an SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure for a device instance in the device information set. /// /// /// Obtain the device instance handle for the device instance from the DevInst member of the SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure. /// /// /// /// Obtain the machine handle to which the device instance handle is bound. A device instance handle obtained from a device /// information set is bound to the machine handle to which the device information set is bound. You obtain the machine handle for a /// device information set from the RemoteMachineHandle member of its SP_DEVINFO_LIST_DETAIL_DATA structure. (Call /// SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail to obtain an SP_DEVINFO_LIST_DETAIL_DATA structure.) /// /// /// /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Get_Child_Ex( PDEVINST // pdnDevInst, DEVINST dnDevInst, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Child_Ex")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Child_Ex(out uint pdnDevInst, uint dnDevInst, [In, Optional] uint ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// The CM_Get_Class_Property function retrieves a device property that is set for a device interface class or device setup class. /// /// /// Pointer to the GUID that identifies the device interface class or device setup class for which to retrieve a device property /// that is set for the device class. For information about specifying the class type, see the ulFlags parameter. /// /// /// Pointer to a DEVPROPKEY structure that represents the device property key of the requested device class property. /// /// /// Pointer to a DEVPROPTYPE-typed variable that receives the property-data-type identifier of the requested device class property, /// where the property-data-type identifier is the bitwise OR between a base-data-type identifier and, if the base data type is /// modified, a property-data-type modifier. /// /// /// Pointer to a buffer that receives the requested device class property. CM_Get_Class_Property retrieves the requested /// property value only if the buffer is large enough to hold all the property value data. The pointer can be NULL. /// /// /// The size, in bytes, of the PropertyBuffer buffer. If the PropertyBuffer parameter is set to NULL, *PropertyBufferSize must be /// set to zero. As output, if the buffer is not large enough to hold all the property value data, CM_Get_Class_Property /// returns the size of the data, in bytes, in *PropertyBufferSize. /// /// /// Class property flags: /// CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INSTALLER /// ClassGUID specifies a device setup class. Do not combine with CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INTERFACE. /// CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INTERFACE /// ClassGUID specifies a device interface class. Do not combine with CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INSTALLER. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// CM_Get_Class_Property is part of the Unified Device Property Model. // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Get_Class_PropertyW( LPCGUID ClassGUID, const DEVPROPKEY *PropertyKey, DEVPROPTYPE *PropertyType, PBYTE PropertyBuffer, PULONG // PropertyBufferSize, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Class_PropertyW")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Class_Property(in Guid ClassGUID, in DEVPROPKEY PropertyKey, out DEVPROPTYPE PropertyType, [Out, Optional] IntPtr PropertyBuffer, ref uint PropertyBufferSize, CM_CLASS_PROPERTY ulFlags); /// /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Get_Class_Property instead.] /// /// /// The CM_Get_Class_Property_ExW function retrieves a device property that is set for a device interface class or device /// setup class. /// /// /// /// Pointer to the GUID that identifies the device interface class or device setup class for which to retrieve a device property /// that is set for the device class. For information about specifying the class type, see the ulFlags parameter. /// /// /// Pointer to a DEVPROPKEY structure that represents the device property key of the requested device class property. /// /// /// Pointer to a DEVPROPTYPE-typed variable that receives the property-data-type identifier of the requested device class property, /// where the property-data-type identifier is the bitwise OR between a base-data-type identifier and, if the base data type is /// modified, a property-data-type modifier. /// /// /// Pointer to a buffer that receives the requested device class property. CM_Get_Class_Property_ExW retrieves the requested /// property value only if the buffer is large enough to hold all the property value data. The pointer can be NULL. /// /// /// The size, in bytes, of the PropertyBuffer buffer. If the PropertyBuffer parameter is set to NULL, *PropertyBufferSize must be /// set to zero. As output, if the buffer is not large enough to hold all the property value data, CM_Get_Class_Property_ExW /// returns the size of the data, in bytes, in *PropertyBufferSize. /// /// /// Class property flags: /// CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INSTALLER /// ClassGUID specifies a device setup class. Do not combine with CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INTERFACE. /// CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INTERFACE /// ClassGUID specifies a device interface class. Do not combine with CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INSTALLER. /// /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle, obtained from a previous call to CM_Connect_Machine. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// CM_Get_Class_Property_ExW is part of the Unified Device Property Model. // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Get_Class_Property_ExW( LPCGUID ClassGUID, const DEVPROPKEY *PropertyKey, DEVPROPTYPE *PropertyType, PBYTE PropertyBuffer, // PULONG PropertyBufferSize, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Class_Property_ExW")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Class_Property_Ex(in Guid ClassGUID, in DEVPROPKEY PropertyKey, out DEVPROPTYPE PropertyType, [Out, Optional] IntPtr PropertyBuffer, ref uint PropertyBufferSize, CM_CLASS_PROPERTY ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// The CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys function retrieves an array of the device property keys that represent the device /// properties that are set for a device interface class or device setup class. /// /// /// Pointer to the GUID that identifies the device interface class or device setup class for which to retrieve the property keys /// for. For information about specifying the class type, see the ulFlags parameter. /// /// /// Pointer to a buffer that receives an array of DEVPROPKEY-typed values, where each value is a device property key that represents /// a device property that is set for the device class. The pointer is optional and can be NULL. /// /// /// The size, in DEVPROPKEY-typed units, of the PropertyKeyArray buffer. If PropertyKeyArray is set to NULL, *PropertyKeyCount must /// be set to zero. As output, if PropertyKeyArray is not large enough to hold all the property key data, /// CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys returns the count of the keys, in *PropertyKeyCount. /// /// /// Class property key flags: /// CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INSTALLER /// ClassGUID specifies a device setup class. Do not combine with CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INTERFACE. /// CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INTERFACE /// ClassGUID specifies a device interface class. Do not combine with CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INSTALLER. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys is part of the Unified Device Property Model. // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys( LPCGUID ClassGUID, DEVPROPKEY *PropertyKeyArray, PULONG PropertyKeyCount, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys(in Guid ClassGUID, [In, Out, Optional, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2)] DEVPROPKEY[] PropertyKeyArray, ref int PropertyKeyCount, CM_CLASS_PROPERTY ulFlags); /// /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys instead.] /// /// /// The CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys_Ex function retrieves an array of the device property keys that represent the device /// properties that are set for a device interface class or device setup class. /// /// /// /// Pointer to the GUID that identifies the device interface class or device setup class for which to retrieve the property keys /// for. For information about specifying the class type, see the ulFlags parameter. /// /// /// Pointer to a buffer that receives an array of DEVPROPKEY-typed values, where each value is a device property key that represents /// a device property that is set for the device class. The pointer is optional and can be NULL. /// /// /// The size, in DEVPROPKEY-typed units, of the PropertyKeyArray buffer. If PropertyKeyArray is set to NULL, *PropertyKeyCount must /// be set to zero. As output, if PropertyKeyArray is not large enough to hold all the property key data, /// CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys_Ex returns the count of the keys, in *PropertyKeyCount. /// /// /// Class property key flags: /// CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INSTALLER /// ClassGUID specifies a device setup class. Do not combine with CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INTERFACE. /// CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INTERFACE /// ClassGUID specifies a device interface class. Do not combine with CM_CLASS_PROPERTY_INSTALLER. /// /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle, obtained from a previous call to CM_Connect_Machine. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys_Ex is part of the Unified Device Property Model. // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys_Ex( LPCGUID ClassGUID, DEVPROPKEY *PropertyKeyArray, PULONG PropertyKeyCount, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE // hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys_Ex")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys_Ex(in Guid ClassGUID, [In, Out, Optional, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2)] DEVPROPKEY[] PropertyKeyArray, ref uint PropertyKeyCount, CM_CLASS_PROPERTY ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// The CM_Get_Class_Registry_Property function retrieves a device setup class property. /// A pointer to the GUID that represents the device setup class for which to retrieve a property. /// /// /// A value of type ULONG that identifies the property