using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; using Vanara.InteropServices; using static Vanara.PInvoke.Ole32; namespace Vanara.PInvoke { public static partial class UrlMon { /// Flags used by the IAuthenticateEx::AuthenticateEx method to pass information about the authentication request. /// /// /// These values are used primarily by the Windows RSS Platform to control automatic authentication of feeds. Proxy authentication /// is not allowed, nor is basic authentication over HTTP allowed. However, basic over Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS) is allowed. /// /// /// Note To allow basic authentication over HTTP, start Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc), and configure the value for" Turn /// on Basic feed authentication over HTTP" under Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Windows Internet Explorer, RSS Feeds. /// /// // // typedef enum { AUTHENTICATEF_PROXY = 0x00000001, AUTHENTICATEF_BASIC = 0x00000002, AUTHENTICATEF_HTTP = 0x00000004 } AUTHENTICATEF; [PInvokeData("Urlmon.h")] [Flags] public enum AUTHENTICATEF { /// The authorization is handled by the proxy server. AUTHENTICATEF_PROXY = 0x00000001, /// The authorization will use basic authentication. AUTHENTICATEF_BASIC = 0x00000002, /// The authorization will occur over HTTP. AUTHENTICATEF_HTTP = 0x00000004, } /// Provides the URL moniker with information to authenticate the user. /// /// /// Urlmon.dll uses the QueryInterface method on the client application's implementation of IBindStatusCallback to get a /// pointer to the client application's IAuthenticate interface. If the client application is hosting Mshtml.dll, Mshtml.dll /// requests a pointer to the client application's implementation of IAuthenticate interface by calling QueryInterface on the /// client application's IServiceProvider interface. /// /// The IID for this interface is /// IID_IAuthenticate /// . /// /// // [PInvokeData("Urlmon.h")] [ComImport, Guid("79eac9d0-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IAuthenticate { /// Supplies authentication support to a URL moniker from a client application. /// /// [out] The address of a client-provided HWND of the parent window for a default user interface. To prevent a user interface /// from displaying, the client must provide a user name and password in the other parameters, and this handle must be set to zero. /// /// /// [out] The address of a string value that contains the user name to use for authentication. If the client returns a value /// here, the client should also set phwnd to zero. /// /// /// [out] The address of a string value that contains the password to use for authentication. If the client returns a value /// here, the client should also set phwnd to zero. /// /// /// Returns one of the following values. /// /// /// Return code /// Description /// /// /// S_OK /// Authentication was successful. /// /// /// E_ACCESSDENIED /// Authentication failed. /// /// /// E_INVALIDARG /// One or more parameters are invalid. /// /// /// /// /// /// Applications that implement the IAuthenticate::Authenticate method must allocate the memory of the pszUsername and /// pszPassword buffers by using CoTaskMemAlloc. Applications that call the IAuthenticate::Authenticate method are /// responsible for freeing the memory with CoTaskMemFree. /// /// /// The default user interface can handle any authentication schemes recognized by the Microsoft Win32 Internet API. Currently, /// the user name and password options handle only the Basic authentication scheme. /// /// /// This method is related to the InternetErrorDlg function in the Win32 Internet API. For more information about the Win32 /// Internet API, see Introduction to the Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions. /// /// // // HRESULT Authenticate( [out] HWND *phwnd, [out] LPWSTR *pszUsername, [out] LPWSTR *pszPassword ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT Authenticate(out HWND phwnd, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string pszUsername, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string pszPassword); } /// Provides the URL moniker with information to authenticate the user. /// /// /// Relative to the IAuthenticate interface, the IAuthenticateEx interface provides the additional method /// IAuthenticateEx::AuthenticateEx. This method is an extension of the IAuthenticate::Authenticate method. /// /// The IID for this interface is /// IID_IAuthenticateEx /// . /// /// // [PInvokeData("Urlmon.h")] [ComImport, Guid("2ad1edaf-d83d-48b5-9adf-03dbe19f53bd"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IAuthenticateEx : IAuthenticate { /// Supplies authentication support to a URL moniker from a client application. /// /// [out] The address of a client-provided HWND of the parent window for a default user interface. To prevent a user interface /// from displaying, the client must provide a user name and password in the other parameters, and this handle must be set to zero. /// /// /// [out] The address of a string value that contains the user name to use for authentication. If the client returns a value /// here, the client should also set phwnd to zero. /// /// /// [out] The address of a string value that contains the password to use for authentication. If the client returns a value /// here, the client should also set phwnd to zero. /// /// /// Returns one of the following values. /// /// /// Return code /// Description /// /// /// S_OK /// Authentication was successful. /// /// /// E_ACCESSDENIED /// Authentication failed. /// /// /// E_INVALIDARG /// One or more parameters are invalid. /// /// /// /// /// /// Applications that implement the IAuthenticate::Authenticate method must allocate the memory of the pszUsername and /// pszPassword buffers by using CoTaskMemAlloc. Applications that call the IAuthenticate::Authenticate method are /// responsible for freeing the memory with CoTaskMemFree. /// /// /// The default user interface can handle any authentication schemes recognized by the Microsoft Win32 Internet API. Currently, /// the user name and password options handle only the Basic authentication scheme. /// /// /// This method is related to the InternetErrorDlg function in the Win32 Internet API. For more information about the Win32 /// Internet API, see Introduction to the Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions. /// /// // // HRESULT Authenticate( [out] HWND *phwnd, [out] LPWSTR *pszUsername, [out] LPWSTR *pszPassword ); [PreserveSig] new HRESULT Authenticate(out HWND phwnd, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string pszUsername, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string pszPassword); /// /// Supplies authentication support to a URL moniker from a client application. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// [out] The address of a client-provided HWND of the parent window for a default user interface. To prevent a user interface /// from displaying, the client must provide a user name and password in the other parameters, and this handle must be set to zero. /// /// /// [out] The address of a string value that contains the user name to use for authentication. If the client returns a value /// here, the client should also set phwnd to zero. /// /// /// [out] The address of a string value that contains the password to use for authentication. If the client returns a value /// here, the client should also set phwnd to zero. /// /// /// [in] The address of an AUTHENTICATEINFO structure that provides additional flags for the authentication. /// /// /// Returns one of the following values. /// /// /// Return code /// Description /// /// /// S_OK /// Authentication was successful. /// /// /// E_ACCESSDENIED /// Authentication failed. /// /// /// E_INVALIDARG /// One or more parameters are invalid. /// /// /// /// /// /// This method exists because the Authenticate method can contain no additional parameters. This method inherits all /// behaviors of Authenticate and adds some of its own. Therefore, the Remarks section of Authenticate applies to /// this method in full. /// /// /// Relative to the Authenticate method, the IAuthenticateEx::AuthenticateEx method provides the additional /// parameter pauthinfo. The data in pauthinfo provides additional flags for the authentication. /// /// // // HRESULT AuthenticateEx( [out] HWND *phwnd, [out] LPWSTR *pszUsername, [out] LPWSTR *pszPassword, [in] AUTHENTICATEINFO // *pauthinfo ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT AuthenticateEx(out HWND phwnd, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string pszUsername, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string pszPassword, in AUTHENTICATEINFO pauthinfo); } /// Provides methods that enable controls to perform asynchronous data transfers through the Microsoft ActiveX container. /// /// The IID for this interface is /// IID_IBindHost /// . /// // [PInvokeData("Urlmon.h")] [ComImport, Guid("fc4801a1-2ba9-11cf-a229-00aa003d7352"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IBindHost { /// Creates a moniker to bind to a URL. /// [in] A pointer to a string that contains the URL to bind to. /// /// [in] A pointer to the IBindCtx interface of the optional bind context that is used when the moniker is created. This /// parameter is currently ignored, but might be used later for passing additional information. /// /// [out] A pointer to the IMoniker interface of the moniker that is created. /// [in] Reserved. Must be set to 0. /// /// Returns one of the following values. /// /// /// Return code /// Description /// /// /// S_OK /// The moniker was successfully obtained, and the caller is responsible for the interface pointer. /// /// /// E_OUTOFMEMORY /// There is insufficient memory to create the moniker. /// /// /// E_UNEXPECTED /// An unknown error occurred. /// /// /// MK_E_SYNTAX /// The bind host was unable to parse the string into a moniker because the information in the name was unrecognizable. /// /// /// /// E_NOTIMPL is disallowed—a bind host is responsible for providing moniker parsing services. // // HRESULT CreateMoniker( [in] LPOLESTR szName, [in] IBindCtx *pBC, [out] IMoniker **ppmk, [in] DWORD dwReserved ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT CreateMoniker([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string szName, [In, Optional] IBindCtx pBC, out IMoniker ppmk, uint dwReserved = 0); /// Binds a moniker to storage. /// [in] The address of the IMoniker interface. /// [in] The address of the IBindCtx interface. /// [in] The address of the IBindStatusCallback interface. /// [in] An identifier of the storage interface requested. /// /// [out] The address of the storage interface. If ppvObj is not NULL, the application must call the AddRef method on the /// interface, and then call Release when it is finished using the interface. /// /// /// Returns one of the following values. /// /// /// Return code /// Description /// /// /// S_OK /// The bind operation completed synchronously and successfully. The result of the bind operation is available in ppvObj. /// /// /// MK_S_ASYNCHRONOUS /// The bind operation completes asynchronously. The behavior matches that of IMoniker::BindToStorage. /// /// /// E_OUTOFMEMORY /// There is insufficient memory to create the moniker. /// /// /// E_UNEXPECTED /// An unknown error occurred. /// /// /// /// /// /// This method behaves the same as IMoniker::BindToStorage, except that it provides the control container (implementor of /// IBindHost) enough authority over the bind operation so that the control container can take charge of setting bind /// options and priority, while it delegates all results and callbacks for the bind operation back to the control. /// /// /// A host or control implementing IBindHost should implement IHttpNegotiate. It should also implement /// IServiceProvider to provide a pointer to its IHttpNegotiate interface when IHttpNegotiate is requested /// through QueryService. /// /// // // HRESULT MonikerBindToStorage( [in] IMoniker *pMk, [in] IBindCtx *pBC, [in] IBindStatusCallback *pBSC, [in] REFIID riid, [out] // void **ppvObj ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT MonikerBindToStorage(IMoniker pMk, IBindCtx pBC, IBindStatusCallback pBSC, in Guid riid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out object ppvObj); /// Binds a moniker to an object. /// [in] The address of the IMoniker interface of the moniker. /// [in] The address of the IBindCtx interface of the bind context. /// [in] The address of the IBindStatusCallback interface. /// [in] An identifier of the interface that the client application uses to communicate with the object. /// /// [out] The address of the interface that is identified by riid. If ppvObj is not NULL, the application must call the /// AddRef method on the interface, and then call Release when it is finished using the interface. /// /// /// Returns one of the following values. /// /// /// Return code /// Description /// /// /// S_OK /// The bind operation completed synchronously and successfully. The result of the bind operation is available in ppvObj. /// /// /// MK_S_ASYNCHRONOUS /// The bind operation completes asynchronously. The behavior matches that of IMoniker::BindToObject. /// /// /// E_OUTOFMEMORY /// There is insufficient memory to create the moniker. /// /// /// E_UNEXPECTED /// An unknown error occurred. /// /// /// /// /// /// This method behaves the same as IMoniker::BindToObject, except that it provides the control container (implementor of /// IBindHost) enough authority over the bind operation so that the control container can take charge of setting bind /// options and priority, while it delegates all results and callbacks for the bind operation back to the control. /// /// /// A host or control that implements IBindHost should implement IHttpNegotiate. It should also implement /// IServiceProvider to provide a pointer to its IHttpNegotiate interface when IHttpNegotiate is requested /// through QueryService. /// /// // // HRESULT MonikerBindToObject( [in] IMoniker *pMk, [in] IBindCtx *pBC, [in] IBindStatusCallback *pBSC, [in] REFIID riid, [out] // void **ppvObj ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT MonikerBindToObject(IMoniker pMk, IBindCtx pBC, IBindStatusCallback pBSC, in Guid riid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out object ppvObj); } /// /// Provides methods that enable the client program that is using an asynchronous moniker to control the progress of the bind operation. /// /// /// /// An asynchronous moniker calls the client's IBindStatusCallback::OnStartBinding method to provide the client program with /// a pointer to the IBinding interface. /// /// The IID for this interface is . /// // [PInvokeData("Urlmon.h")] [ComImport, Guid("79EAC9C0-BAF9-11CE-8C82-00AA004BA90B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IBinding { /// Ends the bind operation. /// /// This method cannot be called from an implementation of the OnStartBinding method. /// /// After it aborts the bind operation, the client must release any pointers that were obtained during the binding. No /// IBindStatusCallback notifications are called, except OnStopBinding. /// /// The bind operation does not terminate by releasing the last IBinding interface. /// // // HRESULT Abort(); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void Abort(); /// Suspends the bind operation. /// /// This method is not currently implemented by the default asynchronous pluggable protocols provided by Windows Internet Explorer. /// // // HRESULT Suspend(); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void Suspend(); /// /// This method resumes the bind operation. /// Parameters /// None. /// Return Values /// Returns S_OK if successful or an error value otherwise. /// Remarks /// /// This method is not currently implemented by the default asynchronous pluggable protocols provided by Microsoft Internet Explorer. /// /// Requirements /// OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later. Header: Urlmon.h, Urlmon.idl. Link Library: Urlmon.lib. /// Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004 /// © 1992-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. /// /// /// /// This method is not currently implemented by the default asynchronous pluggable protocols provided by Microsoft Internet Explorer. /// /// Requirements /// OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later. Header: Urlmon.h, Urlmon.idl. Link Library: Urlmon.lib. /// Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004 /// © 1992-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. /// // [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void Resume(); /// Sets the priority of the bind operation. /// /// A long integer value that contains the priority to set. This can be one of the values used by GetThreadPriority and SetThreadPriority. /// /// /// This method is not currently implemented by the default asynchronous pluggable protocols provided by Windows Internet Explorer. /// // // HRESULT SetPriority( long nPriority ); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void SetPriority([In] int nPriority); /// Gets the priority of the bind operation. /// /// The address of a long integer value that receives the current priority of the bind operation. This can be one of the values /// used by GetThreadPriority and SetThreadPriority. /// /// /// This method is not currently implemented by the default asynchronous pluggable protocols that are provided by Windows /// Internet Explorer. /// // // HRESULT GetPriority( [out] long *pnPriority ); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] int GetPriority(); /// Gets the protocol-specific outcome of a bind operation. /// [out]A pointer to the CLSID variable for the protocol used. /// /// [out]A pointer to an unsigned long integer variable that contains the protocol-specific bind result string. /// /// [out]A pointer to the string variable that contains the protocol-specific bind result. /// [in, out]Reserved. Must be set to 0. /// Returns S_OK if successful, or E_INVALIDARG if one of the parameters is not valid. /// /// This method typically is called by the client of an asynchronous moniker when the client's OnStopBinding method is called. /// // // HRESULT GetBindResult( [out] CLSID *pclsidProtocol, [out] DWORD *pdwResult, [out] LPOLESTR *pszResult, [in, out] DWORD // *pdwReserved ); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void GetBindResult(out Guid pclsidProtocol, out uint pdwResult, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string