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2020-12-24 11:17:50 -05:00
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.Kernel32;
namespace Vanara.PInvoke
/// <summary>Functions, interfaces and structures from Windows OleDlg.dll.</summary>
public static partial class OleDlg
//[ComImport, Guid("EEDD23E0-8410-11CE-A1C3-08002B2B8D8F"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
private const string Lib_OleDlg = "oledlg.dll";
/// <summary>A hook function that processes messages intended for the dialog box.</summary>
/// <param name="hwnd">The windows handle of the dialog.</param>
/// <param name="msg">The message.</param>
/// <param name="wParam"/>
/// <param name="lParam"/>
/// <returns>
/// The hook function must return zero to pass a message that it didn't process back to the dialog box procedure in the library. The
/// hook function must return a nonzero value to prevent the library's dialog box procedure from processing a message it has already processed.
/// </returns>
public delegate uint LPFNOLEUIHOOK(HWND hwnd, uint msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
/// <summary>Initialization and creation flags for <see cref="OLEUIBUSY"/>.</summary>
[PInvokeData("oledlg.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:oledlg.tagOLEUIBUSYA")]
public enum BZ
/// <summary>This flag disables the Cancel button.</summary>
/// <summary>Input only. This flag disables the Switch To... button.</summary>
/// <summary>Input only. This flag disables the Retry button.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Input only. This flag generates a Not Responding dialog box instead of a Busy dialog box. The text is slightly different,
/// and the Cancel button is disabled.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>Initialization and creation flags for <see cref="OLEUICHANGEICON"/>.</summary>
[PInvokeData("oledlg.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:oledlg.tagOLEUICHANGEICONA")]
public enum CIF
/// <summary>Dialog box will display a Help button.</summary>
CIF_SHOWHELP = 0x00000001,
/// <summary>On input, selects the Current radio button on initialization. On exit, specifies that the user selected Current.</summary>
/// <summary>On input, selects the Default radio button on initialization. On exit, specifies that the user selected Default.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// On input, selects the From File radio button on initialization. On exit, specifies that the user selected From File.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Input only. Extracts the icon from the executable specified in the szIconExe member, instead of retrieving it from the
/// class. This is useful for OLE embedding or linking to non-OLE files.
/// </summary>
CIF_USEICONEXE = 0x00000010,
/// <summary>Initialization and creation flags for <see cref="OLEUICHANGESOURCE"/>.</summary>
[PInvokeData("oledlg.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:oledlg.tagOLEUICHANGESOURCEA")]
public enum CSF
/// <summary>Enables or shows the Help button.</summary>
CSF_SHOWHELP = 0x00000001,
/// <summary>Indicates that the link was validated.</summary>
CSF_VALIDSOURCE = 0x00000002,
/// <summary>
/// Disables automatic validation of the link source when the user presses OK. If you specify this flag, you should validate the
/// source when the dialog box returns OK.
/// </summary>
/// <summary/>
CSF_EXPLORER = 0x00000008,
/// <summary>
/// Indicates the user options that are available to the user when pasting this format, and within which group or list of choices (
/// <c>Paste</c>, <c>Paste Link</c>, etc.).
