using System; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; using System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomMarshalers; using Vanara.Collections; namespace Vanara.PInvoke { /// Interfaces and constants for IMAPI v1 and v2. public static partial class IMAPI { /// Defines values for media types that the boot image is intended to emulate. /// /// /// Other values not defined here may exist. Consumers of this enumeration should not presume this list to be the only set of valid values. /// /// For complete details of these emulation types, see the "El Torito" Bootable CD-ROM format specification at /// // typedef enum EmulationType { EmulationNone, // Emulation12MFloppy, Emulation144MFloppy, Emulation288MFloppy, EmulationHardDisk } ; [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NE:imapi2fs.EmulationType")] public enum EmulationType { /// /// No emulation. The BIOS will not emulate any device type or special sector size for the CD during boot from the CD. /// EmulationNone, /// Emulates a 1.2 MB floppy disk. Emulation12MFloppy, /// Emulates a 1.44 MB floppy disk. Emulation144MFloppy, /// Emulates a 2.88 MB floppy disk. Emulation288MFloppy, /// Emulates a hard disk. EmulationHardDisk, } /// Defines values for recognized file systems. // typedef enum FsiFileSystems { // FsiFileSystemNone, FsiFileSystemISO9660, FsiFileSystemJoliet, FsiFileSystemUDF, FsiFileSystemUnknown } ; [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NE:imapi2fs.FsiFileSystems")] [Flags] public enum FsiFileSystems { /// The disc does not contain a recognized file system. FsiFileSystemNone = 0x000000000, /// Standard CD file system. FsiFileSystemISO9660 = 0x000000001, /// Joliet file system. FsiFileSystemJoliet = 0x000000002, /// UDF file system. FsiFileSystemUDF = 0x000000004, /// The disc appears to have a file system, but the layout does not match any of the recognized types. FsiFileSystemUnknown = 0x040000000, } /// Defines values for the file system item that was found using the IFileSystemImage::Exists method. // typedef enum FsiItemType { FsiItemNotFound, // FsiItemDirectory, FsiItemFile } ; [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NE:imapi2fs.FsiItemType")] public enum FsiItemType { /// The specified item was not found. FsiItemNotFound, /// The specified item is a directory. FsiItemDirectory, /// The specified item is a file. FsiItemFile, } /// Defines values for the operating system architecture that the boot image supports /// /// Other values not defined here may exist. Consumers of this enumeration should not presume this list to be the only set of valid values. /// // typedef enum PlatformId { PlatformX86, // PlatformPowerPC, PlatformMac, PlatformEFI } ; [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NE:imapi2fs.PlatformId")] public enum PlatformId { /// Intel Pentium™ series of chip sets. This entry implies a Windows operating system. PlatformX86, /// Apple PowerPC family. PlatformPowerPC, /// Apple Macintosh family. PlatformMac, /// EFI Family. PlatformEFI = 0xef, } /// Implement this interface to receive notifications of the current write operation. // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.DFileSystemImageEvents")] [ComImport, Guid("2C941FDF-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)] public interface DFileSystemImageEvents { /// /// Implement this method to receive progress notification of the current write operation. The notifications are sent when /// copying the content of a file or while adding directories or files to the file system image. /// /// /// An IFileSystemImage interface of the file system image that is being written. /// This parameter is a CFileSystemImage object in a script. /// /// String that contains the full path of the file being written. /// Number of sectors copied. /// Total number of sectors in the file. /// /// Notifications are sent in response to calling one of the following methods: /// /// /// IFsiDirectoryItem::Add /// /// /// IFsiDirectoryItem::AddFile /// /// /// IFsiDirectoryItem::AddTree /// /// /// /// Notifications can also be sent when calling one of the following methods to import a UDF file system that was created using /// immediate allocation (immediate allocation means that the file data is contained within the file descriptor instead of /// having allocation descriptors in the file descriptor that point to sectors of data): /// /// /// /// IFileSystemImage::ImportFileSystem /// /// /// IFileSystemImage::ImportSpecificFileSystem /// /// /// Notification is sent: /// /// /// Once before adding the first sector of a file (copiedSectors is 0) /// /// /// For every megabyte that is written /// /// /// Once after the final write if the file did not end on a megabyte boundary /// /// /// // HRESULT Update( // IDispatch *object, BSTR currentFile, LONG copiedSectors, LONG totalSectors ); [DispId(0x100)] [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void Update([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)] IFileSystemImage @object, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string currentFile, long copiedSectors, long totalSectors); } /// Receives notifications of the current write operation. [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class DFileSystemImageEventsSink : DFileSystemImageEvents { /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// The delegate to assign to the event. public DFileSystemImageEventsSink(Action onUpdate) { if (onUpdate is not null) Update += onUpdate; } /// /// Occurs on progress notifications from the current write operation. The notifications are sent when /// copying the content of a file or while adding directories or files to the file system image. /// /// /// Notifications are sent in response to calling one of the following methods: /// /// /// IFsiDirectoryItem::Add /// /// /// IFsiDirectoryItem::AddFile /// /// /// IFsiDirectoryItem::AddTree /// /// /// /// Notifications can also be sent when calling one of the following methods to import a UDF file system that was created using /// immediate allocation (immediate allocation means that the file data is contained within the file descriptor instead of /// having allocation descriptors in the file descriptor that point to sectors of data): /// /// /// /// IFileSystemImage::ImportFileSystem /// /// /// IFileSystemImage::ImportSpecificFileSystem /// /// /// Notification is sent: /// /// /// Once before adding the first sector of a file (copiedSectors is 0) /// /// /// For every megabyte that is written /// /// /// Once after the final write if the file did not end on a megabyte boundary /// /// /// public event Action Update; void DFileSystemImageEvents.Update(IFileSystemImage @object, string currentFile, long copiedSectors, long totalSectors) => Update?.Invoke(@object, currentFile, copiedSectors, totalSectors); } /// Use this interface to receives notifications regarding the current file system import operation. /// This interface supports import notifications for ISO9660, Joliet and UDF file systems. // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.DFileSystemImageImportEvents")] [ComImport, Guid("D25C30F9-4087-4366-9E24-E55BE286424B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)] public interface DFileSystemImageImportEvents { /// Receives import notification for every file and directory item imported from an optical medium. /// Pointer to an IFilesystemImage3 interface of a file system image object to which data is being imported. /// /// Type of the file system currently being imported. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// A string containing the name of the file or directory being imported at the moment. /// The number of directories imported so far. /// The total number of directories to be imported from the optical medium. /// The number of files imported so far. /// The total number of files to be imported from the optical medium. /// /// Notifications are sent in response to calling one of the following methods for importing a file system. /// /// /// IFileSystemImage::ImportFileSystem /// /// /// IFileSystemImage::ImportSpecificFileSystem /// /// /// UpdateImport method receives import notifications from ISO9660, Joliet and UDF file systems. A notification is sent: /// /// /// Once after every individual imported file. /// /// /// Once before every directory import begins. /// /// /// /// The totalFileItems parameter of an UpdateImport event is always set to (-1) for ISO9660 and Joliet file systems, /// because of the difficulty quickly and accurately determining the total number of files in an ISO9660/Joliet file system /// prior to import. /// /// Import notifications are generated only for files and directories, and not for associated named streams. /// If the currentItem is a directory, it contains a back slash '' at the end. /// // HRESULT // UpdateImport( IDispatch *object, FsiFileSystems fileSystem, BSTR currentItem, LONG importedDirectoryItems, LONG // totalDirectoryItems, LONG importedFileItems, LONG totalFileItems ); [DispId(0x101)] [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)] void UpdateImport([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)] IFileSystemImage @object, FsiFileSystems fileSystem, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string currentItem, long importedDirectoryItems, long totalDirectoryItems, long importedFileItems, long totalFileItems); } /// Sink implementation for . /// [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class DFileSystemImageImportEventsSink : DFileSystemImageImportEvents { /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// The delegate to call on import update. public DFileSystemImageImportEventsSink(Action onUpdateImport) { if (onUpdateImport is not null) UpdateImport += onUpdateImport; } /// Receives import notification for every file and directory item imported from an optical medium. /// /// Notifications are sent in response to calling one of the following methods for importing a file system. /// /// /// IFileSystemImage::ImportFileSystem /// /// /// IFileSystemImage::ImportSpecificFileSystem /// /// /// UpdateImport method receives import notifications from ISO9660, Joliet and UDF file systems. A notification is sent: /// /// /// Once after every individual imported file. /// /// /// Once before every directory import begins. /// /// /// /// The totalFileItems parameter of an UpdateImport event is always set to (-1) for ISO9660 and Joliet file systems, /// because of the difficulty quickly and accurately determining the total number of files in an ISO9660/Joliet file system /// prior to import. /// /// Import notifications are generated only for files and directories, and not for associated named streams. /// If the currentItem is a directory, it contains a back slash '' at the end. /// public event Action UpdateImport; void DFileSystemImageImportEvents.UpdateImport(IFileSystemImage @object, FsiFileSystems fileSystem, string currentItem, long importedDirectoryItems, long totalDirectoryItems, long importedFileItems, long totalFileItems) => UpdateImport?.Invoke(@object, fileSystem, currentItem, importedDirectoryItems, totalDirectoryItems, importedFileItems, totalFileItems); } /// /// /// Use this interface to specify the boot image to add to the optical disc. A boot image contains one or more sectors of code used /// to start the computer. /// /// /// To create an instance of this interface, call the CoCreateInstance function. Use__uuidof(BootOptions) for the class /// identifier and __uuidof(IBootOptions) for the interface identifier. /// /// /// /// This interface supports the "El Torito" Bootable CD-ROM format specification. /// To add the boot image to a file system image, call the IFileSystemImage::put_BootImageOptions method. /// To get the boot image associated with a file system image, call the IFileSystemImage::get_BootImageOptions method. /// To create the BootOptions object in a script, use IMAPI2.BootOptions as the program identifier when calling CreateObject. /// // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IBootOptions")] [ComImport, Guid("2C941FD4-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(BootOptions))] public interface IBootOptions { /// Retrieves a pointer to the boot image data stream. /// Pointer to the IStream interface associated with the boot image data stream. // HRESULT get_BootImage( // IStream **pVal ); [DispId(1)] IStream BootImage { get; } /// Sets an identifier that identifies the manufacturer or developer of the CD. /// /// Identifier that identifies the manufacturer or developer of the CD. This is an ANSI string that is limited to 24 bytes. The /// string does not need to include a NULL character; however, you must set unused bytes to 0x00. /// // HRESULT // put_Manufacturer( BSTR newVal ); [DispId(2)] string Manufacturer { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; set; } /// Sets the platform identifier that identifies the operating system architecture that the boot image supports. /// /// Identifies the operating system architecture that the boot image supports. For possible values, see the PlatformId /// enumeration type. The default value is PlatformX86 for Intel x86–based platforms. /// // HRESULT put_PlatformId( // PlatformId newVal ); [DispId(3)] PlatformId PlatformId { get; set; } /// Sets the media type that the boot image is intended to emulate. /// /// Media type that the boot image is intended to emulate. For possible values, see the EmulationType enumeration type. The /// default value is EmulationNone, which means the BIOS will not emulate any device type or special sector size for the /// CD during boot from the CD. /// // HRESULT put_Emulation( // EmulationType newVal ); [DispId(4)] EmulationType Emulation { get; set; } /// Retrieves the size of the boot image. /// Size, in bytes, of the boot image. // HRESULT get_ImageSize( // ULONG *pVal ); [DispId(5)] uint ImageSize { get; } /// Sets the data stream that contains the boot image. /// An IStream interface of the data stream that contains the boot image. /// /// /// If the size of the newly assigned boot image is either 1.2, 1.44. or 2.88 MB, this method will automatically adjust the /// EmulationType value to the respective "floppy" type value. It is, however, possible to override the default or previously /// assigned EmulationType value by calling the IBootOptions::put_Emulation method. /// /// /// The additional specification of the platform on which to use the boot image requires the call to the /// IBootOptions::put_PlatformId method. /// /// IMAPI does not include any boot images; developers must provide their own boot images. /// // HRESULT AssignBootImage( // IStream *newVal ); [DispId(20)] void AssignBootImage(IStream newVal); } /// /// Use this interface to enumerate the child directory and file items for a FsiDirectoryItem object. /// To get this interface, call the IFsiDirectoryItem::get_EnumFsiItems method. /// /// This is a EnumFsiItems object in script. // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IEnumFsiItems")] [ComImport, InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), Guid("2C941FDA-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), CoClass(typeof(EnumFsiItems))] public interface IEnumFsiItems : ICOMEnum { /// Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. /// Number of items to retrieve. /// Array of IFsiItem interfaces. You must release each interface in rgelt when done. /// /// Number of elements returned in rgelt. You can set pceltFetched to NULL if celt is one. Otherwise, initialize the /// value of pceltFetched to 0 before calling this method. /// /// /// /// S_OK is returned when the number of requested elements (celt) are returned successfully or the number of returned items /// (pceltFetched) is less than the number of requested elements. /// /// /// Other success codes may be returned as a result of implementation. The following error codes are commonly returned on /// operation failure, but do not represent the only possible error values: /// /// /// /// Return code /// Description /// /// /// E_POINTER /// Pointer is not valid. Value: 0x80004003 /// /// /// E_OUTOFMEMORY /// Failed to allocate the required memory. Value: 0x8007000E /// /// /// E_INVALIDARG /// One or more arguments are not valid. Value: 0x80070057 /// /// /// /// If there are fewer than the requested number of elements left in the sequence, it retrieves the remaining elements. // HRESULT Next( ULONG celt, IFsiItem // **rgelt, ULONG *pceltFetched ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT Next(uint celt, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.Interface, SizeParamIndex = 2)] IFsiItem[] rgelt, out uint pceltFetched); /// Skips a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. /// Number of items to skip. /// /// /// S_OK is returned on success, but other success codes may be returned as a result of implementation. The following error /// codes are commonly returned on operation failure, but do not represent the only possible error values: /// /// /// /// Return code /// Description /// /// /// S_FALSE /// Skipped less than the number of requested elements. /// /// /// /// /// If there are fewer elements left in the sequence than the requested number of elements to skip, it skips past the last /// element in the sequence. /// // HRESULT Skip( ULONG celt ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT Skip(uint celt); /// Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. // HRESULT Reset(); void Reset(); /// Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one. /// /// Receives the interface pointer to the enumeration object. If the method is unsuccessful, the value of this output variable /// is undefined. You must release ppEnum when done. /// /// /// Using this method, a client can record a particular point in the enumeration sequence, and then return to that point at a /// later time. The new enumerator supports the same interface as the original one. /// // HRESULT Clone( IEnumFsiItems // **ppEnum ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IEnumFsiItems Clone(); } /// /// Use this interface to enumerate a collection of progress items. /// To get this interface, call the IProgressItems::get_EnumProgressItems method. /// /// This is a EnumProgressItems object in script. // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IEnumProgressItems")] [ComImport, Guid("2C941FD6-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(EnumProgressItems))] public interface IEnumProgressItems : ICOMEnum { /// Retrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. /// Number of items to retrieve. /// Array of IProgressItem interfaces. You must release each interface in rgelt when done. /// /// Number of elements returned in rgelt. You can set pceltFetched to NULL if celt is one. Otherwise, initialize the /// value of pceltFetched to 0 before calling this method. /// /// /// /// S_OK is returned when the number of requested elements (celt) are returned successfully or the number of returned items /// (pceltFetched) is less than the number of requested elements. /// /// /// Other success codes may be returned as a result of implementation. The following error codes are commonly returned on /// operation failure, but do not represent the only possible error values: /// /// /// /// Return code /// Description /// /// /// E_POINTER /// Pointer is not valid. Value: 0x80004003 /// /// /// E_OUTOFMEMORY /// Failed to allocate the required memory. Value: 0x8007000E /// /// /// E_INVALIDARG /// One or more arguments are not valid. Value: 0x80070057 /// /// /// /// If there are fewer than the requested number of elements left in the sequence, it retrieves the remaining elements. // HRESULT Next( ULONG celt, // IProgressItem **rgelt, ULONG *pceltFetched ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT Next(uint celt, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.Interface, SizeParamIndex = 2)] IProgressItem[] rgelt, out uint