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2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
using System;
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
using System.IO;
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Vanara.PInvoke
/// <summary>Items from the cabinet.dll</summary>
public static partial class Cabinet
/// <summary>
/// The <c>FNCLOSE</c> macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to close a file in an FDI context.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hf">The file handle.</param>
/// <returns>Returns 0 if the file was successfully closed. A return value of <20>1 indicates an error.</returns>
/// <remarks>The function accepts parameters similar to _close.</remarks>
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "89db9c2a-42ab-410d-a427-60d282385c2b")]
public delegate int PFNCLOSE(IntPtr hf);
/// <summary>Undocumented.</summary>
/// <param name="pfdid">The FDIDECRYPT structure.</param>
/// <returns>Undocumented</returns>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public delegate int PFNFDIDECRYPT(ref FDIDECRYPT pfdid);
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The <c>FNFDINOTIFY</c> macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback notification function to update the
/// application on the status of the decoder.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fdint">The notification type.</param>
/// <param name="pfdin">The FDINOTIFICATION structure.</param>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <returns>Success returns 1; Failure returns 0; -1 if FDICopy() is aborted.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If this function is passed on the FDICopy() call, then FDI calls it at various times to update the decryption state and to
/// decrypt FCDATA blocks.
/// </remarks>
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "7655ddb2-7cd4-4012-913c-9909fcea639a")]
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The <c>FNOPEN</c> macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to open a file in an FDI context.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pszFile">File name.</param>
/// <param name="oflag">The kind of operations allowed.</param>
/// <param name="pmode">Permission mode.</param>
/// <returns>Return value is file handle of open file to read, or INVALID_FILE_HANDLE on failure.</returns>
/// <remarks>The function accepts parameters similar to _open.</remarks>
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "45bd2d23-1f6d-42a6-8afb-86227da6118f")]
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public delegate IntPtr PFNOPEN(string pszFile, RunTimeLib.FileOpConstant oflag, RunTimeLib.FilePermissionConstant pmode);
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The <c>FNREAD</c> macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to read data from a file in an
/// FDI context.
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hf">File descriptor referring to the open file.</param>
/// <param name="memory">Storage location for data.</param>
/// <param name="cb">Maximum number of bytes to read.</param>
/// <returns>returns the number of bytes read</returns>
/// <remarks>The function accepts parameters similar to _read.</remarks>
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "0a8c6c9f-051c-43a0-b43b-1fd8b4fef10c")]
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
2021-06-03 12:51:28 -04:00
public delegate uint PFNREAD(IntPtr hf, [Out] IntPtr memory, uint cb);
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The <c>FNSEEK</c> macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to move a file pointer to the
/// specified location in an FDI context.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hf">File descriptor referring to an open file.</param>
/// <param name="dist">Number of bytes from origin.</param>
/// <param name="seektype">Initial position..</param>
/// <returns>returns the offset, in bytes, of the new position from the beginning of the file.</returns>
/// <remarks>The function accepts parameters similar to _lseek.</remarks>
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "e49b5086-6b89-40ce-b6fa-905d21593dec")]
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public delegate int PFNSEEK(IntPtr hf, int dist, SeekOrigin seektype);
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The <c>FNWRITE</c> macro provides the declaration for the application-defined callback function to write data to a file in an
/// FDI context.
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hf">File descriptor of file into which data is written.</param>
/// <param name="memory">Data to be written.</param>
/// <param name="cb">Number of bytes.</param>
/// <returns>returns the number of bytes actually written.</returns>
/// <remarks>The function accepts parameters similar to _write.</remarks>
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "e15d4293-2955-48cd-b8c9-77669a1e6436")]
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
2021-06-03 12:51:28 -04:00
public delegate uint PFNWRITE(IntPtr hf, [In] IntPtr memory, uint cb);
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
/// <summary>Specifies the CPU type.</summary>
public enum FDICPU
/// <summary>FDI should determine the CPU type.</summary>
cpuUNKNOWN = -1,
/// <summary>Only 80286 instructions can be used.</summary>
cpu80286 = 0,
/// <summary>80386 instructions can be used.</summary>
cpu80386 = 1
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary/>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary>New cabinet</summary>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
fdidtNEW_CABINET, // New cabinet
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary>New folder</summary>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
fdidtNEW_FOLDER, // New folder
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary>Decrypt a data block</summary>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
fdidtDECRYPT, // Decrypt a data block
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary>An FDI error code.</summary>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
public enum FDIERROR
/// <summary>
/// Description: No error
/// Cause: Function was successfull.