/// </summary>
// typedef enum tagOLEUIPASTEFLAG {
[PInvokeData("oledlg.h", MSDNShortId = "NE:oledlg.tagOLEUIPASTEFLAG")]
/// <summary>
/// If the container does not specify this flag for the entry in the OLEUIPASTEENTRY array passed as input to OleUIPasteSpecial,
/// the DisplayAsIcon button will be unchecked and disabled when the user selects the format that corresponds to the entry.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>The entry in the OLEUIPASTEENTRY array is valid for pasting only.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The entry in the OLEUIPASTEENTRY array is valid for pasting. It may also be valid for linking if any of the following
/// linking flags are specified. If it is valid for linking, then the following flags indicate which link types are acceptable
/// by OR'ing together the appropriate OLEUIPASTE_LINKTYPEn values. These values correspond as follows to the array of link
/// types passed to OleUIPasteSpecial in the arrLinkTypes member of the OLEUIPASTESPECIAL structure:The arrLinkTypes array is an
/// array of registered clipboard formats for linking. A maximum of 8 link types is allowed.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>Any link type.</summary>
/// <summary>Link type 1.</summary>
/// <summary>Link type 2.</summary>
/// <summary>Link type 3.</summary>
/// <summary>Link type 4.</summary>
/// <summary>Link type 5.</summary>
/// <summary>Link type 6.</summary>
/// <summary>Link type 7.</summary>
/// <summary>Link type 8.</summary>
/// <summary>Invokes the standard <c>Busy</c> dialog box, allowing the user to manage concurrency.</summary>
/// <param name="Arg1">Pointer to an OLEUIBUSY structure that contains information used to initialize the dialog box.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>This function returns the following values:</para>
/// <para>Standard Success/Error Definitions</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_FALSE</term>
/// <term>Unknown failure (unused).</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_SUCCESS</term>
/// <term>No error, same as OLEUI_OK.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_OK</term>
/// <term>The user pressed the OK button.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_CANCEL</term>
/// <term>The user has pressed the Cancel button and that the caller should cancel the operation.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>
/// The user has pressed Switch To and OleUIBusy was unable to determine how to switch to the blocking application. In this case,
/// the caller should either take measures to attempt to resolve the conflict itself, if possible, or retry the operation. OleUIBusy
/// will only return OLEUI_BZ_SWITCHTOSELECTED if the user has pressed the Switch To button, hTask is NULL and the BZ_NOTRESPONDING
/// flag is set.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>
/// The user has pressed Switch To and OleUIBusy was unable to determine how to switch to the blocking application. In this case,
/// the caller should either take measures to attempt to resolve the conflict itself, if possible, or retry the operation. OleUIBusy
/// will only return OLEUI_BZ_SWITCHTOSELECTED if the user has pressed the Switch To button, hTask is NULL and the BZ_NOTRESPONDING
/// flag is set.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>
/// The user has pressed Switch To and OleUIBusy was unable to determine how to switch to the blocking application. In this case,
/// the caller should either take measures to attempt to resolve the conflict itself, if possible, or retry the operation. OleUIBusy
/// will only return OLEUI_BZ_SWITCHTOSELECTED if the user has pressed the Switch To button, hTask is NULL and the BZ_NOTRESPONDING
/// flag is set.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>
/// The user has either pressed the Retry button or attempted to resolve the conflict (probably by switching to the blocking
/// application). In this case, the caller should retry the operation.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The dialog box has been informed that the operation is no longer blocked.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// <para>Standard Field Validation Errors</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMIN</term>
/// <term>
/// Errors common to all dialog boxes lie in the range OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMIN to OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX. This value allows the
/// application to test for standard messages in order to display error messages to the user.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The pointer to an OLEUIXXX structure passed into the function was NULL.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Insufficient permissions for read or write access to an OLEUIXXX structure.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The cbstruct value is incorrect.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The hWndOwner value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpszCaption value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpfnHook value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The hInstance value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpszTemplate value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The hResource value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// <para>Initialization Errors</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>Unable to find the dialog box template.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Unable to load the dialog box template.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Dialog box initialization failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>A call to LocalAlloc or the standard IMalloc allocator failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>A call to GlobalAlloc or the standard IMalloc allocator failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_ERR_LOADSTRING</term>
/// <term>Unable to call LoadString for the localized resources from the library.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_ERR_OLEMEMALLOC</term>
/// <term>A call to the standard IMalloc allocator failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// <para>Function Specific Errors</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX</term>
/// <term>
/// Errors common to all dialog boxes lie in the range OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMIN to OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX. This value allows the
/// application to test for standard messages in order to display error messages to the user.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The hTask specified in the hTask member of the OLEUIBUSY structure is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The standard OLE Server <c>Busy</c> dialog box notifies the user that the server application is not receiving messages. The
/// dialog box then asks the user to cancel the operation, switch to the task that is blocked, or continue waiting.