to be retrieved. This value must be one of the following CM_CRP_Xxx values /// that are defined in Cfgmgr32.h: /// /// CM_CRP_UPPERFILTERS /// /// Represents a REG_MULTI_SZ-type list of strings, where each string contains the name of an upper-level filter driver that is /// registered for the class. /// /// CM_CRP_LOWERFILTERS /// /// Represents a REG_MULTI_SZ-typed list of strings, where each string contains the name of a lower-level filter drivers that is /// registered for the class. /// /// CM_CRP_SECURITY /// Represents a value of type REG_BINARY that contains a variable-length, self-relative, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure. /// CM_CRP_SECURITY_SDS /// /// Represents a string of type REG_SZ that contains a security descriptor in the Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) format. /// /// CM_CRP_DEVTYPE /// /// Represents a value of type REG_DWORD that indicates the device type for the class. For more information, see Specifying Device Types. /// /// CM_CRP_EXCLUSIVE /// /// Represents a value of type REG_DWORD that indicates whether users can obtain exclusive access to devices for this class. The /// returned value is 1 if exclusive access is allowed, or zero otherwise. /// /// CM_CRP_CHARACTERISTICS /// /// Represents a value of type DWORD that indicates the device characteristics for the class. For a list of characteristics flags, /// see the DeviceCharacteristics parameter of the IoCreateDevice routine. /// /// /// /// A pointer to a variable of type ULONG that receives the REG_Xxx constant that represents the data type of the requested /// property. The REG_Xxx constants are defined in Winnt.h and are described in the Type member of the /// KEY_VALUE_BASIC_INFORMATION structure. This parameter is optional and can be set to NULL. /// /// /// A pointer to a buffer that receives the requested property data. For more information about this parameter and the buffer-size /// parameter pulLength, see the following Remarks section. /// /// /// A pointer to variable of type ULONG whose value, on input, is the size, in bytes, of the buffer that is supplied by Buffer. On /// return, CM_Get_Class_Registry_Property sets this variable to the size, in bytes, of the requested property. /// /// Reserved for internal use only. Must be set to zero. /// /// A handle to a remote machine from which to retrieve the specified device class property. This parameter is optional, and, if it /// is set to NULL, the property is retrieved from the local machine. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, CM_Get_Class_Registry_Property returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the function returns one of the /// other CR_Xxx status codes that are defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// To determine the size, in bytes, of a property before attempting to retrieve the property, first call /// CM_Get_Class_Registry_Property, supplying a NULL Buffer pointer and a pulLength value of zero. In response /// to such a call, the function does not retrieve the property, but sets pulLength to the size of the requested property /// and returns CR_BUFFER_SMALL. After obtaining the property size, call CM_Get_Class_Registry_Property again, supplying a /// Buffer pointer to the buffer to receive the property data and supplying the property size in * pulLength. /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Get_Class_Registry_PropertyW( LPGUID ClassGuid, ULONG ulProperty, PULONG pulRegDataType, PVOID Buffer, PULONG pulLength, ULONG // ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Class_Registry_PropertyW")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Class_Registry_Property(in Guid ClassGuid, CM_CRP ulProperty, out REG_VALUE_TYPE pulRegDataType, [Out, Optional] IntPtr Buffer, ref uint pulLength, [In, Optional] uint ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// The CM_Get_Depth function is used to obtain the depth of a specified device node (devnode) within the local machine's /// device tree. /// /// /// Caller-supplied address of a location to receive a depth value, where zero represents the device tree's root node, one /// represents the root node's children, and so on. /// /// Caller-supplied device instance handle that is bound to the local machine. /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// For information about using device instance handles that are bound to the local machine, see CM_Get_Child. // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Get_Depth( PULONG // pulDepth, DEVINST dnDevInst, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Depth")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Depth(out uint pulDepth, uint dnDevInst, uint ulFlags = 0); /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Get_Depth instead.] /// /// The CM_Get_Depth_Ex function is used to obtain the depth of a specified device node (devnode) within a local or a remote /// machine's device tree. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied address of a location to receive a depth value, where zero represents the device tree's root node, one /// represents the root node's children, and so on. /// /// Caller-supplied device instance handle that is bound to the machine handle supplied by hMachine. /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle to which the caller-supplied device instance handle is bound. