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#if (NET20 || NET35 || NET40 || NET45)
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.ServiceProcess;
using Vanara.PInvoke;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.AdvApi32;
namespace Vanara.Extensions
2018-04-05 16:17:33 -04:00
/// <summary>Extension methods for <see cref="ServiceController"/>.</summary>
public static partial class ServiceControllerExtension
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="Security.AccessControl.ServiceControllerSecurity"/> object that encapsulates the specified type of access
/// control list (ACL) entries for the service described by the current <see cref="ServiceController"/> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="svc">The <see cref="ServiceController"/> object from which to get access control.</param>
/// <param name="includeSections">
/// One of the <see cref="AccessControlSections"/> values that specifies which group of access control entries to retrieve.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A <see cref="Security.AccessControl.ServiceControllerSecurity"/> object that encapsulates the access control rules for the
/// current service.
/// </returns>
public static Security.AccessControl.ServiceControllerSecurity GetAccessControl(this ServiceController svc, AccessControlSections includeSections = AccessControlSections.Access | AccessControlSections.Owner | AccessControlSections.Group) => new Security.AccessControl.ServiceControllerSecurity(svc.ServiceHandle, includeSections);
/// <summary>
/// Applies access control list (ACL) entries described by a <see cref="Security.AccessControl.ServiceControllerSecurity"/> object to
/// the service described by the current <see cref="ServiceController"/> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="svc">The <see cref="ServiceController"/> object on which to set access control.</param>
/// <param name="serviceSecurity">
/// A <see cref="Security.AccessControl.ServiceControllerSecurity"/> object that describes an access control list (ACL) entry to
/// apply to the current service.
/// </param>
public static void SetAccessControl(this ServiceController svc, Security.AccessControl.ServiceControllerSecurity serviceSecurity)
if (serviceSecurity is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceSecurity));
/// <summary>Changes the start mode of a service.</summary>
/// <param name="svc">The <see cref="ServiceController"/> instance.</param>
/// <param name="mode">The new start mode.</param>
public static void SetStartType(this ServiceController svc, ServiceStartMode mode)
using (var serviceHandle = svc.ServiceHandle)
if (!ChangeServiceConfig(serviceHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), ServiceTypes.SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, (ServiceStartType)mode, ServiceErrorControlType.SERVICE_NO_CHANGE))
throw new ExternalException("Could not change service start type.", new Win32Exception());
namespace Vanara.Security.AccessControl
/// <summary>Defines the access rights to use when creating access and audit rules.</summary>
public enum ServiceControllerAccessRights : uint
/// <summary>Includes STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED in addition to all access rights in this table.</summary>
FullControl = ServiceAccessRights.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS | AccessSystemSecurity | ACCESS_MASK.STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL,
/// <summary>
/// Required to call the ChangeServiceConfig or ChangeServiceConfig2 function to change the service configuration. Because this
/// grants the caller the right to change the executable file that the system runs, it should be granted only to administrators.
/// </summary>
ChangeConfig = ServiceAccessRights.SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG,
/// <summary>Required to call the EnumDependentServices function to enumerate all the services dependent on the service.</summary>
EnumerateDependents = ServiceAccessRights.SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS,
/// <summary>Required to call the ControlService function to ask the service to report its status immediately.</summary>
Interrogate = ServiceAccessRights.SERVICE_INTERROGATE,
/// <summary>Required to call the ControlService function to pause or continue the service.</summary>
Continue = ServiceAccessRights.SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE,
/// <summary>Required to call the QueryServiceConfig and QueryServiceConfig2 functions to query the service configuration.</summary>
QueryConfig = ServiceAccessRights.SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG,
/// <summary>
/// Required to call the QueryServiceStatus or QueryServiceStatusEx function to ask the service control manager about the status of
/// the service.
/// <para>Required to call the NotifyServiceStatusChange function to receive notification when a service changes status.</para>
/// </summary>
QueryStatus = ServiceAccessRights.SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS,
/// <summary>Required to call the StartService function to start the service.</summary>
Start = ServiceAccessRights.SERVICE_START,
/// <summary>Required to call the ControlService function to stop the service.</summary>
Stop = ServiceAccessRights.SERVICE_STOP,
/// <summary>Required to call the ControlService function to specify a user-defined control code.</summary>
UserDefinedControl = ServiceAccessRights.SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL,
/// <summary>
/// Required to call the QueryServiceObjectSecurity or SetServiceObjectSecurity function to access the SACL. The proper way to obtain
/// this access is to enable the SE_SECURITY_NAMEprivilege in the caller's current access token, open the handle for
/// ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY access, and then disable the privilege.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>Required to call the DeleteService function to delete the service.</summary>
/// <summary>Required to call the QueryServiceObjectSecurity function to query the security descriptor of the service object.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Required to call the SetServiceObjectSecurity function to modify the Dacl member of the service object's security descriptor.