/// Response: Keep going!
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Description: Cabinet not found
/// Cause: Bad file name or path passed to FDICopy(), or returned to fdintNEXT_CABINET.
/// Response: To prevent this error, validate the existence of the the cabinet *before* passing the path to FDI.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Description: Cabinet file does not have the correct format
/// Cause: File passed to to FDICopy(), or returned to fdintNEXT_CABINET, is too small to be a cabinet file, or does not
/// have the cabinet signature in its first four bytes.
/// Response: To prevent this error, call FDIIsCabinet() to check a cabinet before calling FDICopy() or returning the cabinet
/// path to fdintNEXT_CABINET.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Description: Cabinet file has an unknown version number.
/// Cause: File passed to to FDICopy(), or returned to fdintNEXT_CABINET, has what looks like a cabinet file header, but
/// the version of the cabinet file format is not one understood by this version of FDI. The erf.erfType field is filled in with
/// the version number found in the cabinet file.
/// Response: To prevent this error, call FDIIsCabinet() to check a cabinet before calling FDICopy() or returning the cabinet
/// path to fdintNEXT_CABINET.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Description: Cabinet file is corrupt
/// Cause: FDI returns this error any time it finds a problem with the logical format of a cabinet file, and any time one
/// of the passed-in file I/O calls fails when operating on a cabinet (PFNOPEN, PFNSEEK, PFNREAD, or PFNCLOSE). The client can
/// distinguish these two cases based upon whether the last file I/O call failed or not.
/// Response: Assuming this is not a real corruption problem in a cabinet file, the file I/O functions could attempt to do
/// retries on failure (for example, if there is a temporary network connection problem). If this does not work, and the file
/// I/O call has to fail, then the FDI client will have to clean up and call the FDICopy() function again.
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Description: Could not allocate enough memory
/// Cause: FDI tried to allocate memory with the PFNALLOC function, but it failed.
/// Response: If possible, PFNALLOC should take whatever steps are possible to allocate the memory requested. If memory is not
/// immediately available, it might post a dialog asking the user to free memory, for example. Note that the bulk of FDI's
/// memory allocations are made at FDICreate() time and when the first cabinet file is opened during FDICopy().
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Description: Unknown compression type in a cabinet folder
/// Cause: [Should never happen.] A folder in a cabinet has an unknown compression type. This is probably caused by a
/// mismatch between the version of Diamond used to create the cabinet and the FDI. LIB used to read the cabinet.
/// Response: Abort.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Description: Failure decompressing data from a cabinet file
/// Cause: The decompressor found an error in the data coming from the file cabinet. The cabinet file was corrupted.
/// [11-Apr-1994 bens When checksuming is turned on, this error should never occur.]
/// Response: Probably should abort; only other choice is to cleanup and call FDICopy() again, and hope there was some
/// intermittent data error that will not reoccur.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Description: Failure writing to target file
/// Cause: FDI returns this error any time it gets an error back from one of the passed-in file I/O calls fails when
/// writing to a file being extracted from a cabinet.
/// Response: To avoid or minimize this error, the file I/O functions could attempt to avoid failing. A common cause might be
/// disk full -- in this case, the PFNWRITE function could have a check for free space, and put up a dialog asking the user to
/// free some disk space.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Description: Cabinets in a set do not have the same RESERVE sizes
/// Cause: [Should never happen]. FDI requires that the sizes of the per-cabinet, per-folder, and per-data block RESERVE
/// sections be consistent across all the cabinet in a set. Diamond will only generate cabinet sets with these properties.
