Added initial PInvoke.Printing project with winspool.h implementations

David Hall 2019-12-10 06:56:36 -07:00
parent f74d478b28
commit 945d381524
9 changed files with 13094 additions and 0 deletions

PInvoke/Printing/PrntvPt.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Vanara.PInvoke
/// <summary>Functions and structures from prntvpt.h.</summary>
public static partial class PrntvPt
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// [This function is not supported and might be disabled or deleted in future versions of Windows. <c>PTOpenProviderEx</c> provides
/// equivalent functionality and should be used instead.]
/// </para>
/// <para>Opens an instance of a print ticket provider.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pszPrinterName">The full name of a print queue.</param>
/// <param name="maxVersion">The latest version of the Print Schema that the caller supports.</param>
/// <param name="prefVersion">The version of the Print Schema requested by the caller.</param>
/// <param name="phProvider">A pointer to a handle to the print ticket provider.</param>
/// <param name="usedVersion">The version of the Print Schema that the print ticket provider will use.</param>
/// <returns>
/// If the method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>; otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code. For more information about
/// COM error codes, see Error Handling.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>Before calling this function, the calling thread must initialize COM by calling <c>CoInitializeEx</c>.</remarks>
// HRESULT BindPTProviderThunk( _In_ LPTSTR
// pszPrinterName, _In_ INT maxVersion, _In_ INT prefVersion, _Out_ HPTPROVIDER *phProvider, _Out_ INT *usedVersion );
[DllImport(Lib.PrntvPt, SetLastError = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
[PInvokeData("", MSDNShortId = "815cc360-8dcd-4c58-a64d-5d77436a8623")]
public static extern HRESULT BindPTProviderThunk(string pszPrinterName, int maxVersion, int prefVersion, out SafeHPTPROVIDER phProvider, out int usedVersion);
/// <summary>
/// <para>[This function is not supported and might be disabled or deleted in future versions of Windows. <c>PTGetPrintCapabilities</c> provides equivalent functionality and should be used instead.]</para>
/// <para>Retrieves the printer's capabilities formatted in compliance with the XML Print Schema.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hProvider">A handle to an open print ticket provider. This handle is returned by the <c>BindPTProviderThunk</c> function.</param>
/// <param name="pPrintTicket">The buffer that contains the print ticket data, expressed in XML as described in the Print Schema.</param>
/// <param name="cbPrintTicket">The size, in bytes, of the buffer referenced by pPrintTicket.</param>
/// <param name="ppbPrintCapabilities">The address of the buffer that is allocated by this function and contains the valid print capabilities information, encoded as XML. This function calls <c>CoTaskMemAlloc</c> to allocate this buffer. When the buffer is no longer needed, the caller must free it by calling <c>CoTaskMemFree</c>.</param>
/// <param name="pcbPrintCapabilitiesLength">The size, in bytes, of the buffer referenced by ppbPrintCapabilities.</param>
/// <param name="pbstrErrorMessage">A pointer to a string that specifies what, if anything, is invalid about pPrintTicket. If it is valid, this value is <c>NULL</c>. If pbstrErrorMessage is not <c>NULL</c> when the function returns, the caller must free the string with <c>SysFreeString</c>.</param>
/// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>; otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code. For more information about COM error codes, see Error Handling.</returns>
// HRESULT GetPrintCapabilitiesThunk2( _In_ HPTPROVIDER hProvider, _In_ BYTE *pPrintTicket, _In_ INT cbPrintTicket, _Out_ BYTE **ppbPrintCapabilities, _Out_ INT *pcbPrintCapabilitiesLength, _Out_opt_ BSTR *pbstrErrorMessage );
[DllImport(Lib.PrntvPt, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("winspool.h", MSDNShortId = "15219c19-b64c-4c51-9357-15a797557693")]
public static extern HRESULT GetPrintCapabilitiesThunk2(HPTPROVIDER hProvider, [In] IntPtr pPrintTicket, int cbPrintTicket, out IntPtr ppbPrintCapabilities, out int pcbPrintCapabilitiesLength, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] out string pbstrErrorMessage);
/// <summary>Closes a print ticket provider handle.</summary>
/// <param name="hProvider">A handle to the provider. This handle is returned by the PTOpenProvider or PTOpenProviderEx function.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>If the operation succeeds, the return value is S_OK, otherwise the <c>HRESULT</c> contains an error code.</para>
/// <para>If hProvider was opened in a different thread, the <c>HRESULT</c> is E_INVALIDARG.</para>
/// <para>For more information about COM error codes, see Error Handling.</para>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// <c>Note</c> This is a blocking or synchronous function and might not return immediately. How quickly this function returns
/// depends on run-time factors such as network status, print server configuration, and printer driver implementation—factors that
/// are difficult to predict when writing an application. Calling this function from a thread that manages interaction with the user
/// interface could make the application appear to be unresponsive.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The hProvider parameter must be a handle that was opened in the same thread as the thread in which it is used for this function.