/// </remarks>
[DllImport(Lib_OleDlg, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
[PInvokeData("oledlg.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:oledlg.OleUIBusyA")]
public static extern uint OleUIBusy(ref OLEUIBUSY Arg1);
/// <summary>
/// Invokes the standard <c>Change Icon</c> dialog box, which allows the user to select an icon from an icon file, executable, or DLL.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Arg1">Pointer to the In/Out OLEUICHANGEICON structure for this dialog box.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>Standard Success/Error Definitions</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_FALSE</term>
/// <term>Unknown failure (unused).</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_OK</term>
/// <term>The user pressed the OK button.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_SUCCESS</term>
/// <term>No error, same as OLEUI_OK.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_CANCEL</term>
/// <term>The user pressed the Cancel button.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// <para>Standard Field Validation Errors</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMIN</term>
/// <term>
/// Errors common to all dialog boxes lie in the range OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMIN to OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX. This value allows the
/// application to test for standard messages in order to display error messages to the user.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The pointer to an OLEUIXXX structure passed into the function was NULL.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Insufficient permissions for read or write access to an OLEUIXXX structure.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The cbstruct value is incorrect.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The hWndOwner value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpszCaption value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpfnHook value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The hInstance value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpszTemplate value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The hResource value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// <para>Initialization Errors</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>Unable to find the dialog box template.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Unable to load the dialog box template.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Dialog box initialization failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>A call to LocalAlloc or the standard IMalloc allocator failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>A call to GlobalAlloc or the standard IMalloc allocator failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_ERR_LOADSTRING</term>
/// <term>Unable to call LoadString for localized resources from the library.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_ERR_OLEMEMALLOC</term>
/// <term>A call to the standard IMalloc allocator failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// <para>Function Specific Errors</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX</term>
/// <term>
/// Errors common to all dialog boxes lie in the range OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMIN to OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX. This value allows the
/// application to test for standard messages in order to display error messages to the user.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The clsid member was not the current CLSID.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The hMetaPict member was not the current metafile.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The szIconExe value was invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>OLEUICHANGEICON structure.</remarks>
// Arg1 );
[DllImport(Lib_OleDlg, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
[PInvokeData("oledlg.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:oledlg.OleUIChangeIconA")]
public static extern uint OleUIChangeIcon(ref OLEUICHANGEICON Arg1);
/// <summary>Invokes the <c>Change Source</c> dialog box, allowing the user to change the source of a link.</summary>
/// <param name="Arg1">Pointer to the in-out OLEUICHANGESOURCE structure for this dialog box.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>Standard Success/Error Definitions</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_FALSE</term>
/// <term>Unknown failure (unused).</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_OK</term>
/// <term>The user pressed the OK button.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_SUCCESS</term>
/// <term>No error, same as OLEUI_OK.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_CANCEL</term>
/// <term>The user pressed the Cancel button.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// <para>Standard Field Validation Errors</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMIN</term>
/// <term>
/// Errors common to all dialog boxes lie in the range OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMIN to OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX. This value allows the
/// application to test for standard messages in order to display error messages to the user.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The pointer to an OLEUIXXX structure passed into the function was NULL.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Insufficient permissions for read or write access to an OLEUIXXX structure.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The cbstruct value is incorrect.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The hWndOwner value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpszCaption value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpfnHook value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The hInstance value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpszTemplate value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The hResource value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// <para>Initialization Errors</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>Unable to find the dialog box template.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Unable to load the dialog box template.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Dialog box initialization failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>A call to LocalAlloc or the standard IMalloc allocator failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>A call to GlobalAlloc or the standard IMalloc allocator failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_ERR_LOADSTRING</term>
/// <term>Unable to call LoadString for localized resources from the library.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_ERR_OLEMEMALLOC</term>
/// <term>A call to the standard IMalloc allocator failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// <para>Function Specific Errors</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX</term>
/// <term>
/// Errors common to all dialog boxes lie in the range OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMIN to OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX. This value allows the
/// application to test for standard messages in order to display error messages to the user.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpOleUILinkContainer value is NULL.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpOleUILinkContainer value is invalid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpszFrom value is not NULL.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>OLEUI_CSERR_TONOTNULL</term>
/// <term>The lpszTo value is not NULL.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The lpszDisplayName or nFileLength value is invalid, or cannot retrieve the link source.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>The nFilename value is wrong.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The link source is not changed by the <c>Change Source</c> dialog box itself. Instead, it is up to the caller to change the link
/// source using the returned file and item strings. The <c>Edit Links</c> dialog box typically does this for the caller.
