
247 lines
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using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Vanara.InteropServices.Tests;
public class SafeByteArrayTests
private static readonly byte[] bytes = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 };
private static SafeByteArray TestArray => new(bytes);
public void SafeByteArrayTest()
var a = TestArray;
Assert.That(a.Count == bytes.Length);
Assert.That(a[4] == 4);
Assert.That(a.IsReadOnly, Is.False);
byte[]? nullBytes = null;
a = new SafeByteArray(nullBytes);
Assert.That(a.Count == 0);
public void SafeByteArrayTest1()
var a = new SafeByteArray(73);
Assert.That(a.Count == 73);
var r = new Random();
Assert.That(a[r.Next(0, 72)], Is.Zero);
Assert.That(a[r.Next(0, 72)], Is.Zero);
Assert.That(a[r.Next(0, 72)], Is.Zero);
public void SafeByteArrayTest2()
var t = TestArray;
var a = new SafeByteArray(t);
t = null;
Assert.That(a.Count == bytes.Length);
Assert.That(a[4] == 4);
#pragma warning disable CS8604 // Possible null reference argument.
Assert.That(() => new SafeByteArray(t), Throws.ArgumentNullException);
#pragma warning restore CS8604 // Possible null reference argument.
Assert.That(() => new SafeByteArray(a), Throws.ArgumentException);
Assert.That(() => a[0], Throws.TypeOf<IndexOutOfRangeException>());
Assert.That(() => a[0] = 1, Throws.TypeOf<IndexOutOfRangeException>());
public void IListPropTest()
var l = TestArray as IList;
Assert.That(l.IsFixedSize, Is.True);
Assert.That(l[0], Is.Zero);
l[0] = (byte)1;
Assert.That(l[0], Is.EqualTo(1));
Assert.That(() => l.Add((byte)16), Throws.TypeOf<NotSupportedException>());
Assert.That(l.Contains((byte)5), Is.True);
Assert.That(l.IndexOf((byte)5), Is.EqualTo(5));
Assert.That(() => l.Insert(0, (byte)100), Throws.TypeOf<NotSupportedException>());
//Assert.That(l[0], Is.EqualTo(100));
//Assert.That(l.Count, Is.EqualTo(18));
Assert.That(() => l.Remove((byte)100), Throws.TypeOf<NotSupportedException>());
//Assert.That(l[0], Is.EqualTo(1));
//Assert.That(l.Count, Is.EqualTo(17));
Assert.That(() => l.RemoveAt(0), Throws.TypeOf<NotSupportedException>());
//Assert.That(l.Count, Is.EqualTo(16));
var gl = (IList<byte>)l;
Assert.That(() => gl.Insert(0, 100), Throws.TypeOf<NotSupportedException>());
Assert.That(() => gl.RemoveAt(0), Throws.TypeOf<NotSupportedException>());
#pragma warning disable CS8625 // Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
public void ICollectionPropTest()
var c = TestArray as ICollection;
Assert.That(c.Count, Is.EqualTo(bytes.Length));
Assert.That(c.Count, Is.EqualTo(bytes.Length));
Assert.That(c.IsSynchronized, Is.True);
Assert.That(c.SyncRoot, Is.EqualTo(c));
Assert.That(() => c.CopyTo(null, 0), Throws.ArgumentNullException);
Assert.That(() => c.CopyTo(new int[3], 0), Throws.Exception);
Assert.That(() => c.CopyTo(new byte[16,16], 0), Throws.Exception);
var b1 = new byte[bytes.Length];
Assert.That(() => c.CopyTo(b1, 0), Throws.Nothing);
Assert.That(b1, Is.EquivalentTo(bytes));
var gc = TestArray as ICollection<byte>;
Assert.That(() => gc.Add(16), Throws.TypeOf<NotSupportedException>());
//Assert.That(gc.Count, Is.EqualTo(17));
Assert.That(() => gc.Remove(16), Throws.TypeOf<NotSupportedException>());
public void IStructuralComparablePropTest()
var c = TestArray as IStructuralComparable;
Assert.That(() => c.CompareTo(null, null), Throws.ArgumentNullException);
Assert.That(c.CompareTo(null, Comparer<byte>.Default), Is.EqualTo(1));
Assert.That(() => c.CompareTo(1, Comparer<byte>.Default), Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
var sb2 = new SafeByteArray(3);
Assert.That(() => c.CompareTo(sb2, Comparer<byte>.Default), Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
