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using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using Vanara.InteropServices;
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
// ReSharper disable FieldCanBeMadeReadOnly.Global ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
namespace Vanara.PInvoke
public static partial class User32
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// <summary>The shutdown type for the <see cref="ExitWindowsEx"/> method.</summary>
public enum ExitWindowsFlags
/// <summary>
/// Shuts down all processes running in the logon session of the process that called the ExitWindowsEx function. Then it logs the user off.
/// <para>This flag can be used only by processes running in an interactive user's logon session.</para>
/// </summary>
EWX_LOGOFF = 0x00000000,
/// <summary>
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// Shuts down the system to a point at which it is safe to turn off the power. All file buffers have been flushed to disk, and all running processes
/// have stopped.
/// <para>The calling process must have the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege. For more information, see the following Remarks section.</para>
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// <para>
/// Specifying this flag will not turn off the power even if the system supports the power-off feature. You must specify EWX_POWEROFF to do this.
/// </para>
/// <para>Windows XP with SP1: If the system supports the power-off feature, specifying this flag turns off the power.</para>
/// </summary>
EWX_SHUTDOWN = 0x00000001,
/// <summary>
/// Shuts down the system and then restarts the system.
/// <para>The calling process must have the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege. For more information, see the following Remarks section.</para>
/// </summary>
EWX_REBOOT = 0x00000002,
/// <summary>
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// This flag has no effect if terminal services is enabled. Otherwise, the system does not send the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message. This can cause
/// applications to lose data. Therefore, you should only use this flag in an emergency.
/// </summary>
EWX_FORCE = 0x00000004,
/// <summary>
/// Shuts down the system and turns off the power. The system must support the power-off feature.
/// <para>The calling process must have the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege. For more information, see the following Remarks section.</para>
/// </summary>
EWX_POWEROFF = 0x00000008,
/// <summary>
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// Forces processes to terminate if they do not respond to the WM_QUERYENDSESSION or WM_ENDSESSION message within the timeout interval. For more
/// information, see the Remarks.
/// </summary>
EWX_FORCEIFHUNG = 0x00000010,
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// <summary>The ewx quickresolve</summary>
EWX_QUICKRESOLVE = 0x00000020,
/// <summary>
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// Shuts down the system and then restarts it, as well as any applications that have been registered for restart using the
/// RegisterApplicationRestart function. These application receive the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message with lParam set to the ENDSESSION_CLOSEAPP value.
/// For more information, see Guidelines for Applications.
/// </summary>
EWX_RESTARTAPPS = 0x00000040,
/// <summary>
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// Beginning with Windows 8: You can prepare the system for a faster startup by combining the EWX_HYBRID_SHUTDOWN flag with the EWX_SHUTDOWN flag.
/// </summary>
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// <summary>When combined with the EWX_REBOOT flag, will reboot to the boot options.</summary>
EWX_BOOTOPTIONS = 0x01000000,
/// <summary>Enum for SystemParametersInfo</summary>
public enum SPI : uint
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the warning beeper is on. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if the beeper is on, or FALSE
/// if it is off.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
SPI_GETBEEP = 0x0001,
/// <summary>Turns the warning beeper on or off. The uiParam parameter specifies TRUE for on, or FALSE for off.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
SPI_SETBEEP = 0x0002,
/// <summary>Retrieves the two mouse threshold values and the mouse speed.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int[]), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
SPI_GETMOUSE = 0x0003,
/// <summary>Sets the two mouse threshold values and the mouse speed.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int[]), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
SPI_SETMOUSE = 0x0004,
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the border multiplier factor that determines the width of a window's sizing border. The pvParam parameter must point to an integer
/// variable that receives this value.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the border multiplier factor that determines the width of a window's sizing border. The uiParam parameter specifies the new value.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the keyboard repeat-speed setting, which is a value in the range from 0 (approximately 2.5 repetitions per second) through 31
/// (approximately 30 repetitions per second). The actual repeat rates are hardware-dependent and may vary from a linear scale by as much as 20%. The
/// pvParam parameter must point to a DWORD variable that receives the setting
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the keyboard repeat-speed setting. The uiParam parameter must specify a value in the range from 0 (approximately 2.5 repetitions per second)
/// through 31 (approximately 30 repetitions per second). The actual repeat rates are hardware-dependent and may vary from a linear scale by as much
/// as 20%. If uiParam is greater than 31, the parameter is set to 31.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Not implemented.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Sets or retrieves the width, in pixels, of an icon cell. The system uses this rectangle to arrange icons in large icon view. To set this value,
/// set uiParam to the new value and set pvParam to null. You cannot set this value to less than SM_CXICON. To retrieve this value, pvParam must
/// point to an integer that receives the current value.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the screen saver time-out value, in seconds. The pvParam parameter must point to an integer variable that receives the value.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the screen saver time-out value to the value of the uiParam parameter. This value is the amount of time, in seconds, that the system must be
/// idle before the screen saver activates.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether screen saving is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a bool variable that receives TRUE if screen saving is enabled,
/// or FALSE otherwise.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>Sets the state of the screen saver. The uiParam parameter specifies TRUE to activate screen saving, or FALSE to deactivate it.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the current granularity value of the desktop sizing grid. The pvParam parameter must point to an integer variable that receives the granularity.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>Sets the granularity of the desktop sizing grid to the value of the uiParam parameter.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the desktop wallpaper. The value of the pvParam parameter determines the new wallpaper. To specify a wallpaper bitmap, set pvParam to point
/// to a null-terminated string containing the name of a bitmap file. Setting pvParam to "" removes the wallpaper. Setting pvParam to
/// SETWALLPAPER_DEFAULT or null reverts to the default wallpaper.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(string), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Sets the current desktop pattern by causing Windows to read the Pattern= setting from the WIN.INI file.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(string), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the keyboard repeat-delay setting, which is a value in the range from 0 (approximately 250 ms delay) through 3 (approximately 1 second
/// delay). The actual delay associated with each value may vary depending on the hardware. The pvParam parameter must point to an integer variable
/// that receives the setting.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the keyboard repeat-delay setting. The uiParam parameter must specify 0, 1, 2, or 3, where zero sets the shortest delay (approximately 250
/// ms) and 3 sets the longest delay (approximately 1 second). The actual delay associated with each value may vary depending on the hardware.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets or retrieves the height, in pixels, of an icon cell. To set this value, set uiParam to the new value and set pvParam to null. You cannot set
/// this value to less than SM_CYICON. To retrieve this value, pvParam must point to an integer that receives the current value.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether icon-title wrapping is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a bool variable that receives TRUE if enabled, or FALSE otherwise.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>Turns icon-title wrapping on or off. The uiParam parameter specifies TRUE for on, or FALSE for off.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether pop-up menus are left-aligned or right-aligned, relative to the corresponding menu-bar item. The pvParam parameter must point
/// to a bool variable that receives TRUE if left-aligned, or FALSE otherwise.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>Sets the alignment value of pop-up menus. The uiParam parameter specifies TRUE for right alignment, or FALSE for left alignment.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the width of the double-click rectangle to the value of the uiParam parameter. The double-click rectangle is the rectangle within which the
/// second click of a double-click must fall for it to be registered as a double-click. To retrieve the width of the double-click rectangle, call
/// GetSystemMetrics with the SM_CXDOUBLECLK flag.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the height of the double-click rectangle to the value of the uiParam parameter. The double-click rectangle is the rectangle within which the
/// second click of a double-click must fall for it to be registered as a double-click. To retrieve the height of the double-click rectangle, call
/// GetSystemMetrics with the SM_CYDOUBLECLK flag.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the logical font information for the current icon-title font. The uiParam parameter specifies the size of a LOGFONT structure, and the
/// pvParam parameter must point to the LOGFONT structure to fill in.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(LOGFONT), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the double-click time for the mouse to the value of the uiParam parameter. The double-click time is the maximum number of milliseconds that
/// can occur between the first and second clicks of a double-click. You can also call the SetDoubleClickTime function to set the double-click time.
/// To get the current double-click time, call the GetDoubleClickTime function.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Swaps or restores the meaning of the left and right mouse buttons. The uiParam parameter specifies TRUE to swap the meanings of the buttons, or
/// FALSE to restore their original meanings.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the font that is used for icon titles. The uiParam parameter specifies the size of a LOGFONT structure, and the pvParam parameter must point
/// to a LOGFONT structure.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(LOGFONT), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// This flag is obsolete. Previous versions of the system use this flag to determine whether ALT+TAB fast task switching is enabled. For Windows 95,
/// Windows 98, and Windows NT version 4.0 and later, fast task switching is always enabled.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get), Obsolete]
/// <summary>
/// This flag is obsolete. Previous versions of the system use this flag to enable or disable ALT+TAB fast task switching. For Windows 95, Windows
/// 98, and Windows NT version 4.0 and later, fast task switching is always enabled.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set), Obsolete]
/// <summary>
/// Sets dragging of full windows either on or off. The uiParam parameter specifies TRUE for on, or FALSE for off. Windows 95: This flag is supported
/// only if Windows Plus! is installed. See SPI_GETWINDOWSEXTENSION.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether dragging of full windows is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if enabled, or
/// FALSE otherwise. Windows 95: This flag is supported only if Windows Plus! is installed. See SPI_GETWINDOWSEXTENSION.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the metrics associated with the nonclient area of nonminimized windows. The pvParam parameter must point to a NONCLIENTMETRICS
/// structure that receives the information. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the metrics associated with the nonclient area of nonminimized windows. The pvParam parameter must point to a NONCLIENTMETRICS structure
/// that contains the new parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS). Also, the
/// lfHeight member of the LOGFONT structure must be a negative value.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the metrics associated with minimized windows. The pvParam parameter must point to a MINIMIZEDMETRICS structure that receives the
/// information. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(MINIMIZEDMETRICS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(MINIMIZEDMETRICS), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the metrics associated with minimized windows. The pvParam parameter must point to a MINIMIZEDMETRICS structure that contains the new
/// parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(MINIMIZEDMETRICS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(MINIMIZEDMETRICS), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the metrics associated with icons. The pvParam parameter must point to an ICONMETRICS structure that receives the information. Set the
/// cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(ICONMETRICS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(ICONMETRICS), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the metrics associated with icons. The pvParam parameter must point to an ICONMETRICS structure that contains the new parameters. Set the
/// cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(ICONMETRICS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(ICONMETRICS), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the size of the work area. The work area is the portion of the screen not obscured by the system taskbar or by application desktop toolbars.
/// The pvParam parameter is a pointer to a RECT structure that specifies the new work area rectangle, expressed in virtual screen coordinates. In a
/// system with multiple display monitors, the function sets the work area of the monitor that contains the specified rectangle.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(RECT), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the size of the work area on the primary display monitor. The work area is the portion of the screen not obscured by the system taskbar
/// or by application desktop toolbars. The pvParam parameter must point to a RECT structure that receives the coordinates of the work area,
/// expressed in virtual screen coordinates. To get the work area of a monitor other than the primary display monitor, call the GetMonitorInfo function.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(RECT), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Windows Me/98/95: Pen windows is being loaded or unloaded. The uiParam parameter is TRUE when loading and FALSE when unloading pen windows. The
/// pvParam parameter is null.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves information about the HighContrast accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a HIGHCONTRAST structure that receives
/// the information. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(HIGHCONTRAST). For a general discussion, see
/// remarks. Windows NT: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// There is a difference between the High Contrast color scheme and the High Contrast Mode. The High Contrast color scheme changes the system colors
/// to colors that have obvious contrast; you switch to this color scheme by using the Display Options in the control panel. The High Contrast Mode,
/// which uses SPI_GETHIGHCONTRAST and SPI_SETHIGHCONTRAST, advises applications to modify their appearance for visually-impaired users. It involves
/// such things as audible warning to users and customized color scheme (using the Accessibility Options in the control panel). For more information,
/// see HIGHCONTRAST on MSDN. For more information on general accessibility features, see Accessibility on MSDN.
