BREAKING CHANGES: Changed NLM_SOCKADDR to a class and changed all parameters that were IntPtr to that class where called. Changed functions of all **Events interfaces to return HRESULT and removed invalid CoClass attributes. Updated dependent tests and wrappers.

dahall 2020-04-16 19:39:41 -06:00
parent c89c9f317d
commit 590ca01d38
3 changed files with 39 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr
/// <summary>Use this interface to notify an application of cost and data plan status change events for a connection.</summary>
[ComImport, Guid("DCB0000B-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(NetworkListManager))]
[ComImport, Guid("DCB0000B-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
public interface INetworkConnectionCostEvents
@ -412,18 +412,20 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr
/// A DWORD value that represents the new cost of the connection. The lowest 16 bits represent the cost level, and the highest 16 bits represent the
/// flags. Possible values are defined by the <see cref="NLM_CONNECTION_COST"/> enumeration.
/// </param>
void ConnectionCostChanged([In] Guid connectionId, [In] NLM_CONNECTION_COST newCost);
HRESULT ConnectionCostChanged([In] Guid connectionId, [In] NLM_CONNECTION_COST newCost);
/// <summary>The ConnectionDataPlanStatusChanged method notifies an application of a data plan status change on a connection.</summary>
/// <param name="connectionId">A unique ID that identifies the connection on which the data plan status change event occurred.</param>
void ConnectionDataPlanStatusChanged([In] Guid connectionId);
HRESULT ConnectionDataPlanStatusChanged([In] Guid connectionId);
/// <summary>
/// The INetworkConnectionEvents interface is a message sink interface that a client implements to get network connection-related events. Applications
/// that are interested in lower-level events (such as authentication changes) must implement this interface.
/// </summary>
[ComImport, Guid("DCB00007-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), TypeLibType(TypeLibTypeFlags.FOleAutomation), CoClass(typeof(NetworkListManager))]
[ComImport, Guid("DCB00007-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), TypeLibType(TypeLibTypeFlags.FOleAutomation)]
public interface INetworkConnectionEvents
@ -432,14 +434,16 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connectionId">A GUID that identifies the network connection on which the event occurred.</param>
/// <param name="newConnectivity">NLM_CONNECTIVITY enumeration value that specifies the new connectivity for this network connection.</param>
void NetworkConnectionConnectivityChanged([In] Guid connectionId, [In] NLM_CONNECTIVITY newConnectivity);
HRESULT NetworkConnectionConnectivityChanged([In] Guid connectionId, [In] NLM_CONNECTIVITY newConnectivity);
/// <summary>
/// The NetworkConnectionPropertyChanged method notifies a client when property change events related to a specific network connection occur.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connectionId">A GUID that identifies the network connection on which the event occurred.</param>
/// <param name="Flags">The NLM_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CHANGE flags for this connection.</param>
void NetworkConnectionPropertyChanged([In] Guid connectionId, [In] NLM_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CHANGE Flags);
HRESULT NetworkConnectionPropertyChanged([In] Guid connectionId, [In] NLM_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CHANGE Flags);
/// <summary>
@ -463,7 +467,7 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr
/// An <see cref="NLM_SOCKADDR"/> structure containing the destination IPv4/IPv6 address. If NULL, this method will instead return the cost associated with the
/// preferred connection used for machine Internet connectivity.
/// </param>
void GetCost(out NLM_CONNECTION_COST pCost, [In] IntPtr pDestIPAddr);
void GetCost(out NLM_CONNECTION_COST pCost, [In, Optional] NLM_SOCKADDR pDestIPAddr);
/// <summary>
/// The GetDataPlanStatus retrieves the data plan status for either a machine-wide internet connection , or the first-hop of routing to a specific
@ -478,7 +482,7 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr
/// An <see cref="NLM_SOCKADDR"/> structure containing the destination IPv4/IPv6 or tunnel address. If NULL, this method returns the cost associated with the
/// preferred connection used for machine Internet connectivity.
/// </param>
void GetDataPlanStatus(out NLM_DATAPLAN_STATUS pDataPlanStatus, [In] IntPtr pDestIPAddr);
void GetDataPlanStatus(out NLM_DATAPLAN_STATUS pDataPlanStatus, [In, Optional] NLM_SOCKADDR pDestIPAddr);
/// <summary>
/// The SetDestinationAddresses method registers specified destination IPv4/IPv6 addresses to receive cost or data plan status change notifications.