/// </remarks>
// UINT OleUIChangeSourceA(
[DllImport(Lib_OleDlg, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
[PInvokeData("oledlg.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:oledlg.OleUIChangeSourceA")]
public static extern uint OleUIChangeSource(ref OLEUICHANGESOURCE Arg1);
/// <summary>
/// Contains information that the OLE User Interface Library uses to initialize the <c>Busy</c> dialog box, and space for the
/// library to return information when the dialog box is dismissed.
/// </summary>
// typedef struct tagOLEUIBUSYA { DWORD cbStruct;
// DWORD dwFlags; HWND hWndOwner; LPCSTR lpszCaption; LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook; LPARAM lCustData; HINSTANCE hInstance; LPCSTR
// lpszTemplate; HRSRC hResource; HTASK hTask; HWND *lphWndDialog; } OLEUIBUSYA, *POLEUIBUSYA, *LPOLEUIBUSYA;
[PInvokeData("oledlg.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:oledlg.tagOLEUIBUSYA")]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct OLEUIBUSY
/// <summary>The size of the structure, in bytes. This field must be filled on input.</summary>
public uint cbStruct;
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// On input, specifies the initialization and creation flags. On exit, it specifies the user's choices. It may be a combination
/// of the following flags.
/// </para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>This flag disables the Cancel button.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Input only. This flag disables the Switch To... button.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>Input only. This flag disables the Retry button.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>
/// Input only. This flag generates a Not Responding dialog box instead of a Busy dialog box. The text is slightly different,
/// and the Cancel button is disabled.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </summary>
public BZ dwFlags;
/// <summary>The window that owns the dialog box. This member should not be <c>NULL</c>.</summary>
public HWND hWndOwner;
/// <summary>A pointer to a string to be used as the title of the dialog box. If <c>NULL</c>, then the library uses <c>Busy</c>.</summary>
public string lpszCaption;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to a hook function that processes messages intended for the dialog box. The hook function must return zero to pass a
/// message that it didn't process back to the dialog box procedure in the library. The hook function must return a nonzero
/// value to prevent the library's dialog box procedure from processing a message it has already processed.
/// </summary>
public LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook;
/// <summary>
/// Application-defined data that the library passes to the hook function pointed to by the <c>lpfnHook</c> member. The library
/// passes a pointer to the <c>OLEUIBUSY</c> structure in the lParam parameter of the WM_INITDIALOG message; this pointer can be
/// used to retrieve the <c>lCustData</c> member.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr lCustData;
/// <summary>Instance that contains a dialog box template specified by the <c>lpTemplateName</c> member.</summary>
public HINSTANCE hInstance;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the resource file for the dialog box template that is to be
/// substituted for the library's <c>Busy</c> dialog box template.
/// </summary>
public string lpszTemplate;
/// <summary>Customized template handle.</summary>
public HRSRC hResource;
/// <summary>Input only. Handle to the task that is blocking.</summary>
public HTASK hTask;
/// <summary>Pointer to the dialog box's <c>HWND</c>.</summary>
public IntPtr lphWndDialog;
/// <summary>
/// Contains information that the OLE User Interface Library uses to initialize the <c>Change Icon</c> dialog box, and it contains
/// space for the library to return information when the dialog box is dismissed.
