using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; using Vanara.Extensions; using Vanara.InteropServices; using static Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr; namespace Vanara.Windows.Forms { /// /// A dialog box that allows the user to browse and connect to network resources. /// /// public class NetworkConnectionDialog : CommonDialog { private NETRESOURCE nres = new NETRESOURCE(); private CONNECTDLGSTRUCT opts; /// Initializes a new instance of the class. public NetworkConnectionDialog() { opts.cbStructure = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CONNECTDLGSTRUCT)); nres.dwType = NETRESOURCEType.RESOURCETYPE_DISK; } /// Gets the connected device number. This value is only valid after successfully running the dialog. /// The connected device number. The value is 1 for A:, 2 for B:, 3 for C:, and so on. If the user made a deviceless connection, the value is –1. [Browsable(false)] public int ConnectedDeviceNumber => opts.dwDevNum; /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to hide the check box allowing the user to restore the connection at logon. /// true if hiding restore connection check box; otherwise, false. [DefaultValue(false), Category("Appearance"), Description("Hide the check box allowing the user to restore the connection at logon.")] public bool HideRestoreConnectionCheckBox { get => opts.dwFlags.IsFlagSet(CONN_DLG.CONNDLG_HIDE_BOX); set => opts.dwFlags = opts.dwFlags.SetFlags(CONN_DLG.CONNDLG_HIDE_BOX, value); } /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether restore the connection at logon. /// true to restore connection at logon; otherwise, false. [DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior"), Description("Restore the connection at logon.")] public bool PersistConnectionAtLogon { get => opts.dwFlags.IsFlagSet(CONN_DLG.CONNDLG_PERSIST); set { opts.dwFlags = opts.dwFlags.SetFlags(CONN_DLG.CONNDLG_PERSIST, value); opts.dwFlags = opts.dwFlags.SetFlags(CONN_DLG.CONNDLG_NOT_PERSIST, !value); } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display a read-only path instead of allowing the user to type in a path. This is only /// valid if is not . /// /// true to display a read only path; otherwise, false. [DefaultValue(false), Category("Appearance"), Description("Display a read-only path instead of allowing the user to type in a path.")] public bool ReadOnlyPath { get; set; } /// Gets or sets the name of the remote network. /// The name of the remote network. [DefaultValue(null), Category("Behavior"), Description("The value displayed in the path field.")] public string RemoteNetworkName { get => nres.lpRemoteName; set => nres.lpRemoteName = value; } /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enter the most recently used paths into the combination box. /// true to use MRU path; otherwise, false. /// UseMostRecentPath [DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior"), Description("Enter the most recently used paths into the combination box.")] public bool UseMostRecentPath { get => opts.dwFlags.IsFlagSet(CONN_DLG.CONNDLG_USE_MRU); set { if (value && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(RemoteNetworkName)) throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(UseMostRecentPath)} cannot be set to true if {nameof(RemoteNetworkName)} has a value."); opts.dwFlags = opts.dwFlags.SetFlags(CONN_DLG.CONNDLG_USE_MRU, value); } } /// public override void Reset() { opts.dwDevNum = -1; opts.dwFlags = 0; opts.lpConnRes = IntPtr.Zero; ReadOnlyPath = false; } /// protected override bool RunDialog(IntPtr hwndOwner) { using (var lpnres = SafeCoTaskMemHandle.CreateFromStructure(nres)) { opts.hwndOwner = hwndOwner; opts.lpConnRes = lpnres.DangerousGetHandle(); if (ReadOnlyPath && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nres.lpRemoteName)) opts.dwFlags |= CONN_DLG.CONNDLG_RO_PATH; var ret = WNetConnectionDialog1(opts); opts.lpConnRes = IntPtr.Zero; if (ret == -1) return false; ret.ThrowIfFailed(); return true; } } } }