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## Assembly report for Vanara.SystemServices.dll
### Classes
Class | Description
---- | ----
2018-06-08 14:00:08 -04:00
BackgroundCopyException | Exceptions specific to BITS
BackgroundCopyFileCollection | Manages the set of files for a background copy job.
BackgroundCopyFileInfo | Information about a file in a background copy job.
BackgroundCopyFileRange | Identifies a range of bytes to download from a file.
BackgroundCopyFileRangesTransferredEventArgs | Used by `FileRangesTransferred` events.
BackgroundCopyFileTransferredEventArgs | Used by `FileTransferred` events.
BackgroundCopyJob | A job in the Backgroup Copy Service (BITS)
BackgroundCopyJobCollection | Manages the set of jobs for the background copy service (BITS).
BackgroundCopyJobCredential | Represents a single BITS job credential.
BackgroundCopyJobCredentials | The list of credentials for a job.
BackgroundCopyJobEventArgs | Event argument for background copy job.
BackgroundCopyManager | Use the BackgroundCopyManager to create transfer jobs, retrieve an enumerator object that contains the jobs in the queue, and to retrieve individual jobs from the queue.
2019-02-24 20:54:29 -05:00
Computer | Represents a single connected (authenticated) computer.
FileInfoExtension | Extension methods for `FileSystemInfo` and derived classes to facilitate retrieval of extended properties.
NetworkConnection | Represents a single network connection. Wraps `INetworkConnection`.
2018-11-28 10:53:23 -05:00
NetworkInterfaceExt |
NetworkListManager | Provides a set of methods to perform network list management functions.
NetworkProfile | Represents a wireless network profile
2019-04-09 17:20:49 -04:00
OpenFile | Represents an open file associated with a share.
PathEx | Performs operations on String instances that contain file or directory path information. These operations are performed in a cross-platform manner.
2019-03-08 14:38:52 -05:00
PoweredDevice | Represents a device on the system that has power requirements.
PoweredDeviceCollection | Retrieves the list, optionally filtered, of the powered devices on the system.
PowerManager | Provides access to information about a device's battery and power supply status and configuration. This extends the capabilities Windows.System.Power.PowerManager to include more detail, schemes and devices.
PowerScheme | Represents a system power scheme (power plan).
PowerSchemeCollection | Represents a collection of all the power schemes available on the system.
PowerSchemeGroup | Represents a subgroup of a system power scheme (power plan).
PowerSchemeGroupCollection | Represents a collection of all the subgroups available under a power scheme on the system.
PowerSchemeSetting | Represents a setting on a subgroup.
PowerSchemeSettingCollection | Represents a collection of all settings for a subgroup and power scheme on the system.
ProcessExtension | Extension methods for `Process` for privilegs, status, elevation and relationships.
RegistryEventArgs | Argument used in `RegistryEventMonitor` events.
RegistryEventMonitor | Watches the Windows Registry for any changes.
2019-06-04 14:18:56 -04:00
ServiceControllerAccessRule | Represents an abstraction of an access control entry (ACE) that defines an access rule for a service.
ServiceControllerAuditRule | Represents an abstraction of an access control entry (ACE) that defines an audit rule for a service.
ServiceControllerExtension | Extension methods for `ServiceController`.
2019-06-04 14:18:56 -04:00
ServiceControllerSecurity | Represents the access control and audit security for a service.
2019-04-09 17:20:49 -04:00
ShareConnection | Represents a connection to a shared device.
2019-02-24 20:54:29 -05:00
SharedDevice | Represents a shared device on a computer.
SharedDevices | Represents all the shared devices on a computers.
2018-04-04 11:27:40 -04:00
SystemShutdown | Provides access to system shutdown, restart, lock and notifications.
VirtualDisk | Class that represents a virtual disk and allows for performing actions on it. This wraps most of the methods found in virtdisk.h.
2018-04-04 11:27:40 -04:00
VirtualDiskMetadata | Supports getting and setting metadata on a virtual disk.
2018-06-08 14:00:08 -04:00
Wow64Redirect | Suspends File System Redirection if found to be in effect. Effectively, this calls <c>IsWow64Process</c> to determine state and then disables redirection using <c>Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection</c>. It then reverts redirection at disposal using <c>Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection</c>.
### Structures
Struct | Description
---- | ----
BackgroundCopyFileRange | Identifies a range of bytes to download from a file.
BackgroundCopyJobProgress | Provides job-related progress information, such as the number of bytes and files transferred. For upload jobs, the progress applies to the upload file, not the reply file.
BackgroundCopyJobReplyProgress | Provides progress information related to the reply portion of an upload-reply job.
