using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Permissions; using Vanara.InteropServices; namespace Vanara.PInvoke { /// /// Items from the Remote Differential Compression (RDC) API which allows applications to synchronize data between two computers in an /// efficient manner. /// public static partial class MsRdc { /// public const uint MSRDC_DEFAULT_COMPAREBUFFER = 3200000; /// public const uint MSRDC_DEFAULT_HASHWINDOWSIZE_1 = 48; /// public const uint MSRDC_DEFAULT_HASHWINDOWSIZE_N = 2; /// public const uint MSRDC_DEFAULT_HORIZONSIZE_1 = 1024; /// public const uint MSRDC_DEFAULT_HORIZONSIZE_N = 128; /// public const uint MSRDC_MAXIMUM_COMPAREBUFFER = (1 << 30); /// public const uint MSRDC_MAXIMUM_DEPTH = 8; /// public const uint MSRDC_MAXIMUM_HASHWINDOWSIZE = 96; /// public const uint MSRDC_MAXIMUM_HORIZONSIZE = 1024 * 16; /// public const uint MSRDC_MAXIMUM_MATCHESREQUIRED = 16; /// public const uint MSRDC_MAXIMUM_TRAITVALUE = 63; /// public const uint MSRDC_MINIMUM_COMPAREBUFFER = 100000; /// public const uint MSRDC_MINIMUM_COMPATIBLE_APP_VERSION = 0x010000; /// public const uint MSRDC_MINIMUM_DEPTH = 1; /// public const uint MSRDC_MINIMUM_HASHWINDOWSIZE = 2; /// public const uint MSRDC_MINIMUM_HORIZONSIZE = 128; /// public const uint MSRDC_MINIMUM_INPUTBUFFERSIZE = 1024; /// public const uint MSRDC_MINIMUM_MATCHESREQUIRED = 1; /// public const int MSRDC_SIGNATURE_HASHSIZE = 16; /// public const uint MSRDC_VERSION = 0x010000; /// The GeneratorParametersType enumeration type defines the set of supported generator parameters. // typedef enum // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0002 { RDCGENTYPE_Unused = 0, RDCGENTYPE_FilterMax } GeneratorParametersType; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NE:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0002")] public enum GeneratorParametersType { /// /// Value: /// 0 /// The generator parameters type is unknown. /// RDCGENTYPE_Unused, /// The FilterMax generator was used to generate the parameters. RDCGENTYPE_FilterMax, } /// The RDC_ErrorCode enumeration type defines the set of RDC-specific error codes. // typedef enum // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0001 { RDC_NoError = 0, RDC_HeaderVersionNewer, RDC_HeaderVersionOlder, // RDC_HeaderMissingOrCorrupt, RDC_HeaderWrongType, RDC_DataMissingOrCorrupt, RDC_DataTooManyRecords, RDC_FileChecksumMismatch, // RDC_ApplicationError, RDC_Aborted, RDC_Win32Error } RDC_ErrorCode; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NE:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0001")] public enum RDC_ErrorCode { /// /// Value: /// 0 /// The operation was completed successfully. /// RDC_NoError, /// The data header is incompatible with this library. RDC_HeaderVersionNewer, /// The data header is incompatible with this library. RDC_HeaderVersionOlder, /// The data header is missing or corrupt. RDC_HeaderMissingOrCorrupt, /// The data header format is incorrect. RDC_HeaderWrongType, /// The end of data was reached before all data expected was read. RDC_DataMissingOrCorrupt, /// Additional data was found past where the end of data was expected. RDC_DataTooManyRecords, /// The final file checksum doesn't match. RDC_FileChecksumMismatch, /// An application callback function returned failure. RDC_ApplicationError, /// The operation was aborted. RDC_Aborted, /// /// The failure of the function is not RDC-specific and the /// HRESULT /// returned by /// the function contains the specific error code. /// RDC_Win32Error, } /// Defines values that describe the state of the similarity traits table, similarity file ID table, or both. // typedef enum // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0009 { RDCTABLE_InvalidOrUnknown = 0, RDCTABLE_Existing, RDCTABLE_New } RdcCreatedTables; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NE:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0009")] public enum RdcCreatedTables { /// /// Value: /// 0 /// The table contains data that is not valid. /// RDCTABLE_InvalidOrUnknown, /// The table is an existing table. RDCTABLE_Existing, /// The table is a new table. RDCTABLE_New, } /// Defines the access mode values for RDC file mapping objects. // typedef enum // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0010 { RDCMAPPING_Undefined = 0, RDCMAPPING_ReadOnly, RDCMAPPING_ReadWrite } RdcMappingAccessMode; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NE:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0010")] public enum RdcMappingAccessMode { /// /// Value: /// 0 /// The mapping access mode is unknown. /// RDCMAPPING_Undefined, /// Specifies read-only access. RDCMAPPING_ReadOnly, /// Specifies read/write access. RDCMAPPING_ReadWrite, } /// Defines the set of data chunks used to generate a remote copy. // typedef enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0003 // { RDCNEED_SOURCE = 0, RDCNEED_TARGET = 1, RDCNEED_SEED = 2, RDCNEED_SEED_MAX = 255 } RdcNeedType; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NE:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0003")] public enum RdcNeedType { /// /// Value: /// 0 /// The chunk is a source chunk. /// RDCNEED_SOURCE, /// /// Value: /// 1 /// This value is reserved for future use. /// RDCNEED_TARGET, /// /// Value: /// 2 /// The chunk is a seed chunk. /// RDCNEED_SEED, /// /// Value: /// 255 /// This value is reserved for future use. /// RDCNEED_SEED_MAX = 255, } /// Provides methods for retrieving information from the file list returned by the ISimilarity::FindSimilarFileId method. // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.IFindSimilarResults")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A81-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(FindSimilarResults))] public interface IFindSimilarResults { /// /// Retrieves the number of entries in the file list that was returned by the ISimilarity::FindSimilarFileId method. /// /// The actual number of similarity file IDs that are returned by the GetNextFileId method may be less than the number that is /// returned by the GetSize method. GetNextFileId returns only valid similarity file IDs. However, GetSize /// counts all entries, even if their similarity file IDs are not valid. /// /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives the number of entries in the file list. // HRESULT GetSize( [out] DWORD // *size ); uint GetSize(); /// /// Retrieves the next valid similarity file ID in the file list that was returned by the ISimilarity::FindSimilarFileId method. /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives the number of traits that were matched. /// /// A pointer to a SimilarityFileId structure that contains the similarity file ID of the matching file. /// /// /// Returns S_OK on success, or an error HRESULT on failure. /// This method can also return the following error code. /// // HRESULT GetNextFileId( // [out] DWORD *numTraitsMatched, [out] SimilarityFileId *similarityFileId ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT GetNextFileId(out uint numTraitsMatched, out SimilarityFileId similarityFileId); } /// /// The IRdcComparator interface is used to compare two signature streams (seed and source) and produce the list of source and /// seed file data chunks needed to create the target file. /// // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.IRdcComparator")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A77-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(RdcComparator))] public interface IRdcComparator { /// /// The Process method compares two signature streams (seed and source) and produces a needs list, which describes the /// chunks of file data needed to create the target file. The seed signature file may be read multiple times, depending on the /// size of the source signature file. /// /// Set to TRUE if the inputBuffer parameter contains all remaining input. /// /// Address of a BOOL that on successful completion is set to TRUE if all output data has been generated. /// /// /// Address of a RdcBufferPointer structure containing information about the input buffer. The m_Used member of this /// structure is used to indicate how much input, if any, was processed during this call. /// /// /// Address of a RdcNeedPointer structure containing information about the output buffer. On input the m_Size member of /// this structure must contain the number of RdcNeed structures in the array pointed to by the m_Data member, and the /// m_Used member must be zero. On output the m_Used member will contain the number of RdcNeed structures in /// the array pointed to by the m_Data member. /// /// /// The address of a RDC_ErrorCode enumeration that is filled with an RDC specific error code if the return value from the /// Process method is E_FAIL. If this value is RDC_Win32ErrorCode, then the return value of the /// Process method contains the specific error code. /// /// /// On successful return, iterate through each RdcNeed structure returned in the array pointed to by the m_Data member of /// the outputBuffer parameter, and copy the specified chunk of the source or seed data to the target data. /// // HRESULT Process( [in] BOOL // endOfInput, [out] BOOL *endOfOutput, [in, out] RdcBufferPointer *inputBuffer, [in, out] RdcNeedPointer *outputBuffer, [out] // RDC_ErrorCode *rdc_ErrorCode ); void Process([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool endOfInput, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] out bool endOfOutput, ref