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2019-03-01 14:34:56 -05:00
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Vanara.InteropServices;
namespace Vanara.PInvoke
public static partial class PowrProf
/// <summary>Function class for effective power mode callback.</summary>
/// <param name="Mode">Indicates the effective power mode the system is running in</param>
/// <param name="Context">User-specified opaque context. This context would have been passed in at registration in PowerRegisterForEffectivePowerModeNotifications.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// Immediately after registration, this callback will be invoked with the current value of the power setting. If the registration
/// occurs while the power setting is changing, you may receive multiple callbacks; the last callback is the most recent update.
/// </remarks>
// void
[PInvokeData("powersetting.h", MSDNShortId = "47DD6801-5120-44D3-9EE4-58CCDB4B933A")]
/// <summary>Flags for <see cref="PowerSettingRegisterNotification"/>.</summary>
[PInvokeData("powersetting.h", MSDNShortId = "0fbca717-2367-4407-8094-3eb2b717b59c")]
public enum DEVICE_NOTIFY
/// <summary>
/// The Recipient parameter is a handle to a service.Use the CreateService or OpenService function to obtain this handle.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>The Recipient parameter is a pointer to a callback function to call when the power setting changes.</summary>
/// <summary>Indicates the effective power mode the system is running.</summary>
// typedef enum
// EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE { EffectivePowerModeBatterySaver, EffectivePowerModeBetterBattery, EffectivePowerModeBalanced,
// EffectivePowerModeHighPerformance, EffectivePowerModeMaxPerformance, EffectivePowerModeInvalid } ;
[PInvokeData("powersetting.h", MSDNShortId = "8FA09CC0-99E7-4B05-88A0-2AF406C7B60C")]
/// <summary>The system is in battery saver mode.</summary>
/// <summary>The system is in the better battery effective power mode.</summary>
/// <summary>The system is in the balanced effective power mode.</summary>
/// <summary>The system is in the high performance effective power mode.</summary>
/// <summary>The system is in the maximum performance effective power mode.</summary>
/// <summary>The system is in an invalid effective power mode due to an internal error.</summary>
/// <summary>Retrieves the active power scheme and returns a <c>GUID</c> that identifies the scheme.</summary>
/// <param name="UserRootPowerKey">This parameter is reserved for future use and must be set to <c>NULL</c>.</param>
/// <param name="ActivePolicyGuid">
/// A pointer that receives a pointer to a <c>GUID</c> structure. Use the LocalFree function to free this memory.
/// </param>
/// <returns>Returns <c>ERROR_SUCCESS</c> (zero) if the call was successful, and a nonzero value if the call failed.</returns>
// DWORD PowerGetActiveScheme(
// HKEY UserRootPowerKey, GUID **ActivePolicyGuid );
[DllImport(Lib.PowrProf, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("powersetting.h", MSDNShortId = "cd72562c-8987-40c1-89c7-04a95b5f1fd0")]
public static extern Win32Error PowerGetActiveScheme([Optional] HKEY UserRootPowerKey, out SafeLocalHandle ActivePolicyGuid);
/// <summary>Retrieves the active power scheme and returns a <c>GUID</c> that identifies the scheme.</summary>
/// <param name="ActivePolicyGuid">Receives a <c>GUID</c> structure.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <c>ERROR_SUCCESS</c> (zero) if the call was successful, and a nonzero value if the call failed.</returns>
// DWORD PowerGetActiveScheme(
// HKEY UserRootPowerKey, GUID **ActivePolicyGuid );
[PInvokeData("powersetting.h", MSDNShortId = "cd72562c-8987-40c1-89c7-04a95b5f1fd0")]
public static Win32Error PowerGetActiveScheme(out Guid ActivePolicyGuid)
var err = PowerGetActiveScheme(default, out var h);
ActivePolicyGuid = err.Succeeded ? h.ToStructure<Guid>() : default;
return err;
/// <summary>Retrieves the AC power value for the specified power setting.</summary>
/// <param name="RootPowerKey">This parameter is reserved for future use and must be set to <c>NULL</c>.</param>
/// <param name="SchemeGuid">The identifier of the power scheme.</param>
/// <param name="SubGroupOfPowerSettingsGuid">
/// <para>
/// The subgroup of power settings. This parameter can be one of the following values defined in WinNT.h. Use <c>NO_SUBGROUP_GUID</c>
/// to retrieve the setting for the default power scheme.