/// </para>
/// <para>A handle cannot be used after it is closed.</para>
/// </remarks>
// hProvider );
[DllImport(Lib.PrntvPt, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("prntvpt.h", MSDNShortId = "28e85b53-fd0c-4210-ae2b-794efaf65bd4")]
public static extern HRESULT PTCloseProvider(HPTPROVIDER hProvider);
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// [This function is not supported and might be disabled or deleted in future versions of Windows. <c>PTCloseProvider</c> provides
/// equivalent functionality and should be used instead.]
/// </para>
/// <para>Closes a handle to a print ticket provider.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hProvider">
/// A handle to an open print ticket provider. This handle is returned by the <c>BindPTProviderThunk</c> function.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// If the method succeeds, it returns <c>S_OK</c>; otherwise, it returns an <c>HRESULT</c> error code. For more information about
/// COM error codes, see Error Handling.
/// </returns>
// HRESULT UnbindPTProviderThunk( _In_ HPTPROVIDER
// hProvider );
[DllImport(Lib.PrntvPt, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("", MSDNShortId = "ce979c89-9f9d-4e89-b142-beed414caa3f")]
public static extern HRESULT UnbindPTProviderThunk(HPTPROVIDER hProvider);
/// <summary>Provides a handle to a print provider.</summary>
public struct HPTPROVIDER : IHandle
private IntPtr handle;
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HPTPROVIDER"/> struct.</summary>
/// <param name="preexistingHandle">An <see cref="IntPtr"/> object that represents the pre-existing handle to use.</param>
public HPTPROVIDER(IntPtr preexistingHandle) => handle = preexistingHandle;
/// <summary>Returns an invalid handle by instantiating a <see cref="HPTPROVIDER"/> object with <see cref="IntPtr.Zero"/>.</summary>
public static HPTPROVIDER NULL => new HPTPROVIDER(IntPtr.Zero);
/// <summary>Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a null handle.</summary>
public bool IsNull => handle == IntPtr.Zero;
/// <summary>Performs an explicit conversion from <see cref="HPTPROVIDER"/> to <see cref="IntPtr"/>.</summary>
/// <param name="h">The handle.</param>
/// <returns>The result of the conversion.</returns>
public static explicit operator IntPtr(HPTPROVIDER h) => h.handle;
/// <summary>Performs an implicit conversion from <see cref="IntPtr"/> to <see cref="HPTPROVIDER"/>.</summary>
/// <param name="h">The pointer to a handle.</param>
/// <returns>The result of the conversion.</returns>
public static implicit operator HPTPROVIDER(IntPtr h) => new HPTPROVIDER(h);
/// <summary>Implements the operator !=.</summary>
/// <param name="h1">The first handle.</param>
/// <param name="h2">The second handle.</param>
/// <returns>The result of the operator.</returns>
public static bool operator !=(HPTPROVIDER h1, HPTPROVIDER h2) => !(h1 == h2);
/// <summary>Implements the operator ==.</summary>
/// <param name="h1">The first handle.</param>
/// <param name="h2">The second handle.</param>
/// <returns>The result of the operator.</returns>
public static bool operator ==(HPTPROVIDER h1, HPTPROVIDER h2) => h1.Equals(h2);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is HPTPROVIDER h ? handle == h.handle : false;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override int GetHashCode() => handle.GetHashCode();
/// <inheritdoc/>
public IntPtr DangerousGetHandle() => handle;
/// <summary>Provides a <see cref="SafeHandle"/> for <see cref="HPTPROVIDER"/> that is disposed using <see cref="PTCloseProvider"/>.</summary>
public class SafeHPTPROVIDER : SafeHANDLE
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SafeHPTPROVIDER"/> class and assigns an existing handle.</summary>
/// <param name="preexistingHandle">An <see cref="IntPtr"/> object that represents the pre-existing handle to use.</param>
/// <param name="ownsHandle">
/// <see langword="true"/> to reliably release the handle during the finalization phase; otherwise, <see langword="false"/> (not recommended).
