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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
using Vanara.Extensions;
using Vanara.InteropServices;
using Vanara.PInvoke;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.Kernel32;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.Ole32;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.Shell32;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.User32;
using IComDataObject = System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject;
namespace Vanara.Windows.Shell
/// <summary>Specifies the text data formats that can be used to query, get and set text data format with Clipboard.</summary>
public enum TextDataFormat
/// <summary>Specifies the standard ANSI text format.</summary>
/// <summary>Specifies the standard Windows Unicode text format.</summary>
/// <summary>Specifies text consisting of Rich Text Format (RTF) data.</summary>
/// <summary>Specifies text consisting of HTML data.</summary>
/// <summary>Specifies a comma-separated value (CSV) format, which is a common interchange format used by spreadsheets.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Static class with methods to interact with the Clipboard. This implementation relies exclusively on COM clipboard methods and does not use those from USER32.
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// Below are two examples of a direct and indirect way to manipulate the clipboard.
/// <code title="Using the NativeClipboard class to set single items.">// Set/get simple text
/// NativeClipboard.SetText(txt, Vanara.Windows.Shell.TextDataFormat.UnicodeText);
/// string getText = NativeClipboard.GetText(Vanara.Windows.Shell.TextDataFormat.UnicodeText);
/// // Set/get format as text
/// NativeClipboard.SetData(Shell32.ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILENAMEW, @"C:\file1.txt");
/// string getFile = (string)NativeClipboard.GetData(Shell32.ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILENAMEW);
/// // Set/get text, html and rtf formats
/// NativeClipboard.SetText("Test", htmlFragment, rtfText); // sets text, html and rtf formats
/// string html = NativeClipboard.GetText(Vanara.Windows.Shell.TextDataFormat.Html);
/// // Set/get text, url and html formats for a url
/// NativeClipboard.SetUrl("", "Microsoft Home"); // sets text, url and html formats
/// string url = (string)NativeClipboard.GetData(Shell32.ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_INETURLW);
/// // Set/get string arrays
/// NativeClipboard.SetData(CLIPFORMAT.CF_HDROP, new[] { @"C:\file1.txt", @"C:\file2.txt" });
/// string[] getFiles = (string[])NativeClipboard.GetData(CLIPFORMAT.CF_HDROP);
/// // Set/get structures
/// NativeClipboard.SetData("MyRect", new RECT(1, 2, 3, 4));
/// var rect = NativeClipboard.GetData&lt;RECT&gt;("MyRect");
/// // Set/get shell items
/// NativeClipboard.SetShellItems(new[] { @"C:\file1.txt", @"C:\file2.txt" }.Select(ShellItem.Open));
/// ShellItemArray getArray = NativeClipboard.GetShellItemArray();</code>
/// <code title="Indirect manipulation">// This model let's you place multiple formats at once on the clipboard
/// IDataObject ido = NativeClipboard.CreateEmptyDataObject();
/// ido.SetData(Shell32.ShellClipboardFormat.CF_HTML, htmlFragment);
/// ido.SetData("MyRectFormat", new RECT(1, 2, 3, 4));
/// NativeClipboard.SetDataObject(ido);</code></example>
/// <seealso cref="System.IDisposable" />
public static class NativeClipboard
private const int stdRetryCnt = 5;
private const int stdRetryDelay = 100;
private static readonly object objectLock = new();
private static ListenerWindow listener;
private static bool oleInit = false;
/// <summary>Occurs when whenever the contents of the Clipboard have changed.</summary>
public static event EventHandler ClipboardUpdate
lock (objectLock)
listener ??= new ListenerWindow();
InternalClipboardUpdate += value;
lock (objectLock)
InternalClipboardUpdate -= value;
if (InternalClipboardUpdate is null || InternalClipboardUpdate.GetInvocationList().Length == 0)
listener = null;
private static event EventHandler InternalClipboardUpdate;
/// <summary>Retrieves the currently supported clipboard formats.</summary>
/// <value>A sequence of the currently supported formats.</value>
public static IEnumerable<uint> CurrentlySupportedFormats
GetUpdatedClipboardFormats(null, 0, out var cnt);
var fmts = new uint[cnt];
Win32Error.ThrowLastErrorIfFalse(GetUpdatedClipboardFormats(fmts, (uint)fmts.Length, out cnt));
return fmts.Take((int)cnt).ToArray();
/// <summary>Retrieves the clipboard sequence number for the current window station.</summary>
/// <returns>
/// The clipboard sequence number. If you do not have <c>WINSTA_ACCESSCLIPBOARD</c> access to the window station, the function
/// returns zero.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The system keeps a serial number for the clipboard for each window station. This number is incremented whenever the contents of
/// the clipboard change or the clipboard is emptied. You can track this value to determine whether the clipboard contents have
/// changed and optimize creating DataObjects. If clipboard rendering is delayed, the sequence number is not incremented until the
/// changes are rendered.
