fixed issue with implementation and tests

Chris Kuech 2019-09-19 23:41:16 -07:00
parent 4889a1654c
commit 129e751a44
2 changed files with 199 additions and 199 deletions

View File

@ -8,83 +8,83 @@ $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
function writePending($timestamp, $description) {
$symbol = " "
$color = "Yellow"
$message = "$timestamp [ $symbol ] $description"
Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor $color -NoNewline
$symbol = " "
$color = "Yellow"
$message = "$timestamp [ $symbol ] $description"
Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor $color -NoNewline
function writeSuccess($timestamp, $description, $clearString) {
$symbol = [char]8730
$color = "Green"
$message = "$timestamp [ $symbol ] $description"
Write-Host "`r$clearString" -NoNewline
Write-Host "`r$message" -ForegroundColor $color
$symbol = [char]8730
$color = "Green"
$message = "$timestamp [ $symbol ] $description"
Write-Host "`r$clearString" -NoNewline
Write-Host "`r$message" -ForegroundColor $color
function writeFail($timestamp, $description, $clearString) {
$symbol = "X"
$color = "Red"
$message = "$timestamp [ $symbol ] $description"
Write-Host "`r$clearString" -NoNewline
Write-Host "`n$message`n" -ForegroundColor $color
exit -1
$symbol = "X"
$color = "Red"
$message = "$timestamp [ $symbol ] $description"
Write-Host "`r$clearString" -NoNewline
Write-Host "`n$message`n" -ForegroundColor $color
exit -1
$fsm = @{
"Test Test Start $false" = {
writePending @args
"Test Test Stop $true" = {
writeSuccess @args
"Test Test Stop $false" = {
writeFail @args
"Test Test Start $false" = {
writePending @args
"Test Test Stop $true" = {
writeSuccess @args
"Test Test Stop $false" = {
writeFail @args
"Set Set Start $false" = {
writePending @args
"Set Set Stop $false" = {
writeSuccess @args
"Set Set Start *" = {
writePending @args
"Set Set Stop *" = {
writeSuccess @args
"TestSet Test Start $false" = {
writePending @args
"TestSet Test Start $false" = {
writePending @args
"TestSet Test Stop $true" = {
writeSuccess @args
"TestSet Test Stop $false" = {
"TestSet Test Stop $true" = {
writeSuccess @args
"TestSet Test Stop $false" = {
"TestSet Set Start *" = {
"TestSet Set Stop *" = {
"TestSet Set Start $false" = {
"TestSet Set Stop $false" = {
"TestSet Validate Start $false" = {
"TestSet Validate Stop $true" = {
writeSuccess @args
"TestSet Validate Stop $false" = {
writeFail @args
"TestSet Validate Start $false" = {
"TestSet Validate Stop $true" = {
writeSuccess @args
"TestSet Validate Stop $false" = {
writeFail @args
@ -94,46 +94,46 @@ $fsm = @{
Uses Write-Host
function Format-Checklist {
# Logged Requirement lifecycle events
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
# Logged Requirement lifecycle events
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
begin {
$previousRequirement = $null
$nextFsm = $fsm
begin {
$previousRequirement = $null
$nextFsm = $fsm
process {
$requirement = $_.Requirement
process {
$requirement = $_.Requirement
# build state vector
$requirementType = ("Test", "Set" | ? { $requirement.$_ }) -join ""
$method = $_.Method
$lifecycleState = $_.State
$successResult = [bool]$_.Result
$stateVector = "$requirementType $method $lifecycleState $successResult"
# build state vector
$requirementType = ("Test", "Set" | ? { $requirement.$_ }) -join ""
$method = $_.Method
$lifecycleState = $_.State
$successResult = if ($method -eq "Set") { "*" } else { [bool]$_.Result }
$stateVector = "$requirementType $method $lifecycleState $successResult"
# build transition arguments
$timestamp = Get-Date -Date $_.Date -Format "hh:mm:ss"
$description = $requirement.Describe
$clearString = ' ' * "??:??:?? [ ? ] $($previousRequirement.Describe)".Length
$transitionArgs = @($timestamp, $description, $clearString)
# build transition arguments
$timestamp = Get-Date -Date $_.Date -Format "hh:mm:ss"
$description = $requirement.Describe
$clearString = ' ' * "??:??:?? [ ? ] $($previousRequirement.Describe)".Length
$transitionArgs = @($timestamp, $description, $clearString)
# transition FSM
if (-not $nextFsm[$stateVector]) {
throw @"
# transition FSM
if (-not $nextFsm[$stateVector]) {
throw @"
Format-Checklist has reached an unexpected state '$stateVector'.
If you are piping the output of Invoke-Requirement directly to this
cmdlet, then this is probably a bug in Format-Checklist.
$nextFsm = &$nextFsm[$stateVector] @transitionArgs
$previousRequirement = $requirement
$nextFsm = &$nextFsm[$stateVector] @transitionArgs
$previousRequirement = $requirement
@ -143,79 +143,79 @@ cmdlet, then this is probably a bug in Format-Checklist.
Uses Write-Host
function Format-CallStack {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingWriteHost", "")]
# Logged Requirement lifecycle events
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingWriteHost", "")]
# Logged Requirement lifecycle events
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
begin {
$context = [Stack[string]]::new()
begin {
$context = [Stack[string]]::new()
process {
$timestamp = Get-Date -Date $_.Date -Format 'hh:mm:ss'
$name = $_.Requirement.Name
$description = $_.Requirement.Describe
$method, $state, $result = $_.Method, $_.State, $_.Result
switch ($method) {
"Test" {
switch ($state) {
"Start" {
$callstack = $context.ToArray()
$serialized = $callstack -join ">"
Write-Host "$timestamp [$serialized] BEGIN TEST $description"
"Stop" {
$callstack = $context.ToArray()
$serialized = $callstack -join ">"
Write-Host "$timestamp [$serialized] END TEST => $result"
$context.Pop() | Out-Null
"Set" {
switch ($state) {
"Start" {
$callstack = $context.ToArray()
$serialized = $callstack -join ">"
Write-Host "$timestamp [$serialized] BEGIN SET $description"
"Stop" {
$callstack = $context.ToArray()
$serialized = $callstack -join ">"
Write-Host "$timestamp [$serialized] END SET"
$context.Pop() | Out-Null
"Validate" {
switch ($state) {
"Start" {
$callstack = $context.ToArray()
$serialized = $callstack -join ">"
Write-Host "$timestamp [$serialized] BEGIN TEST $description"
"Stop" {
$callstack = $context.ToArray()
$serialized = $callstack -join ">"
Write-Host "$timestamp [$serialized] END TEST => $result"
$context.Pop() | Out-Null
process {
$timestamp = Get-Date -Date $_.Date -Format 'hh:mm:ss'
$name = $_.Requirement.Name
$description = $_.Requirement.Describe
$method, $state, $result = $_.Method, $_.State, $_.Result
switch ($method) {
"Test" {
switch ($state) {
"Start" {
$callstack = $context.ToArray()
$serialized = $callstack -join ">"
Write-Host "$timestamp [$serialized] BEGIN TEST $description"
"Stop" {
$callstack = $context.ToArray()
$serialized = $callstack -join ">"
Write-Host "$timestamp [$serialized] END TEST => $result"
$context.Pop() | Out-Null
"Set" {
switch ($state) {
"Start" {
$callstack = $context.ToArray()
$serialized = $callstack -join ">"
Write-Host "$timestamp [$serialized] BEGIN SET $description"
"Stop" {
$callstack = $context.ToArray()
$serialized = $callstack -join ">"
Write-Host "$timestamp [$serialized] END SET"
$context.Pop() | Out-Null
"Validate" {
switch ($state) {
"Start" {
$callstack = $context.ToArray()
$serialized = $callstack -join ">"
Write-Host "$timestamp [$serialized] BEGIN TEST $description"
"Stop" {
$callstack = $context.ToArray()
$serialized = $callstack -join ">"
Write-Host "$timestamp [$serialized] END TEST => $result"
$context.Pop() | Out-Null

