
172 lines
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using Newtonsoft.Json;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Threading;
using Vanara.Windows.Shell;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.AdvApi32;
namespace Vanara.PInvoke.Tests;
public static class TestHelper
private const string testApp = @"C:\Users\dahal\OneDrive\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\TestSysConsumption\bin\Debug\net6.0\TestSysConsumption.exe";
private static readonly Lazy<JsonSerializerSettings> jsonSet = new(() =>
new JsonSerializerSettings()
Converters = new JsonConverter[] { new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter(),
new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.BinaryConverter(),
new GenJsonConverter<ulong, SizeT>(i => new SizeT(i), o => o.Value),
new GenJsonConverter<DateTime, FILETIME>(dt => dt.ToFileTimeStruct(), ft => ft.ToDateTime()),
new GenJsonConverter<string, IPAddress>(i => IPAddress.Parse(i), o => o.ToString()),
new GenJsonConverter<string, GenericSecurityDescriptor>(i => new RawSecurityDescriptor(i), o => o.GetSddlForm(AccessControlSections.All)),
new GenJsonConverter<string, IndirectString>(i => new(i), o => o.ToString()),
new GenJsonConverter<string, SecurityIdentifier>(i => new(i), o => o.ToString()),
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize
/// <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the current process is elevated.</summary>
/// <value><see langword="true"/> if the current process is elevated; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</value>
public static bool IsElevated
// Open the access token of the current process with TOKEN_QUERY.
using var hObject = SafeHTOKEN.FromProcess(Process.GetCurrentProcess(), TokenAccess.TOKEN_QUERY | TokenAccess.TOKEN_DUPLICATE);
return hObject.IsElevated;
catch { }
return false;
public static void DumpStructSizeAndOffsets<T>() where T : struct
TestContext.WriteLine($"{typeof(T).Name} : {Marshal.SizeOf<T>()} ({IntPtr.Size * 8}b/{(Marshal.SystemDefaultCharSize == 1 ? "A" : "W")})");
foreach (FieldInfo fi in typeof(T).GetOrderedFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
TestContext.WriteLine($" {fi.Name} : {Marshal.OffsetOf<T>(fi.Name)}");
public static IList<string> GetNestedStructSizes(this Type type, params string[] filters) =>
type.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetStructSizes(false, filters);
public static string GetStringVal(this object value, bool showDefVals = true)
switch (value)
case null:
return "(null)";
case FILETIME ft:
value = ft.ToDateTime();
goto Simple;
value = st.ToDateTime(DateTimeKind.Local);
goto Simple;
case DateTime:
case decimal:
case var v when v.GetType().IsPrimitive || v.GetType().IsEnum:
return $"{value.GetType().Name} : [{value}]";
case string s:
return string.Concat("\"", s, "\"");
case byte[] bytes:
return string.Join(" ", Array.ConvertAll(bytes, b => $"{b:X2}"));
case SafeAllocatedMemoryHandleBase mem:
return mem.Dump;
case GenericSecurityDescriptor sd:
return sd.GetSddlForm(AccessControlSections.All);
jsonSet.Value.DefaultValueHandling = showDefVals ? DefaultValueHandling.Include : DefaultValueHandling.Ignore;
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value, Formatting.Indented, jsonSet.Value);
catch (Exception e) { return e.ToString(); }
public static IList<string> GetStructSizes(this Type[] types, bool fullName = false, params string[] filters)
TypeAttributes attr = TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout | TypeAttributes.ExplicitLayout;
return types.Where(t => t.IsValueType && !t.IsEnum && !t.IsGenericType && (t.Attributes & attr) != 0 && (filters.Length == 0 || filters.Any(s => t.Name.Contains(s)))).
OrderBy(t => fullName ? t.FullName : t.Name).Select(t => $"{(fullName ? t.FullName : t.Name)} = {GetTypeSize(t)}").ToList();
static long GetTypeSize(Type t) { try { return (long)InteropExtensions.SizeOf(t); } catch { return -1; } }
public static void RunForEach<TEnum>(Type lib, string name, Func<TEnum, object?[]> makeParam, Action<TEnum, object?, object?[]>? action = null, Action<Exception?>? error = null) where TEnum : Enum =>
RunForEach(lib, name, makeParam, (e, ex) => error?.Invoke(ex), action);
public static void RunForEach<TEnum>(Type lib, string name, Func<TEnum, object?[]> makeParam, Action<TEnum, Exception?>? error = null, Action<TEnum, object?, object?[]>? action = null, CorrespondingAction? filter = null) where TEnum : Enum
MethodInfo mi = lib.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).Where(m => m.IsGenericMethod && m.Name == name).First() ?? throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find method.");
foreach (TEnum e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TEnum)).Cast<TEnum>())
Type? type = (filter.HasValue ? CorrespondingTypeAttribute.GetCorrespondingTypes(e, filter.Value) : CorrespondingTypeAttribute.GetCorrespondingTypes(e)).FirstOrDefault();
if (type is null)
TestContext.WriteLine($"No corresponding type found for {e}.");
MethodInfo gmi = mi.MakeGenericMethod(type);
var param = makeParam(e);
var ret = gmi.Invoke(null, param);
action?.Invoke(e, ret, param);
catch (Exception ex)
error?.Invoke(e, ex.InnerException);
public static Process RunThrottleApp() => Process.Start(testApp);
public static void SetThrottle(string type, bool on)
using var evt = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset, (on ? "" : "End") + type);
public static void WriteValues(this object value, bool showDefVals = true) => TestContext.WriteLine(GetStringVal(value, showDefVals));
private class GenJsonConverter<TIn, TOut> : JsonConverter<TOut>
private readonly Func<TIn, TOut> rdr;
private readonly Func<TOut, TIn> wtr;
public GenJsonConverter(Func<TIn, TOut> r, Func<TOut, TIn> w)
rdr = r;
wtr = w;
public override TOut? ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, TOut? existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) =>
reader.Value is TIn t ? rdr(t) : default;
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, TOut? value, JsonSerializer serializer)
if (value is not null)