using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Vanara.InteropServices; using static Vanara.PInvoke.Ole32; using static Vanara.PInvoke.PropSys; namespace Vanara.PInvoke { public static partial class PortableDeviceApi { /// /// The WPD_STREAM_UNITS enumeration specifies the unit types to be used for IPortableDeviceUnitsStream operations. /// // typedef enum _WPD_STREAM_UNITS { WPD_STREAM_UNITS_BYTES = // 0, WPD_STREAM_UNITS_FRAMES = 1, WPD_STREAM_UNITS_ROWS = 2, WPD_STREAM_UNITS_MILLISECONDS = 3, WPD_STREAM_UNITS_MICROSECONDS = 4 } WPD_STREAM_UNITS; [PInvokeData("portabldevicetypes.h")] public enum WPD_STREAM_UNITS { /// The stream units are specified in bytes. WPD_STREAM_UNITS_BYTES = 0, /// The stream units are specified in frames. WPD_STREAM_UNITS_FRAMES = 1, /// The stream units are specified in rows. WPD_STREAM_UNITS_ROWS = 2, /// The stream units are specified in milliseconds. WPD_STREAM_UNITS_MILLISECONDS = 4, /// The stream units are specified in microseconds. WPD_STREAM_UNITS_MICROSECONDS = 8, } /// /// The IPortableDeviceKeyCollection interface holds a collection of PROPERTYKEY values. This interface can be /// retrieved from a method or, if a new object is required, call CoCreate with CLSID_PortableDeviceKeyCollection. /// // [PInvokeData("portabldevicetypes.h")] [ComImport, InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), Guid("DADA2357-E0AD-492E-98DB-DD61C53BA353"), CoClass(typeof(PortableDeviceKeyCollection))] public interface IPortableDeviceKeyCollection { /// The GetCount method retrieves the number of keys in this collection. /// A DWORD that contains the number of keys in the collection. // HRESULT GetCount( [in] DWORD // *pcElems ); uint GetCount(); /// The GetAt method retrieves a PROPERTYKEY from the collection by index. /// DWORD that contains the index of the key to be retrieved. /// A PROPERTYKEY object. // HRESULT GetAt( [in] const DWORD // dwIndex, [out] PROPERTYKEY *pKey ); PROPERTYKEY GetAt([In] uint dwIndex); /// The Add method adds a property key to the collection. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY to add to the collection. This method copies the key to the collection, so you can release the local /// variable after calling this method. /// // HRESULT Add( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY Key ); void Add(in PROPERTYKEY Key); /// Deletes all items from the collection. /// None. // // HRESULT Clear(); void Clear(); /// The RemoveAt method removes the element stored at the location specified by the given index. /// Specifies the index of the element to be removed. /// You must specify a zero-based index. // HRESULT RemoveAt( [in] const // DWORD dwIndex ); void RemoveAt([In] uint dwIndex); } /// /// /// The IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection interface holds a collection of indexed PROPVARIANT values of the same /// VARTYPE. The VARTYPE of the first item that is added to the collection determines the VARTYPE of the collection. An attempt to /// add an item of a different VARTYPE may fail if the PROPVARIANT value cannot be changed to the collection's current /// VARTYPE. To change the VARTYPE of the collection, call ChangeType. /// /// This interface can be retrieved from a method or, if a new object is required, call CoCreate with CLSID_PortableDevicePropVariantCollection. /// // [PInvokeData("portabldevicetypes.h")] [ComImport, InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), Guid("89B2E422-4F1B-4316-BCEF-A44AFEA83EB3"), CoClass(typeof(PortableDevicePropVariantCollection))] public interface IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection { /// The GetCount method retrieves the number of items in this collection. /// The number of items in the collection. // HRESULT GetCount( [in] // DWORD *pcElems ); uint GetCount(); /// The GetAt method retrieves an item from the collection by a zero-based index. /// DWORD that contains the zero-based index of the item to retrieve. /// A PROPVARIANT structure. The caller is responsible for freeing this memory by calling PropVariantClear. // HRESULT GetAt( [in] const // DWORD dwIndex, [out] PROPVARIANT *pValue ); void GetAt([In] uint dwIndex, [Out] PROPVARIANT pValue); /// The Add method adds an item to the collection. /// /// A new PROPVARIANT object to add to the collection. This method copies the PROPVARIANT to the collection, so /// you should release your local copy of the variable by calling PropVariantClear after calling this method. /// /// /// /// When the VARTYPE for pValue is VT_VECTOR or VT_UI1, setting and retrieving a NULL or zero-sized buffer is not /// supported. For example, neither pValue.caub.pElems = NULL nor pValue.caub.cElems = 0 are allowed. /// /// /// If a caller tries to add an item of a different VARTYPE contained in the collection and the PROPVARIANT value