/// </summary>
// typedef struct tagOLEUICHANGEICONA { DWORD
// cbStruct; DWORD dwFlags; HWND hWndOwner; LPCSTR lpszCaption; LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook; LPARAM lCustData; HINSTANCE hInstance;
// LPCSTR lpszTemplate; HRSRC hResource; HGLOBAL hMetaPict; CLSID clsid; CHAR szIconExe[MAX_PATH]; int cchIconExe; }
[PInvokeData("oledlg.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:oledlg.tagOLEUICHANGEICONA")]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
/// <summary>The size of the structure, in bytes. This field must be filled on input.</summary>
public uint cbStruct;
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// On input, specifies the initialization and creation flags. On exit, it specifies the user's choices. It can be a combination
/// of the following flags.
/// </para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>CIF_SHOWHELP</term>
/// <term>Dialog box will display a Help button.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>CIF_SELECTCURRENT</term>
/// <term>On input, selects the Current radio button on initialization. On exit, specifies that the user selected Current.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>CIF_SELECTDEFAULT</term>
/// <term>On input, selects the Default radio button on initialization. On exit, specifies that the user selected Default.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>CIF_SELECTFROMFILE</term>
/// <term>On input, selects the From File radio button on initialization. On exit, specifies that the user selected From File.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>CIF_USEICONEXE</term>
/// <term>
/// Input only. Extracts the icon from the executable specified in the szIconExe member, instead of retrieving it from the
/// class. This is useful for OLE embedding or linking to non-OLE files.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </summary>
public CIF dwFlags;
/// <summary>The window that owns the dialog box. This member should not be <c>NULL</c>.</summary>
public HWND hWndOwner;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to a string to be used as the title of the dialog box. If <c>NULL</c>, then the library uses <c>Change Icon</c>.
/// </summary>
public string lpszCaption;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to a hook function that processes messages intended for the dialog box. The hook function must return zero to pass a
/// message that it didn't process back to the dialog box procedure in the library. The hook function must return a nonzero
/// value to prevent the library's dialog box procedure from processing a message it has already processed.
/// </summary>
public LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook;
/// <summary>
/// Application-defined data that the library passes to the hook function pointed to by the <c>lpfnHook</c> member. The library
/// passes a pointer to the <c>OLEUICHANGEICON</c> structure in the lParam parameter of the WM_INITDIALOG message; this pointer
/// can be used to retrieve the <c>lCustData</c> member.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr lCustData;
/// <summary>Instance that contains a dialog box template specified by the <c>lpTemplateName</c> member.</summary>
public HINSTANCE hInstance;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the resource file for the dialog box template that is to be
/// substituted for the library's <c>Change Icon</c> dialog box template.
/// </summary>
public string lpszTemplate;
/// <summary>Customized template handle.</summary>
public HRSRC hResource;
/// <summary>Current and final image. The source of the icon is embedded in the metafile itself.</summary>
public HGLOBAL hMetaPict;
/// <summary>Input only. The class to use to get the <c>Default</c> icon.</summary>
public Guid clsid;
/// <summary>
/// Input only. Pointer to the executable to extract the default icon from. This member is ignored unless CIF_USEICONEXE is
/// included in the <c>dwFlags</c> member and an attempt to retrieve the class icon from the specified CLSID fails.
/// </summary>
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MAX_PATH)]
public string szIconExe;
/// <summary>
/// Input only. The number of characters in <c>szIconExe</c>. This member is ignored unless CIF_USEICONEXE is included in the
/// <c>dwFlags</c> member.