### Enumerations
Enum | Description | Values
---- | ---- | ----
2018-06-08 14:00:08 -04:00
BackgroundCopyACLFlags | Flags for ACL information to maintain when using SMB to download or upload a file. | None, Owner, Group, Dacl, Sacl, All
BackgroundCopyCost | Defines the constant values that specify the BITS cost state. | Unrestricted, CappedUsageUnknown, BelowCap, NearCap, OvercapCharged, OstStateOvercapThrottled, OstStateUsageBased, Roaming, Reserved, IgnoreCongestion, TransferUnrestricted, TransferStandard, TransferNoSurcharge, TransferNotRoaming, TransferAlways
BackgroundCopyErrorContext | Defines the constant values that specify the context in which the error occurred. | None, Unknown, GeneralQueueManager, QueueManagerNotification, LocalFile, RemoteFile, GeneralTransport, RemoteApplication
BackgroundCopyJobCredentialScheme | Defines the constant values that specify the authentication scheme to use when a proxy or server requests user authentication. | Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, Passport
BackgroundCopyJobCredentialTarget | Defines the constant values that specify whether the credentials are used for proxy or server user authentication requests. | Undefined, Server, Proxy
BackgroundCopyJobPriority | Defines the constant values that specify the priority level of a job. | Foreground, High, Normal, Low
BackgroundCopyJobSecurity | HTTP security flags that indicate which errors to ignore when connecting to the server. | AllowSilentRedirect, CheckCRL, IgnoreInvalidCerts, IgnoreExpiredCerts, IgnoreUnknownCA, IgnoreWrongCertUsage, AllowReportedRedirect, DisallowRedirect, AllowHttpsToHttpRedirect
BackgroundCopyJobState | Defines constant values for the different states of a job. | Queued, Connecting, Transferring, Suspended, Error, TransientError, Transferred, Acknowledged, Cancelled
BackgroundCopyJobType | Defines constant values that specify the type of transfer job, such as download. | Download, Upload, UploadReply
2019-03-08 14:38:52 -05:00
BatteryStatus | Indicates the status of the battery. | NotPresent, Discharging, Idle, Charging
DeviceType | Represents the format of the virtual disk. | Unknown, Iso, Vhd, Vhdx, VhdSet
2019-03-08 14:38:52 -05:00
EnergySaverStatus | Specifies the status of battery saver. | Disabled, Off, On
2018-11-28 10:53:23 -05:00
NetworkInterfaceAccessType | The interface access type. | Loopback, Broadcast, PointToPoint, PointToMultiPoint
NetworkInterfaceAdministrativeStatus | Specifies the NDIS network interface administrative status, as described in RFC 2863. | Up, Down, Testing
NetworkInterfaceConnectionType | Specifies the NDIS network interface connection type. | Dedicated, Passive, Demand
NetworkInterfaceDirectionType | Specifies the NDIS network interface direction type. | SendReceive, SendOnly, ReceiveOnly
NetworkInterfaceMediaType | The NDIS media type of a network interface. | Ethernet802_3, TokenRing, Fddi, Wan, LocalTalk, Dix, ArcnetRaw, Arcnet878_2, Atm, Wireless, IrDA, Broadcast, CoWAN, Ieee1394, InfiniBand, Tunnel, Native802_11, Loopback, WiMAX, IP
NetworkInterfacePhysicalMedium | The NDIS physical medium type. | Unspecified, WirelessLan, CableModem, PhoneLine, PowerLine, DSL, FibreChannel, Ieee1394, WirelessWan, Native802_11, Bluetooth, InfiniBand, WiMAX, UWB, Ethernet802_3, TokenRing, IrDA, WiredWAN, WiredCoWAN, Other
PathCharType | | Invalid, LongFileName, ShortFileName, Wildcard, Separator
2019-03-08 14:38:52 -05:00
PowerCapabilities | | PowerButtonPresent, SleepButtonPresent, LidPresent, SystemS1, SystemS2, SystemS3, SystemS4, SystemS5, HiberFilePresent, FullWake, VideoDimPresent, ApmPresent, UpsPresent, ThermalControl, ProcessorThrottle, FastSystemS4, Hiberboot, WakeAlarmPresent, AoAc, DiskSpinDown, AoAcConnectivitySupported, SystemBatteriesPresent, BatteriesAreShortTerm
PowerSupplyStatus | Represents the device's power supply status. | NotPresent, Inadequate, Adequate
ProcessIntegrityLevel | Values which define a processes integrity level. | Untrusted, Undefined, Low, Medium, High, System
2019-06-04 14:18:56 -04:00
ServiceControllerAccessRights | Defines the access rights to use when creating access and audit rules. | QueryConfig, ChangeConfig, QueryStatus, EnumerateDependents, Start, Stop, Continue, Interrogate, UserDefinedControl, Delete, ReadPermissions, Write, Read, Execute, ChangePermissions, TakeOwnership, AccessSystemSecurity, FullControl
2019-02-24 20:54:29 -05:00
ShareOfflineSettings | Offline settings for a shared folder. | OnlySpecified, All, AllOptimized, None
Subtype | Represents the subtype of a virtual disk. | Fixed, Dynamic, Differencing