Fixes for implementable shell interfaces

David Hall 2019-01-02 20:29:52 -07:00
parent 1c0f7ef865
commit 26bae2952e
2 changed files with 58 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -75,19 +75,23 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke
/// <summary>Called when a user double-clicks in the view or presses the ENTER key.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
void OnDefaultCommand([In] IShellView ppshv);
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
HRESULT OnDefaultCommand([In] IShellView ppshv);
/// <summary>Called after a state, identified by the uChange parameter, has changed in the IShellView interface.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
/// <param name="uChange">Change in the selection state. This parameter can be one of the following values.</param>
void OnStateChange([In] IShellView ppshv, CDBOSC uChange);
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
HRESULT OnStateChange([In] IShellView ppshv, CDBOSC uChange);
/// <summary>Allows the common dialog box to filter objects that the view displays.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
/// <param name="pidl">A PIDL, relative to the folder, that identifies the object.</param>
/// <returns>The browser should return S_OK to include the object in the view, or S_FALSE to hide it.</returns>
HRESULT IncludeObject([In] IShellView ppshv, PIDL pidl);
HRESULT IncludeObject([In] IShellView ppshv, [In] PIDL pidl);
/// <summary>
@ -101,24 +105,30 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke
/// <summary>Called when a user double-clicks in the view or presses the ENTER key.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
new void OnDefaultCommand([In] IShellView ppshv);
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
new HRESULT OnDefaultCommand([In] IShellView ppshv);
/// <summary>Called after a state, identified by the uChange parameter, has changed in the IShellView interface.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
/// <param name="uChange">Change in the selection state. This parameter can be one of the following values.</param>
new void OnStateChange([In] IShellView ppshv, CDBOSC uChange);
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
new HRESULT OnStateChange([In] IShellView ppshv, CDBOSC uChange);
/// <summary>Allows the common dialog box to filter objects that the view displays.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
/// <param name="pidl">A PIDL, relative to the folder, that identifies the object.</param>
/// <returns>The browser should return S_OK to include the object in the view, or S_FALSE to hide it.</returns>
new HRESULT IncludeObject([In] IShellView ppshv, PIDL pidl);
new HRESULT IncludeObject([In] IShellView ppshv, [In] PIDL pidl);
/// <summary>Called by a Shell view to notify the common dialog box hosting it that an event has occurred.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
/// <param name="dwNotifyType">A flag that can can take one of the following two values.</param>
void Notify([In] IShellView ppshv, CDB2N dwNotifyType);
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
HRESULT Notify([In] IShellView ppshv, CDB2N dwNotifyType);
/// <summary>Called by the Shell view to get the default shortcut menu text.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
@ -133,9 +143,13 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke
HRESULT GetDefaultMenuText([In] IShellView ppshv, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder pszText, int cchMax);
/// <summary>Called when the view must determine if special customization needs to be made for the common dialog browser.</summary>
/// <returns>A DWORD value that controls the behavior of the view when in common dialog mode.</returns>
CDB2GVF GetViewFlags();
/// <summary>
/// Called when the view must determine if special customization needs to be made for the common dialog browser.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pdwFlags">A DWORD value that controls the behavior of the view when in common dialog mode.</param>
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
HRESULT GetViewFlags(out CDB2GVF pdwFlags);
/// <summary>Extends the capabilities of ICommDlgBrowser2, and used by the common file dialog boxes when they host a Shell browser.</summary>
@ -146,24 +160,30 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke
/// <summary>Called when a user double-clicks in the view or presses the ENTER key.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
new void OnDefaultCommand([In] IShellView ppshv);
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
new HRESULT OnDefaultCommand([In] IShellView ppshv);
/// <summary>Called after a state, identified by the uChange parameter, has changed in the IShellView interface.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
/// <param name="uChange">Change in the selection state. This parameter can be one of the following values.</param>
new void OnStateChange([In] IShellView ppshv, CDBOSC uChange);
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
new HRESULT OnStateChange([In] IShellView ppshv, CDBOSC uChange);
/// <summary>Allows the common dialog box to filter objects that the view displays.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
/// <param name="pidl">A PIDL, relative to the folder, that identifies the object.</param>
/// <returns>The browser should return S_OK to include the object in the view, or S_FALSE to hide it.</returns>
new HRESULT IncludeObject([In] IShellView ppshv, PIDL pidl);
new HRESULT IncludeObject([In] IShellView ppshv, [In] PIDL pidl);
/// <summary>Called by a Shell view to notify the common dialog box hosting it that an event has occurred.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
/// <param name="dwNotifyType">A flag that can can take one of the following two values.</param>
new void Notify([In] IShellView ppshv, CDB2N dwNotifyType);
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
new HRESULT Notify([In] IShellView ppshv, CDB2N dwNotifyType);
/// <summary>Called by the Shell view to get the default shortcut menu text.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the view's IShellView interface.</param>
@ -178,23 +198,33 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke
new HRESULT GetDefaultMenuText([In] IShellView ppshv, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder pszText, int cchMax);
/// <summary>Called when the view must determine if special customization needs to be made for the common dialog browser.</summary>
/// <returns>A DWORD value that controls the behavior of the view when in common dialog mode.</returns>
new CDB2GVF GetViewFlags();
/// <summary>
/// Called when the view must determine if special customization needs to be made for the common dialog browser.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pdwFlags">A DWORD value that controls the behavior of the view when in common dialog mode.</param>
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
new HRESULT GetViewFlags(out CDB2GVF pdwFlags);
/// <summary>Called after a specified column is clicked in the IShellView interface.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the IShellView interface of the hosted view.</param>
/// <param name="iColumn">The index of the column clicked.</param>
void OnColumnClicked([In] IShellView ppshv, int iColumn);
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
HRESULT OnColumnClicked([In] IShellView ppshv, int iColumn);
/// <summary>Gets the current filter as a Unicode string.</summary>
/// <param name="pszFileSpec">Contains a pointer to the current filter path/file as a Unicode string.</param>
/// <param name="cchFileSpec">Specifies the path/file length, in characters.</param>
void GetCurrentFilter([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder pszFileSpec, int cchFileSpec);
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
HRESULT GetCurrentFilter([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder pszFileSpec, int cchFileSpec);
/// <summary>Called after a specified preview is created in the IShellView interface.</summary>
/// <param name="ppshv">A pointer to the IShellView interface of the hosted view.</param>
void OnPreViewCreated([In] IShellView ppshv);
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>. Otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code.</returns>
HRESULT OnPreViewCreated([In] IShellView ppshv);

