
725 lines
29 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using Vanara.Extensions;
using Vanara.Extensions.Reflection;
namespace Vanara.Configuration
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
/// <summary>A class that manages a Most Recently Used file listing.</summary>
public class MRUManager : Component
/// <summary>This value should contain the appropriate image for the clear list menu item in derived classes.</summary>
protected object clearListMenuItemImage;
private const string defClearListMenuItemText = "Clear List";
private const int defMaxHistoryCount = 10;
private MenuPlacement clearListMenuItemPlacement;
private string clearListMenuItemText = defClearListMenuItemText;
private string[] exts;
private IFileListStorage storage;
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MRUManager"/> class.</summary>
public MRUManager() { }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MRUManager"/> class.</summary>
/// <param name="fileListStorage">The file list storage.</param>
/// <param name="menuBuilder">The menu builder.</param>
public MRUManager(IFileListStorage fileListStorage, IMenuBuilder menuBuilder)
StorageHandler = fileListStorage;
MenuBuilderHandler = menuBuilder;
/// <summary>Occurs when the clear recent files menu item is clicked.</summary>
[Category("Behavior"), Description("Occurs when the clear recent files menu item is clicked.")]
public event Action<StringCollection> ClearListMenuItemClick;
/// <summary>Occurs when [get menu image for file].</summary>
[Category("Behavior"), Description("Occurs when a file menu item is about to be drawn and is requesting an image.")]
public event Func<string, object> GetMenuImageForFile;
/// <summary>Occurs when one of the automatically added recent file menu items is clicked.</summary>
[Category("Behavior"), Description("Occurs when one of the automatically added recent file menu items is clicked.")]
public event Action<string> RecentFileMenuItemClick;
/// <summary>The placement of a menu item in a list.</summary>
public enum MenuPlacement
/// <summary>The bottom of the list, after all items.</summary>
/// <summary>The top of the list, before all items.</summary>
/// <summary>Defines a class that implements storage for an MRU file list.</summary>
public interface IFileListStorage
/// <summary>Gets or sets the files declared in this storage instance.</summary>
/// <value>The file listing. Each file should declare its full path.</value>
IEnumerable<string> Files { get; set; }
/// <summary>Adds a new file to the list.</summary>
/// <param name="fileNameWithFullPath">The file name with full path.</param>
void AddRecentFile(string fileNameWithFullPath);
/// <summary>Initializes this instance and sets up any local settings required for execution.</summary>
void Initialize();
/// <summary>Removes the file from the list.</summary>
/// <param name="fileNameWithFullPath">The file name with full path.</param>
void RemoveRecentFile(string fileNameWithFullPath);
/// <summary>Defines a class that implements a menu handler for an MRU file list.</summary>
public interface IMenuBuilder
/// <summary>Clears the menu items of all files.</summary>
void ClearRecentFiles();
/// <summary>Rebuilds the menus.</summary>
/// <param name="files">The file listing.</param>
/// <param name="fileMenuItemClick">The handler for when one of the automatically added recent file menu items is clicked..</param>
/// <param name="clearListMenuItemText">
/// The clear list menu item text. A <c>null</c> value indicates that this menu item should not be shown.
/// </param>
/// <param name="clearListMenuItemClick">The handler for when the clear recent files menu item is clicked.</param>
/// <param name="clearListMenuItemImage">
/// The clear list menu item image. A <c>null</c> value indicates that this menu item's image should not be shown.
/// </param>
/// <param name="clearListMenuItemOnTop">if set to <see langword="true"/>, the clear list menu item precedes the files.</param>
/// <param name="menuImageCallback">The menu image callback delegate.</param>
void RebuildMenus(IEnumerable<string> files, Action<string> fileMenuItemClick, string clearListMenuItemText = null, Action clearListMenuItemClick = null, object clearListMenuItemImage = null, bool clearListMenuItemOnTop = false, Func<string, object> menuImageCallback = null);
/// <summary>Gets or sets the clear list menu item placement relative to the MRU items.</summary>
/// <value>The clear list menu item placement.</value>
[Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue(typeof(MenuPlacement), "Bottom"), Description("The clear list menu item text."), Localizable(true)]
public MenuPlacement ClearListMenuItemPlacement
get => clearListMenuItemPlacement;
set { clearListMenuItemPlacement = value; RefreshRecentFilesMenu(); }
/// <summary>Gets or sets the clear list menu item text.</summary>
/// <value>The clear list menu item text. Set this value to <c>null</c> to hide this menu item.</value>
[Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue(defClearListMenuItemText), Description("The clear list menu item text."), Localizable(true)]
public string ClearListMenuItemText
get => clearListMenuItemText;
set { clearListMenuItemText = value; RefreshRecentFilesMenu(); }
/// <summary>Gets or sets the vertical bar ('|') separated list of extensions without periods that are supported.</summary>
/// <value>The file extensions.</value>
[DefaultValue(null), Category("Behavior"), Description("Required. Vertical bar ('|') separated list of extensions without periods that are supported.")]