/// </param>
public SafeHPTPROVIDER(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle = true) : base(preexistingHandle, ownsHandle) { }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SafeHPTPROVIDER"/> class.</summary>
private SafeHPTPROVIDER() : base() { }
/// <summary>Performs an implicit conversion from <see cref="SafeHPTPROVIDER"/> to <see cref="HPTPROVIDER"/>.</summary>
/// <param name="h">The safe handle instance.</param>
/// <returns>The result of the conversion.</returns>
public static implicit operator HPTPROVIDER(SafeHPTPROVIDER h) => h.handle;
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override bool InternalReleaseHandle() => PTCloseProvider(handle).Succeeded;

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Description>PInvoke API (methods, structures and constants imported from Windows Printing.dll.</Description>
<Copyright>Copyright © 2017-2019</Copyright>
<Authors>David Hall</Authors>
<Company>GitHub Community</Company>
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release'">
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<ItemGroup Condition=" $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('netstandard')) Or $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('netcore')) ">
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\Core\Vanara.Core.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\Shared\Vanara.PInvoke.Shared.csproj" />

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -81,6 +81,9 @@
/// <summary>The power profiling DLL.</summary> /// <summary>The power profiling DLL.</summary>
public const string PowrProf = "powrprof.dll"; public const string PowrProf = "powrprof.dll";
/// <summary>The prntvpt.dll</summary>
public const string PrntvPt = "prntvpt.dll";
/// <summary>The property system</summary> /// <summary>The property system</summary>
public const string PropSys = "propsys.dll"; public const string PropSys = "propsys.dll";
@ -120,6 +123,9 @@
/// <summary>The win inet</summary> /// <summary>The win inet</summary>
public const string WinInet = "wininet.dll"; public const string WinInet = "wininet.dll";
/// <summary>The winspool.dll</summary>
public const string Winspool = "winspool.drv";
/// <summary>The wintrust.dll</summary> /// <summary>The wintrust.dll</summary>
public const string Wintrust = "wintrust.dll"; public const string Wintrust = "wintrust.dll";

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
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<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Drawing" />
<Compile Include="PrintingTests.cs" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\Core\Vanara.Core.csproj">
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\PInvoke\Kernel32\Vanara.PInvoke.Kernel32.csproj">
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\PInvoke\Printing\Vanara.PInvoke.Printing.csproj">
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\PInvoke\Shared\Vanara.PInvoke.Shared.csproj">
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\CSharpRunner\Shared.csproj">
<PackageReference Include="NUnit">
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter">
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<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Target Name="AfterBuild">

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@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Framework.Constraints;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using Vanara.Extensions;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.WinSpool;
namespace Vanara.PInvoke.Tests
public class PrintingTests
private const string connPtrName = "Foobar";
private const string defKey = "PrinterDriverData";
private static readonly string defaultPrinterName = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings().PrinterName;