cannot be /// changed by this interface automatically, this method will fail. To change the collection type manually, call IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection::ChangeType. /// /// // HRESULT Add( [in] const // PROPVARIANT *pValue ); void Add([In] PROPVARIANT pValue); /// The GetType method retrieves the data type of the items in the collection. /// A Platform SDK VARTYPE enumeration value that indicates the data type of all the items in the collection. /// All items that are stored in an IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection are the same type. // HRESULT GetType( [out] // VARTYPE *pvt ); VARTYPE GetType(); /// The ChangeType method converts all items in the collection to the specified VARTYPE. /// /// Specifies the VARTYPE to which you want to convert all items in the collection. Example types include VT_UI4 and VT_UI8. /// /// /// If this method fails, the collection may be left in an intermediate state, with some members converted and some not converted. /// // HRESULT ChangeType( // [in] const VARTYPE vt ); void ChangeType([In] VARTYPE vt); /// /// The Clear method frees, and then removes, all items from the collection. The collection is considered empty after /// calling this method. /// /// /// After calling Clear, the collection is considered type-less, meaning that the VARTYPE it was previously set to is no /// longer restricting Add operations. A call to Add after calling Clear is considered the "first" /// Add for this collection. /// // HRESULT Clear(); void Clear(); /// The RemoveAt method removes the element stored at the location specified by the given index. /// Specifies the index of the element to be removed. /// You must specify a zero-based index. // HRESULT RemoveAt( [in] // const DWORD dwIndex ); void RemoveAt([In] uint dwIndex); } /// /// /// The IPortableDeviceValues interface holds a collection of PROPERTYKEY/ PROPVARIANT pairs. Values in the /// collection do not need to be the same VARTYPE. /// /// /// Values are stored as key-value pairs; each key must be unique in the collection. Clients can search for items by /// PROPERTYKEY or zero-based index. Data values are stored as PROPVARIANT structures. You can add or retrieve values /// of any type by using the generic methods SetValue and GetValue, or you add items by using the method specific to /// the type of data added. /// /// /// The Get... methods require the caller to release any retrieved values appropriately. The Set... methods copy the /// value into the collection. /// /// /// When an IPortableDeviceValues interface is released, it calls Clear, which frees the memory that was allocated for /// all its members appropriately. /// /// This interface can be retrieved from a method or, if a new object is required, call CoCreate with CLSID_PortableDeviceValues. /// // [PInvokeData("portabldevicetypes.h")] [ComImport, Guid("6848f6f2-3155-4f86-b6f5-263eeeab3143"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(PortableDeviceValues))] public interface IPortableDeviceValues { /// The GetCount method retrieves the number of items in the collection. /// A DWORD that contains the number of items in the collection. // HRESULT GetCount( [in] DWORD *pcelt ); uint GetCount(); /// The GetAt method retrieves a value from the collection using the supplied zero-based index. /// A DWORD that specifies a zero-based index in the collection. /// An optional PROPERTYKEY pointer that retrieves the key of the specified item. /// /// An optional PROPVARIANT that retrieves the value of the specified item. The caller must free the memory by calling /// PropVariantClear when done with it. /// /// /// If a property indicates a value of type VT_UNKNOWN, the property will be one of the Windows Portable Devices ( /// IPortableDeviceKeyCollection, IPortableDeviceValuesCollection, IPortableDeviceValues or /// IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection). No other interfaces can be returned by Windows Portable Devices. /// // HRESULT GetAt( [in] const DWORD index, // [in, out] PROPERTYKEY *pKey, [in, out] PROPVARIANT *pValue ); void GetAt(uint index, out PROPERTYKEY pKey, [Out] PROPVARIANT pValue); /// The SetValue method adds a new PROPVARIANT value or overwrites an existing one. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// /// A PROPVARIANT that specifies the new value. The SDK copies the value, so the caller can release the local variable by /// calling PropVariantClear after calling this method. /// /// /// /// When the VARTYPE for pValue is VT_VECTOR or VT_UI1, setting a NULL or zero-sized buffer is not supported. For /// example, neither pValue.caub.pElems = NULL nor pValue.caub.cElems = 0 are allowed. /// /// /// This method can be used to retrieve a value of any type from the collection. However, if you know the value type in advance, /// use one of the specialized Set... methods of this interface to avoid the overhead of working with PROPVARIANT values directly. /// /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any /// warning. The existing key memory is released appropriately. /// /// // HRESULT SetValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY // key, [in] const PROPVARIANT *pValue ); void SetValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, [In] PROPVARIANT pValue); /// The GetValue method retrieves a PROPVARIANT value specified by a key. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// /// Pointer to the retrieved PROPVARIANT value. The caller must release the memory by calling PropVariantClear /// when done with it. /// /// /// /// When the VARTYPE for pValue is VT_VECTOR or VT_UI1, retrieving a NULL or zero-sized buffer is not supported. For /// example, neither pValue.caub.pElems = NULL nor pValue.caub.cElems = 0 are allowed. /// /// /// This method can be used to retrieve a value of any type from the collection. However, if you know the value type in advance, /// use one of the specialized retrieval methods of this interface to avoid the overhead of working with PROPVARIANT values directly. /// /// // HRESULT GetValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY // key, [out] PROPVARIANT *pValue ); PROPVARIANT GetValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// The SetStringValue method adds a new string value (type VT_LPWSTR) or overwrites an existing one. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// /// A LPCWSTR that specifies the new value. The string is copied, so the caller can release the memory allocated for this /// value after calling this method. /// /// Any existing key memory will be released appropriately. // HRESULT SetStringValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] LPCWSTR Value ); void SetStringValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string Value); /// The GetStringValue method retrieves a string value (type VT_LPWSTR) specified by a key. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// /// Pointer to the retrieved LPWSTR value. The caller is responsible for calling CoTaskMemFree to release the memory. /// // HRESULT GetStringValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] LPWSTR *pValue ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string GetStringValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// /// The SetUnsignedIntegerValue method adds a new ULONG value (type VT_UI4) or overwrites an existing one. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// A ULONG that specifies the new value. /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any warning. /// // HRESULT // SetUnsignedIntegerValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] const ULONG Value ); void SetUnsignedIntegerValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, [In] uint Value); /// The GetUnsignedIntegerValue method retrieves a ULONG value (type VT_UI4) specified by a key. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// Pointer to the retrieved ULONG value. // HRESULT // GetUnsignedIntegerValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] ULONG *pValue ); uint GetUnsignedIntegerValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// /// The SetSignedIntegerValue method adds a new LONG value (type VT_I4) or overwrites an existing one. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// A LONG that specifies the new value. /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any warning. /// // HRESULT // SetSignedIntegerValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] const LONG Value ); void SetSignedIntegerValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, [In] int Value); /// The GetSignedIntegerValue method retrieves a LONG value (type VT_I4) specified by a key. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// Pointer to the retrieved LONG value. // HRESULT // GetSignedIntegerValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] LONG *pValue ); int GetSignedIntegerValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// /// The SetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue method adds a new ULONGLONG value (type VT_UI8) or overwrites an existing one. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// A ULONGLONG that specifies the new value. // HRESULT // SetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] const ULONGLONG Value ); void SetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, [In] ulong Value); /// /// The GetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue method retrieves a ULONGLONG value (type VT_UI8) specified by a key. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// Pointer to the retrieved ULONGLONG value. // HRESULT // GetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] ULONGLONG *pValue ); ulong GetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// /// The SetSignedLargeIntegerValue method adds a new LONGLONG value (type VT_I8) or overwrites an existing one. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// A LONGLONG that specifies the new value. /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any warning. /// // HRESULT // SetSignedLargeIntegerValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] const LONGLONG Value ); void SetSignedLargeIntegerValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, [In] long Value); /// The GetSignedLargeIntegerValue method retrieves a LONGLONG value (type VT_I8) specified by a key. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// Pointer to the retrieved ULONG value. // HRESULT // GetSignedLargeIntegerValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] LONGLONG *pValue ); long GetSignedLargeIntegerValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// The SetFloatValue method adds a new FLOAT value (type VT_R4) or overwrites an existing one. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// A FLOAT that contains the new value. /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any warning. /// // HRESULT SetFloatValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] const FLOAT Value ); void SetFloatValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, [In] float Value); /// The GetFloatValue method retrieves a FLOAT value (type VT_R4) specified by a key. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// Pointer to the retrieved FLOAT value. // HRESULT GetFloatValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] FLOAT *pValue ); float GetFloatValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// The SetErrorValue method adds a new HRESULT value (type VT_ERROR) or overwrites an existing one. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// An HRESULT that contains the new value. /// /// If an existing value has the same key specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any warning. /// // HRESULT SetErrorValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] const HRESULT Value ); void SetErrorValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, HRESULT Value); /// The GetErrorValue method retrieves an HRESULT value (type VT_ERROR) specified by a key. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// Pointer to the retrieved HRESULT value. // HRESULT GetErrorValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] HRESULT *pValue ); HRESULT GetErrorValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// /// The SetKeyValue method adds a new REFPROPERTYKEY value (type VT_UNKNOWN) or overwrites an existing one. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the new value. /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any /// warning. The existing key memory is released appropriately. /// // HRESULT SetKeyValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] REFPROPERTYKEY Value ); void SetKeyValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, in PROPERTYKEY Value); /// The GetKeyValue method retrieves a PROPERTYKEY value specified by a key. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// Pointer to the retrieved PROPERTYKEY value. // HRESULT GetKeyValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] PROPERTYKEY *pValue ); PROPERTYKEY GetKeyValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// The SetBoolValue method adds a new Boolean value (type VT_BOOL) or overwrites an existing one. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// A BOOL that specifies the new value. /// /// If an existing value has the same key specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any warning. /// The existing key memory is released appropriately. /// // HRESULT SetBoolValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] const BOOL Value ); void SetBoolValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool Value); /// The GetBoolValue method retrieves a Boolean value (type VT_BOOL) specified by a key. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// Pointer to the retrieved BOOL value. // HRESULT GetBoolValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] BOOL *pValue ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool GetBoolValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// /// The SetIUnknownValue method adds a new IUnknown value (type VT_UNKNOWN) or overwrites an existing one. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// /// A pointer to an IUnknown interface that specifies the new value. The SDK copies a reference to the submitted /// interface and calls AddRef on it. /// /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any /// warning. The existing key memory is released appropriately. /// // HRESULT SetIUnknownValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] IUnknown *pValue ); void SetIUnknownValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object pValue); /// /// The GetIUnknownValue method retrieves an IUnknown interface value (type VT_UNKNOWN) specified by a key. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// /// Address of a variable that receives a pointer to the retrieved IUnknown interface. The caller is responsible for /// calling Release on the retrieved interface. /// // HRESULT GetIUnknownValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] IUnknown **ppValue ); [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object GetIUnknownValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// The SetGuidValue method adds a new GUID value (type VT_CLSID) or overwrites an existing one. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// A REFGUID that contains the new value. /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any warning. /// // HRESULT SetGuidValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] REFGUID Value ); void SetGuidValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, in Guid Value); /// The GetGuidValue method retrieves a GUID value (type VT_CLSID) specified by a key. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// Pointer to the retrieved GUID value. // HRESULT GetGuidValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] GUID *pValue ); Guid GetGuidValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// /// The SetBufferValue method adds a new BYTE* value (type VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1) or overwrites an existing one. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// /// A BYTE* that contains the data to write to the item. The submitted buffer data is copied to the interface, so the /// caller can free this buffer after making this call. /// /// The size of the value pointed to by pValue, in bytes. /// /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any /// warning. The existing key memory is released appropriately. /// /// Setting a NULL or a zero-sized buffer is not supported. /// // HRESULT SetBufferValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] BYTE *pValue, [in] DWORD cbValue ); void SetBufferValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2)] byte[] pValue, [In] int cbValue); /// /// The GetBufferValue method retrieves a byte array value (type VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1) specified by a key. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// /// Pointer to the retrieved BYTE* value. The caller is responsible for freeing the memory by calling CoTaskMemFree. /// /// Pointer to the size of ppValue, in bytes. /// Retrieving a NULL buffer or a zero-sized buffer is not supported. // HRESULT GetBufferValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] BYTE **ppValue, [out] DWORD *pcbValue ); void GetBufferValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, [Out] out SafeCoTaskMemHandle ppValue, [Out] out int pcbValue); /// /// The SetIPortableDeviceValuesValue method adds a new IPortableDeviceValues value (type VT_UNKNOWN) or /// overwrites an existing one. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// /// An IPortableDeviceValues interface that specifies the new value. The SDK copies a reference to the submitted /// interface and calls AddRef on it. /// /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any /// warning. The existing key memory is released appropriately. /// // HRESULT // SetIPortableDeviceValuesValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] IPortableDeviceValues *pValue ); void SetIPortableDeviceValuesValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, [In] IPortableDeviceValues pValue); /// /// The GetIPortableDeviceValuesValue method retrieves an IPortableDeviceValues value (type VT_UNKNOWN) specified /// by a key. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// /// Address of a variable that receives a pointer to the retrieved IPortableDeviceValues interface. The caller is /// responsible for calling Release on the retrieved interface. /// // HRESULT // GetIPortableDeviceValuesValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] IPortableDeviceValues **ppValue ); IPortableDeviceValues GetIPortableDeviceValuesValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// /// The SetIPortableDevicePropVariantCollectionValue method adds a new IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection value /// (type VT_UNKNOWN) or overwrites an existing one. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// /// An IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection interface that specifies the new value. The SDK copies a reference to the /// submitted interface and calls AddRef on it. /// /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any /// warning. The existing key memory is released appropriately. /// // // HRESULT SetIPortableDevicePropVariantCollectionValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY key, [in] IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection // *pValue ); void SetIPortableDevicePropVariantCollectionValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection pValue); /// /// The GetIPortableDevicePropVariantCollectionValue method retrieves an IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection /// value (type VT_UNKNOWN) specified by a key. /// /// A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// /// Address of a variable that receives a pointer to the retrieved IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection interface. The /// caller is responsible for calling Release on the retrieved interface. /// // // HRESULT GetIPortableDevicePropVariantCollectionValue( [in] REFPROPERTYKEY key, [out] IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection // **ppValue ); IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection GetIPortableDevicePropVariantCollectionValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// Adds a new SetIPortableDeviceKeyCollectionValue value (type VT_UNKNOWN) or overwrites an existing one. /// [in] A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// /// [in] An IPortableDeviceKeyCollection interface that specifies the new value. The SDK copies a reference to the /// submitted interface and calls AddRef on it. /// /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any /// warning. The existing key memory is released appropriately. /// // // HRESULT SetIPortableDeviceKeyCollectionValue( REFPROPERTYKEY key, IPortableDeviceKeyCollection *pValue ); void SetIPortableDeviceKeyCollectionValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, IPortableDeviceKeyCollection pValue); /// Retrieves an IPortableDeviceKeyCollection value (type VT_UNKNOWN) that is specified by a key. /// [in] A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// /// [out] Pointer to the retrieved IPortableDeviceKeyCollection interface pointer. The caller is responsible for calling /// Release on the retrieved interface. /// /// None. // // HRESULT GetIPortableDeviceKeyCollectionValue( REFPROPERTYKEY key, IPortableDeviceKeyCollection **ppValue ); IPortableDeviceKeyCollection GetIPortableDeviceKeyCollectionValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// Adds a new IPortableDeviceValuesCollection value (type VT_UNKNOWN) or overwrites an existing one. /// [in] A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to create or overwrite. /// /// [in] An IPortableDeviceValuesCollection interface that specifies the new value. The SDK copies a reference to the /// submitted interface and calls AddRef on it. /// /// /// If an existing value has the same key that is specified by the key parameter, it overwrites the existing value without any /// warning. The existing key memory is released appropriately. /// // // HRESULT SetIPortableDeviceValuesCollectionValue( REFPROPERTYKEY key, IPortableDeviceValuesCollection *pValue ); void SetIPortableDeviceValuesCollectionValue(in PROPERTYKEY key, IPortableDeviceValuesCollection pValue); /// Retrieves an IPortableDeviceValuesCollection (type VT_UNKNOWN) value specified by a key. /// [in] A REFPROPERTYKEY key that specifies the item to retrieve. /// /// [out] Address of a variable that receives a pointer to the retrieved IPortableDeviceValuesCollection interface. The caller /// is responsible for calling Release on the retrieved interface. /// /// None. // // HRESULT GetIPortableDeviceValuesCollectionValue( REFPROPERTYKEY key, IPortableDeviceValuesCollection **ppValue ); IPortableDeviceValuesCollection GetIPortableDeviceValuesCollectionValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// The RemoveValue method removes an item from the collection. /// A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the item to remove. // HRESULT RemoveValue( [in] // REFPROPERTYKEY key ); void RemoveValue(in PROPERTYKEY key); /// The CopyValuesFromPropertyStore method copies the contents of an IPropertyStore into the collection. /// An IPropertyStore to copy into the collection. /// /// This method automatically converts all VT_BSTR values to VT_LPWSTR values. /// /// Many external applications or components that communicate with your application, such as some shell applications, use the /// IPropertyStore interface. This method provides a quick and easy way to exchange data with these programs. /// /// This method is supported in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows. /// // HRESULT // CopyValuesFromPropertyStore( [in] IPropertyStore *pStore ); void CopyValuesFromPropertyStore(IPropertyStore pStore); /// /// The CopyValuesToPropertyStore method copies all the values from a collection into an IPropertyStore interface. /// /// A store object. /// /// /// This method does not convert values of VT_LPWSTR into VT_BSTR. Many external applications or components that communicate /// with your application, such as some shell applications, use the IPropertyStore interface. This method provides a /// quick and easy way to exchange data with these programs. /// /// This method is supported in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows. /// // HRESULT // CopyValuesToPropertyStore( [in] IPropertyStore *pStore ); void CopyValuesToPropertyStore(IPropertyStore pStore); /// The Clear method deletes all items from the collection. /// /// This method frees the memory for all dynamically allocated items in the collection. For interfaces, it calls Release. /// // HRESULT Clear(); void Clear(); } /// /// The IPortableDeviceValuesCollection interface holds a collection of zero-based indexed IPortableDeviceValues /// interfaces. This interface can be retrieved from a method, or if a new object is required, call CoCreate with CLSID_PortableDeviceValuesCollection. /// // [PInvokeData("portabldevicetypes.h")] [ComImport, Guid("6E3F2D79-4E07-48C4-8208-D8C2E5AF4A99"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(PortableDeviceValuesCollection))] public interface IPortableDeviceValuesCollection { /// The GetCount method retrieves the number of items in the collection. /// The number of IPortableDeviceValues interfaces in the collection. // HRESULT GetCount( [in] DWORD // *pcElems ); uint GetCount(); /// The GetAt method retrieves an item from the collection by a zero-based index. /// DWORD that specifies a zero-based index in the collection. /// /// An IPortableDeviceValues interface from the collection. The caller is responsible for calling Release on this /// interface when done with it. /// /// Any changes that are made to values in the retrieved interface will be made to the version stored in the collection. // HRESULT GetAt( [in] const DWORD // dwIndex, [out] IPortableDeviceValues **ppValues ); IPortableDeviceValues GetAt(uint dwIndex); /// The Add method adds an item to the collection. /// /// An IPortableDeviceValues interface to add to the collection. The interface is not actually copied, but AddRef /// is called on it. /// // HRESULT Add( [in] // IPortableDeviceValues *pValues ); void Add(IPortableDeviceValues pValues); /// The Clear method releases all items from the collection. /// The method releases all memory that is allocated for the items in the collection. // HRESULT Clear(); void Clear(); /// The RemoveAt method removes the element stored at the location specified by the given index. /// Specifies the index of the element to be removed. /// You must specify a zero-based index. // HRESULT RemoveAt( [in] const // DWORD dwIndex ); void RemoveAt(uint dwIndex); } /// /// /// The IWpdSerializer interface is used by the device driver to serialize IPortableDeviceValues interfaces to and /// from the raw data buffers used to communicate with the application. /// /// /// Applications do not need to use this interface, because the data is serialized and deserialized automatically when calling IPortableDevice::SendCommand. /// /// To get this interface, call CoCreateInstance and pass in IID_IWpdSerializer. /// // [PInvokeData("portabldevicetypes.h")] [ComImport, Guid("b32f4002-bb27-45ff-af4f-06631c1e8dad"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(WpdSerializer))] public interface IWpdSerializer { /// /// The GetIPortableDeviceValuesFromBuffer method deserializes a byte array to an IPortableDeviceValues interface. /// /// Pointer to the buffer to deserialize. /// DWORD that specifies the size of the buffer, in bytes. /// /// An IPortableDeviceValues interface created from the buffer. The application is responsible for calling Release /// on the interface. /// // HRESULT // GetIPortableDeviceValuesFromBuffer( [in] BYTE *pBuffer, [in] DWORD dwInputBufferLength, [out] IPortableDeviceValues // **ppParams ); IPortableDeviceValues GetIPortableDeviceValuesFromBuffer(byte[] pBuffer, uint dwInputBufferLength); /// /// The WriteIPortableDeviceValuesToBuffer method serializes an IPortableDeviceValues interface to a /// caller-allocated byte array. /// /// DWORD that specifies the size of pBuffer, in bytes. /// An IPortableDeviceValues interface to serialize. /// A caller-allocated buffer. To learn the size of the required buffer, call GetSerializedSize. /// /// A DWORD that indicates the number of bytes that was actually written to the caller-allocated buffer. /// /// /// This method copies an IPortableDeviceValues interface into an existing buffer. If you want to