using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Vanara.InteropServices; using static Vanara.PInvoke.PortableDeviceApi; namespace Vanara.PInvoke { /// Elements from the Enhanced Storage API. public static partial class EnhancedStorage { private delegate void GetArrayDelegate(out SafeCoTaskMemHandle h, out uint c); /// Integer value that indicates the possible authorization state of the ACT. [PInvokeData("ehstorapi.h")] public enum ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE_VALUE { /// The ACT is unauthorized ACT_UNAUTHORIZED = 0x0000, /// The ACT is authorized ACT_AUTHORIZED = 0x0001 } /// Undocumented. [PInvokeData("ehstorapi.h")] [Flags] public enum ACT_AUTHORIZE { /// Undocumented. ACT_AUTHORIZE_ON_RESUME = 0x00000001, /// Undocumented. ACT_AUTHORIZE_ON_SESSION_UNLOCK = 0x00000002, } /// Undocumented. [PInvokeData("ehstorapi.h")] [Flags] public enum ACT_UNAUTHORIZE { /// Undocumented. ACT_UNAUTHORIZE_ON_SUSPEND = 0x00000001, /// Undocumented. ACT_UNAUTHORIZE_ON_SESSION_LOCK = 0x00000002, } /// Use this interface to obtain information and perform operations for a 1667 Addressable Contact Target (ACT). // [PInvokeData("ehstorapi.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:ehstorapi.IEnhancedStorageACT")] [ComImport, Guid("6e7781f4-e0f2-4239-b976-a01abab52930"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(EnhancedStorageACT))] public interface IEnhancedStorageACT { /// /// /// Associates the Addressable Command Target (ACT) with the Authorized state defined by ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE, and /// ensures the authentication of each individual silo according to the required sequence and logical combination necessary to /// authorize access to the ACT. /// /// Not used. /// Not used. /// This interface method can be used when an application wants to change the ACT to the 'Authorized' state. // HRESULT Authorize( // [in] DWORD hwndParent, [in] DWORD dwFlags ); void Authorize([In, Optional] uint hwndParent, [In, Optional] ACT_AUTHORIZE dwFlags); /// /// Associates the Addressable Command Target (ACT) with the Unauthorized state defined by ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE, and /// ensures the deauthentication of each individual silo according to the required sequence and logical combination necessary to /// restrict access to the ACT. /// // HRESULT Unauthorize(); void Unauthorize(); /// Returns the current authorization state of the ACT. /// An ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE that specifies the current authorization state of the ACT. // HRESULT // GetAuthorizationState( [out] ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE *pState ); ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE GetAuthorizationState(); /// Returns the volume associated with the Addressable Command Target (ACT). /// The volume associated with the ACT. // HRESULT // GetMatchingVolume( [out] LPWSTR *ppwszVolume ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string GetMatchingVolume(); /// Retrieves the unique identity of the Addressable Command Target (ACT). /// The unique identity of the ACT. // HRESULT // GetUniqueIdentity( [out] LPWSTR *ppwszIdentity ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string GetUniqueIdentity(); /// Returns an enumeration of all silos associated with the Addressable Command Target (ACT). /// /// Returns an array of one or more IEnhancedStorageSilo interface pointers associated with the ACT. /// /// /// Count of IEnhancedStorageSilo pointers returned. This value indicates the dimension of the array represented by pppIEnhancedStorageSilos. /// // HRESULT GetSilos( // [out] IEnhancedStorageSilo ***pppIEnhancedStorageSilos, [out] ULONG *pcEnhancedStorageSilos ); void GetSilos(out SafeCoTaskMemHandle pppIEnhancedStorageSilos, out uint pcEnhancedStorageSilos); } /// The IEnhancedStorageACT2 interface is used to obtain information for a 1667 Addressable Contact Target (ACT). // [PInvokeData("ehstorapi.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:ehstorapi.IEnhancedStorageACT2")] [ComImport, Guid("4DA57D2E-8EB3-41f6-A07E-98B52B88242B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(EnhancedStorageACT))] public interface IEnhancedStorageACT2 : IEnhancedStorageACT { /// /// /// Associates the Addressable Command Target (ACT) with the Authorized state defined by ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE, and /// ensures the authentication of each individual silo according to the required sequence and logical combination necessary to /// authorize access to the ACT. /// /// Not used. /// Not used. /// This interface method can be used when an application wants to change the ACT to the 