private SafeHPRINTER hprnt;
public void _Setup() => Assert.That(OpenPrinter(defaultPrinterName, out hprnt), ResultIs.Successful);
public void _TearDown() => hprnt?.Dispose();
public void AddPrinterTest()
const string key = "TestOnly";
const string name = "TestOnlyPrinter";
var pi = GetPrinter<PRINTER_INFO_2>(hprnt);
var pi2 = new PRINTER_INFO_2
pPrinterName = name,
pPortName = "LPT1:",
pDriverName = pi.pDriverName,
pPrintProcessor = pi.pPrintProcessor,
var p2 = new SafeHPRINTER(default, false);
Assert.That(p2 = AddPrinter(null, 2, pi2), ResultIs.ValidHandle);
GetSet("Test", 123, 123U);
GetSet("Test", 123L, 123UL);
GetSet("Test", "123");
GetSet("Test", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });
GetSet("Test", new[] { "1", "2", "3" });
// Test serializable
var sz = new System.Drawing.Size(4, 4);
GetSet("Test", sz, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0 });
Assert.That(() => SetPrinterData(p2, "Test8", 1, REG_VALUE_TYPE.REG_LINK), Throws.Exception);
Assert.That(() => SetPrinterData(p2, "Test8", 1, REG_VALUE_TYPE.REG_RESOURCE_LIST), Throws.Exception);
Assert.That(ResetPrinter(p2, new PRINTER_DEFAULTS { pDatatype = pi.pDatatype }), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(DeletePrinter(p2), ResultIs.Successful);
void GetSet(string vn, object v, object r = null, REG_VALUE_TYPE t = REG_VALUE_TYPE.REG_NONE)
if (r is null) r = v;
Assert.That(SetPrinterData(p2, vn, v, t), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(GetPrinterData(p2, vn), v.GetType().IsArray ? (IResolveConstraint)Is.EquivalentTo((IEnumerable)r) : Is.EqualTo(r));
Assert.That(DeletePrinterData(p2, vn), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(SetPrinterDataEx(p2, key, vn, v, t), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(GetPrinterDataEx(p2, key, vn), v.GetType().IsArray ? (IResolveConstraint)Is.EquivalentTo((IEnumerable)r) : Is.EqualTo(r));
Assert.That(DeletePrinterDataEx(p2, key, vn), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(DeletePrinterKey(p2, key), ResultIs.Successful);
public void AddPrinterConnectionTest()
Assert.That(AddPrinterConnection(connPtrName), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(DeletePrinterConnection(connPtrName), ResultIs.Successful);
public void AddPrinterConnection2Test()
var drv = GetPrinter<PRINTER_INFO_2>(hprnt).pDriverName;
Assert.That(AddPrinterConnection2(default, connPtrName, PRINTER_CONNECTION_FLAGS.PRINTER_CONNECTION_MISMATCH, drv), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(DeletePrinterConnection(connPtrName), ResultIs.Successful);
public void AdvancedDocumentPropertiesTest()
var devmodeOut = DEVMODE.Default;
Assert.That(AdvancedDocumentProperties(HWND.NULL, hprnt, defaultPrinterName, ref devmodeOut, DEVMODE.Default), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(AdvancedDocumentProperties(HWND.NULL, hprnt, defaultPrinterName), ResultIs.Successful);
public void ConnectToPrinterDlgTest()
Assert.That(p = ConnectToPrinterDlg(HWND.NULL), ResultIs.ValidHandle);
public void EnumFormsTest()
FORM_INFO_1[] res1;
Assert.That(res1 = EnumForms<FORM_INFO_1>(hprnt).ToArray(), Is.Not.Empty);
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Join(",", res1.Select(v => v.pName)));
FORM_INFO_2[] res2;
Assert.That(res2 = EnumForms<FORM_INFO_2>(hprnt).ToArray(), Is.Not.Empty);
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Join(",", res2.Select(v => v.Flags)));
public void EnumJobsTest()
Assert.That(EnumJobs<JOB_INFO_1>(hprnt), Is.Empty);
Assert.That(EnumJobs<JOB_INFO_2>(hprnt), Is.Empty);
Assert.That(EnumJobs<JOB_INFO_3>(hprnt), Is.Empty);
Assert.That(EnumJobs<JOB_INFO_4>(hprnt), Is.Empty);
public void EnumPrinterDataExTest()
var res1 = EnumPrinterDataEx(hprnt, defKey);
Assert.That(res1, Is.Not.Empty);