allocate a new buffer, /// use GetBufferFromIPortableDeviceValues. /// // HRESULT // WriteIPortableDeviceValuesToBuffer( [in] DWORD dwOutputBufferLength, [in] IPortableDeviceValues *pResults, [out] BYTE // *pBuffer, [out] DWORD *pdwBytesWritten ); void WriteIPortableDeviceValuesToBuffer(uint dwOutputBufferLength, IPortableDeviceValues pResults, byte[] pBuffer, out uint pdwBytesWritten); /// /// The GetBufferFromIPortableDeviceValues method serializes a submitted IPortableDeviceValues interface to an /// allocated byte array. The byte array returned is allocated for the caller and should be freed by the caller using CoTaskMemFree. /// /// An IPortableDeviceValues interface to serialize. /// /// A BYTE* that contains the serialized data. Windows Portable Devices allocates this memory; the caller must free it by /// calling CoTaskMemFree. /// /// A DWORD that specifies the size of allocated buffer, in bytes. // HRESULT // GetBufferFromIPortableDeviceValues( [in] IPortableDeviceValues *pSource, [out] BYTE **ppBuffer, [out] DWORD *pdwBufferSize ); void GetBufferFromIPortableDeviceValues(IPortableDeviceValues pSource, out SafeCoTaskMemHandle ppBuffer, out uint pdwBufferSize); /// /// The GetSerializedSize method calculates the buffer size that is required to hold a serialized /// IPortableDeviceValues interface. /// /// An IPortableDeviceValues interface whose size you want to request. /// A DWORD that indicates the buffer size that is required to serialize pSource, in bytes. // HRESULT GetSerializedSize( [in] // IPortableDeviceValues *pSource, [out] DWORD *pdwSize ); uint GetSerializedSize(IPortableDeviceValues pSource); } /// Enumerates the items in the collection. /// The instance. /// A sequence of values from the collection. public static IEnumerable Enumerate(this IPortableDeviceKeyCollection intf) => new Vanara.Collections.IEnumFromIndexer(intf.GetCount, intf.GetAt); /// Enumerates the items in the collection. /// The instance. /// A sequence of values from the collection. public static IEnumerable Enumerate(this IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection intf) => new Vanara.Collections.IEnumFromIndexer(intf.GetCount, i => { PROPVARIANT pv = new(); intf.GetAt(i, pv); return pv; }); /// Enumerates the items in the collection. /// The instance. /// A sequence of values from the collection. public static IEnumerable<(PROPERTYKEY, PROPVARIANT)> Enumerate(this IPortableDeviceValues intf) => new Vanara.Collections.IEnumFromIndexer<(PROPERTYKEY, PROPVARIANT)>(intf.GetCount, i => { PROPVARIANT pv = new(); intf.GetAt(i, out PROPERTYKEY pk, pv); return (pk, pv); }); /// Enumerates the items in the collection. /// The instance. /// A sequence of values from the collection. public static IEnumerable Enumerate(this IPortableDeviceValuesCollection intf) => new Vanara.Collections.IEnumFromIndexer(intf.GetCount, intf.GetAt); /// Gets the property key value from WPD_PROPERTY_COMMON_COMMAND_CATEGORY and WPD_PROPERTY_COMMON_COMMAND_ID. /// The IPortableDeviceValues instance. /// The PROPERTYKEY. public static PROPERTYKEY GetCommandPKey(this IPortableDeviceValues iValues) => new PROPERTYKEY(iValues.GetGuidValue(WPD_PROPERTY_COMMON_COMMAND_CATEGORY), iValues.GetUnsignedIntegerValue(WPD_PROPERTY_COMMON_COMMAND_ID)); /// Sets the values corresponding to a command property key using WPD_PROPERTY_COMMON_COMMAND_CATEGORY and WPD_PROPERTY_COMMON_COMMAND_ID. /// The IPortableDeviceValues instance. /// The command property key. public static void SetCommandPKey(this IPortableDeviceValues iValues, in PROPERTYKEY commandPropKey) { iValues.SetGuidValue(WPD_PROPERTY_COMMON_COMMAND_CATEGORY, commandPropKey.Key); iValues.SetUnsignedIntegerValue(WPD_PROPERTY_COMMON_COMMAND_ID, commandPropKey.Id); } /// PortableDeviceKeyCollection Class [PInvokeData("portabldevicetypes.h")] [ComImport, Guid("de2d022d-2480-43be-97f0-d1fa2cf98f4f"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class PortableDeviceKeyCollection { } /// PortableDevicePropVariantCollection Class [PInvokeData("portabldevicetypes.h")] [ComImport, Guid("08a99e2f-6d6d-4b80-af5a-baf2bcbe4cb9"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class PortableDevicePropVariantCollection { } /// PortableDeviceValues Class [PInvokeData("portabldevicetypes.h")] [ComImport, Guid("0c15d503-d017-47ce-9016-7b3f978721cc"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class PortableDeviceValues { } /// PortableDeviceValuesCollection Class [PInvokeData("portabldevicetypes.h")] [ComImport, Guid("3882134d-14cf-4220-9cb4-435f86d83f60"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class PortableDeviceValuesCollection { } /// WpdSerializer Class [PInvokeData("portabldevicetypes.h")] [ComImport, Guid("0b91a74b-ad7c-4a9d-b563-29eef9167172"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class WpdSerializer { } } }