'Authorized' state. // HRESULT Authorize( // [in] DWORD hwndParent, [in] DWORD dwFlags ); new void Authorize([In, Optional] uint hwndParent, [In, Optional] ACT_AUTHORIZE dwFlags); /// /// Associates the Addressable Command Target (ACT) with the Unauthorized state defined by ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE, and /// ensures the deauthentication of each individual silo according to the required sequence and logical combination necessary to /// restrict access to the ACT. /// // HRESULT Unauthorize(); new void Unauthorize(); /// Returns the current authorization state of the ACT. /// An ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE that specifies the current authorization state of the ACT. // HRESULT // GetAuthorizationState( [out] ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE *pState ); new ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE GetAuthorizationState(); /// Returns the volume associated with the Addressable Command Target (ACT). /// The volume associated with the ACT. // HRESULT // GetMatchingVolume( [out] LPWSTR *ppwszVolume ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] new string GetMatchingVolume(); /// Retrieves the unique identity of the Addressable Command Target (ACT). /// The unique identity of the ACT. // HRESULT // GetUniqueIdentity( [out] LPWSTR *ppwszIdentity ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] new string GetUniqueIdentity(); /// Returns an enumeration of all silos associated with the Addressable Command Target (ACT). /// /// Returns an array of one or more IEnhancedStorageSilo interface pointers associated with the ACT. /// /// /// Count of IEnhancedStorageSilo pointers returned. This value indicates the dimension of the array represented by pppIEnhancedStorageSilos. /// // HRESULT GetSilos( // [out] IEnhancedStorageSilo ***pppIEnhancedStorageSilos, [out] ULONG *pcEnhancedStorageSilos ); new void GetSilos(out SafeCoTaskMemHandle pppIEnhancedStorageSilos, out uint pcEnhancedStorageSilos); /// /// The IEnhancedStorageACT2::GetDeviceName method returns the device name associated with the Addressable Command Target (ACT). /// /// The device name associated with the ACT. // HRESULT // GetDeviceName( [out] LPWSTR *ppwszDeviceName ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string GetDeviceName(); /// /// The IEnhancedStorageACT2::IsDeviceRemovable method returns information that indicates if the device associated with /// the ACT is removable. /// /// Indicates if the device associated with the ACT is removable. // HRESULT // IsDeviceRemovable( BOOL *pIsDeviceRemovable ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool IsDeviceRemovable(); } /// Undocumented. /// [PInvokeData("ehstorapi.h")] [ComImport, Guid("022150A1-113D-11DF-BB61-001AA01BBC58"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(EnhancedStorageACT))] public interface IEnhancedStorageACT3 : IEnhancedStorageACT2 { /// /// /// Associates the Addressable Command Target (ACT) with the Authorized state defined by ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE, and /// ensures the authentication of each individual silo according to the required sequence and logical combination necessary to /// authorize access to the ACT. /// /// Not used. /// Not used. /// This interface method can be used when an application wants to change the ACT to the 'Authorized' state. // HRESULT Authorize( // [in] DWORD hwndParent, [in] DWORD dwFlags ); new void Authorize([In, Optional] uint hwndParent, [In, Optional] ACT_AUTHORIZE dwFlags); /// /// Associates the Addressable Command Target (ACT) with the Unauthorized state defined by ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE, and /// ensures the deauthentication of each individual silo according to the required sequence and logical combination necessary to /// restrict access to the ACT. /// // HRESULT Unauthorize(); new void Unauthorize(); /// Returns the current authorization state of the ACT. /// An ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE that specifies the current authorization state of the ACT. // HRESULT // GetAuthorizationState( [out] ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE *pState ); new ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE GetAuthorizationState(); /// Returns the volume associated with the Addressable Command Target (ACT). /// The volume associated with the ACT. // HRESULT // GetMatchingVolume( [out] LPWSTR *ppwszVolume ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] new string GetMatchingVolume(); /// Retrieves the unique identity of the Addressable Command Target (ACT). /// The unique identity of the ACT. // HRESULT // GetUniqueIdentity( [out] LPWSTR *ppwszIdentity ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] new string GetUniqueIdentity(); /// Returns an enumeration of all silos associated with the Addressable Command Target (ACT). /// /// Returns an array of one or more IEnhancedStorageSilo interface pointers associated with the ACT. /// /// /// Count of IEnhancedStorageSilo pointers returned. This value indicates the dimension of the array represented by pppIEnhancedStorageSilos. /// // HRESULT GetSilos( // [out] IEnhancedStorageSilo ***pppIEnhancedStorageSilos, [out] ULONG *pcEnhancedStorageSilos ); new void GetSilos(out SafeCoTaskMemHandle pppIEnhancedStorageSilos, out uint pcEnhancedStorageSilos); /// /// The IEnhancedStorageACT2::GetDeviceName method returns the device name associated with the Addressable Command Target (ACT). /// /// The device name associated with the ACT. // HRESULT // GetDeviceName( [out] LPWSTR *ppwszDeviceName ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] new string GetDeviceName(); /// /// The IEnhancedStorageACT2::IsDeviceRemovable method returns information that indicates if the device associated with /// the ACT is removable. /// /// Indicates if the device associated with the ACT is removable. // HRESULT // IsDeviceRemovable( BOOL *pIsDeviceRemovable ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] new bool IsDeviceRemovable(); /// Undocumented. /// void UnauthorizeEx(ACT_UNAUTHORIZE dwFlags); /// Undocumented. /// [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool IsQueueFrozen(); /// Undocumented. /// [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool GetShellExtSupport(); } /// /// The IEnhancedStorageSilo interface is the point of access for an IEEE 1667 silo and is used to obtain information and /// perform operations at the silo level. /// // [PInvokeData("ehstorapi.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:ehstorapi.IEnhancedStorageSilo")] [ComImport, Guid("5aef78c6-2242-4703-bf49-44b29357a359"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(EnhancedStorageSilo))] public interface IEnhancedStorageSilo { /// Returns the descriptive information associated with the silo object. /// A SILO_INFO object containing descriptive information associated with the silo. // HRESULT GetInfo( [out] // SILO_INFO *pSiloInfo ); SILO_INFO GetInfo(); /// Returns an enumeration of all actions available to the silo object. /// /// Array of pointers to IEnhancedStorageAction interface objects that represent the actions available for the silo object. This /// array is allocated within the API when at least one action is available to the silo. /// /// /// Count of IEnhancedStorageAction pointers returned. This value indicates the dimension of the array represented by pppIEnhancedStorageSilos. /// /// /// The memory containing the IEnhancedStorageAction interface pointers is allocated by the Enhanced Storage API and must be /// freed by passing the returned pointer to CoTaskMemFree. /// // HRESULT GetActions( // [out] IEnhancedStorageSiloAction ***pppIEnhancedStorageSiloActions, [out] ULONG *pcEnhancedStorageSiloActions ); void GetActions(out SafeCoTaskMemHandle pppIEnhancedStorageSiloActions, out uint pcEnhancedStorageSiloActions); /// /// Sends a raw silo command to the silo object. This method is utilized to communicate with a silo which is not represented by /// a driver. /// /// /// The silo command to be issued. 8 bits of this value are placed in the byte at position 3 of the CDB sent to the device; i.e. /// the second byte of the SecurityProtocolSpecific field. /// /// The command payload sent to the device in the send data phase of the command. /// The count of bytes contained in the pbCommandBuffer buffer. /// /// The response payload that is returned to the host from the device in the receive data phase of the command. /// /// /// On method entry, contains the size of pbResponseBuffer in bytes. On method exit, it contains the count of bytes contained in /// the returned pbResponse buffer. /// /// /// /// This method is currently not supported by the IEEE 1667 certificate and password silos. It is recommended that the Enhanced /// Storage Portable Device Commands are used instead. /// /// /// The caller is responsible for sending correct parameters to the command, as well as allocating the necessary buffer for the /// returned results. /// /// // HRESULT // SendCommand( [in] UCHAR Command, [in] BYTE *pbCommandBuffer, [in] ULONG cbCommandBuffer, [out] BYTE *pbResponseBuffer, [out] // ULONG *pcbResponseBuffer ); void SendCommand([In] byte Command, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2)] byte[] pbCommandBuffer, [In] uint cbCommandBuffer, [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 