# # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Johan Ouwerkerk # set(secret_SRCS secrets.cpp) add_library(secrets_lib STATIC ${secret_SRCS}) if (BUILD_EXTERNAL OR (NOT DEFINED BUILD_EXTERNAL AND ANDROID)) message(STATUS "Will build external project: libsodium") include(ExternalProject) # # FIXME: for now assume that ANDROID means cross-compiling. # Technically this is not quite true when running on Android itself. # # As a work-around, a user may set an empty AUTOTOOLS_HOST to disable this. # if (ANDROID AND NOT DEFINED AUTOTOOLS_HOST) # see: https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/other_build_systems set(AUTOTOOLS_HOST "") if ("${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH}" STREQUAL "arm") # note: this is the binutils name, armv7a-linux-androideabi is the name for clang set(AUTOTOOLS_HOST "arm-linux-androideabi") elseif ("${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH}" STREQUAL "arm64") set(AUTOTOOLS_HOST "aarch64-linux-android") elseif("${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH}" STREQUAL "x86") set(AUTOTOOLS_HOST "i686-linux-android") # not sure which will be passed, accept both elseif("${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH}" STREQUAL "x86_64" OR "${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH}" STREQUAL "x86-64") set(AUTOTOOLS_HOST "x86_64-linux-android") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Building for Android but got an unknown/undefined/unsupported Android architecture (ANDROID_ARCH): '${ANDROID_ARCH}'") endif() endif() if (AUTOTOOLS_HOST) set(AUTOTOOLS_HOST_OPTION "--host=${AUTOTOOLS_HOST}") else() set(AUTOTOOLS_HOST_OPTION "") endif() set(sodium_LIBRARY_PATH "lib/libsodium.so") set(sodium_INCLUDE_PATH "include") # # Use a wrapper script for Android to pre-populate the environment with necessary environment variables. # This ensures the right toolchain will be picked up by the autotools build system. # set(ENV_WRAPPER "") if (ANDROID) set(ENV_WRAPPER "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/android/android-export.sh") endif() # # Make gets confused if there is another make process somewhere in the process tree above it. This prevents it from # doing parallel make with the "jobserver is unavailable" warning instead of assuming it is an actual top-level make # process as it were. # # The work-around is to use $(MAKE), but that doesn't work if the parent process is not itself a make (e.g. ninja). # So the work-around for that is to use a wrapper script by default that does the right thing, except when CMake is # configured to use the Unix Makefiles generator in which case $(MAKE) should be used instead. # set(MAKE_SH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/external/make.sh") if ("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" STREQUAL "Unix Makefiles") set(MAKE_SH "$(MAKE)") endif() set(CONFIGURE_SH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/external/configure-autotools.sh" "${AUTOTOOLS_HOST_OPTION}" "--prefix=") # # Unfortunately CMake generates a build system (make/ninja) which does not check whether the library already exists. # This causes the external project to be fully rebuilt always. In turn, that triggers a rebuild of everything from # the external project upwards as well because the library file has changed. # # CHECK_SH is a prefix/wrapper for actual commands that short-circuits the build if the library already exists. # set(CHECK_SH test -e "/${sodium_LIBRARY_PATH}" ||) externalProject_add( ext_libsodium PREFIX "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/external" GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium.git GIT_TAG 1.0.18 # ${sodium_VERSION_STRING} GIT_SHALLOW ON GIT_PROGRESS ON CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${CHECK_SH} ${ENV_WRAPPER} ${CONFIGURE_SH} BUILD_COMMAND ${CHECK_SH} ${ENV_WRAPPER} ${MAKE_SH} BUILD_IN_SOURCE ON BUILD_ALWAYS OFF INSTALL_COMMAND ${CHECK_SH} ${ENV_WRAPPER} ${MAKE_SH} install # register the lib manually, otherwise cmake gets very confused about depending on this file BUILD_BYPRODUCTS /${sodium_LIBRARY_PATH} ) add_library(sodium SHARED IMPORTED) externalProject_get_property(ext_libsodium INSTALL_DIR) # # INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES cannot take a non-existent directory. However, nearly everything external projects do # is done *after* cmake configure stage is over, so the directory simply won't be there. # # Apply the popular work-around and create it up front. # file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${INSTALL_DIR}/${sodium_INCLUDE_PATH}") set_target_properties(sodium PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${INSTALL_DIR}/${sodium_LIBRARY_PATH}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${INSTALL_DIR}/${sodium_INCLUDE_PATH}") add_dependencies(secrets_lib ext_libsodium) endif() target_link_libraries(secrets_lib Qt5::Core sodium base32_lib)