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2023-09-24 17:26:46 -04:00
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
namespace Vanara.PInvoke;
/// <summary>Items defined in DocumentTarget.idl.</summary>
public static partial class DocumentTarget
/// <summary/>
2023-09-24 17:26:46 -04:00
public static readonly Guid ID_DOCUMENTPACKAGETARGET_MSXPS = new(0x9cae40a8, 0xded1, 0x41c9, 0xa9, 0xfd, 0xd7, 0x35, 0xef, 0x33, 0xae, 0xda);
/// <summary/>
2023-09-24 17:26:46 -04:00
public static readonly Guid ID_DOCUMENTPACKAGETARGET_OPENXPS = new(0x0056bb72, 0x8c9c, 0x4612, 0xbd, 0x0f, 0x93, 0x01, 0x2a, 0x87, 0x09, 0x9d);
/// <summary/>
2023-09-24 17:26:46 -04:00
public static readonly Guid ID_DOCUMENTPACKAGETARGET_OPENXPS_WITH_3D = new(0x63dbd720, 0x8b14, 0x4577, 0xb0, 0x74, 0x7b, 0xb1, 0x1b, 0x59, 0x6d, 0x28);
/// <summary>The PrintDocumentPackageCompletion enumeration specifies the status of the print operation.</summary>
// typedef enum
// PrintDocumentPackageCompletion { PrintDocumentPackageCompletion_InProgress, PrintDocumentPackageCompletion_Completed,
// PrintDocumentPackageCompletion_Canceled, PrintDocumentPackageCompletion_Failed } ;
[PInvokeData("documenttarget.h", MSDNShortId = "E8E1F5D3-8CA2-406A-B969-7F5C6F13E064")]
public enum PrintDocumentPackageCompletion
/// <summary>The print job is running.</summary>
/// <summary>The print operation completed without error.</summary>
/// <summary>The print operation was canceled.</summary>
/// <summary>The print operation failed.</summary>
/// <summary>Represents the progress of the print job.</summary>
[PInvokeData("documenttarget.h", MSDNShortId = "A2178E6A-04AD-4024-A083-5C76A5F60743")]
[ComImport, Guid("ED90C8AD-5C34-4D05-A1EC-0E8A9B3AD7AF")]
public interface IPrintDocumentPackageStatusEvent
/// <summary>Updates the status of the package when the print job in progress raises an event, or the job completes.</summary>
/// <param name="packageStatus">The status update.</param>
/// <returns>
/// If the <c>PackageStatusUpdated</c> method completes successfully, it returns an S_OK. Otherwise it returns an appropriate
/// HRESULT error code.
/// </returns>
// HRESULT PackageStatusUpdated( PrintDocumentPackageStatus *packageStatus );
void PackageStatusUpdated(in PrintDocumentPackageStatus packageStatus);
/// <summary>
/// Allows users to enumerate the supported package target types and to create one with a given type ID.
/// <c>IPrintDocumentPackageTarget</c> also supports the tracking of the package printing progress and cancelling.
/// </summary>
[PInvokeData("documenttarget.h", MSDNShortId = "0F63C626-DB58-4952-BBB3-7E3901429C35")]
[ComImport, Guid("1B8EFEC4-3019-4C27-964E-367202156906"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(PrintDocumentPackageTarget))]
public interface IPrintDocumentPackageTarget
/// <summary>Enumerates the supported target types.</summary>
/// <param name="targetCount">The number of supported target types.</param>
/// <param name="targetTypes">The array of supported target types. An array of GUIDs.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// In the case of a multi-format driver, the first GUID returned in the targetTypes array is the XPS format preferred by the driver.
/// </remarks>
// HRESULT GetPackageTargetTypes( UINT32 *targetCount, GUID **targetTypes );
void GetPackageTargetTypes(out uint targetCount, out Guid[] targetTypes);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the pointer to the specific document package target, which allows the client to add a document with the given
/// target type. Clients can call this method multiple times but they always have to use the same target ID.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guidTargetType">The target type GUID obtained from GetPackageTargetTypes.</param>
/// <param name="riid">The identifier of the interface being requested.</param>
/// <param name="ppvTarget">
/// The requested document target interface. The returned pointer is a pointer to an IXpsDocumentPackageTarget interface.