/// </remarks>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(HIGHCONTRAST), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the parameters of the HighContrast accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a HIGHCONTRAST structure that contains the new
/// parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(HIGHCONTRAST). Windows NT: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(HIGHCONTRAST), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the user relies on the keyboard instead of the mouse, and wants applications to display keyboard interfaces that would
/// otherwise be hidden. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if the user relies on the keyboard; or FALSE
/// otherwise. Windows NT: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the keyboard preference. The uiParam parameter specifies TRUE if the user relies on the keyboard instead of the mouse, and wants
/// applications to display keyboard interfaces that would otherwise be hidden; uiParam is FALSE otherwise. Windows NT: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether a screen reviewer utility is running. A screen reviewer utility directs textual information to an output device, such as a
/// speech synthesizer or Braille display. When this flag is set, an application should provide textual information in situations where it would
/// otherwise present the information graphically. The pvParam parameter is a pointer to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if a screen reviewer
/// utility is running, or FALSE otherwise. Windows NT: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether a screen review utility is running. The uiParam parameter specifies TRUE for on, or FALSE for off. Windows NT: This value is
/// not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the animation effects associated with user actions. The pvParam parameter must point to an ANIMATIONINFO structure that receives the
/// information. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(ANIMATIONINFO).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(ANIMATIONINFO), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the animation effects associated with user actions. The pvParam parameter must point to an ANIMATIONINFO structure that contains the new
/// parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(ANIMATIONINFO).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(ANIMATIONINFO), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the font smoothing feature is enabled. This feature uses font antialiasing to make font curves appear smoother by painting
/// pixels at different gray levels. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if the feature is enabled, or FALSE if it
/// is not. Windows 95: This flag is supported only if Windows Plus! is installed. See SPI_GETWINDOWSEXTENSION.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables the font smoothing feature, which uses font antialiasing to make font curves appear smoother by painting pixels at different
/// gray levels. To enable the feature, set the uiParam parameter to TRUE. To disable the feature, set uiParam to FALSE. Windows 95: This flag is
/// supported only if Windows Plus! is installed. See SPI_GETWINDOWSEXTENSION.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the width, in pixels, of the rectangle used to detect the start of a drag operation. Set uiParam to the new value. To retrieve the drag
/// width, call GetSystemMetrics with the SM_CXDRAG flag.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the height, in pixels, of the rectangle used to detect the start of a drag operation. Set uiParam to the new value. To retrieve the drag
/// height, call GetSystemMetrics with the SM_CYDRAG flag.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Used internally; applications should not use this value.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the time-out value for the low-power phase of screen saving. The pvParam parameter must point to an integer variable that receives the
/// value. This flag is supported for 32-bit applications only. Windows NT, Windows Me/98: This flag is supported for 16-bit and 32-bit applications.
/// Windows 95: This flag is supported for 16-bit applications only.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the time-out value for the power-off phase of screen saving. The pvParam parameter must point to an integer variable that receives the
/// value. This flag is supported for 32-bit applications only. Windows NT, Windows Me/98: This flag is supported for 16-bit and 32-bit applications.
/// Windows 95: This flag is supported for 16-bit applications only.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(int), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the time-out value, in seconds, for the low-power phase of screen saving. The uiParam parameter specifies the new value. The pvParam
/// parameter must be null. This flag is supported for 32-bit applications only. Windows NT, Windows Me/98: This flag is supported for 16-bit and
/// 32-bit applications. Windows 95: This flag is supported for 16-bit applications only.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the time-out value, in seconds, for the power-off phase of screen saving. The uiParam parameter specifies the new value. The pvParam
/// parameter must be null. This flag is supported for 32-bit applications only. Windows NT, Windows Me/98: This flag is supported for 16-bit and
/// 32-bit applications. Windows 95: This flag is supported for 16-bit applications only.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the low-power phase of screen saving is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if
/// enabled, or FALSE if disabled. This flag is supported for 32-bit applications only. Windows NT, Windows Me/98: This flag is supported for 16-bit
/// and 32-bit applications. Windows 95: This flag is supported for 16-bit applications only.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the power-off phase of screen saving is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if
/// enabled, or FALSE if disabled. This flag is supported for 32-bit applications only. Windows NT, Windows Me/98: This flag is supported for 16-bit
/// and 32-bit applications. Windows 95: This flag is supported for 16-bit applications only.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Activates or deactivates the low-power phase of screen saving. Set uiParam to 1 to activate, or zero to deactivate. The pvParam parameter must be
/// null. This flag is supported for 32-bit applications only. Windows NT, Windows Me/98: This flag is supported for 16-bit and 32-bit applications.
/// Windows 95: This flag is supported for 16-bit applications only.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Activates or deactivates the power-off phase of screen saving. Set uiParam to 1 to activate, or zero to deactivate. The pvParam parameter must be
/// null. This flag is supported for 32-bit applications only. Windows NT, Windows Me/98: This flag is supported for 16-bit and 32-bit applications.
/// Windows 95: This flag is supported for 16-bit applications only.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Reloads the system cursors. Set the uiParam parameter to zero and the pvParam parameter to null.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Reloads the system icons. Set the uiParam parameter to zero and the pvParam parameter to null.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
SPI_SETICONS = 0x0058,
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the input locale identifier for the system default input language. The pvParam parameter must point to an HKL variable that receives
/// this value. For more information, see Languages, Locales, and Keyboard Layouts on MSDN.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(IntPtr), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the default input language for the system shell and applications. The specified language must be displayable using the current system
/// character set. The pvParam parameter must point to an HKL variable that contains the input locale identifier for the default language. For more
/// information, see Languages, Locales, and Keyboard Layouts on MSDN.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(IntPtr), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the hot key set for switching between input languages. The uiParam and pvParam parameters are not used. The value sets the shortcut keys in
/// the keyboard property sheets by reading the registry again. The registry must be set before this flag is used. the path in the registry is
/// \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\toggle. Valid values are "1" = ALT+SHIFT, "2" = CTRL+SHIFT, and "3" = none.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Windows 95: Determines whether the Windows extension, Windows Plus!, is installed. Set the uiParam parameter to 1. The pvParam parameter is not
/// used. The function returns TRUE if the extension is installed, or FALSE if it is not.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables the Mouse Trails feature, which improves the visibility of mouse cursor movements by briefly showing a trail of cursors and
/// quickly erasing them. To disable the feature, set the uiParam parameter to zero or 1. To enable the feature, set uiParam to a value greater than
/// 1 to indicate the number of cursors drawn in the trail. Windows 2000/NT: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the Mouse Trails feature is enabled. This feature improves the visibility of mouse cursor movements by briefly showing a trail
/// of cursors and quickly erasing them. The pvParam parameter must point to an integer variable that receives a value. If the value is zero or 1,
/// the feature is disabled. If the value is greater than 1, the feature is enabled and the value indicates the number of cursors drawn in the trail.
/// The uiParam parameter is not used. Windows 2000/NT: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>Windows Me/98: Used internally; applications should not use this flag.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Same as SPI_SETSCREENSAVERRUNNING.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves information about the FilterKeys accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a FILTERKEYS structure that receives the
/// information. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(FILTERKEYS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(FILTERKEYS), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the parameters of the FilterKeys accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a FILTERKEYS structure that contains the new
/// parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(FILTERKEYS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(FILTERKEYS), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves information about the ToggleKeys accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a TOGGLEKEYS structure that receives the
/// information. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(TOGGLEKEYS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(TOGGLEKEYS), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the parameters of the ToggleKeys accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a TOGGLEKEYS structure that contains the new
/// parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(TOGGLEKEYS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(TOGGLEKEYS), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves information about the MouseKeys accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a MOUSEKEYS structure that receives the
/// information. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(MOUSEKEYS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(MOUSEKEYS), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the parameters of the MouseKeys accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a MOUSEKEYS structure that contains the new
/// parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(MOUSEKEYS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(MOUSEKEYS), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the Show Sounds accessibility flag is on or off. If it is on, the user requires an application to present information visually
/// in situations where it would otherwise present the information only in audible form. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that
/// receives TRUE if the feature is on, or FALSE if it is off. Using this value is equivalent to calling GetSystemMetrics (SM_SHOWSOUNDS). That is
/// the recommended call.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the parameters of the SoundSentry accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a SOUNDSENTRY structure that contains the new
/// parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(SOUNDSENTRY).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(SOUNDSENTRY), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves information about the StickyKeys accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a STICKYKEYS structure that receives the
/// information. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(STICKYKEYS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(STICKYKEYS), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the parameters of the StickyKeys accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a STICKYKEYS structure that contains the new
/// parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(STICKYKEYS).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(STICKYKEYS), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves information about the time-out period associated with the accessibility features. The pvParam parameter must point to an ACCESSTIMEOUT
/// structure that receives the information. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(ACCESSTIMEOUT).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(ACCESSTIMEOUT), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the time-out period associated with the accessibility features. The pvParam parameter must point to an ACCESSTIMEOUT structure that contains
/// the new parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(ACCESSTIMEOUT).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(ACCESSTIMEOUT), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
//#if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
/// <summary>
/// Windows Me/98/95: Retrieves information about the SerialKeys accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a SERIALKEYS structure
/// that receives the information. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(SERIALKEYS). Windows Server 2003,
/// Windows XP/2000/NT: Not supported. The user controls this feature through the control panel.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(SERIALKEYS), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Windows Me/98/95: Sets the parameters of the SerialKeys accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a SERIALKEYS structure that
/// contains the new parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(SERIALKEYS). Windows Server 2003,
/// Windows XP/2000/NT: Not supported. The user controls this feature through the control panel.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(SERIALKEYS), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves information about the SoundSentry accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a SOUNDSENTRY structure that receives the
/// information. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(SOUNDSENTRY).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(SOUNDSENTRY), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the parameters of the SoundSentry accessibility feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a SOUNDSENTRY structure that contains the new
/// parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(SOUNDSENTRY).
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(SOUNDSENTRY), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the snap-to-default-button feature is enabled. If enabled, the mouse cursor automatically moves to the default button, such as
/// OK or Apply, of a dialog box. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if the feature is on, or FALSE if it is off.