pceltFetched); /// Skips a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. /// Number of items to skip. /// /// /// S_OK is returned on success, but other success codes may be returned as a result of implementation. The following error /// codes are commonly returned on operation failure, but do not represent the only possible error values: /// /// /// /// Return code /// Description /// /// /// S_FALSE /// Skipped less than the number of requested elements. /// /// /// /// /// If there are fewer elements left in the sequence than the requested number of elements to skip, it skips past the last /// element in the sequence. /// // HRESULT Skip( ULONG celt ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT Skip(uint celt); /// Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. // HRESULT Reset(); void Reset(); /// Creates another enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one. /// /// Receives the interface pointer to the enumeration object. If the method is unsuccessful, the value of this output variable /// is undefined. You must release ppEnum when done. /// /// /// Using this method, a client can record a particular point in the enumeration sequence, and then return to that point at a /// later time. The new enumerator supports the same interface as the original one. /// // HRESULT Clone( // IEnumProgressItems **ppEnum ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IEnumProgressItems Clone(); } /// /// Use this interface to build a file system image, set session parameter, and import or export an image. /// The file system directory hierarchy is built by adding directories and files to the root or child directories. /// /// To create an instance of this interface, call the CoCreateInstance function. Use__uuidof(MsftFileSystemImage) for the /// class identifier and __uuidof(IFileSystemImage) for the interface identifier. /// /// /// /// To create the CFileSystemImage object in a script, use IMAPI2.MsftFileSystemImage as the program identifier when calling CreateObject. /// // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IFileSystemImage")] [ComImport, Guid("2C941FE1-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(MsftFileSystemImage))] public interface IFileSystemImage { /// Retrieves the root directory item. /// An IFsiDirectoryItem interface of the root directory item. // HRESULT get_Root( // IFsiDirectoryItem **pVal ); [DispId(0)] IFsiDirectoryItem Root { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; } /// Retrieves the starting block address for the recording session. /// Starting block address for the recording session. /// /// The session starting block can be set in the following ways: /// /// /// Importing a file system automatically sets the session starting block. /// /// /// If the previous session is not imported, the client can call IFileSystemImage::put_SessionStartBlock to set this property. /// /// /// // HRESULT // get_SessionStartBlock( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(1)] int SessionStartBlock { get; set; } /// Retrieves the maximum number of blocks available for the image. /// Number of blocks to use in creating the file system image. // HRESULT // get_FreeMediaBlocks( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(2)] int FreeMediaBlocks { get; set; } /// Set maximum number of blocks available based on the capabilities of the recorder. /// /// An IDiscRecorder2 interface that identifies the recording device from which you want to set the maximum number of blocks available. /// // HRESULT // SetMaxMediaBlocksFromDevice( IDiscRecorder2 *discRecorder ); [DispId(36)] void SetMaxMediaBlocksFromDevice(IDiscRecorder2 discRecorder); /// Retrieves the number of blocks in use. /// Estimated number of blocks used in the file-system image. // HRESULT // get_UsedBlocks( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(3)] int UsedBlocks { get; } /// Retrieves or sets the volume name for this file system image. /// String that contains the volume name for this file system image. /// To set the volume name, call the IFileSystemImage::put_VolumeName method. // HRESULT // get_VolumeName( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(4)] string VolumeName { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the volume name provided from an imported file system. /// /// String that contains the volume name provided from an imported file system. Is NULL until a file system is imported. /// /// /// The imported volume name is provided for user information and is not automatically carried forward to subsequent sessions. /// // HRESULT // get_ImportedVolumeName( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(5)] string ImportedVolumeName { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the boot image that you want to add to the file system image. /// An IBootOptions interface of the boot image to add to the disc. Is NULL if a boot image has not been specified. // HRESULT // get_BootImageOptions( IBootOptions **pVal ); [DispId(6)] IBootOptions BootImageOptions { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the number of files in the file system image. /// Number of files in the file system image. // HRESULT get_FileCount( // LONG *pVal ); [DispId(7)] int FileCount { get; } /// Retrieves the number of directories in the file system image. /// Number of directories in the file system image. // HRESULT // get_DirectoryCount( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(8)] int DirectoryCount { get; } /// Retrieves the temporary directory in which stash files are built. /// String that contains the path to the temporary directory. // HRESULT // get_WorkingDirectory( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(9)] string WorkingDirectory { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the change point identifier. /// Change point identifier. The identifier is a count of the changes to the file system image since its inception. /// /// /// An application can store the value of this property prior to making a change to the file system, then at a later point pass /// the value to the IFileSystemImage::RollbackToChangePoint method to revert changes since that point in development. /// /// /// An application can call the IFileSystemImage::LockInChangePoint method to lock the state of a file system image at any point /// in its development. Once a lock is set, you cannot call RollbackToChangePoint to revert the file system image to its earlier state. /// /// // HRESULT // get_ChangePoint( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(10)] int ChangePoint { get; } /// Determines the compliance level for creating and developing the file-system image. /// /// Is VARIANT_TRUE if the file system images are created in strict compliance with applicable standards. /// Is VARIANT_FALSE if the compliance standards are relaxed to be compatible with IMAPI version 1.0. /// // // HRESULT get_StrictFileSystemCompliance( VARIANT_BOOL *pVal ); [DispId(11)] bool StrictFileSystemCompliance { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Determines if the file and directory names use a restricted character. /// /// Is VARIANT_TRUE if the file and directory names to add to the file system image must consist of characters that map directly /// to CP_ANSI (code points 32 through 127). Otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. /// // // HRESULT get_UseRestrictedCharacterSet( VARIANT_BOOL *pVal ); [DispId(12)] bool UseRestrictedCharacterSet { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the types of file systems to create when generating the result stream. /// /// One or more file system types to create when generating the result stream. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems /// enumeration type. /// /// /// /// To specify the file system types, call the IFileSystemImage::put_FileSystemsToCreate method. You could also call either /// IFilesystemImage::ChooseImageDefaults or IFilesystemImage::ChooseImageDefaultsForMediaType to have IMAPI choose the file /// system for you. /// /// To retrieve a list of supported file system types, call the IFileSystemImage::get_FileSystemsSupported method. /// // HRESULT // get_FileSystemsToCreate( FsiFileSystems *pVal ); [DispId(13)] FsiFileSystems FileSystemsToCreate { get; set; } /// Retrieves the list of file system types that a client can use to build a file system image. /// /// One or more file system types that a client can use to build a file system image. For possible values, see the /// FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// // HRESULT // get_FileSystemsSupported( FsiFileSystems *pVal ); [DispId(14)] FsiFileSystems FileSystemsSupported { get; } /// Retrieves the UDF revision level of the imported file system image. /// UDF revision level of the imported file system image. /// /// The value is encoded according to the UDF specification, except the variable size is LONG. For example, revision level 1.02 /// is represented as 0x102. /// // HRESULT // get_UDFRevision( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(37)] int UDFRevision { set; get; } /// Retrieves a list of supported UDF revision levels. /// /// List of supported UDF revision levels. Each element of the list is VARIANT. The variant type is VT_I4. The /// lVal member of the variant contains the revision level. /// /// /// The value is encoded according to the UDF specification, except the variable size is LONG. For example, revision level 1.02 /// is represented as 0x102. /// // HRESULT // get_UDFRevisionsSupported( SAFEARRAY **pVal ); [DispId(31)] int[] UDFRevisionsSupported { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(SafeArrayMarshaler))] get; } /// Sets the default file system types and the image size based on the current media. /// An IDiscRecorder2 the identifies the device that contains the current media. // HRESULT // ChooseImageDefaults( IDiscRecorder2 *discRecorder ); [DispId(32)] void ChooseImageDefaults(IDiscRecorder2 discRecorder); /// Sets the default file system types and the image size based on the specified media type. /// /// Identifies the physical media type that will receive the burn image. For possible values, see the IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE /// enumeration type. /// // // HRESULT ChooseImageDefaultsForMediaType( IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE value ); [DispId(33)] void ChooseImageDefaultsForMediaType(IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE value); /// Retrieves the ISO9660 compatibility level to use when creating the result image. /// Identifies the interchange level of the ISO9660 file system. /// /// For a list of supported compatibility levels, call the IFileSystemImage::get_ISO9660InterchangeLevelsSupported method. /// // HRESULT // get_ISO9660InterchangeLevel( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(34)] int ISO9660InterchangeLevel { set; get; } /// Retrieves the supported ISO9660 compatibility levels. /// /// List of supported ISO9660 compatibility levels. Each item in the list is a VARIANT that identifies one supported interchange /// level. The variant type is VT_UI4. The ulVal member of the variant contains the compatibility level. /// // // HRESULT get_ISO9660InterchangeLevelsSupported( SAFEARRAY **pVal ); [DispId(38)] uint[] ISO9660InterchangeLevelsSupported { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(SafeArrayMarshaler))] get; } /// Create the result object that contains the file system and file data. /// /// An IFileSystemImageResult interface of the image result. /// Client applications can stream the image to media or other long-term storage devices, such as disk drives. /// /// /// /// Currently, IFileSystemImage::CreateResultImage will require disc media access as a result of a previous /// IFileSystemImage::IdentifyFileSystemsOnDisc method call. To resolve this issue, it is recommended that another /// IFileSystemImage object be created specifically for the IFileSystemImage::IdentifyFileSystemsOnDisc operation. /// /// /// The resulting stream can be saved as an ISO file if the file system is generated in a single session and has a start address /// of zero. /// /// // HRESULT // CreateResultImage( IFileSystemImageResult **resultStream ); [DispId(15)] IFileSystemImageResult CreateResultImage(); /// Checks for the existence of a given file or directory. /// String that contains the fully qualified path of the directory or file to check. /// /// Indicates if the item is a file, a directory, or does not exist. For possible values, see the FsiItemType enumeration type. /// // HRESULT Exists( BSTR // fullPath, FsiItemType *itemType ); [DispId(16)] FsiItemType Exists([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string fullPath); /// Retrieves a string that identifies a disc and the sessions recorded on the disc. /// /// String that contains a signature that identifies the disc and the sessions on it. This string is not guaranteed to be unique /// between discs. /// /// /// /// When layering sessions on a disc, the signature acts as a key that the client can use to ensure the session order, and to /// distinguish sessions on disc from session images that will be laid on the disc. /// /// You must call IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces prior to calling CalculateDiscIdentifier. /// // HRESULT // CalculateDiscIdentifier( BSTR *discIdentifier ); [DispId(18)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string CalculateDiscIdentifier(); /// Retrieves a list of the different types of file systems on the optical media. /// /// An IDiscRecorder2 interface that identifies the recording device that contains the media. If this parameter is NULL, /// the discRecorder specified in IMultisession will be used. /// /// One or more files systems on the disc. For possible values, see FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// Client applications can call IFileSystemImage::GetDefaultFileSystemForImport with the value returned by this method to /// determine the type of file system to import. /// // HRESULT // IdentifyFileSystemsOnDisc( IDiscRecorder2 *discRecorder, FsiFileSystems *fileSystems ); [DispId(19)] FsiFileSystems IdentifyFileSystemsOnDisc(IDiscRecorder2 discRecorder); /// Retrieves the file system to import by default. /// One or more file system values. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// A single file system value that identifies the default file system. The value is one of the file systems specified in fileSystems /// /// /// Use this method to identify the default file system to use with IFileSystemImage::ImportFileSystem. /// To identify the supported file systems, call the IFileSystemImage::get_FileSystemsSupported method. /// // // HRESULT GetDefaultFileSystemForImport( FsiFileSystems fileSystems, FsiFileSystems *importDefault ); [DispId(20)] FsiFileSystems GetDefaultFileSystemForImport(FsiFileSystems fileSystems); /// Imports the default file system on the current disc. /// Identifies the imported file system. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// You must call IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces prior to calling IFileSystemImage::ImportFileSystem. /// Additionally, it is recommended that IDiscFormat2::get_MediaHeuristicallyBlank is called before /// IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces to verify that the media is not blank. /// /// /// If the disc contains more than one file system, only one file system is imported. This method chooses the file system to /// import in the following order: UDF, Joliet, ISO 9660. The import includes transferring directories and files to the /// in-memory file system structure. /// /// /// You may call this method at any time during the construction of the in-memory file system. If, during import, a file or /// directory already exists in the in-memory copy, the in-memory version will be retained; the imported file will be discarded. /// /// /// To determine which file system is the default file system for the disc, call the /// IFileSystemImage::GetDefaultFileSystemForImport method. /// /// /// This method only reads the file information. If the item is a file, the file data is copied when calling /// IFsiDirectoryItem::AddFile, IFsiDirectoryItem::AddTree, or IFsiDirectoryItem::Add method. /// /// /// This method returns IMAPI_E_NO_SUPPORTED_FILE_SYSTEM if a supported file system is not found in the last session. /// Additionally, this method returns IMAPI_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PREVIOUS_SESSION if the layout of the file system in the last /// session is incompatible with the layout used by IMAPI for the creation of requested file systems for the result image. For /// more details see the IFileSystemImage::put_FileSystemsToCreate method documention. /// /// // HRESULT // ImportFileSystem( FsiFileSystems *importedFileSystem ); [DispId(21)] FsiFileSystems ImportFileSystem(); /// Import a specific file system from disc. /// /// Identifies the file system to import. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// /// You must call IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces prior to calling /// IFileSystemImage::ImportSpecificFileSystem. Additionally, it is recommended that /// IDiscFormat2::get_MediaHeuristicallyBlank is called before IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces to verify /// that the media is not blank. /// /// /// You may call this method at any time during the construction of the in-memory file system. If, during import, a file or /// directory already exists in the in-memory copy, the in-memory version will be retained; the imported file will be discarded. /// /// /// On re-writable media (DVD+/-RW, DVDRAM, BD-RE), import or burning a second session is not support if the first session has /// an ISO9660 file system, due to file system limitations. /// /// /// This method only reads the file information. If the item is a file, the file data is copied when calling /// IFsiDirectoryItem::AddFile, IFsiDirectoryItem::AddTree, or IFsiDirectoryItem::Add method. /// /// /// this method returns IMAPI_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PREVIOUS_SESSION if the layout of the file system in the last session is /// incompatible with the layout used by IMAPI for the creation of requested file systems for the result image. For more details /// see the IFileSystemImage::put_FileSystemsToCreate method documention. If the file system specified by fileSystemToUse has /// not been found, this method returns IMAPI_E_FILE_SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND. /// /// // HRESULT // ImportSpecificFileSystem( FsiFileSystems fileSystemToUse ); [DispId(22)] void ImportSpecificFileSystem(FsiFileSystems fileSystemToUse); /// Reverts the image back to the specified change point. /// Change point that identifies the target state for rollback. /// /// /// Typically, an application calls the IFileSystemImage::get_ChangePoint method and stores the change point value prior to /// making a change to the file system. If necessary, you can pass the change point value to this method to revert changes since /// that point in development. /// /// /// An application can call the IFileSystemImage::LockInChangePoint method to lock the state of a file system image at any point /// in its development. After a lock is set, you cannot call this method to revert the file system image to its earlier state. /// /// // HRESULT // RollbackToChangePoint( LONG changePoint ); [DispId(23)] void RollbackToChangePoint(int changePoint); /// Locks the file system information at the current change-point level. /// /// Once the change point is locked, rollback to earlier change points is not permitted. /// Locking the change point does not change the IFileSystemImage::get_ChangePoint property. /// // HRESULT LockInChangePoint(); [DispId(24)] void LockInChangePoint(); /// Create a directory item with the specified name. /// String that contains the name of the directory item to create. /// /// An IFsiDirectoryItem interface of the new directory item. When done, call the IFsiDirectoryItem::Release method to /// release the interface. /// /// /// After setting properties on the IFsiDirectoryItem interface, call the IFsiDirectoryItem::Add method on the parent directory /// item to add it to the file system image. /// // HRESULT // CreateDirectoryItem( BSTR name, IFsiDirectoryItem **newItem ); [DispId(25)] IFsiDirectoryItem CreateDirectoryItem([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string name); /// Create a file item with the specified name. /// String that contains the name of the file item to create. /// /// An IFsiFileItem interface of the new file item. When done, call the IFsiFileItem::Release method to release the interface. /// /// /// After setting properties on the IFsiFileItem interface, call the IFsiDirectoryItem::Add method on the parent directory item /// to add it to the file system image. /// // HRESULT // CreateFileItem( BSTR name, IFsiFileItem **newItem ); [DispId(26)] IFsiFileItem CreateFileItem([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string name); /// Retrieves the volume name for the UDF system image. /// String that contains the volume name for the UDF system image. // HRESULT // get_VolumeNameUDF( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(27)] string VolumeNameUDF { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the volume name for the Joliet system image. /// String that contains the volume name for the Joliet system image. // HRESULT // get_VolumeNameJoliet( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(28)] string VolumeNameJoliet { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the volume name for the ISO9660 system image. /// String that contains the volume name for the ISO9660 system image. // HRESULT // get_VolumeNameISO9660( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(29)] string VolumeNameISO9660 { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Indicates if the files being added to the file system image should be staged before the burn. /// /// VARIANT_TRUE if the files being added to the file system image are required to be stageded in one or more stage files /// before burning. Otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE is returned if IMAPI is permitted to optimize the image creation process by /// not staging the files being added to the file system image. /// /// /// /// "Staging" is a process in which an image is created on the hard-drive, containing all files to be burned, prior to the /// initiation of the burn operation. /// /// /// Setting this this property to VARIANT_TRUE via IFileSystemImage::put_StageFiles will only affect files that are added /// after the property is set: those files will always be staged. Files that were not staged prior to a specified property value /// of VARIANT_TRUE, will not be staged. /// /// By specifying VARIANT_FALSE, the file system image creation process is optimized in two ways: /// /// /// Less time is required for image generation /// /// /// Less space is consumed on a local disk by IMAPI /// /// /// /// However, in order to avoid buffer underrun problems during burning, a certain minimum throughput is required for read /// operations on non-staged files. In the event that file accessibility or throughput may not meet the requirements of the /// burner, IMAPI enforces file staging regardless of the specified property value. For example, file staging is enforced for /// source files from removable storage devices, such as USB Flash Disk. /// /// // HRESULT // get_StageFiles( VARIANT_BOOL *pVal ); [DispId(30)] bool StageFiles { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the list of multi-session interfaces for the optical media. /// /// List of multi-session interfaces for the optical media. Each element of the list is a VARIANT of type /// VT_Dispatch. Query the pdispVal member of the variant for the IMultisession interface. /// /// /// Query the IMultisession interface for a derived IMultisession interface, for example, the IMultisessionSequential interface. /// // HRESULT // get_MultisessionInterfaces( SAFEARRAY **pVal ); [DispId(40)] IMultisession[] MultisessionInterfaces { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(SafeArrayMarshaler))] get; set; } } /// /// Use this interface to write multiple boot entries or boot images required for the EFI/UEFI support. For example, boot media with /// boot straps for both Windows XP and Windows Vista. /// /// /// /// Boot entries are limited by the interface to 32 per disc. The boot image must be supplied to IMAPIv2FS by outside applications /// who invoke IMAPIv2FS to build the bootable disc. /// /// Section Entry Extension is not supported by IMAPIv2FS at this time. /// // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IFileSystemImage2")] [ComImport, Guid("D7644B2C-1537-4767-B62F-F1387B02DDFD"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(MsftFileSystemImage))] public interface IFileSystemImage2 : IFileSystemImage { /// Retrieves the root directory item. /// An IFsiDirectoryItem interface of the root directory item. // HRESULT get_Root( // IFsiDirectoryItem **pVal ); [DispId(0)] new IFsiDirectoryItem Root { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; } /// Retrieves the starting block address for the recording session. /// Starting block address for the recording session. /// /// The session starting block can be set in the following ways: /// /// /// Importing a file system automatically sets the session starting block. /// /// /// If the previous session is not imported, the client can call IFileSystemImage::put_SessionStartBlock to set this property. /// /// /// // HRESULT // get_SessionStartBlock( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(1)] new int SessionStartBlock { get; set; } /// Retrieves the maximum number of blocks available for the image. /// Number of blocks to use in creating the file system image. // HRESULT // get_FreeMediaBlocks( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(2)] new int FreeMediaBlocks { get; set; } /// Set maximum number of blocks available based on the capabilities of the recorder. /// /// An IDiscRecorder2 interface that identifies the recording device from which you want to set the maximum number of blocks available. /// // HRESULT // SetMaxMediaBlocksFromDevice( IDiscRecorder2 *discRecorder ); [DispId(36)] new void SetMaxMediaBlocksFromDevice(IDiscRecorder2 discRecorder); /// Retrieves the number of blocks in use. /// Estimated number of blocks used in the file-system image. // HRESULT // get_UsedBlocks( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(3)] new int UsedBlocks { get; } /// Retrieves or sets the volume name for this file system image. /// String that contains the volume name for this file system image. /// To set the volume name, call the IFileSystemImage::put_VolumeName method. // HRESULT // get_VolumeName( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(4)] new string VolumeName { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the volume name provided from an imported file system. /// /// String that contains the volume name provided from an imported file system. Is NULL until a file system is imported. /// /// /// The imported volume name is provided for user information and is not automatically carried forward to subsequent sessions. /// // HRESULT // get_ImportedVolumeName( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(5)] new string ImportedVolumeName { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the boot image that you want to add to the file system image. /// An IBootOptions interface of the boot image to add to the disc. Is NULL if a boot image has not been specified. // HRESULT // get_BootImageOptions( IBootOptions **pVal ); [DispId(6)] new IBootOptions BootImageOptions { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the number of files in the file system image. /// Number of files in the file system image. // HRESULT get_FileCount( // LONG *pVal ); [DispId(7)] new int FileCount { get; } /// Retrieves the number of directories in the file system image. /// Number of directories in the file system image. // HRESULT // get_DirectoryCount( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(8)] new int DirectoryCount { get; } /// Retrieves the temporary directory in which stash files are built. /// String that contains the path to the temporary directory. // HRESULT // get_WorkingDirectory( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(9)] new string WorkingDirectory { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the change point identifier. /// Change point identifier. The identifier is a count of the changes to the file system image since its inception. /// /// /// An application can store the value of this property prior to making a change to the file system, then at a later point pass /// the value to the IFileSystemImage::RollbackToChangePoint method to revert changes since that point in development. /// /// /// An application can call the IFileSystemImage::LockInChangePoint method to lock the state of a file system image at any point /// in its development. Once a lock is set, you cannot call RollbackToChangePoint to revert the file system image to its earlier state. /// /// // HRESULT // get_ChangePoint( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(10)] new int ChangePoint { get; } /// Determines the compliance level for creating and developing the file-system image. /// /// Is VARIANT_TRUE if the file system images are created in strict compliance with applicable standards. /// Is VARIANT_FALSE if the compliance standards are relaxed to be compatible with IMAPI version 1.0. /// // // HRESULT get_StrictFileSystemCompliance( VARIANT_BOOL *pVal ); [DispId(11)] new bool StrictFileSystemCompliance { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Determines if the file and directory names use a restricted character. /// /// Is VARIANT_TRUE if the file and directory names to add to the file system image must consist of characters that map directly /// to CP_ANSI (code points 32 through 127). Otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. /// // // HRESULT get_UseRestrictedCharacterSet( VARIANT_BOOL *pVal ); [DispId(12)] new bool UseRestrictedCharacterSet { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the types of file systems to create when generating the result stream. /// /// One or more file system types to create when generating the result stream. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems /// enumeration type. /// /// /// /// To specify the file system types, call the IFileSystemImage::put_FileSystemsToCreate method. You could also call either /// IFilesystemImage::ChooseImageDefaults or IFilesystemImage::ChooseImageDefaultsForMediaType to have IMAPI choose the file /// system for you. /// /// To retrieve a list of supported file system types, call the IFileSystemImage::get_FileSystemsSupported method. /// // HRESULT // get_FileSystemsToCreate( FsiFileSystems *pVal ); [DispId(13)] new FsiFileSystems FileSystemsToCreate { get; set; } /// Retrieves the list of file system types that a client can use to build a file system image. /// /// One or more file system types that a client can use to build a file system image. For possible values, see the /// FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// // HRESULT // get_FileSystemsSupported( FsiFileSystems *pVal ); [DispId(14)] new FsiFileSystems FileSystemsSupported { get; } /// Retrieves the UDF revision level of the imported file system image. /// UDF revision level of the imported file system image. /// /// The value is encoded according to the UDF specification, except the variable size is LONG. For example, revision level 1.02 /// is represented as 0x102. /// // HRESULT // get_UDFRevision( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(37)] new int UDFRevision { set; get; } /// Retrieves a list of supported UDF revision levels. /// /// List of supported UDF revision levels. Each element of the list is VARIANT. The variant type is VT_I4. The /// lVal member of the variant contains the revision level. /// /// /// The value is encoded according to the UDF specification, except the variable size is LONG. For example, revision level 1.02 /// is represented as 0x102. /// // HRESULT // get_UDFRevisionsSupported( SAFEARRAY **pVal ); [DispId(31)] new int[] UDFRevisionsSupported { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(SafeArrayMarshaler))] get; } /// Sets the default file system types and the image size based on the current media. /// An IDiscRecorder2 the identifies the device that contains the current media. // HRESULT // ChooseImageDefaults( IDiscRecorder2 *discRecorder ); [DispId(32)] new void ChooseImageDefaults(IDiscRecorder2 discRecorder); /// Sets the default file system types and the image size based on the specified media type. /// /// Identifies the physical media type that will receive the burn image. For possible values, see the IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE /// enumeration type. /// // // HRESULT ChooseImageDefaultsForMediaType( IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE value ); [DispId(33)] new void ChooseImageDefaultsForMediaType(IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE value); /// Retrieves the ISO9660 compatibility level to use when creating the result image. /// Identifies the interchange level of the ISO9660 file system. /// /// For a list of supported compatibility levels, call the IFileSystemImage::get_ISO9660InterchangeLevelsSupported method. /// // HRESULT // get_ISO9660InterchangeLevel( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(34)] new int ISO9660InterchangeLevel { set; get; } /// Retrieves the supported ISO9660 compatibility levels. /// /// List of supported ISO9660 compatibility levels. Each item in the list is a VARIANT that identifies one supported interchange /// level. The variant type is VT_UI4. The ulVal member of the variant contains the compatibility level. /// // // HRESULT get_ISO9660InterchangeLevelsSupported( SAFEARRAY **pVal ); [DispId(38)] new uint[] ISO9660InterchangeLevelsSupported { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(SafeArrayMarshaler))] get; } /// Create the result object that contains the file system and file data. /// /// An IFileSystemImageResult interface of the image result. /// Client applications can stream the image to media or other long-term storage devices, such as disk drives. /// /// /// /// Currently, IFileSystemImage::CreateResultImage will require disc media access as a result of a previous /// IFileSystemImage::IdentifyFileSystemsOnDisc method call. To resolve this issue, it is recommended that another /// IFileSystemImage object be created specifically for the IFileSystemImage::IdentifyFileSystemsOnDisc operation. /// /// /// The resulting stream can be saved as an ISO file if the file system is generated in a single session and has a start address /// of zero. /// /// // HRESULT // CreateResultImage( IFileSystemImageResult **resultStream ); [DispId(15)] new IFileSystemImageResult CreateResultImage(); /// Checks for the existence of a given file or directory. /// String that contains the fully qualified path of the directory or file to check. /// /// Indicates if the item is a file, a directory, or does not exist. For possible values, see the FsiItemType enumeration type. /// // HRESULT Exists( BSTR // fullPath, FsiItemType *itemType ); [DispId(16)] new FsiItemType Exists([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string fullPath); /// Retrieves a string that identifies a disc and the sessions recorded on the disc. /// /// String that contains a signature that identifies the disc and the sessions on it. This string is not guaranteed to be unique /// between discs. /// /// /// /// When layering sessions on a disc, the signature acts as a key that the client can use to ensure the session order, and to /// distinguish sessions on disc from session images that will be laid on the disc. /// /// You must call IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces prior to calling CalculateDiscIdentifier. /// // HRESULT // CalculateDiscIdentifier( BSTR *discIdentifier ); [DispId(18)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] new string CalculateDiscIdentifier(); /// Retrieves a list of the different types of file systems on the optical media. /// /// An IDiscRecorder2 interface that identifies the recording device that contains the media. If this parameter is NULL, /// the discRecorder specified in IMultisession will be used. /// /// One or more files systems on the disc. For possible values, see FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// Client applications can call IFileSystemImage::GetDefaultFileSystemForImport with the value returned by this method to /// determine the type of file system to import. /// // HRESULT // IdentifyFileSystemsOnDisc( IDiscRecorder2 *discRecorder, FsiFileSystems *fileSystems ); [DispId(19)] new FsiFileSystems IdentifyFileSystemsOnDisc(IDiscRecorder2 discRecorder); /// Retrieves the file system to import by default. /// One or more file system values. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// A single file system value that identifies the default file system. The value is one of the file systems specified in fileSystems /// /// /// Use this method to identify the default file system to use with IFileSystemImage::ImportFileSystem. /// To identify the supported file systems, call the IFileSystemImage::get_FileSystemsSupported method. /// // // HRESULT GetDefaultFileSystemForImport( FsiFileSystems fileSystems, FsiFileSystems *importDefault ); [DispId(20)] new FsiFileSystems GetDefaultFileSystemForImport(FsiFileSystems fileSystems); /// Imports the default file system on the current disc. /// Identifies the imported file system. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// You must call IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces prior to calling IFileSystemImage::ImportFileSystem. /// Additionally, it is recommended that IDiscFormat2::get_MediaHeuristicallyBlank is called before /// IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces to verify that the media is not blank. /// /// /// If the disc contains more than one file system, only one file system is imported. This method chooses the file system to /// import in the following order: UDF, Joliet, ISO 9660. The import includes transferring directories and files to the /// in-memory file system structure. /// /// /// You may call this method at any time during the construction of the in-memory file system. If, during import, a file or /// directory already exists in the in-memory copy, the in-memory version will be retained; the imported file will be discarded. /// /// /// To determine which file system is the default file system for the disc, call the /// IFileSystemImage::GetDefaultFileSystemForImport method. /// /// /// This method only reads the file information. If the item is a file, the file data is copied when calling /// IFsiDirectoryItem::AddFile, IFsiDirectoryItem::AddTree, or IFsiDirectoryItem::Add method. /// /// /// This method returns IMAPI_E_NO_SUPPORTED_FILE_SYSTEM if a supported file system is not found in the last session. /// Additionally, this method returns IMAPI_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PREVIOUS_SESSION if the layout of the file system in the last /// session is incompatible with the layout used by IMAPI for the creation of requested file systems for the result image. For /// more details see the IFileSystemImage::put_FileSystemsToCreate method documention. /// /// // HRESULT // ImportFileSystem( FsiFileSystems *importedFileSystem ); [DispId(21)] new FsiFileSystems ImportFileSystem(); /// Import a specific file system from disc. /// /// Identifies the file system to import. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// /// You must call IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces prior to calling /// IFileSystemImage::ImportSpecificFileSystem. Additionally, it is recommended that /// IDiscFormat2::get_MediaHeuristicallyBlank is called before IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces to verify /// that the media is not blank. /// /// /// You may call this method at any time during the construction of the in-memory file system. If, during import, a file or /// directory already exists in the in-memory copy, the in-memory version will be retained; the imported file will be discarded. /// /// /// On re-writable media (DVD+/-RW, DVDRAM, BD-RE), import or burning a second session is not support if the first session has /// an ISO9660 file system, due to file system limitations. /// /// /// This method only reads the file information. If the item is a file, the file data is copied when calling /// IFsiDirectoryItem::AddFile, IFsiDirectoryItem::AddTree, or IFsiDirectoryItem::Add method. /// /// /// this method returns IMAPI_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PREVIOUS_SESSION if the layout of the file system in the last session is /// incompatible with the layout used by IMAPI for the creation of requested file systems for the result image. For more details /// see the IFileSystemImage::put_FileSystemsToCreate method documention. If the file system specified by fileSystemToUse has /// not been found, this method returns IMAPI_E_FILE_SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND. /// /// // HRESULT // ImportSpecificFileSystem( FsiFileSystems fileSystemToUse ); [DispId(22)] new void ImportSpecificFileSystem(FsiFileSystems fileSystemToUse); /// Reverts the image back to the specified change point. /// Change point that identifies the target state for rollback. /// /// /// Typically, an application calls the IFileSystemImage::get_ChangePoint method and stores the change point value prior to /// making a change to the file system. If necessary, you can pass the change point value to this method to revert changes since /// that point in development. /// /// /// An application can call the IFileSystemImage::LockInChangePoint method to lock the state of a file system image at any point /// in its development. After a lock is set, you cannot call this method to revert the file system image to its earlier state. /// /// // HRESULT // RollbackToChangePoint( LONG changePoint ); [DispId(23)] new void RollbackToChangePoint(int changePoint); /// Locks the file system information at the current change-point level. /// /// Once the change point is locked, rollback to earlier change points is not permitted. /// Locking the change point does not change the IFileSystemImage::get_ChangePoint property. /// // HRESULT LockInChangePoint(); [DispId(24)] new void LockInChangePoint(); /// Create a directory item with the specified name. /// String that contains the name of the directory item to create. /// /// An IFsiDirectoryItem interface of the new directory item. When done, call the IFsiDirectoryItem::Release method to /// release the interface. /// /// /// After setting properties on the IFsiDirectoryItem interface, call the IFsiDirectoryItem::Add method on the parent directory /// item to add it to the file system image. /// // HRESULT // CreateDirectoryItem( BSTR name, IFsiDirectoryItem **newItem ); [DispId(25)] new IFsiDirectoryItem CreateDirectoryItem([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string name); /// Create a file item with the specified name. /// String that contains the name of the file item to create. /// /// An IFsiFileItem interface of the new file item. When done, call the IFsiFileItem::Release method to release the interface. /// /// /// After setting properties on the IFsiFileItem interface, call the IFsiDirectoryItem::Add method on the parent directory item /// to add it to the file system image. /// // HRESULT // CreateFileItem( BSTR name, IFsiFileItem **newItem ); [DispId(26)] new IFsiFileItem CreateFileItem([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string name); /// Retrieves the volume name for the UDF system image. /// String that contains the volume name for the UDF system image. // HRESULT // get_VolumeNameUDF( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(27)] new string VolumeNameUDF { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the volume name for the Joliet system image. /// String that contains the volume name for the Joliet system image. // HRESULT // get_VolumeNameJoliet( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(28)] new string VolumeNameJoliet { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the volume name for the ISO9660 system image. /// String that contains the volume name for the ISO9660 system image. // HRESULT // get_VolumeNameISO9660( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(29)] new string VolumeNameISO9660 { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Indicates if the files being added to the file system image should be staged before the burn. /// /// VARIANT_TRUE if the files being added to the file system image are required to be stageded in one or more stage files /// before burning. Otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE is returned if IMAPI is permitted to optimize the image creation process by /// not staging the files being added to the file system image. /// /// /// /// "Staging" is a process in which an image is created on the hard-drive, containing all files to be burned, prior to the /// initiation of the burn operation. /// /// /// Setting this this property to VARIANT_TRUE via IFileSystemImage::put_StageFiles will only affect files that are added /// after the property is set: those files will always be staged. Files that were not staged prior to a specified property value /// of VARIANT_TRUE, will not be staged. /// /// By specifying VARIANT_FALSE, the file system image creation process is optimized in two ways: /// /// /// Less time is required for image generation /// /// /// Less space is consumed on a local disk by IMAPI /// /// /// /// However, in order to avoid buffer underrun problems during burning, a certain minimum throughput is required for read /// operations on non-staged files. In the event that file accessibility or throughput may not meet the requirements of the /// burner, IMAPI enforces file staging regardless of the specified property value. For example, file staging is enforced for /// source files from removable storage devices, such as USB Flash Disk. /// /// // HRESULT // get_StageFiles( VARIANT_BOOL *pVal ); [DispId(30)] new bool StageFiles { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the list of multi-session interfaces for the optical media. /// /// List of multi-session interfaces for the optical media. Each element of the list is a VARIANT of type /// VT_Dispatch. Query the pdispVal member of the variant for the IMultisession interface. /// /// /// Query the IMultisession interface for a derived IMultisession interface, for example, the IMultisessionSequential interface. /// // HRESULT // get_MultisessionInterfaces( SAFEARRAY **pVal ); [DispId(40)] new IMultisession[] MultisessionInterfaces { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(SafeArrayMarshaler))] get; set; } /// Retrieves the boot option array that will be utilized to generate the file system image. /// /// Pointer to a boot option array that contains a list of IBootOptions interfaces of boot images used to generate the file /// system image. Each element of the list is a VARIANT of type VT_DISPATCH. /// /// /// The SAFEARRAY will be a one-dimensional array. If a boot image is not specified, a zero-sized array will be returned. /// // HRESULT // get_BootImageOptionsArray( SAFEARRAY **pVal ); [DispId(60)] IBootOptions[] BootImageOptionsArray { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(SafeArrayMarshaler))] get; } } /// /// Use this interface to set or check the metadata and metadata mirror files in a UDF file system (rev 2.50 and later) to determine redundancy. /// /// /// /// If the metadata and metadata mirror files are set for redundancy, IMAPI creates identical copies of each in the file system /// image, which results in increased level of fault tolerance. In a scenario where the metadata files are not set for redundancy, /// IMAPI only creates a single copy in the file system image, which can save several MB of space on the burned disc. /// /// The metadata redundancy option is set to TRUE by default. /// IFileSystemImage3 is the default interface of MsftFileSystemImage3 objects. /// /// This interface is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in Windows 7 /// and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IFileSystemImage3")] [ComImport, Guid("7CFF842C-7E97-4807-8304-910DD8F7C051"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(MsftFileSystemImage))] public interface IFileSystemImage3 : IFileSystemImage2 { /// Retrieves the root directory item. /// An IFsiDirectoryItem interface of the root directory item. // HRESULT get_Root( // IFsiDirectoryItem **pVal ); [DispId(0)] new IFsiDirectoryItem Root { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; } /// Retrieves the starting block address for the recording session. /// Starting block address for the recording session. /// /// The session starting block can be set in the following ways: /// /// /// Importing a file system automatically sets the session starting block. /// /// /// If the previous session is not imported, the client can call IFileSystemImage::put_SessionStartBlock to set this property. /// /// /// // HRESULT // get_SessionStartBlock( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(1)] new int SessionStartBlock { get; set; } /// Retrieves the maximum number of blocks available for the image. /// Number of blocks to use in creating the file system image. // HRESULT // get_FreeMediaBlocks( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(2)] new int FreeMediaBlocks { get; set; } /// Set maximum number of blocks available based on the capabilities of the recorder. /// /// An IDiscRecorder2 interface that identifies the recording device from which you want to set the maximum number of blocks available. /// // HRESULT // SetMaxMediaBlocksFromDevice( IDiscRecorder2 *discRecorder ); [DispId(36)] new void SetMaxMediaBlocksFromDevice(IDiscRecorder2 discRecorder); /// Retrieves the number of blocks in use. /// Estimated number of blocks used in the file-system image. // HRESULT // get_UsedBlocks( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(3)] new int UsedBlocks { get; } /// Retrieves or sets the volume name for this file system image. /// String that contains the volume name for this file system image. /// To set the volume name, call the IFileSystemImage::put_VolumeName method. // HRESULT // get_VolumeName( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(4)] new string VolumeName { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the volume name provided from an imported file system. /// /// String that contains the volume name provided from an imported file system. Is NULL until a file system is imported. /// /// /// The imported volume name is provided for user information and is not automatically carried forward to subsequent sessions. /// // HRESULT // get_ImportedVolumeName( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(5)] new string ImportedVolumeName { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the boot image that you want to add to the file system image. /// An IBootOptions interface of the boot image to add to the disc. Is NULL if a boot image has not been specified. // HRESULT // get_BootImageOptions( IBootOptions **pVal ); [DispId(6)] new IBootOptions BootImageOptions { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the number of files in the file system image. /// Number of files in the file system image. // HRESULT get_FileCount( // LONG *pVal ); [DispId(7)] new int FileCount { get; } /// Retrieves the number of directories in the file system image. /// Number of directories in the file system image. // HRESULT // get_DirectoryCount( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(8)] new int DirectoryCount { get; } /// Retrieves the temporary directory in which stash files are built. /// String that contains the path to the temporary directory. // HRESULT // get_WorkingDirectory( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(9)] new string WorkingDirectory { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the change point identifier. /// Change point identifier. The identifier is a count of the changes to the file system image since its inception. /// /// /// An application can store the value of this property prior to making a change to the file system, then at a later point pass /// the value to the IFileSystemImage::RollbackToChangePoint method to revert changes since that point in development. /// /// /// An application can call the IFileSystemImage::LockInChangePoint method to lock the state of a file system image at any point /// in its development. Once a lock is set, you cannot call RollbackToChangePoint to revert the file system image to its earlier state. /// /// // HRESULT // get_ChangePoint( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(10)] new int ChangePoint { get; } /// Determines the compliance level for creating and developing the file-system image. /// /// Is VARIANT_TRUE if the file system images are created in strict compliance with applicable standards. /// Is VARIANT_FALSE if the compliance standards are relaxed to be compatible with IMAPI version 1.0. /// // // HRESULT get_StrictFileSystemCompliance( VARIANT_BOOL *pVal ); [DispId(11)] new bool StrictFileSystemCompliance { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Determines if the file and directory names use a restricted character. /// /// Is VARIANT_TRUE if the file and directory names to add to the file system image must consist of characters that map directly /// to CP_ANSI (code points 32 through 127). Otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. /// // // HRESULT get_UseRestrictedCharacterSet( VARIANT_BOOL *pVal ); [DispId(12)] new bool UseRestrictedCharacterSet { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the types of file systems to create when generating the result stream. /// /// One or more file system types to create when generating the result stream. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems /// enumeration type. /// /// /// /// To specify the file system types, call the IFileSystemImage::put_FileSystemsToCreate method. You could also call either /// IFilesystemImage::ChooseImageDefaults or IFilesystemImage::ChooseImageDefaultsForMediaType to have IMAPI choose the file /// system for you. /// /// To retrieve a list of supported file system types, call the IFileSystemImage::get_FileSystemsSupported method. /// // HRESULT // get_FileSystemsToCreate( FsiFileSystems *pVal ); [DispId(13)] new FsiFileSystems FileSystemsToCreate { get; set; } /// Retrieves the list of file system types that a client can use to build a file system image. /// /// One or more file system types that a client can use to build a file system image. For possible values, see the /// FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// // HRESULT // get_FileSystemsSupported( FsiFileSystems *pVal ); [DispId(14)] new FsiFileSystems FileSystemsSupported { get; } /// Retrieves the UDF revision level of the imported file system image. /// UDF revision level of the imported file system image. /// /// The value is encoded according to the UDF specification, except the variable size is LONG. For example, revision level 1.02 /// is represented as 0x102. /// // HRESULT // get_UDFRevision( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(37)] new int UDFRevision { set; get; } /// Retrieves a list of supported UDF revision levels. /// /// List of supported UDF revision levels. Each element of the list is VARIANT. The variant type is VT_I4. The /// lVal member of the variant contains the revision level. /// /// /// The value is encoded according to the UDF specification, except the variable size is LONG. For example, revision level 1.02 /// is represented as 0x102. /// // HRESULT // get_UDFRevisionsSupported( SAFEARRAY **pVal ); [DispId(31)] new int[] UDFRevisionsSupported { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(SafeArrayMarshaler))] get; } /// Sets the default file system types and the image size based on the current media. /// An IDiscRecorder2 the identifies the device that contains the current media. // HRESULT // ChooseImageDefaults( IDiscRecorder2 *discRecorder ); [DispId(32)] new void ChooseImageDefaults(IDiscRecorder2 discRecorder); /// Sets the default file system types and the image size based on the specified media type. /// /// Identifies the physical media type that will receive the burn image. For possible values, see the IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE /// enumeration type. /// // // HRESULT ChooseImageDefaultsForMediaType( IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE value ); [DispId(33)] new void ChooseImageDefaultsForMediaType(IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE value); /// Retrieves the ISO9660 compatibility level to use when creating the result image. /// Identifies the interchange level of the ISO9660 file system. /// /// For a list of supported compatibility levels, call the IFileSystemImage::get_ISO9660InterchangeLevelsSupported method. /// // HRESULT // get_ISO9660InterchangeLevel( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(34)] new int ISO9660InterchangeLevel { set; get; } /// Retrieves the supported ISO9660 compatibility levels. /// /// List of supported ISO9660 compatibility levels. Each item in the list is a VARIANT that identifies one supported interchange /// level. The variant type is VT_UI4. The ulVal member of the variant contains the compatibility level. /// // // HRESULT get_ISO9660InterchangeLevelsSupported( SAFEARRAY **pVal ); [DispId(38)] new uint[] ISO9660InterchangeLevelsSupported { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(SafeArrayMarshaler))] get; } /// Create the result object that contains the file system and file data. /// /// An IFileSystemImageResult interface of the image result. /// Client applications can stream the image to media or other long-term storage devices, such as disk drives. /// /// /// /// Currently, IFileSystemImage::CreateResultImage will require disc media access as a result of a previous /// IFileSystemImage::IdentifyFileSystemsOnDisc method call. To resolve this issue, it is recommended that another /// IFileSystemImage object be created specifically for the IFileSystemImage::IdentifyFileSystemsOnDisc operation. /// /// /// The resulting stream can be saved as an ISO file if the file system is generated in a single session and has a start address /// of zero. /// /// // HRESULT // CreateResultImage( IFileSystemImageResult **resultStream ); [DispId(15)] new IFileSystemImageResult CreateResultImage(); /// Checks for the existence of a given file or directory. /// String that contains the fully qualified path of the directory or file to check. /// /// Indicates if the item is a file, a directory, or does not exist. For possible values, see the FsiItemType enumeration type. /// // HRESULT Exists( BSTR // fullPath, FsiItemType *itemType ); [DispId(16)] new FsiItemType Exists([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string fullPath); /// Retrieves a string that identifies a disc and the sessions recorded on the disc. /// /// String that contains a signature that identifies the disc and the sessions on it. This string is not guaranteed to be unique /// between discs. /// /// /// /// When layering sessions on a disc, the signature acts as a key that the client can use to ensure the session order, and to /// distinguish sessions on disc from session images that will be laid on the disc. /// /// You must call IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces prior to calling CalculateDiscIdentifier. /// // HRESULT // CalculateDiscIdentifier( BSTR *discIdentifier ); [DispId(18)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] new string CalculateDiscIdentifier(); /// Retrieves a list of the different types of file systems on the optical media. /// /// An IDiscRecorder2 interface that identifies the recording device that contains the media. If this parameter is NULL, /// the discRecorder specified in IMultisession will be used. /// /// One or more files systems on the disc. For possible values, see FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// Client applications can call IFileSystemImage::GetDefaultFileSystemForImport with the value returned by this method to /// determine the type of file system to import. /// // HRESULT // IdentifyFileSystemsOnDisc( IDiscRecorder2 *discRecorder, FsiFileSystems *fileSystems ); [DispId(19)] new FsiFileSystems IdentifyFileSystemsOnDisc(IDiscRecorder2 discRecorder); /// Retrieves the file system to import by default. /// One or more file system values. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// A single file system value that identifies the default file system. The value is one of the file systems specified in fileSystems /// /// /// Use this method to identify the default file system to use with IFileSystemImage::ImportFileSystem. /// To identify the supported file systems, call the IFileSystemImage::get_FileSystemsSupported method. /// // // HRESULT GetDefaultFileSystemForImport( FsiFileSystems fileSystems, FsiFileSystems *importDefault ); [DispId(20)] new FsiFileSystems GetDefaultFileSystemForImport(FsiFileSystems fileSystems); /// Imports the default file system on the current disc. /// Identifies the imported file system. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// You must call IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces prior to calling IFileSystemImage::ImportFileSystem. /// Additionally, it is recommended that IDiscFormat2::get_MediaHeuristicallyBlank is called before /// IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces to verify that the media is not blank. /// /// /// If the disc contains more than one file system, only one file system is imported. This method chooses the file system to /// import in the following order: UDF, Joliet, ISO 9660. The import includes transferring directories and files to the /// in-memory file system structure. /// /// /// You may call this method at any time during the construction of the in-memory file system. If, during import, a file or /// directory already exists in the in-memory copy, the in-memory version will be retained; the imported file will be discarded. /// /// /// To determine which file system is the default file system for the disc, call the /// IFileSystemImage::GetDefaultFileSystemForImport method. /// /// /// This method only reads the file information. If the item is a file, the file data is copied when calling /// IFsiDirectoryItem::AddFile, IFsiDirectoryItem::AddTree, or IFsiDirectoryItem::Add method. /// /// /// This method returns IMAPI_E_NO_SUPPORTED_FILE_SYSTEM if a supported file system is not found in the last session. /// Additionally, this method returns IMAPI_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PREVIOUS_SESSION if the layout of the file system in the last /// session is incompatible with the layout used by IMAPI for the creation of requested file systems for the result image. For /// more details see the IFileSystemImage::put_FileSystemsToCreate method documention. /// /// // HRESULT // ImportFileSystem( FsiFileSystems *importedFileSystem ); [DispId(21)] new FsiFileSystems ImportFileSystem(); /// Import a specific file system from disc. /// /// Identifies the file system to import. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// /// You must call IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces prior to calling /// IFileSystemImage::ImportSpecificFileSystem. Additionally, it is recommended that /// IDiscFormat2::get_MediaHeuristicallyBlank is called before IFileSystemImage::put_MultisessionInterfaces to verify /// that the media is not blank. /// /// /// You may call this method at any time during the construction of the in-memory file system. If, during import, a file or /// directory already exists in the in-memory copy, the in-memory version will be retained; the imported file will be discarded. /// /// /// On re-writable media (DVD+/-RW, DVDRAM, BD-RE), import or burning a second session is not support if the first session has /// an ISO9660 file system, due to file system limitations. /// /// /// This method only reads the file information. If the item is a file, the file data is copied when calling /// IFsiDirectoryItem::AddFile, IFsiDirectoryItem::AddTree, or IFsiDirectoryItem::Add method. /// /// /// this method returns IMAPI_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PREVIOUS_SESSION if the layout of the file system in the last session is /// incompatible with the layout used by IMAPI for the creation of requested file systems for the result image. For more details /// see the IFileSystemImage::put_FileSystemsToCreate method documention. If the file system specified by fileSystemToUse has /// not been found, this method returns IMAPI_E_FILE_SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND. /// /// // HRESULT // ImportSpecificFileSystem( FsiFileSystems fileSystemToUse ); [DispId(22)] new void ImportSpecificFileSystem(FsiFileSystems fileSystemToUse); /// Reverts the image back to the specified change point. /// Change point that identifies the target state for rollback. /// /// /// Typically, an application calls the IFileSystemImage::get_ChangePoint method and stores the change point value prior to /// making a change to the file system. If necessary, you can pass the change point value to this method to revert changes since /// that point in development. /// /// /// An application can call the IFileSystemImage::LockInChangePoint method to lock the state of a file system image at any point /// in its development. After a lock is set, you cannot call this method to revert the file system image to its earlier state. /// /// // HRESULT // RollbackToChangePoint( LONG changePoint ); [DispId(23)] new void RollbackToChangePoint(int changePoint); /// Locks the file system information at the current change-point level. /// /// Once the change point is locked, rollback to earlier change points is not permitted. /// Locking the change point does not change the IFileSystemImage::get_ChangePoint property. /// // HRESULT LockInChangePoint(); [DispId(24)] new void LockInChangePoint(); /// Create a directory item with the specified name. /// String that contains the name of the directory item to create. /// /// An IFsiDirectoryItem interface of the new directory item. When done, call the IFsiDirectoryItem::Release method to /// release the interface. /// /// /// After setting properties on the IFsiDirectoryItem interface, call the IFsiDirectoryItem::Add method on the parent directory /// item to add it to the file system image. /// // HRESULT // CreateDirectoryItem( BSTR name, IFsiDirectoryItem **newItem ); [DispId(25)] new IFsiDirectoryItem CreateDirectoryItem([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string name); /// Create a file item with the specified name. /// String that contains the name of the file item to create. /// /// An IFsiFileItem interface of the new file item. When done, call the IFsiFileItem::Release method to release the interface. /// /// /// After setting properties on the IFsiFileItem interface, call the IFsiDirectoryItem::Add method on the parent directory item /// to add it to the file system image. /// // HRESULT // CreateFileItem( BSTR name, IFsiFileItem **newItem ); [DispId(26)] new IFsiFileItem CreateFileItem([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string name); /// Retrieves the volume name for the UDF system image. /// String that contains the volume name for the UDF system image. // HRESULT // get_VolumeNameUDF( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(27)] new string VolumeNameUDF { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the volume name for the Joliet system image. /// String that contains the volume name for the Joliet system image. // HRESULT // get_VolumeNameJoliet( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(28)] new string VolumeNameJoliet { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the volume name for the ISO9660 system image. /// String that contains the volume name for the ISO9660 system image. // HRESULT // get_VolumeNameISO9660( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(29)] new string VolumeNameISO9660 { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Indicates if the files being added to the file system image should be staged before the burn. /// /// VARIANT_TRUE if the files being added to the file system image are required to be stageded in one or more stage files /// before burning. Otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE is returned if IMAPI is permitted to optimize the image creation process by /// not staging the files being added to the file system image. /// /// /// /// "Staging" is a process in which an image is created on the hard-drive, containing all files to be burned, prior to the /// initiation of the burn operation. /// /// /// Setting this this property to VARIANT_TRUE via IFileSystemImage::put_StageFiles will only affect files that are added /// after the property is set: those files will always be staged. Files that were not staged prior to a specified property value /// of VARIANT_TRUE, will not be staged. /// /// By specifying VARIANT_FALSE, the file system image creation process is optimized in two ways: /// /// /// Less time is required for image generation /// /// /// Less space is consumed on a local disk by IMAPI /// /// /// /// However, in order to avoid buffer underrun problems during burning, a certain minimum throughput is required for read /// operations on non-staged files. In the event that file accessibility or throughput may not meet the requirements of the /// burner, IMAPI enforces file staging regardless of the specified property value. For example, file staging is enforced for /// source files from removable storage devices, such as USB Flash Disk. /// /// // HRESULT // get_StageFiles( VARIANT_BOOL *pVal ); [DispId(30)] new bool StageFiles { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the list of multi-session interfaces for the optical media. /// /// List of multi-session interfaces for the optical media. Each element of the list is a VARIANT of type /// VT_Dispatch. Query the pdispVal member of the variant for the IMultisession interface. /// /// /// Query the IMultisession interface for a derived IMultisession interface, for example, the IMultisessionSequential interface. /// // HRESULT // get_MultisessionInterfaces( SAFEARRAY **pVal ); [DispId(40)] new IMultisession[] MultisessionInterfaces { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(SafeArrayMarshaler))] get; set; } /// Retrieves the boot option array that will be utilized to generate the file system image. /// /// Pointer to a boot option array that contains a list of IBootOptions interfaces of boot images used to generate the file /// system image. Each element of the list is a VARIANT of type VT_DISPATCH. /// /// /// The SAFEARRAY will be a one-dimensional array. If a boot image is not specified, a zero-sized array will be returned. /// // HRESULT // get_BootImageOptionsArray( SAFEARRAY **pVal ); [DispId(60)] new IBootOptions[] BootImageOptionsArray { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(SafeArrayMarshaler))] get; } /// Retrieves a property value that specifies if the UDF Metadata will be redundant in the file system image. /// /// Pointer to a value that specifies if the UDF metadata is redundant in the resultant file system image. A value of /// VARIANT_TRUE indicates that UDF metadata will be redundant; otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. /// /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// // // HRESULT get_CreateRedundantUdfMetadataFiles( VARIANT_BOOL *pVal ); [DispId(61)] bool CreateRedundantUdfMetadataFiles { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Determines if a specific file system on the current media is appendable through the IMAPI. /// The file system on the current media to probe. /// A VARIANT_BOOL value specifying if the specified file system is appendable. /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// // HRESULT // ProbeSpecificFileSystem( FsiFileSystems fileSystemToProbe, VARIANT_BOOL *isAppendable ); [DispId(70)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] bool ProbeSpecificFileSystem(FsiFileSystems fileSystemToProbe); } /// /// Use this interface to get information about the burn image, the image data stream, and progress information. /// To get this interface, call the IFileSystemImage::CreateResultImage method. /// /// This is an FileSystemImageResult object in script. // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IFileSystemImageResult")] [ComImport, Guid("2C941FD8-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(FileSystemImageResult))] public interface IFileSystemImageResult { /// Retrieves the burn image stream. /// An IStream interface of the burn image. // HRESULT // get_ImageStream( IStream **pVal ); [DispId(1)] IStream ImageStream { get; } /// Retrieves the progress item block mapping collection. /// /// An IProgressItems interface that contains a collection of progress items. Each progress item identifies the blocks written /// since the previous progress status was taken. /// // HRESULT // get_ProgressItems( IProgressItems **pVal ); [DispId(2)] IProgressItems ProgressItems { get; } /// Retrieves the number of blocks in the result image. /// Number of blocks to burn on the disc. // HRESULT // get_TotalBlocks( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(3)] int TotalBlocks { get; } /// Retrieves the size, in bytes, of a block of data. /// Number of bytes in a block. // HRESULT // get_BlockSize( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(4)] int BlockSize { get; } /// Retrieves the disc volume name for this file system image. /// String that contains the volume name for this file system image. // HRESULT get_DiscId( // BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(5)] string DiscId { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } } /// /// The IFileSystemImageResult2 interface allows the data recorder object to retrieve information about modified blocks in /// images created for rewritable discs. Alternatively, IUnknown::QueryInterface can be called on the object returned by /// IFileSystemImageResult::get_ImageStream to get the IBlockRangeList interface providing this information. /// /// /// When the file system image object is used to append data to a rewritable disc, the result image contains both the previous /// logical session and the new additions. The result image represents the binary data that must be recorded to disc starting from /// sector 0 to get a disc containing both old and new files. However, the previous logical session remains mostly intact during /// addition of new files, so the burn time can be substantially optimized by recording only the sectors that are new or have been modified. /// // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IFileSystemImageResult2")] [ComImport, Guid("B507CA29-2204-11DD-966A-001AA01BBC58"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(FileSystemImageResult))] public interface IFileSystemImageResult2 : IFileSystemImageResult { /// Retrieves the burn image stream. /// An IStream interface of the burn image. // HRESULT // get_ImageStream( IStream **pVal ); [DispId(1)] new IStream ImageStream { get; } /// Retrieves the progress item block mapping collection. /// /// An IProgressItems interface that contains a collection of progress items. Each progress item identifies the blocks written /// since the previous progress status was taken. /// // HRESULT // get_ProgressItems( IProgressItems **pVal ); [DispId(2)] new IProgressItems ProgressItems { get; } /// Retrieves the number of blocks in the result image. /// Number of blocks to burn on the disc. // HRESULT // get_TotalBlocks( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(3)] new int TotalBlocks { get; } /// Retrieves the size, in bytes, of a block of data. /// Number of bytes in a block. // HRESULT // get_BlockSize( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(4)] new int BlockSize { get; } /// Retrieves the disc volume name for this file system image. /// String that contains the volume name for this file system image. // HRESULT get_DiscId( // BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(5)] new string DiscId { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the list of modified blocks in the result image. /// Pointer to an IBlockRangeList interface representing the modified block ranges in the result image. /// /// This method returns E_NOTIMPL if the entire result image must be recorded. If this method returns a successful return /// code, it is sufficient to record only the sectors described by IBlockRangeList returned in pVal. It is highly recommended to /// record the sector ranges in exactly the same order as they are listed in IBlockRangeList. /// // HRESULT // get_ModifiedBlocks( IBlockRangeList **pVal ); [DispId(6)] IBlockRangeList ModifiedBlocks { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; } } /// /// Use this interface to add items to or remove items from the file-system image. /// To get this interface, call the IFileSystemImage::CreateDirectoryItem method. /// /// /// Each directory item contains an enumerable collection of child items within the directory. /// You can add and remove files and directories only after the directory item has been added to the file system image. /// This is an FsiDirectoryItem object in script. /// // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IFsiDirectoryItem")] [ComImport, Guid("2C941FDC-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(FsiDirectoryItem))] public interface IFsiDirectoryItem : IFsiItem, IEnumerable { /// Retrieves the name of the directory or file item in the file system image. /// String that contains the name of the file or directory item in the file system image. /// To get the full path to the item, call the IFsiItem::get_FullPath method. // HRESULT get_Name( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(11)] new string Name { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the full path of the file or directory item in the file system image. /// String that contains the absolute path of the file or directory item in the file system image. // HRESULT get_FullPath( BSTR // *pVal ); [DispId(12)] new string FullPath { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the directory or file item was created and added to the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was created and added to the file system image, according to UTC time. /// Defaults to the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// IMAPI does not support the extended attribute for CreationTime, and as a result, UDFS populates the CreationTime with the /// value expressed by the LastAccessed property from the file entry. /// // HRESULT put_CreationTime( // DATE newVal ); [DispId(13)] new DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the directory or file item was last accessed in the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was last accessed in the file system image, according to UTC time. Defaults to /// the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// /// UDFS (UDF) uses the LastAccessedTime value for the CreationTime, as IMAPI does not currently support the CreationTime /// extended attribue. /// /// /// CDFS (ISO 9660) sets the LastAccessedTime value to 0, as only the recording time is stored within the File/Directory descriptor. /// /// // HRESULT // put_LastAccessedTime( DATE newVal ); [DispId(14)] new DateTime LastAccessedTime { get; set; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the item was last modified in the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was last modified in the file system image, according to UTC time. Defaults to /// the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// /// The last modified time is propagated to the attribute that users see when viewing the properties of a directory or a file. /// /// When implementing this method, a few things should be taken into consideration: /// UDFS (UDF) will use the value provided by IFsiItem::put_LastModifiedTime as both the CreationTime and LastModifiedTime. /// /// CDFS (ISO 9660) uses the date/time of recording as the CreationTime and LastModifiedTime. As a result, CDFS sets the value /// of LastModifiedTime to 0. /// /// // HRESULT // put_LastModifiedTime( DATE newVal ); [DispId(15)] new DateTime LastModifiedTime { get; set; } /// Determines if the item's hidden attribute is set in the file system image. /// /// Set to VARIANT_TRUE to set the hidden attribute of the item in the file system image; otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. The default /// is VARIANT_FALSE. /// // HRESULT put_IsHidden( // VARIANT_BOOL newVal ); [DispId(16)] new bool IsHidden { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the name of the item as modified to conform to the specified file system. /// /// File system to which the name should conform. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// String that contains the name of the item as it conforms to the specified file system. The name in the IFsiItem::get_Name /// property is modified if the characters used and its length do not meet the requirements of the specified file system type. /// // HRESULT FileSystemName( // FsiFileSystems fileSystem, BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(17)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] new string FileSystemName(FsiFileSystems fileSystem); /// Retrieves the full path of the item as modified to conform to the specified file system. /// /// File system to which the path should conform. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// String that contains the full path of the item as it conforms to the specified file system. The path in the /// IFsiItem::get_FullPath property is modified if the characters used and its length do not meet the requirements of the /// specified file system type. /// // HRESULT FileSystemPath( // FsiFileSystems fileSystem, BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(18)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] new string FileSystemPath(FsiFileSystems fileSystem); /// Retrieves a list of child items contained within the directory in the file system image. /// /// An IEnumVariant interface that you use to enumerate the child items contained within the directory. The items of the /// enumeration are variants whose type is VT_BSTR. Use the bstrVal member to retrieve the path to the child item. /// /// /// /// The enumeration is a snapshot of the children contained in the directory at the time of the call and will not reflect /// children that are added and removed. /// /// To retrieve a single item, see the IFsiDirectoryItem::get_Item property. /// // HRESULT get__NewEnum( // IEnumVARIANT **NewEnum ); [DispId(-4)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(EnumeratorToEnumVariantMarshaler))] new IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); /// Retrieves the specified directory or file item from file system image. /// String that contains the path to the item to retrieve. /// An IFsiItem interface of the requested directory or file item. /// /// /// To determine whether the item is a file item or directory item, call the IFsiItem::QueryInterface method passing /// __uuidof(IFsiDirectoryItem) as the interface identifier. If the call succeeds, the item is a directory item; otherwise, the /// item is a file item. /// /// To enumerate all children, call the IFsiDirectoryItem::get__NewEnum method. /// // HRESULT get_Item( BSTR // path, IFsiItem **item ); [DispId(0)] IFsiItem this[string path] { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; } /// Number of child items in the enumeration. /// Number of directory and file items within the directory in the file system image. // HRESULT get_Count( LONG // *Count ); [DispId(1)] int Count { get; } /// Retrieves a list of child items contained within the directory in the file system image. /// /// An IEnumFsiItems interface that contains a collection of the child directory and file items contained within the directory. /// /// /// This property returns the same results as the IFsiDirectoryItem::get__NewEnum property and is meant for use by C/C++ applications. /// // HRESULT // get_EnumFsiItems( IEnumFsiItems **NewEnum ); [DispId(2)] IEnumFsiItems EnumFsiItems { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; } /// Adds a directory to the file system image. /// /// String that contains the relative path of directory to create. /// Specify the full path when calling this method from the root directory item. /// /// The parent directory for the new subdirectory must already exist within the file system image. // HRESULT AddDirectory( // BSTR path ); [DispId(30)] void AddDirectory([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string path); /// Adds a file to the file system image. /// /// String that contains the relative path of the directory to contain the new file. /// Specify the full path when calling this method from the root directory item. /// /// An IStream interface of the file (data stream) to write to the media. /// The directory that will contain the new file must already exist within the file system image. // HRESULT AddFile( BSTR path, // IStream *fileData ); [DispId(31)] void AddFile([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string path, IStream fileData); /// Adds the contents of a directory tree to the file system image. /// /// String that contains the relative path of the directory tree to create. /// Specify the full path when calling this method from the root directory item. /// /// /// Set to VARIANT_TRUE to include the directory in sourceDirectory as a subdirectory in the file system image. Otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. /// /// /// The parent directory for the new subdirectory must already exist within the file system image. /// The subdirectory structure within specified source directory is implicitly mirrored in the file system image. /// /// If file or directory collisions occur, the content of the specified source directory prevails. The file system image is /// overwritten with the appropriate directories and files from the source directory. /// /// If an exception occurs during processing, the file system image reverts to its previous state. /// // HRESULT AddTree( BSTR // sourceDirectory, VARIANT_BOOL includeBaseDirectory ); [DispId(32)] void AddTree([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string sourceDirectory, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] bool includeBaseDirectory); /// Adds a file or directory described by the IFsiItem object to the file system image. /// An IFsiItem interface of the IFsiFileItemor IFsiDirectoryItem to add to the file system image. /// /// /// To create a directory item or file item, call the IFileSystemImage::CreateDirectoryItem or IFileSystemImage::CreateFileItem /// method, respectively. /// /// Once an item is added to the file system image, the IFsiFileItem::get_Data property becomes read-only. /// // HRESULT Add( IFsiItem *item ); [DispId(33)] void Add(IFsiItem item); /// Removes the specified item from the file system image. /// /// String that contains the relative path of the item to remove. The path is relative to current directory item. /// Specify the full path when calling this method from the root directory item. /// /// This method is only callable on directory items present in the file system image. // HRESULT Remove( BSTR path ); [DispId(34)] void Remove([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string path); /// Remove the specified directory tree from the file system image. /// String that contains the name of directory to remove. The path is relative to current directory item. /// /// The directory item must be present in the file system image. /// /// You can delete the entire file-system image by calling this method for the root directory item and setting the path to a /// single path delimiter (\). /// /// // HRESULT RemoveTree( BSTR // path ); [DispId(35)] void RemoveTree([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string path); } /// /// Use this interface to add a directory tree, which includes all sub-directories, files, and associated named streams to a file /// system image. /// /// /// /// All sub-directories, files, and associated named streams can only be added after the directory item has been added to the file /// system image. /// /// /// UDF must be enabled and set to UDF revision 2.00 or later in order to enable named stream support during the creation of the /// file system image. /// /// /// This interface is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in Windows 7 /// and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IFsiDirectoryItem2")] [ComImport, Guid("F7FB4B9B-6D96-4d7b-9115-201B144811EF"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(FsiDirectoryItem))] public interface IFsiDirectoryItem2 : IFsiDirectoryItem { /// Retrieves the name of the directory or file item in the file system image. /// String that contains the name of the file or directory item in the file system image. /// To get the full path to the item, call the IFsiItem::get_FullPath method. // HRESULT get_Name( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(11)] new string Name { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the full path of the file or directory item in the file system image. /// String that contains the absolute path of the file or directory item in the file system image. // HRESULT get_FullPath( BSTR // *pVal ); [DispId(12)] new string FullPath { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the directory or file item was created and added to the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was created and added to the file system image, according to UTC time. /// Defaults to the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// IMAPI does not support the extended attribute for CreationTime, and as a result, UDFS populates the CreationTime with the /// value expressed by the LastAccessed property from the file entry. /// // HRESULT put_CreationTime( // DATE newVal ); [DispId(13)] new DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the directory or file item was last accessed in the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was last accessed in the file system image, according to UTC time. Defaults to /// the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// /// UDFS (UDF) uses the LastAccessedTime value for the CreationTime, as IMAPI does not currently support the CreationTime /// extended attribue. /// /// /// CDFS (ISO 9660) sets the LastAccessedTime value to 0, as only the recording time is stored within the File/Directory descriptor. /// /// // HRESULT // put_LastAccessedTime( DATE newVal ); [DispId(14)] new DateTime LastAccessedTime { get; set; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the item was last modified in the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was last modified in the file system image, according to UTC time. Defaults to /// the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// /// The last modified time is propagated to the attribute that users see when viewing the properties of a directory or a file. /// /// When implementing this method, a few things should be taken into consideration: /// UDFS (UDF) will use the value provided by IFsiItem::put_LastModifiedTime as both the CreationTime and LastModifiedTime. /// /// CDFS (ISO 9660) uses the date/time of recording as the CreationTime and LastModifiedTime. As a result, CDFS sets the value /// of LastModifiedTime to 0. /// /// // HRESULT // put_LastModifiedTime( DATE newVal ); [DispId(15)] new DateTime LastModifiedTime { get; set; } /// Determines if the item's hidden attribute is set in the file system image. /// /// Set to VARIANT_TRUE to set the hidden attribute of the item in the file system image; otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. The default /// is VARIANT_FALSE. /// // HRESULT put_IsHidden( // VARIANT_BOOL newVal ); [DispId(16)] new bool IsHidden { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the name of the item as modified to conform to the specified file system. /// /// File system to which the name should conform. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// String that contains the name of the item as it conforms to the specified file system. The name in the IFsiItem::get_Name /// property is modified if the characters used and its length do not meet the requirements of the specified file system type. /// // HRESULT FileSystemName( // FsiFileSystems fileSystem, BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(17)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] new string FileSystemName(FsiFileSystems fileSystem); /// Retrieves the full path of the item as modified to conform to the specified file system. /// /// File system to which the path should conform. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// String that contains the full path of the item as it conforms to the specified file system. The path in the /// IFsiItem::get_FullPath property is modified if the characters used and its length do not meet the requirements of the /// specified file system type. /// // HRESULT FileSystemPath( // FsiFileSystems fileSystem, BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(18)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] new string FileSystemPath(FsiFileSystems fileSystem); /// Retrieves a list of child items contained within the directory in the file system image. /// /// An IEnumVariant interface that you use to enumerate the child items contained within the directory. The items of the /// enumeration are variants whose type is VT_BSTR. Use the bstrVal member to retrieve the path to the child item. /// /// /// /// The enumeration is a snapshot of the children contained in the directory at the time of the call and will not reflect /// children that are added and removed. /// /// To retrieve a single item, see the IFsiDirectoryItem::get_Item property. /// // HRESULT get__NewEnum( // IEnumVARIANT **NewEnum ); [DispId(-4)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(EnumeratorToEnumVariantMarshaler))] new IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); /// Retrieves the specified directory or file item from file system image. /// String that contains the path to the item to retrieve. /// An IFsiItem interface of the requested directory or file item. /// /// /// To determine whether the item is a file item or directory item, call the IFsiItem::QueryInterface method passing /// __uuidof(IFsiDirectoryItem) as the interface identifier. If the call succeeds, the item is a directory item; otherwise, the /// item is a file item. /// /// To enumerate all children, call the IFsiDirectoryItem::get__NewEnum method. /// // HRESULT get_Item( BSTR // path, IFsiItem **item ); [DispId(0)] new IFsiItem this[string path] { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; } /// Number of child items in the enumeration. /// Number of directory and file items within the directory in the file system image. // HRESULT get_Count( LONG // *Count ); [DispId(1)] new int Count { get; } /// Retrieves a list of child items contained within the directory in the file system image. /// /// An IEnumFsiItems interface that contains a collection of the child directory and file items contained within the directory. /// /// /// This property returns the same results as the IFsiDirectoryItem::get__NewEnum property and is meant for use by C/C++ applications. /// // HRESULT // get_EnumFsiItems( IEnumFsiItems **NewEnum ); [DispId(2)] new IEnumFsiItems EnumFsiItems { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; } /// Adds a directory to the file system image. /// /// String that contains the relative path of directory to create. /// Specify the full path when calling this method from the root directory item. /// /// The parent directory for the new subdirectory must already exist within the file system image. // HRESULT AddDirectory( // BSTR path ); [DispId(30)] new void AddDirectory([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string path); /// Adds a file to the file system image. /// /// String that contains the relative path of the directory to contain the new file. /// Specify the full path when calling this method from the root directory item. /// /// An IStream interface of the file (data stream) to write to the media. /// The directory that will contain the new file must already exist within the file system image. // HRESULT AddFile( BSTR path, // IStream *fileData ); [DispId(31)] new void AddFile([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string path, IStream fileData); /// Adds the contents of a directory tree to the file system image. /// /// String that contains the relative path of the directory tree to create. /// Specify the full path when calling this method from the root directory item. /// /// /// Set to VARIANT_TRUE to include the directory in sourceDirectory as a subdirectory in the file system image. Otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. /// /// /// The parent directory for the new subdirectory must already exist within the file system image. /// The subdirectory structure within specified source directory is implicitly mirrored in the file system image. /// /// If file or directory collisions occur, the content of the specified source directory prevails. The file system image is /// overwritten with the appropriate directories and files from the source directory. /// /// If an exception occurs during processing, the file system image reverts to its previous state. /// // HRESULT AddTree( BSTR // sourceDirectory, VARIANT_BOOL includeBaseDirectory ); [DispId(32)] new void AddTree([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string sourceDirectory, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] bool includeBaseDirectory); /// Adds a file or directory described by the IFsiItem object to the file system image. /// An IFsiItem interface of the IFsiFileItemor IFsiDirectoryItem to add to the file system image. /// /// /// To create a directory item or file item, call the IFileSystemImage::CreateDirectoryItem or IFileSystemImage::CreateFileItem /// method, respectively. /// /// Once an item is added to the file system image, the IFsiFileItem::get_Data property becomes read-only. /// // HRESULT Add( IFsiItem *item ); [DispId(33)] new void Add(IFsiItem item); /// Removes the specified item from the file system image. /// /// String that contains the relative path of the item to remove. The path is relative to current directory item. /// Specify the full path when calling this method from the root directory item. /// /// This method is only callable on directory items present in the file system image. // HRESULT Remove( BSTR path ); [DispId(34)] new void Remove([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string path); /// Remove the specified directory tree from the file system image. /// String that contains the name of directory to remove. The path is relative to current directory item. /// /// The directory item must be