
49 lines
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Save output of formatters so that output of commands are diffed in tests
Called in a precommit git hook
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$RepoRoot = "$PSScriptRoot/.."
$OutRoot = "$PSScriptRoot/integration"
Describe = "Integration test output root '$OutRoot' exists"
Test = { Test-Path $OutRoot -PathType Container }
Set = { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $OutRoot }
} | Invoke-Requirement | Out-Null
$context = @{ count = 0 }
$Requirements = @{
Test = @{
Namespace = "ns"
Describe = "MyDescribe"
Test = { $true }
Set = @{
Namespace = "ns"
Describe = "MyDescribe"
Set = { $true }
TestSet = @{
Namespace = "ns"
Describe = "MyDescribe"
Test = { $context.count++ % 2 -eq 1 }
Set = { $true }
$Requirements.Keys `
| % {
$events = $Requirements[$_] | Invoke-Requirement
$events | Format-Checklist *> "$OutRoot/Format-Checklist.$_.txt"
$events | Format-Table *> "$OutRoot/Format-Table.$_.txt"
$events | Format-Verbose *> "$OutRoot/Format-Verbose.$_.txt"