pszResult, [In, Out] ref uint dwReserved); } /// Accepts information on an asynchronous bind operation. /// /// /// A client that requests an asynchronous bind operation must provide a notification object, which exposes the /// IBindStatusCallback interface. The asynchronous moniker provides information on the bind operation to the client by /// calling notification methods on the client's IBindStatusCallback interface. This interface enables the client to pass /// additional bind information to the moniker by calling the IBindStatusCallback::GetBindInfo and /// IBindStatusCallback::GetPriority methods after receiving a call from IMoniker::BindToObject or IMoniker::BindToStorage. /// /// Only the last IBindStatusCallback interface that was registered is called. /// The IID for this interface is . /// // [PInvokeData("Urlmon.h")] [ComImport, Guid("79eac9c1-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IBindStatusCallback { /// /// Notifies the client about the callback methods that it is registered to receive. This notification is a response to the /// flags the client requested in the RegisterBindStatusCallback function. /// /// Reserved. Must be set to 0. /// /// A pointer to the IBinding interface of the current bind operation. This cannot be NULL. The client can call AddRef on this /// pointer to keep a reference to the binding object. /// /// /// /// Typically, asynchronous monikers call this method before the call to the IMoniker::BindToStorage method or the /// IMoniker::BindToObject method has returned. /// /// /// In the call to this method, the moniker also provides the client with a pointer to the IBinding interface for the /// binding object associated with the current bind operation. The client can use the IBinding interface to control the /// progress of the bind operation. /// /// /// To keep a reference to the binding object, the client must store the pointer to the IBinding interface and call /// AddRef on it. When the client no longer requires the reference, it must call Release on it. Note that calling Release does /// not cancel the bind operation; it frees the reference to the IBinding interface sent in the callback. /// /// /// Client applications that implement the IBindStatusCallback interface can return E_NOTIMPL or S_OK, if they don't want /// to receive this notification. /// /// /// The Abort method does not work properly in an implementation of IBindStatusCallback::OnStartBinding. To abort /// the binding, IBindStatusCallback::OnStartBinding should return E_FAIL. /// /// // // HRESULT OnStartBinding( DWORD dwReserved, IBinding *pib ); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void OnStartBinding([Optional] uint dwReserved, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IBinding pib); /// Gets the priority for the bind operation when it is called by an asynchronous moniker. /// /// A long integer value that indicates the priority of this bind operation. Priorities can be any of the constants defined for /// prioritizing threads. For details, see the Win32 documentation for SetThreadPriority and GetThreadPriority. /// /// /// /// The moniker calls this method prior to initiating the bind operation, to get the priority for the bind operation. This /// method can be called at any time during the bind operation, if the moniker has to make new priority decisions. /// /// /// The moniker can use pnPriority to set the priority of a thread that is associated with a bind operation. Typically, it /// interprets the priority to perform its own scheduling among multiple bind operations. Note that the policy for determining /// priority for URL monikers is not yet determined. The moniker must not change the priority of the thread that is used to call /// IMoniker::BindToStorage or IMoniker::BindToObject. /// /// /// Applications that implement the IBindStatusCallback interface can return E_UNIMPL or S_OK, if they don't want to /// receive this notification. /// /// // // HRESULT GetPriority( [out] long *pnPriority ); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] int GetPriority(); /// This method is not implemented. [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void OnLowResource([Optional] uint reserved); /// Indicates the progress of the bind operation. /// /// An unsigned long integer that contains the current progress of the bind operation relative to the expected maximum that is /// indicated in the ulProgressMax parameter. /// /// /// An unsigned long integer that contains the expected maximum value of the ulProgress parameter for the duration of calls to /// IBindStatusCallback::OnProgress for this bind operation. Note that this value might change across calls to this method. A /// value of zero means that the maximum value of ulProgress is unknown; for example, in the IMoniker::BindToStorage method when /// the data download size is unknown. /// /// /// An unsigned long integer that Additional information regarding the progress of the bind operation. This can be any of the /// BINDSTATUS values. /// /// /// The address of a string value that contains the textual information that indicates the current progress of the bind /// operation. The text reflects the BINDSTATUS value of the ulStatusCode parameter and is appropriate for display in the user /// interface of the client. /// /// /// /// The moniker calls this method repeatedly to indicate the current progress of the bind operation, typically, at reasonable /// intervals during a lengthy operation. /// /// /// The client can use the progress notification to provide progress information to the user from the ulProgress, ulProgressMax, /// and szStatusText parameters, or to make programmatic decisions based on the ulStatusCode parameter. /// /// /// Client applications that implement the IBindStatusCallback interface can return E_NOTIMPL or S_OK, if they don't have /// to receive this notification. /// /// /// Windows Internet Explorer 8. If ulStatusCode is set to BINDSTATUS_64BIT_PROGRESS, then szStatusText contains a string /// representing the progress of the download as two 64-bit numbers (representing ulProgress and ulProgressMax) separated by a comma. /// /// // // HRESULT OnProgress( unsigned long ulProgress, unsigned long ulProgressMax, unsigned long ulStatusCode, // LPCWSTR // szStatusText ); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void OnProgress([In] uint ulProgress, [In] uint ulProgressMax, [In] BINDSTATUS ulStatusCode, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string szStatusText); /// This method indicates the end of the bind operation. /// Status code returned from the bind operation. /// /// Address of a string value that contains the status text. In case of error, this text describes the error. In the current /// implementation of URL monikers, this string is empty. /// /// /// /// This method is always called, whether the bind operation succeeded, failed, or was aborted by a client. At this point the /// moniker client can use IBinding::GetBindResult to query for protocol-specific information about the outcome of the /// bind operation. When this method has completed, the moniker client must call Release on the IBinding pointer /// it received in IBindStatusCallback::OnStartBinding. /// /// /// Because URL monikers work asynchronously, the status code returned by IBindStatusCallback::OnStopBinding and the /// status code returned by the binding methods, such as IMoniker::BindToStorage and IMoniker::BindToObject, might differ. /// /// /// Client applications that implement the IBindStatusCallback interface can return E_UNIMPL or S_OK if they are not /// interested in receiving this notification. /// /// /// [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void OnStopBinding([In] HRESULT hresult, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string szError); /// Provides information about how the bind operation is handled when it is called by an asynchronous moniker. /// /// [out]The address of an unsigned integer value that contains a combination of values that are taken from the BINDF /// enumeration and indicate how the bind process is handled. /// /// /// [in, out]The address of the BINDINFO structure, which describes the client application's requirements for binding. /// /// Returns S_OK if successful, or E_INVALIDARG if one or more parameters are invalid. /// /// /// The moniker calls this method in its implementations of the IMoniker::BindToObject method and the IMoniker::BindToStorage /// method to get information about the specific bind operation. /// /// /// Asynchronous moniker clients should be aware that a moniker might call this method more than one time during a bind /// operation. A proper implementation of IBindStatusCallback::GetBindInfo prepares for this possibility. If data is /// returned in the pbindinfo parameter, the implementation should allocate the appropriate data (szExtraInfo or stgmedData) at /// the time of each call. In this way, if the callback isn't called, data isn't allocated; if the callback is called more than /// one time, it works correctly. The first time this callback is received by the asynchronous moniker client is prior to the /// call to IMoniker::BindToStorage or IMoniker::BindToObject. /// /// /// Even when the value of grfBindInfoF is