/// </para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>NO_SUBGROUP_GUID fea3413e-7e05-4911-9a71-700331f1c294</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup are part of the default power scheme.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_DISK_SUBGROUP 0012ee47-9041-4b5d-9b77-535fba8b1442</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control power management configuration of the system's hard disk drives.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_SYSTEM_BUTTON_SUBGROUP 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control configuration of the system power buttons.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_PROCESSOR_SETTINGS_SUBGROUP 54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b740d00</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control configuration of processor power management features.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control configuration of the video power management features.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_BATTERY_SUBGROUP e73a048d-bf27-4f12-9731-8b2076e8891f</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control battery alarm trip points and actions.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_SLEEP_SUBGROUP 238C9FA8-0AAD-41ED-83F4-97BE242C8F20</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control system sleep settings.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_PCIEXPRESS_SETTINGS_SUBGROUP 501a4d13-42af-4429-9fd1-a8218c268e20</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control PCI Express settings.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </param>
/// <param name="PowerSettingGuid">The identifier of the power setting.</param>
/// <param name="Type">
/// A pointer to a variable that receives the type of data for the value. The possible values are listed in Registry Value Types.
/// This parameter can be <c>NULL</c> and the type of data is not returned.
/// </param>
/// <param name="Buffer">
/// A pointer to a buffer that receives the data value. If this parameter is <c>NULL</c>, the BufferSize parameter receives the
/// required buffer size.
/// </param>
/// <param name="BufferSize">
/// <para>A pointer to a variable that contains the size of the buffer pointed to by the Buffer parameter.</para>
/// <para>
/// If the Buffer parameter is <c>NULL</c>, the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS and the variable receives the required buffer size.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// If the specified buffer size is not large enough to hold the requested data, the function returns <c>ERROR_MORE_DATA</c> and the
/// variable receives the required buffer size.
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// Returns <c>ERROR_SUCCESS</c> (zero) if the call was successful, and a nonzero value if the call failed. If the buffer size
/// specified by the BufferSize parameter is too small, <c>ERROR_MORE_DATA</c> will be returned and the <c>DWORD</c> pointed to by
/// the BufferSize parameter will be filled in with the required buffer size.
/// </returns>
// DWORD PowerReadACValue( HKEY
// RootPowerKey, const GUID *SchemeGuid, const GUID *SubGroupOfPowerSettingsGuid, const GUID *PowerSettingGuid, PULONG Type, LPBYTE
// Buffer, LPDWORD BufferSize );
[DllImport(Lib.PowrProf, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("powersetting.h", MSDNShortId = "b0afaf75-72cc-48a3-bbf2-0000cb85f2e2")]
public static extern Win32Error PowerReadACValue([Optional] HKEY RootPowerKey, in Guid SchemeGuid, in Guid SubGroupOfPowerSettingsGuid, in Guid PowerSettingGuid, out REG_VALUE_TYPE Type, IntPtr Buffer, ref uint BufferSize);
/// <summary>Retrieves the DC power value for the specified power setting.</summary>
/// <param name="RootPowerKey">This parameter is reserved for future use and must be set to <c>NULL</c>.</param>
/// <param name="SchemeGuid">The identifier of the power scheme.</param>
/// <param name="SubGroupOfPowerSettingsGuid">
/// <para>
/// The subgroup of power settings. This parameter can be one of the following values defined in WinNT.h. Use <c>NO_SUBGROUP_GUID</c>
/// to retrieve the setting for the default power scheme.
/// </para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>NO_SUBGROUP_GUID fea3413e-7e05-4911-9a71-700331f1c294</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup are part of the default power scheme.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_DISK_SUBGROUP 0012ee47-9041-4b5d-9b77-535fba8b1442</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control power management configuration of the system's hard disk drives.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_SYSTEM_BUTTON_SUBGROUP 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control configuration of the system power buttons.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_PROCESSOR_SETTINGS_SUBGROUP 54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b740d00</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control configuration of processor power management features.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control configuration of the video power management features.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_BATTERY_SUBGROUP e73a048d-bf27-4f12-9731-8b2076e8891f</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control battery alarm trip points and actions.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_SLEEP_SUBGROUP 238C9FA8-0AAD-41ED-83F4-97BE242C8F20</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control system sleep settings.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_PCIEXPRESS_SETTINGS_SUBGROUP 501a4d13-42af-4429-9fd1-a8218c268e20</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control PCI Express settings.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </param>
/// <param name="PowerSettingGuid">The identifier of the power setting.</param>
/// <param name="Type">
/// A pointer to a variable that receives the type of data for the value. The possible values are listed in Registry Value Types.
/// This parameter can be <c>NULL</c> and the type of data is not returned.
/// </param>
/// <param name="Buffer">
/// A pointer to a variable that receives the data value. If this parameter is <c>NULL</c>, the BufferSize parameter receives the
/// required buffer size.