/// Windows 95: Not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables the snap-to-default-button feature. If enabled, the mouse cursor automatically moves to the default button, such as OK or
/// Apply, of a dialog box. Set the uiParam parameter to TRUE to enable the feature, or FALSE to disable it. Applications should use the ShowWindow
/// function when displaying a dialog box so the dialog manager can position the mouse cursor. Windows 95: Not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the width, in pixels, of the rectangle within which the mouse pointer has to stay for TrackMouseEvent to generate a WM_MOUSEHOVER
/// message. The pvParam parameter must point to a UINT variable that receives the width. Windows 95: Not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the width, in pixels, of the rectangle within which the mouse pointer has to stay for TrackMouseEvent to generate a WM_MOUSEHOVER
/// message. The pvParam parameter must point to a UINT variable that receives the width. Windows 95: Not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the height, in pixels, of the rectangle within which the mouse pointer has to stay for TrackMouseEvent to generate a WM_MOUSEHOVER
/// message. The pvParam parameter must point to a UINT variable that receives the height. Windows 95: Not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the height, in pixels, of the rectangle within which the mouse pointer has to stay for TrackMouseEvent to generate a WM_MOUSEHOVER message.
/// Set the uiParam parameter to the new height. Windows 95: Not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the time, in milliseconds, that the mouse pointer has to stay in the hover rectangle for TrackMouseEvent to generate a WM_MOUSEHOVER
/// message. The pvParam parameter must point to a UINT variable that receives the time. Windows 95: Not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the time, in milliseconds, that the mouse pointer has to stay in the hover rectangle for TrackMouseEvent to generate a WM_MOUSEHOVER
/// message. This is used only if you pass HOVER_DEFAULT in the dwHoverTime parameter in the call to TrackMouseEvent. Set the uiParam parameter to
/// the new time. Windows 95: Not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the number of lines to scroll when the mouse wheel is rotated. The pvParam parameter must point to a UINT variable that receives the
/// number of lines. The default value is 3. Windows 95: Not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the number of lines to scroll when the mouse wheel is rotated. The number of lines is set from the uiParam parameter. The number of lines is
/// the suggested number of lines to scroll when the mouse wheel is rolled without using modifier keys. If the number is 0, then no scrolling should
/// occur. If the number of lines to scroll is greater than the number of lines viewable, and in particular if it is WHEEL_PAGESCROLL (#defined as
/// UINT_MAX), the scroll operation should be interpreted as clicking once in the page down or page up regions of the scroll bar. Windows 95: Not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the time, in milliseconds, that the system waits before displaying a shortcut menu when the mouse cursor is over a submenu item. The
/// pvParam parameter must point to a DWORD variable that receives the time of the delay. Windows 95: Not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets uiParam to the time, in milliseconds, that the system waits before displaying a shortcut menu when the mouse cursor is over a submenu item.
/// Windows 95: Not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the IME status window is visible (on a per-user basis). The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE
/// if the status window is visible, or FALSE if it is not. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets whether the IME status window is visible or not on a per-user basis. The uiParam parameter specifies TRUE for on or FALSE for off. Windows
/// NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the current mouse speed. The mouse speed determines how far the pointer will move based on the distance the mouse moves. The pvParam
/// parameter must point to an integer that receives a value which ranges between 1 (slowest) and 20 (fastest). A value of 10 is the default. The
/// value can be set by an end user using the mouse control panel application or by an application using SPI_SETMOUSESPEED. Windows NT, Windows 95:
/// This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the current mouse speed. The pvParam parameter is an integer between 1 (slowest) and 20 (fastest). A value of 10 is the default. This value
/// is typically set using the mouse control panel application. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether a screen saver is currently running on the window station of the calling process. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL
/// variable that receives TRUE if a screen saver is currently running, or FALSE otherwise. Note that only the interactive window station, "WinSta0",
/// can have a screen saver running. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the full path of the bitmap file for the desktop wallpaper. The pvParam parameter must point to a buffer that receives a
/// null-terminated path string. Set the uiParam parameter to the size, in characters, of the pvParam buffer. The returned string will not exceed
/// MAX_PATH characters. If there is no desktop wallpaper, the returned string is empty. Windows NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(string), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether active window tracking (activating the window the mouse is on) is on or off. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL
/// variable that receives TRUE for on, or FALSE for off. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets active window tracking (activating the window the mouse is on) either on or off. Set pvParam to TRUE for on or FALSE for off. Windows NT,
/// Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the menu animation feature is enabled. This master switch must be on to enable menu animation effects. The pvParam parameter
/// must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if animation is enabled and FALSE if it is disabled. If animation is enabled, SPI_GETMENUFADE
/// indicates whether menus use fade or slide animation. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables menu animation. This master switch must be on for any menu animation to occur. The pvParam parameter is a BOOL variable; set
/// pvParam to TRUE to enable animation and FALSE to disable animation. If animation is enabled, SPI_GETMENUFADE indicates whether menus use fade or
/// slide animation. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the slide-open effect for combo boxes is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE for
/// enabled, or FALSE for disabled. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables the slide-open effect for combo boxes. Set the pvParam parameter to TRUE to enable the gradient effect, or FALSE to disable
/// it. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the smooth-scrolling effect for list boxes is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE
/// for enabled, or FALSE for disabled. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables the smooth-scrolling effect for list boxes. Set the pvParam parameter to TRUE to enable the smooth-scrolling effect, or FALSE
/// to disable it. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the gradient effect for window title bars is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE
/// for enabled, or FALSE for disabled. For more information about the gradient effect, see the GetSysColor function. Windows NT, Windows 95: This
/// value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables the gradient effect for window title bars. Set the pvParam parameter to TRUE to enable it, or FALSE to disable it. The
/// gradient effect is possible only if the system has a color depth of more than 256 colors. For more information about the gradient effect, see the
/// GetSysColor function. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether menu access keys are always underlined. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if menu access
/// keys are always underlined, and FALSE if they are underlined only when the menu is activated by the keyboard. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value
/// is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the underlining of menu access key letters. The pvParam parameter is a BOOL variable. Set pvParam to TRUE to always underline menu access
/// keys, or FALSE to underline menu access keys only when the menu is activated from the keyboard. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Same as SPI_GETKEYBOARDCUES.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>Same as SPI_SETKEYBOARDCUES.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether windows activated through active window tracking will be brought to the top. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL
/// variable that receives TRUE for on, or FALSE for off. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether or not windows activated through active window tracking should be brought to the top. Set pvParam to TRUE for on or FALSE for
/// off. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether hot tracking of user-interface elements, such as menu names on menu bars, is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a
/// BOOL variable that receives TRUE for enabled, or FALSE for disabled. Hot tracking means that when the cursor moves over an item, it is
/// highlighted but not selected. You can query this value to decide whether to use hot tracking in the user interface of your application. Windows
/// NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables hot tracking of user-interface elements such as menu names on menu bars. Set the pvParam parameter to TRUE to enable it, or
/// FALSE to disable it. Hot-tracking means that when the cursor moves over an item, it is highlighted but not selected. Windows NT, Windows 95: This
/// value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether menu fade animation is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE when fade animation is
/// enabled and FALSE when it is disabled. If fade animation is disabled, menus use slide animation. This flag is ignored unless menu animation is
/// enabled, which you can do using the SPI_SETMENUANIMATION flag. For more information, see AnimateWindow. Windows NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value
/// is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables menu fade animation. Set pvParam to TRUE to enable the menu fade effect or FALSE to disable it. If fade animation is
/// disabled, menus use slide animation. he The menu fade effect is possible only if the system has a color depth of more than 256 colors. This flag
/// is ignored unless SPI_MENUANIMATION is also set. For more information, see AnimateWindow. Windows NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the selection fade effect is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if enabled or
/// FALSE if disabled. The selection fade effect causes the menu item selected by the user to remain on the screen briefly while fading out after the
/// menu is dismissed. Windows NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Set pvParam to TRUE to enable the selection fade effect or FALSE to disable it. The selection fade effect causes the menu item selected by the
/// user to remain on the screen briefly while fading out after the menu is dismissed. The selection fade effect is possible only if the system has a
/// color depth of more than 256 colors. Windows NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether ToolTip animation is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if enabled or FALSE if
/// disabled. If ToolTip animation is enabled, SPI_GETTOOLTIPFADE indicates whether ToolTips use fade or slide animation. Windows NT, Windows
/// Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Set pvParam to TRUE to enable ToolTip animation or FALSE to disable it. If enabled, you can use SPI_SETTOOLTIPFADE to specify fade or slide
/// animation. Windows NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// If SPI_SETTOOLTIPANIMATION is enabled, SPI_GETTOOLTIPFADE indicates whether ToolTip animation uses a fade effect or a slide effect. The pvParam
/// parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE for fade animation or FALSE for slide animation. For more information on slide and
/// fade effects, see AnimateWindow. Windows NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// If the SPI_SETTOOLTIPANIMATION flag is enabled, use SPI_SETTOOLTIPFADE to indicate whether ToolTip animation uses a fade effect or a slide
/// effect. Set pvParam to TRUE for fade animation or FALSE for slide animation. The tooltip fade effect is possible only if the system has a color
/// depth of more than 256 colors. For more information on the slide and fade effects, see the AnimateWindow function. Windows NT, Windows Me/98/95:
/// This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the cursor has a shadow around it. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if the shadow is
/// enabled, FALSE if it is disabled. This effect appears only if the system has a color depth of more than 256 colors. Windows NT, Windows Me/98/95:
/// This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables a shadow around the cursor. The pvParam parameter is a BOOL variable. Set pvParam to TRUE to enable the shadow or FALSE to
/// disable the shadow. This effect appears only if the system has a color depth of more than 256 colors. Windows NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is
/// not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the state of the Mouse Sonar feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if enabled or FALSE
/// otherwise. For more information, see About Mouse Input on MSDN. Windows 2000/NT, Windows 98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Turns the Sonar accessibility feature on or off. This feature briefly shows several concentric circles around the mouse pointer when the user
/// presses and releases the CTRL key. The pvParam parameter specifies TRUE for on and FALSE for off. The default is off. For more information, see
/// About Mouse Input. Windows 2000/NT, Windows 98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the state of the Mouse ClickLock feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if enabled, or FALSE
/// otherwise. For more information, see About Mouse Input. Windows 2000/NT, Windows 98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Turns the Mouse ClickLock accessibility feature on or off. This feature temporarily locks down the primary mouse button when that button is
/// clicked and held down for the time specified by SPI_SETMOUSECLICKLOCKTIME. The uiParam parameter specifies TRUE for on, or FALSE for off. The
/// default is off. For more information, see Remarks and About Mouse Input on MSDN. Windows 2000/NT, Windows 98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the state of the Mouse Vanish feature. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if enabled or FALSE
/// otherwise. For more information, see About Mouse Input on MSDN. Windows 2000/NT, Windows 98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Turns the Vanish feature on or off. This feature hides the mouse pointer when the user types; the pointer reappears when the user moves the
/// mouse. The pvParam parameter specifies TRUE for on and FALSE for off. The default is off. For more information, see About Mouse Input on MSDN.