RdcBufferPointer inputBuffer, ref RdcNeedPointer outputBuffer, out RDC_ErrorCode rdc_ErrorCode); } /// /// The IRdcFileReader interface is used to provide the equivalent of a file handle, because the data being synchronized may /// not exist as a file on disk. /// // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.IRdcFileReader")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A74-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(RdcFileReader))] public interface IRdcFileReader { /// The GetFileSize method returns the size of a file. /// /// Address of a ULONGLONG that on successful return will be filled with the size of the file, in bytes. /// /// If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. // HRESULT GetFileSize( [out] // ULONGLONG *fileSize ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT GetFileSize(out ulong fileSize); /// The Read method reads the specified amount of data starting at the specified position. /// Offset from the start of the data at which to start the read. /// Number of bytes to be read. /// Address of a ULONG that will receive the number of bytes read. /// /// Address of the buffer that receives the data read. This buffer must be at least bytesToRead bytes in size. /// /// Address of a BOOL that is set to TRUE if the end of the file has been read. /// If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. /// /// /// Typically RDC will read the file sequentially from start to end. When reading signatures, the file may be read more than once. /// /// /// If the BOOL pointed to by the eof parameter is not TRUE on return then the value pointed to by the /// bytesActuallyRead parameter must equal the bytesToRead parameter. If the value pointed to by the eof /// parameter is set, then the value pointed to by the bytesActuallyRead parameter can be any value between zero and the /// bytesToRead parameter. /// /// // HRESULT Read( [in] ULONGLONG // offsetFileStart, [in] ULONG bytesToRead, [out] ULONG *bytesActuallyRead, [out] BYTE *buffer, [out] BOOL *eof ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT Read(ulong offsetFileStart, uint bytesToRead, out uint bytesActuallyRead, [Out] byte[] buffer, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] out bool eof); /// The GetFilePosition method returns the current file position. /// Address of a ULONGLONG that will receive the current offset from the start of the data. /// If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. // HRESULT GetFilePosition( // [out] ULONGLONG *offsetFromStart ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT GetFilePosition(out ulong offsetFromStart); } /// /// Abstract interface to read from and write to a file. /// /// The RDC application must implement this interface for use with ISimilarityFileIdTable::CreateTableIndirect. Note that this /// interface does not include methods to open, close, or flush the file to disk. The application is responsible for properly opening /// and closing the file represented by an instance of this interface. /// /// // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.IRdcFileWriter")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A75-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(RdcFileReader))] public interface IRdcFileWriter : IRdcFileReader { /// The GetFileSize method returns the size of a file. /// /// Address of a ULONGLONG that on successful return will be filled with the size of the file, in bytes. /// /// If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. // HRESULT GetFileSize( [out] // ULONGLONG *fileSize ); [PreserveSig] new HRESULT GetFileSize(out ulong fileSize); /// The Read method reads the specified amount of data starting at the specified position. /// Offset from the start of the data at which to start the read. /// Number of bytes to be read. /// Address of a ULONG that will receive the number of bytes read. /// /// Address of the buffer that receives the data read. This buffer must be at least bytesToRead bytes in size. /// /// Address of a BOOL that is set to TRUE if the end of the file has been read. /// If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. /// /// /// Typically RDC will read the file sequentially from start to end. When reading signatures, the file may be read more than once. /// /// /// If the BOOL pointed to by the eof parameter is not TRUE on return then the value pointed to by the /// bytesActuallyRead parameter must equal the bytesToRead parameter. If the value pointed to by the eof /// parameter is set, then the value pointed to by the bytesActuallyRead parameter can be any value between zero and the /// bytesToRead parameter. /// /// // HRESULT Read( [in] ULONGLONG // offsetFileStart, [in] ULONG bytesToRead, [out] ULONG *bytesActuallyRead, [out] BYTE *buffer, [out] BOOL *eof ); [PreserveSig] new HRESULT Read(ulong offsetFileStart, uint bytesToRead, out uint bytesActuallyRead, [Out] byte[] buffer, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] out bool eof); /// The GetFilePosition method returns the current file position. /// Address of a ULONGLONG that will receive the current offset from the start of the data. /// If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. // HRESULT GetFilePosition( // [out] ULONGLONG *offsetFromStart ); [PreserveSig] new HRESULT GetFilePosition(out ulong offsetFromStart); /// Write bytes to a file starting at a given offset. /// Starting offset. /// Number of bytes to be written to the file. /// The data to be written to the file. /// If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. // HRESULT Write( [in] ULONGLONG // offsetFileStart, [in] ULONG bytesToWrite, [out] BYTE *buffer ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT Write(ulong offsetFileStart, uint bytesToWrite, out byte buffer); /// Truncates a file to zero length. /// If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. // HRESULT Truncate(); [PreserveSig] HRESULT Truncate(); /// Sets a file to be deleted (or truncated) on close. /// If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. // HRESULT DeleteOnClose(); [PreserveSig] HRESULT DeleteOnClose(); } /// The IRdcGenerator interface is used to process the input data and read the parameters used by the generator. // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.IRdcGenerator")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A73-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(RdcGenerator))] public interface IRdcGenerator { /// /// The GetGeneratorParameters method returns a copy of the parameters used to create the generator. The generator /// parameters are fixed when the generator is created. /// /// The generator level for the parameters to be returned. The range is MSRDC_MINIMUM_DEPTH to MSRDC_MAXIMUM_DEPTH. /// /// Address of a pointer that on successful return will contain the IRdcGeneratorParameters interface pointer for the parameters /// for the generator level specified in the level parameter. /// // HRESULT // GetGeneratorParameters( [in] ULONG level, [out] IRdcGeneratorParameters **iGeneratorParameters ); IRdcGeneratorParameters GetGeneratorParameters(uint level); /// /// The Process method processes the input data and produces 0 or more output bytes. This method must be called repeatedly /// until the BOOL pointed to by endOfOutput is set to TRUE. /// /// /// Set to TRUE when the input buffer pointed to by the inputBuffer parameter contains the remaining input available. /// /// Address of a BOOL that is set to TRUE when the processing is complete for all data. /// /// Address of an RdcBufferPointer structure that contains the input buffer. On successful return, the m_Used member of /// this structure will be filled with the number of bytes by this call. /// /// /// The number of levels of signatures to generate. This must match the number of levels specified when the generator was created. /// /// /// The address of an array of RdcBufferPointer structures that will receive the output buffers. The m_Used member of /// these structures will be filled with the number of bytes returned in the buffer. /// /// /// The address of an RDC_ErrorCode enumeration that is filled with an RDC specific error code if the return value from the /// Process method is E_FAIL. If this value is RDC_Win32ErrorCode, then the return value of the /// Process method contains the specific error code. /// // HRESULT Process( [in] BOOL endOfInput, // [out] BOOL *endOfOutput, [in, out] RdcBufferPointer *inputBuffer, [in] ULONG depth, [out] RdcBufferPointer * [] outputBuffers, // [out] RDC_ErrorCode *rdc_ErrorCode ); void Process([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool endOfInput, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] out bool endOfOutput, ref RdcBufferPointer inputBuffer, uint depth, [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 3)] IntPtr[] outputBuffers, out RDC_ErrorCode rdc_ErrorCode); } /// The IRdcGeneratorFilterMaxParameters interface sets and retrieves parameters used by the FilterMax generator. // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.IRdcGeneratorFilterMaxParameters")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A72-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(RdcGeneratorFilterMaxParameters))] public interface IRdcGeneratorFilterMaxParameters { /// /// The GetHorizonSize method returns the horizon size—the length over which the FilterMax generator looks for local /// maxima. This determines the default smallest size for a