/// Response: Abort.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Description: Cabinet returned on fdintNEXT_CABINET is incorrect
/// Cause: NOTE: THIS ERROR IS NEVER RETURNED BY FDICopy()! Rather, FDICopy() keeps calling the fdintNEXT_CABINET callback
/// until either the correct cabinet is specified, or you return ABORT. When FDICopy() is extracting a file that crosses a
/// cabinet boundary, it calls fdintNEXT_CABINET to ask for the path to the next cabinet. Not being very trusting, FDI then
/// checks to make sure that the correct continuation cabinet was supplied! It does this by checking the "setID" and "iCabinet"
/// fields in the cabinet. When DIAMOND.EXE creates a set of cabinets, it constructs the "setID" using the sum of the bytes of
/// all the destination file names in the cabinet set. FDI makes sure that the 16-bit setID of the continuation cabinet matches
/// the cabinet file just processed. FDI then checks that the cabinet number (iCabinet) is one more than the cabinet number for
/// the cabinet just processed.
/// Response: You need code in your fdintNEXT_CABINET (see below) handler to do retries if you get recalled with this error.
/// See the sample code (EXTRACT.C) to see how this should be handled.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Description: FDI aborted.
/// Cause: An FDI callback returned -1 (usually).
/// Response: Up to client.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Description: Unexpected end of file.
/// Cause: This error may be returned instead of FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET if PFNREAD returned 0.
/// Response: See FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET above.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>Types for PFNFDINOTIFY</summary>
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "6ec2b10b-f70a-4a22-beff-df6b6a4c4cfd")]
/// <summary>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
/// <para>General information about the cabinet.</para>
/// <para>When this value is set, the FDINOTIFICATION structure is populated with the following information:</para>
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>psz1 will point to the name of the next cabinet (excluding path information)</item>
/// <item>psz2 will point to the name of the next disk</item>
/// <item>psz3 will point to the cabinet path name</item>
/// <item>setID will equal the set ID of the current cabinet</item>
/// <item>
/// iCabinet will equal the cabinet number within the cabinet set (0 for the first cabinet, 1 for the second cabinet, etc.)
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// <para>
/// The application should return 0 to indicate success, or -1 to indicate failure, which will abort FDICopy. An
/// fdintCABINET_INFO notification will be provided once for each cabinet opened by FDICopy; this includes continuation cabinets
/// opened due to files spanning cabinet boundaries.
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
/// <para>First file in the cabinet is a continuation of a file from previous cabinet.</para>
/// <para>When this value is set, the FDINOTIFICATION structure is populated with the following information:</para>
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>psz1 will point to the name of the file continued from a previous cabinet</item>
/// <item>psz2 will point to the name of the cabinet on which the first segment of the file exists</item>
/// <item>psz3 will point to the name of the disk on which the first segment of the file exists</item>
/// </list>
/// <para>
/// The fdintPARTIAL_FILE notification is called for files at the beginning of a cabinet that have continued from a previous
/// cabinet. This notification will occur only when FDICopy is started on the second or subsequent cabinet in a series, which
/// has files continued from a previous cabinet. The application should return 0 for success, or -1 to indicate failure.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
/// <para>Information identifying the file to be copied.</para>
/// <para>When this value is set, the FDINOTIFICATION structure is populated with the following information:</para>
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>psz1 will point to the name of a file in the cabinet</item>
/// <item>cb will equal the uncompressed size of the file</item>
/// <item>date will equal the file's 16-bit MS-DOS date</item>
/// <item>time will equal the file's 16-bit MS-DOS time</item>
/// <item>attribs will equal the file's 16-bit MS-DOS attributes</item>
/// </list>
/// <para>
/// The application should return one of three values; 0 to skip (i.e. not copy) the file; -1 (negative
/// one) to abort FDICopy; or a nonzero (and non-negative-one) file handle that indicates where to write the file. The file
/// handle must be compatible with the PFNCLOSE function supplied to FDICreate. The fdintCOPY_FILE notification is called for
/// each file that starts within the current cabinet, providing the opportunity for the application to request that the file be
/// copied or skipped.