/// Windows 2000/NT, Windows 98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether native User menus have flat menu appearance. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that returns TRUE if the flat
/// menu appearance is set, or FALSE otherwise. Windows 2000/NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables flat menu appearance for native User menus. Set pvParam to TRUE to enable flat menu appearance or FALSE to disable it. When
/// enabled, the menu bar uses COLOR_MENUBAR for the menubar background, COLOR_MENU for the menu-popup background, COLOR_MENUHILIGHT for the fill of
/// the current menu selection, and COLOR_HILIGHT for the outline of the current menu selection. If disabled, menus are drawn using the same metrics
/// and colors as in Windows 2000 and earlier. Windows 2000/NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the drop shadow effect is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that returns TRUE if enabled or FALSE
/// if disabled. Windows 2000/NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables the drop shadow effect. Set pvParam to TRUE to enable the drop shadow effect or FALSE to disable it. You must also have
/// CS_DROPSHADOW in the window class style. Windows 2000/NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a BOOL indicating whether an application can reset the screensaver's timer by calling the SendInput function to simulate keyboard or
/// mouse input. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if the simulated input will be blocked, or FALSE otherwise.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether an application can reset the screensaver's timer by calling the SendInput function to simulate keyboard or mouse input. The
/// uiParam parameter specifies TRUE if the screensaver will not be deactivated by simulated input, or FALSE if the screensaver will be deactivated
/// by simulated input.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether UI effects are enabled or disabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE if all UI effects
/// are enabled, or FALSE if they are disabled. Windows NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Enables or disables UI effects. Set the pvParam parameter to TRUE to enable all UI effects or FALSE to disable all UI effects. Windows NT,
/// Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the amount of time following user input, in milliseconds, during which the system will not allow applications to force themselves into
/// the foreground. The pvParam parameter must point to a DWORD variable that receives the time. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the amount of time following user input, in milliseconds, during which the system does not allow applications to force themselves into the
/// foreground. Set pvParam to the new timeout value. The calling thread must be able to change the foreground window, otherwise the call fails.
/// Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the active window tracking delay, in milliseconds. The pvParam parameter must point to a DWORD variable that receives the time. Windows
/// NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the active window tracking delay. Set pvParam to the number of milliseconds to delay before activating the window under the mouse pointer.
/// Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the number of times SetForegroundWindow will flash the taskbar button when rejecting a foreground switch request. The pvParam parameter
/// must point to a DWORD variable that receives the value. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the number of times SetForegroundWindow will flash the taskbar button when rejecting a foreground switch request. Set pvParam to the number
/// of times to flash. Windows NT, Windows 95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the caret width in edit controls, in pixels. The pvParam parameter must point to a DWORD that receives this value. Windows NT, Windows
/// Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the caret width in edit controls. Set pvParam to the desired width, in pixels. The default and minimum value is 1. Windows NT, Windows
/// Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the time delay before the primary mouse button is locked. The pvParam parameter must point to DWORD that receives the time delay. This
/// is only enabled if SPI_SETMOUSECLICKLOCK is set to TRUE. For more information, see About Mouse Input on MSDN. Windows 2000/NT, Windows 98/95:
/// This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Turns the Mouse ClickLock accessibility feature on or off. This feature temporarily locks down the primary mouse button when that button is
/// clicked and held down for the time specified by SPI_SETMOUSECLICKLOCKTIME. The uiParam parameter specifies TRUE for on, or FALSE for off. The
/// default is off. For more information, see Remarks and About Mouse Input on MSDN. Windows 2000/NT, Windows 98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(bool), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the type of font smoothing. The pvParam parameter must point to a UINT that receives the information. Windows 2000/NT, Windows
/// Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the font smoothing type. The pvParam parameter points to a UINT that contains either FE_FONTSMOOTHINGSTANDARD, if standard anti-aliasing is
/// used, or FE_FONTSMOOTHINGCLEARTYPE, if ClearType is used. The default is FE_FONTSMOOTHINGSTANDARD. When using this option, the fWinIni parameter
/// must be set to SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE | SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE; otherwise, SystemParametersInfo fails.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a contrast value that is used in ClearType™ smoothing. The pvParam parameter must point to a UINT that receives the information.
/// Windows 2000/NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the contrast value used in ClearType smoothing. The pvParam parameter points to a UINT that holds the contrast value. Valid contrast values
/// are from 1000 to 2200. The default value is 1400. When using this option, the fWinIni parameter must be set to SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE |
/// SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE; otherwise, SystemParametersInfo fails. SPI_SETFONTSMOOTHINGTYPE must also be set to FE_FONTSMOOTHINGCLEARTYPE. Windows
/// 2000/NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the width, in pixels, of the left and right edges of the focus rectangle drawn with DrawFocusRect. The pvParam parameter must point to
/// a UINT. Windows 2000/NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the height of the left and right edges of the focus rectangle drawn with DrawFocusRect to the value of the pvParam parameter. Windows
/// 2000/NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the height, in pixels, of the top and bottom edges of the focus rectangle drawn with DrawFocusRect. The pvParam parameter must point to
/// a UINT. Windows 2000/NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>
/// Sets the height of the top and bottom edges of the focus rectangle drawn with DrawFocusRect to the value of the pvParam parameter. Windows
/// 2000/NT, Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
/// </summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Retrieves the font smoothing orientation. The pvParam parameter must point to a UINT that receives the information. The possible values are FE_FONTSMOOTHINGORIENTATIONBGR (blue-green-red) and FE_FONTSMOOTHINGORIENTATIONRGB (red-green-blue). Windows XP/2000: This parameter is not supported until Windows XP with SP2.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>Sets the font smoothing orientation. The pvParam parameter is either FE_FONTSMOOTHINGORIENTATIONBGR (blue-green-red) or FE_FONTSMOOTHINGORIENTATIONRGB (red-green-blue). Windows XP/2000: This parameter is not supported until Windows XP with SP2.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Undocumented</summary>
/// <summary>Undocumented</summary>
/// <summary>Retrieves the time that notification pop-ups should be displayed, in seconds. The pvParam parameter must point to a ULONG that receives the message duration. Users with visual impairments or cognitive conditions such as ADHD and dyslexia might need a longer time to read the text in notification messages. This flag enables you to retrieve the message duration. Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP/2000: This parameter is not supported.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>Sets the time that notification pop-ups should be displayed, in seconds. The pvParam parameter specifies the message duration. Users with visual impairments or cognitive conditions such as ADHD and dyslexia might need a longer time to read the text in notification messages. This flag enables you to set the message duration. Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP/2000: This parameter is not supported.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Retrieves the current contact visualization setting. The pvParam parameter must point to a ULONG variable that receives the setting. For more information, see Contact Visualization.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>Sets the current contact visualization setting. The pvParam parameter must point to a ULONG variable that identifies the setting. For more information, see Contact Visualization.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Retrieves the current gesture visualization setting. The pvParam parameter must point to a ULONG variable that receives the setting. For more information, see Gesture Visualization.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>Sets the current gesture visualization setting. The pvParam parameter must point to a ULONG variable that identifies the setting. For more information, see Gesture Visualization.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Retrieves the routing setting for wheel button input. The routing setting determines whether wheel button input is sent to the app with focus (foreground) or the app under the mouse cursor. The pvParam parameter must point to a DWORD variable that receives the routing option. If the value is zero or MOUSEWHEEL_ROUTING_FOCUS, mouse wheel input is delivered to the app with focus. If the value is 1 or MOUSEWHEEL_ROUTING_HYBRID (default), mouse wheel input is delivered to the app with focus(desktop apps) or the app under the mouse cursor(Windows Store apps). The uiParam parameter is not used.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>Sets the routing setting for wheel button input. The routing setting determines whether wheel button input is sent to the app with focus (foreground) or the app under the mouse cursor. The pvParam parameter must point to a DWORD variable that receives the routing option. If the value is zero or MOUSEWHEEL_ROUTING_FOCUS, mouse wheel input is delivered to the app with focus. If the value is 1 or MOUSEWHEEL_ROUTING_HYBRID (default), mouse wheel input is delivered to the app with focus(desktop apps) or the app under the mouse cursor(Windows Store apps). Set the uiParam parameter to zero.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Retrieves the current pen gesture visualization setting. The pvParam parameter must point to a ULONG variable that receives the setting. For more information, see Pen Visualization.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Get)]
/// <summary>Sets the current pen gesture visualization setting. The pvParam parameter must point to a ULONG variable that identifies the setting. For more information, see Pen Visualization.</summary>
[CorrespondingType(typeof(uint), CorrepsondingAction.Set)]
/// <summary>Undocumented</summary>
/// <summary>Undocumented</summary>
/// <summary>Undocumented</summary>
/// <summary>Undocumented</summary>
/// <summary>Undocumented</summary>
/// <summary>Undocumented</summary>
/// <summary>Flags for SystemParametersInfo</summary>
public enum SPIF
/// <summary>No flags set.</summary>
None = 0x00,
/// <summary>Writes the new system-wide parameter setting to the user profile.</summary>
/// <summary>Broadcasts the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message after updating the user profile.</summary>
/// <summary>Same as SPIF_SENDCHANGE.</summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The system metric or configuration setting to be retrieved by <see cref="GetSystemMetrics"/>.</summary>
[PInvokeData("Winuser.h", MSDNShortId = "ms724385")]
public enum SystemMetric
/// <summary>The flags that specify how the system arranged minimized windows. For more information, see the Remarks section in this topic.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The value that specifies how the system is started:
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <para>0 Normal boot</para>
/// <para>1 Fail-safe boot</para>
/// <para>2 Fail-safe with network boot</para>
/// <para>A fail-safe boot (also called SafeBoot, Safe Mode, or Clean Boot) bypasses the user startup files.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <summary>The number of display monitors on a desktop. For more information, see the Remarks section in this topic.</summary>
/// <summary>The number of buttons on a mouse, or zero if no mouse is installed.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Reflects the state of the laptop or slate mode, 0 for Slate Mode and non-zero otherwise. When this system metric changes, the system sends a
/// broadcast message via WM_SETTINGCHANGE with "ConvertibleSlateMode" in the LPARAM. Note that this system metric doesn't apply to desktop PCs. In
/// that case, use GetAutoRotationState.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The width of a window border, in pixels. This is equivalent to the SM_CXEDGE value for windows with the 3-D look.</summary>
/// <summary>The width of a cursor, in pixels. The system cannot create cursors of other sizes.</summary>
/// <summary>This value is the same as SM_CXFIXEDFRAME.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The width of the rectangle around the location of a first click in a double-click sequence, in pixels. The second click must occur within the
/// rectangle that is defined by SM_CXDOUBLECLK and SM_CYDOUBLECLK for the system to consider the two clicks a double-click. The two clicks must also
/// occur within a specified time.
/// <para>To set the width of the double-click rectangle, call SystemParametersInfo with SPI_SETDOUBLECLKWIDTH.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The number of pixels on either side of a mouse-down point that the mouse pointer can move before a drag operation begins. This allows the user to
/// click and release the mouse button easily without unintentionally starting a drag operation. If this value is negative, it is subtracted from the
/// left of the mouse-down point and added to the right of it.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The width of a 3-D border, in pixels. This metric is the 3-D counterpart of SM_CXBORDER.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The thickness of the frame around the perimeter of a window that has a caption but is not sizable, in pixels. SM_CXFIXEDFRAME is the height of
/// the horizontal border, and SM_CYFIXEDFRAME is the width of the vertical border.
/// <para>This value is the same as SM_CXDLGFRAME.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The width of the left and right edges of the focus rectangle that the DrawFocusRect draws. This value is in pixels.