/// </remarks>
public static uint SequenceNumber => GetClipboardSequenceNumber();
/// <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="IComDataObject"/> instance from the Windows Clipboard.</summary>
/// <value>A <see cref="IComDataObject"/> instance.</value>
static IComDataObject ReadOnlyDataObject
int n = stdRetryCnt;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
hr = OleGetClipboard(out var idata);
if (hr.Succeeded)
return idata;
if (i < n)
throw hr.GetException();
static IComDataObject WritableDataObj
SHCreateDataObject(ppv: out var writableDataObj).ThrowIfFailed();
return writableDataObj;
TryMultThenThrowIfFailed(OleSetClipboard, value);
/// <summary>Clears the clipboard of any data or formatting.</summary>
public static void Clear() => WritableDataObj = null;
/// <summary>Creates an empty, writable data object.</summary>
/// <value>The data object.</value>
public static IComDataObject CreateEmptyDataObject() => WritableDataObj;
/// <summary>Enumerates the data formats currently available on the clipboard.</summary>
/// <returns>An enumeration of the data formats currently available on the clipboard.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// The <c>EnumFormats</c> function enumerates formats in the order that they were placed on the clipboard. If you are copying
/// information to the clipboard, add clipboard objects in order from the most descriptive clipboard format to the least descriptive
/// clipboard format. If you are pasting information from the clipboard, retrieve the first clipboard format that you can handle.
/// That will be the most descriptive clipboard format that you can handle.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The system provides automatic type conversions for certain clipboard formats. In the case of such a format, this function
/// enumerates the specified format, then enumerates the formats to which it can be converted.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static IEnumerable<uint> EnumAvailableFormats() => ReadOnlyDataObject.EnumFormats().Select(f => unchecked((uint)f.cfFormat));
/// <summary>Carries out the clipboard shutdown sequence. It also releases any IDataObject instances that were placed on the clipboard.</summary>
public static void Flush() { Init(); TryMultThenThrowIfFailed(OleFlushClipboard); }
/// <summary>Retrieves the window handle of the current owner of the clipboard.</summary>
/// <returns>
/// <para>If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the window that owns the clipboard.</para>
/// <para>If the clipboard is not owned, the return value is <c>IntPtr.Zero</c>.</para>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>The clipboard can still contain data even if the clipboard is not currently owned.</para>
/// <para>In general, the clipboard owner is the window that last placed data in clipboard.</para>
/// </remarks>
public static HWND GetClipboardOwner() => User32.GetClipboardOwner();
/// <summary>Obtains data from the clipboard.</summary>
/// <param name="formatId">Specifies the particular clipboard format of interest.</param>
/// <param name="aspect">
/// Indicates how much detail should be contained in the rendering. This parameter should be one of the DVASPECT enumeration values.
/// A single clipboard format can support multiple aspects or views of the object. Most data and presentation transfer and caching
/// methods pass aspect information. For example, a caller might request an object's iconic picture, using the metafile clipboard
/// format to retrieve it. Note that only one DVASPECT value can be used in dwAspect. That is, dwAspect cannot be the result of a
/// Boolean OR operation on several DVASPECT values.
