This library includes shared methods, structures and constants for use throughout the Vanara assemblies. Think of it as windows.h with some useful extensions. It includes: * Extension methods for working with enumerated types (enum), FILETIME, and method and property extractions via reflection * Extension and helper methods to marshaling structures arrays and strings * SafeHandle based classes for working with memory allocated via CoTaskMem, HGlobal, or Local calls that handles packing and extracting arrays, structures and raw memory * Safe pinning of objects in memory * Memory stream based on marshaled memory Copyright © 2017-2018 $(AssemblyName) 2.1.2 net20;net35;net40;net45;netstandard2.0;netcoreapp2.0;netcoreapp2.1 Vanara.Core $(AssemblyName) Vanara David Hall MIT Git vanara net-extensions interop en-US true true GitHub Community Vanara true Currently implements: Classes BitHelper, ByteSizeFormatter, ComConnectionPoint, ComReleaser<T>, CorrespondingTypeAttribute, CoTaskMemoryMethods, EnumerableEqualityComparer<T>, EnumExtensions, EventedList<T>, FileTimeExtensions, Formatter, FormatterComposer, GenericSafeHandle, GenericVirtualReadOnlyDictionaryy<T>, HexDempHelpers, HGlobalMemoryMethods, InteropExtensions, IOExtensions, ListChangedEventArgs<T>, MarshalingStream, PinnedObject, ReflectionExtensions, SafeAllocatedMemoryHandle, SafeByteArray, SafeCoTaskMemHandle, SafeCoTaskMemString, SafeHGlobalHandle, SafeMemoryHandle<T>, SafeMemoryHandleExt<T>, SparseArray<T>, StringHelper, TryGetValueDelegate, VirtualDictionary<T>, VirtualReadOnlyDictionary<T> Structures EnumFlagIndexer<T>, StrPtrAnsi, StrPtrAuto, StrPtrUni Enumerations CorrepsondingAction, StringListPackMethod latest true ..\Vanara.snk true bin\$(Configuration)\$(TargetFramework)\$(AssemblyName).xml