/// <para>Windows 2000: This value is not supported.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>This value is the same as SM_CXSIZEFRAME.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The width of the client area for a full-screen window on the primary display monitor, in pixels. To get the coordinates of the portion of the
/// screen that is not obscured by the system taskbar or by application desktop toolbars, call the SystemParametersInfo function with the
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The width of the arrow bitmap on a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>The width of the thumb box in a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The default width of an icon, in pixels. The LoadIcon function can load only icons with the dimensions that SM_CXICON and SM_CYICON specifies.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The width of a grid cell for items in large icon view, in pixels. Each item fits into a rectangle of size SM_CXICONSPACING by SM_CYICONSPACING
/// when arranged. This value is always greater than or equal to SM_CXICON.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The default width, in pixels, of a maximized top-level window on the primary display monitor.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The default maximum width of a window that has a caption and sizing borders, in pixels. This metric refers to the entire desktop. The user cannot
/// drag the window frame to a size larger than these dimensions. A window can override this value by processing the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The width of the default menu check-mark bitmap, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>The width of menu bar buttons, such as the child window close button that is used in the multiple document interface, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>The minimum width of a window, in pixels.</summary>
SM_CXMIN = 28,
/// <summary>The width of a minimized window, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The width of a grid cell for a minimized window, in pixels. Each minimized window fits into a rectangle this size when arranged. This value is
/// always greater than or equal to SM_CXMINIMIZED.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The minimum tracking width of a window, in pixels. The user cannot drag the window frame to a size smaller than these dimensions. A window can
/// override this value by processing the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The amount of border padding for captioned windows, in pixels.
/// <para>Windows XP/2000: This value is not supported.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The width of the screen of the primary display monitor, in pixels. This is the same value obtained by calling GetDeviceCaps as follows:
/// GetDeviceCaps( hdcPrimaryMonitor, HORZRES).
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The width of a button in a window caption or title bar, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The thickness of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window that can be resized, in pixels. SM_CXSIZEFRAME is the width of the horizontal
/// border, and SM_CYSIZEFRAME is the height of the vertical border.
/// <para>This value is the same as SM_CXFRAME.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The recommended width of a small icon, in pixels. Small icons typically appear in window captions and in small icon view.</summary>
/// <summary>The width of small caption buttons, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The width of the virtual screen, in pixels. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. The SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN metric is
/// the coordinates for the left side of the virtual screen.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The width of a vertical scroll bar, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>The height of a window border, in pixels. This is equivalent to the SM_CYEDGE value for windows with the 3-D look.</summary>
/// <summary>The height of a caption area, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>The height of a cursor, in pixels. The system cannot create cursors of other sizes.</summary>
/// <summary>This value is the same as SM_CYFIXEDFRAME.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The height of the rectangle around the location of a first click in a double-click sequence, in pixels. The second click must occur within the
/// rectangle defined by SM_CXDOUBLECLK and SM_CYDOUBLECLK for the system to consider the two clicks a double-click. The two clicks must also occur
/// within a specified time.
/// <para>To set the height of the double-click rectangle, call SystemParametersInfo with SPI_SETDOUBLECLKHEIGHT.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The number of pixels above and below a mouse-down point that the mouse pointer can move before a drag operation begins. This allows the user to
/// click and release the mouse button easily without unintentionally starting a drag operation. If this value is negative, it is subtracted from
/// above the mouse-down point and added below it.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The height of a 3-D border, in pixels. This is the 3-D counterpart of SM_CYBORDER.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The thickness of the frame around the perimeter of a window that has a caption but is not sizable, in pixels. SM_CXFIXEDFRAME is the height of
/// the horizontal border, and SM_CYFIXEDFRAME is the width of the vertical border.
/// <para>This value is the same as SM_CYDLGFRAME.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The height of the top and bottom edges of the focus rectangle drawn by DrawFocusRect. This value is in pixels.
/// <para>Windows 2000: This value is not supported.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>This value is the same as SM_CYSIZEFRAME.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The height of the client area for a full-screen window on the primary display monitor, in pixels. To get the coordinates of the portion of the
/// screen not obscured by the system taskbar or by application desktop toolbars, call the SystemParametersInfo function with the SPI_GETWORKAREA value.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The height of a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>The default height of an icon, in pixels. The LoadIcon function can load only icons with the dimensions SM_CXICON and SM_CYICON.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The height of a grid cell for items in large icon view, in pixels. Each item fits into a rectangle of size SM_CXICONSPACING by SM_CYICONSPACING
/// when arranged. This value is always greater than or equal to SM_CYICON.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>For double byte character set versions of the system, this is the height of the Kanji window at the bottom of the screen, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>The default height, in pixels, of a maximized top-level window on the primary display monitor.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The default maximum height of a window that has a caption and sizing borders, in pixels. This metric refers to the entire desktop. The user
/// cannot drag the window frame to a size larger than these dimensions. A window can override this value by processing the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The height of a single-line menu bar, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>The height of the default menu check-mark bitmap, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>The height of menu bar buttons, such as the child window close button that is used in the multiple document interface, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>The minimum height of a window, in pixels.</summary>
SM_CYMIN = 29,
/// <summary>The height of a minimized window, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The height of a grid cell for a minimized window, in pixels. Each minimized window fits into a rectangle this size when arranged. This value is
/// always greater than or equal to SM_CYMINIMIZED.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The minimum tracking height of a window, in pixels. The user cannot drag the window frame to a size smaller than these dimensions. A window can
/// override this value by processing the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The height of the screen of the primary display monitor, in pixels. This is the same value obtained by calling GetDeviceCaps as follows:
/// GetDeviceCaps( hdcPrimaryMonitor, VERTRES).
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The height of a button in a window caption or title bar, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The thickness of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window that can be resized, in pixels. SM_CXSIZEFRAME is the width of the horizontal
/// border, and SM_CYSIZEFRAME is the height of the vertical border.
/// <para>This value is the same as SM_CYFRAME.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The height of a small caption, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>The recommended height of a small icon, in pixels. Small icons typically appear in window captions and in small icon view.</summary>
/// <summary>The height of small caption buttons, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The height of the virtual screen, in pixels. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. The SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN metric
/// is the coordinates for the top of the virtual screen.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>The height of the arrow bitmap on a vertical scroll bar, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>The height of the thumb box in a vertical scroll bar, in pixels.</summary>
/// <summary>Nonzero if User32.dll supports DBCS; otherwise, 0.</summary>
/// <summary>Nonzero if the debug version of User.exe is installed; otherwise, 0.</summary>
SM_DEBUG = 22,
/// <summary>
/// Nonzero if the current operating system is Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 and the Tablet PC Input service is started; otherwise, 0. The
/// return value is a bitmask that specifies the type of digitizer input supported by the device. For more information, see Remarks.
/// <para>Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista and Windows XP/2000: This value is not supported.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// Nonzero if Input Method Manager/Input Method Editor features are enabled; otherwise, 0.
/// <para>
/// SM_IMMENABLED indicates whether the system is ready to use a Unicode-based IME on a Unicode application. To ensure that a language-dependent IME
/// works, check SM_DBCSENABLED and the system ANSI code page. Otherwise the ANSI-to-Unicode conversion may not be performed correctly, or some
/// components like fonts or registry settings may not be present.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// Nonzero if there are digitizers in the system; otherwise, 0.
/// <para>
/// SM_MAXIMUMTOUCHES returns the aggregate maximum of the maximum number of contacts supported by every digitizer in the system. If the system has
/// only single-touch digitizers, the return value is 1. If the system has multi-touch digitizers, the return value is the number of simultaneous
/// contacts the hardware can provide.
/// </para>
/// <para>Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista and Windows XP/2000: This value is not supported.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>Nonzero if the current operating system is the Windows XP, Media Center Edition, 0 if not.</summary>
/// <summary>Nonzero if drop-down menus are right-aligned with the corresponding menu-bar item; 0 if the menus are left-aligned.</summary>
/// <summary>Nonzero if the system is enabled for Hebrew and Arabic languages, 0 if not.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Nonzero if a mouse is installed; otherwise, 0. This value is rarely zero, because of support for virtual mice and because some systems detect the
/// presence of the port instead of the presence of a mouse.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>Nonzero if a mouse with a horizontal scroll wheel is installed; otherwise 0.</summary>
/// <summary>Nonzero if a mouse with a vertical scroll wheel is installed; otherwise 0.</summary>
/// <summary>The least significant bit is set if a network is present; otherwise, it is cleared. The other bits are reserved for future use.</summary>
/// <summary>Nonzero if the Microsoft Windows for Pen computing extensions are installed; zero otherwise.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// This system metric is used in a Terminal Services environment to determine if the current Terminal Server session is being remotely controlled.
/// Its value is nonzero if the current session is remotely controlled; otherwise, 0.
/// <para>
/// You can use terminal services management tools such as Terminal Services Manager (tsadmin.msc) and shadow.exe to control a remote session. When a
/// session is being remotely controlled, another user can view the contents of that session and potentially interact with it.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// This system metric is used in a Terminal Services environment. If the calling process is associated with a Terminal Services client session, the
/// return value is nonzero. If the calling process is associated with the Terminal Services console session, the return value is 0.
/// <para>Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: The console session is not necessarily the physical console. For more information, see WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// Nonzero if all the display monitors have the same color format, otherwise, 0. Two displays can have the same bit depth, but different color
/// formats. For example, the red, green, and blue pixels can be encoded with different numbers of bits, or those bits can be located in different
/// places in a pixel color value.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>This system metric should be ignored; it always returns 0.</summary>
/// <summary>The build number if the system is Windows Server 2003 R2; otherwise, 0.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Nonzero if the user requires an application to present information visually in situations where it would otherwise present the information only
/// in audible form; otherwise, 0.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// Nonzero if the current session is shutting down; otherwise, 0.
/// <para>Windows 2000: This value is not supported.</para>
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>Nonzero if the computer has a low-end (slow) processor; otherwise, 0.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Nonzero if the current operating system is Windows 7 Starter Edition, Windows Vista Starter, or Windows XP Starter Edition; otherwise, 0.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>Nonzero if the meanings of the left and right mouse buttons are swapped; otherwise, 0.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Reflects the state of the docking mode, 0 for Undocked Mode and non-zero otherwise. When this system metric changes, the system sends a broadcast
/// message via WM_SETTINGCHANGE with "SystemDockMode" in the LPARAM.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// Nonzero if the current operating system is the Windows XP Tablet PC edition or if the current operating system is Windows Vista or Windows 7 and
/// the Tablet PC Input service is started; otherwise, 0. The SM_DIGITIZER setting indicates the type of digitizer input supported by a device
/// running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. For more information, see Remarks.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The coordinates for the left side of the virtual screen. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. The
/// SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN metric is the width of the virtual screen.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// The coordinates for the top of the virtual screen. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. The SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN
/// metric is the height of the virtual screen.