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Join(",", res1.Select(v => $"{v.valueName}={v.value} ({v.valueType})")));
public void EnumPrinterDataTest()
var res1 = EnumPrinterData(hprnt);
Assert.That(res1, Is.Not.Empty);
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Join(",", res1.Select(v => $"{v.valueName}={v.value} ({v.valueType})")));
public void EnumPrinterKeyTest()
string[] res1;
Assert.That(res1 = EnumPrinterKey(hprnt, "").ToArray(), Is.Not.Empty);
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Join(",", res1));
public void EnumPrintersTest()
PRINTER_INFO_1[] res1;
Assert.That(res1 = EnumPrinters<PRINTER_INFO_1>().ToArray(), Is.Not.Empty);
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Join(",", res1.Select(v => v.pName)));
PRINTER_INFO_2[] res2;
Assert.That(res2 = EnumPrinters<PRINTER_INFO_2>().ToArray(), Is.Not.Empty);
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Join(",", res2.Select(v => v.Status)));
//PRINTER_INFO_3[] res3;
//Assert.That(res3 = EnumPrinters<PRINTER_INFO_3>().ToArray(), Is.Not.Empty);
PRINTER_INFO_4[] res4;
Assert.That(res4 = EnumPrinters<PRINTER_INFO_4>().ToArray(), Is.Not.Empty);
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Join(",", res4.Select(v => v.Attributes)));
PRINTER_INFO_5[] res5;
Assert.That(res5 = EnumPrinters<PRINTER_INFO_5>().ToArray(), Is.Not.Empty);
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Join(",", res5.Select(v => v.pPortName)));
//PRINTER_INFO_6[] res6;
//Assert.That(res6 = EnumPrinters<PRINTER_INFO_6>().ToArray(), Is.Not.Empty);
//PRINTER_INFO_7[] res7;
//Assert.That(res7 = EnumPrinters<PRINTER_INFO_7>().ToArray(), Is.Not.Empty);
//PRINTER_INFO_8[] res8;
//Assert.That(res8 = EnumPrinters<PRINTER_INFO_8>().ToArray(), Is.Not.Empty);
//PRINTER_INFO_9[] res9;
//Assert.That(res9 = EnumPrinters<PRINTER_INFO_9>().ToArray(), Is.Not.Empty);
public void FormTest()
const string name = "TestOnlyForm";
var form1 = EnumForms<FORM_INFO_1>(hprnt).First();
form1.pName = name;
form1.Flags = FormFlags.FORM_USER;
Assert.That(AddForm(hprnt, form1), ResultIs.Successful);
FORM_INFO_2 fi2 = default;
Assert.That(() => fi2 = GetForm<FORM_INFO_2>(hprnt, name), Throws.Nothing);
Assert.That(fi2.Flags, Is.EqualTo(FormFlags.FORM_USER));
form1.Size = new SIZE( / 2, / 2);
Assert.That(SetForm(hprnt, name, form1), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(DeleteForm(hprnt, name), ResultIs.Successful);
public void JobTest()
Assert.That(AddJob(hprnt, out var path, out var id), ResultIs.Successful);
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, "Test page.");
JOB_INFO_2 ji2 = default;
Assert.That(() => ji2 = GetJob<JOB_INFO_2>(hprnt, id), Throws.Nothing);
Assert.That(ji2.JobId, Is.EqualTo(id));
var jobInfo = new JOB_INFO_1 { JobId = id, Priority = JOB_PRIORITY.MAX_PRIORITY, Status = ji2.Status, pDatatype = ji2.pDatatype };
Assert.That(SetJob(hprnt, id, jobInfo), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(ScheduleJob(hprnt, id), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(SetJob(hprnt, id, JOB_CONTROL.JOB_CONTROL_DELETE), ResultIs.Successful);
public void PortTest()
var port = GetPrinter<PRINTER_INFO_2>(hprnt).pPortName;
Assert.That(ConfigurePort(null, HWND.NULL, port), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(SetPort(null, port, "Off-line", PORT_STATUS_TYPE.PORT_STATUS_TYPE_ERROR), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(SetPort(null, port, 0, 0), ResultIs.Successful);
public void SpoolFileTest()
var hspf = GetSpoolFileHandle(hprnt);
Assert.That(hspf, ResultIs.ValidHandle);
var bytes = new byte[] { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 };
Kernel32.WriteFile(hspf, bytes, (uint)bytes.Length, out _);
Assert.That(CommitSpoolData(hprnt, hspf, (uint)bytes.Length), ResultIs.Successful);