/// </param>
/// <param name="BufferSize">
/// <para>A pointer to a variable that contains the size of the buffer pointed to by the Buffer parameter.</para>
/// <para>
/// If the Buffer parameter is <c>NULL</c>, the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS and the variable receives the required buffer size.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// If the specified buffer size is not large enough to hold the requested data, the function returns <c>ERROR_MORE_DATA</c> and the
/// variable receives the required buffer size.
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// Returns <c>ERROR_SUCCESS</c> (zero) if the call was successful, and a nonzero value if the call failed. If the buffer size
/// specified by the BufferSize parameter is too small, <c>ERROR_MORE_DATA</c> will be returned and the <c>DWORD</c> pointed to by
/// the BufferSize parameter will be filled in with the required buffer size.
/// </returns>
// DWORD PowerReadDCValue( HKEY
// RootPowerKey, const GUID *SchemeGuid, const GUID *SubGroupOfPowerSettingsGuid, const GUID *PowerSettingGuid, PULONG Type, PUCHAR
// Buffer, LPDWORD BufferSize );
[DllImport(Lib.PowrProf, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("powersetting.h", MSDNShortId = "c439c478-e882-41bf-a95a-82d36382174b")]
public static extern Win32Error PowerReadDCValue([Optional] HKEY RootPowerKey, in Guid SchemeGuid, in Guid SubGroupOfPowerSettingsGuid, in Guid PowerSettingGuid, out REG_VALUE_TYPE Type, IntPtr Buffer, ref uint BufferSize);
/// <summary>Registers a callback to receive effective power mode change notifications.</summary>
/// <param name="Version">
/// <para>
/// Supplies the maximum effective power mode version the caller understands. If the effective power mode comes from a later version,
/// it is reduced to a compatible version that is then passed to the callback.
/// </para>
/// <para>As of Windows 10, version 1809 the only understood version is EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE_V1.</para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="Callback">
/// A pointer to the callback to call when the effective power mode changes. This will also be called once upon registration to
/// supply the current mode. If multiple callbacks are registered using this API, those callbacks can be called concurrently.
/// </param>
/// <param name="Context">Caller-specified opaque context.</param>
/// <param name="RegistrationHandle">A handle to the registration. Use this handle to unregister for notifications.</param>
/// <returns>Returns S_OK (zero) if the call was successful, and a nonzero value if the call failed.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Immediately after registration, the callback will be invoked with the current value of the power setting. If the registration
/// occurs while the power mode is changing, you may receive multiple callbacks; the last callback is the most recent update.
/// </remarks>
// HRESULT PowerRegisterForEffectivePowerModeNotifications( ULONG Version, EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE_CALLBACK *Callback, VOID *Context,
// VOID **RegistrationHandle );
[DllImport(Lib.PowrProf, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("powersetting.h", MSDNShortId = "3C87643F-A8DA-4230-A216-8F46629BB6FB")]
public static extern HRESULT PowerRegisterForEffectivePowerModeNotifications(uint Version, EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE_CALLBACK Callback, IntPtr Context, out SafeEffectivePowerModeNotificationHandle RegistrationHandle);
/// <summary>Sets the active power scheme for the current user.</summary>
/// <param name="UserRootPowerKey">This parameter is reserved for future use and must be set to <c>NULL</c>.</param>
/// <param name="SchemeGuid">The identifier of the power scheme.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <c>ERROR_SUCCESS</c> (zero) if the call was successful, and a nonzero value if the call failed.</returns>
// DWORD PowerSetActiveScheme(
// HKEY UserRootPowerKey, const GUID *SchemeGuid );
[DllImport(Lib.PowrProf, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("powersetting.h", MSDNShortId = "e56bc3f4-2141-4be7-8479-12f8d59971af")]
public static extern Win32Error PowerSetActiveScheme([Optional] HKEY UserRootPowerKey, in Guid SchemeGuid);
/// <summary>Registers to receive notification when a power setting changes.</summary>
/// <param name="SettingGuid">A GUID that represents the power setting.</param>
/// <param name="Flags">
/// <para>Information about the recipient of the notification. This parameter can be one of the following values:</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>The Recipient parameter is a handle to a service.Use the CreateService or OpenService function to obtain this handle.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The Recipient parameter is a pointer to a callback function to call when the power setting changes.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </param>
/// <param name="Recipient">A handle to the recipient of the notifications.</param>
/// <param name="RegistrationHandle">A handle to the registration. Use this handle to unregister for notifications.</param>
/// <returns>Returns ERROR_SUCCESS (zero) if the call was successful, and a nonzero value if the call failed.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Immediately after registration, the callback will be invoked with the current value of the power setting. If the registration
/// occurs while the power setting is changing, you may receive multiple callbacks; the last callback is the most recent update.