/// </summary>
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// The ExitWindowsEx function either logs off the current user, shuts down the system, or shuts down and restarts the system. It sends the
/// WM_QUERYENDSESSION message to all applications to determine if they can be terminated.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uFlags">Specifies the type of shutdown.</param>
/// <param name="dwReason">The reason for initiating the shutdown.</param>
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// <returns>
/// If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. <br></br><br>If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
/// information, call Marshal.GetLastWin32Error.</br>
/// </returns>
[DllImport(Lib.User32, ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
[PInvokeData("Winuser.h", MSDNShortId = "aa376868")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool ExitWindowsEx(ExitWindowsFlags uFlags, SystemShutDownReason dwReason);
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// <para>Retrieves the specified system metric or system configuration setting.</para>
/// <para>Note that all dimensions retrieved by <c>GetSystemMetrics</c> are in pixels.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nIndex">
/// <para>Type: <c>int</c></para>
/// <para>
/// The system metric or configuration setting to be retrieved. This parameter can be one of the following values. Note that all SM_CX* values are widths
/// and all SM_CY* values are heights. Also note that all settings designed to return Boolean data represent <c>TRUE</c> as any nonzero value, and
/// <c>FALSE</c> as a zero value.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_ARRANGE56</term>
/// <term>The flags that specify how the system arranged minimized windows. For more information, see the Remarks section in this topic.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CLEANBOOT67</term>
/// <term>
/// The value that specifies how the system is started: A fail-safe boot (also called SafeBoot, Safe Mode, or Clean Boot) bypasses the user startup files.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CMONITORS80</term>
/// <term>The number of display monitors on a desktop. For more information, see the Remarks section in this topic.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS43</term>
/// <term>The number of buttons on a mouse, or zero if no mouse is installed.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CONVERTIBLESLATEMODE0x2003</term>
/// <term>
/// Reflects the state of the laptop or slate mode, 0 for Slate Mode and non-zero otherwise. When this system metric changes, the system sends a
/// broadcast message via WM_SETTINGCHANGE with &amp;quot;ConvertibleSlateMode&amp;quot; in the LPARAM. Note that this system metric doesn&amp;#39;t
/// apply to desktop PCs. In that case, use GetAutoRotationState.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXBORDER5</term>
/// <term>The width of a window border, in pixels. This is equivalent to the SM_CXEDGE value for windows with the 3-D look.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXCURSOR13</term>
/// <term>The width of a cursor, in pixels. The system cannot create cursors of other sizes.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXDLGFRAME7</term>
/// <term>This value is the same as SM_CXFIXEDFRAME.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXDOUBLECLK36</term>
/// <term>
/// The width of the rectangle around the location of a first click in a double-click sequence, in pixels. The second click must occur within the
/// rectangle that is defined by SM_CXDOUBLECLK and SM_CYDOUBLECLK for the system to consider the two clicks a double-click. The two clicks must also
/// occur within a specified time. To set the width of the double-click rectangle, call SystemParametersInfo with SPI_SETDOUBLECLKWIDTH.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXDRAG68</term>
/// <term>
/// The number of pixels on either side of a mouse-down point that the mouse pointer can move before a drag operation begins. This allows the user to
/// click and release the mouse button easily without unintentionally starting a drag operation. If this value is negative, it is subtracted from the
/// left of the mouse-down point and added to the right of it.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXEDGE45</term>
/// <term>The width of a 3-D border, in pixels. This metric is the 3-D counterpart of SM_CXBORDER.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXFIXEDFRAME7</term>
/// <term>
/// The thickness of the frame around the perimeter of a window that has a caption but is not sizable, in pixels. SM_CXFIXEDFRAME is the height of the
/// horizontal border, and SM_CYFIXEDFRAME is the width of the vertical border. This value is the same as SM_CXDLGFRAME.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXFOCUSBORDER83</term>
/// <term>
/// The width of the left and right edges of the focus rectangle that the DrawFocusRect draws. This value is in pixels. Windows 2000: This value is not supported.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXFRAME32</term>
/// <term>This value is the same as SM_CXSIZEFRAME.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXFULLSCREEN16</term>
/// <term>
/// The width of the client area for a full-screen window on the primary display monitor, in pixels. To get the coordinates of the portion of the screen
/// that is not obscured by the system taskbar or by application desktop toolbars, call the SystemParametersInfo function with the SPI_GETWORKAREA value.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXHSCROLL21</term>
/// <term>The width of the arrow bitmap on a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXHTHUMB10</term>
/// <term>The width of the thumb box in a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXICON11</term>
/// <term>The default width of an icon, in pixels. The LoadIcon function can load only icons with the dimensions that SM_CXICON and SM_CYICON specifies.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXICONSPACING38</term>
/// <term>
/// The width of a grid cell for items in large icon view, in pixels. Each item fits into a rectangle of size SM_CXICONSPACING by SM_CYICONSPACING when
/// arranged. This value is always greater than or equal to SM_CXICON.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXMAXIMIZED61</term>
/// <term>The default width, in pixels, of a maximized top-level window on the primary display monitor.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXMAXTRACK59</term>
/// <term>
/// The default maximum width of a window that has a caption and sizing borders, in pixels. This metric refers to the entire desktop. The user cannot
/// drag the window frame to a size larger than these dimensions. A window can override this value by processing the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXMENUCHECK71</term>
/// <term>The width of the default menu check-mark bitmap, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXMENUSIZE54</term>
/// <term>The width of menu bar buttons, such as the child window close button that is used in the multiple document interface, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXMIN28</term>
/// <term>The minimum width of a window, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXMINIMIZED57</term>
/// <term>The width of a minimized window, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXMINSPACING47</term>
/// <term>
/// The width of a grid cell for a minimized window, in pixels. Each minimized window fits into a rectangle this size when arranged. This value is always
/// greater than or equal to SM_CXMINIMIZED.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXMINTRACK34</term>
/// <term>
/// The minimum tracking width of a window, in pixels. The user cannot drag the window frame to a size smaller than these dimensions. A window can
/// override this value by processing the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXPADDEDBORDER92</term>
/// <term>The amount of border padding for captioned windows, in pixels.Windows XP/2000: This value is not supported.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXSCREEN0</term>
/// <term>The width of the screen of the primary display monitor, in pixels. This is the same value obtained by calling GetDeviceCaps as follows: .</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXSIZE30</term>
/// <term>The width of a button in a window caption or title bar, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXSIZEFRAME32</term>
/// <term>
/// The thickness of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window that can be resized, in pixels. SM_CXSIZEFRAME is the width of the horizontal
/// border, and SM_CYSIZEFRAME is the height of the vertical border. This value is the same as SM_CXFRAME.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXSMICON49</term>
/// <term>The recommended width of a small icon, in pixels. Small icons typically appear in window captions and in small icon view.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXSMSIZE52</term>
/// <term>The width of small caption buttons, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN78</term>
/// <term>
/// The width of the virtual screen, in pixels. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. The SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN metric is the
/// coordinates for the left side of the virtual screen.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CXVSCROLL2</term>
/// <term>The width of a vertical scroll bar, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYBORDER6</term>
/// <term>The height of a window border, in pixels. This is equivalent to the SM_CYEDGE value for windows with the 3-D look.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYCAPTION4</term>
/// <term>The height of a caption area, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYCURSOR14</term>
/// <term>The height of a cursor, in pixels. The system cannot create cursors of other sizes.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYDLGFRAME8</term>
/// <term>This value is the same as SM_CYFIXEDFRAME.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYDOUBLECLK37</term>
/// <term>
/// The height of the rectangle around the location of a first click in a double-click sequence, in pixels. The second click must occur within the
/// rectangle defined by SM_CXDOUBLECLK and SM_CYDOUBLECLK for the system to consider the two clicks a double-click. The two clicks must also occur
/// within a specified time. To set the height of the double-click rectangle, call SystemParametersInfo with SPI_SETDOUBLECLKHEIGHT.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYDRAG69</term>
/// <term>
/// The number of pixels above and below a mouse-down point that the mouse pointer can move before a drag operation begins. This allows the user to click
/// and release the mouse button easily without unintentionally starting a drag operation. If this value is negative, it is subtracted from above the
/// mouse-down point and added below it.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYEDGE46</term>
/// <term>The height of a 3-D border, in pixels. This is the 3-D counterpart of SM_CYBORDER.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYFIXEDFRAME8</term>
/// <term>
/// The thickness of the frame around the perimeter of a window that has a caption but is not sizable, in pixels. SM_CXFIXEDFRAME is the height of the
/// horizontal border, and SM_CYFIXEDFRAME is the width of the vertical border.This value is the same as SM_CYDLGFRAME.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYFOCUSBORDER84</term>
/// <term>
/// The height of the top and bottom edges of the focus rectangle drawn by DrawFocusRect. This value is in pixels.Windows 2000: This value is not supported.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYFRAME33</term>
/// <term>This value is the same as SM_CYSIZEFRAME.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYFULLSCREEN17</term>
/// <term>
/// The height of the client area for a full-screen window on the primary display monitor, in pixels. To get the coordinates of the portion of the screen
/// not obscured by the system taskbar or by application desktop toolbars, call the SystemParametersInfo function with the SPI_GETWORKAREA value.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYHSCROLL3</term>
/// <term>The height of a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYICON12</term>
/// <term>The default height of an icon, in pixels. The LoadIcon function can load only icons with the dimensions SM_CXICON and SM_CYICON.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYICONSPACING39</term>
/// <term>
/// The height of a grid cell for items in large icon view, in pixels. Each item fits into a rectangle of size SM_CXICONSPACING by SM_CYICONSPACING when
/// arranged. This value is always greater than or equal to SM_CYICON.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYKANJIWINDOW18</term>
/// <term>For double byte character set versions of the system, this is the height of the Kanji window at the bottom of the screen, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYMAXIMIZED62</term>
/// <term>The default height, in pixels, of a maximized top-level window on the primary display monitor.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYMAXTRACK60</term>
/// <term>
/// The default maximum height of a window that has a caption and sizing borders, in pixels. This metric refers to the entire desktop. The user cannot
/// drag the window frame to a size larger than these dimensions. A window can override this value by processing the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYMENU15</term>
/// <term>The height of a single-line menu bar, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYMENUCHECK72</term>
/// <term>The height of the default menu check-mark bitmap, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYMENUSIZE55</term>
/// <term>The height of menu bar buttons, such as the child window close button that is used in the multiple document interface, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYMIN29</term>
/// <term>The minimum height of a window, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYMINIMIZED58</term>
/// <term>The height of a minimized window, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYMINSPACING48</term>
/// <term>
/// The height of a grid cell for a minimized window, in pixels. Each minimized window fits into a rectangle this size when arranged. This value is
/// always greater than or equal to SM_CYMINIMIZED.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYMINTRACK35</term>
/// <term>
/// The minimum tracking height of a window, in pixels. The user cannot drag the window frame to a size smaller than these dimensions. A window can
/// override this value by processing the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYSCREEN1</term>
/// <term>The height of the screen of the primary display monitor, in pixels. This is the same value obtained by calling GetDeviceCaps as follows: .</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYSIZE31</term>
/// <term>The height of a button in a window caption or title bar, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYSIZEFRAME33</term>
/// <term>
/// The thickness of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window that can be resized, in pixels. SM_CXSIZEFRAME is the width of the horizontal
/// border, and SM_CYSIZEFRAME is the height of the vertical border. This value is the same as SM_CYFRAME.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYSMCAPTION51</term>
/// <term>The height of a small caption, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYSMICON50</term>
/// <term>The recommended height of a small icon, in pixels. Small icons typically appear in window captions and in small icon view.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYSMSIZE53</term>
/// <term>The height of small caption buttons, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN79</term>
/// <term>
/// The height of the virtual screen, in pixels. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. The SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN metric is
/// the coordinates for the top of the virtual screen.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYVSCROLL20</term>
/// <term>The height of the arrow bitmap on a vertical scroll bar, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_CYVTHUMB9</term>
/// <term>The height of the thumb box in a vertical scroll bar, in pixels.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_DBCSENABLED42</term>
/// <term>Nonzero if User32.dll supports DBCS; otherwise, 0.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_DEBUG22</term>
/// <term>Nonzero if the debug version of User.exe is installed; otherwise, 0.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_DIGITIZER94</term>
/// <term>
/// Nonzero if the current operating system is Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 and the Tablet PC Input service is started; otherwise, 0. The return
/// value is a bitmask that specifies the type of digitizer input supported by the device. For more information, see Remarks.Windows Server 2008, Windows
/// Vista and Windows XP/2000: This value is not supported.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_IMMENABLED82</term>
/// <term>
/// Nonzero if Input Method Manager/Input Method Editor features are enabled; otherwise, 0. SM_IMMENABLED indicates whether the system is ready to use a
/// Unicode-based IME on a Unicode application. To ensure that a language-dependent IME works, check SM_DBCSENABLED and the system ANSI code page.