/// </summary>
ChangePermissions = ACCESS_MASK.WRITE_DAC,
/// <summary>
/// Required to call the SetServiceObjectSecurity function to modify the Owner and Group members of the service object's security descriptor.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the right to open and copy folders or files as read-only. This right includes the ReadData right,
/// ReadExtendedAttributes right, ReadAttributes right, and ReadPermissions right.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the right to create folders and files, and to add or remove data from files. This right includes the WriteData right,
/// AppendData right, WriteExtendedAttributes right, and WriteAttributes right.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>Specifies the right to run an application file.</summary>
/// <summary>Represents an abstraction of an access control entry (ACE) that defines an access rule for a service.</summary>
/// <seealso cref="System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule"/>
public sealed class ServiceControllerAccessRule : AccessRule
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServiceControllerAccessRule"/> class with the specified identity, access rights, and
/// access control type..
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identity">The name of the user account.</param>
/// <param name="rights">
/// One of the <see cref="ServiceControllerAccessRights"/> values that specifies the type of operation associated with the access rule.
/// </param>
/// <param name="type">One of the <see cref="AccessControlType"/> values that specifies whether to allow or deny the operation.</param>
public ServiceControllerAccessRule(string identity, ServiceControllerAccessRights rights, AccessControlType type)
: this(new NTAccount(identity), AccessMaskFromRights(rights), false, type)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServiceControllerAccessRule"/> class with the specified identity, access rights, and
/// access control type..
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identity">An <see cref="IdentityReference"/> object that encapsulates a reference to a user account.</param>
/// <param name="rights">
/// One of the <see cref="ServiceControllerAccessRights"/> values that specifies the type of operation associated with the access rule.
/// </param>
/// <param name="type">One of the <see cref="AccessControlType"/> values that specifies whether to allow or deny the operation.</param>
public ServiceControllerAccessRule(IdentityReference identity, ServiceControllerAccessRights rights, AccessControlType type)
: this(identity, AccessMaskFromRights(rights), false, type)
internal ServiceControllerAccessRule(IdentityReference identity, int accessMask, bool isInherited, AccessControlType type)
: base(identity, accessMask, isInherited, InheritanceFlags.None, PropagationFlags.None, type)
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="ServiceControllerAccessRights"/> flags that are associated with the current
/// <see cref="ServiceControllerAccessRule"/> object.
/// </summary>
/// <value>A bitwise combination of the <see cref="ServiceControllerAccessRights"/> values.</value>
public ServiceControllerAccessRights AccessRights => (ServiceControllerAccessRights)AccessMask;
internal static int AccessMaskFromRights(ServiceControllerAccessRights rights) =>
rights >= 0 && rights <= ServiceControllerAccessRights.FullControl ?
(int)rights : throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(rights));
/// <summary>Represents an abstraction of an access control entry (ACE) that defines an audit rule for a service.</summary>
/// <seealso cref="System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule"/>
public sealed class ServiceControllerAuditRule : AuditRule
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServiceControllerAuditRule"/> class for a user account specified in a
/// <see cref="IdentityReference"/> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identity">An <see cref="IdentityReference"/> object that encapsulates a reference to a user account.</param>
/// <param name="rights">
/// One of the <see cref="ServiceControllerAccessRights"/> values that specifies the type of operation associated with the access rule.
/// </param>
/// <param name="flags">One of the <see cref="AuditFlags"/> values that specifies when to perform auditing.</param>
public ServiceControllerAuditRule(IdentityReference identity, ServiceControllerAccessRights rights, AuditFlags flags)
: this(identity, ServiceControllerAccessRule.AccessMaskFromRights(rights), false, flags)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServiceControllerAuditRule"/> class for a user account specified in a
/// <see cref="IdentityReference"/> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identity">The name of the user account.</param>
/// <param name="rights">
/// One of the <see cref="ServiceControllerAccessRights"/> values that specifies the type of operation associated with the access rule.