/// </remarks>
// PowerSettingRegisterNotification( LPCGUID SettingGuid, DWORD Flags, HANDLE Recipient, PHPOWERNOTIFY RegistrationHandle );
[DllImport(Lib.PowrProf, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("powersetting.h", MSDNShortId = "0fbca717-2367-4407-8094-3eb2b717b59c")]
public static extern Win32Error PowerSettingRegisterNotification(in Guid SettingGuid, DEVICE_NOTIFY Flags, IntPtr Recipient, out SafeHPOWERNOTIFY RegistrationHandle);
/// <summary>Cancels a registration to receive notification when a power setting changes.</summary>
/// <param name="RegistrationHandle">A handle to a registration obtained by calling the PowerSettingRegisterNotification function.</param>
/// <returns>Returns ERROR_SUCCESS (zero) if the call was successful, and a nonzero value if the call failed.</returns>
// PowerSettingUnregisterNotification( HPOWERNOTIFY RegistrationHandle );
[DllImport(Lib.PowrProf, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("powersetting.h", MSDNShortId = "9853c347-4528-43bb-8326-13bcd819b8a6")]
public static extern Win32Error PowerSettingUnregisterNotification(HANDLE RegistrationHandle);
/// <summary>
/// Unregisters from effective power mode change notifications. This function is intended to be called from cleanup code and will
/// wait for all callbacks to complete before unregistering.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="RegistrationHandle">
/// The handle corresponding to a single power mode registration. This handle should have been saved by the caller after the call to
/// PowerRegisterForEffectivePowerModeNotifications and passed in here.
/// </param>
/// <returns>Returns S_OK (zero) if the call was successful, and a nonzero value if the call failed.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Immediately after registration, the callback will be invoked with the current value of the power setting. If the registration
/// occurs while the power setting is changing, you may receive multiple callbacks; the last callback is the most recent update.
/// </remarks>
// HRESULT PowerUnregisterFromEffectivePowerModeNotifications( VOID *RegistrationHandle );
[DllImport(Lib.PowrProf, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("powersetting.h", MSDNShortId = "6E9AB09B-B082-406C-8F2D-43BEA04C19E0")]
public static extern HRESULT PowerUnregisterFromEffectivePowerModeNotifications(HANDLE RegistrationHandle);
/// <summary>Sets the AC value index of the specified power setting.</summary>
/// <param name="RootPowerKey">This parameter is reserved for future use and must be set to <c>NULL</c>.</param>
/// <param name="SchemeGuid">The identifier of the power scheme.</param>
/// <param name="SubGroupOfPowerSettingsGuid">
/// <para>
/// The subgroup of power settings. This parameter can be one of the following values defined in WinNT.h. Use <c>NO_SUBGROUP_GUID</c>
/// to refer to the default power scheme.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>NO_SUBGROUP_GUIDfea3413e-7e05-4911-9a71-700331f1c294</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup are part of the default power scheme.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_DISK_SUBGROUP0012ee47-9041-4b5d-9b77-535fba8b1442</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control power management configuration of the system&amp;#39;s hard disk drives.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_SYSTEM_BUTTON_SUBGROUP4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control configuration of the system power buttons.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_PROCESSOR_SETTINGS_SUBGROUP54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b740d00</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control configuration of processor power management features.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control configuration of the video power management features.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_BATTERY_SUBGROUPe73a048d-bf27-4f12-9731-8b2076e8891f</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control battery alarm trip points and actions.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_SLEEP_SUBGROUP238C9FA8-0AAD-41ED-83F4-97BE242C8F20</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control system sleep settings.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_PCIEXPRESS_SETTINGS_SUBGROUP501a4d13-42af-4429-9fd1-a8218c268e20</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control PCI Express settings.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="PowerSettingGuid">The identifier of the power setting.</param>
/// <param name="AcValueIndex">The AC value index.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <c>ERROR_SUCCESS</c> (zero) if the call was successful, and a nonzero value if the call failed.</returns>
// DWORD WINAPI PowerWriteACValueIndex( _In_opt_ HKEY RootPowerKey, _In_ const GUID *SchemeGuid, _In_opt_ const GUID
// *SubGroupOfPowerSettingsGuid, _In_opt_ const GUID *PowerSettingGuid, _In_ DWORD AcValueIndex);
[DllImport(Lib.PowrProf, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("Powersetting.h;", MSDNShortId = "aa372765")]
public static extern Win32Error PowerWriteACValueIndex([In, Optional] HKEY RootPowerKey, in Guid SchemeGuid, [Optional] in Guid SubGroupOfPowerSettingsGuid, [Optional] in Guid PowerSettingGuid, uint AcValueIndex);