chunk. /// /// /// Address of a ULONG that will receive the length in bytes of the horizon size. The valid range is from /// MSRDC_MINIMUM_HORIZONSIZE to MSRDC_MAXIMUM_HORIZONSIZE. /// // HRESULT // GetHorizonSize( [out] ULONG *horizonSize ); uint GetHorizonSize(); /// /// The SetHorizonSize method sets the horizon size—the length over which the FilterMax generator looks for local maxima. /// This determines the default smallest size for a chunk. /// /// /// Specifies the length in bytes of the horizon size. The valid range is from MSRDC_MINIMUM_HORIZONSIZE to /// MSRDC_MAXIMUM_HORIZONSIZE. If this parameter is not set then a suitable default will be used. /// // HRESULT // SetHorizonSize( [in] ULONG horizonSize ); void SetHorizonSize(uint horizonSize); /// /// The GetHashWindowSize method returns the hash window size—the size of the sliding window used by the FilterMax /// generator for computing the hash used in the local maxima calculations. /// /// /// Address of a ULONG that will receive the length in bytes of the hash window size. The valid range is from /// MSRDC_MINIMUM_HASHWINDOWSIZE to MSRDC_MAXIMUM_HASHWINDOWSIZE. /// // HRESULT // GetHashWindowSize( [out] ULONG *hashWindowSize ); uint GetHashWindowSize(); /// /// The SetHashWindowSize method sets the hash window size—the size of the sliding window used by the FilterMax generator /// for computing the hash used in the local maxima calculations. /// /// /// The length in bytes of the hash window size. The valid range is from MSRDC_MINIMUM_HASHWINDOWSIZE to MSRDC_MAXIMUM_HASHWINDOWSIZE. /// // HRESULT // SetHashWindowSize( [in] ULONG hashWindowSize ); void SetHashWindowSize(uint hashWindowSize); } /// /// The IRdcGeneratorParameters interface is the generic interface for all types of generator parameters. All generator /// parameter objects must support this interface. /// // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.IRdcGeneratorParameters")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A71-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(RdcGeneratorParameters))] public interface IRdcGeneratorParameters { /// The GetGeneratorParametersType method returns the specific type of the parameters. /// The address of a GeneratorParametersType that will receive the type of the parameters. // HRESULT // GetGeneratorParametersType( [out] GeneratorParametersType *parametersType ); GeneratorParametersType GetGeneratorParametersType(); /// The GetParametersVersion method returns information about the version of RDC used to serialize the parameters. /// /// Address of a ULONG that will receive the version of RDC used to serialize the parameters for this object. This /// corresponds to the MSRDC_VERSION constant. /// /// /// Address of a ULONG that will receive the version of RDC that is compatible with the serialized parameters. This /// corresponds to the MSRDC_MINIMUM_COMPATIBLE_APP_VERSION constant. /// // HRESULT // GetParametersVersion( [out] ULONG *currentVersion, [out] ULONG *minimumCompatibleAppVersion ); void GetParametersVersion(out uint currentVersion, out uint minimumCompatibleAppVersion); /// The GetSerializeSize method returns the size, in bytes, of the serialized parameter data. /// /// Address of a ULONG that on successful completion is filled with the size, in bytes, of the serialized parameter data. /// // HRESULT // GetSerializeSize( [out] ULONG *size ); uint GetSerializeSize(); /// /// The Serialize method serializes the parameter data into a block of memory. This allows the parameters to be stored or transmitted. /// /// The size of the buffer pointed to by the parametersBlob parameter. /// The address of a buffer to receive the serialized parameter data. /// /// Address of a ULONG that on successful completion is filled with the size, in bytes, of the serialized parameter data /// written to the buffer pointed to by the parametersBlob parameter. /// // HRESULT Serialize( [in] // ULONG size, [out] BYTE *parametersBlob, [out] ULONG *bytesWritten ); void Serialize(uint size, out byte parametersBlob, out uint bytesWritten); } /// The IRdcLibrary interface is the primary interface for using RDC. // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.IRdcLibrary")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A78-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(RdcLibrary))] public interface IRdcLibrary { /// /// The ComputeDefaultRecursionDepth method computes the maximum level of recursion for the specified file size. The depth /// returned by the method may be larger than MSRDC_MAXIMUM_DEPTH. The caller must compare the value returned through the /// depth parameter with MSRDC_MAXIMUM_DEPTH. /// /// The approximate size of the file. /// Pointer to a ULONG that will receive the suggested maximum recursion depth. // HRESULT // ComputeDefaultRecursionDepth( [in] ULONGLONG fileSize, [out] ULONG *depth ); uint ComputeDefaultRecursionDepth(ulong fileSize); /// /// The CreateGeneratorParameters method returns an IRdcGeneratorParameters interface pointer initialized with the /// parameters necessary for a signature generator. /// /// /// Specifies the type of signature generator for the created parameters, enumerated by the GeneratorParametersType enumeration. /// The initial release of RDC only supports one type, RDCGENTYPE_FilterMax. /// /// /// The recursion level for this parameter block. A parameter block is needed for each level of generated signatures. The valid /// range is from MSRDC_MINIMUM_DEPTH to MSRDC_MAXIMUM_DEPTH. /// /// /// Pointer to a location that will receive an IRdcGeneratorParameters interface pointer. On a successful return the interface /// will be initialized on return. Callers must release the interface. /// // HRESULT // CreateGeneratorParameters( [in] GeneratorParametersType parametersType, [in] ULONG level, [out] IRdcGeneratorParameters // **iGeneratorParameters ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IRdcGeneratorParameters CreateGeneratorParameters(GeneratorParametersType parametersType, uint level); /// /// The OpenGeneratorParameters method opens an existing serialized parameter block and returns an IRdcGeneratorParameters /// interface pointer initialized with the data. /// /// The size, in bytes, of the serialized parameter block. /// Pointer to a serialized parameter block. /// /// Pointer to a location that will receive the returned IRdcGeneratorParameters interface pointer. Callers must release the interface. /// /// To create a serialized parameter block, use the IRdcGeneratorParameters::Serialize method. // HRESULT // OpenGeneratorParameters( [in] ULONG size, [in] const BYTE *parametersBlob, [out] IRdcGeneratorParameters // **iGeneratorParameters ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IRdcGeneratorParameters OpenGeneratorParameters(uint size, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 0)] byte[] parametersBlob); /// The CreateGenerator method creates a signature generator that will generate the specified levels of signatures. /// /// The number of levels of signatures to generate. The valid range is from MSRDC_MINIMUM_DEPTH to MSRDC_MAXIMUM_DEPTH. /// /// /// Pointer to an array of initialized IRdcGeneratorParameters interface pointers. Each IRdcGeneratorParameters interface /// pointer would have been initialized by IRdcLibrary::CreateGeneratorParameters or IRdcGenerator::GetGeneratorParameters. /// /// /// Pointer to a location that will receive the returned IRdcGenerator interface pointer. Callers must release the interface. /// // HRESULT CreateGenerator( [in] // ULONG depth, [in] IRdcGeneratorParameters * [] iGeneratorParametersArray, [out] IRdcGenerator **iGenerator ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IRdcGenerator CreateGenerator(uint depth, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.Interface, SizeParamIndex = 0)] IRdcGeneratorParameters[] iGeneratorParametersArray); /// The CreateComparator method creates a signature comparator. /// An IRdcFileReader interface pointer initialized to read the seed signatures. /// /// Specifies the size of the comparator buffer. The range is from MSRDC_MINIMUM_COMPAREBUFFER to MSRDC_MAXIMUM_COMPAREBUFFER. /// MSRDC_MINIMUM_COMPAREBUFFER (100000) /// Minimum size of a comparator buffer. /// MSRDC_DEFAULT_COMPAREBUFFER (3200000) /// Default size of a comparator buffer. Used if zero (0) is passed for comparatorBufferSize. /// MSRDC_MAXIMUM_COMPAREBUFFER (1073741824) /// Maximum size of a comparator buffer. (1<<30) /// /// /// Pointer to a location that will receive an IRdcComparator interface pointer. On a successful return the interface will be /// initialized on return. Callers must release the interface. /// /// The caller must create a separate signature comparator for each level of recursion. // HRESULT CreateComparator( [in] // IRdcFileReader *iSeedSignaturesFile, [in] ULONG comparatorBufferSize, [out] IRdcComparator **iComparator ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IRdcComparator CreateComparator([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IRdcFileReader iSeedSignaturesFile, [Optional] uint comparatorBufferSize); /// /// The CreateSignatureReader method creates a signature reader to allow an application to decode the contents of a /// signature file. /// /// An IRdcFileReader interface pointer initialized to read the signatures. /// /// Pointer to a location that will receive an IRdcSignatureReader interface pointer. On a successful return the interface will /// be