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// For information about using device instance handles that are bound to a local or a remote machine, see CM_Get_Child_Ex. /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Get_Depth_Ex( PULONG // pulDepth, DEVINST dnDevInst, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Depth_Ex")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Depth_Ex(out uint pulDepth, uint dnDevInst, [In, Optional] uint ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Get_Device_ID instead.] /// /// The CM_Get_Device_ID_Ex function retrieves the device instance ID for a specified device instance on a local or a remote machine. /// /// /// Caller-supplied device instance handle that is bound to the machine handle supplied by hMachine. /// /// Address of a buffer to receive a device instance ID string. The required buffer size can be obtained by calling /// CM_Get_Device_ID_Size_Ex, then incrementing the received value to allow room for the string's terminating NULL. /// /// Caller-supplied length, in characters, of the buffer specified by Buffer. /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle to which the caller-supplied device instance handle is bound. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// /// The function appends a NULL terminator to the supplied device instance ID string, unless the buffer is too small to hold the /// string. In this case, the function supplies as much of the identifier string as will fit into the buffer, and then returns CR_BUFFER_SMALL. /// /// For information about device instance IDs, see Device Identification Strings. /// For information about using device instance handles that are bound to a local or a remote machine, see CM_Get_Child_Ex. /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Get_Device_ID_ExW( DEVINST dnDevInst, PWSTR Buffer, ULONG BufferLen, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Device_ID_ExW")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Device_ID_Ex(uint dnDevInst, StringBuilder Buffer, uint BufferLen, [In, Optional] uint ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// The CM_Get_Device_ID_List function retrieves a list of device instance IDs for the local computer's device instances. /// /// /// Caller-supplied pointer to a character string that is either set to a subset of the computer's device instance identifiers /// (IDs), or to NULL. See the following description of ulFlags. /// /// /// Address of a buffer to receive a set of NULL-terminated device instance identifier strings. The end of the set is terminated by /// an extra NULL. The required buffer size should be obtained by calling CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size. /// /// Caller-supplied length, in characters, of the buffer specified by Buffer. /// /// One of the following caller-supplied bit flags that specifies search filters: /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_BUSRELATIONS /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify a device instance identifier. The function returns device instance IDs for the bus /// relations of the specified device instance. /// /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_CLASS (Windows 7 and later versions of Windows) /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter contains a string that specifies a device setup class GUID. The returned list contains device /// instances for which the property (referenced by the CM_DRP_CLASSGUID constant) matches the specified device setup class GUID. /// /// The CM_DRP_CLASSGUID constant is defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_PRESENT (Windows 7 and later versions of Windows) /// /// If this flag is set, the returned list contains only device instances that are currently present on the system. This value can /// be combined with other ulFlags values, such as CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_CLASS. /// /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_TRANSPORTRELATIONS (Windows 7 and later versions of Windows) /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify the device instance identifier of a composite device node (devnode). /// /// The function returns the device instance identifiers of the devnodes that represent the transport relations of the specified /// composite devnode. /// /// For more information about composite devnodes and transport relations, see the following Remarks section. /// CM_GETIDLIST_DONOTGENERATE /// /// Used only with CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_SERVICE. If set, and if the device tree does not contain a devnode for the specified service, /// this flag prevents the function from creating a devnode for the service. /// /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_EJECTRELATIONS /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify a device instance identifier. The function returns device instance IDs for the /// ejection relations of the specified device instance. /// /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_ENUMERATOR /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify the name of a device enumerator, optionally followed by a device ID. The string /// format is EnumeratorName\<DeviceID>, such as ROOT or ROOT\*PNP0500. /// /// /// If pszFilter supplies only an enumerator name, the function returns device instance IDs for the instances of each device /// associated with the enumerator. Enumerator names can be obtained by calling CM_Enumerate_Enumerators. /// /// /// If pszFilter supplies both an enumerator and a device ID, the function returns device instance IDs only for the instances of the /// specified device that is associated with the enumerator. /// /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_NONE /// If this flag is set, pszFilter is ignored, and a list of all devices on the system is returned. /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_POWERRELATIONS /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify a device instance identifier. The function returns device instance IDs for the power /// relations of the specified device instance. /// /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_REMOVALRELATIONS /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify a device instance identifier. The function returns device instance IDs for the /// removal relations of the specified device instance. /// /// CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_SERVICE /// /// If this flag is set, pszFilter must specify the name of a Microsoft Windows service (typically a driver). The function returns /// device instance IDs for the device instances controlled by the specified service. /// /// /// Note that if the device tree does not contain a devnode for the specified service, this function creates one by default. To /// inhibit this behavior, also set CM_GETIDLIST_DONOTGENERATE. /// /// If no search filter flag is specified, the function returns all device instance IDs for all device instances. /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// /// Starting with Windows 7, a device that supports multiple transport paths for packet-based data is referred to as a composite /// device and is represented by a composite devnode. A composite devnode logically represents the composite device to the user and /// applications as a single device, even though the composite devnode can have multiple paths to the physical device. /// /// /// Each active transport path to the physical device is represented by a transport devnode and is referred to as a transport /// relation for the composite device. /// /// /// The composite devnode (but not the related transport devnodes) exposes device interfaces to applications and the system. When an /// application uses these public device interfaces, the composite device routes the packet-based data to one or more of these /// transport devnodes, which then transport the data to the physical device. /// /// /// For example, if a physical cell phone is simultaneously connected to the computer on the USB and the Bluetooth buses, each bus /// enumerates a child transport devnode on that bus to represent the device's physical connection. /// /// /// In this case, if you set the CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_TRANSPORTRELATIONS flags in ulFlags and specify the device instance ID of the /// cell phone's composite devnode in pszFilter, the function returns the device instance IDs for the two transport devnodes in the /// Buffer parameter. /// /// For more information about device instance IDs, see Device Identification Strings. /// /// Note /// /// The cfgmgr32.h header defines CM_Get_Device_ID_List as an alias which automatically selects the ANSI or Unicode version of this /// function based on the definition of the UNICODE preprocessor constant. Mixing usage of the encoding-neutral alias with code that /// not encoding-neutral can lead to mismatches that result in compilation or runtime errors. For more information, see Conventions /// for Function Prototypes. /// /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Get_Device_ID_ListA( PCSTR pszFilter, PZZSTR Buffer, ULONG BufferLen, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Device_ID_ListA")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Device_ID_List([In, Optional, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string pszFilter, [Out] IntPtr Buffer, uint BufferLen, CM_GETIDLIST ulFlags = 0); /// /// The CM_Get_Device_ID_List function retrieves a list of device instance IDs for the local computer's device instances. /// /// Bit flags that specifies search filters /// /// Caller-supplied string that is either set to a subset of the computer's device instance identifiers /// (IDs), or to . See the description of ulFlags. /// /// A sequence of device instance identifier strings. /// /// /// Starting with Windows 7, a device that supports multiple transport paths for packet-based data is referred to as a composite /// device and is represented by a composite devnode. A composite devnode logically represents the composite device to the user and /// applications as a single device, even though the composite devnode can have multiple paths to the physical device. /// /// /// Each active transport path to the physical device is represented by a transport devnode and is referred to as a transport /// relation for the composite device. /// /// /// The composite devnode (but not the related transport devnodes) exposes device interfaces to applications and the system. When an /// application uses these public device interfaces, the composite device routes the packet-based data to one or more of these /// transport devnodes, which then transport the data to the physical device. /// /// /// For example, if a physical cell phone