/// </param>
/// <param name="index">
/// Part of the aspect when the data must be split across page boundaries. The most common value is -1, which identifies all of the
/// data. For the aspects DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL and DVASPECT_ICON, lindex is ignored.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <para>The object associated with the request. If no object can be determined, a <see cref="byte"/>[] is returned.</para>
/// <para>Conversion for different clipboard formats is as follows:</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Format</term>
/// <term>Return Type</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="CLIPFORMAT.CF_HDROP"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILENAMEMAPA"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILENAMEMAPW"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="string"/>[]</description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="CLIPFORMAT.CF_BITMAP"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="HBITMAP"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="CLIPFORMAT.CF_LOCALE"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="LCID"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description>
/// <see cref="CLIPFORMAT.CF_OEMTEXT"/>, <see cref="CLIPFORMAT.CF_TEXT"/>, <see cref="CLIPFORMAT.CF_UNICODETEXT"/>, <see
/// cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CF_CSV"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CF_HTML"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CF_RTF"/>, <see
/// cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CF_RTFNOOBJS"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILENAMEA"/>, <see
/// cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILENAMEW"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_INETURLA"/>, <see
/// cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_INETURLW"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_INVOKECOMMAND_DROPPARAM"/>, <see
/// cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_MOUNTEDVOLUME"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_PRINTERGROUP"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_SHELLURL"/>
/// </description>
/// <description><see cref="string"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_DROPDESCRIPTION"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="DROPDESCRIPTION"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="FILE_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILECONTENTS"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="IStream"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTORA"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTORW"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_INDRAGLOOP"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="BOOL"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description>
/// <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_LOGICALPERFORMEDDROPEFFECT"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_PASTESUCCEEDED"/>,
/// <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_PERFORMEDDROPEFFECT"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT"/>
/// </description>
/// <description><see cref="DROPEFFECT"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_NETRESOURCES"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="NRESARRAY"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_SHELLDROPHANDLER"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_TARGETCLSID"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="Guid"/></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="CIDA"/>
/// <para>
/// <note type="note">It is prefered to use the <see cref="SHCreateShellItemArrayFromDataObject(IDataObject)"/> method to get a list
/// of shell items from an <see cref="IDataObject"/>.</note>
/// </para>
/// </description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_SHELLIDLISTOFFSET"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="POINT"/>[]</description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description><see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_UNTRUSTEDDRAGDROP"/>, <see cref="ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_ZONEIDENTIFIER"/></description>
/// <description><see cref="uint"/></description>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Unrecognized TYMED value.</exception>
public static object GetData(uint formatId, DVASPECT aspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT, int index = -1) =>
ReadOnlyDataObject.GetData(formatId, aspect, index);
/// <summary>Obtains data from the clipboard.</summary>
/// <param name="format">Specifies the particular clipboard format of interest.</param>
/// <param name="aspect">
/// Indicates how much detail should be contained in the rendering. This parameter should be one of the DVASPECT enumeration values.
/// A single clipboard format can support multiple aspects or views of the object. Most data and presentation transfer and caching
/// methods pass aspect information. For example, a caller might request an object's iconic picture, using the metafile clipboard
/// format to retrieve it. Note that only one DVASPECT value can be used in dwAspect. That is, dwAspect cannot be the result of a
/// Boolean OR operation on several DVASPECT values.
/// </param>
/// <param name="index">
/// Part of the aspect when the data must be split across page boundaries. The most common value is -1, which identifies all of the
/// data. For the aspects DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL and DVASPECT_ICON, lindex is ignored.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The object associated with the request. If no object can be determined, a <see cref="byte"/>[] is returned. See the return
/// section of <see cref="NativeClipboard.GetData(uint, DVASPECT, int)"/> for more details.
