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## Assembly report for Vanara.BITS.dll
### Enumerations
Enum | Description | Values
---- | ---- | ----
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyACLFlags]( | Flags for ACL information to maintain when using SMB to download or upload a file. | None, Owner, Group, Dacl, Sacl, All
2020-03-31 20:51:44 -04:00
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyCost]( | Defines the constant values that specify the BITS cost state. | Unrestricted, CappedUsageUnknown, BelowCap, NearCap, OvercapCharged, OvercapThrottled, UsageBased, Roaming, Reserved, IgnoreCongestion, TransferUnrestricted, TransferStandard, TransferNoSurcharge, TransferNotRoaming, TransferAlways
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyErrorContext]( | Defines the constant values that specify the context in which the error occurred. | None, Unknown, GeneralQueueManager, QueueManagerNotification, LocalFile, RemoteFile, GeneralTransport, RemoteApplication
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJobCredentialScheme]( | Defines the constant values that specify the authentication scheme to use when a proxy or server requests user authentication. | Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, Passport
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJobCredentialTarget]( | Defines the constant values that specify whether the credentials are used for proxy or server user authentication requests. | Undefined, Server, Proxy
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJobPriority]( | Defines the constant values that specify the priority level of a job. | Foreground, High, Normal, Low
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJobSecurity]( | HTTP security flags that indicate which errors to ignore when connecting to the server. | AllowSilentRedirect, CheckCRL, IgnoreInvalidCerts, IgnoreExpiredCerts, IgnoreUnknownCA, IgnoreWrongCertUsage, AllowReportedRedirect, DisallowRedirect, AllowHttpsToHttpRedirect
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJobState]( | Defines constant values for the different states of a job. | Queued, Connecting, Transferring, Suspended, Error, TransientError, Transferred, Acknowledged, Cancelled
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJobType]( | Defines constant values that specify the type of transfer job, such as download. | Download, Upload, UploadReply
### Structures
Struct | Description
---- | ----
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyFileRange]( | Identifies a range of bytes to download from a file.
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJobProgress]( | Provides job-related progress information, such as the number of bytes and files transferred. For upload jobs, the progress applies to the upload file, not the reply file.
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJobReplyProgress]( | Provides progress information related to the reply portion of an upload-reply job.
### Classes
Class | Description
---- | ----
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyException]( | Exceptions specific to BITS
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyFileCollection]( | Manages the set of files for a background copy job.
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyFileInfo]( | Information about a file in a background copy job.
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyFileRange]( | Identifies a range of bytes to download from a file.
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyFileRangesTransferredEventArgs]( | Used by `Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJob.FileRangesTransferred` events.
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyFileTransferredEventArgs]( | Used by `Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJob.FileTransferred` events.
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[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJob]( | A job in the Background Copy Service (BITS)
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJobCollection]( | Manages the set of jobs for the background copy service (BITS).
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJobCredential]( | Represents a single BITS job credential.
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJobCredentials]( | The list of credentials for a job.
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyJobEventArgs]( | Event argument for background copy job.
[Vanara.IO.BackgroundCopyManager]( | Use the BackgroundCopyManager to create transfer jobs, retrieve an enumerator object that contains the jobs in the queue, and to retrieve individual jobs from the queue.