Added connection and open file information to Computer and SharedDevice

David Hall 2019-03-11 15:02:56 -06:00
parent 6cffa1feb6
commit 9e9d61a91e
5 changed files with 171 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Vanara.Security;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.NetApi32;
namespace Vanara
@ -15,6 +18,7 @@ namespace Vanara
/// <summary>The local computer connected by the current account.</summary>
public static readonly Computer Local = new Computer();
private SharedDevices devices;
private bool initializing;
private string targetServer;
private bool targetServerSet;
@ -22,7 +26,6 @@ namespace Vanara
private bool userNameSet;
private string userPassword;
private bool userPasswordSet;
private SharedDevices devices;
/// <summary>Creates a new instance of a TaskService connecting to the local machine as the current user.</summary>
public Computer() => Connect();
@ -56,6 +59,19 @@ namespace Vanara
//public IEnumerable<LocalUser> LocalUsers => LocalUser.GetEnum(Target, UserName, UserPassword);
//public IEnumerable<LocalGroup> LocalGroups => LocalGroup.GetEnum(Target, UserName, UserPassword);
/// <summary>Gets the open files associated with this device.</summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="IEnumerable{OpenFile}"/> value.</value>
public IEnumerable<OpenFile> OpenFiles => Identity.Run(() => NetFileEnum<FILE_INFO_3>(Target).Select(i => new OpenFile(i)));
/// <summary>Gets the shared devices defined for this computer.</summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="SharedDevices"/> value.</value>
public SharedDevices SharedDevices => devices ?? (devices = new SharedDevices(this));
/// <summary>Gets or sets the name of the computer that the user is connected to.</summary>
[Category("Data"), DefaultValue(null), Description("The name of the computer to connect to.")]
public string Target
@ -73,15 +89,6 @@ namespace Vanara
/// <summary>Gets the shared devices defined for this computer.</summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="SharedDevices"/> value.</value>
public SharedDevices SharedDevices => devices ?? (devices = new SharedDevices(this));
//public IEnumerable<LocalUser> LocalUsers => LocalUser.GetEnum(Target, UserName, UserPassword);
//public IEnumerable<LocalGroup> LocalGroups => LocalGroup.GetEnum(Target, UserName, UserPassword);
/// <summary>Gets or sets the user name to be used when connecting to the <see cref="Target"/>.</summary>
/// <value>The user name.</value>
[Category("Data"), DefaultValue(null), Description("The user name to be used when connecting.")]
@ -118,6 +125,25 @@ namespace Vanara
internal System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity Identity
if (UserName is null)
return null;
var nonUpnIdx = UserName.IndexOf('\\');
var un = UserName;
string dn = null;
if (nonUpnIdx >= 0)
dn = UserName.Substring(0, nonUpnIdx);
un = UserName.Substring(nonUpnIdx + 1);
return new Vanara.Security.Principal.WindowsLoggedInIdentity(un, dn, UserPassword).AuthenticatedIdentity;
/// <summary>Signals the object that initialization is starting.</summary>
public void BeginInit() => initializing = true;
@ -168,24 +194,5 @@ namespace Vanara
private bool ShouldSerializeTargetServer() => targetServer != null && !targetServer.Trim('\\').Equals(Environment.MachineName.Trim('\\'), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
private bool ShouldSerializeUserName() => userName != null && !userName.Equals(Environment.UserName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
internal System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity Identity
if (UserName is null)
return null;
var nonUpnIdx = UserName.IndexOf('\\');
var un = UserName;
string dn = null;
if (nonUpnIdx >= 0)
dn = UserName.Substring(0, nonUpnIdx);
un = UserName.Substring(nonUpnIdx + 1);
return new Vanara.Security.Principal.WindowsLoggedInIdentity(un, dn, UserPassword).AuthenticatedIdentity;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Security.Principal;
@ -28,27 +27,101 @@ namespace Vanara
/// <summary>Represents an open file associated with a share.</summary>
public class OpenFile
private FILE_INFO_3 fi;
internal OpenFile(in FILE_INFO_3 i) => fi = i;
/// <summary>Gets the number of file locks on the file, device, or pipe.</summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="int"/> value.</value>
public int FileLockCount => (int)fi.fi3_num_locks;
/// <summary>Gets the path of the opened resource.</summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="string"/> value.</value>
public string FullPath => fi.fi3_pathname;
/// <summary>Gets the identification number assigned to the resource when it is opened.</summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="int"/> value.</value>
public int Id => (int)fi.fi3_id;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the string that specifies which user (on servers that have user-level security) or which computer (on servers that have
/// share-level security) opened the resource. Note that Windows does not support share-level security.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The name of the user.</value>
public string UserName => fi.fi3_username;
/// <summary>Represents a connection to a shared device.</summary>
public class ShareConnection
private CONNECTION_INFO_1 ci;
private SharedDevice share;
internal ShareConnection(in CONNECTION_INFO_1 ci, SharedDevice dev)
{ = ci; share = dev;
/// <summary>
/// If the server sharing the resource is running with user-level security, this value describes which user made the connection. If
/// the server is running with share-level security, this value describes which computer (computername) made the connection. Note
/// that Windows does not support share-level security.