View File

@ -253,19 +253,23 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke
/// <summary>Notifies clients of a pending Explorer browser navigation to a Shell folder.</summary>
/// <param name="pidlFolder">A PIDL that specifies the folder.</param>
void OnNavigationPending([In] PIDL pidlFolder);
HRESULT OnNavigationPending([In] PIDL pidlFolder);
/// <summary>Notifies clients that the view of the Explorer browser has been created and can be modified.</summary>
/// <param name="psv">A pointer to an IShellView.</param>
void OnViewCreated([In] IShellView psv);
HRESULT OnViewCreated([In] IShellView psv);
/// <summary>Notifies clients that the Explorer browser has successfully navigated to a Shell folder.</summary>
/// <param name="pidlFolder">A PIDL that specifies the folder.</param>
void OnNavigationComplete([In] PIDL pidlFolder);
HRESULT OnNavigationComplete([In] PIDL pidlFolder);
/// <summary>Notifies clients that the Explorer browser has failed to navigate to a Shell folder.</summary>
/// <param name="pidlFolder">A PIDL that specifies the folder.</param>
void OnNavigationFailed([In] PIDL pidlFolder);
HRESULT OnNavigationFailed([In] PIDL pidlFolder);
/// <summary>The ExplorerBrowser class is the base CoClass for all I ExplorerBrowser interfaces.</summary>