initialized on return. Callers must release the interface. /// // HRESULT // CreateSignatureReader( [in] IRdcFileReader *iFileReader, [out] IRdcSignatureReader **iSignatureReader ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IRdcSignatureReader CreateSignatureReader([In] IRdcFileReader iFileReader); /// /// The GetRDCVersion method retrieves the version of the installed RDC runtime and the oldest version of the RDC /// interfaces supported by the installed runtime. /// /// /// Address of a ULONG that will receive the installed version of RDC. This corresponds to the MSRDC_VERSION value. /// /// /// Address of a ULONG that will receive the oldest version of RDC supported by the installed version of RDC. This /// corresponds to the MSRDC_MINIMUM_COMPATIBLE_APP_VERSION value. /// // HRESULT GetRDCVersion( [out] ULONG // *currentVersion, [out] ULONG *minimumCompatibleAppVersion ); void GetRDCVersion(out uint currentVersion, out uint minimumCompatibleAppVersion); } /// The IRdcSignatureReader interface reads the signatures and the parameters used to generate the signatures. // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.IRdcSignatureReader")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A76-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(RdcSignatureReader))] public interface IRdcSignatureReader { /// /// The ReadHeader method reads the signature header and returns a copy of the parameters used to generate the signatures. /// /// Address of a RDC_ErrorCode enumeration that will receive any RDC-specific error code. // HRESULT ReadHeader( [out] // RDC_ErrorCode *rdc_ErrorCode ); RDC_ErrorCode ReadHeader(); /// The ReadSignatures method reads a block of signatures from the current position. /// /// Address of a RdcSignaturePointer structure. On input the m_Size member of this structure must contain the number of /// RdcSignature structures in the array pointed to by the m_Data member, and the m_Used member must be zero. On /// output the m_Used member will contain the number of RdcSignature structures in the array pointed to by the /// m_Data member. /// /// Address of a BOOL that is set to TRUE if the end of the signatures has been read. // HRESULT ReadSignatures( // [in, out] RdcSignaturePointer *rdcSignaturePointer, [out] BOOL *endOfOutput ); void ReadSignatures(ref RdcSignaturePointer rdcSignaturePointer, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] out bool endOfOutput); } /// /// Defines methods for enabling the signature generator to generate similarity data and for retrieving the similarity data after it /// is generated. /// // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.IRdcSimilarityGenerator")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A80-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(RdcSimilarityGenerator))] public interface IRdcSimilarityGenerator { /// /// Enables the signature generator to generate similarity data. /// /// The EnableSimilarity method must be called before the IRdcGenerator::Process method is called to begin generating /// signatures. Otherwise, this method will return an error. /// /// // HRESULT EnableSimilarity(); void EnableSimilarity(); /// /// Retrieves the similarity data that was generated for a file by the signature generator. /// /// This method cannot be called until signature generation is completed. For more information, see the endOfOutput /// parameter of the IRdcGenerator::Process method. /// /// /// A pointer to a SimilarityData structure that will receive the similarity data. // HRESULT Results( [out] // SimilarityData *similarityData ); SimilarityData Results(); } /// Defines methods for storing and retrieving per-file similarity data and file IDs in a similarity file. // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.ISimilarity")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A83-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(Similarity))] public interface ISimilarity { /// Creates or opens a similarity traits table and a similarity file ID table. /// /// A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the file that will contain the tables. The similarity traits /// table and the similarity file ID table will be created in two alternate file streams of this file. For more information, see /// the path parameter of the ISimilarityFileIdTable::CreateTable and ISimilarityTraitsTable::CreateTable methods. /// /// /// TRUE if a new similarity traits table and a new similarity file ID table should always be created or truncated. If /// FALSE is specified and these tables exist and are valid, they may be used; otherwise, if one of the tables is not /// valid or does not exist, any existing tables are overwritten. /// /// /// A pointer to a security descriptor to use when opening the file. If this parameter is NULL, the file is assigned a /// default security descriptor. The access control lists (ACL) in the file's default security descriptor are inherited from the /// file's parent directory. For more information, see the lpSecurityAttributes parameter of the CreateFile function. /// /// /// The size, in bytes, of each file ID to be stored in the similarity file id table. All similarity file IDs must be the same /// size. The valid range is from SimilarityFileIdMinSize to SimilarityFileIdMaxSize. If existing tables are being /// opened, the value of this parameter must match the file ID size of the existing similarity file ID table. Otherwise, the /// existing tables are assumed to be not valid and will be overwritten. /// /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives an RdcCreatedTables enumeration value that describes the state of the tables. If new /// tables are created, this variable receives RDCTABLE_New. If existing tables are used, this variable receives /// RDCTABLE_Existing. If this method fails, this variable receives RDCTABLE_InvalidOrUnknown. /// /// /// If one of the tables can be created or opened successfully, but the other one cannot, both tables are marked as not valid, /// and the variable that the isNew parameter points to receives RDCTABLE_InvalidOrUnknown. /// // HRESULT CreateTable( [in] wchar_t // *path, [in] BOOL truncate, [in] BYTE *securityDescriptor, [in] DWORD recordSize, [out] RdcCreatedTables *isNew ); void CreateTable([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string path, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool truncate, [In, Optional] IntPtr securityDescriptor, uint recordSize, out RdcCreatedTables isNew); /// /// Creates or opens a similarity traits table and a similarity file ID table using the RDC application's implementations of the /// ISimilarityTraitsMapping and IRdcFileWriter interfaces. /// /// /// An ISimilarityTraitsMapping interface pointer initialized to write the similarity traits table to the file. /// /// An IRdcFileWriter interface pointer initialized to write the file ID table to the file. /// /// TRUE if a new similarity traits table and a new similarity file ID table should always be created or truncated. If /// FALSE is specified and these tables exist and are valid, they may be used; otherwise, if one of the tables is not /// valid or does not exist, any existing tables are overwritten. /// /// /// The size, in bytes, of each file ID to be stored in the similarity file ID table. All similarity file IDs must be the same /// size. The valid range is from SimilarityFileIdMinSize to SimilarityFileIdMaxSize. If existing tables are being /// opened, the value of this parameter must match the file ID size of the existing similarity file ID table. Otherwise, the /// existing tables are assumed to be not valid and will be overwritten. /// /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives an RdcCreatedTables enumeration value that describes the state of the tables. If new /// tables are created, this variable receives RDCTABLE_New. If existing tables are used, this variable receives /// RDCTABLE_Existing. If this method fails, this variable receives RDCTABLE_InvalidOrUnknown. /// /// /// If one of the tables can be created or opened successfully, but the other one cannot, both tables are marked as not valid, /// and the variable that the isNew parameter points to receives RDCTABLE_InvalidOrUnknown. /// // HRESULT CreateTableIndirect( // [in] ISimilarityTraitsMapping *mapping, [in] IRdcFileWriter *fileIdFile, [in] BOOL truncate, [in] DWORD recordSize, [out] // RdcCreatedTables *isNew ); void CreateTableIndirect([In] ISimilarityTraitsMapping mapping, [In] IRdcFileWriter fileIdFile, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool truncate, uint recordSize, out RdcCreatedTables isNew); /// Closes the tables in a similarity file. /// /// FALSE if the similarity traits table and similarity file ID table should be deleted when they are closed; otherwise, TRUE. /// /// /// /// If FALSE is specified for the isValid parameter, only the tables are deleted; the similarity file is not /// deleted. The caller is responsible for deleting the similarity file. /// /// When the CloseTable method returns, the tables are always closed, even if this method returns an error code. /// // HRESULT CloseTable( [in] BOOL isValid ); void CloseTable([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool isValid); /// Adds the file ID and similarity data information to the tables in the similarity file. /// A pointer to the SimilarityFileId structure to be added to the similarity file ID table. /// A pointer to the SimilarityData structure to