Added MessagePump and ExaminedMessagePump as means to process Get/PeekMessage->DispatchMessage loops.

David Hall 2023-01-16 16:41:23 -07:00
parent 0b67042aed
commit 7bf4c15e50
1 changed files with 105 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
using static Vanara.PInvoke.User32;
namespace Vanara.PInvoke;
/// <summary>Delegate for a method that processes a <see cref="MSG"/> structure.</summary>
/// <param name="msg">The <see cref="MSG"/> structure to process.</param>
public delegate void MsgPumpDelegate(ref MSG msg);
/// <summary>
/// Delegate for a method that processes a <see cref="MSG"/> structure and returns a value determining if the next step should be processed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="msg">The <see cref="MSG"/> structure to process.</param>
/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the pump should proceed; otherwise <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
public delegate bool MsgPumpPredicateDelegate(ref MSG msg);
/// <summary>Interface defining a message pump.</summary>
public interface IMessagePump
/// <summary>Runs the message pump on the optionally specified window.</summary>
/// <param name="mainWindow">The window instance.</param>
/// <returns>
/// The result of <see cref="PeekMessage(out MSG, HWND, uint, uint, PM)"/> or <see cref="GetMessage(out MSG, HWND, uint, uint)"/>.
/// </returns>
int Run(IWindowCore mainWindow = null);
/// <summary>A basic message pump to use independently or with a window instance.</summary>
/// <example>
/// Simple example of a window creation and message pump.
/// <code>using (var win = new BasicMessageWindow() { Text = "Title", Visible = true })
/// return new MessagePump().Run(win);</code></example>
/// <seealso cref="IMessagePump" />
public class MessagePump : IMessagePump
/// <summary>Easy access to WM_QUIT value.</summary>
protected const ushort quitMsg = (ushort)WindowMessage.WM_QUIT;
/// <inhertdoc/>
public int Run(IWindowCore mainWindow = null)
if (mainWindow is not null)
mainWindow.Destroyed += onDestroy;
return RunLoop();
if (mainWindow is not null)
mainWindow.Destroyed -= onDestroy;
static void onDestroy() => PostQuitMessage(0);
/// <summary>Defines and executes the message pump.</summary>
/// <returns>
/// The result of <see cref="PeekMessage(out MSG, HWND, uint, uint, PM)"/> or <see cref="GetMessage(out MSG, HWND, uint, uint)"/>.
/// </returns>
protected virtual int RunLoop()
int bRet;
while ((bRet = GetMessage(out MSG msg)) != 0)
if (bRet == -1)
return bRet;
/// <summary>A message pump with events to process each step to use independently or with a window instance.</summary>
/// <seealso cref="MessagePump"/>
public class ExaminedMessagePump : MessagePump
/// <summary>Occurs after <see cref="DispatchMessage(in MSG)"/>.</summary>
public event MsgPumpDelegate PostProcess;
/// <summary>Occurs after <see cref="TranslateMessage(in MSG)"/> and determines if message should be dispatched.</summary>
public event MsgPumpPredicateDelegate PostTranslate;
/// <summary>
/// Occurs after <see cref="PeekMessage(out MSG, HWND, uint, uint, PM)"/> and determines if message should be translated or dispatched.
/// </summary>
public event MsgPumpPredicateDelegate PreProcess;
/// <inhertdoc/>
protected override int RunLoop()
MSG msg;
if (PeekMessage(out msg, default, 0, 0, PM.PM_REMOVE) && (PreProcess?.Invoke(ref msg) ?? true))
if (PostTranslate?.Invoke(ref msg) ?? true)
PostProcess?.Invoke(ref msg);
} while (Macros.LOWORD(msg.message) != quitMsg);
return 0;