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
/// <para>Close the file, set relevant information.</para>
/// <para>When this value is set, the FDINOTIFICATION structure is populated with the following information:</para>
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>psz1 will point to the name of a file in the cabinet</item>
/// <item>hf will be a file handle (which originated from fdintCOPY_FILE)</item>
/// <item>date date will equal the file's 16-bit MS-DOS date</item>
/// <item>time time will equal the file's 16-bit MS-DOS time</item>
/// <item>attribs attributes will equal the file's 16-bit MS-DOS attributes (minus the _A_EXEC bit)</item>
/// <item>cb will equal either 0 or 1, indicating whether the file should be executed after extract (1), or not (0)</item>
/// </list>
/// <para>
/// It is the responsibility of the application to execute the file if cb equals 1. The fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO notification is
/// called after all of the data has been written to a target file. The application must close the file (using the provided hf
/// handle), and set the file date, time, and attributes. The application should return TRUE for success, and FALSE or -1 to
/// abort FDICopy. FDI assumes that the target file was closed, even if this callback returns failure; FDI will not attempt to
/// use PFNCLOSE to close the file.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
/// <para>File continued to next cabinet.</para>
/// <para>When this value is set, the FDINOTIFICATION structure is populated with the following information:</para>
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>psz1 will point to the name of the next cabinet on which the current file is continued</item>
/// <item>psz2 will be a file handle (which originated from fdintCOPY_FILE)</item>
/// <item>psz3 will point to the cabinet path information</item>
/// <item>fdie will equal a success or error value</item>
/// </list>
/// <para>
/// This notification is called only if fdintCOPY_FILE is instructed to copy a file, which is continued from a subsequent
/// cabinet, to the current cabinet . Since it is possible for the application to modify the cabinet name, it is important that
/// the cabinet path name, indicated by psz3, be validated before it is returned. Additionally, the application should ensure
/// that the cabinet exists and is readable before returning; if necessary, the application should issue a disk change prompt to confirm.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// When this function returns to FDI, FDI will verify that the setID and iCabinet fields of the supplied cabinet match the
/// expected values for that cabinet. If not, FDI will continue to send fdintNEXT_CABINET notification messages with the fdie
/// field set to FDIERROR_WRONG_CABINET, until the correct cabinet file is specified, or until this function returns -1 and
/// aborts the FDICopy call. If, after returning from this function, the cabinet file is not present, readable, or has been
/// damaged, then the fdie field will equal one of the following values:
/// </para>
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>FDIERROR_NOT_A_CABINET</item>
/// <item>FDIERROR_BAD_COMPR_TYPE</item>
/// </list>
/// <para>
/// If there was no error, fdie will equal FDIERROR_NONE. The application should return 0 to indicate success, or -1 to indicate
/// failure, which will abort FDICopy.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <summary>Enumeration status.</summary>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>The <c>FDICopy</c> function extracts files from cabinets.</summary>
/// <param name="hfdi">A valid FDI context handle returned by the FDICreate function.</param>
/// <param name="pszCabinet">
/// The name of the cabinet file, excluding any path information, from which to extract files. If a file is split over multiple
/// cabinets, <c>FDICopy</c> allows for subsequent cabinets to be opened.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pszCabPath">
/// <para>The pathname of the cabinet file, but not including the name of the file itself. For example, "C:\MyCabs".</para>
/// <para>The contents of pszCabinet are appended to pszCabPath to create the full pathname of the cabinet.</para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="flags">No flags are currently defined and this parameter should be set to zero.</param>
/// <param name="pfnfdin">
/// Pointer to an application-defined callback notification function to update the application on the status of the decoder. The
/// function should be declared using the FNFDINOTIFY macro.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pfnfdid">Decryption function (pass NULL if not used)</param>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <param name="pvUser">Pointer to an application-specified value to pass to the notification function.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>If the function succeeds, it returns <c>TRUE</c>; otherwise, <c>FALSE</c>.</para>
/// <para>Extended error information is provided in the ERF structure used to create the FDI context.</para>
/// </returns>