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Unrecognized TYMED value.</exception>
public static object GetData(string format, DVASPECT aspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT, int index = -1) =>
ReadOnlyDataObject.GetData(format, aspect, index);
/// <summary>Obtains data from the clipboard.</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the object being retrieved.</typeparam>
/// <param name="formatId">Specifies the particular clipboard format of interest.</param>
/// <param name="index">
/// Part of the aspect when the data must be split across page boundaries. The most common value is -1, which identifies all of the
/// data. For the aspects DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL and DVASPECT_ICON, lindex is ignored.
/// </param>
/// <returns>The object associated with the request. If no object can be determined, <c>default(T)</c> is returned.</returns>
public static T GetData<T>(uint formatId, int index = -1) => ReadOnlyDataObject.GetData<T>(formatId, index);
/// <summary>Obtains data from the clipboard.</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the object being retrieved.</typeparam>
/// <param name="format">Specifies the particular clipboard format of interest.</param>
/// <param name="index">
/// Part of the aspect when the data must be split across page boundaries. The most common value is -1, which identifies all of the
/// data. For the aspects DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL and DVASPECT_ICON, lindex is ignored.
/// </param>
/// <returns>The object associated with the request. If no object can be determined, <c>default(T)</c> is returned.</returns>
public static T GetData<T>(string format, int index = -1) => ReadOnlyDataObject.GetData<T>(format, index);
/// <summary>
/// This is used when a group of files in CF_HDROP (FileDrop) format is being renamed as well as transferred. The data consists of an
/// array that contains a new name for each file, in the same order that the files are listed in the accompanying CF_HDROP format.
/// The format of the character array is the same as that used by CF_HDROP to list the transferred files.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A list of strings containing a new name for each file.</returns>
public static string[] GetFileNameMap()
if (IsFormatAvailable(ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILENAMEMAPW))
return ReadOnlyDataObject.GetData(ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILENAMEMAPW) as string[];
else if (IsFormatAvailable(ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILENAMEMAPA))
return ReadOnlyDataObject.GetData(ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_FILENAMEMAPA) as string[];
return new string[0];
/// <summary>Retrieves the first available clipboard format in the specified list.</summary>
/// <param name="idList">The clipboard formats, in priority order.</param>
/// <returns>
/// If the function succeeds, the return value is the first clipboard format in the list for which data is available. If the
/// clipboard is empty, the return value is 0. If the clipboard contains data, but not in any of the specified formats, the return
/// value is 1.
/// </returns>
public static int GetFirstFormatAvailable(params uint[] idList) => GetPriorityClipboardFormat(idList, idList.Length);
/// <summary>Retrieves from the clipboard the name of the specified registered format.</summary>
/// <param name="formatId">The type of format to be retrieved.</param>
/// <returns>The format name.</returns>
public static string GetFormatName(uint formatId) => ShellClipboardFormat.GetName(formatId);
/// <summary>Retrieves the handle to the window that currently has the clipboard open.</summary>
/// <returns>
/// If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the window that has the clipboard open. If no window has the
/// clipboard open, the return value is <c>IntPtr.Zero</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If an application or DLL specifies a <c>NULL</c> window handle when calling the OpenClipboard function, the clipboard is opened
/// but is not associated with a window. In such a case, <c>GetOpenClipboardWindow</c> returns <c>IntPtr.Zero</c>.
/// </remarks>
public static HWND GetOpenClipboardWindow() => User32.GetOpenClipboardWindow();
/// <summary>Gets the shell item array associated with the data object, if possible.</summary>
/// <returns>The <see cref="ShellItemArray"/> associated with the data object, if set. Otherwise, <see langword="null"/>.</returns>
public static ShellItemArray GetShellItemArray() => IsFormatAvailable(ShellClipboardFormat.CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST) ? ShellItemArray.FromDataObject(ReadOnlyDataObject) : null;
/// <summary>Gets the text from the native Clipboard in the specified format.</summary>
/// <param name="formatId">A clipboard format. For a description of the standard clipboard formats, see Standard Clipboard Formats.</param>
/// <returns>The string value or <see langword="null"/> if the format is not available.</returns>
public static string GetText(TextDataFormat formatId = TextDataFormat.UnicodeText) => GetData(Txt2Id(formatId)) as string;
/// <summary>Determines whether the data object pointer previously placed on the clipboard is still on the clipboard.</summary>
/// <param name="dataObject">
/// The IDataObject interface on the data object containing clipboard data of interest, which the caller previously placed on the clipboard.
