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## Assembly report for Vanara.Core.dll
### Classes
Class | Description
---- | ----
ComReleaser<T> | A safe variable to hold an instance of a COM class that automatically calls `Marshal.ReleaseComObject(System.Object)` on disposal.
CorrespondingTypeAttribute | Attribute for enum values that provides information about corresponding types and related actions. Useful for Get/Set methods that use an enumeration value to determine the type to get or set.
CoTaskMemoryMethods | Unmanaged memory methods for COM.
EnumerableEqualityComparer<T> | Checks the linear equality of two enumerated lists. For lists to be equal, they must have the same number of elements and each index must hold the same value in each list.
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EnumExtensions | Extensions for enumerated types.
EventedList<T> | A generic list that provides event for changes to the list. This is an alternative to ObservableCollection that provides distinct events for each action (add, insert, remove, changed).
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FileTimeExtensions | Extensions for `FILETIME`.
GenericSafeHandle | A `SafeHandle` that takes a delegate in the constructor that closes the supplied handle.
HGlobalMemoryMethods | Unmanaged memory methods for HGlobal.
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InteropExtensions | Extension methods for System.Runtime.InteropServices.
IOExtensions | Extensions for classes in System.IO.
ListChangedEventArgs<T> | An `EventArgs` structure passed to events generated by an <see cref="T:Vanara.Collections.EventedList`1" />.
MarshalingStream | A `Stream` derivative for working with unmanaged memory.
PinnedObject | A safe class that represents an object that is pinned in memory.
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ReflectionExtensions | Extensions related to <c>System.Reflection</c>
SafeAllocatedMemoryHandle | Abstract base class for all SafeHandle derivatives that encapsulate handling unmanaged memory.
SafeByteArray | An safe unmanaged array of bytes allocated on the global heap.
SafeCoTaskMemHandle | A `SafeHandle` for memory allocated via COM.
SafeCoTaskMemString | Safely handles an unmanaged memory allocated Unicode string.
SafeHGlobalHandle | A `SafeHandle` for memory allocated via LocalAlloc.
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SafeMemoryHandle<T> | Abstract base class for all SafeAllocatedMemoryHandle derivatives that apply a specific memory handling routine set.
SafeMemoryHandleExt<T> | A `SafeHandle` for memory allocated via COM.
SparseArray<T> | A sparse array based on a dictionary.
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StringHelper | A safe class that represents an object that is pinned in memory.
### Structures
Struct | Description
---- | ----
EnumFlagIndexer<T> |
StrPtrAnsi | The StrPtr structure represents a LPWSTR.
StrPtrAuto | The StrPtr structure represents a LPTSTR.
StrPtrUni | The StrPtr structure represents a LPWSTR.
### Enumerations
Enum | Description | Values
---- | ---- | ----
CorrepsondingAction | Actions that can be taken with a corresponding type. | None, Get, Set, GetSet, Exception
StringListPackMethod | Method used to pack a list of strings into memory. | Concatenated, Packed