is simultaneously connected to the computer on the USB and the Bluetooth buses, each bus /// enumerates a child transport devnode on that bus to represent the device's physical connection. /// /// /// In this case, if you set the CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_TRANSPORTRELATIONS flags in ulFlags and specify the device instance ID of the /// cell phone's composite devnode in pszFilter, the function returns the device instance IDs for the two transport devnodes in the /// Buffer parameter. /// /// For more information about device instance IDs, see Device Identification Strings. /// [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Device_ID_ListA")] public static IEnumerable CM_Get_Device_ID_List(CM_GETIDLIST ulFlags = 0, string pszFilter = null) { while (true) { CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size(out var len, pszFilter, ulFlags).ThrowIfFailed(); using var mem = new SafeCoTaskMemHandle(len * StringHelper.GetCharSize()); var ret = CM_Get_Device_ID_List(pszFilter, mem, len, ulFlags); if (ret == CONFIGRET.CR_SUCCESS) return mem.ToStringEnum().ToArray(); else if (ret != CONFIGRET.CR_BUFFER_SMALL) ret.ThrowIfFailed(); } } /// /// /// [Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function has been deprecated. Please use CM_Get_Device_ID_List instead.] /// /// /// The CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Ex function retrieves a list of device instance IDs for the device instances on a local or a /// remote machine. /// /// /// /// Caller-supplied pointer to a character string specifying a subset of the machine's device instance identifiers, or NULL. /// See the following description of ulFlags. /// /// /// Address of a buffer to receive a set of NULL-terminated device instance identifier strings. The end of the set is terminated by /// an extra NULL. The required buffer size should be obtained by calling CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size_Ex. /// /// Caller-supplied length, in characters, of the buffer specified by Buffer. /// /// One of the optional, caller-supplied bit flags that specify search filters. If no flags are specified, the function supplies all /// instance identifiers for all device instances. For a list of bit flags, see the ulFlags description for CM_Get_Device_ID_List. /// /// /// Caller-supplied machine handle, obtained from a previous call to CM_Connect_Machine. /// /// Note Using this function to access remote machines is not supported beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, as /// this functionality has been removed. /// /// /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// /// For information about device instance IDs, see Device Identification Strings. /// /// Functionality to access remote machines has been removed in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems thus /// you cannot access remote machines when running on these versions of Windows. /// /// // CMAPI CONFIGRET // CM_Get_Device_ID_List_ExW( PCWSTR pszFilter, PZZWSTR Buffer, ULONG BufferLen, ULONG ulFlags, HMACHINE hMachine ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Device_ID_List_ExW")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Ex([In, Optional, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string pszFilter, [Out] IntPtr Buffer, uint BufferLen, [In, Optional] CM_GETIDLIST ulFlags, [In, Optional] HMACHINE hMachine); /// /// The CM_Get_Parent function obtains a device instance handle to the parent node of a specified device node (devnode) in /// the local machine's device tree. /// /// /// Caller-supplied pointer to the device instance handle to the parent node that this function retrieves. The retrieved handle is /// bound to the local machine. /// /// Caller-supplied device instance handle that is bound to the local machine. /// Not used, must be zero. /// /// If the operation succeeds, the function returns CR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the CR_-prefixed error codes defined in Cfgmgr32.h. /// /// For information about using a device instance handle that is bound to the local machine, see CM_Get_Child. // CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Get_Parent( PDEVINST // pdnDevInst, DEVINST dnDevInst, ULONG ulFlags ); [DllImport(Lib_Cfgmgr32, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:cfgmgr32.CM_Get_Parent")] public static extern CONFIGRET CM_Get_Parent(out uint pdnDevInst, uint dnDevInst, uint ulFlags = 0); /// Provides a handle to a resource conflict list. [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CONFLICT_LIST : IHandle { private readonly IntPtr handle; /// Initializes a new instance of the struct. /// An object that represents the pre-existing handle to use. public CONFLICT_LIST(IntPtr preexistingHandle) => handle = preexistingHandle; /// Returns an invalid handle by instantiating a object with . public static CONFLICT_LIST NULL => new(IntPtr.Zero); /// Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a null handle. public bool IsNull => handle == IntPtr.Zero; /// Performs an explicit conversion from to . /// The handle. /// The result of the conversion. public static explicit operator IntPtr(CONFLICT_LIST h) => h.handle; /// Performs an implicit conversion from to . /// The pointer to a handle. /// The result of the conversion. public static implicit operator CONFLICT_LIST(IntPtr h) => new(h); /// Implements the operator !