/// </param>
/// <returns><see langword="true"/> on success; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
public static bool IsCurrentDataObject(IComDataObject dataObject) => OleIsCurrentClipboard(dataObject) == HRESULT.S_OK;
/// <summary>Determines whether the clipboard contains data in the specified format.</summary>
/// <param name="id">A standard or registered clipboard format.</param>
/// <returns>If the clipboard format is available, the return value is <see langword="true"/>; otherwise <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
public static bool IsFormatAvailable(uint id) => ReadOnlyDataObject.IsFormatAvailable(id);
/// <summary>Determines whether the clipboard contains data in the specified format.</summary>
/// <param name="id">A clipboard format string.</param>
/// <returns>If the clipboard format is available, the return value is <see langword="true"/>; otherwise <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
public static bool IsFormatAvailable(string id) => IsClipboardFormatAvailable(RegisterFormat(id));
// EnumAvailableFormats().Contains(id);
/// <summary>Registers a new clipboard format. This format can then be used as a valid clipboard format.</summary>
/// <param name="format">The name of the new format.</param>
/// <returns>The registered clipboard format identifier.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">format</exception>
/// <remarks>
/// If a registered format with the specified name already exists, a new format is not registered and the return value identifies the
/// existing format. This enables more than one application to copy and paste data using the same registered clipboard format. Note
/// that the format name comparison is case-insensitive.
/// </remarks>
public static uint RegisterFormat(string format) => ShellClipboardFormat.Register(format);
/// <summary>Places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format.</summary>
/// <param name="formatId">The clipboard format. This parameter can be a registered format or any of the standard clipboard formats.</param>
/// <param name="data">The binary data in the specified format.</param>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">data</exception>
public static void SetBinaryData(uint formatId, byte[] data) => Setter(i => i.SetData(formatId, data));
/// <summary>Places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format.</summary>
/// <param name="formatId">The clipboard format. This parameter can be a registered format or any of the standard clipboard formats.</param>
/// <param name="data">The data in the format dictated by <paramref name="formatId"/>.</param>
/// <param name="index">
/// Part of the aspect when the data must be split across page boundaries. The most common value is -1, which identifies all of the
/// data. For the aspects DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL and DVASPECT_ICON, lindex is ignored.
/// </param>
/// <param name="aspect">
/// Indicates how much detail should be contained in the rendering. This parameter should be one of the DVASPECT enumeration values.
/// A single clipboard format can support multiple aspects or views of the object. Most data and presentation transfer and caching
/// methods pass aspect information. For example, a caller might request an object's iconic picture, using the metafile clipboard
/// format to retrieve it. Note that only one DVASPECT value can be used in dwAspect. That is, dwAspect cannot be the result of a
/// Boolean OR operation on several DVASPECT values.
/// </param>
public static void SetData(uint formatId, object data, int index = -1, DVASPECT aspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT) => Setter(i => i.SetData(formatId, data, aspect, index));
/// <summary>Places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format.</summary>
/// <param name="format">The clipboard format.</param>
/// <param name="data">The data in the format dictated by <paramref name="format"/>.</param>
/// <param name="index">
/// Part of the aspect when the data must be split across page boundaries. The most common value is -1, which identifies all of the
/// data. For the aspects DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL and DVASPECT_ICON, lindex is ignored.
/// </param>
/// <param name="aspect">
/// Indicates how much detail should be contained in the rendering. This parameter should be one of the DVASPECT enumeration values.