/// <summary>Sets the DC index of the specified power setting.</summary>
/// <param name="RootPowerKey">This parameter is reserved for future use and must be set to <c>NULL</c>.</param>
/// <param name="SchemeGuid">The identifier of the power scheme.</param>
/// <param name="SubGroupOfPowerSettingsGuid">
/// <para>
/// The subgroup of power settings. This parameter can be one of the following values defined in WinNT.h. Use <c>NO_SUBGROUP_GUID</c>
/// to refer to the default power scheme.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>NO_SUBGROUP_GUIDfea3413e-7e05-4911-9a71-700331f1c294</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup are part of the default power scheme.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_DISK_SUBGROUP0012ee47-9041-4b5d-9b77-535fba8b1442</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control power management configuration of the system&amp;#39;s hard disk drives.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_SYSTEM_BUTTON_SUBGROUP4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control configuration of the system power buttons.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_PROCESSOR_SETTINGS_SUBGROUP54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b740d00</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control configuration of processor power management features.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control configuration of the video power management features.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_BATTERY_SUBGROUPe73a048d-bf27-4f12-9731-8b2076e8891f</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control battery alarm trip points and actions.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_SLEEP_SUBGROUP238C9FA8-0AAD-41ED-83F4-97BE242C8F20</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control system sleep settings.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>GUID_PCIEXPRESS_SETTINGS_SUBGROUP501a4d13-42af-4429-9fd1-a8218c268e20</term>
/// <term>Settings in this subgroup control PCI Express settings.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="PowerSettingGuid">The identifier of the power setting.</param>
/// <param name="DcValueIndex">The DC value index.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <c>ERROR_SUCCESS</c> (zero) if the call was successful, and a nonzero value if the call failed.</returns>
// DWORD WINAPI PowerWriteDCValueIndex( _In_opt_ HKEY RootPowerKey, _In_ const GUID *SchemeGuid, _In_opt_ const GUID
// *SubGroupOfPowerSettingsGuid, _In_opt_ const GUID *PowerSettingGuid, _In_ DWORD DcValueIndex);
[DllImport(Lib.PowrProf, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("Powersetting.h;", MSDNShortId = "aa372769")]
public static extern Win32Error PowerWriteDCValueIndex([Optional] HKEY RootPowerKey, in Guid SchemeGuid, [Optional] in Guid SubGroupOfPowerSettingsGuid, [Optional] in Guid PowerSettingGuid, uint DcValueIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Provides a <see cref="SafeHandle"/> for <see cref="PowerRegisterForEffectivePowerModeNotifications"/> that is disposed using <see cref="PowerUnregisterFromEffectivePowerModeNotifications"/>.
/// </summary>
public class SafeEffectivePowerModeNotificationHandle : SafeHANDLE
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SafeEffectivePowerModeNotificationHandle"/> class and assigns an existing handle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="preexistingHandle">An <see cref="IntPtr"/> object that represents the pre-existing handle to use.</param>
/// <param name="ownsHandle">
/// <see langword="true"/> to reliably release the handle during the finalization phase; otherwise, <see langword="false"/> (not recommended).
/// </param>
public SafeEffectivePowerModeNotificationHandle(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle = true) : base(preexistingHandle, ownsHandle) { }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SafeEffectivePowerModeNotificationHandle"/> class.</summary>
private SafeEffectivePowerModeNotificationHandle() : base() { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override bool InternalReleaseHandle() => PowerUnregisterFromEffectivePowerModeNotifications(handle).Succeeded;
/// <summary>Provides a <see cref="SafeHandle"/> for <see cref="HPOWERNOTIFY"/> that is disposed using <see cref="PowerSettingUnregisterNotification"/>.</summary>
public class SafeHPOWERNOTIFY : SafeHANDLE
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SafeHPOWERNOTIFY"/> class and assigns an existing handle.</summary>
/// <param name="preexistingHandle">An <see cref="IntPtr"/> object that represents the pre-existing handle to use.</param>
/// <param name="ownsHandle">
/// <see langword="true"/> to reliably release the handle during the finalization phase; otherwise, <see langword="false"/> (not recommended).
/// </param>
public SafeHPOWERNOTIFY(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle = true) : base(preexistingHandle, ownsHandle) { }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SafeHPOWERNOTIFY"/> class.</summary>
private SafeHPOWERNOTIFY() : base() { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override bool InternalReleaseHandle() => PowerSettingUnregisterNotification(handle).Succeeded;