be added to the similarity traits table. /// /// If this method fails, the similarity file ID table and the similarity traits table are marked as corrupted and must be /// rebuilt by the application. The application must close the corrupted tables and create new tables. /// // HRESULT Append( [in] SimilarityFileId // *similarityFileId, [in] SimilarityData *similarityData ); void Append(in SimilarityFileId similarityFileId, in SimilarityData similarityData); /// Returns a list of files that are similar to a given file. /// A pointer to a SimilarityData structure that contains similarity information for the file. /// TBD /// /// The number of file IDs that can be stored in the IFindSimilarResults object that the findSimilarResults parameter /// points to. /// /// /// A pointer to a location that will receive the returned IFindSimilarResults interface pointer. The caller must release this /// interface when it is no longer needed. /// /// /// The file IDs that are returned in the findSimilarResults parameter may include IDs of files that have been deleted. /// // HRESULT FindSimilarFileId( // [in] SimilarityData *similarityData, USHORT numberOfMatchesRequired, [in] DWORD resultsSize, [out, optional] // IFindSimilarResults **findSimilarResults ); IFindSimilarResults FindSimilarFileId(in SimilarityData similarityData, ushort numberOfMatchesRequired, uint resultsSize); /// /// /// Creates copies of an existing similarity traits table and an existing similarity file ID table, swaps the internal pointers, /// and deletes the existing tables. /// /// /// After the CopyAndSwap method returns, the application continues to use the same ISimilarity object that it used before /// calling this method. However, the ISimilarity object is now associated with a different similarity file on disk. /// /// /// /// An optional pointer to a temporary ISimilarity object that is used to create temporary copies of the tables. Before calling /// the CopyAndSwap method, the caller must call the CreateTable method to create the temporary tables. On return, the /// caller must call the CloseTable method to close the temporary tables. /// /// /// An optional pointer to an ISimilarityReportProgress object that will receive information on the progress of the copy-and-swap /// operation and allow the application to stop the copy operation. The caller must release this interface when it is no longer needed. /// // HRESULT CopyAndSwap( [in, optional] // ISimilarity *newSimilarityTables, [in, optional] ISimilarityReportProgress *reportProgress ); void CopyAndSwap([In] ISimilarity newSimilarityTables, [In] ISimilarityReportProgress reportProgress); /// Retrieves the number of records that are stored in the similarity file ID table in a similarity file. /// A pointer to a variable that receives the number of records. // HRESULT GetRecordCount( [out] // DWORD *recordCount ); uint GetRecordCount(); } /// Defines methods for storing and retrieving similarity file ID information. // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.ISimilarityFileIdTable")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A7F-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(SimilarityFileIdTable))] public interface ISimilarityFileIdTable { /// Creates or opens a similarity file ID table. /// /// A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the file that will contain the similarity file ID table. The /// alternate stream name ":FileId" will be appended to the end of this file name. For more information, see Naming a File. /// /// /// TRUE if a new similarity file ID table should always be created or truncated. If FALSE is specified and the /// table exists and is valid, it may be used; otherwise, if the table is not valid or does not exist, the existing table is overwritten. /// /// /// A pointer to a security descriptor to use when opening the file. If this parameter is NULL, the file is assigned a /// default security descriptor. The access control lists (ACL) in the file's default security descriptor are inherited from the /// file's parent directory. For more information, see the lpSecurityAttributes parameter of the CreateFile function. /// /// /// The size, in bytes, of the file IDs that will be stored in the similarity file ID table. All file IDs must be the same size. /// The valid range is from SimilarityFileIdMinSize to SimilarityFileIdMaxSize. If an existing similarity file ID /// table is being opened, the value of this parameter must match the file ID size of the existing table. Otherwise, the existing /// table is assumed to be not valid and will be overwritten. /// /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives an RdcCreatedTables enumeration value that describes the state of the similarity file /// ID table. If a new table is created, this variable receives RDCTABLE_New. If an existing table is used, this variable /// receives RDCTABLE_Existing. If this method fails, this variable receives RDCTABLE_InvalidOrUnknown. /// /// /// If an existing table is being opened, the table must be valid, and the value of the recordSize parameter must match /// the record size of the existing table. Otherwise, the existing table is overwritten, even if FALSE is specified for /// the truncate parameter. /// // HRESULT CreateTable( [in] // wchar_t *path, [in] BOOL truncate, [in] BYTE *securityDescriptor, [in] DWORD recordSize, [out] RdcCreatedTables *isNew ); void CreateTable([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string path, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool truncate, [In, Optional] IntPtr securityDescriptor, uint recordSize, out RdcCreatedTables isNew); /// /// Creates or opens a similarity file ID table using the RDC application's implementation of the IRdcFileWriter interface. /// /// An IRdcFileWriter interface pointer initialized to write the file ID table to the file. /// /// TRUE if a new similarity file ID table should always be created or truncated. If FALSE is specified and the /// table exists and is valid, it may be used; otherwise, if the table is not valid or does not exist, the existing table is overwritten. /// /// /// The size, in bytes, of the file IDs that will be stored in the similarity file ID table. All file IDs must be the same size. /// The valid range is from SimilarityFileIdMinSize to SimilarityFileIdMaxSize. If an existing similarity file ID /// table is being opened, the value of this parameter must match the file ID size of the existing table. Otherwise, the existing /// table is assumed to be not valid and will be overwritten. /// /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives an RdcCreatedTables enumeration value that describes the state of the similarity file /// ID table. If a new table is created, this variable receives RDCTABLE_New. If an existing table is used, this variable /// receives RDCTABLE_Existing. If this method fails, this variable receives RDCTABLE_InvalidOrUnknown. /// /// /// If an existing table is being opened, the table must be valid, and the value of the recordSize parameter must match /// the record size of the existing table. Otherwise, the existing table is overwritten, even if FALSE is specified for /// the truncate parameter. /// // HRESULT // CreateTableIndirect( [in] IRdcFileWriter *fileIdFile, [in] BOOL truncate, [in] DWORD recordSize, [out] RdcCreatedTables *isNew ); void CreateTableIndirect([In] IRdcFileWriter fileIdFile, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool truncate, uint recordSize, out RdcCreatedTables isNew); /// Closes a similarity file ID table. /// FALSE if the similarity file ID table should be deleted when it is closed; otherwise, TRUE. /// /// /// If FALSE is specified for the isValid parameter, only the table is deleted; the similarity file is not deleted. /// The caller is responsible for deleting the similarity file. /// /// When the CloseTable method returns, the table is always closed, even if this method returns an error code. /// // HRESULT CloseTable( BOOL // isValid ); void CloseTable([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool isValid); /// Adds the file ID to the similarity file ID table. /// The file ID to be added to the similarity file ID table. /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives the file index for the file ID's entry in the similarity file ID table. /// /// If the Append method fails, the similarity file ID table is marked as corrupted and must be rebuilt. // HRESULT Append( [in] // SimilarityFileId *similarityFileId, [out] SimilarityFileIndexT *similarityFileIndex ); void Append(in SimilarityFileId similarityFileId, out uint similarityFileIndex); /// Retrieves the file ID that corresponds to a given file index in the similarity file ID table. /// /// The file index that was previously returned for the file ID by the ISimilarityFileIdTable::Append method. /// /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives the file ID. If the file has been marked as not valid, the file ID receives zero. /// // HRESULT Lookup( [in] // SimilarityFileIndexT similarityFileIndex, [out] SimilarityFileId *similarityFileId ); SimilarityFileId Lookup([In] uint similarityFileIndex); /// /// Marks a file ID as not valid in the similarity file ID table. /// This method should be called for files that have been deleted or are otherwise no longer available. /// /// The index of the file ID's entry in the similarity file ID table. /// /// The file ID is marked as not valid by setting the contents