#284 - added functionality to address multiple mount points to VirtualDisk

dahall 2022-05-03 16:49:12 -06:00
parent 013ee74453
commit 56c96688d7
1 changed files with 66 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -267,6 +267,19 @@ public partial class VirtualDisk : IDisposable, IHandle
/// <summary>Gets the volume GUID paths for an attached virtual disk.</summary>
public string[] VolumeGuidPaths
if (!Attached)
return null;
var diskNo = GetDiskNumberFromDevicePath(PhysicalPath);
return diskNo.HasValue ? GetVolumeGuidsFromDiskNumber(diskNo.Value).ToArray() : null;
/// <summary>Gets the volume mount point for an attached virtual disk.</summary>
public string VolumeMountPoint
@ -277,6 +290,16 @@ public partial class VirtualDisk : IDisposable, IHandle
/// <summary>Gets the volume mount points for an attached virtual disk.</summary>
public string[] VolumeMountPoints
var volPath = VolumeGuidPath;
return volPath is null ? null : GetVolumeMountPoints(volPath);
/// <summary>Gets the safe handle for the current virtual disk.</summary>
private SafeVIRTUAL_DISK_HANDLE Handle { get; set; }
@ -717,23 +740,51 @@ public partial class VirtualDisk : IDisposable, IHandle
/// security descriptor does not grant write attributes permission for a user, Shell displays the following error when the user accesses
/// the attached virtual disk: The Recycle Bin is corrupted. Do you want to empty the Recycle Bin for this drive?
/// </param>
public void Attach(string mountPoint, bool readOnly = false, bool autoDetach = true, FileSecurity access = null)
public void Attach(string mountPoint, bool readOnly = false, bool autoDetach = true, FileSecurity access = null) =>
Attach(mountPoint is null ? null : new[] { mountPoint }, readOnly, autoDetach, access);
/// <summary>
/// Attaches a virtual hard disk (VHD) or CD or DVD image file (ISO) by locating an appropriate VHD provider to accomplish the attachment.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mountPoints">
/// The user-mode paths to be associated with the volume. These may be a drive letter (for example, "X:\") or a directory on another
/// volume (for example, "Y:\MountX\"). The string must end with a trailing backslash ('\'). Use "*" as the first and only entry to have
/// the system assign a drive letter or <see langword="null"/> to leave the drive letter unassigned.
/// </param>
/// <param name="readOnly">Attach the virtual disk as read-only.</param>
/// <param name="autoDetach">
/// If <c>false</c>, decouple the virtual disk lifetime from that of the VirtualDisk. The virtual disk will be attached until the Detach
/// function is called, even if all open instances of the virtual disk are disposed.
/// </param>
/// <param name="access">
/// An optional pointer to a FileSecurity instance to apply to the attached virtual disk. If this parameter is <see langword="null"/>,
/// the security descriptor of the virtual disk image file is used. Ensure that the security descriptor that AttachVirtualDisk applies to
/// the attached virtual disk grants the write attributes permission for the user, or that the security descriptor of the virtual disk
/// image file grants the write attributes permission for the user if you specify <see langword="null"/> for this parameter. If the
/// security descriptor does not grant write attributes permission for a user, Shell displays the following error when the user accesses
/// the attached virtual disk: The Recycle Bin is corrupted. Do you want to empty the Recycle Bin for this drive?
/// </param>
public void Attach(string[] mountPoints, bool readOnly = false, bool autoDetach = true, FileSecurity access = null)
var vgp = VolumeGuidPaths;
if (mountPoints.Length == 0 || mountPoints.Length > vgp.Length || (mountPoints[0] != "*" && mountPoints.Any(p => p == "*")))
throw new ArgumentException();
if (!autoDetach)
if (mountPoint != "*")
if (mountPoints.Length == 1 && mountPoints[0] != "*")
if (access is null)
using SafePSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd = FileSecToSd(access);
Attach(flags, param, sd);
if (mountPoint is not null and not "*")
Win32Error.ThrowLastErrorIfFalse(SetVolumeMountPoint(mountPoint, VolumeGuidPath));
if (mountPoints is null || mountPoints[0] is "*") return;
for (var i = 0; i < mountPoints.Length; i++)
Win32Error.ThrowLastErrorIfFalse(SetVolumeMountPoint(mountPoints[i], vgp[i]));
/// <summary>
@ -1214,13 +1265,15 @@ public partial class VirtualDisk : IDisposable, IHandle
private static string GetVolumeGuidFromDiskNumber(uint diskNo) => EnumVolumes().FirstOrDefault(v =>
private static string GetVolumeGuidFromDiskNumber(uint diskNo) => GetVolumeGuidsFromDiskNumber(diskNo).FirstOrDefault();
private static IEnumerable<string> GetVolumeGuidsFromDiskNumber(uint diskNo) => EnumVolumes().Where(v =>
using var hfile = OpenDrive(v.TrimEnd('\\'));
return !hfile.IsInvalid &&
DeviceIoControl(hfile, IOControlCode.IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER, out STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER output) &&
output.DeviceNumber == diskNo;
/// <summary>Retrieves a list of drive letters and mounted folder paths for the specified volume.</summary>
/// <param name="volumeName">A volume GUID path for the volume. A volume GUID path is of the form "\\?\Volume{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}\".</param>