public string FileExtensions
get => exts == null ? string.Empty : string.Join("|", exts);
set { exts = value?.ToLower().Replace(".", "").Split('|', ';', ',', ' '); RefreshRecentFilesMenu(); }
/// <summary>Gets the list of most recently used files.</summary>
/// <value>The files in reverse chronological order.</value>
public IEnumerable<string> Files
// Pre-load with values from local settings
var recentFiles = StorageHandler != null ? new List<string>(StorageHandler.Files) : new List<string>();
// Augment with values from Recently Used Files system folder
if (exts != null && exts.Length > 0)
var type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Wscript.Shell");
if (type != null)
object script = null;
script = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Recent), "*.lnk").Where(s => exts.Contains(Path.GetExtension(s.Substring(0, s.Length - 4)).Trim('.').ToLower())))
object sc = null;
sc = script.InvokeMethod<object>("CreateShortcut", file);
var targetPath = sc.GetPropertyValue<string>("TargetPath");
if (targetPath != null)
if (sc != null)
if (script != null)
catch (Exception ex)
// Sort files by last write time
var res = recentFiles.Distinct().Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) && File.Exists(s)).OrderByDescending(File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc).Take(MaxHistoryCount).ToList();
// Update settings with updated list
if (StorageHandler != null) StorageHandler.Files = res;
return res;
/// <summary>Gets or sets the maximum number of files to maintain in the history.</summary>
/// <value>The maximum number of files to maintain in the history.</value>
[DefaultValue(defMaxHistoryCount), Category("Behavior"), Description("The maximum number of files to maintain in the history.")]
public int MaxHistoryCount { get; set; } = defMaxHistoryCount;
/// <summary>Gets or sets the menu builder handler.</summary>
/// <value>The menu builder handler.</value>
[Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
public IMenuBuilder MenuBuilderHandler { get; set; }
/// <summary>Gets or sets the storage handler.</summary>
/// <value>The storage handler.</value>
[Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
public IFileListStorage StorageHandler
get => storage;
set { storage = value; if (LicenseManager.UsageMode != LicenseUsageMode.Designtime) storage?.Initialize(); }
/// <summary>Adds the recent file.</summary>
/// <param name="fileNameWithFullPath">The file name with full path.</param>
public void AddRecentFile(string fileNameWithFullPath)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileNameWithFullPath) || !File.Exists(fileNameWithFullPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to add a file that doesn't exist.", fileNameWithFullPath);
SHAddToRecentDocs(2, fileNameWithFullPath);
catch (Exception ex)
/// <summary>Removes the recent file.</summary>
/// <param name="fileNameWithFullPath">The file name with full path.</param>
public void RemoveRecentFile(string fileNameWithFullPath)
File.Delete(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Recent), Path.GetFileName(fileNameWithFullPath) + ".lnk"));
catch (Exception ex)
/// <summary>Refreshes the recent files menu.</summary>
protected void RefreshRecentFilesMenu()
if (!DesignMode)
MenuBuilderHandler?.RebuildMenus(Files, OnRecentFileMenuItemClick, ClearListMenuItemText, OnClearListMenuItemClick, clearListMenuItemImage, clearListMenuItemPlacement == MenuPlacement.Top, GetMenuImageForFile);
[DllImport("shell32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
private static extern void SHAddToRecentDocs(int flag, string path);
private void OnClearListMenuItemClick()
var fileArray = new StringCollection();
if (StorageHandler != null)
foreach (var s in StorageHandler.Files)
try { File.Delete(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Recent), Path.GetFileName(s) + ".lnk")); } catch { }
StorageHandler.Files = null;
catch (Exception ex)
private void OnRecentFileMenuItemClick(string file)
/// <summary>Storage in the local application settings.</summary>
public class AppSettingsFileListStorage : IFileListStorage
private const string propName = "__MRUList__";
private ApplicationSettingsBase settings;
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AppSettingsFileListStorage"/> class.</summary>
/// <param name="settings">
/// The settings object to use. If <see langword="null"/>, the component will search all loaded assemblies for an instance.