/// </summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="string"/> value.</value>
public string ConnectedUser => ci.coni1_username;
/// <summary>Gets the number of users on the connection.</summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="int"/> value.</value>
public int ConnectedUserCount => (int)ci.coni1_num_users;
/// <summary>Gets the duration that the connection has been established.</summary>
/// <value>The duration of the connection.</value>
public TimeSpan ConnectionDuration => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ci.coni1_time);
/// <summary>Gets the connection identification number.</summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="int"/> value.</value>
public int Id => (int)ci.coni1_id;
/// <summary>Gets the number of files currently open as a result of the connection.</summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="int"/> value.</value>
public int OpenFileCount => (int)ci.coni1_num_opens;
/// <summary>Gets the open files associated with this share.</summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="IEnumerable{OpenFile}"/> value.</value>
public IEnumerable<OpenFile> OpenFiles => share.Id.Run(() => NetFileEnum<FILE_INFO_3>(share.Target, share.Path).Where(i => share.Path?.Length > 0 || i.fi3_pathname.StartsWith("\\")).Select(i => new OpenFile(i)));
/// <summary>Represents a shared device on a computer.</summary>
/// <seealso cref="Vanara.INamedEntity"/>
public class SharedDevice : INamedEntity
private readonly WindowsIdentity identity;
private readonly string target;
private STYPE type = (STYPE)uint.MaxValue;
internal SharedDevice(string target, string netname, WindowsIdentity accessIdentity)
identity = accessIdentity; = target;
Id = accessIdentity;
Target = target;
Name = netname;
private delegate void Setter<T>(ref T value);
/// <summary>
/// Lists all connections made to this shared resource on the target server. If there is more than one user using this connection,
/// then it is possible to get more than one structure for the same connection, but with a different user name.
/// </summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="IEnumerable{ShareConnection}"/> value.</value>
public IEnumerable<ShareConnection> Connections => Id.Run(() => NetConnectionEnum<CONNECTION_INFO_1>(Target, Name).Select(ci => new ShareConnection(ci, this)));
/// <summary>Gets or sets an optional comment about the shared resource.</summary>
/// <value>The resource description.</value>
public string Description
get => GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_1>().shi1_remark;
set => SetInfo(new SHARE_INFO_1004 { shi1004_remark = value });
set => SetInfo((ref SHARE_INFO_1004 i) => i.shi1004_remark = value, false);
/// <summary>Gets a value indicating whether this instance is communication device.</summary>
@ -87,12 +160,7 @@ namespace Vanara
public ShareOfflineSettings OfflineSettings
get => (ShareOfflineSettings)(GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_1005>().shi1005_flags & SHI1005_FLAGS.CSC_MASK_EXT);
var i = GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_1005>();
i.shi1005_flags = i.shi1005_flags & ~SHI1005_FLAGS.CSC_MASK | (SHI1005_FLAGS)value;
set => SetInfo((ref SHARE_INFO_1005 i) => i.shi1005_flags = i.shi1005_flags & ~SHI1005_FLAGS.CSC_MASK | (SHI1005_FLAGS)value);
/// <summary>
@ -104,16 +172,8 @@ namespace Vanara
/// </value>
public string Path
try { return GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_2>().shi2_path; } catch { return string.Empty; }
var i = GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_2>();
i.shi2_path = value;
get { try { return GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_2>().shi2_path; } catch { return string.Empty; } }
set => SetInfo((ref SHARE_INFO_2 i) => i.shi2_path = value);
/// <summary>Gets or sets the permissions of the shared resource.</summary>
@ -122,16 +182,8 @@ namespace Vanara
/// </value>
public RawSecurityDescriptor Permissions
try { return GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_502>().shi502_security_descriptor.ToManaged(); } catch { return null; }
var i = GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_502>();
i.shi502_security_descriptor = value.ToNative();
get { try { return GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_502>().shi502_security_descriptor.ToManaged(); } catch { return null; } }
set => SetInfo((ref SHARE_INFO_502 i) => i.shi502_security_descriptor = value.ToNative());
/// <summary>
@ -141,18 +193,13 @@ namespace Vanara
/// <value>The maximum number of concurrent connections.</value>
public int UserLimit
try { return unchecked((int)GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_2>().shi2_max_uses); } catch { return -1; }
var i = GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_2>();
i.shi2_max_uses = unchecked((uint)value);
get { try { return unchecked((int)GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_2>().shi2_max_uses); } catch { return -1; } }
set => SetInfo((ref SHARE_INFO_2 i) => i.shi2_max_uses = unchecked((uint)value));
internal WindowsIdentity Id { get; private set; }
internal string Target { get; private set; }
/// <summary>Gets the shared resource's permissions for servers running with share-level security.</summary>
/// <value>Returns a <see cref="ShareLevelAccess"/> value.</value>
private ShareLevelAccess Access => GetInfo<SHARE_INFO_2>().shi2_permissions;
@ -175,37 +222,49 @@ namespace Vanara
Create(target, name, comment, path, STYPE.STYPE_DISKTREE, null);
/// <summary>Creates the specified target.</summary>
/// <param name="target">A string that specifies the DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. If this parameter is
/// <see langword="null" />, the local computer is used.</param>
/// <param name="target">
/// A string that specifies the DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. If this parameter is
/// <see langword="null"/>, the local computer is used.
