Handled passing PROPVARIANT object to constructor and enhanced GetVarType to handle generic IEnumerable and derivatives.

David Hall 2018-01-27 10:50:01 -07:00
parent cd2b5e62ff
commit 508060225e
1 changed files with 16 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke
if (obj == null)
VarType = type;
else if (obj is PROPVARIANT pv)
PropVariantCopy(this, pv);
SetValue(obj, type);
@ -570,7 +572,18 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke
if (type.IsArray && elemtype == typeof(object)) return VARTYPE.VT_ARRAY | VARTYPE.VT_VARIANT;
var ret = type.IsArray || type != typeof(string) && typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type) ? VARTYPE.VT_VECTOR : 0;
var isEnumerable = type.IsArray || type != typeof(string) && typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type);
var ret = isEnumerable ? VARTYPE.VT_VECTOR : 0;
if (isEnumerable && type.GetElementType() == null && type.IsGenericType)
var i = type.GetInterface("IEnumerable`1");
if (i != null)
var args = i.GetGenericArguments();
if (args.Length == 1)
elemType = args[0];
if (elemtype.IsNullable()) ret |= VARTYPE.VT_BYREF;
if (elemtype == typeof(BLOB))
@ -1281,7 +1294,8 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke
else if (type == typeof(FILETIME)) _ft = (FILETIME)(object)value.Value;
else if (type == typeof(BLOB)) _blob = (BLOB)(object)value.Value;
else if (type == typeof(decimal)) SetDecimal((decimal) (object) value.Value);
else if (type == typeof(decimal)) SetDecimal((decimal)(object)value.Value);
else if (type == typeof(Guid)) InitPropVariantFromCLSID((Guid)(object)value.Value, this);
else throw new ArgumentException($"Unrecognized structure {typeof(T).Name}"); // This would work but there is no means to free this memory. // _ptr = value.Value.StructureToPtr());