of the corresponding SimilarityFileId structure to all zeros. A /// file ID that is marked as not valid will not be included in the results that are returned by the /// ISimilarity::FindSimilarFileId method. /// // HRESULT Invalidate( [in] // SimilarityFileIndexT similarityFileIndex ); void Invalidate([In] uint similarityFileIndex); /// Retrieves the number of records that are stored in a similarity file ID table. /// A pointer to a variable that receives the number of records. // HRESULT // GetRecordCount( [out] DWORD *recordCount ); uint GetRecordCount(); } /// Defines a method for RDC to report the current completion percentage of a similarity operation. // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.ISimilarityReportProgress")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A7A-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(SimilarityReportProgress))] public interface ISimilarityReportProgress { /// Reports the current completion percentage of a similarity operation in progress. /// The current completion percentage of the task. The valid range is from 0 through 100. /// If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. /// /// /// The ISimilarity::CopyAndSwap method calls the ReportProgress method to report the progress of the copy-and-swap /// operation. To receive the progress information, RDC applications must implement this method. /// /// /// No guarantee is made as to how frequently this method is called, nor that it will be called with any specific values for the /// percentCompleted parameter. For example, the percentCompleted parameter may not start at zero and may never /// reach 100, and it may receive the same value more than once. However, each value is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to /// the previous value. /// /// /// If the application returns an error code such as E_FAIL, the similarity operation is stopped, and the error code is propagated. /// /// // HRESULT // ReportProgress( [in] DWORD percentCompleted ); [PreserveSig] HRESULT ReportProgress(uint percentCompleted); } /// /// Provides a method for retrieving information from the similarity traits list that was returned by the /// ISimilarityTraitsTable::BeginDump method. /// // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.ISimilarityTableDumpState")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A7B-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(SimilarityTableDumpState))] public interface ISimilarityTableDumpState { /// /// Retrieves one or more SimilarityDumpData structures from the similarity traits list that was returned by the /// ISimilarityTraitsTable::BeginDump method. /// /// /// The number of SimilarityDumpData structures that can be stored in the buffer that the results parameter points to. /// /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives the number of SimilarityDumpData structures that were returned in the buffer that the /// results parameter points to. /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives TRUE if the end of the file is reached; otherwise, FALSE. /// A pointer to a buffer that receives the SimilarityDumpData structures. // HRESULT GetNextData( // [in] DWORD resultsSize, [out] DWORD *resultsUsed, [out] BOOL *eof, [in, out] SimilarityDumpData *results ); void GetNextData(uint resultsSize, out uint resultsUsed, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] out bool eof, ref SimilarityDumpData results); } /// /// Provides methods that an RDC application can implement for manipulating a mapped view of a similarity traits table file. /// /// This interface is used together with the ISimilarityTraitsMapping interface to allow the application to provide the I/O services /// needed by the ISimilarityTraitsTable and ISimilarity interfaces. The implementation model is based on memory mapped files, but /// the interface is rich enough to support other models as well, such as memory-only arrays or traditional file accesses. /// /// /// A mapped view is used to map an area of the entire file into a contiguous block of memory. This mapping is valid until the view /// is changed or unmapped. A possible implementation would call the ReadFile function when the view is mapped (see the Get method), /// and would then write the changes back to disk when the view is changed (see Get) or released (see the Unmap method). /// /// /// There can be multiple overlapping read-only mapped views of the same area of a file, and one or more read-only views can overlap /// a read/write view, but there can be only one read/write view of a given area of a file. /// /// // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.ISimilarityTraitsMappedView")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A7C-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(SimilarityTraitsMappedView))] public interface ISimilarityTraitsMappedView { /// Writes to the disk any dirty pages within a mapped view of a similarity traits table file. // HRESULT Flush(); void Flush(); /// /// Unmaps a mapped view of a similarity traits table file. The view, if any, is not dirty or does not otherwise need to be /// flushed to disk. /// // HRESULT Unmap(); void Unmap(); /// Returns information about the mapped view of a similarity traits table file. /// Beginning file offset, in bytes, of the underlying file data to be mapped in the mapped view. /// /// If TRUE is specified, the data in the currently mapped view has been changed; otherwise, the data has not changed. /// This parameter can be used to determine if data may need to be written to disk. /// /// Minimum number of bytes of data to be mapped in the mapped view. /// /// Pointer to a location that receives a SimilarityMappedViewInfo structure containing information about the mapped view. /// /// /// At least numElements bytes must be available in the mapped view, but depending on the application, more bytes may /// actually be mapped. The data must be 8-byte aligned relative to the file offset. For example, the data at file offset 0x8001 /// must be mapped to some memory location whose address modulo 8 is 1. /// // HRESULT Get( [in] unsigned // __int64 index, [in] BOOL dirty, [in] DWORD numElements, [out] SimilarityMappedViewInfo *viewInfo ); SimilarityMappedViewInfo Get([In] ulong index, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool dirty, uint numElements); /// Returns the beginning and ending addresses for the mapped view of a similarity traits table file. /// Pointer to a location that receives the start of the data that is mapped for this view. /// Pointer to a location that receives the end of the data that is mapped for this view, plus one. /// None /// /// If there is no mapped view, then must be set to zero. Otherwise, is set to a valid pointer, and equals the size, in bytes, of /// the mapped area. /// // void GetView( [out] // const unsigned char **mappedPageBegin, [out] const unsigned char **mappedPageEnd ); [PreserveSig] void GetView(out IntPtr mappedPageBegin, out IntPtr mappedPageEnd); } /// /// /// Provides methods that an RDC application can implement for creating and manipulating a file mapping object for a similarity /// traits table file. /// /// /// This interface is used together with the ISimilarityTraitsMappedView interface to allow the application to provide the I/O /// services needed by the ISimilarityTraitsTable and ISimilarity interfaces. The implementation model is based on memory mapped /// files, but the interface is rich enough to support other models as well, such as memory-only arrays or traditional file accesses. /// /// /// This interface is used to represent the file on which multiple read-only or read/write views can be created. There can be /// multiple overlapping read-only mapped views of the same area of a file, and one or more read-only views can overlap a read/write /// view, but there can be only one read/write view of a given area of a file. /// /// // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.ISimilarityTraitsMapping")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A7D-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(SimilarityTraitsMapping))] public interface ISimilarityTraitsMapping { /// Closes a file mapping object for a similarity traits table file. /// None /// /// Note that there may still be valid views open on the file. No new views may be created after the mapping is closed, but /// existing views continue to work. /// // void CloseMapping(); [PreserveSig] void CloseMapping(); /// Sets the size of a similarity traits table file. /// Pointer to a location that specifies the file size, in bytes. // HRESULT SetFileSize( // [in] unsigned __int64 fileSize ); void SetFileSize([In] ulong fileSize); /// Returns the size of a similarity traits table file. /// Pointer to a location that receives the file size, in bytes. // HRESULT GetFileSize( // [out] unsigned __int64 *fileSize ); ulong GetFileSize(); /// Opens the file mapping object for a similarity traits table file. /// RdcMappingAccessMode enumeration value that specifies the desired access to the file mapping object. /// File offset, in bytes, where the file mapping is to begin. /// File offset, in bytes, where the file mapping is to end. /// /// Pointer to a location that receives the file offset, in bytes, of the actual end of the file mapping, rounded up to the /// nearest block size. /// // HRESULT OpenMapping( // [in] RdcMappingAccessMode accessMode, [in] unsigned __int64 begin, [in] unsigned __int64 end, [out] unsigned __int64 // *actualEnd ); void OpenMapping([In] RdcMappingAccessMode accessMode, [In] ulong begin, [In] ulong end, out ulong actualEnd); /// Resizes the file mapping object for a similarity traits table file. /// RdcMappingAccessMode enumeration value that specifies the desired access to the file mapping object. /// File offset, in bytes, where the file mapping is to begin. /// File offset, in bytes, where the file mapping is to end. /// /// Pointer to a location that receives the file offset, in bytes, of the actual end of the file mapping, rounded up to the /// nearest block size. /// // HRESULT // ResizeMapping( [in] RdcMappingAccessMode accessMode, [in] unsigned __int64 begin, [in] unsigned __int64 end, [out] unsigned // __int64 *actualEnd ); void ResizeMapping([In] RdcMappingAccessMode accessMode, [In] ulong begin, [In] ulong end, out ulong actualEnd); /// Returns the page size (disk block size) for a similarity traits table file. /// /// Pointer to a location that receives the page size, in bytes. This page size must be at least 65536 bytes. /// /// None // void GetPageSize( [out] // DWORD *pageSize ); [PreserveSig] void GetPageSize(out uint pageSize); /// Maps a view of the file mapping for a similarity traits table file. /// Minimum number of pages of the file mapping to map to the view. /// RdcMappingAccessMode enumeration value that specifies the desired access to the file mapping object. /// /// Pointer to a location that will receive the returned ISimilarityTraitsMappedView interface pointer. Callers must release the interface. /// /// Data accessed through read-only views will never be modified. // HRESULT CreateView( [in] // DWORD minimumMappedPages, [in] RdcMappingAccessMode accessMode, [out] ISimilarityTraitsMappedView **mappedView ); ISimilarityTraitsMappedView CreateView(uint minimumMappedPages, [In] RdcMappingAccessMode accessMode); } /// Defines methods for storing per-file similarity data and performing similarity lookups. // [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NN:msrdc.ISimilarityTraitsTable")] [ComImport, Guid("96236A7E-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(SimilarityTraitsTable))] public interface ISimilarityTraitsTable { /// Creates or opens a similarity traits table. /// /// A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the file that will contain the similarity traits table. The /// alternate stream name ":Traits" will be appended to the end of this file name. For more information, see Naming a File. /// /// /// TRUE if a new similarity traits table should always be created or truncated. If FALSE is specified and the /// table exists and is valid, it may be used; otherwise, if the table is not valid or does not exist, the existing table is overwritten. /// /// /// A pointer to a security descriptor to use when opening the file. If this parameter is NULL, the file is assigned a /// default security descriptor. The access control lists (ACL) in the file's default security descriptor are inherited from the /// file's parent directory. For more information, see the lpSecurityAttributes parameter of the CreateFile function. /// /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives an RdcCreatedTables enumeration value that describes the state of the similarity traits /// table. If a new table is created, this variable receives RDCTABLE_New. If an existing table is used, this variable /// receives RDCTABLE_Existing. If this method fails, this variable receives RDCTABLE_InvalidOrUnknown. /// /// /// If an existing similarity traits table is being opened, the table must be valid. Otherwise, the existing table is /// overwritten, even if FALSE is specified for the truncate parameter. /// // HRESULT CreateTable( [in] // wchar_t *path, [in] BOOL truncate, [in] BYTE *securityDescriptor, [out] RdcCreatedTables *isNew ); RdcCreatedTables CreateTable([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string path, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool truncate, [In, Optional] IntPtr securityDescriptor); /// /// Creates or opens a similarity traits table using the RDC application's implementation of the ISimilarityTraitsMapping interface. /// /// /// An ISimilarityTraitsMapping interface pointer initialized to write the similarity traits table to the file. /// /// /// TRUE if a new similarity traits table should always be created or truncated. If FALSE is specified and the /// table exists and is valid, it may be used; otherwise, if the table is not valid or does not exist, the existing table is overwritten. /// /// /// A pointer to a variable that receives an RdcCreatedTables enumeration value that describes the state of the similarity traits /// table. If a new table is created, this variable receives RDCTABLE_New. If an existing table is used, this variable /// receives RDCTABLE_Existing. If this method fails, this variable receives RDCTABLE_InvalidOrUnknown. /// /// /// If an existing similarity traits table is being opened, the table must be valid. Otherwise, the existing table is /// overwritten, even if FALSE is specified for the truncate parameter. /// // HRESULT // CreateTableIndirect( [in] ISimilarityTraitsMapping *mapping, [in] BOOL truncate, [out] RdcCreatedTables *isNew ); RdcCreatedTables CreateTableIndirect([In] ISimilarityTraitsMapping mapping, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool truncate); /// Closes a similarity traits table. /// FALSE if the similarity traits table should be deleted when it is closed; otherwise, TRUE. /// /// /// If FALSE is specified for the isValid parameter, only the table is deleted; the similarity file is not deleted. /// The caller is responsible for deleting the similarity file. /// /// When the CloseTable method returns, the table is always closed, even if this method returns an error code. /// // HRESULT CloseTable( [in] // BOOL isValid ); void CloseTable([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool isValid); /// Adds a SimilarityData structure to the similarity traits table. /// The SimilarityData structure to be added to the similarity traits table. /// The index in the similarity traits table where the SimilarityData structure is to be inserted. /// /// The application must supply fileIndex values that are greater than zero and are always increasing. Otherwise, this /// method returns the E_INVALIDARG error code. /// // HRESULT Append( [in] // SimilarityData *data, [in] SimilarityFileIndexT fileIndex ); void Append(in SimilarityData data, uint fileIndex); /// /// Returns a list of files that are similar to a given file. The results in the list are sorted in order of similarity, /// beginning with the most similar file. /// /// A pointer to a SimilarityData structure that contains similarity information for the file. /// TBD /// /// A pointer to a buffer that receives an array of FindSimilarFileIndexResults structures that contain the requested information. /// /// /// The number of FindSimilarFileIndexResults structures that can be stored in the buffer that the /// findSimilarFileIndexResults parameter points to. /// /// /// The number of FindSimilarFileIndexResults structures that were returned in the buffer that the /// findSimilarFileIndexResults parameter points to. /// /// /// The list of files that is returned in the findSimilarFileIndexResults parameter may include files that have been deleted. /// // HRESULT // FindSimilarFileIndex( [in] SimilarityData *similarityData, USHORT numberOfMatchesRequired, [out] FindSimilarFileIndexResults // *findSimilarFileIndexResults, [in] DWORD resultsSize, [out] DWORD *resultsUsed ); void FindSimilarFileIndex(in SimilarityData similarityData, ushort numberOfMatchesRequired, out FindSimilarFileIndexResults findSimilarFileIndexResults, uint resultsSize, out uint resultsUsed); /// Retrieves similarity data from the similarity traits table. /// /// An optional pointer to a location that will receive the returned ISimilarityTableDumpState interface pointer. The caller must /// release this interface when it is no longer needed. /// /// /// The BeginDump method is used for debugging and garbage collection. It returns an interface pointer to an iterator /// object that allows the application to efficiently dump all of the entries in the similarity traits table. /// // HRESULT BeginDump( [out, // optional] ISimilarityTableDumpState **similarityTableDumpState ); ISimilarityTableDumpState BeginDump(); /// Retrieves the index of the last entry that was stored in the similarity traits table. /// A pointer to a variable that receives the index of the last entry. // HRESULT GetLastIndex( // [out] SimilarityFileIndexT *fileIndex ); uint GetLastIndex(); } /// /// Contains the file index information that the ISimilarityTraitsTable::FindSimilarFileIndex method returned for a matching file. /// // typedef struct // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0013 { SimilarityFileIndexT m_FileIndex; unsigned int m_MatchCount; } FindSimilarFileIndexResults; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0013")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct FindSimilarFileIndexResults { /// The index of the matching file in the similarity traits table. public uint m_FileIndex; /// The number of traits that were matched. The valid range is from MSRDC_MINIMUM_MATCHESREQUIRED to MSRDC_MAXIMUM_MATCHESREQUIRED. public uint m_MatchCount; } /// The RdcBufferPointer structure describes a buffer. // typedef struct // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0005 { ULONG m_Size; ULONG m_Used; BYTE *m_Data; } RdcBufferPointer; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0005")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct RdcBufferPointer { /// Size, in bytes, of the buffer. public uint m_Size; /// /// For input buffers, IRdcComparator::Process and IRdcGenerator::Process will store here how much (if any) of the buffer was /// used during processing. /// public uint m_Used; /// Pointer to the buffer. public IntPtr m_Data; } /// The RdcNeed structure contains information about a chunk that is required to synchronize two sets of data. // typedef struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0004 { // RdcNeedType m_BlockType; unsigned __int64 m_FileOffset; unsigned __int64 m_BlockLength; } RdcNeed; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0004")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct RdcNeed { /// Describes the type of data needed—source data or seed data. public RdcNeedType m_BlockType; /// Offset, in bytes, from the start of the data where the chunk should be copied from. public ulong m_FileOffset; /// Length, in bytes, of the chunk of data that is to be copied to the target data. public ulong m_BlockLength; } /// /// The RdcNeedPointer structure describes an array of RdcNeed structures. The RdcNeedPointer structure is used as both /// input and output by the IRdcComparator::Process method. /// // typedef struct // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0006 { ULONG m_Size; ULONG m_Used; RdcNeed *m_Data; } RdcNeedPointer; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0006")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct RdcNeedPointer { /// Contains the number of RdcNeed structures in array pointed to by m_Data. public uint m_Size; /// /// When the structure is passed to the IRdcComparator::Process method, this member should be zero. On return this member will /// contain the number of RdcNeed structures that were filled with data. /// public uint m_Used; /// /// Address of array of structures that describe the chunks required from the source and seed data. /// public IntPtr m_Data; /// Array of structures that describe the chunks required from the source and seed data. public SafeNativeArray Data { get => new(m_Data, (int)m_Size, false); set => m_Data = value; } } /// The RdcSignature structure contains a single signature and the length of the chunk used to generate it. // typedef struct // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0007 { BYTE m_Signature[16]; USHORT m_BlockLength; } RdcSignature; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0007")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct RdcSignature { /// Signature of a chunk of data. [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)] public byte[] m_Signature; /// Length of the chunk represented by this signature. public ushort m_BlockLength; } /// /// The RdcSignaturePointer structure describes an array of RdcSignature structures. The RdcSignaturePointer structure /// is used as both input and output by the IRdcSignatureReader::ReadSignatures method. /// // typedef struct // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0008 { ULONG m_Size; ULONG m_Used; RdcSignature *m_Data; } RdcSignaturePointer; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0008")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct RdcSignaturePointer { /// Contains the number of RdcSignature structures in array pointed to by m_Data. public uint m_Size; /// /// When the structure is passed to the IRdcSignatureReader::ReadSignatures method, this member should be zero. On return this /// member will contain the number of RdcSignature structures that were filled. /// public uint m_Used; /// Address of an array of structures. public IntPtr m_Data; /// An array of structures. public SafeNativeArray Data { get => new(m_Data, (int)m_Size, false); set => m_Data = value; } } /// Contains the similarity data for a file. // typedef struct // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0012 { unsigned char m_Data[16]; } SimilarityData; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0012")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SimilarityData { /// The similarity data for the file. [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)] public byte[] m_Data; } /// Contains the similarity information that was returned for a file by the ISimilarityTableDumpState::GetNextData method. // typedef struct // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0014 { SimilarityFileIndexT m_FileIndex; SimilarityData m_Data; } SimilarityDumpData; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0014")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SimilarityDumpData { /// The index of the SimilarityData structure in the similarity traits table. public uint m_FileIndex; /// A SimilarityData structure that contains the similarity data for the file. public SimilarityData m_Data; } /// Contains the similarity file ID for a file. // typedef struct // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0015 { byte m_FileId[32]; } SimilarityFileId; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0015")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SimilarityFileId { /// The similarity file ID for the file. [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32)] public byte[] m_FileId; } /// Contains information about a similarity mapped view. // typedef struct // __MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0011 { unsigned char *m_Data; DWORD m_Length; } SimilarityMappedViewInfo; [PInvokeData("msrdc.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:msrdc.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_msrdc_0000_0000_0011")] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SimilarityMappedViewInfo { /// The mapped view information. public IntPtr m_Data; /// Size, in bytes, of the mapped view information. public uint m_Length; } /// CLSID_FindSimilarResults [ComImport, Guid("96236A93-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class FindSimilarResults { } /// CLSID_RdcComparator [ComImport, Guid("96236A8B-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class RdcComparator { } /// CLSID_RdcFileReader [ComImport, Guid("96236A89-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class RdcFileReader { } /// CLSID_RdcGenerator [ComImport, Guid("96236A88-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class RdcGenerator { } /// CLSID_RdcGeneratorFilterMaxParameters [ComImport, Guid("96236A87-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class RdcGeneratorFilterMaxParameters { } /// CLSID_RdcGeneratorParameters [ComImport, Guid("96236A86-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class RdcGeneratorParameters { } /// CLSID_RdcGenerator [ComImport, Guid("96236A85-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class RdcLibrary { } /// CLSID_RdcSignatureReader [ComImport, Guid("96236A8A-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class RdcSignatureReader { } /// CLSID_RdcSimilarityGenerator [ComImport, Guid("96236A92-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class RdcSimilarityGenerator { } /// An implementation of on top of a . /// [ComVisible(true), Guid("01EED492-3E92-4DF1-AC94-A7CDD0F23699"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class RdcStreamReader : IRdcFileReader { private readonly Stream stream; /// Initializes a new instance of the class with stream to read. /// The stream to read from. public RdcStreamReader(Stream stream) => = stream; private RdcStreamReader() { } HRESULT IRdcFileReader.GetFilePosition(out ulong offsetFromStart) { offsetFromStart = (uint)stream.Position; return HRESULT.S_OK; } HRESULT IRdcFileReader.GetFileSize(out ulong fileSize) { fileSize = (ulong)stream.Length; return HRESULT.S_OK; } HRESULT IRdcFileReader.Read(ulong offsetFileStart, uint bytesToRead, out uint bytesActuallyRead, byte[] buffer, out bool eof) { if (stream.Position != (long)offsetFileStart) { stream.Seek((long)offsetFileStart, SeekOrigin.Begin); } var intBuff = new byte[bytesToRead]; int read = 0, lastRead; do { lastRead = stream.Read(intBuff, read, ((int)bytesToRead - read)); read += lastRead; } while (lastRead != 0 && read < bytesToRead); bytesActuallyRead = (uint)read; Array.Copy(intBuff, buffer, (int)bytesToRead); eof = read < bytesToRead; return HRESULT.S_OK; } } /// CLSID_Similarity [ComImport, Guid("96236A91-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class Similarity { } /// CLSID_SimilarityFileIdTable [ComImport, Guid("96236A90-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class SimilarityFileIdTable { } /// CLSID_SimilarityReportProgress [ComImport, Guid("96236A8D-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class SimilarityReportProgress { } /// CLSID_SimilarityTableDumpState [ComImport, Guid("96236A8E-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class SimilarityTableDumpState { } /// CLSID_SimilarityTraitsMappedView [ComImport, Guid("96236A95-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class SimilarityTraitsMappedView { } /// CLSID_SimilarityTraitsMapping [ComImport, Guid("96236A94-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class SimilarityTraitsMapping { } /// CLSID_SimilarityTraitsTable [ComImport, Guid("96236A8F-9DBC-11DA-9E3F-0011114AE311"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class SimilarityTraitsTable { } } }