/// Otherwise the ANSI-to-Unicode conversion may not be performed correctly, or some components like fonts or registry settings may not be present.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_MAXIMUMTOUCHES95</term>
/// <term>
/// Nonzero if there are digitizers in the system; otherwise, 0. SM_MAXIMUMTOUCHES returns the aggregate maximum of the maximum number of contacts
/// supported by every digitizer in the system. If the system has only single-touch digitizers, the return value is 1. If the system has multi-touch
/// digitizers, the return value is the number of simultaneous contacts the hardware can provide.Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista and Windows XP/2000:
/// This value is not supported.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_MEDIACENTER87</term>
/// <term>Nonzero if the current operating system is the Windows XP, Media Center Edition, 0 if not.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_MENUDROPALIGNMENT40</term>
/// <term>Nonzero if drop-down menus are right-aligned with the corresponding menu-bar item; 0 if the menus are left-aligned.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_MIDEASTENABLED74</term>
/// <term>Nonzero if the system is enabled for Hebrew and Arabic languages, 0 if not.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_MOUSEPRESENT19</term>
/// <term>
/// Nonzero if a mouse is installed; otherwise, 0. This value is rarely zero, because of support for virtual mice and because some systems detect the
/// presence of the port instead of the presence of a mouse.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Nonzero if a mouse with a horizontal scroll wheel is installed; otherwise 0.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_MOUSEWHEELPRESENT75</term>
/// <term>Nonzero if a mouse with a vertical scroll wheel is installed; otherwise 0.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_NETWORK63</term>
/// <term>The least significant bit is set if a network is present; otherwise, it is cleared. The other bits are reserved for future use.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_PENWINDOWS41</term>
/// <term>Nonzero if the Microsoft Windows for Pen computing extensions are installed; zero otherwise.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_REMOTECONTROL0x2001</term>
/// <term>
/// This system metric is used in a Terminal Services environment to determine if the current Terminal Server session is being remotely controlled. Its
/// value is nonzero if the current session is remotely controlled; otherwise, 0.You can use terminal services management tools such as Terminal Services
/// Manager (tsadmin.msc) and shadow.exe to control a remote session. When a session is being remotely controlled, another user can view the contents of
/// that session and potentially interact with it.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_REMOTESESSION0x1000</term>
/// <term>
/// This system metric is used in a Terminal Services environment. If the calling process is associated with a Terminal Services client session, the
/// return value is nonzero. If the calling process is associated with the Terminal Services console session, the return value is 0. Windows Server 2003
/// and Windows XP: The console session is not necessarily the physical console. For more information, see WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_SAMEDISPLAYFORMAT81</term>
/// <term>
/// Nonzero if all the display monitors have the same color format, otherwise, 0. Two displays can have the same bit depth, but different color formats.
/// For example, the red, green, and blue pixels can be encoded with different numbers of bits, or those bits can be located in different places in a
/// pixel color value.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_SECURE44</term>
/// <term>This system metric should be ignored; it always returns 0.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_SERVERR289</term>
/// <term>The build number if the system is Windows Server 2003 R2; otherwise, 0.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_SHOWSOUNDS70</term>
/// <term>
/// Nonzero if the user requires an application to present information visually in situations where it would otherwise present the information only in
/// audible form; otherwise, 0.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_SHUTTINGDOWN0x2000</term>
/// <term>Nonzero if the current session is shutting down; otherwise, 0. Windows 2000: This value is not supported.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_SLOWMACHINE73</term>
/// <term>Nonzero if the computer has a low-end (slow) processor; otherwise, 0.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_STARTER88</term>
/// <term>Nonzero if the current operating system is Windows 7 Starter Edition, Windows Vista Starter, or Windows XP Starter Edition; otherwise, 0.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_SWAPBUTTON23</term>
/// <term>Nonzero if the meanings of the left and right mouse buttons are swapped; otherwise, 0.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_SYSTEMDOCKED0x2004</term>
/// <term>
/// Reflects the state of the docking mode, 0 for Undocked Mode and non-zero otherwise. When this system metric changes, the system sends a broadcast
/// message via WM_SETTINGCHANGE with &amp;quot;SystemDockMode&amp;quot; in the LPARAM.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_TABLETPC86</term>
/// <term>
/// Nonzero if the current operating system is the Windows XP Tablet PC edition or if the current operating system is Windows Vista or Windows 7 and the
/// Tablet PC Input service is started; otherwise, 0. The SM_DIGITIZER setting indicates the type of digitizer input supported by a device running
/// Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. For more information, see Remarks.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN76</term>
/// <term>
/// The coordinates for the left side of the virtual screen. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. The SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN
/// metric is the width of the virtual screen.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN77</term>
/// <term>
/// The coordinates for the top of the virtual screen. The virtual screen is the bounding rectangle of all display monitors. The SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN
/// metric is the height of the virtual screen.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>Type:</para>
/// <para>If the function succeeds, the return value is the requested system metric or configuration setting.</para>
/// <para>If the function fails, the return value is 0. <c>GetLastError</c> does not provide extended error information.</para>
/// </returns>
// int WINAPI GetSystemMetrics( _In_ int nIndex);
2018-06-18 00:09:16 -04:00
[DllImport(Lib.User32, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("Winuser.h", MSDNShortId = "ms724385")]
public static extern int GetSystemMetrics(SystemMetric nIndex);
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// <summary>Locks the workstation's display, protecting it from unauthorized use.</summary>
/// <returns>0 on failure, non-zero for success</returns>
[DllImport(Lib.User32, ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool LockWorkStation();
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// <summary>Indicates that the system cannot be shut down and sets a reason string to be displayed to the user if system shutdown is initiated.</summary>
/// <param name="hWnd">A handle to the main window of the application.</param>
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// <param name="reason">
/// The reason the application must block system shutdown. This string will be truncated for display purposes after MAX_STR_BLOCKREASON characters.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// If the call succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the call fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
/// </returns>
[DllImport(Lib.User32, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool ShutdownBlockReasonCreate(HandleRef hWnd, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string reason);
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// <summary>Indicates that the system can be shut down and frees the reason string.</summary>
/// <param name="hWnd">A handle to the main window of the application.</param>
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// <returns>
/// If the call succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the call fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
/// </returns>
[DllImport(Lib.User32, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy(HandleRef hWnd);
/// <summary>Retrieves the reason string set by the <see cref="ShutdownBlockReasonCreate"/> function.</summary>
/// <param name="hWnd">A handle to the main window of the application.</param>
/// <param name="pwszBuff">
/// A pointer to a buffer that receives the reason string. If this parameter is NULL, the function retrieves the number of characters in the reason string.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pcchBuff">
/// A pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the pwszBuff buffer, in characters. If the function succeeds, this variable receives the number of
/// characters copied into the buffer, including the null-terminating character. If the buffer is too small, the variable receives the required buffer
/// size, in characters, not including the null-terminating character.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// If the call succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the call fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
/// </returns>
[DllImport(Lib.User32, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool ShutdownBlockReasonQuery(HandleRef hWnd, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder pwszBuff, ref uint pcchBuff);
/// <summary>Retrieves the reason string set by the <see cref="ShutdownBlockReasonCreate"/> function.</summary>
/// <param name="hWnd">A handle to the main window of the application.</param>
/// <param name="reason">On success, receives the reason string.</param>
2018-06-05 13:37:42 -04:00
/// <returns>
/// If the call succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the call fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
/// </returns>
public static bool ShutdownBlockReasonQuery(HandleRef hWnd, out string reason)
uint sz = 0;
reason = null;
if (!ShutdownBlockReasonQuery(hWnd, null, ref sz)) return false;
var sb = new StringBuilder((int)sz);
if (!ShutdownBlockReasonQuery(hWnd, sb, ref sz)) return false;
reason = sb.ToString();
return true;
/// <summary>Retrieves or sets the value of one of the system-wide parameters. This function can also update the user profile while setting a parameter.</summary>
/// <param name="uiAction">
/// <para>Type: <c>UINT</c></para>
/// <para>The system-wide parameter to be retrieved or set. The possible values are organized in the following tables of related parameters:</para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="uiParam">
/// <para>Type: <c>UINT</c></para>
/// <para>
/// A parameter whose usage and format depends on the system parameter being queried or set. For more information about system-wide parameters, see the
/// uiAction parameter. If not otherwise indicated, you must specify zero for this parameter.
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="pvParam">
/// <para>Type: <c>PVOID</c></para>
/// <para>
/// A parameter whose usage and format depends on the system parameter being queried or set. For more information about system-wide parameters, see the
/// uiAction parameter. If not otherwise indicated, you must specify <c>NULL</c> for this parameter. For information on the <c>PVOID</c> datatype, see
/// <c>Windows Data Types</c>.
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="fWinIni">
/// <para>Type: <c>UINT</c></para>
/// <para>
/// If a system parameter is being set, specifies whether the user profile is to be updated, and if so, whether the <c>WM_SETTINGCHANGE</c> message is to
/// be broadcast to all top-level windows to notify them of the change.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// This parameter can be zero if you do not want to update the user profile or broadcast the <c>WM_SETTINGCHANGE</c> message, or it can be one or more
/// of the following values.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE</term>
/// <term>Writes the new system-wide parameter setting to the user profile.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SPIF_SENDCHANGE</term>
/// <term>Broadcasts the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message after updating the user profile.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Same as SPIF_SENDCHANGE.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>Type:</para>
/// <para>If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.</para>
/// <para>If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call <c>GetLastError</c>.</para>
/// </returns>
// BOOL WINAPI SystemParametersInfo( _In_ UINT uiAction, _In_ UINT uiParam, _Inout_ PVOID pvParam, _In_ UINT fWinIni);
[DllImport(Lib.User32, SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
[PInvokeData("Winuser.h", MSDNShortId = "ms724947")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool SystemParametersInfo(SPI uiAction, uint uiParam, IntPtr pvParam, SPIF fWinIni);
/// <summary>Retrieves or sets the value of one of the system-wide parameters. This function can also update the user profile while setting a parameter.</summary>
/// <param name="uiAction">
/// <para>Type: <c>UINT</c></para>
/// <para>The system-wide parameter to be retrieved or set. The possible values are organized in the following tables of related parameters:</para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="uiParam">
/// <para>Type: <c>UINT</c></para>
/// <para>
/// A parameter whose usage and format depends on the system parameter being queried or set. For more information about system-wide parameters, see the
/// uiAction parameter. If not otherwise indicated, you must specify zero for this parameter.
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="pvParam">
/// <para>Type: <c>PVOID</c></para>
/// <para>
/// A parameter whose usage and format depends on the system parameter being queried or set. For more information about system-wide parameters, see the
/// uiAction parameter. If not otherwise indicated, you must specify <c>NULL</c> for this parameter. For information on the <c>PVOID</c> datatype, see
/// <c>Windows Data Types</c>.