present in the file system image. /// /// You can delete the entire file-system image by calling this method for the root directory item and setting the path to a /// single path delimiter (\). /// /// // HRESULT RemoveTree( BSTR // path ); [DispId(35)] new void RemoveTree([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string path); /// /// Adds the contents of a directory tree along with named streams associated with all files to the file system image. /// /// /// /// String that contains the relative path of the directory tree to create. The path should contain only valid characters as per /// file system naming conventions. This parameter cannot be NULL. /// /// Note You must specify the full path when calling this method from the root directory item. /// /// /// Set to VARIANT_TRUE to include the directory in sourceDirectory as a subdirectory in the file system image. /// Otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. /// /// /// The parent directory for the new sub-directory must already exist within the file system image. /// /// The sub-directory structure within specified sourceDirectory is implicitly mirrored in the file system image. If file or /// directory collisions occur, the content of the specified source directory prevails. /// /// /// The file system image is overwritten with the appropriate directories and files from the source directory. If an exception /// occurs during processing, the file system image reverts to its previous state. /// /// /// If this method is invoked for a file system object that does not contain UDF in the list of file systems enabled for /// creation in the resultant image or if the UDF revision is below 2.00, this method returns success code /// IMAPI_S_IMAGE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED. This indicates that the named streams have been added but will not appear in the /// resultant file system image unless UDF revision 2.00 or higher is enabled in the file system object. /// /// /// When utilizing alternate data streams (ADS) it is important to note that the file system image has a limitation of 1000 /// streams. Exceeding this number will result in lost data. /// /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // HRESULT // AddTreeWithNamedStreams( BSTR sourceDirectory, VARIANT_BOOL includeBaseDirectory ); [DispId(36)] void AddTreeWithNamedStreams([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string sourceDirectory, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] bool includeBaseDirectory); }; /// /// Use this interface to identify the file size and data stream of the file contents. /// To get this interface, call the IFileSystemImage::CreateFileItem method. /// /// /// /// Data streams for files contained within the file system image are read-only. File data can only be replaced by overwriting an /// existing file item. /// /// This is an FsiFileItem object in script. /// // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IFsiFileItem")] [ComImport, Guid("2C941FDB-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(FsiFileItem))] public interface IFsiFileItem : IFsiItem { /// Retrieves the name of the directory or file item in the file system image. /// String that contains the name of the file or directory item in the file system image. /// To get the full path to the item, call the IFsiItem::get_FullPath method. // HRESULT get_Name( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(11)] new string Name { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the full path of the file or directory item in the file system image. /// String that contains the absolute path of the file or directory item in the file system image. // HRESULT get_FullPath( BSTR // *pVal ); [DispId(12)] new string FullPath { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the directory or file item was created and added to the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was created and added to the file system image, according to UTC time. /// Defaults to the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// IMAPI does not support the extended attribute for CreationTime, and as a result, UDFS populates the CreationTime with the /// value expressed by the LastAccessed property from the file entry. /// // HRESULT put_CreationTime( // DATE newVal ); [DispId(13)] new DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the directory or file item was last accessed in the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was last accessed in the file system image, according to UTC time. Defaults to /// the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// /// UDFS (UDF) uses the LastAccessedTime value for the CreationTime, as IMAPI does not currently support the CreationTime /// extended attribue. /// /// /// CDFS (ISO 9660) sets the LastAccessedTime value to 0, as only the recording time is stored within the File/Directory descriptor. /// /// // HRESULT // put_LastAccessedTime( DATE newVal ); [DispId(14)] new DateTime LastAccessedTime { get; set; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the item was last modified in the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was last modified in the file system image, according to UTC time. Defaults to /// the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// /// The last modified time is propagated to the attribute that users see when viewing the properties of a directory or a file. /// /// When implementing this method, a few things should be taken into consideration: /// UDFS (UDF) will use the value provided by IFsiItem::put_LastModifiedTime as both the CreationTime and LastModifiedTime. /// /// CDFS (ISO 9660) uses the date/time of recording as the CreationTime and LastModifiedTime. As a result, CDFS sets the value /// of LastModifiedTime to 0. /// /// // HRESULT // put_LastModifiedTime( DATE newVal ); [DispId(15)] new DateTime LastModifiedTime { get; set; } /// Determines if the item's hidden attribute is set in the file system image. /// /// Set to VARIANT_TRUE to set the hidden attribute of the item in the file system image; otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. The default /// is VARIANT_FALSE. /// // HRESULT put_IsHidden( // VARIANT_BOOL newVal ); [DispId(16)] new bool IsHidden { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the name of the item as modified to conform to the specified file system. /// /// File system to which the name should conform. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// String that contains the name of the item as it conforms to the specified file system. The name in the IFsiItem::get_Name /// property is modified if the characters used and its length do not meet the requirements of the specified file system type. /// // HRESULT FileSystemName( // FsiFileSystems fileSystem, BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(17)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] new string FileSystemName(FsiFileSystems fileSystem); /// Retrieves the full path of the item as modified to conform to the specified file system. /// /// File system to which the path should conform. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// String that contains the full path of the item as it conforms to the specified file system. The path in the /// IFsiItem::get_FullPath property is modified if the characters used and its length do not meet the requirements of the /// specified file system type. /// // HRESULT FileSystemPath( // FsiFileSystems fileSystem, BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(18)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] new string FileSystemPath(FsiFileSystems fileSystem); /// Retrieves the data stream of the file's content. /// An IStream interface of the contents of the file. /// The contents of the file becomes read-only once the file item is added to file system image. // HRESULT get_Data( IStream // **pVal ); [DispId(41)] long DataSize { get; } /// Retrieves the least significant 32 bits of the IFsiFileItem::get_DataSize property. /// Least significant 32 bits of the IFsiFileItem::get_DataSize property. /// /// This property and IFsiFileItem::get_DataSize32BitHigh together provide the size of the file as two 32-bit numbers for /// languages that do not support 64-bit values, such as VBScript and Visual Basic 6. /// // HRESULT // get_DataSize32BitLow( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(42)] int DataSize32BitLow { get; } /// Retrieves the most significant 32 bits of the IFsiFileItem::get_DataSize property. /// Most significant 32 bits of the IFsiFileItem::get_DataSize property. /// /// This property and IFsiFileItem::get_DataSize32BitLow together provide the size of the file as two 32-bit numbers for /// languages that do not support 64-bit values, such as VBScript and Visual Basic 6. /// // HRESULT // get_DataSize32BitHigh( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(43)] int DataSize32BitHigh { get; } /// Gets or sets the data stream of the file's content. /// An IStream interface of the content of the file to add to the file system image. /// The contents of the file becomes read-only once the file item is added to file system image. // HRESULT put_Data( IStream // *newVal ); [DispId(44)] IStream Data { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; set; } } /// /// Use this interface to add, remove and enumerate named streams associated with a file. This interface also provides access to the /// 'Real-Time' attribute of a file. /// /// /// /// While UDF 2.0 is the lowest required revision for named stream support, the user must enable UDF 2.01 or higher to enable the /// use of both named streams and real-time file attributes. /// /// /// The recipients of a storage medium containing such files are required to read them using special MMC commands reducing read /// latency and increasing the worst-case read speed. /// /// /// This interface is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in Windows 7 /// and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IFsiFileItem2")] [ComImport, Guid("199D0C19-11E1-40eb-8EC2-C8C822A07792"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(FsiFileItem))] public interface IFsiFileItem2 : IFsiFileItem { /// Retrieves the name of the directory or file item in the file system image. /// String that contains the name of the file or directory item in the file system image. /// To get the full path to the item, call the IFsiItem::get_FullPath method. // HRESULT get_Name( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(11)] new string Name { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the full path of the file or directory item in the file system image. /// String that contains the absolute path of the file or directory item in the file system image. // HRESULT get_FullPath( BSTR // *pVal ); [DispId(12)] new string FullPath { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the directory or file item was created and added to the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was created and added to the file system image, according to UTC time. /// Defaults to the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// IMAPI does not support the extended attribute for CreationTime, and as a result, UDFS populates the CreationTime with the /// value expressed by the LastAccessed property from the file entry. /// // HRESULT put_CreationTime( // DATE newVal ); [DispId(13)] new DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the directory or file item was last accessed in the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was last accessed in the file system image, according to UTC time. Defaults to /// the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// /// UDFS (UDF) uses the LastAccessedTime value for the CreationTime, as IMAPI does not currently support the CreationTime /// extended attribue. /// /// /// CDFS (ISO 9660) sets the LastAccessedTime value to 0, as only the recording time is stored within the File/Directory descriptor. /// /// // HRESULT // put_LastAccessedTime( DATE newVal ); [DispId(14)] new DateTime LastAccessedTime { get; set; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the item was last modified in the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was last modified in the file system image, according to UTC time. Defaults to /// the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// /// The last modified time is propagated to the attribute that users see when viewing the properties of a directory or a file. /// /// When implementing this method, a few things should be taken into consideration: /// UDFS (UDF) will use the value provided by IFsiItem::put_LastModifiedTime as both the CreationTime and LastModifiedTime. /// /// CDFS (ISO 9660) uses the date/time of recording as the CreationTime and LastModifiedTime. As a result, CDFS sets the value /// of LastModifiedTime to 0. /// /// // HRESULT // put_LastModifiedTime( DATE newVal ); [DispId(15)] new DateTime LastModifiedTime { get; set; } /// Determines if the item's hidden attribute is set in the file system image. /// /// Set to VARIANT_TRUE to set the hidden attribute of the item in the file system image; otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. The default /// is VARIANT_FALSE. /// // HRESULT put_IsHidden( // VARIANT_BOOL newVal ); [DispId(16)] new bool IsHidden { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the name of the item as modified to conform to the specified file system. /// /// File system to which the name should conform. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// String that contains the name of the item as it conforms to the specified file system. The name in the IFsiItem::get_Name /// property is modified if the characters used and its length do not meet the requirements of the specified file system type. /// // HRESULT FileSystemName( // FsiFileSystems fileSystem, BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(17)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] new string FileSystemName(FsiFileSystems fileSystem); /// Retrieves the full path of the item as modified to conform to the specified file system. /// /// File system to which the path should conform. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// String that contains the full path of the item as it conforms to the specified file system. The path in the /// IFsiItem::get_FullPath property is modified if the characters used and its length do not meet the requirements of the /// specified file system type. /// // HRESULT FileSystemPath( // FsiFileSystems fileSystem, BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(18)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] new string FileSystemPath(FsiFileSystems fileSystem); /// Retrieves the data stream of the file's content. /// An IStream interface of the contents of the file. /// The contents of the file becomes read-only once the file item is added to file system image. // HRESULT get_Data( IStream // **pVal ); [DispId(41)] new long DataSize { get; } /// Retrieves the least significant 32 bits of the IFsiFileItem::get_DataSize property. /// Least significant 32 bits of the IFsiFileItem::get_DataSize property. /// /// This property and IFsiFileItem::get_DataSize32BitHigh together provide the size of the file as two 32-bit numbers for /// languages that do not support 64-bit values, such as VBScript and Visual Basic 6. /// // HRESULT // get_DataSize32BitLow( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(42)] new int DataSize32BitLow { get; } /// Retrieves the most significant 32 bits of the IFsiFileItem::get_DataSize property. /// Most significant 32 bits of the IFsiFileItem::get_DataSize property. /// /// This property and IFsiFileItem::get_DataSize32BitLow together provide the size of the file as two 32-bit numbers for /// languages that do not support 64-bit values, such as VBScript and Visual Basic 6. /// // HRESULT // get_DataSize32BitHigh( LONG *pVal ); [DispId(43)] new int DataSize32BitHigh { get; } /// Gets or sets the data stream of the file's content. /// An IStream interface of the content of the file to add to the file system image. /// The contents of the file becomes read-only once the file item is added to file system image. // HRESULT put_Data( IStream // *newVal ); [DispId(44)] new IStream Data { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; set; } /// Retrieves a collection of named streams associated with a file in the file system image. /// Pointer to an IFsiNamedStreams object that represents a collection of named streams associated with the file. /// /// /// If this method is invoked for a file item which itself represents a named stream, the IMAPI_E_PROPERTY_NOT_ACCESSIBLE /// error code is returned, as a named streams cannot contain additional named streams. /// /// The user must enable UDF and set the UDF revision to 2.00 or higher to support named streams. /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // HRESULT // get_FsiNamedStreams( IFsiNamedStreams **streams ); [DispId(45)] IFsiNamedStreams FsiNamedStreams { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; } /// /// Determines if the item is a named stream. Data streams for named streams contained within the file system image are /// read-only. Stream data can only be replaced by overwriting the existing named stream. /// /// Pointer to a value that indicates if the item is a named stream. to VARIANT_TRUE if an ; otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. /// /// The user must enable UDF and set the UDF revision to 2.00 or higher to support named streams. /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // HRESULT // get_IsNamedStream( VARIANT_BOOL *pVal ); [DispId(46)] bool IsNamedStream { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; } /// Associates a named stream with a specific file in the file system image. /// /// A string represents the name of the named stream. This should not include the path and should only contain valid characters /// as per file system naming conventions. /// /// An IStream interface of the named stream used to write to the resultant file system image. /// /// /// The file to which the named stream will be added must already exist within the file system image. If this method is called /// with a name that already exists for a named stream, it will return an error and will not replace the existing named stream. /// /// /// If this method is invoked for a file system object that does not contain UDF in the list of file systems enabled for /// creation in the resultant image or if the UDF revision is below 2.00, this method returns success code /// IMAPI_S_IMAGE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED. This success code indicates that the named stream has been added but will not /// appear in the resultant file system image unless UDF revision 2.00 or higher is enabled in the file system object. /// /// /// Currently, IMAPI_E_READONLY is returned when this method is called on an imported file system image, regardless of /// the read only status of the image. /// /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // HRESULT AddStream( BSTR name, // IStream *streamData ); [DispId(47)] void AddStream([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string name, IStream streamData); /// Removes a named stream association with a file. /// /// String that specifies the name of the named stream association to remove. This should not include the path and should only /// contain valid characters as per file system naming conventions. /// /// /// This method can be called only for file items present in the file system image. /// The user must enable UDF and set the UDF revision to 2.00 or higher to support named streams. /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // HRESULT RemoveStream( BSTR // name ); [DispId(48)] void RemoveStream([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string name); /// /// Gets or sets the 