Assert.That(() => hspf.Dispose(), Throws.Nothing);

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@ -181,6 +181,10 @@ Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ExplorerBrowserDemo", "Unit
EndProject EndProject
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Windows.Forms.App", "UnitTests\Windows.Forms.App\Windows.Forms.App.csproj", "{9520EC8B-9C63-47E6-A7BD-1CCF9BBB5BFA}" Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Windows.Forms.App", "UnitTests\Windows.Forms.App\Windows.Forms.App.csproj", "{9520EC8B-9C63-47E6-A7BD-1CCF9BBB5BFA}"
EndProject EndProject
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "Vanara.PInvoke.Printing", "PInvoke\Printing\Vanara.PInvoke.Printing.csproj", "{D3E1F2B8-D475-4922-B334-919795B858CB}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Printing", "UnitTests\PInvoke\Printing\Printing.csproj", "{D2A4FD48-FCED-4E45-BBA0-C2D5CC536428}"
Global Global
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug (no Unit Tests)|Any CPU = Debug (no Unit Tests)|Any CPU Debug (no Unit Tests)|Any CPU = Debug (no Unit Tests)|Any CPU
@ -597,6 +601,18 @@ Global
{9520EC8B-9C63-47E6-A7BD-1CCF9BBB5BFA}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU {9520EC8B-9C63-47E6-A7BD-1CCF9BBB5BFA}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{9520EC8B-9C63-47E6-A7BD-1CCF9BBB5BFA}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {9520EC8B-9C63-47E6-A7BD-1CCF9BBB5BFA}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{9520EC8B-9C63-47E6-A7BD-1CCF9BBB5BFA}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {9520EC8B-9C63-47E6-A7BD-1CCF9BBB5BFA}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{D3E1F2B8-D475-4922-B334-919795B858CB}.Debug (no Unit Tests)|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D3E1F2B8-D475-4922-B334-919795B858CB}.Debug (no Unit Tests)|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{D3E1F2B8-D475-4922-B334-919795B858CB}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D3E1F2B8-D475-4922-B334-919795B858CB}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{D3E1F2B8-D475-4922-B334-919795B858CB}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{D3E1F2B8-D475-4922-B334-919795B858CB}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{D2A4FD48-FCED-4E45-BBA0-C2D5CC536428}.Debug (no Unit Tests)|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D2A4FD48-FCED-4E45-BBA0-C2D5CC536428}.Debug (no Unit Tests)|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{D2A4FD48-FCED-4E45-BBA0-C2D5CC536428}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D2A4FD48-FCED-4E45-BBA0-C2D5CC536428}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{D2A4FD48-FCED-4E45-BBA0-C2D5CC536428}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{D2A4FD48-FCED-4E45-BBA0-C2D5CC536428}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
EndGlobalSection EndGlobalSection
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE HideSolutionNode = FALSE
@ -675,6 +691,8 @@ Global
{687F9162-8CA0-4277-B868-4E7F2EC614F8} = {3EC6B40D-71D3-4E59-A0E0-544EC605FE11} {687F9162-8CA0-4277-B868-4E7F2EC614F8} = {3EC6B40D-71D3-4E59-A0E0-544EC605FE11}
{2AACFF7E-F4B1-44F6-92C6-20ACBB647A4D} = {3EC6B40D-71D3-4E59-A0E0-544EC605FE11} {2AACFF7E-F4B1-44F6-92C6-20ACBB647A4D} = {3EC6B40D-71D3-4E59-A0E0-544EC605FE11}
{9520EC8B-9C63-47E6-A7BD-1CCF9BBB5BFA} = {3EC6B40D-71D3-4E59-A0E0-544EC605FE11} {9520EC8B-9C63-47E6-A7BD-1CCF9BBB5BFA} = {3EC6B40D-71D3-4E59-A0E0-544EC605FE11}
{D3E1F2B8-D475-4922-B334-919795B858CB} = {212ABBD0-B724-4CFA-9D6D-E3891547FA90}
{D2A4FD48-FCED-4E45-BBA0-C2D5CC536428} = {385CAD2D-0A5E-4F80-927B-D5499D126B90}
EndGlobalSection EndGlobalSection
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
SolutionGuid = {543FAC75-2AF1-4EF1-9609-B242B63FEED4} SolutionGuid = {543FAC75-2AF1-4EF1-9609-B242B63FEED4}