// BOOL DIAMONDAPI FDICopy( HFDI hfdi, LPSTR pszCabinet,
// LPSTR pszCabPath, int flags, PFNFDINOTIFY pfnfdin, PFNFDIDECRYPT pfnfdid, void *pvUser );
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
[DllImport(Lib.Cabinet, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "6ec2b10b-f70a-4a22-beff-df6b6a4c4cfd")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
public static extern bool FDICopy([In] HFDI hfdi, string pszCabinet, string pszCabPath, [Optional] int flags, [In] PFNFDINOTIFY pfnfdin,
[In, Optional] PFNFDIDECRYPT pfnfdid, [In, Optional] IntPtr pvUser);
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>The <c>FDICreate</c> function creates an FDI context.</summary>
/// <param name="pfnalloc">
/// Pointer to an application-defined callback function to allocate memory. The function should be declared using the FNALLOC macro.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pfnfree">
/// Pointer to an application-defined callback function to free previously allocated memory. The function should be declared using
/// the FNFREE macro.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pfnopen">
/// Pointer to an application-defined callback function to open a file. The function should be declared using the FNOPEN macro.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pfnread">
/// Pointer to an application-defined callback function to read data from a file. The function should be declared using the FNREAD macro.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pfnwrite">
/// Pointer to an application-defined callback function to write data to a file. The function should be declared using the FNWRITE macro.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pfnclose">
/// Pointer to an application-defined callback function to close a file. The function should be declared using the FNCLOSE macro.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pfnseek">
/// Pointer to an application-defined callback function to move a file pointer to the specified location. The function should be
/// declared using the FNSEEK macro.
/// </param>
/// <param name="cpuType">
/// <para>In the 16-bit version of FDI, specifies the CPU type and can be any of the following values.</para>
/// <para><c>Note</c> Expressing the <c>cpuUNKNOWN</c> value is recommended.</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>cpuUNKNOWN -1</term>
/// <term>FDI should determine the CPU type.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>cpu80286 0</term>
/// <term>Only 80286 instructions can be used.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>cpu80386 1</term>
/// <term>80386 instructions can be used.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </param>
/// <param name="perf">Pointer to an ERF structure that receives the error information.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>If the function succeeds, it returns a non- <c>NULL</c> HFDI context pointer; otherwise, it returns <c>NULL</c>.</para>
/// <para>Extended error information is provided in the ERF structure.</para>
/// </returns>
// pfnfree, PFNOPEN pfnopen, PFNREAD pfnread, PFNWRITE pfnwrite, PFNCLOSE pfnclose, PFNSEEK pfnseek, int cpuType, PERF perf );
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
[DllImport(Lib.Cabinet, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "90634725-b7a8-4369-8a91-684debee9548")]
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
public static extern SafeHFDI FDICreate([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] PFNALLOC pfnalloc,
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] PFNFREE pfnfree,
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] PFNOPEN pfnopen,
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] PFNREAD pfnread,
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] PFNWRITE pfnwrite,
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] PFNCLOSE pfnclose,
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] PFNSEEK pfnseek, FDICPU cpuType, ref ERF perf);
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>The <c>FDIDestroy</c> function deletes an open FDI context.</summary>
/// <param name="hfdi">A valid FDI context handle returned by the FDICreate function.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>If the function succeeds, it returns <c>TRUE</c>; otherwise, <c>FALSE</c>.</para>
/// <para>Extended error information is provided in the ERF structure used to create the FDI context.</para>
/// </returns>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
[DllImport(Lib.Cabinet, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "fe3b8045-a476-4a21-b732-0d4799798faf")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool FDIDestroy([In] HFDI hfdi);
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The <c>FDIIsCabinet</c> function determines whether a file is a cabinet and, if it is, returns information about it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hfdi">A valid FDI context handle returned by FDICreate.</param>
/// <param name="hf">
/// An application-defined value to keep track of the opened file. This value must be of the same type as values used by the File
/// I/O functions passed to FDICreate.