/// </param>
// HRESULT GetPackageTarget( REFGUID guidTargetType, REFIID riid, void **ppvTarget );
void GetPackageTarget(in Guid guidTargetType, in Guid riid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out object ppvTarget);
/// <summary>Cancels the current print job.</summary>
// HRESULT Cancel();
void Cancel();
/// <summary>Used with IPrintDocumentPackageTarget for starting a print job.</summary>
[PInvokeData("documenttarget.h", MSDNShortId = "631FBF5E-1DDF-49A9-8E1E-201BC6996EA5")]
[ComImport, Guid("d2959bf7-b31b-4a3d-9600-712eb1335ba4"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(PrintDocumentPackageTargetFactory))]
public interface IPrintDocumentPackageTargetFactory
/// <summary>Acts as the entry point for creating an IPrintDocumentPackageTarget object.</summary>
/// <param name="printerName">The name of the target printer.</param>
/// <param name="jobName">
/// <para>The name to apply to the job.</para>
/// <para><c>Note</c> Job name strings longer than 63 characters will be truncated to 63 characters and a terminating <c>NULL</c>.</para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="jobOutputStream">
/// The job content. The application must set the seek pointer to the beginning before specifying the job output stream.
/// </param>
/// <param name="jobPrintTicketStream">
/// A pointer to the <c>IStream</c> interface that is used by the caller to write the job-level print ticket that will be
/// associated with this job.
/// </param>
/// <param name="docPackageTarget">The target output.</param>
/// <returns>
/// If the <c>CreateDocumentPackageTargetForPrintJob</c> method completes successfully, it returns an S_OK. Otherwise it returns
/// the appropriate HRESULT error code.
/// </returns>
// HRESULT CreateDocumentPackageTargetForPrintJob( LPCWSTR printerName, LPCWSTR jobName, IStream *jobOutputStream, IStream
// *jobPrintTicketStream, IPrintDocumentPackageTarget **docPackageTarget );
HRESULT CreateDocumentPackageTargetForPrintJob([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string printerName, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string jobName,
IStream jobOutputStream, IStream jobPrintTicketStream, out IPrintDocumentPackageTarget docPackageTarget);
/// <summary>CLSID_PrintDocumentPackageTarget</summary>
[ComImport, ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None), Guid("4842669e-9947-46ea-8ba2-d8cce432c2ca")]
public class PrintDocumentPackageTarget { }
/// <summary>CLSID_PrintDocumentPackageTargetFactory</summary>
[ComImport, ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None), Guid("348ef17d-6c81-4982-92b4-ee188a43867a")]
public class PrintDocumentPackageTargetFactory { }
/// <summary>Defines a payload to be used by the PackageStatusUpdated method. This structure is a generic version of XPS_JOB_STATUS.</summary>
// typedef struct
// __MIDL___MIDL_itf_documenttarget_0000_0001_0001 { UINT32 JobId; INT32 CurrentDocument; INT32 CurrentPage; INT32 CurrentPageTotal;
// PrintDocumentPackageCompletion Completion; HRESULT PackageStatus; } PrintDocumentPackageStatus;
[PInvokeData("documenttarget.h", MSDNShortId = "A499CB8D-B2E3-4343-A9AF-079C75EF1441")]
public struct PrintDocumentPackageStatus
/// <summary>The completion status of the job.</summary>
public PrintDocumentPackageCompletion Completion;
/// <summary>The zero-based index of the most recently processed document.</summary>
public int CurrentDocument;
/// <summary>The zero-based index of the most recently processed page in the current document</summary>
public int CurrentPage;
/// <summary>A running total of the number of pages that have been processed by the print job.</summary>
public int CurrentPageTotal;
/// <summary>The job ID.</summary>
public uint JobId;
/// <summary>The error state of the job.</summary>
public HRESULT PackageStatus;