
41 lines
2.1 KiB

import * as vscode from 'vscode'
import { cpus } from 'os'
import { writeFilePromisify, format, systemFilter } from '@utils/index'
import { join } from 'path'
export const createCmakeConfig = async () => {
const data = systemFilter(createWindowsCmakeDefaultConfig(), createUnixCmakeDefaultConfig(), createUnixCmakeDefaultConfig())
await writeFilePromisify(systemFilter(`${vscode.workspace.rootPath}/.vscode/cmake.cmd`, `${vscode.workspace.rootPath}/.vscode/`, `${vscode.workspace.rootPath}/.vscode/`), data, {mode: 0o777})
const createUnixCmakeDefaultConfig = ():string => {
if (!process.env.packagePath) {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage('No local dependencies found. Please try to execute reinsall packages command.')
return ''
return format(`
# This is build script.
# Do not modify this file unless you know what are you doing!
\nmkdir ${vscode.workspace.rootPath}/build
cd ${vscode.workspace.rootPath}/build
export PATH=${join(process.env.packagePath, 'toolchain/bin')}:$PATH
${join(process.env.packagePath, 'cmake/bin/cmake')} .. && ${join(process.env.packagePath, 'cmake/bin/cmake')} --build ${vscode.workspace.rootPath}/build -- -j ${cpus().length - 1 <= 0 ? 2 : cpus().length - 1}
const createWindowsCmakeDefaultConfig = ():string => {
if (!process.env.packagePath) {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage('No local dependencies found. Please try to execute reinsall packages command.')
return ''
return format(`
:: This is build script.
:: Do not modify this file unless you know what are you doing!
\nmkdir ${vscode.workspace.rootPath}\\build
cd ${vscode.workspace.rootPath}\\build
set Path=${join(process.env.packagePath, 'toolchain/bin')};${process.env.Path}
${join(process.env.packagePath, 'cmake/bin/cmake.exe')} -G "Unix Makefiles" .. && ${join(process.env.packagePath, 'cmake/bin/cmake.exe')} --build ${vscode.workspace.rootPath}\\build -- -j ${cpus().length - 1 <= 0 ? 2 : cpus().length - 1}