/// </summary>
public int cchIconExe;
/// <summary>
/// Contains information that is used to initialize the standard <c>Change Source</c> dialog box. It allows the user to modify the
/// destination or source of a link. This may simply entail selecting a different file name for the link, or possibly changing the
/// item reference within the file, for example, changing the destination range of cells within the spreadsheet that the link is to.
/// </summary>
// typedef struct tagOLEUICHANGESOURCEA {
// DWORD cbStruct; DWORD dwFlags; HWND hWndOwner; LPCSTR lpszCaption; LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook; LPARAM lCustData; HINSTANCE hInstance;
// LPCSTR lpszTemplate; HRSRC hResource; OPENFILENAMEA *lpOFN; DWORD dwReserved1[4]; LPOLEUILINKCONTAINERA lpOleUILinkContainer;
[PInvokeData("oledlg.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:oledlg.tagOLEUICHANGESOURCEA")]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
/// <summary>The size of the structure, in bytes.</summary>
public uint cbStruct;
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// On input, this field specifies the initialization and creation flags. On exit, it specifies the user's choices. It may be a
/// combination of the following flags.
/// </para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Value</term>
/// <term>Meaning</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>CSF_SHOWHELP</term>
/// <term>Enables or shows the Help button.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>CSF_VALIDSOURCE</term>
/// <term>Indicates that the link was validated.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>CSF_ONLYGETSOURCE</term>
/// <term>
/// Disables automatic validation of the link source when the user presses OK. If you specify this flag, you should validate the
/// source when the dialog box returns OK.
/// </term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </summary>
public CSF dwFlags;
/// <summary>The window that owns the dialog box.</summary>
public HWND hWndOwner;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to a string to be used as the title of the dialog box. If <c>NULL</c>, then the library uses <c>Change Source</c>.
/// </summary>
public string lpszCaption;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to a hook function that processes messages intended for the dialog box. The hook function must return zero to pass a
/// message that it didn't process back to the dialog box procedure in the library. The hook function must return a nonzero
/// value to prevent the library's dialog box procedure from processing a message it has already processed.
/// </summary>
public LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook;
/// <summary>
/// Application-defined data that the library passes to the hook function pointed to by the OLEUICHANGEICON structure in the
/// lParam parameter of the WM_INITDIALOG message; this pointer can be used to retrieve the <c>lCustData</c> member.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr lCustData;
/// <summary>
/// Instance that contains a dialog box template specified by the <c>lpszTemplate</c> member. This member is ignored if the
/// <c>lpszTemplate</c> member is <c>NULL</c> or invalid.
/// </summary>
public HINSTANCE hInstance;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the resource file for the dialog box template that is to be
/// substituted for the library's <c>Convert</c> dialog box template.
/// </summary>
public string lpszTemplate;
/// <summary>
/// Resource handle for a custom dialog box. If this member is <c>NULL</c>, then the library uses the standard <c>Convert</c>
/// dialog box template, or if it is valid, the template named by the <c>lpszTemplate</c> member.
/// </summary>
public HRSRC hResource;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to the <c>OPENFILENAME</c> structure, which contains information used by the operating system to initialize the
/// system-defined <c>Open</c> or <c>Save As</c> dialog boxes.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr lpOFN;
/// <summary>This member is reserved.</summary>
public Guid dwReserved1;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to the container's implementation of the <see cref="IOleUILinkContainer"/> interface, used to validate the link
/// source. The <c>Edit Links</c> dialog box uses this to allow the container to manipulate its links.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr lpOleUILinkContainer;
/// <summary>Container-defined unique link identifier used to validate link sources. Used by <c>lpOleUILinkContainer</c>.</summary>
public uint dwLink;
/// <summary>Pointer to the complete source display name.</summary>
public string lpszDisplayName;
/// <summary>File moniker portion of <c>lpszDisplayName</c>.</summary>
public uint nFileLength;
/// <summary>Pointer to the prefix of the source that was changed from.</summary>
public string lpszFrom;
/// <summary>Pointer to the prefix of the source to be changed to.</summary>
public string lpszTo;