=. /// The first handle. /// The second handle. /// The result of the operator. public static bool operator !=(CONFLICT_LIST h1, CONFLICT_LIST h2) => !(h1 == h2); /// Implements the operator ==. /// The first handle. /// The second handle. /// The result of the operator. public static bool operator ==(CONFLICT_LIST h1, CONFLICT_LIST h2) => h1.Equals(h2); /// public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is CONFLICT_LIST h && handle == h.handle; /// public override int GetHashCode() => handle.GetHashCode(); /// public IntPtr DangerousGetHandle() => handle; } /// Provides a handle to a notification context. [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct HCMNOTIFICATION : IHandle { private readonly IntPtr handle; /// Initializes a new instance of the struct. /// An object that represents the pre-existing handle to use. public HCMNOTIFICATION(IntPtr preexistingHandle) => handle = preexistingHandle; /// Returns an invalid handle by instantiating a object with . public static HCMNOTIFICATION NULL => new(IntPtr.Zero); /// Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a null handle. public bool IsNull => handle == IntPtr.Zero; /// Performs an explicit conversion from to . /// The handle. /// The result of the conversion. public static explicit operator IntPtr(HCMNOTIFICATION h) => h.handle; /// Performs an implicit conversion from to . /// The pointer to a handle. /// The result of the conversion. public static implicit operator HCMNOTIFICATION(IntPtr h) => new(h); /// Implements the operator !=. /// The first handle. /// The second handle. /// The result of the operator. public static bool operator !=(HCMNOTIFICATION h1, HCMNOTIFICATION h2) => !(h1 == h2); /// Implements the operator ==. /// The first handle. /// The second handle. /// The result of the operator. public static bool operator ==(HCMNOTIFICATION h1, HCMNOTIFICATION h2) => h1.Equals(h2); /// public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is HCMNOTIFICATION h && handle == h.handle; /// public override int GetHashCode() => handle.GetHashCode(); /// public IntPtr DangerousGetHandle() => handle; } /// Provides a handle to a device instance. [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential), System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplay("{handle}")] public struct HMACHINE { private readonly IntPtr handle; /// Initializes a new instance of the struct. /// An object that represents the pre-existing handle to use. public HMACHINE(IntPtr preexistingHandle) => handle = preexistingHandle; /// Returns an invalid handle by instantiating a object with . public static HMACHINE NULL => new(IntPtr.Zero); /// Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a null handle. public bool IsNull => handle == IntPtr.Zero; /// Performs an explicit conversion from to . /// The handle. /// The result of the conversion. public static explicit operator IntPtr(HMACHINE h) => h.handle; /// Performs an implicit conversion from to . /// The pointer to a handle. /// The result of the conversion. public static implicit operator HMACHINE(IntPtr h) => new(h); /// Implements the operator !=. /// The first handle. /// The second handle. /// The result of the operator. public static bool operator !=(HMACHINE h1, HMACHINE h2) => !(h1 == h2); /// Implements the operator ==. /// The first handle. /// The second handle. /// The result of the operator. public static bool operator ==(HMACHINE h1, HMACHINE h2) => h1.Equals(h2); /// public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is HMACHINE h && handle == h.handle; /// public override int GetHashCode() => handle.GetHashCode(); /// public IntPtr DangerousGetHandle() => handle; } /// Provides a handle to a logical configuration. [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct LOG_CONF : IHandle { private readonly IntPtr handle; /// Initializes a new instance of the struct. /// An object that represents the pre-existing handle to use. public LOG_CONF(IntPtr preexistingHandle) => handle = preexistingHandle; /// Returns an invalid handle by instantiating a object with . public static LOG_CONF NULL => new(IntPtr.Zero); /// Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a null handle. public bool IsNull => handle == IntPtr.Zero; /// Performs an explicit conversion from to . /// The handle. /// The result of the conversion. public static explicit operator IntPtr(LOG_CONF h) => h.handle; /// Performs an implicit conversion from to . /// The pointer to a handle. /// The result of the conversion. public static implicit operator LOG_CONF(IntPtr h) => new(h); /// Implements the operator !=. /// The first handle. /// The second handle. /// The result of the operator. public static bool operator !=(LOG_CONF h1, LOG_CONF h2) => !