'Real-Time' attribute of a file in a file system. This attribute specifies whether or not the content /// requires a minimum data-transfer rate when writing or reading, for example, audio and video data. /// /// /// Specify VARIANT_TRUE to set the Real-Time attribute of a file in the file system image; otherwise, /// VARIANT_FALSE. The default is VARIANT_FALSE. /// /// /// /// The IFsiDirectoryItem::AddTree and IFsiDirectoryItem2::AddTreeWithNamedStreams methods do not set the Real-Time attribute /// while adding files to a file system image. To mark files as Real-time files, they must be enumerated after they have been /// added to the file system image and have the Real-Time attribute set individually. /// /// /// If this method is invoked for a file item representing a named stream, this method returns error code /// IMAPI_E_PROPERTY_NOT_ACCESSIBLE as named streams do not have the Real-Time attribute. /// /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // HRESULT put_IsRealTime( // VARIANT_BOOL newVal ); [DispId(49)] bool IsRealTime { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } } /// /// Base interface containing properties common to both file and directory items. /// To access the properties of this interface, use the IFsiFileItem or IFsiDirectoryItem interface. /// // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IFsiItem")] [ComImport, Guid("2C941FD9-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)] public interface IFsiItem { /// Retrieves the name of the directory or file item in the file system image. /// String that contains the name of the file or directory item in the file system image. /// To get the full path to the item, call the IFsiItem::get_FullPath method. // HRESULT get_Name( BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(11)] string Name { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the full path of the file or directory item in the file system image. /// String that contains the absolute path of the file or directory item in the file system image. // HRESULT get_FullPath( BSTR // *pVal ); [DispId(12)] string FullPath { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the directory or file item was created and added to the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was created and added to the file system image, according to UTC time. /// Defaults to the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// IMAPI does not support the extended attribute for CreationTime, and as a result, UDFS populates the CreationTime with the /// value expressed by the LastAccessed property from the file entry. /// // HRESULT put_CreationTime( // DATE newVal ); [DispId(13)] DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the directory or file item was last accessed in the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was last accessed in the file system image, according to UTC time. Defaults to /// the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// /// UDFS (UDF) uses the LastAccessedTime value for the CreationTime, as IMAPI does not currently support the CreationTime /// extended attribue. /// /// /// CDFS (ISO 9660) sets the LastAccessedTime value to 0, as only the recording time is stored within the File/Directory descriptor. /// /// // HRESULT // put_LastAccessedTime( DATE newVal ); [DispId(14)] DateTime LastAccessedTime { get; set; } /// Gets or sets the date and time that the item was last modified in the file system image. /// /// Date and time that the directory or file item was last modified in the file system image, according to UTC time. Defaults to /// the time the item was added to the image. /// /// /// /// The last modified time is propagated to the attribute that users see when viewing the properties of a directory or a file. /// /// When implementing this method, a few things should be taken into consideration: /// UDFS (UDF) will use the value provided by IFsiItem::put_LastModifiedTime as both the CreationTime and LastModifiedTime. /// /// CDFS (ISO 9660) uses the date/time of recording as the CreationTime and LastModifiedTime. As a result, CDFS sets the value /// of LastModifiedTime to 0. /// /// // HRESULT // put_LastModifiedTime( DATE newVal ); [DispId(15)] DateTime LastModifiedTime { get; set; } /// Determines if the item's hidden attribute is set in the file system image. /// /// Set to VARIANT_TRUE to set the hidden attribute of the item in the file system image; otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE. The default /// is VARIANT_FALSE. /// // HRESULT put_IsHidden( // VARIANT_BOOL newVal ); [DispId(16)] bool IsHidden { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)] get; set; } /// Retrieves the name of the item as modified to conform to the specified file system. /// /// File system to which the name should conform. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// String that contains the name of the item as it conforms to the specified file system. The name in the IFsiItem::get_Name /// property is modified if the characters used and its length do not meet the requirements of the specified file system type. /// // HRESULT FileSystemName( // FsiFileSystems fileSystem, BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(17)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string FileSystemName(FsiFileSystems fileSystem); /// Retrieves the full path of the item as modified to conform to the specified file system. /// /// File system to which the path should conform. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type. /// /// /// String that contains the full path of the item as it conforms to the specified file system. The path in the /// IFsiItem::get_FullPath property is modified if the characters used and its length do not meet the requirements of the /// specified file system type. /// // HRESULT FileSystemPath( // FsiFileSystems fileSystem, BSTR *pVal ); [DispId(18)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string FileSystemPath(FsiFileSystems fileSystem); } /// Use this interface to enumerate the named streams associated with a file in a file system image. /// /// /// To access this interface, call the IFsiFileItem2::get_FsiNamedStreams method of a file item object representing a standard or /// 'Real-Time' file. /// /// /// This interface is provided only for file item objects representing regular or 'Real-Time' files. Named streams cannot have other /// name streams associated with them. /// /// UDF must be enabled and set to UDF revision 2.00 or later in order to enable named stream support. /// /// This interface is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in Windows 7 /// and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IFsiNamedStreams")] [ComImport, Guid("ED79BA56-5294-4250-8D46-F9AECEE23459"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(FsiNamedStreams))] public interface IFsiNamedStreams : IEnumerable { /// Retrieves an IEnumVARIANT list of the named streams associated with a file in the file system image. /// /// Pointer to a pointer to an IEnumVariant interface that is used to enumerate the named streams associated with a file. /// The items of the enumeration are variants whose type is VT_BSTR. Use the bstrVal member to retrieve the path /// to the named stream. /// /// /// /// The enumeration is a snapshot of the named streams associated with the file at the time of the call and will not reflect /// named streams that are added or removed later on. /// /// To retrieve a single named stream, use the IFsiNamedStreams::get_Item method. /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // HRESULT get__NewEnum( // IEnumVARIANT **NewEnum ); [DispId(-4)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(EnumeratorToEnumVariantMarshaler))] new IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); /// Retrieves a single named stream associated with a file in the file system image. /// /// This value indicates the position of the named stream within the collection. The index number is zero-based, i.e. the first /// item is at location 0 of the collection. /// /// /// Pointer to a pointer to an IFsiFileItem2 object representing the named stream at the position specified by index. This /// parameter is set to NULL if the specified index is not within the collection boundary. /// /// /// If the index number is negative or out of range, this method returns the IMAPI_E_INVALID_PARAM. /// /// To fetch an IEnumVARIANT enumerator for all named streams associated with a file, use the /// IFsiNamedStreams::get__NewEnum method. /// /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // HRESULT get_Item( LONG // index, IFsiFileItem2 **item ); [DispId(0)] IFsiFileItem2 this[int index] { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; } /// Returns the number of the named streams associated with a file in the file system image. /// Pointer to a value indicating the total number of named streams in the collection. /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// // HRESULT get_Count( LONG // *count ); [DispId(81)] int Count { get; } /// /// Creates a non-variant enumerator for the collection of the named streams associated with a file in the file system image. /// /// Pointer to a pointer to an IEnumFsiItems object representing a collection of named streams associated with a file. /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// // HRESULT // get_EnumNamedStreams( IEnumFsiItems **NewEnum ); [DispId(82)] IEnumFsiItems EnumNamedStreams { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; } } /// Use this interface to verify if an existing .iso file contains a valid file system for burning. /// /// /// If a valid path is provided via SetPath, an IStream object will be created from the supplied image file and the /// Stream property will be populated. If a valid IStream is provided via SetStream, it will be used directly for /// image validation and the Path property will not be populated. /// /// /// This interface is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in Windows 7 /// and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// /// // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IIsoImageManager")] [ComImport, Guid("6CA38BE5-FBBB-4800-95A1-A438865EB0D4"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(MsftIsoImageManager))] public interface IIsoImageManager { /// Retrives the logical path to an .iso image. /// Pointer to the logical path to an .iso image. For example, "c:\path\file.iso". /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// // HRESULT get_Path( BSTR // *pVal ); [DispId(0x100)] string Path { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the IStream object associated with the .iso image. /// The IStream object associated with the .iso image. /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// // HRESULT get_Stream( // IStream **data ); [DispId(0x101)] IStream Stream { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] get; } /// Sets the Path property value with a logical path to an .iso image. /// The logical path to the .iso image. For example, "c:\path\file.iso". /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// // HRESULT SetPath( BSTR Val ); [DispId(0x200)] void SetPath([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string Val); /// Sets the Stream property with the IStream object associated with the .iso image. /// The IStream object associated with the .iso image. /// /// This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows /// Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in /// Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. /// // HRESULT SetStream( IStream // *data ); [DispId(0x201)] void SetStream([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IStream data); /// /// /// Determines if the provided .iso image is valid. Note Support for this interface method is included in the latest /// Windows Feature Pack for Storage Beta release offered via Microsoft Connect. /// /// Syntax /// /// void IsValid(); /// /// Parameters /// This method has no parameters. /// Return Value /// This method does not return a value. /// Remarks /// Requirements /// /// /// Client /// Windows Vista or Windows XP with SP2 /// /// /// Server /// Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 /// /// /// IDL /// Imapi2.idl /// /// /// See Also /// IIsoImageManager /// Send comments about this topic to Microsoft /// Build date: 10/30/2008 /// /// /// This method does not return a value. /// Remarks /// Requirements /// /// /// Client /// Windows Vista or Windows XP with SP2 /// /// /// Server /// Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 /// /// /// IDL /// Imapi2.idl /// /// /// See Also /// IIsoImageManager /// Send comments about this topic to Microsoft /// Build date: 10/30/2008 /// /// /// Requirements /// /// /// Client /// Windows Vista or Windows XP with SP2 /// /// /// Server /// Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 /// /// /// IDL /// Imapi2.idl /// /// /// See Also /// IIsoImageManager /// Send comments about this topic to Microsoft /// Build date: 10/30/2008 /// // void IsValid(); [DispId(0x202)] [PreserveSig] HRESULT Validate(); } /// /// /// Use this interface to retrieve block information for one segment of the result file image. This can be used to determine the LBA /// ranges of files in the resulting image. This information can then be used to display to the user which file is currently being /// written to the media or used for other advanced burning functionality. /// /// To get this interface, call the IEnumProgressItems::Next or IEnumProgressItems::RemoteNext method. /// /// This is a ProgressItem object in script. // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IProgressItem")] [ComImport, Guid("2C941FD5-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(ProgressItem))] public interface IProgressItem { /// Retrieves the description in the progress item. /// String containing the description. The description contains the name of the file in the file system image. // HRESULT // get_Description( BSTR *desc ); [DispId(1)] string Description { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] get; } /// Retrieves the first block number in this segment of the result image. /// First block number of this segment. // HRESULT get_FirstBlock( // ULONG *block ); [DispId(2)] uint FirstBlock { get; } /// Retrieves the last block in this segment of the result image. /// Number of the last block of this segment. // HRESULT get_LastBlock( // ULONG *block ); [DispId(3)] uint LastBlock { get; } /// Retrieves the number of blocks in the progress item. /// Number of blocks in the segment. // HRESULT get_BlockCount( // ULONG *blocks ); [DispId(4)] uint BlockCount { get; } } /// /// /// Use this interface to enumerate the progress items in a result image. A progress item represents a segment of the result image. /// /// To get this interface, call the IFileSystemImageResult::get_ProgressItems method. /// /// This is a ProgressItems object in script. // [PInvokeData("imapi2fs.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:imapi2fs.IProgressItems")] [ComImport, Guid("2C941FD7-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual), CoClass(typeof(ProgressItems))] public interface IProgressItems : IEnumerable { /// Retrieves the list of progress items from the collection. /// /// An IEnumVariant interface that you use to enumerate the progress items contained within the collection. Each item of /// the enumeration is a VARIANT whose type is VT_DISPATCH. Query the pdispVal member to retrieve the /// IProgressItem interface. /// /// /// The enumeration is a snapshot of the progress items contained in the collection at the time of the call. /// To retrieve a single item, see the IProgressItems::get_Item property. /// // HRESULT get__NewEnum( // IEnumVARIANT **NewEnum ); [DispId(-4)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(EnumeratorToEnumVariantMarshaler))] new IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); /// Retrieves the specified progress item from the collection. /// Zero-based index number corresponding to a progress item in the collection. /// An IProgressItem interface associated with the specified index value. /// To enumerate all progress items, call the IProgressItems::get__NewEnum method. // HRESULT get_Item( long Index, // IProgressItem **item ); [DispId(0)] IProgressItem this[int item] { get; } /// Retrieves the number of progress items in the collection. /// Number of progress items in the collection. // HRESULT get_Count( long // *Count ); [DispId(1)] int Count { get; } /// Retrieves a progress item based on the specified block number. /// /// Block number of the progress item to retrieve. The method returns the progress item if the block number is in the first and /// last block range of the item. /// /// An IProgressItem interface associated with the specified block number. // HRESULT // ProgressItemFromBlock( ULONG block, IProgressItem **item ); [DispId(2)] IProgressItem ProgressItemFromBlock(uint block); /// Retrieves a progress item based on the specified file name. /// /// String that contains the file name of the progress item to retrieve. The method returns the progress item if this string /// matches the value for item's description property. /// /// An IProgressItem interface of the progress item associated with the specified file name. // HRESULT // ProgressItemFromDescription( BSTR description, IProgressItem **item ); [DispId(3)] IProgressItem ProgressItemFromDescription([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string description); /// Retrieves the list of progress items from the collection. /// An IEnumProgressItems interface that contains a collection of the progress items contained in the collection. /// /// This property returns the same results as the IProgressItems::get__NewEnum property and is meant for use by C/C++ applications. /// // HRESULT // get_EnumProgressItems( IEnumProgressItems **NewEnum ); [DispId(4)] IEnumProgressItems EnumProgressItems { get; } } /// CLSID_BlockRange [ComImport, Guid("B507CA27-2204-11DD-966A-001AA01BBC58"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class BlockRange { } /// CLSID_BlockRangeList [ComImport, Guid("B507CA28-2204-11DD-966A-001AA01BBC58"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class BlockRangeList { } /// CLSID_BootOptions [ComImport, Guid("2C941FCE-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class BootOptions { } /// CLSID_EnumFsiItems [ComImport, Guid("2C941FC6-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class EnumFsiItems { } /// CLSID_EnumProgressItems [ComImport, Guid("2C941FCA-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class EnumProgressItems { } /// CLSID_FileSystemImageResult [ComImport, Guid("2C941FCC-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class FileSystemImageResult { } /// CLSID_FsiDirectoryItem [ComImport, Guid("2C941FC8-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class FsiDirectoryItem { } /// CLSID_FsiFileItem [ComImport, Guid("2C941FC7-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class FsiFileItem { } /// CLSID_FsiNamedStreams [ComImport, Guid("C6B6F8ED-6D19-44b4-B539-B159B793A32D"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class FsiNamedStreams { } /// CLSID_FsiStream [ComImport, Guid("2C941FCD-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class FsiStream { } /// CLSID_MsftFileSystemImage [ComImport, Guid("2C941FC5-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class MsftFileSystemImage { } /// CLSID_MsftIsoImageManager [ComImport, Guid("CEEE3B62-8F56-4056-869B-EF16917E3EFC"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class MsftIsoImageManager { } /// CLSID_ProgressItem [ComImport, Guid("2C941FCB-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class ProgressItem { } /// CLSID_ProgressItems [ComImport, Guid("2C941FC9-975B-59BE-A960-9A2A262853A5"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class ProgressItems { } } }