4)] byte[] pbResponseBuffer, [In, Out] ref uint pcbResponseBuffer); /// Obtains an IPortableDevice pointer used to issue commands to the corresponding Enhanced Storage silo driver. /// An IPortableDevice object. // HRESULT // GetPortableDevice( [out] IPortableDevice **ppIPortableDevice ); IPortableDevice GetPortableDevice(); /// /// Retrieves the path to the silo device node. The returned string is suitable for passing to Windows System APIs such /// as CreateFile or SetupDiOpenDeviceInterface. /// /// The path to the Silo device node. // HRESULT // GetDevicePath( [out] LPWSTR *ppwszSiloDevicePath ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string GetDevicePath(); } /// Use this interface as a point of access for actions involving IEEE 1667 silos. // [PInvokeData("ehstorapi.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:ehstorapi.IEnhancedStorageSiloAction")] [ComImport, Guid("b6f7f311-206f-4ff8-9c4b-27efee77a86f"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(EnhancedStorageSiloAction))] public interface IEnhancedStorageSiloAction { /// Returns a string for the name of the action specified by the IEnhancedStorageSiloAction object. /// The silo action by name. /// /// /// A name string is short, consisting of one or two words, and is suitable for display in a UI element such as a menu item or /// button label. /// /// // HRESULT GetName( // [out] LPWSTR *ppwszActionName ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string GetName(); /// Returns a descriptive string for the action specified by the IEnhancedStorageSiloAction object. /// A string that describes the silo action. /// /// /// The description string is brief, consisting of one or two short sentences, and is suitable for display in a UI element such /// as tooltip or small static text box. /// /// // HRESULT // GetDescription( [out] LPWSTR *ppwszActionDescription ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string GetDescription(); /// Performs the action specified by an IEnhancedStorageSiloAction object. // HRESULT Invoke(); void Invoke(); } /// Use this interface as the top level enumerator for all IEEE 1667 Addressable Contact Targets (ACT). // [PInvokeData("ehstorapi.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:ehstorapi.IEnumEnhancedStorageACT")] [ComImport, Guid("09b224bd-1335-4631-a7ff-cfd3a92646d7"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(EnumEnhancedStorageACT))] public interface IEnumEnhancedStorageACT { /// /// Returns an enumeration of all the Addressable Command Targets (ACT) currently connected to the system. If at least one ACT /// is present, the Enhanced Storage API allocates an array of 1 or more IEnumEnhancedStorageACT pointers. /// /// /// Array of IEnhancedStorageACT interface pointers that represent the ACTs for all devices connected to the system. This array /// is allocated within the API. /// /// /// Count of IEnhancedStorageACT pointers returned. This is the dimension of the array represented by pppIEnhancedStorageACTs. /// // HRESULT GetACTs( // [out] IEnhancedStorageACT ***pppIEnhancedStorageACTs, ULONG *pcEnhancedStorageACTs ); void GetACTs(out SafeCoTaskMemHandle pppIEnhancedStorageACTs, out uint pcEnhancedStorageACTs); /// /// Returns the Addressable Command Target (ACT) associated with the volume specified via the string supplied by the client. /// /// A string that specifies the volume for which a matching ACT is searched for. /// /// An IEnhancedStorageACT interface pointer that represents the matching ACT. If no matching ACT is found the error /// HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND) is returned. /// /// /// This method can also be utilized by the client to determine if the specified volume resides on, and is represented by an /// IEEE 1667 ACT. /// // HRESULT // GetMatchingACT( [in] LPCWSTR szVolume, [out] IEnhancedStorageACT **ppIEnhancedStorageACT ); IEnhancedStorageACT GetMatchingACT([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string szVolume); } /// Returns an enumeration of all actions available to the silo object. /// Array of IEnhancedStorageAction interface objects that represent the actions available for the silo object. public static IEnhancedStorageSiloAction[] GetActions(this IEnhancedStorageSilo silo) => GetIntfArray(silo.GetActions); /// /// Returns an enumeration of all the Addressable Command Targets (ACT) currently connected to the system. If at least one ACT is /// present, the Enhanced Storage API allocates an array of 1 or more IEnumEnhancedStorageACT pointers. /// /// Array of IEnhancedStorageACT interface pointers that represent the ACTs for all devices connected to the system. public static IEnhancedStorageACT[] GetACTs(this IEnumEnhancedStorageACT act) => GetIntfArray(act.GetACTs); /// Returns an enumeration of all silos associated with the Addressable Command Target (ACT). /// An array of one or more IEnhancedStorageSilo interface pointers associated with the ACT. public static IEnhancedStorageSilo[] GetSilos(this IEnhancedStorageACT act) => GetIntfArray(act.GetSilos); /// /// Sends a raw silo command to the silo object. This method is utilized to communicate with a silo which is not represented by a driver. /// /// The silo interface instance. /// /// The silo command to be issued. 