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="fWinIni">
/// <para>Type: <c>UINT</c></para>
/// <para>
/// If a system parameter is being set, specifies whether the user profile is to be updated, and if so, whether the <c>WM_SETTINGCHANGE</c> message is to
/// be broadcast to all top-level windows to notify them of the change.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// This parameter can be zero if you do not want to update the user profile or broadcast the <c>WM_SETTINGCHANGE</c> message, or it can be one or more
/// of the following values.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE</term>
/// <term>Writes the new system-wide parameter setting to the user profile.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SPIF_SENDCHANGE</term>
/// <term>Broadcasts the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message after updating the user profile.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Same as SPIF_SENDCHANGE.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>Type:</para>
/// <para>If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.</para>
/// <para>If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call <c>GetLastError</c>.</para>
/// </returns>
// BOOL WINAPI SystemParametersInfo( _In_ UINT uiAction, _In_ UINT uiParam, _Inout_ PVOID pvParam, _In_ UINT fWinIni);
[DllImport(Lib.User32, SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
[PInvokeData("Winuser.h", MSDNShortId = "ms724947")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool SystemParametersInfo(SPI uiAction, uint uiParam, string pvParam, SPIF fWinIni);
/// <summary>Retrieves or sets the value of one of the system-wide parameters. This function can also update the user profile while setting a parameter.</summary>
/// <param name="uiAction">
/// <para>Type: <c>UINT</c></para>
/// <para>The system-wide parameter to be retrieved or set. The possible values are organized in the following tables of related parameters:</para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="uiParam">
/// <para>Type: <c>UINT</c></para>
/// <para>
/// A parameter whose usage and format depends on the system parameter being queried or set. For more information about system-wide parameters, see the
/// uiAction parameter. If not otherwise indicated, you must specify zero for this parameter.
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="pvParam">
/// <para>Type: <c>PVOID</c></para>
/// <para>
/// A parameter whose usage and format depends on the system parameter being queried or set. For more information about system-wide parameters, see the
/// uiAction parameter. If not otherwise indicated, you must specify <c>NULL</c> for this parameter. For information on the <c>PVOID</c> datatype, see
/// <c>Windows Data Types</c>.
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="fWinIni">
/// <para>Type: <c>UINT</c></para>
/// <para>
/// If a system parameter is being set, specifies whether the user profile is to be updated, and if so, whether the <c>WM_SETTINGCHANGE</c> message is to
/// be broadcast to all top-level windows to notify them of the change.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// This parameter can be zero if you do not want to update the user profile or broadcast the <c>WM_SETTINGCHANGE</c> message, or it can be one or more
/// of the following values.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE</term>
/// <term>Writes the new system-wide parameter setting to the user profile.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>SPIF_SENDCHANGE</term>
/// <term>Broadcasts the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message after updating the user profile.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Same as SPIF_SENDCHANGE.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>Type:</para>
/// <para>If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.</para>
/// <para>If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call <c>GetLastError</c>.</para>
/// </returns>
// BOOL WINAPI SystemParametersInfo( _In_ UINT uiAction, _In_ UINT uiParam, _Inout_ PVOID pvParam, _In_ UINT fWinIni);
[DllImport(Lib.User32, SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
[PInvokeData("Winuser.h", MSDNShortId = "ms724947")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool SystemParametersInfo(SPI uiAction, uint uiParam, StringBuilder pvParam, SPIF fWinIni);
/// <summary>
/// Contains the scalable metrics associated with the nonclient area of a nonminimized window. This structure is used by the
/// <c>SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS</c> and <c>SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS</c> actions of the <c>SystemParametersInfo</c> function.
/// </summary>
// typedef struct tagNONCLIENTMETRICS { UINT cbSize; int iBorderWidth; int iScrollWidth; int iScrollHeight; int iCaptionWidth; int iCaptionHeight; LOGFONT lfCaptionFont; int iSmCaptionWidth; int iSmCaptionHeight; LOGFONT lfSmCaptionFont; int iMenuWidth; int iMenuHeight; LOGFONT lfMenuFont; LOGFONT lfStatusFont; LOGFONT lfMessageFont;#if (WINVER &gt;= 0x0600) int iPaddedBorderWidth;#endif } NONCLIENTMETRICS, *PNONCLIENTMETRICS, *LPNONCLIENTMETRICS;
[PInvokeData("Winuser.h", MSDNShortId = "ff729175")]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
/// <summary>The size of the structure, in bytes. The caller must set this to sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS). For information about application compatibility, see Remarks.</summary>
public uint cbSize;
/// <summary>The thickness of the sizing border, in pixels. The default is 1 pixel.</summary>
public int iBorderWidth;
/// <summary>The width of a standard vertical scroll bar, in pixels.</summary>
public int iScrollWidth;
/// <summary>The height of a standard horizontal scroll bar, in pixels.</summary>
public int iScrollHeight;
/// <summary>The width of caption buttons, in pixels.</summary>
public int iCaptionWidth;
/// <summary>The height of caption buttons, in pixels.</summary>
public int iCaptionHeight;
/// <summary>A <c>LOGFONT</c> structure that contains information about the caption font.</summary>
public LOGFONT lfCaptionFont;
/// <summary>The width of small caption buttons, in pixels.</summary>
public int iSMCaptionWidth;
/// <summary>The height of small captions, in pixels.</summary>
public int iSMCaptionHeight;
/// <summary>A <c>LOGFONT</c> structure that contains information about the small caption font.</summary>
public LOGFONT lfSMCaptionFont;
/// <summary>The width of menu-bar buttons, in pixels.</summary>
public int iMenuWidth;
/// <summary>The height of a menu bar, in pixels.</summary>
public int iMenuHeight;
/// <summary>A <c>LOGFONT</c> structure that contains information about the font used in menu bars.</summary>
public LOGFONT lfMenuFont;
/// <summary>A <c>LOGFONT</c> structure that contains information about the font used in status bars and tooltips.</summary>
public LOGFONT lfStatusFont;
/// <summary>A <c>LOGFONT</c> structure that contains information about the font used in message boxes.</summary>
public LOGFONT lfMessageFont;
/// <summary><para>The thickness of the padded border, in pixels. The default value is 4 pixels. The <c>iPaddedBorderWidth</c> and <c>iBorderWidth</c> members are combined for both resizable and nonresizable windows in the Windows Aero desktop experience. To compile an application that uses this member, define <c>_WIN32_WINNT</c> as 0x0600 or later. For more information, see Remarks.</para><para><c>Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP/2000: </c>This member is not supported.</para></summary>
public int iPaddedBorderWidth;
/// <summary>
/// Contains the scalable metrics associated with minimized windows. This structure is used with the <c>SystemParametersInfo</c> function when the
/// </summary>
// typedef struct tagMINIMIZEDMETRICS { UINT cbSize; int iWidth; int iHorzGap; int iVertGap; int iArrange;} MINIMIZEDMETRICS, *PMINIMIZEDMETRICS, *LPMINIMIZEDMETRICS;
[PInvokeData("Winuser.h", MSDNShortId = "ms724500")]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
/// <summary>The size of the structure, in bytes. The caller must set this to .</summary>
public uint cbSize;
/// <summary>The width of minimized windows, in pixels.</summary>
public int iWidth;
/// <summary>The horizontal space between arranged minimized windows, in pixels.</summary>
public int iHorzGap;
/// <summary>The vertical space between arranged minimized windows, in pixels.</summary>
public int iVertGap;
/// <summary><para>The starting position and direction used when arranging minimized windows. The starting position must be one of the following values.</para><para><list type="table"><listheader><term>Value</term><term>Meaning</term></listheader><item><term>ARW_BOTTOMLEFT0x0000L</term><term>Start at the lower-left corner of the work area.</term></item><item><term>ARW_BOTTOMRIGHT0x0001L</term><term>Start at the lower-right corner of the work area.</term></item><item><term>ARW_TOPLEFT0x0002L</term><term>Start at the upper-left corner of the work area.</term></item><item><term>ARW_TOPRIGHT0x0003L</term><term>Start at the upper-right corner of the work area.</term></item></list></para><para>The direction must be one of the following values.</para><para><list type="table"><listheader><term>Value</term><term>Meaning</term></listheader><item><term>ARW_LEFT0x0000L</term><term>Arrange left (valid with ARW_BOTTOMRIGHT and ARW_TOPRIGHT only).</term></item><item><term>ARW_RIGHT0x0000L</term><term>Arrange right (valid with ARW_BOTTOMLEFT and ARW_TOPLEFT only).</term></item><item><term>ARW_UP0x0004L</term><term>Arrange up (valid with ARW_BOTTOMLEFT and ARW_BOTTOMRIGHT only).</term></item><item><term>ARW_DOWN0x0004L</term><term>Arrange down (valid with ARW_TOPLEFT and ARW_TOPRIGHT only).</term></item><item><term>ARW_HIDE0x0008L</term><term>Hide minimized windows by moving them off the visible area of the screen.</term></item></list></para></summary>
public int iArrange;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct ICONMETRICS
public uint cbSize;
public int iHorzSpacing;
public int iVertSpacing;
public int iTitleWrap;
public LOGFONT lfFont;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct HIGHCONTRAST
public uint cbSize;
public uint dwFlags;
public string lpszDefaultScheme;
/// <summary>
/// Describes the animation effects associated with user actions. This structure is used with the <c>SystemParametersInfo</c> function when the
/// SPI_GETANIMATION or SPI_SETANIMATION action value is specified.
/// </summary>
// typedef struct tagANIMATIONINFO { UINT cbSize; int iMinAnimate;} ANIMATIONINFO, *LPANIMATIONINFO;
[PInvokeData("Winuser.h", MSDNShortId = "ms724197")]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct ANIMATIONINFO
/// <summary>The size of the structure, in bytes. The caller must set this to .</summary>
public uint cbSize;
/// <summary>If this member is nonzero, minimize and restore animation is enabled; otherwise it is disabled.</summary>
public int iMinAnimate;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct FILTERKEYS
public uint cbSize;
public uint dwFlags;
public uint iWaitMSec; // Acceptance Delay
public uint iDelayMSec; // Delay Until Repeat
public uint iRepeatMSec; // Repeat Rate
public uint iBounceMSec; // Debounce Time
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct TOGGLEKEYS
public uint cbSize;
public uint dwFlags;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct MOUSEKEYS
public uint cbSize;
public uint dwFlags;
public uint iMaxSpeed;
public uint iTimeToMaxSpeed;
public uint iCtrlSpeed;
public uint dwReserved1;
public uint dwReserved2;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct SOUNDSENTRY
public uint cbSize;
public uint dwFlags;
public uint iFSTextEffect;
public uint iFSTextEffectMSec;
public uint iFSTextEffectColorBits;
public uint iFSGrafEffect;
public uint iFSGrafEffectMSec;
public uint iFSGrafEffectColor;
public uint iWindowsEffect;
public uint iWindowsEffectMSec;
public string lpszWindowsEffectDLL;
public uint iWindowsEffectOrdinal;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct STICKYKEYS
public uint cbSize;
public uint dwFlags;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct ACCESSTIMEOUT
public uint cbSize;
public uint dwFlags;
public uint iTimeOutMSec;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct SERIALKEYS
public uint cbSize;
public uint dwFlags;
public string lpszActivePort;
public string lpszPort;
public uint iBaudRate;
public uint iPortState;
public uint iActive;