
194 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using Vanara.PInvoke;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.ComCtl32;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.Shell32;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.User32;
namespace Vanara.Windows.Shell.TaskBar;
/// <summary>Provides information about and some control of the system taskbar.</summary>
public static class Taskbar
private const string NotifyWndClass = "TrayNotifyWnd";
private const string PagerWndClass = "SysPager";
private const string TaskbarWndClass = "Shell_TrayWnd";
private const string ToolbarWndClass = "ToolbarWindow32";
private static readonly Lazy<bool> isMinWin7 = new(() => PInvokeClientExtensions.IsPlatformSupported(PInvokeClient.Windows7));
private static bool autoHide, alwaysTop;
private static ABE edge;
private static HWND hwnd;
private static RECT rect;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the taskbar is always on top. This value is always true for systems since Windows 7.
/// </summary>
/// <value><see langword="true"/> if always on top; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</value>
public static bool AlwaysOnTop
get { GetState(); return alwaysTop; }
if (!isMinWin7.Value)
if (alwaysTop != value)
alwaysTop = value;
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
/// <summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether the taskbar is configured to automatically hide itself when not used.</summary>
/// <value><see langword="true"/> if automatically hidden; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</value>
public static bool AutoHide
get { GetState(); return autoHide; }
set { GetState(); if (autoHide != value) { autoHide = value; SetState(); } }
/// <summary>Gets the bounds of the taskbar.</summary>
/// <value>The bounds.</value>
public static RECT Bounds
get { GetPos(); return rect; }
//set { GetPos(); if (rect != value) { rect = value; SetPos(); } }
/// <summary>Gets a value that determines on which edge of the screen the taskbar is displayed.</summary>
/// <value>The screen edge.</value>
public static ABE Edge
get { GetPos(); return edge; }
//set { GetPos(); if (edge != value) { edge = value; SetPos(); } }
/// <summary>Gets the window handle of the System Taskbar.</summary>
/// <value>The window handle.</value>
public static HWND Handle
get { GetPos(); return hwnd; }
/// <summary>Gets the tray icons.</summary>
/// <value>The tray icons.</value>
public static IEnumerable<TrayIcon> TrayIcons
var hwnd = GetTrayWindow();
if (hwnd.IsNull) yield break;
using SafeCoTaskMemString strBuf = new(512);
TBBUTTONINFO defBI = new() { cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TBBUTTONINFO)), dwMask = bif, pszText = strBuf, cchText = strBuf.Capacity };
var cnt = SendMessage(hwnd, ToolbarMessage.TB_BUTTONCOUNT).ToInt32();
var badRes = new IntPtr(-1);
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
btnInf.cchText = strBuf.Capacity;
strBuf[0] = '\0';
Win32Error.ThrowLastErrorIf(SendMessage(hwnd, ToolbarMessage.TB_GETBUTTONINFOW, (IntPtr)i, ref btnInf), p => p == badRes);
yield return new(btnInf);
/// <summary>Broadcasts the "TaskbarCreated" message to all windows. This is generally used to refresh the taskbar icons.</summary>
public static void BroadcastTaskbarCreated()
var msg = Win32Error.ThrowLastErrorIf(RegisterWindowMessage("TaskbarCreated"), i => i == 0);
Win32Error.ThrowLastErrorIfFalse(SendNotifyMessage(HWND.HWND_BROADCAST, msg));
private static void GetPos()
APPBARDATA abd = new(default);
Win32Error.ThrowLastErrorIf(SHAppBarMessage(ABM.ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, ref abd), r => r == IntPtr.Zero);
rect = abd.rc;
edge = abd.uEdge;
hwnd = abd.hWnd == default ? FindWindowEx(default, default, TaskbarWndClass, null) : abd.hWnd;
private static void GetState()
APPBARDATA abd = new(default);
ABS state = (ABS)SHAppBarMessage(ABM.ABM_GETSTATE, ref abd).ToInt32();
autoHide = state.IsFlagSet(ABS.ABS_AUTOHIDE);
alwaysTop = isMinWin7.Value || state.IsFlagSet(ABS.ABS_ALWAYSONTOP);
private static HWND GetTrayWindow()
HWND hwnd = FindWindow(TaskbarWndClass, "");
if (!hwnd.IsNull)
hwnd = FindWindowEx(hwnd, default, NotifyWndClass, "");
if (!hwnd.IsNull)
hwnd = FindWindowEx(hwnd, default, PagerWndClass, "");
if (!hwnd.IsNull)
return FindWindowEx(hwnd, default, ToolbarWndClass, null);
return hwnd;
private static void SetPos()
APPBARDATA abd = new(hwnd, 0, edge, rect);
SHAppBarMessage(ABM.ABM_SETPOS, ref abd);
private static void SetState()
if (hwnd == default)
APPBARDATA abd = new(hwnd, lParam: (int)((autoHide ? ABS.ABS_AUTOHIDE : 0) | (alwaysTop ? ABS.ABS_ALWAYSONTOP : 0)));
SHAppBarMessage(ABM.ABM_SETSTATE, ref abd);
/// <summary></summary>
public class TrayIcon
internal TrayIcon(in TBBUTTONINFO inf)
CommandId = inf.idCommand;
ImageIdx = inf.iImage;
State = inf.fsState;
Style = inf.fsStyle;
Width =;
Text = StringHelper.GetString(inf.pszText, CharSet.Unicode, inf.cchText);
/// <summary>Command identifier of the button.</summary>
public int CommandId { get; }
/// <summary>Image index of the button.</summary>
public int ImageIdx { get; }
/// <summary>State flags of the button. This can be one or more of the values listed in Toolbar Button States.</summary>
public TBSTATE State { get; }
/// <summary>Style flags of the button. This can be one or more of the values listed in Toolbar Control and Button Styles.</summary>
public ToolbarStyle Style { get; }
/// <summary>Address of a character buffer that contains or receives the button text.</summary>
public string? Text { get; }
/// <summary>Width of the button, in pixels.</summary>
public ushort Width { get; }