/// A single clipboard format can support multiple aspects or views of the object. Most data and presentation transfer and caching
/// methods pass aspect information. For example, a caller might request an object's iconic picture, using the metafile clipboard
/// format to retrieve it. Note that only one DVASPECT value can be used in dwAspect. That is, dwAspect cannot be the result of a
/// Boolean OR operation on several DVASPECT values.
/// </param>
public static void SetData(string format, object data, int index = -1, DVASPECT aspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT) => SetData(RegisterFormat(format), data, index, aspect);
/// <summary>Places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format.</summary>
/// <param name="formatId">The clipboard format. This parameter can be a registered format or any of the standard clipboard formats.</param>
/// <param name="data">The data in the format dictated by <paramref name="formatId"/>.</param>
public static void SetData<T>(uint formatId, T data) where T : struct => Setter(i => i.SetData(formatId, data));
/// <summary>Places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format.</summary>
/// <param name="format">The clipboard format.</param>
/// <param name="data">The data in the format dictated by <paramref name="format"/>.</param>
public static void SetData<T>(string format, T data) where T : struct => SetData(RegisterFormat(format), data);
/// <summary>Places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format.</summary>
/// <param name="formatId">The clipboard format. This parameter can be a registered format or any of the standard clipboard formats.</param>
/// <param name="values">The data in the format dictated by <paramref name="formatId"/>.</param>
public static void SetData<T>(uint formatId, IEnumerable<T> values) where T : struct
var pMem = SafeMoveableHGlobalHandle.CreateFromList(values);
Setter(i => i.SetData(formatId, pMem));
/// <summary>Places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format.</summary>
/// <param name="format">The clipboard format.</param>
/// <param name="values">The data in the format dictated by <paramref name="format"/>.</param>
public static void SetData<T>(string format, IEnumerable<T> values) where T : struct => SetData(RegisterFormat(format), values);
/// <summary>Places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format.</summary>
/// <param name="formatId">The clipboard format. This parameter can be a registered format or any of the standard clipboard formats.</param>
/// <param name="values">The list of strings.</param>
/// <param name="packing">The packing type for the strings.</param>
/// <param name="charSet">The character set to use for the strings.</param>
public static void SetData(uint formatId, IEnumerable<string> values, StringListPackMethod packing = StringListPackMethod.Concatenated, CharSet charSet = CharSet.Auto)
var pMem = SafeMoveableHGlobalHandle.CreateFromStringList(values, packing, charSet);
Setter(i => i.SetData(formatId, pMem));
/// <summary>Places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format.</summary>
/// <param name="format">The clipboard format.</param>
/// <param name="values">The data in the format dictated by <paramref name="format"/>.</param>
/// <param name="packing">The packing type for the strings.</param>
/// <param name="charSet">The character set to use for the strings.</param>
public static void SetData(string format, IEnumerable<string> values, StringListPackMethod packing = StringListPackMethod.Concatenated, CharSet charSet = CharSet.Auto) =>
SetData(RegisterFormat(format), values, packing, charSet);
/// <summary>
/// Places a specific data object onto the clipboard. This makes the data object accessible to the OleGetClipboard function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataObj">
/// The IDataObject interface on the data object from which the data to be placed on the clipboard can be obtained.