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// </param>
/// <param name="pfdici">
/// Pointer to an FDICABINETINFO structure that receives the cabinet details, in the event the file is actually a cabinet.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>If the file is a cabinet, the function returns <c>TRUE</c> ; otherwise, <c>FALSE</c>.</para>
/// <para>Extended error information is provided in the ERF structure used to create the FDI context.</para>
/// </returns>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
[DllImport(Lib.Cabinet, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "01d223ca-56c6-49fa-b9e6-e5eeda88936a")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool FDIIsCabinet([In] HFDI hfdi, [In] IntPtr hf, out FDICABINETINFO pfdici);
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>The <c>FDITruncateCabinet</c> function truncates a cabinet file starting at the specified folder number.</summary>
/// <param name="hfdi">A valid FDI context handle returned by the FDICreate function.</param>
/// <param name="pszCabinetName">The full cabinet filename.</param>
/// <param name="iFolderToDelete">The index of the first folder to delete.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>If the function succeeds, it returns <c>TRUE</c>; otherwise, <c>FALSE</c>.</para>
/// <para>Extended error information is provided in the ERF structure used to create the FDI context.</para>
/// </returns>
// BOOL DIAMONDAPI FDITruncateCabinet( HFDI hfdi,
// LPSTR pszCabinetName, USHORT iFolderToDelete );
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
[DllImport(Lib.Cabinet, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "c923b0a5-1a8d-42aa-bd05-0d318199756d")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool FDITruncateCabinet([In] HFDI hfdi, string pszCabinetName, ushort iFolderToDelete);
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>The <c>FDICABINETINFO</c> structure contains details about a particular cabinet file.</summary>
// typedef struct { long cbCabinet; USHORT
// cFolders; USHORT cFiles; USHORT setID; USHORT iCabinet; BOOL fReserve; BOOL hasprev; BOOL hasnext; } FDICABINETINFO;
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "fde1a2ca-60cd-4a4d-9872-681e2f8f4fb1")]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct FDICABINETINFO
/// <summary>The total length of the cabinet file.</summary>
public int cbCabinet;
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>The count of the folders in the cabinet.</summary>
public ushort cFolders;
/// <summary>The count of the files in the cabinet.</summary>
public ushort cFiles;
/// <summary>The identifier of the cabinet set.</summary>
public ushort setID;
/// <summary>The cabinet number in set. This index is zero based.</summary>
public ushort iCabinet;
/// <summary>If this value is set to <c>TRUE</c>, a reserved area is present in the cabinet.</summary>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
public bool fReserve;
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// If this value is set to <c>TRUE</c>, the cabinet is linked to a previous cabinet. This is accomplished by having a file
/// continued from the previous cabinet into the current one.
/// </summary>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
public bool hasprev;
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// If this value is set to <c>TRUE</c>, the current cabinet is linked to the next cabinet by having a file continued from the
/// current cabinet into the next one.
