using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; namespace Vanara.PInvoke; public static partial class Shell32 { /// Indicates the format of the resulting image. [PInvokeData("imagetranscode.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imagetranscode.ITranscodeImage")] public enum TI_FLAGS { /// Convert the image to BMP format. TI_BITMAP = 1, /// Convert the image to JPEG format. TI_JPEG = 2 } /// Exposes a method that allows conversion to JPEG or bitmap (BMP) image formats from any image type supported by Windows. // [PInvokeData("imagetranscode.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imagetranscode.ITranscodeImage")] [ComImport, Guid("BAE86DDD-DC11-421c-B7AB-CC55D1D65C44"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(ImageTranscode))] public interface ITranscodeImage { /// Converts an image to JPEG or bitmap (BMP) image format. /// /// Type: IShellItem* /// The Shell Item for the image to convert. /// /// /// Type: UINT /// The requested height in pixels. Should be less than or equal to the actual height of the original image. See Remarks. /// /// /// Type: UINT /// The requested width in pixels. Should be less than or equal to the actual width of the original image. See Remarks. /// /// /// Type: TI_FLAGS /// One of the following flags. /// TI_BITMAP /// Convert the image to BMP format. /// TI_JPEG /// Convert the image to JPEG format. /// /// /// Type: IStream* /// A stream to receive the converted image. The stream must be created by the calling code prior to calling TranscodeImage. /// /// /// Type: UINT* /// The actual width of the converted image. /// /// /// Type: UINT* /// The actual height of the converted image. /// /// /// /// The aspect ratio of the original image is preserved. The new image is resized so that it will fit into a box of width /// uiMaxWidth and height uiMaxHeight. /// /// The image size will not be changed if the original image already fits in this bounding box. /// If both uiMaxWidth and uiMaxHeight are zero, the returned image will be the same size as the original. /// // HRESULT // TranscodeImage( [in] IShellItem *pShellItem, UINT uiMaxWidth, UINT uiMaxHeight, DWORD flags, IStream *pvImage, [out, optional] // UINT *puiWidth, [out, optional] UINT *puiHeight ); void TranscodeImage([In] IShellItem pShellItem, uint uiMaxWidth, uint uiMaxHeight, TI_FLAGS flags, [In, Out] IStream pvImage, out uint puiWidth, out uint puiHeight); } /// CLSID_ImageTranscode [ComImport, Guid("17B75166-928F-417d-9685-64AA135565C1"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class ImageTranscode { } }