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namespace Vanara.PInvoke;
/// <summary>Items from Qwave.dll.</summary>
public static partial class Qwave
/// <summary>Specifies the protocol type that sends this object identifier.</summary>
public enum NDIS_PROTOCOL_ID : ushort
/// <summary>Default protocol</summary>
/// <summary>TCP/IP protocol</summary>
/// <summary>TCP/IP v6 protocol</summary>
/// <summary>Netware IPX protocol</summary>
/// <summary>NetBIOS protocol</summary>
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// The <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS</c> structure describes the network-layer addresses that help define NETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST. The
/// <c>AddressCount</c> member of <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST</c> contains an array of network-layer addresses, all of which are of type <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS</c>.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// A bound instance is the binding between the calling transport and a driver set up by a call to NdisOpenAdapter. Miniport and other
/// layered drivers use compatible <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST</c> and <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS</c> structures to set the list of network-layer
/// addresses on a bound interface.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// A protocol can set <c>AddressCount</c> to a nonzero value. This notifies a miniport driver or other layered driver to change the list
/// of network-layer addresses on a bound interface. In this case, the <c>AddressType</c> member in <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST</c> is not
/// valid and the <c>AddressType</c> members in <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS</c> structures are valid.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// If a protocol sets <c>AddressCount</c> to zero, the <c>AddressType</c> member in <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST</c> is valid and the
/// <c>AddressType</c> members in <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS</c> structures are not valid.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
[VanaraMarshaler(typeof(SafeAnysizeStructMarshaler<NETWORK_ADDRESS>), nameof(AddressLength))]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public struct NETWORK_ADDRESS
/// <summary>The address length</summary>
public ushort AddressLength;
/// <summary>The address type</summary>
public ushort AddressType;
/// <summary>The address</summary>
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 1)]
public byte[] Address;
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// Miniport and other layered drivers use compatible <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST</c> and NETWORK_ADDRESS structures to set the list of
/// network-layer addresses on a bound interface.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// A bound instance is the binding between the calling transport and a driver set up by a call to NdisOpenAdapter. Miniport and other
/// layered drivers use compatible <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST</c> and <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS</c> structures to set the list of network-layer
/// addresses on a bound interface.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// A protocol can set <c>AddressCount</c> to a nonzero value. This notifies a miniport driver or other layered driver to change the list
/// of network-layer addresses on a bound interface. In this case, the <c>AddressType</c> member in <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST</c> is not
/// valid and the <c>AddressType</c> members in <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS</c> structures are valid.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// If a protocol sets <c>AddressCount</c> to zero, the <c>AddressType</c> member in <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST</c> is valid and the
/// <c>AddressType</c> members in <c>NETWORK_ADDRESS</c> structures are not valid.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
[VanaraMarshaler(typeof(SafeAnysizeStructMarshaler<NETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST>), nameof(AddressCount))]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
/// <summary>Specifies the number of network-layer addresses listed in the array in the Address member.</summary>
public int AddressCount;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the protocol type that sends this object identifier. This member is only valid if the AddressCount member is set to
/// zero. The AddressCount member is set to zero to notify a miniport or other layered driver to clear the list of network-layer
/// addresses on a bound interface.
/// </summary>
public NDIS_PROTOCOL_ID AddressType;
/// <summary>Array of network-layer addresses of type NETWORK_ADDRESS.</summary>
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 1)]
public NETWORK_ADDRESS[] Address; // actually AddressCount elements long