BINDF_ASYNCHRONOUS, it is possible that the original call to IMoniker::BindToStorage /// or IMoniker::BindToObject might return synchronously, instead of returning the MK_S_ASYNCHRONOUS flag. Clients of /// asynchronous monikers should always prepare for this possibility. Specifically, to avoid memory leaks, it is important to /// make sure to release the pointer that is returned by a call to either method. /// /// /// One way to deal with this issue is to call your own implementation of IBindStatusCallback::OnDataAvailable or /// IBindStatusCallback::OnObjectAvailable to use the same code path (regardless of whether you bind synchronously or asynchronously). /// /// /// If the BINDF_PULLDATA value is not set in the grfBindInfoF parameter, Urlmon.dll sets the BINDF_NEEDFILE /// value. If BINDF_NEEDFILE is set, the binding of resources that cannot be cached (such as an HTTPS resource) fail. /// /// /// Warning The size of the BINDINFO structure changed with the release of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. /// Developers must write code that checks the size of the BINDINFO structure that is passed into their implementation of /// this method before it writes to members of the structure. For more information, see Handling BINDINFO Structures. /// /// // // HRESULT GetBindInfo( [out] DWORD *grfBINDF, [in, out] BINDINFO *pbindinfo ); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void GetBindInfo(out BINDF grfBINDF, [In, Out] ref BINDINFO pbindinfo); /// Provides data to the client as it becomes available during asynchronous bind operations. /// /// [in]An unsigned long integer value from the BSCF enumeration that indicates the kind of data available. /// /// /// [in]An unsigned long integer value that contains the size, in bytes, of the total data available from the current bind operation. /// /// /// [in]The address of the FORMATETC structure that indicates the format of the available data. This parameter is used when the /// bind operation results from the IMoniker::BindToStorage method. If there is no format associated with the available data, /// pformatetc might contain CF_NULL. Each different call to IBindStatusCallback::OnDataAvailable can pass in a new value /// for this parameter; every call always points to the same data. /// /// /// [in]The address of the STGMEDIUM structure that contains pointers to the interfaces (such as IStream and IStorage) that can /// be used to access the data. In the asynchronous case, client applications might receive a second pointer to the IStream or /// IStorage interface from the IMoniker::BindToStorage method. The client application must call Release on the interfaces to /// avoid memory leaks. /// /// Returns S_OK if successful, or E_INVALIDARG if one or more parameters are invalid. /// /// /// During asynchronous IMoniker::BindToStorage bind operations, an asynchronous moniker calls this method to provide data to /// the client as it becomes available. /// /// /// Note that the behavior of the storage returned in pstgmed depends on the BINDF flags returned in the /// IBindStatusCallback::GetBindInfo method. This storage can be asynchronous or blocking, and the bind operation can /// follow a data pull model or a data push model. For BINDF bind operations, it is not possible to seek backward into /// data streams that are provided in IBindStatusCallback::OnDataAvailable. On the other hand, for data push model bind /// operations, it is possible to seek back into a data stream, and to read any data that has been downloaded for an ongoing /// IMoniker::BindToStorage operation. /// /// // // HRESULT OnDataAvailable( DWORD grfBSCF, DWORD dwSize, FORMATETC *pformatetc, STGMEDIUM *pstgmed ); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void OnDataAvailable([In] BSCF grfBSCF, [In] uint dwSize, in FORMATETC pFormatetc, in STGMEDIUM pStgmed); /// Passes the requested object interface pointer to the client. /// [in]The interface identifier of the requested interface. /// /// [in]The address of the IUnknown interface on the object that is requested in the call to IMoniker::BindToObject. The client /// should call AddRef on this pointer to maintain a reference to the object. /// /// Returns S_OK if successful, or E_INVALIDARG if one or more parameters are invalid. /// /// This method is called in response to an IMoniker::BindToObject operation. The method is never called for /// IMoniker::BindToStorage operations. /// // // HRESULT OnObjectAvailable( REFIID riid, IUnknown *punk ); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void OnObjectAvailable(in Guid riid, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object punk); } /// Implemented by the client application to create temporary pluggable protocol handlers. // [PInvokeData("Urlmon.h")] [ComImport, Guid("79eac9e7-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IInternetSession { /// Registers a temporary pluggable namespace handler on the current process. /// /// A pointer to an IClassFactory interface where an IInternetProtocol object can be created. The object's reference count is increased. /// /// A reference to the CLSID of the namespace. Passing CLSID_NULL is discouraged. /// A string value that contains the protocol to be handled. /// Unused. Set to 0. /// Unused. Set to NULL. /// Reserved. Must be set to 0. /// /// /// The IInternetSession::RegisterNameSpace method enables an interface to handle requests for the specified protocol /// namespace. A single interface can be registered multiple times for each namespace that it can handle. Because pluggable /// protocol handlers are not chained, only the last handler to be registered will be active; therefore, it is better to create /// a new namespace, rather than reuse an existing one. /// /// /// This method registers a pluggable namespace handler only on the current process; no other processes are affected by this /// method. An application can register a pluggable namespace handler for a particular period of time. When finished, it should /// call IInternetSession::UnregisterNameSpace to remove the registration. /// /// /// Note Registering namespace handlers for HTTP and HTTPS protocols is not recommended. Doing so within the Internet /// Explorer process incurs a performance penalty when browsing. /// /// /// The ppwzPatterns and cPatterns parameters are unused; the registered pluggable namespace handler is called for all protocol requests. /// /// // // HRESULT retVal = object.RegisterNameSpace(pCF, rclsid, pwzProtocol, cPatterns, ppwzPatterns, dwReserved); void RegisterNameSpace(IClassFactory pCF, in Guid rclsid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwzProtocol, [Optional] uint cPatterns, [Optional, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string ppwzPatterns, [Optional] uint dwReserved); /// Unregisters a temporary pluggable namespace handler. /// The address of the IClassFactory interface that created the handler. /// The address of a string value that contains the protocol that was handled. // // HRESULT retVal = object.UnregisterNameSpace(pCF, pszProtocol); void UnregisterNameSpace(IClassFactory pCF, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszProtocol); /// Registers a temporary pluggable MIME filter on the current process. /// The address of an IClassFactory interface where an IInternetProtocol object can be created. /// A reference to the CLSID of the MIME handler. /// A string value that contains the MIME to register. /// /// /// This method registers a pluggable MIME filter only on the current process. No other processes are affected by this method. /// /// /// An application can register a pluggable MIME filter for a particular period of time so that it can handle requests for some /// MIMEs by calling IInternetSession::RegisterMimeFilter. This method can be called multiple times by using the same /// interface to register the different MIME types it can handle. /// /// // // HRESULT retVal = object.RegisterMimeFilter(pCF, rclsid, pwzType); void RegisterMimeFilter(IClassFactory pCF, in Guid rclsid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwzType); /// Unregisters a temporary pluggable MIME filter. /// The address of the IClassFactory interface that created the filter. /// A string value that indicates the MIME that the filter was handling. // // HRESULT retVal = object.UnregisterMimeFilter(pCF, pwzType); void UnregisterMimeFilter(IClassFactory pCF, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwzType); /// This method is not implemented. // void CreateBinding(IntPtr pBC, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string szUrl, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object pUnkOuter, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out object ppUnk, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out object ppOInetProt, uint dwOption); /// This method is not implemented. void SetSessionOption(uint dwOption, IntPtr pBuffer, uint dwBufferLength, uint dwReserved); /// This method is not implemented. void GetSessionOption(uint dwOption, IntPtr pBuffer, ref uint pdwBufferLength, uint dwReserved); } /// Provides methods that offer more control over the binding of persistent data. // [PInvokeData("Urlmon.h")] [ComImport, Guid("79eac9c9-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IPersistMoniker { /// This method retrieves the class identifier of an object. /// Address of a variable that receives the CLSID. /// Returns S_OK if successful or E_FAIL if the CLSID could not be retrieved. // [PreserveSig] HRESULT GetClassID(out Guid pClassID); /// Checks an object for changes since it was last saved. /// Returns S_OK if the object has changed since it was last saved, or S_FALSE otherwise. /// /// This method checks whether an object has changed since it was last saved, so that you can avoid losing information in /// objects that have not yet been saved. /// // // HRESULT IsDirty(); [PreserveSig] HRESULT IsDirty(); /// Loads the object from its persistent state as indicated by a supplied moniker. /// /// [in] A Boolean value that indicates if the data referred to by the moniker has been loaded one time. If TRUE, the /// subsequent binding to the moniker is synchronous. If FALSE, an asynchronous bind operation is launched. /// /// /// [in] The address of the IMoniker interface that references the persistent state for the object to be loaded. /// /// /// [in] The address of the IBindCtx interface for the bind context to be used for any moniker binding during this method. /// /// /// [in] An unsigned long integer value that contains a combination of values from the STGM Constants enumeration, which /// indicates the access mode to use when binding to the persistent state. The IPersistMoniker::Load method can treat /// this value as a suggestion, adding more restrictive permissions, if necessary. If grfMode is zero, the implementation binds /// to the persistent state using default permissions. /// /// Returns S_OK if the object was successfully loaded, or E_INVALIDARG if one or more parameters are invalid. /// /// Typically, the object immediately binds to its persistent state through a call to the source moniker's /// IMoniker::BindToStorage method, by requesting either the IStream interface or the IStorage interface. /// // // HRESULT Load( [in] BOOL fFullyAvailable, [in] IMoniker *pimkName, [in] LPBC pibc, [in] DWORD grfMode ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT Load([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fFullyAvailable, IMoniker pimkName, IBindCtx pibc, STGM grfMode); /// Tells the object to save itself to a specified location. /// /// [in] The address of the IMoniker interface that references the location where the object stores itself persistently. /// /// /// [in] The address of the IBindCtx interface for the bind context to use for any moniker binding during this method. /// /// /// [in] A Boolean value that indicates whether pimkName is used as the reference to the current persistent state after the /// save. If TRUE, pimkName becomes the reference to the current persistent state, and the object clears its "dirty" flag /// after the save. If FALSE, this save operation is a "Save A Copy As ..." operation. In this case, the reference to the /// current persistent state is unchanged, and the object does not clear its "dirty" flag. If pimkName is NULL, the /// implementation ignores the fRemember flag. /// /// Returns S_OK if the object was successfully saved, or E_INVALIDARG if one or more parameters are invalid. // // HRESULT Save( [in] IMoniker *pimkName, [in] LPBC pbc, [in] BOOL fRemember ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT Save(IMoniker pimkName, IBindCtx pbc, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fRemember); /// /// Notifies the client application that its persisted state has been completely saved, and points the client to its new /// persisted state. /// /// /// [in] The address of the IMoniker interface of the object's new persistent state. This parameter can be NULL, if the /// moniker to the object's new persistent state is the same as the previous moniker to the object's persistent state. This /// optimization is allowed only if there was a prior call to IPersistMoniker::Save with the fRemember parameter set to /// TRUE, in which case the object does not have to rebind to pimkName. /// /// [in] The address of the IBindCtx interface to use for any moniker binding during this method. /// Returns S_OK if successful, or E_INVALIDARG if one or more parameters are invalid. // // HRESULT SaveCompleted( [in] IMoniker *pimkName, [in] LPBC pibc ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT SaveCompleted([In, Optional] IMoniker pimkName, IBindCtx pibc); /// Gets the moniker that refers to the object's persistent state. /// /// Returns S_OK if a valid absolute path was successfully returned, or E_INVALIDARG if the ppimkName parameter is invalid. /// /// /// Typically, this method returns the moniker that was last passed to the object by means of the IPersistMoniker::Load /// method, the IPersistMoniker::Save method, or the IPersistMoniker::SaveCompleted method. /// // // HRESULT GetCurMoniker( [out] IMoniker **ppimkName ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT GetCurMoniker(out IMoniker ppimkName); } /// /// Exposes methods and properties used to parse and build Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// /// Once an IUri has been created, it cannot change its properties. Property values do not change between calls to the same object. /// // [PInvokeData("Urlmon.h")] [ComImport, Guid("A39EE748-6A27-4817-A6F2-13914BEF5890"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IUri { /// Returns the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) property value in a new BSTR. /// /// [in] /// A value from the Uri_PROPERTY enumeration. /// /// /// [out] /// Address of a BSTR that receives the property value. /// /// /// [in] /// One of the following property-specific flags, or zero. /// Uri_DISPLAY_NO_FRAGMENT (0x00000001) /// Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI: Exclude the fragment portion of the URI, if any. /// Uri_PUNYCODE_IDN_HOST (0x00000002) /// /// Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI, Uri_PROPERTY_DOMAIN, Uri_PROPERTY_HOST: If the URI is an IDN, always display /// the hostname encoded as punycode. /// /// Uri_DISPLAY_IDN_HOST (0x00000004) /// /// Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI, Uri_PROPERTY_DOMAIN, Uri_PROPERTY_HOST: Display the hostname in punycode or /// Unicode as it would appear in the Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI property. /// /// /// /// IUri::GetPropertyBSTR was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// The uriProp parameter must be a string property. This method will fail if the specified property isn't a BSTR property. /// /// /// The pbstrProperty parameter will be set to a new BSTR containing the value of the specified string property. The /// caller should use SysFreeString to free the string. /// /// This method will return and set pbstrProperty to an empty string if the URI doesn't contain the specified property. /// // // HRESULT GetPropertyBSTR( Uri_PROPERTY uriProp, [out] BSTR *pbstrProperty, DWORD dwFlags ); void GetPropertyBSTR([In] Uri_PROPERTY uriProp, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] out string pbstrProperty, [In, Optional] Uri_DISPLAY dwFlags); /// /// Returns the string length of the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) property. Call this function if you want the /// length but don't necessarily want to create a new BSTR. /// /// /// [in] /// A value from the Uri_PROPERTY enumeration. /// /// /// [out] /// /// Address of a DWORD that is set to the length of the value of the string property excluding the NULL terminator. /// /// /// /// [in] /// One of the following property-specific flags, or zero. /// Uri_DISPLAY_NO_FRAGMENT (0x00000001) /// Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI: Exclude the fragment portion of the URI, if any. /// Uri_PUNYCODE_IDN_HOST (0x00000002) /// /// Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI, Uri_PROPERTY_DOMAIN, Uri_PROPERTY_HOST: If the URI is an IDN, always display /// the hostname encoded as punycode. /// /// Uri_DISPLAY_IDN_HOST (0x00000004) /// /// Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI, Uri_PROPERTY_DOMAIN, Uri_PROPERTY_HOST: Display the hostname in punycode or /// Unicode as it would appear in the Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI property. /// /// /// /// IUri::GetPropertyLength was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// The uriProp parameter must be a string property. This method will fail if the specified property isn't a BSTR property. /// /// This method will return and set pcchProperty to if the URI doesn't contain the specified property. /// // // HRESULT GetPropertyLength( Uri_PROPERTY uriProp, [out] DWORD *pcchProperty, DWORD dwFlags ); void GetPropertyLength([In] Uri_PROPERTY uriProp, out uint pcchProperty, [In, Optional] Uri_DISPLAY dwFlags); /// Returns the specified numeric Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) property value. /// /// [in] /// A value from the Uri_PROPERTY enumeration. /// /// Address of a DWORD that is set to the value of the specified property. /// Property-specific flags. Must be set to 0. /// /// IUri::GetPropertyDWORD was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// The uriProp parameter must be a numeric property. This method will fail if the specified property isn't a DWORD property. /// /// This