View File

@ -6,50 +6,50 @@ $SourceRoot = "$RepoRoot/src"
function invoke($Requirement) {
[RequirementEvent]::new($Requirement, "Test", "Start")
[RequirementEvent]::new($Requirement, "Test", "Stop", $false)
[RequirementEvent]::new($Requirement, "Set", "Start")
[RequirementEvent]::new($Requirement, "Set", "Stop", $null)
[RequirementEvent]::new($Requirement, "Validate", "Start")
[RequirementEvent]::new($Requirement, "Validate", "Stop", $true)
[RequirementEvent]::new($Requirement, "Test", "Start")
[RequirementEvent]::new($Requirement, "Test", "Stop", $false)
[RequirementEvent]::new($Requirement, "Set", "Start")
[RequirementEvent]::new($Requirement, "Set", "Stop", $true)
[RequirementEvent]::new($Requirement, "Validate", "Start")
[RequirementEvent]::new($Requirement, "Validate", "Stop", $true)
Describe "formatters" {
Mock Get-Date { return "00:00:00" }
$script:InDesiredState = 0
$requirement = @{
Name = "simple-requirement"
Describe = "Simple Requirement"
Test = { $script:InDesiredState++ }
Set = { }
Mock Get-Date { return "00:00:00" }
$script:InDesiredState = 0
$requirement = @{
Name = "simple-requirement"
Describe = "Simple Requirement"
Test = { $script:InDesiredState++ }
Set = { }
$events = invoke $requirement
$tempContainer = $PSScriptRoot
Context "Format-Table" {
$output = $events | Format-Table | Out-String
It "Should print a non-empty string" {
$output.Trim().Length | Should -BeGreaterThan 10
$events = invoke $requirement
$tempContainer = $PSScriptRoot
Context "Format-Table" {
$output = $events | Format-Table | Out-String
It "Should print a non-empty string" {
$output.Trim().Length | Should -BeGreaterThan 10
Context "Format-Checklist" {
$path = "$tempContainer\$(New-Guid).txt"
($events | Format-Checklist) *> $path
$output = Get-Content $path -Raw
Remove-Item $path
It "Should format each line as a checklist" {
$output | Should -Match "^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d \[ . \] Simple Requirement"
Context "Format-Checklist" {
$path = "$tempContainer\$(New-Guid).txt"
$events | Format-Checklist *> $path
$output = Get-Content $path -Raw
Remove-Item $path
It "Should format each line as a checklist" {
$output | Should -Match "^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d \[ . \] Simple Requirement"
Context "Format-Callstack" {
$path = "$tempContainer\$(New-Guid).txt"
($events | Format-CallStack) *> $path
$output = Get-Content $path
Remove-Item $path
It "Should format each line as a callstack" {
$output | % { $_ | Should -Match "^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d \[.+\] .+" }
Context "Format-Callstack" {
$path = "$tempContainer\$(New-Guid).txt"
$events | Format-CallStack *> $path
$output = Get-Content $path
Remove-Item $path
It "Should format each line as a callstack" {
$output | % { $_ | Should -Match "^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d \[.+\] .+" }
It "Should print 6 lines" {
$output.Count | Should -Be 6
It "Should print 6 lines" {
$output.Count | Should -Be 6