/// </summary>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
public bool hasnext;
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary/>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct FDIDECRYPT
///<summary>Command type (selects union below)</summary>
public FDIDECRYPTTYPE fdidt;
///<summary>Decryption context</summary>
public IntPtr pvUser;
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary/>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
public Union union;
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary/>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
public struct Union
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary/>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
public NEW_CABINET cabinet;
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary/>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
public NEW_FOLDER folder;
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary/>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
public DECRYPT decrypt;
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary/>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
public struct NEW_CABINET
///<summary>RESERVE section from CFHEADER</summary>
public IntPtr pHeaderReserve;
///<summary>Size of pHeaderReserve</summary>
public ushort cbHeaderReserve;
///<summary>Cabinet set ID</summary>
public ushort setID;
///<summary>Cabinet number in set (0 based)</summary>
public int iCabinet;
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary/>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
public struct NEW_FOLDER
///<summary>RESERVE section from CFFOLDER</summary>
public IntPtr pFolderReserve;
///<summary>Size of pFolderReserve</summary>
public ushort cbFolderReserve;
///<summary>Folder number in cabinet (0 based)</summary>
public ushort iFolder;
2021-02-01 18:26:16 -05:00
/// <summary/>
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
public struct DECRYPT
///<summary>RESERVE section from CFDATA</summary>
public IntPtr pDataReserve;
///<summary>Size of pDataReserve</summary>
public ushort cbDataReserve;
///<summary>Data buffer</summary>
public IntPtr pbData;
///<summary>Size of data buffer</summary>
public ushort cbData;
///<summary>TRUE if this is a split data block</summary>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
public bool fSplit;
///<summary>0 if this is not a split block, or the first piece of a split block; Greater than 0 if this is the second piece of a split block.</summary>
public ushort cbPartial;
/// <summary>The <c>FDINOTIFICATION</c> structure to provide information to FNFDINOTIFY.</summary>
// typedef struct { long cb; char *psz1; char *psz2;
// char *psz3; void *pv; INT_PTR hf; USHORT date; USHORT time; USHORT attribs; USHORT setID; USHORT iCabinet; USHORT iFolder;
[PInvokeData("fdi.h", MSDNShortId = "8b92226e-b19a-4624-925e-4a98d037637d")]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
/// <summary>The size, in bytes, of a cabinet element.</summary>
public int cb;
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>A null-terminated string.</summary>
public Vanara.InteropServices.StrPtrAnsi psz1;
/// <summary>A null-terminated string.</summary>
public IntPtr psz2;
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>A null-terminated string.</summary>
public Vanara.InteropServices.StrPtrAnsi psz3;
/// <summary>Pointer to an application-defined value.</summary>
public IntPtr pv;
/// <summary>Application-defined value used to identify the opened file.</summary>
public IntPtr hf;
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// <para>The MS-DOS date.</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Bits</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>0-4</term>
/// <term>Day of the month (1-31)</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>5-8</term>
/// <term>Month (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.)</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>9-15</term>
/// <term>Year offset from 1980 (add 1980</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </summary>
public ushort date;
/// <summary>
/// <para>The MS-DOS time.</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Bits</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>0-4</term>
/// <term>Second divided by 2</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>5-10</term>
/// <term>Minute (0-59)</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>11-15</term>
/// <term>Hour (0-23 on a 24-hour clock)</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </summary>
public ushort time;
/// <summary>The file attributes. For possible values and their descriptions, see File Attributes.</summary>
public ushort attribs;
/// <summary>The identifier for a cabinet set.</summary>
public ushort setID;
/// <summary>The number of the cabinets within a set.</summary>
public ushort iCabinet;
/// <summary>The number of folders within a cabinet.</summary>
public ushort iFolder;
/// <summary>
/// <para>An FDI error code. Possible values include:</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>FDIERROR_NONE 0x00</term>
/// <term>No error.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>FDIERROR_CABINET_NOT_FOUND 0x01</term>
/// <term>The cabinet file was not found.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>FDIERROR_NOT_A_CABINET 0x02</term>