method will return and set pdwProperty to if the specified property doesn't exist in the URI. /// // // HRESULT GetPropertyDWORD( Uri_PROPERTY uriProp, [out] DWORD *pdwProperty, DWORD dwFlags ); void GetPropertyDWORD([In] Uri_PROPERTY uriProp, out uint pdwProperty, [In] uint dwFlags = 0); /// Determines if the specified property exists in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). /// Address of a BOOL value. Set to TRUE if the specified property exists in the URI. /// IUri::HasProperty was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. // // HRESULT HasProperty( Uri_PROPERTY uriProp, [out] BOOL *pfHasProperty ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool HasProperty([In] Uri_PROPERTY uriProp); /// Returns the entire canonicalized Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetAbsoluteUri was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI property. /// /// This property is not defined for relative URIs. /// // // HRESULT GetAbsoluteUri( [out] BSTR *pbstrAbsoluteUri ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetAbsoluteUri(); /// Returns the user name, password, domain, and port. /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetAuthority was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_AUTHORITY property. /// /// /// If user name and password are not specified, the separator characters (: and @) are removed. The trailing colon is also /// removed if the port number is not specified or is the default for the protocol scheme. /// /// // // HRESULT GetAuthority( [out] BSTR *pbstrAuthority ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetAuthority(); /// Returns a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that can be used for display purposes. /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetDisplayUri was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// The display URI combines protocol scheme, fully qualified domain name, port number (if not the default for the scheme), full /// resource path, query string, and fragment. /// /// /// Note The display URI may have additional formatting applied to it, such that the string produced by /// IUri::GetDisplayUri isn't necessarily a valid URI. For this reason, and since the userinfo is not present, the /// display URI should be used for viewing only; it should not be used for edit by the user, or as a form of transfer for URIs /// inside or between applications. /// /// /// If the scheme is known (for example, http, ftp, or file) then the display URI will hide credentials. However, if the URI /// uses an unknown scheme and supplies user name and password, the display URI will also contain the user name and password. /// /// /// Security Warning: Storing sensitive information as clear text in a URI is not recommended. According to RFC3986: /// Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), Generic Syntax, Section 7.5, "A password appearing within the userinfo component is /// deprecated and should be considered an error except in those rare cases where the 'password' parameter is intended to be public." /// /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI property and no flags. /// /// // // HRESULT GetDisplayUri( [out] BSTR *pbstrDisplayString ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetDisplayUri(); /// Returns the domain name (including top-level domain) only. /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetDomain was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the Uri_PROPERTY_DOMAIN property. /// /// /// If the URL contains only a plain hostname (for example, "http://example/") or a public suffix (for example, /// ""), then IUri::GetDomain returns NULL. Use IUri::GetHost instead. /// /// // // HRESULT GetDomain( [out] BSTR *pbstrDomain ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetDomain(); /// Returns the file name extension of the resource. /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetExtension was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_EXTENSION property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetExtension( [out] BSTR *pbstrExtension ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetExtension(); /// Returns the text following a fragment marker (#), including the fragment marker itself. /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetFragment was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_FRAGMENT property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetFragment( [out] BSTR *pbstrFragment ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetFragment(); /// Returns the fully qualified domain name. /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetHost was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the Uri_PROPERTY_HOST property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetHost( [out] BSTR *pbstrHost ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetHost(); /// Returns the password, as parsed from the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetPassword was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// Security Warning: Storing sensitive information as clear text in a URI is not recommended. According to RFC3986: /// Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), Generic Syntax, Section 7.5, "A password appearing within the userinfo component is /// deprecated and should be considered an error except in those rare cases where the 'password' parameter is intended to be public." /// /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_PASSWORD property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetPassword( [out] BSTR *pbstrPassword ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetPassword(); /// Returns the path and resource name. /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetPath was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the Uri_PROPERTY_PATH property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetPath( [out] BSTR *pbstrPath ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetPath(); /// Returns the path, resource name, and query string. /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetPathAndQuery was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_PATH_AND_QUERY property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetPathAndQuery( [out] BSTR *pbstrPathAndQuery ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetPathAndQuery(); /// Returns the query string. /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetQuery was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the Uri_PROPERTY_QUERY property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetQuery( [out] BSTR *pbstrQuery ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetQuery(); /// Returns the entire original Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) input string. /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetRawUri was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_RAW_URI property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetRawUri( [out] BSTR *pbstrRawUri ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetRawUri(); /// Returns the protocol scheme name. /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetSchemeName was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_SCHEME_NAME property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetSchemeName( [out] BSTR *pbstrSchemeName ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetSchemeName(); /// Returns the user name and password, as parsed from the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// IUri::GetUserInfo was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// Security Warning: Storing sensitive information as clear text in a URI is not recommended. According to RFC3986: /// Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), Generic Syntax, Section 7.5, "A password appearing within the userinfo component is /// deprecated and should be considered an error except in those rare cases where the 'password' parameter is intended to be public." /// /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_USER_INFO property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetUserInfo( [out] BSTR *pbstrUserInfo ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetUserInfo(); /// Returns the user name as parsed from the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). /// Address of a string that receives the property value. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyBSTR with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_USER_NAME property. /// // // HRESULT GetUserName( [out] BSTR *pbstrUserName ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string GetUserName(); /// Returns a value from the Uri_HOST_TYPE enumeration. /// Address of a DWORD that receives a value from the Uri_HOST_TYPE enumeration. /// /// IUri::GetHostType was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyDWORD with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_HOST_TYPE property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetHostType( [out] DWORD *pdwHostType ); Uri_HOST_TYPE GetHostType(); /// Returns the port number. /// Address of a DWORD that receives the port number value. /// /// IUri::GetPort was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyDWORD with the Uri_PROPERTY_PORT property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetPort( [out] DWORD *pdwPort ); uint GetPort(); /// Returns a value from the URL_SCHEME enumeration. /// Address of a DWORD that receives a value from the URL_SCHEME enumeration. /// /// IUri::GetScheme was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// This function is for convenience. It is the same as calling IUri::GetPropertyDWORD with the /// Uri_PROPERTY_SCHEME property. /// /// // // HRESULT GetScheme( [out] DWORD *pdwScheme ); URL_SCHEME GetScheme(); /// This method is not implemented. /// URLZONE GetZone(); /// Returns a bitmap of flags that indicate which Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) properties have been set. /// /// [out] /// Address of a DWORD that receives a combination of the following flags: /// Uri_HAS_ABSOLUTE_URI (0x00000000) /// Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI exists. /// Uri_HAS_AUTHORITY (0x00000001) /// Uri_PROPERTY_AUTHORITY exists. /// Uri_HAS_DISPLAY_URI (0x00000002) /// Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI exists. /// Uri_HAS_DOMAIN (0x00000004) /// Uri_PROPERTY_DOMAIN exists. /// Uri_HAS_EXTENSION (0x00000008) /// Uri_PROPERTY_EXTENSION exists. /// Uri_HAS_FRAGMENT (0x00000010) /// Uri_PROPERTY_FRAGMENT exists. /// Uri_HAS_HOST (0x00000020) /// Uri_PROPERTY_HOST exists. /// Uri_HAS_HOST_TYPE (0x00004000) /// Uri_PROPERTY_HOST_TYPE exists. /// Uri_HAS_PASSWORD (0x00000040) /// Uri_PROPERTY_PASSWORD exists. /// Uri_HAS_PATH (0x00000080) /// Uri_PROPERTY_PATH exists. /// Uri_HAS_PATH_AND_QUERY (0x00001000) /// Uri_PROPERTY_PATH_AND_QUERY exists. /// Uri_HAS_PORT (0x00008000) /// Uri_PROPERTY_PORT exists. /// Uri_HAS_QUERY (0x00000100) /// Uri_PROPERTY_QUERY exists. /// Uri_HAS_RAW_URI (0x00000200) /// Uri_PROPERTY_RAW_URI exists. /// Uri_HAS_SCHEME (0x00010000) /// Uri_PROPERTY_SCHEME exists. /// Uri_HAS_SCHEME_NAME (0x00000400) /// Uri_PROPERTY_SCHEME_NAME exists. /// Uri_HAS_USER_NAME (0x00000800) /// Uri_PROPERTY_USER_NAME exists. /// Uri_HAS_USER_INFO (0x00002000) /// Uri_PROPERTY_USER_INFO exists. /// Uri_HAS_ZONE (0x00020000) /// Uri_PROPERTY_ZONE exists. /// /// IUri::GetProperties was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. // // HRESULT GetProperties( [out] LPDWORD pdwFlags ); Uri_HAS GetProperties(); /// Compares the logical content of two IUri objects. /// Address of a BOOL that is set to TRUE if the logical content of pUri is the same. /// /// IUri::IsEqual was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// The comparison is case-insensitive. Comparing an IUri to itself will always return TRUE. /// // // HRESULT IsEqual( IUri *pUri, [out] BOOL *pfEqual ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool IsEqual([In] IUri pUri); } /// Exposes methods used to create a new IUri from an existing one. // [PInvokeData("Urlmon.h")] [ComImport, Guid("4221B2E1-8955-46c0-BD5B-DE9897565DE7"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IUriBuilder { /// Returns a new IUri object based on modifications to the original IUri, using the original flags. /// /// [in] /// /// DWORD that may contain a combination of the following flags, or zero. Reserved characters in these properties may be /// percent encoded, if required. /// /// Uri_HAS_USER_NAME (0x00000800) /// Allow encoding of Uri_PROPERTY_USER_NAME. /// Uri_HAS_PASSWORD (0x00000040) /// Allow encoding of Uri_PROPERTY_PASSWORD. /// Uri_HAS_HOST (0x00000020) /// Allow encoding of Uri_PROPERTY_HOST. /// Uri_HAS_PATH (0x00000080) /// Allow encoding of Uri_PROPERTY_PATH. /// Uri_HAS_QUERY (0x00000100) /// Allow encoding of Uri_PROPERTY_QUERY. /// Uri_HAS_FRAGMENT (0x00000010) /// Allow encoding of Uri_PROPERTY_FRAGMENT. /// /// /// [in] /// Reserved. Must be set to 0. /// /// /// [out] /// Address of pointer variable of type IUri that receives the new object. /// /// /// CreateUriSimple was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// If no changes are made, this method may return a pointer to the original IUri object (after incrementing the /// reference count). /// /// // // HRESULT CreateUriSimple( [in] DWORD dwAllowEncodingPropertyMask, [in] DWORD_PTR dwReserved, [out] IUri **ppIUri ); IUri CreateUriSimple([Optional] Uri_HAS dwAllowEncodingPropertyMask, IntPtr dwReserved = default); /// Returns a new IUri object based on modifications to the original IUri. /// /// [in] DWORD that combines flags, which control the creation of the IUri object. Refer /// to the CreateUri function for a description of these flags. Pass the value of -1 to use the same flags as were /// specified when the original IUri object was created. /// /// [in]Reserved. Must be set to 0. /// [in]Reserved. Must be set to 0. /// [out]Address of pointer variable of type IUri that receives the new object. /// /// CreateUri was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// If no changes are made, this method may return a pointer to the original IUri object (after incrementing the /// reference count). /// /// // // HRESULT CreateUri( [in] DWORD dwCreateFlags, [in] DWORD dwAllowEncodingPropertyMask, [in] DWORD_PTR dwReserved, [out] IUri // **ppIUri ); IUri CreateUri(Uri_CREATE dwCreateFlags, uint dwAllowEncodingPropertyMask = 0, IntPtr dwReserved = default); /// Returns a new IUri object based on modifications to the original IUri. /// /// [in] /// /// DWORD that combines flags, which control the creation of the IUri object. Refer to the CreateUri /// function for a description of these flags. /// /// /// /// [in] /// DWORD for flags specific to IUriBuilder, or zero. /// UriBuilder_USE_ORIGINAL_FLAGS (0x00000001) /// Use the create flags from the original IUri, if they are available. /// /// /// [in] /// /// DWORD that may contain a combination of the following flags, or zero. Reserved characters in the specified properties /// may be percent encoded, if required. /// /// Uri_HAS_USER_NAME (0x00000800) /// Allow encoding of Uri_PROPERTY_USER_NAME. /// Uri_HAS_PASSWORD (0x00000040) /// Allow encoding of Uri_PROPERTY_PASSWORD. /// Uri_HAS_HOST (0x00000020) /// Allow encoding of Uri_PROPERTY_HOST. /// Uri_HAS_PATH (0x00000080) /// Allow encoding of Uri_PROPERTY_PATH. /// Uri_HAS_QUERY (0x00000100) /// Allow encoding of Uri_PROPERTY_QUERY. /// Uri_HAS_FRAGMENT (0x00000010) /// Allow encoding of Uri_PROPERTY_FRAGMENT. /// /// /// [in] /// Reserved. Must be set to 0. /// /// /// [out] /// Address of pointer variable of type IUri that receives the new object. /// /// /// CreateUriWithFlags was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// If no changes are made, this method may return a pointer to the original IUri object (after incrementing the /// reference count). /// /// // // HRESULT CreateUriWithFlags( [in] DWORD dwCreateFlags, [in] DWORD dwUriBuilderFlags, [in] DWORD dwAllowEncodingPropertyMask, // [in] DWORD_PTR dwReserved, [out] IUri **ppIUri ); IUri CreateUriWithFlags(Uri_CREATE dwCreateFlags, uint dwUriBuilderFlags, Uri_HAS dwAllowEncodingPropertyMask, IntPtr dwReserved = default); /// Returns the original IUri. /// /// Address to a pointer variable that receives the original IUri. The calling context must Release the interface when it is no /// longer needed. /// /// GetIUri was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. // // HRESULT GetIUri( [out] IUri **ppIUri ); IUri GetIUri(); /// Sets the current IUri. /// Pointer to an existing IUri interface. /// /// SetIUri was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// Setting the current IUri invalidates all properties. /// // // HRESULT SetIUri( [in] IUri *pIUri ); void SetIUri([In] IUri pIUri); /// Retrieves the value of the fragment component. /// /// [out]Address of a variable of type DWORD that receives the length of the string returned in ppwzFragment. /// /// [out]Address of a string variable that receives the current value. /// /// GetFragment was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// The calling context must not free the returned pointer. /// // // HRESULT GetFragment( [out] DWORD *pcchFragment, [out] LPCWSTR *ppwzFragment ); void GetFragment(out uint pcchFragment, out StrPtrUni ppwzFragment); /// Retrieves the value of the host component. /// /// [out]Address of a variable of type DWORD that receives the length of the string returned in ppwzHost. /// /// [out]Address of a string variable that receives the current value. /// /// GetHost was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// The calling context must not free the returned pointer. /// // // HRESULT GetHost( [out] DWORD *pcchHost, [out] LPCWSTR *ppwzHost ); void GetHost(out uint pcchHost, out StrPtrUni ppwzHost); /// Retrieves the value of the password component. /// /// [out]Address of a variable of type DWORD that receives the length of the string returned in ppwzPassword. /// /// [out]Address of a string variable that receives the current value. /// /// GetPassword was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// The calling context must not free the returned pointer. /// // // HRESULT GetPassword( [out] DWORD *pcchPassword, [out] LPCWSTR *ppwzPassword ); void GetPassword(out uint pcchPassword, out StrPtrUni ppwzPassword); /// Retrieves the value of the path component. /// /// [out]Address of a variable of type DWORD