@ -488,11 +492,11 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr
/// A <see cref="NLM_SOCKADDR"/> structure containing a list of destination IPv4/IPv6 addresses to register for cost or data plan status change notification.
/// </param>
/// <param name="bAppend">If true, pDestIPAddrList will be appended to the existing address list; otherwise the existing list will be overwritten.</param>
void SetDestinationAddresses([In] uint length, [In] IntPtr pDestIPAddrList, [In] bool bAppend);
void SetDestinationAddresses([In] uint length, [In, Optional, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] NLM_SOCKADDR[] pDestIPAddrList, [In] bool bAppend);
/// <summary>Use this interface to notify an application of machine-wide cost and data plan related events.</summary>
[ComImport, Guid("DCB00009-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(NetworkListManager))]
[ComImport, Guid("DCB00009-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
public interface INetworkCostManagerEvents
@ -508,7 +512,8 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr
/// An <see cref="NLM_SOCKADDR"/> structure containing an IPv4/IPv6 address that identifies the destination on which the event occurred. If destAddr is NULL, the
/// change is a machine-wide Internet connectivity change.
/// </param>
void CostChanged([In] NLM_CONNECTION_COST newCost, in NLM_SOCKADDR pDestAddr);
HRESULT CostChanged([In] NLM_CONNECTION_COST newCost, [In, Optional] NLM_SOCKADDR pDestAddr);
/// <summary>
/// The DataPlanStatusChanged method is called to indicate a change to the status of a data plan associated with either a connection used for
@ -518,34 +523,39 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr
/// An <see cref="NLM_SOCKADDR"/> structure containing an IPv4/IPv6 address that identifies the destination for which the event occurred. If destAddr is NULL, the
/// change is a machine-wide Internet connectivity change.
/// </param>
void DataPlanStatusChanged(in NLM_SOCKADDR pDestAddr);
HRESULT DataPlanStatusChanged([In, Optional] NLM_SOCKADDR pDestAddr);
/// <summary>
/// INetworkEvents is a notification sink interface that a client implements to get network related events. These APIs are all callback functions that
/// are called automatically when the respective events are raised.
/// </summary>
[ComImport, Guid("DCB00004-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), TypeLibType(TypeLibTypeFlags.FOleAutomation), CoClass(typeof(NetworkListManager))]
[ComImport, Guid("DCB00004-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), TypeLibType(TypeLibTypeFlags.FOleAutomation)]
public interface INetworkEvents
/// <summary>The NetworkAdded method is called when a new network is added. The GUID of the new network is provided.</summary>
/// <param name="networkId">A GUID that specifies the new network that was added.</param>
void NetworkAdded([In] Guid networkId);
HRESULT NetworkAdded([In] Guid networkId);
/// <summary>The NetworkDeleted method is called when a network is deleted.</summary>
/// <param name="networkId">GUID that contains the network ID of the network that was deleted.</param>
void NetworkDeleted([In] Guid networkId);
HRESULT NetworkDeleted([In] Guid networkId);
/// <summary>The NetworkConnectivityChanged method is called when network connectivity related changes occur.</summary>
/// <param name="networkId">A GUID that specifies the new network that was added.</param>
/// <param name="newConnectivity">NLM_CONNECTIVITY enumeration value that contains the new connectivity of this network</param>
void NetworkConnectivityChanged([In] Guid networkId, [In] NLM_CONNECTIVITY newConnectivity);
HRESULT NetworkConnectivityChanged([In] Guid networkId, [In] NLM_CONNECTIVITY newConnectivity);
/// <summary>The NetworkPropertyChanged method is called when a network property change is detected.</summary>
/// <param name="networkId">GUID that specifies the network on which this event occurred.</param>
/// <param name="Flags">NLM_NETWORK_PROPERTY_CHANGE enumeration value that specifies the network property that changed.</param>
void NetworkPropertyChanged([In] Guid networkId, [In] NLM_NETWORK_PROPERTY_CHANGE Flags);
HRESULT NetworkPropertyChanged([In] Guid networkId, [In] NLM_NETWORK_PROPERTY_CHANGE Flags);
/// <summary>The INetworkListManager interface provides a set of methods to perform network list management functions.</summary>
@ -626,13 +636,14 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr
/// INetworkListManagerEvents is a message sink interface that a client implements to get overall machine state related events. Applications that are
/// interested on higher-level events, for example internet connectivity, implement this interface.