/// <term>The cabinet file does not have the correct format.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The cabinet file has an unknown version number.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET 0x04</term>
/// <term>The cabinet file is corrupt.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>FDIERROR_ALLOC_FAIL 0x05</term>
/// <term>Insufficient memory.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>FDIERROR_BAD_COMPR_TYPE 0x06</term>
/// <term>Unknown compression type used in the cabinet folder.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>FDIERROR_MDI_FAIL 0x07</term>
/// <term>Failure decompressing data from the cabinet file.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>FDIERROR_TARGET_FILE 0x08</term>
/// <term>Failure writing to the target file.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>FDIERROR_RESERVE_MISMATCH 0x09</term>
/// <term>The cabinets within a set do not have the same RESERVE sizes.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>FDIERROR_WRONG_CABINET 0x0A</term>
/// <term>The cabinet returned by fdintNEXT_CABINET is incorrect.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>FDIERROR_USER_ABORT 0x0B</term>
/// <term>FDI aborted.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </summary>
public FDIERROR fdie;
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
/// <summary>The file attributes.</summary>
public FileFlagsAndAttributes Attributes => (FileFlagsAndAttributes)attribs;
/// <summary>Gets the date and time.</summary>
/// <value>The date and time value.</value>
public DateTime DateTime
return new(Extensions.BitHelper.GetBits(date, 9, 7) + 1980, GetValidBits(date, 5, 4, 1, 12, 1), GetValidBits(date, 0, 5, 1, 31, 1),
GetValidBits(time, 11, 5, 0, 23, 0), GetValidBits(time, 5, 6, 0, 59, 0), GetValidBits(time, 0, 5, 0, 29, 0) * 2, DateTimeKind.Local);
static ushort GetValidBits(ushort bits, byte start, byte len, ushort low, ushort high, ushort def)
var ret = Extensions.BitHelper.GetBits(bits, start, len);
return ret < low || ret > high ? def : ret;
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>Provides a handle to a file decompression interface.</summary>
public struct HFDI : IHandle
private readonly IntPtr handle;
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HFDI"/> struct.</summary>
/// <param name="preexistingHandle">An <see cref="IntPtr"/> object that represents the pre-existing handle to use.</param>
public HFDI(IntPtr preexistingHandle) => handle = preexistingHandle;
/// <summary>Returns an invalid handle by instantiating a <see cref="HFDI"/> object with <see cref="IntPtr.Zero"/>.</summary>
public static HFDI NULL => new(IntPtr.Zero);
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a null handle.</summary>
public bool IsNull => handle == IntPtr.Zero;
/// <summary>Performs an explicit conversion from <see cref="HFDI"/> to <see cref="IntPtr"/>.</summary>
/// <param name="h">The handle.</param>
/// <returns>The result of the conversion.</returns>
public static explicit operator IntPtr(HFDI h) => h.handle;
/// <summary>Performs an implicit conversion from <see cref="IntPtr"/> to <see cref="HFDI"/>.</summary>
/// <param name="h">The pointer to a handle.</param>
/// <returns>The result of the conversion.</returns>
public static implicit operator HFDI(IntPtr h) => new(h);
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <summary>Implements the operator !=.</summary>
/// <param name="h1">The first handle.</param>
/// <param name="h2">The second handle.</param>
/// <returns>The result of the operator.</returns>
public static bool operator !=(HFDI h1, HFDI h2) => !(h1 == h2);
/// <summary>Implements the operator ==.</summary>
/// <param name="h1">The first handle.</param>
/// <param name="h2">The second handle.</param>
/// <returns>The result of the operator.</returns>
public static bool operator ==(HFDI h1, HFDI h2) => h1.Equals(h2);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is HFDI h && handle == h.handle;
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override int GetHashCode() => handle.GetHashCode();
/// <inheritdoc/>
public IntPtr DangerousGetHandle() => handle;
/// <summary>Provides a <see cref="SafeHandle"/> for <see cref="HFDI"/> that is disposed using <see cref="FDIDestroy"/>.</summary>
public class SafeHFDI : SafeHANDLE
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SafeHFDI"/> class and assigns an existing handle.</summary>
/// <param name="preexistingHandle">An <see cref="IntPtr"/> object that represents the pre-existing handle to use.</param>
/// <param name="ownsHandle">
/// <see langword="true"/> to reliably release the handle during the finalization phase; otherwise, <see langword="false"/> (not recommended).
/// </param>
public SafeHFDI(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle = true) : base(preexistingHandle, ownsHandle) { }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SafeHFDI"/> class.</summary>
private SafeHFDI() : base() { }
/// <summary>Performs an implicit conversion from <see cref="SafeHFDI"/> to <see cref="HFDI"/>.</summary>
/// <param name="h">The safe handle instance.</param>
/// <returns>The result of the conversion.</returns>
public static implicit operator HFDI(SafeHFDI h) => h.handle;
/// <inheritdoc/>
2021-06-02 21:36:07 -04:00
protected override bool InternalReleaseHandle() => FDIDestroy(handle);
2019-03-12 10:02:51 -04:00