that receives the length of the string returned in ppwzPath. /// /// [out]Address of a string variable that receives the current value. /// /// GetPath was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// The calling context must not free the returned pointer. /// // // HRESULT GetPath( [out] DWORD *pcchPath, [out] LPCWSTR *ppwzPath ); void GetPath(out uint pcchPath, out StrPtrUni ppwzPath); /// Retrieves the value of the port component. /// /// [out]Address of a variable of type BOOL that receives TRUE if the port property has been set, or FALSE otherwise. /// /// [out]Address of a variable of type DWORD that receives the current value. /// GetPort was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. // // HRESULT GetPort( [out] BOOL *pfHasPort, [out] DWORD *pdwPort ); void GetPort([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] out bool pfHasPort, out uint pdwPort); /// Retrieves the value of the query component. /// /// [out]Address of a variable of type DWORD that receives the length of the string returned in ppwzQuery. /// /// [out]Address of a string variable that receives the current value. /// /// GetQuery was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// The calling context must not free the returned pointer. /// // // HRESULT GetQuery( [out] DWORD *pcchQuery, [out] LPCWSTR *ppwzQuery ); void GetQuery(out uint pcchQuery, out StrPtrUni ppwzQuery); /// Retrieves the value of the protocol scheme name. /// /// [out]Address of a variable of type DWORD that receives the length of the string returned in ppwzSchemeName. /// /// [out]Address of a string variable that receives the current value. /// /// GetSchemeName was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// The calling context must not free the returned pointer. /// // // HRESULT GetSchemeName( [out] DWORD *pcchSchemeName, [out] LPCWSTR *ppwzSchemeName ); void GetSchemeName(out uint pcchSchemeName, out StrPtrUni ppwzSchemeName); /// Retrieves the value of the username component. /// /// [out]Address of a variable of type DWORD that receives the length of the string returned in ppwzUserName. /// /// [out]Address of a string variable that receives the current value. /// /// GetUserName was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// The calling context must not free the returned pointer. /// // // HRESULT GetUserName( [out] DWORD *pcchUserName, [out] LPCWSTR *ppwzUserName ); void GetUserName(out uint pcchUserName, out StrPtrUni ppwzUserName); /// Sets the fragment component. /// String variable that contains the new value, or NULL to remove the fragment component. /// /// SetFragment was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// Setting the fragment component invalidates Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI and Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI. /// // // HRESULT SetFragment( [in] LPCWSTR pwzNewValue ); void SetFragment([Optional, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwzNewValue); /// Sets the host (fully qualify domain) component. /// String variable that contains the new value. Must be neither empty nor NULL. /// /// SetHost was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// Setting the host component invalidates Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI, Uri_PROPERTY_AUTHORITY, and Uri_PROPERTY_DOMAIN. /// // // HRESULT SetHost( [in] LPCWSTR pwzNewValue ); void SetHost([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwzNewValue); /// Sets the password component. /// String variable the contains the new value, or NULL to remove the password component. /// /// SetPassword was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// Setting the password component invalidates Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI and Uri_PROPERTY_AUTHORITY. /// // // HRESULT SetPassword( [in] LPCWSTR pwzNewValue ); void SetPassword([Optional, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwzNewValue); /// Sets the path component. /// /// String variable that contains the new value, or NULL to remove the path component. Must specify an absolute path if not NULL. /// /// /// SetPath was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// The path component also includes the resource (filename and extension). /// To specify a relative path, use CoInternetCombineIUri. /// Setting the path component invalidates Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI, Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI, and Uri_PROPERTY_PATH_AND_QUERY. /// // // HRESULT SetPath( [in] LPCWSTR pwzNewValue ); void SetPath([Optional, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwzNewValue); /// Sets the port component. /// /// [in] BOOL that contains TRUE if a new port number is specified, or FALSE to use the default port for /// the protocol scheme. /// /// [in] DWORD that contains the new port value. /// /// SetPort was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// Setting the port number invalidates Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI, Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI, and Uri_PROPERTY_AUTHORITY. /// // // HRESULT SetPort( [in] BOOL fHasPort, [in] DWORD dwNewValue ); void SetPort([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fHasPort, uint dwNewValue); /// Sets the query component. /// String variable that contains the new value, or NULL to remove the query component. /// /// SetQuery was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// Setting the query component invalidates Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI, Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI, and Uri_PROPERTY_PATH_AND_QUERY. /// // // HRESULT SetQuery( [in] LPCWSTR pwzNewValue ); void SetQuery([Optional, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwzNewValue); /// Sets the protocol scheme name. /// String variable that contains the new value. Must be neither empty nor NULL. /// /// SetSchemeName was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// Setting the scheme name component invalidates Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI and Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI. /// // // HRESULT SetSchemeName( [in] LPCWSTR pwzNewValue ); void SetSchemeName([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwzNewValue); /// Sets the username component. /// String variable that contains the new value, or NULL to remove the username component. /// /// SetUserName was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// Setting the username component invalidates Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI and Uri_PROPERTY_AUTHORITY. /// // // HRESULT SetUserName( [in] LPCWSTR pwzNewValue ); void SetUserName([Optional, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwzNewValue); /// Removes the specified properties as well as any derived properties. /// /// [in] /// DWORD that contains a combination of the following flags: /// Uri_HAS_USER_NAME (0x00000800) /// Remove Uri_PROPERTY_USER_NAME. /// Uri_HAS_PASSWORD (0x00000040) /// Remove Uri_PROPERTY_PASSWORD. /// Uri_HAS_HOST (0x00000020) /// Remove Uri_PROPERTY_HOST. /// Uri_HAS_PORT (0x00008000) /// Remove Uri_PROPERTY_PORT. /// Uri_HAS_PATH (0x00000080) /// Remove Uri_PROPERTY_PATH. /// Uri_HAS_QUERY (0x00000100) /// Remove Uri_PROPERTY_QUERY. /// Uri_HAS_FRAGMENT (0x00000010) /// Remove Uri_PROPERTY_FRAGMENT. /// /// /// RemoveProperties was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. /// /// Compound properties (such as Uri_PROPERTY_AUTHORITY, Uri_PROPERTY_USER_INFO, and /// Uri_PROPERTY_PATH_AND_QUERY) and sub-properties (such as Uri_PROPERTY_DOMAIN and /// Uri_PROPERTY_EXTENSION) are also removed when their associated property primitives are removed. /// Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI and Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI are also invalidated when subcomponents are modified. /// /// /// Uri_PROPERTY_SCHEME and Uri_PROPERTY_SCHEME_NAME cannot be removed. Use SetSchemeName to modify the /// scheme component. /// /// // // HRESULT RemoveProperties( [in] DWORD dwPropertyMask ); void RemoveProperties(Uri_HAS dwPropertyMask); /// Returns TRUE if component values have been modified. /// A variable of type BOOL that receives TRUE if components have been modified, or FALSE otherwise. /// HasBeenModified was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7. // // HRESULT HasBeenModified( [out] BOOL *pfModified ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool HasBeenModified(); } /// Contains additional information on the authentication operation. // typedef // struct _tagAUTHENTICATEINFO { DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwReserved; } AUTHENTICATEINFO; [PInvokeData("Urlmon.h")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct AUTHENTICATEINFO { /// dwFlags One or more AUTHENTICATEF values that specify the authentication operation. public AUTHENTICATEF dwFlags; /// dwReserved public uint dwReserved; } /* IBindProtocol IBindStatusCallbackEx ICatalogFileInfo ICodeInstall IHttpNegotiate IHttpNegotiate2 IHttpNegotiate3 IHttpSecurity IMonikerProp ISoftDistExt IUriBuilderFactory IUriContainer IWindowForBindingUI IWinInetCacheAccess IWinInetCacheHints IWinInetCacheHints2 IWinInetFileStream IWinInetHttpInfo IWinInetInfo */ } }