/// </param>
/// <param name="flags">One of the <see cref="AuditFlags"/> values that specifies when to perform auditing.</param>
public ServiceControllerAuditRule(string identity, ServiceControllerAccessRights rights, AuditFlags flags)
: this(new NTAccount(identity), ServiceControllerAccessRule.AccessMaskFromRights(rights), false, flags)
internal ServiceControllerAuditRule(IdentityReference identity, int accessMask, bool isInherited, AuditFlags flags)
: base(identity, accessMask, isInherited, InheritanceFlags.None, PropagationFlags.None, flags)
/// <summary>Represents the access control and audit security for a service.</summary>
/// <seealso cref="System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity"/>
public class ServiceControllerSecurity : NativeObjectSecurity
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServiceControllerSecurity"/> class.</summary>
public ServiceControllerSecurity() : base(false, System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType.Service) { }
internal ServiceControllerSecurity(SafeHandle handle, AccessControlSections includeSections) :
base(false, System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType.Service, handle, includeSections)
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of the securable object associated with this
/// <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity"/> object.
/// </summary>
public override Type AccessRightType => typeof(ServiceControllerAccessRights);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of the object associated with the access rules of this
/// <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity"/> object. The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> object must be an object
/// that can be cast as a <see cref="T:System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier"/> object.
/// </summary>
public override Type AccessRuleType => typeof(ServiceControllerAccessRule);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> object associated with the audit rules of this
/// <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity"/> object. The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> object must be an object
/// that can be cast as a <see cref="T:System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier"/> object.
/// </summary>
public override Type AuditRuleType => typeof(ServiceControllerAuditRule);
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule"/> class with the specified values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identityReference">The identity to which the access rule applies. It must be an object that can be cast as a <see cref="T:System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier"/>.</param>
/// <param name="accessMask">
/// The access mask of this rule. The access mask is a 32-bit collection of anonymous bits, the meaning of which is defined by the
/// individual integrators.
/// </param>
/// <param name="isInherited">true if this rule is inherited from a parent container.</param>
/// <param name="inheritanceFlags">Specifies the inheritance properties of the access rule.</param>
/// <param name="propagationFlags">
/// Specifies whether inherited access rules are automatically propagated. The propagation flags are ignored if
/// <paramref name="inheritanceFlags"/> is set to <see cref="F:System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags.None"/>.
/// </param>
/// <param name="type">Specifies the valid access control type.</param>
/// <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule"/> object that this method creates.</returns>
public override AccessRule AccessRuleFactory(IdentityReference identityReference, int accessMask, bool isInherited, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags, AccessControlType type) => new ServiceControllerAccessRule(identityReference, (ServiceControllerAccessRights)accessMask, type);
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule"/> class with the specified values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identityReference">The identity to which the audit rule applies. It must be an object that can be cast as a <see cref="T:System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier"/>.</param>
/// <param name="accessMask">
/// The access mask of this rule. The access mask is a 32-bit collection of anonymous bits, the meaning of which is defined by the
/// individual integrators.
/// </param>
/// <param name="isInherited">true if this rule is inherited from a parent container.</param>
/// <param name="inheritanceFlags">Specifies the inheritance properties of the audit rule.</param>
/// <param name="propagationFlags">
/// Specifies whether inherited audit rules are automatically propagated. The propagation flags are ignored if
/// <paramref name="inheritanceFlags"/> is set to <see cref="F:System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags.None"/>.
/// </param>
/// <param name="flags">Specifies the conditions for which the rule is audited.</param>
/// <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule"/> object that this method creates.</returns>
public override AuditRule AuditRuleFactory(IdentityReference identityReference, int accessMask, bool isInherited, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags, AuditFlags flags) => new ServiceControllerAuditRule(identityReference, (ServiceControllerAccessRights)accessMask, flags);
internal void Persist(SafeHandle handle)
var persistRules = GetAccessControlSectionsFromChanges();
if (persistRules == AccessControlSections.None)
Persist(handle, persistRules);
OwnerModified = GroupModified = AuditRulesModified = AccessRulesModified = false;
private AccessControlSections GetAccessControlSectionsFromChanges()
var persistRules = AccessControlSections.None;
if (AccessRulesModified)
persistRules = AccessControlSections.Access;
if (AuditRulesModified)
persistRules |= AccessControlSections.Audit;
if (OwnerModified)
persistRules |= AccessControlSections.Owner;
if (GroupModified)
persistRules |= AccessControlSections.Group;
return persistRules;