(h1 == h2); /// Implements the operator ==. /// The first handle. /// The second handle. /// The result of the operator. public static bool operator ==(LOG_CONF h1, LOG_CONF h2) => h1.Equals(h2); /// public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is LOG_CONF h && handle == h.handle; /// public override int GetHashCode() => handle.GetHashCode(); /// public IntPtr DangerousGetHandle() => handle; } /// Provides a handle to a resource descriptor. [PInvokeData("cfgmgr32.h")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct RES_DES : IHandle { private readonly IntPtr handle; /// Initializes a new instance of the struct. /// An object that represents the pre-existing handle to use. public RES_DES(IntPtr preexistingHandle) => handle = preexistingHandle; /// Returns an invalid handle by instantiating a object with . public static RES_DES NULL => new(IntPtr.Zero); /// Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a null handle. public bool IsNull => handle == IntPtr.Zero; /// Performs an explicit conversion from to . /// The handle. /// The result of the conversion. public static explicit operator IntPtr(RES_DES h) => h.handle; /// Performs an implicit conversion from to . /// The pointer to a handle. /// The result of the conversion. public static implicit operator RES_DES(IntPtr h) => new(h); /// Implements the operator !=. /// The first handle. /// The second handle. /// The result of the operator. public static bool operator !=(RES_DES h1, RES_DES h2) => !(h1 == h2); /// Implements the operator ==. /// The first handle. /// The second handle. /// The result of the operator. public static bool operator ==(RES_DES h1, RES_DES h2) => h1.Equals(h2); /// public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is RES_DES h && handle == h.handle; /// public override int GetHashCode() => handle.GetHashCode(); /// public IntPtr DangerousGetHandle() => handle; } /// Provides a for that is disposed using . public class SafeCONFLICT_LIST : SafeHANDLE { /// Initializes a new instance of the class and assigns an existing handle. /// An object that represents the pre-existing handle to use. /// /// to reliably release the handle during the finalization phase; otherwise, (not recommended). /// public SafeCONFLICT_LIST(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle = true) : base(preexistingHandle, ownsHandle) { } /// Initializes a new instance of the class. private SafeCONFLICT_LIST() : base() { } /// Performs an implicit conversion from to . /// The safe handle instance. /// The result of the conversion. public static implicit operator CONFLICT_LIST(SafeCONFLICT_LIST h) => h.handle; /// protected override bool InternalReleaseHandle() => CM_Free_Resource_Conflict_Handle(handle) == 0; } /// Provides a for that is disposed using . public class SafeHCMNOTIFICATION : SafeHANDLE { /// Initializes a new instance of the class and assigns an existing handle. /// An object that represents the pre-existing handle to use. /// /// to reliably release the handle during the finalization phase; otherwise, (not recommended). /// public SafeHCMNOTIFICATION(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle = true) : base(preexistingHandle, ownsHandle) { } /// Initializes a new instance of the class. private SafeHCMNOTIFICATION() : base() { } /// Performs an implicit conversion from to . /// The safe handle instance. /// The result of the conversion. public static implicit operator HCMNOTIFICATION(SafeHCMNOTIFICATION h) => h.handle; /// protected override bool InternalReleaseHandle() => CM_Unregister_Notification(handle) == 0; } /// Provides a for that is disposed using . public class SafeHMACHINE : SafeHANDLE { /// Initializes a new instance of the class and assigns an existing handle. /// An object that represents the pre-existing handle to use. /// /// to reliably release the handle during the finalization phase; otherwise, (not recommended). /// public SafeHMACHINE(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle = true) : base(preexistingHandle, ownsHandle) { } /// Initializes a new instance of the class. private SafeHMACHINE() : base() { } /// Performs an implicit conversion from to . /// The safe handle instance. /// The result of the conversion. public static implicit operator HMACHINE(SafeHMACHINE h) => h.handle; /// protected override bool InternalReleaseHandle() => CM_Disconnect_Machine(handle) == 0; } /// Provides a for that is disposed using . public class SafeLOG_CONF : SafeHANDLE { /// Initializes a new instance of the class and assigns an existing handle. /// An object that represents the pre-existing handle to use. /// /// to reliably release the handle during the finalization phase; otherwise, (not recommended). /// public SafeLOG_CONF(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle = true) : base(preexistingHandle, ownsHandle) { } /// Initializes a new instance of the class. private SafeLOG_CONF() : base() { } /// Performs an implicit conversion from to . /// The safe handle instance. /// The result of the conversion. public static implicit operator LOG_CONF(SafeLOG_CONF h) => h.handle; /// protected override bool InternalReleaseHandle() => CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle(handle) == 0; } /// Provides a for that is disposed using . public class SafeRES_DES : SafeHANDLE { /// Initializes a new instance of the class and assigns an existing handle. /// An object that represents the pre-existing handle to use. /// /// to reliably release the handle during the finalization phase; otherwise, (not recommended). /// public SafeRES_DES(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle = true) : base(preexistingHandle, ownsHandle) { } /// Initializes a new instance of the class. private SafeRES_DES() : base() { } /// Performs an implicit conversion from to . /// The safe handle instance. /// The result of the conversion. public static implicit operator RES_DES(SafeRES_DES h) => h.handle; /// protected override bool InternalReleaseHandle() => CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle(handle) == 0; } } }