/// </summary>
[ComImport, Guid("DCB00001-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), CoClass(typeof(NetworkListManager)), TypeLibType(TypeLibTypeFlags.FOleAutomation)]
[ComImport, Guid("DCB00001-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), TypeLibType(TypeLibTypeFlags.FOleAutomation)]
public interface INetworkListManagerEvents
/// <summary>Called when network connectivity related changes occur.</summary>
/// <param name="newConnectivity">An NLM_CONNECTIVITY enumeration value that contains the new connectivity settings of the machine.</param>
void ConnectivityChanged([In] NLM_CONNECTIVITY newConnectivity);
HRESULT ConnectivityChanged([In] NLM_CONNECTIVITY newConnectivity);
/// <summary>The NetworkListManager class is the base CoClass for all interfaces.</summary>
@ -755,12 +766,12 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr
/// <summary>The <see cref="NLM_SOCKADDR"/> structure contains the IPv4/IPv6 destination address.</summary>
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
[PInvokeData("Netlistmgr.h", MSDNShortId = "hh448266")]
public struct NLM_SOCKADDR
public sealed class NLM_SOCKADDR
private const int dataSize = 128;
/// <summary>An IPv4/IPv6 destination address.</summary>
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = dataSize)] public byte[] data;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = dataSize)] public byte[] data = new byte[dataSize];
/// <summary>Creates a <see cref="NLM_SOCKADDR"/> from an <see cref="IPAddress"/> instance.</summary>
/// <param name="address">The IP address to encapsulate.</param>
@ -770,7 +781,7 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr
const ushort AF_INET = 2;
const ushort AF_INET6 = 23;
if (address == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(address));
if (address == null) return null;
var sockAddr = new NLM_SOCKADDR { data = new byte[dataSize] };

View File

@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
using Vanara.InteropServices;
using Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr;
namespace Vanara.Network
@ -65,9 +63,9 @@ namespace Vanara.Network
/// <returns>The cost of the connection.</returns>
public static NLM_CONNECTION_COST GetConnectionCost(IPAddress destIPAddr = null)
var ptr = destIPAddr != null ? new SafeCoTaskMemHandle(destIPAddr.GetAddressBytes()) : SafeCoTaskMemHandle.Null;
var addr = NLM_SOCKADDR.FromIPAddress(destIPAddr);
(costmgr ?? (costmgr = (INetworkCostManager)Manager))?.GetCost(out cost, (IntPtr)ptr);
(costmgr ?? (costmgr = (INetworkCostManager)Manager))?.GetCost(out cost, addr);
return cost;
@ -86,9 +84,9 @@ namespace Vanara.Network
/// </returns>
public static NLM_DATAPLAN_STATUS GetConnectionDataPlanStatus(IPAddress destIPAddr = null)
var ptr = destIPAddr != null ? new SafeCoTaskMemHandle(destIPAddr.GetAddressBytes()) : SafeCoTaskMemHandle.Null;
var addr = NLM_SOCKADDR.FromIPAddress(destIPAddr);
var cost = new NLM_DATAPLAN_STATUS();
(costmgr ?? (costmgr = (INetworkCostManager)Manager))?.GetDataPlanStatus(out cost, (IntPtr)ptr);
(costmgr ?? (costmgr = (INetworkCostManager)Manager))?.GetDataPlanStatus(out cost, addr);
return cost;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.Tests
mgr = new INetworkListManager();
coster = new INetworkCostManager();
//mgr = new NetworkListManagerClass();
@ -128,11 +127,11 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke.Tests
public void GetCostTest()
Assert.That(() => coster.GetCost(out ret, IntPtr.Zero), Throws.Nothing);
Assert.That(() => coster.GetCost(out ret), Throws.Nothing);
Assert.That((int)ret, Is.GreaterThan(0));
var status = new NLM_DATAPLAN_STATUS();
Assert.That(() => coster.GetDataPlanStatus(out status, IntPtr.Zero), Throws.Nothing);
Assert.That(() => coster.GetDataPlanStatus(out status), Throws.Nothing);
Assert.That(status.InterfaceGuid, Is.Not.EqualTo(Guid.Empty));
TestContext.WriteLine($"Guid:{status.InterfaceGuid}; Limit:{status.DataLimitInMegabytes:X}; Xfer:{status.MaxTransferSizeInMegabytes:X}");