Assert.That(c.CompareTo(bytes, Comparer<byte>.Default), Is.EqualTo(0));
var sb3 = bytes.Reverse().ToArray();
Assert.That(c.CompareTo(sb3, Comparer<byte>.Default), Is.LessThan(0));
Assert.That(c.CompareTo(new List<byte>(bytes), Comparer<byte>.Default), Is.EqualTo(0));
#pragma warning restore CS8625 // Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
public void IStructuralEquatablePropTest()
var sb = TestArray;
var e = sb as IStructuralEquatable;
var iec = EqualityComparer<byte>.Default;
Assert.That(e.Equals(sb, iec), Is.True);
var h1 = e.GetHashCode(iec);
#pragma warning disable CS8625 // Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
Assert.That(() => e.GetHashCode(null), Throws.ArgumentNullException);
Assert.That(() => e.Equals(null, null), Throws.ArgumentNullException);
#pragma warning restore CS8625 // Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
Assert.That(e.Equals(null, iec), Is.False);
Assert.That(() => e.Equals(1, iec), Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
var sb2 = new SafeByteArray(3);
var h2 = ((IStructuralEquatable) sb2).GetHashCode(iec);
Assert.That(() => e.Equals(sb2, iec), Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
Assert.That(e.Equals(bytes, iec), Is.True);
Assert.That(e.Equals(new List<byte>(bytes), iec), Is.True);
var sb3 = new SafeByteArray(bytes.Reverse().ToArray());
Assert.That(e.Equals(sb3, iec), Is.False);
var h3 = ((IStructuralEquatable)sb3).GetHashCode(iec);
var sb4 = new SafeByteArray(bytes);
var h4 = ((IStructuralEquatable)sb4).GetHashCode(iec);
Assert.That(h1 != h2);
Assert.That(h1 != h3);
Assert.That(h1 == h4);
public void ClearTest()
var t = TestArray;
Assert.That(t.Count == 0);
Assert.That(() => t[4], Throws.TypeOf<IndexOutOfRangeException>());
public void CloneTest()
var t = TestArray;
var a = t.Clone() as SafeByteArray;
t = null;
Assert.That(a?.Count == bytes.Length);
Assert.That(a![4] == 4);
public void ContainsTest()
public void CopyToTest()
var b1 = new byte[bytes.Length];
var t = TestArray;
Assert.That(() => t.CopyTo(b1, 0), Throws.Nothing);
Assert.That(b1[4] == 4);
var b2 = new byte[18];
Assert.That(() => t.CopyTo(b2, 2), Throws.Nothing);
Assert.That(b2[4] == 2);
var b3 = new byte[8];
Assert.That(() => t.CopyTo(b3, 0), Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
Assert.That(() => ((ICollection)t).CopyTo(new byte[4,4], 0), Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
#pragma warning disable CS8625 // Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
Assert.That(() => t.CopyTo(null, 0), Throws.ArgumentNullException);
#pragma warning restore CS8625 // Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
public void GetEnumeratorTest()
var t = TestArray;
byte i = 0;
foreach (var b in t)
Assert.That(b == i++);
i = 0;
foreach (var b in (IEnumerable)t)
Assert.That((byte)b == i++);
foreach (var b in t)
public void IndexerTest()
var t = TestArray;
Assert.That(t[0] == 0);
Assert.That(t[5] == 5);
Assert.That(t[14] == 14);
Assert.That(() => t[-1], Throws.TypeOf<IndexOutOfRangeException>());
Assert.That(() => t[20], Throws.TypeOf<IndexOutOfRangeException>());
t[0] = 255;
t[5] = 250;
Assert.That(t[0] == 255);
Assert.That(t[5] == 250);
Assert.That(() => t[-1] = 2, Throws.TypeOf<IndexOutOfRangeException>());
Assert.That(() => t[20] = 2, Throws.TypeOf<IndexOutOfRangeException>());
public void IndexOfTest()
var t = TestArray;
Assert.That(t.IndexOf(0) == 0);
Assert.That(t.IndexOf(5) == 5);
Assert.That(t.IndexOf(14) == 14);
Assert.That(t.IndexOf(20) == -1);
public void ToArrayTest()
Assert.That(TestArray.ToArray(), Is.EquivalentTo(bytes));
Assert.That(new SafeByteArray(new byte[] { 1, 2 }).ToArray(), Is.Not.EquivalentTo(bytes));