using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; namespace Vanara.PInvoke.Tests { public static class TestCaseSources { // Header: ValidUser ValidCred URN DN DC Domain Username Password Notes private const string authfn = @"C:\Temp\AuthTestCases.txt"; private const string sourceFile = @"C:\Temp\TestCaseSources.txt"; private const string svrfn = @"C:\Temp\ServerConnectionTestCases.txt"; // Header: Server IP User Domain Pwd ValidSvr ValidCred UserIsAdmin Local Internet Name private static readonly string[] svrhdr = { "Server", "IP", "User", "Domain", "Pwd", "ValidSvr", "ValidCred", "UserIsAdmin", "Local", "Internet", "Name" }; private static Dictionary lookup; static TestCaseSources() { // Read in test case sources from file lookup = new Dictionary(); if (File.Exists(sourceFile)) { var lines = File.ReadAllLines(sourceFile); lookup = new Dictionary(lines.Length); foreach (var line in lines) { if (line.Trim().Length == 0 || line[0] == '\'') continue; var i = line.IndexOf('='); if (i == -1) lookup.Add(line, null); else lookup.Add(line.Substring(0, i), line.Length > i + 1 ? line.Substring(i + 1) : string.Empty); } } else lookup = new Dictionary(0); } public static object[] AuthCasesFromFile { get { var lines = File.ReadAllLines(authfn).Skip(1).Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).ToArray(); var ret = new object[lines.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { var items = lines[i].Split('\t').Select(s => s == string.Empty ? null : s).Cast().ToArray(); if (items.Length < 9) continue; bool.TryParse(items[0].ToString(), out var validUser); items[0] = validUser; bool.TryParse(items[1].ToString(), out var validCred); items[1] = validCred; ret[i] = items; } return ret; } } public static string BmpFile => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(BmpFile), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp\Vanara.bmp"; public static string DummyFile => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(DummyFile), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp\test.dmy"; public static string EventFile => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(EventFile), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp\TestLogFile.etl"; public static string IcoFile => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(IcoFile), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp\Vanara.ico"; public static string Image2File => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(Image2File), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp\X.png"; public static string ImageFile => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(ImageFile), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp\Vanara.png"; public static string LargeFile => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(LargeFile), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp\Holes.mp4"; public static string LogFile => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(LogFile), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp\Test.log"; public static IDictionary Lookup => lookup; public static string ResourceFile => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(ResourceFile), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp\DummyResourceExe.exe"; public static string SmallFile => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(SmallFile), out var value) ? value : Image2File; public static string TempChildDir => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(TempChildDir), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp\Temp"; public static string TempChildDirWhack => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(TempChildDirWhack), out var value) ? value : TempChildDir + "\\"; public static string TempDir => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(TempDir), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp"; public static string TempDirWhack => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(TempDirWhack), out var value) ? value : TempDir + "\\"; public static string VirtualDisk => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(VirtualDisk), out var value) ? value : @"D:\VirtualBox VMs\Windows Client\Windows XP Pro\Windows XP Pro.vhd"; public static string WordDoc => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(WordDoc), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp\Test.docx"; public static string WordDocLink => lookup.TryGetValue(nameof(WordDocLink), out var value) ? value : @"C:\Temp\Test.lnk"; public static object[] GetAuthCasesFromFile(bool validUser, bool validCred) => AuthCasesFromFile.Where(objs => ((object[])objs)[0].Equals(validUser) && ((object[])objs)[1].Equals(validCred)).ToArray(); /// Gets the value from a key or retuns a default value. /// The key. /// The default value. /// The value corresponding to key or the default value if not found. public static string GetValueOrDefault(string key, string defaultValue = null) => lookup.TryGetValue(key, out var value) ? value : defaultValue; public static IEnumerable RemoteConnections(bool? named, int flags = 0) { foreach (var item in GetFileItems(svrfn, null, filter)) { var tcd = new TestCaseData(item.Take(5).Cast().ToArray()); //.SetName(item[10]); int flagVal = 0; for (int i = 5; i < 10; i++) if (item[i][0] == 'T') { tcd.SetCategory(svrhdr[i]); flagVal |= (1 << (i - 5)); } if (flags == 0 || flags == flagVal) yield return tcd; } bool filter(IReadOnlyDictionary d) { var svr = d["Server"]; var bSvr = !named.HasValue || string.IsNullOrEmpty(svr) != named.Value; //var real = bool.Parse(d["ValidSvr"]?.ToLower()); //var bReal = valid.HasValue ? real == valid.Value : true; //var vCred = bool.Parse(d["ValidCred"]?.ToLower()); //var bCred = validCred.HasValue ? vCred == validCred.Value : true; //var vAdm = bool.Parse(d["UserIsAdmin"]?.ToLower()); //var bAdm = admin.HasValue ? vAdm == admin.Value : true; return bSvr; // && bReal && bCred && bAdm; } } private static IEnumerable GetFileItems(string fn, string[] cols = null, Func, bool> filter = null) { var first = true; string[] hdr = null; int[] idxs = null; foreach (var ln in File.ReadLines(fn)) { // Skip blank lines if (ln.Trim() == string.Empty) continue; var items = ln.Split('\t'); // Get header indices for cols from first row if (first) { hdr = items; if (cols is null) cols = items; idxs = cols.Select(s => Array.IndexOf(items, s)).ToArray(); first = false; continue; } // Get selected columns for each row var ret = new string[cols.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < idxs.Length; i++) { var idx = idxs[i]; ret[i] = idx >= 0 ? items[idx] : null; } // Filter if req if (filter is null) yield return ret; else if (filter(new StrArrDict(hdr, items))) yield return ret; } } private class StrArrDict : IReadOnlyDictionary { private string[] keys; private string[] values; public StrArrDict(string[] k, string[] v) { keys = k; values = v; } public int Count => keys.Length; public IEnumerable Keys => keys; public IEnumerable Values => values; public string this[string key] => TryGetValue(key, out var value) ? value : throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); public bool ContainsKey(string key) => keys.Contains(key); public IEnumerator> GetEnumerator() => new DEnum(this); public bool TryGetValue(string key, out string value) { var idx = Array.IndexOf(keys, key); if (idx == -1) { value = null; return false; } value = values[idx]; return true; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator(); private class DEnum : IEnumerator> { private int c = -1; private StrArrDict p; public DEnum(StrArrDict parent) => p = parent; public KeyValuePair Current => new KeyValuePair(p.keys[c], p.values[c]); object IEnumerator.Current => Current; public void Dispose() => p = null; public bool MoveNext() => ++c < p.keys.Length; public void Reset() => c = -1; } } } }