/// </param>
public static void SetDataObject(IComDataObject dataObj) => WritableDataObj = dataObj ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dataObj));
/// <summary>Puts a list of shell items onto the clipboard.</summary>
/// <param name="shellItems">The sequence of shell items. The PIDL of each shell item must be absolute.</param>
public static void SetShellItems(IEnumerable<ShellItem> shellItems) => WritableDataObj = (shellItems is ShellItemArray shia ? shia : new ShellItemArray(shellItems)).ToDataObject();
/// <summary>Puts a list of shell items onto the clipboard.</summary>
/// <param name="parent">The parent folder instance.</param>
/// <param name="relativeShellItems">The sequence of shell items relative to <paramref name="parent"/>.</param>
public static void SetShellItems(ShellFolder parent, IEnumerable<ShellItem> relativeShellItems)
if (parent is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parent));
if (relativeShellItems is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(relativeShellItems));
SHCreateDataObject(parent.PIDL, relativeShellItems.Select(i => i.PIDL), default, out var dataObj).ThrowIfFailed();
WritableDataObj = dataObj;
/// <summary>Sets multiple text types to the Clipboard.</summary>
/// <param name="text">The Unicode Text value.</param>
/// <param name="htmlText">The HTML text value. If <see langword="null"/>, this format will not be set.</param>
/// <param name="rtfText">The Rich Text Format value. If <see langword="null"/>, this format will not be set.</param>
public static void SetText(string text, string htmlText = null, string rtfText = null)
if (text is not null) SetText(text, TextDataFormat.UnicodeText);
if (htmlText is not null) SetText(htmlText, TextDataFormat.Html);
if (rtfText is not null) SetText(rtfText, TextDataFormat.Rtf);
/// <summary>Sets a specific text type to the Clipboard.</summary>
/// <param name="value">The text value.</param>
/// <param name="format">The clipboard text format to set.</param>
public static void SetText(string value, TextDataFormat format) => Setter(i => i.SetData(Txt2Id(format), value));
/// <summary>Sets a URL with optional title to the clipboard.</summary>
/// <param name="url">The URL.</param>
/// <param name="title">The title. This value can be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">url</exception>
public static void SetUrl(string url, string title = null) => Setter(i => i.SetUrl(url, title));
/// <summary>Obtains data from a source data object.</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the object being retrieved.</typeparam>
/// <param name="formatId">Specifies the particular clipboard format of interest.</param>
/// <param name="obj">The object associated with the request. If no object can be determined, <c>default(T)</c> is returned.</param>
/// <param name="index">
/// Part of the aspect when the data must be split across page boundaries. The most common value is -1, which identifies all of the
/// data. For the aspects DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL and DVASPECT_ICON, lindex is ignored.
/// </param>
/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if data is available and retrieved; otherwise <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
public static bool TryGetData<T>(uint formatId, out T obj, int index = -1) => ReadOnlyDataObject.TryGetData(formatId, out obj, index);
private static void Init() { if (!oleInit) { oleInit = CoInitialize().Succeeded; } }
private static void Setter(Action<IComDataObject> action)
var ido = WritableDataObj;
WritableDataObj = ido;
private static bool TryMultThenThrowIfFailed(Func<HRESULT> func, int n = stdRetryCnt)
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
hr = func();
if (hr.Succeeded)
return hr == HRESULT.S_OK;
if (i < n)
throw hr.GetException();
private static bool TryMultThenThrowIfFailed(Func<IComDataObject, HRESULT> func, IComDataObject o, int n = stdRetryCnt)
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
hr = func(o);
if (hr.Succeeded)
return hr == HRESULT.S_OK;
if (i < n)
throw hr.GetException();
private static uint Txt2Id(TextDataFormat tf) => tf switch
TextDataFormat.Text => CLIPFORMAT.CF_TEXT,
TextDataFormat.UnicodeText => CLIPFORMAT.CF_UNICODETEXT,
TextDataFormat.Rtf => ShellClipboardFormat.Register(ShellClipboardFormat.CF_RTF),
TextDataFormat.Html => ShellClipboardFormat.Register(ShellClipboardFormat.CF_HTML),
TextDataFormat.CommaSeparatedValue => ShellClipboardFormat.Register(ShellClipboardFormat.CF_CSV),
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(tf)),
private class ListenerWindow : SystemEventHandler
protected override bool MessageFilter(HWND hwnd, uint msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, out IntPtr lReturn)
lReturn = default;
switch (msg)
case (uint)WindowMessage.WM_DESTROY:
case (uint)ClipboardNotificationMessage.WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE:
InternalClipboardUpdate?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
return false;
protected override void OnMessageWindowHandleCreated()