/// </param>
/// <param name="name">The share name of a resource.</param>
/// <param name="comment">An optional comment about the shared resource.</param>
/// <param name="path">The local path for the shared resource. For disks, this is the path being shared. For print queues, this is the name of the print
/// queue being shared.</param>
/// <param name="path">
/// The local path for the shared resource. For disks, this is the path being shared. For print queues, this is the name of the print
/// queue being shared.
/// </param>
/// <param name="type">A combination of values that specify the type of the shared resource.</param>
/// <param name="identity">The identity.</param>
/// <returns>
/// On success, a new instance of <see cref="SharedDevice" /> represented a newly created shared resource.
/// </returns>
/// <returns>On success, a new instance of <see cref="SharedDevice"/> represented a newly created shared resource.</returns>
internal static SharedDevice Create(string target, string name, string comment, string path, STYPE type, WindowsIdentity identity)
identity.Run(() => NetShareAdd(target, new SHARE_INFO_2 { shi2_netname = name, shi2_remark = comment, shi2_path = path, shi2_max_uses = unchecked((uint)-1), shi2_type = type }));
return new SharedDevice(target, name, identity);
private T GetInfo<T>() where T : struct => identity.Run(() => NetShareGetInfo<T>(target, Name));
private T GetInfo<T>() where T : struct => Id.Run(() => NetShareGetInfo<T>(Target, Name));
private void SetInfo<T>(T s) where T : struct => identity.Run(() => NetShareSetInfo<T>(target, Name, s));
private void SetInfo<T>(Setter<T> f, bool getFirst = true) where T : struct
Id.Run(() =>
var value = getFirst ? GetInfo<T>() : default;
f(ref value);
NetShareSetInfo(Target, Name, value);
/// <summary>Represents all the shared devices on a computers.</summary>
public class SharedDevices : Collections.VirtualDictionary<string, SharedDevice>
private readonly string target = null;
private readonly WindowsIdentity identity;
private readonly string target = null;
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SharedDevices" /> class.</summary>
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SharedDevices"/> class.</summary>
/// <param name="serverName">Name of the computer from which to retrieve and manage the shared devices.</param>
/// <param name="accessIdentity">The Windows identity used to access the shared device information. If this value <see langword="null"/>, the current identity is used.</param>
/// <param name="accessIdentity">
/// The Windows identity used to access the shared device information. If this value <see langword="null"/>, the current identity is used.
/// </param>
public SharedDevices(string serverName = null, WindowsIdentity accessIdentity = null) : base(false)
target = serverName;

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@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ BackgroundCopyACLFlags, BackgroundCopyCost, BackgroundCopyErrorContext, Backgrou
<ProjectReference Include="..\PInvoke\BITS\Vanara.PInvoke.BITS.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\PInvoke\IpHlpApi\Vanara.PInvoke.IpHlpApi.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\PInvoke\Kernel32\Vanara.PInvoke.Kernel32.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\PInvoke\Mpr\Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\PInvoke\NetApi32\Vanara.PInvoke.NetApi32.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\PInvoke\NetListMgr\Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\PInvoke\PowrProf\Vanara.PInvoke.PowrProf.csproj" />

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using System;
using Vanara.Diagnostics;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
namespace Vanara.Diagnostics.Tests
public class ComputerTests
public void EnumSharesTest()
TestContext.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", Computer.Local.SharedDevices.Values.Select(d => d.Name)));
//var remote = new Computer(@"\\HALLAN-SVR", "", "msitsdav1d");
//TestContext.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", remote.SharedDevices.Values.Select(d => d.Name)));

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@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
<Compile Include="Shell\ShellFolderTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="Shell\ShellItemPropStoreTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="System\BackgroundCopyTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="System\ComputerTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="System\PowerTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="System\RegTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="System\NetworkListTests.cs" />