Fixed bug in SafeDRT_DATA

David Hall 2022-10-13 10:01:35 -06:00
parent 18cafb3499
commit 258dd6e4ad
1 changed files with 18 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -2398,34 +2398,44 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke
/// </summary>
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public class SafeDRT_DATA : SafeElementArray<byte, uint, HGlobalMemoryMethods>
public class SafeDRT_DATA : SafeNativeArray<byte>
static readonly int HdrSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DRT_DATA));
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SafeDRT_DATA"/> class.</summary>
/// <param name="size">The size, in bytes, to allocate.</param>
public SafeDRT_DATA(uint size) : base(size) { }
public SafeDRT_DATA(int size) : base(size, (uint)HdrSize) { }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SafeDRT_DATA"/> class.</summary>
/// <param name="bytes">The bytes to copy into the blob.</param>
public SafeDRT_DATA(byte[] bytes) : base(bytes) { }
public SafeDRT_DATA(byte[] bytes) : base(bytes, (uint)HdrSize) { }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SafeDRT_DATA"/> class with a string.</summary>
/// <param name="value">The string value.</param>
/// <param name="charSet">The character set to use.</param>
public SafeDRT_DATA(string value, CharSet charSet = CharSet.Ansi) : base(StringHelper.GetBytes(value, true, charSet)) { }
public SafeDRT_DATA(string value, CharSet charSet = CharSet.Ansi) : this(StringHelper.GetBytes(value, true, charSet)) { }
/// <summary>A DWORD variable that contains the count, in bytes, of data.</summary>
public uint cb => Count;
public int cb => base.Count;
/// <summary>A pointer to the data buffer.</summary>
public IntPtr pb => handle.Offset(PrefixSize);
public IntPtr pb => handle.Offset(HdrSize);
/// <summary>Represents an empty instance of a blob.</summary>
public static readonly SafeDRT_DATA Empty = new(0U);
public static readonly SafeDRT_DATA Empty = new(0);
/// <summary>Performs an implicit conversion from <see cref="SafeDRT_DATA"/> to <see cref="DRT_DATA"/>.</summary>
/// <param name="safeData">The safe data.</param>
/// <returns>The resulting <see cref="DRT_DATA"/> instance from the conversion.</returns>
public static implicit operator DRT_DATA(SafeDRT_DATA safeData) => new() { cb = safeData.cb, pb = safeData.pb };
public static implicit operator DRT_DATA(SafeDRT_DATA safeData) { safeData.UpdateHdr(); return safeData.handle.ToStructure<DRT_DATA>(); }
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void OnCountChanged() => UpdateHdr();
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void OnUpdateHeader() => UpdateHdr();
private void UpdateHdr() => handle.Write(new DRT_DATA() { cb = (uint)base.Count, pb = base.Count == 0 ? IntPtr.Zero : handle.Offset(HdrSize) });
/// <summary>Provides a <see cref="SafeHandle"/> for <see cref="HDRT"/> that is disposed using <see cref="DrtClose"/>.</summary>