8 bits of this value are placed in the byte at position 3 of the CDB sent to the device; i.e. the /// second byte of the SecurityProtocolSpecific field. /// /// The command payload sent to the device in the send data phase of the command. /// Contains the expected size of the response in bytes. /// The response payload that is returned to the host from the device in the receive data phase of the command. /// /// /// This method is currently not supported by the IEEE 1667 certificate and password silos. It is recommended that the Enhanced /// Storage Portable Device Commands are used instead. /// /// The caller is responsible for sending correct parameters to the command. /// // HRESULT public static byte[] SendCommand(this IEnhancedStorageSilo silo, Byte command, Byte[] commandBuffer, UInt32 expectedResponseBufferSize) { // *** From SDK sample *** // 1. align command buffer to 512 bytes boundary UInt32 commandBufferLength = (UInt32)Macros.ALIGN_TO_MULTIPLE(commandBuffer.Length, 512); Byte[] commandBufferAlign = new Byte[commandBufferLength]; commandBuffer.CopyTo(commandBufferAlign, 0); // 2. create response buffer var responseBuffer = new Byte[expectedResponseBufferSize]; UInt32 responseBufferSize = (UInt32)responseBuffer.Length; // 3. send command to silo silo.SendCommand(command, commandBufferAlign, commandBufferLength, responseBuffer, ref responseBufferSize); return responseBuffer; } private static T[] GetIntfArray(GetArrayDelegate f) where T : class { f(out var h, out var cnt); return cnt == 0 ? new T[0] : h.ToEnumerable((int)cnt).Select(p => (T)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(p)).ToArray(); } /// /// The ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE structure contains data that describes the current authorization state of a Addressable /// Command Target (ACT). /// // typedef struct // _ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE { ULONG ulState; } ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE; [PInvokeData("ehstorapi.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:ehstorapi._ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE { /// /// Integer value that indicates the possible authorization state of the ACT. /// /// /// Value /// Meaning /// /// /// 0 /// The ACT is unauthorized /// /// /// 1 /// The ACT is authorized /// /// /// public ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE_VALUE ulState; } /// The SILO_INFO structure contains information that identifies and describes the silo. // typedef struct _SILO_INFO { ULONG ulSTID; // UCHAR SpecificationMajor; UCHAR SpecificationMinor; UCHAR ImplementationMajor; UCHAR ImplementationMinor; UCHAR type; UCHAR // capabilities; } SILO_INFO; [PInvokeData("ehstorapi.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:ehstorapi._SILO_INFO")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SILO_INFO { /// Silo Type Identifier for the silo assigned by IEEE 1667 Working Group. public uint ulSTID; /// Major version of the specification implemented in the silo. public byte SpecificationMajor; /// Minor version of the specification implemented in the silo. public byte SpecificationMinor; /// Major version of the firmware implemented in the silo. public byte ImplementationMajor; /// Minor version of the firmware implemented in the silo. public byte ImplementationMinor; /// Type of the silo. public byte type; /// Capabilities of the silo. public byte capabilities; } /// EnhancedStorageACT Class [ComImport, Guid("af076a15-2ece-4ad4-bb21-29f040e176d8"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class EnhancedStorageACT { } /// EnhancedStorageSilo Class [ComImport, Guid("cb25220c-76c7-4fee-842b-f3383cd022bc"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class EnhancedStorageSilo { } /// EnhancedStorageSiloAction Class [ComImport, Guid("886D29DD-B506-466B-9FBF-B44FF383FB3F"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class EnhancedStorageSiloAction { } /// EnumEnhancedStorageACT Class [ComImport, Guid("fe841493-835c-4fa3-b6cc-b4b2d4719848"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class EnumEnhancedStorageACT { } } }