/// </param>
public AppSettingsFileListStorage(ApplicationSettingsBase settings = null)
if (settings != null) Settings = settings;
/// <summary>Gets or sets the files.</summary>
/// <value>The files.</value>
public IEnumerable<string> Files
get => new List<string>(SettingsValue.Cast<string>());
var col = new StringCollection();
if (value != null)
SettingsValue = col;
private ApplicationSettingsBase Settings
get => settings;
set { settings = value; AddMRUPropToSettings(); }
private StringCollection SettingsValue
get => settings != null ? settings[propName] as StringCollection : new StringCollection();
set { if (settings != null) settings[propName] = value; }
/// <summary>Adds the recent file.</summary>
/// <param name="fileNameWithFullPath">The file name with full path.</param>
public void AddRecentFile(string fileNameWithFullPath)
var col = new StringCollection { fileNameWithFullPath };
SettingsValue = col;
/// <summary>Initializes this instance.</summary>
public void Initialize()
/// <summary>Removes the recent file.</summary>
/// <param name="fileNameWithFullPath">The file name with full path.</param>
public void RemoveRecentFile(string fileNameWithFullPath)
var col = SettingsValue;
SettingsValue = col;
private void AddMRUPropToSettings()
if (Settings?.Properties[propName] != null) return;
object defValue = new StringCollection();
var d = new SettingsAttributeDictionary
{ typeof(UserScopedSettingAttribute), new UserScopedSettingAttribute() }
Settings?.Properties.Add(new SettingsProperty(propName, typeof(StringCollection),
Settings.Providers["LocalFileSettingsProvider"], false, defValue,
SettingsSerializeAs.Xml, d, false, false));
var conf = SettingsValue;
if (conf != null) return;
SettingsValue = new StringCollection();
private void TryLoadAppSettings()
if (Settings != null) return;
var appSettingsType = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAllTypes().FirstOrDefault(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ApplicationSettingsBase)));
if (appSettingsType != null)
var defProp = appSettingsType.GetProperty("Default");
if (defProp != null)
Settings = (ApplicationSettingsBase)defProp.GetValue(null, null);
Settings = (ApplicationSettingsBase)SettingsBase.Synchronized((ApplicationSettingsBase)Activator.CreateInstance(appSettingsType));
throw new ApplicationException("Assembly hosting MRUManager must already have a settings instance derived from ApplicationSettingsBase.");
/// <summary></summary>
public class RegistryFileListStorage : IFileListStorage
/// <summary>Gets or sets the files.</summary>
/// <value>The files.</value>
public IEnumerable<string> Files
get => GetFiles(GetKey());
set => SetFiles(GetKey(), value);
/// <summary>Gets or sets the name of the sub key.</summary>
/// <value>The name of the sub key.</value>
public string SubKeyName { get; set; }
/// <summary>Adds the recent file.</summary>
/// <param name="fileNameWithFullPath">The file name with full path.</param>
public void AddRecentFile(string fileNameWithFullPath)
using var rK = GetKey();
var l = new List<string>(GetFiles(rK));
l.Insert(0, fileNameWithFullPath);
SetFiles(rK, l.Distinct());
catch (Exception ex)
/// <summary>Initializes this instance.</summary>
public void Initialize()
if (SubKeyName == null)
var company = GetAssemblyAttribute<AssemblyCompanyAttribute>()?.Company;
var product = GetAssemblyAttribute<AssemblyProductAttribute>()?.Product;
string s;
if (company != null && product != null)
s = $"{company}\\{product}";
else if (company != null)
s = company;
else if (product != null)
s = product;
s = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name;
SubKeyName = $"Software\\{s}\\MRU";
/// <summary>Removes the recent file.</summary>
/// <param name="fileNameWithFullPath">The file name with full path.</param>
public void RemoveRecentFile(string fileNameWithFullPath)
using var rK = GetKey();
var l = new List<string>(GetFiles(rK));
l.RemoveAll(s => string.Equals(s, fileNameWithFullPath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
SetFiles(rK, l.Distinct());
catch (Exception ex)
private static T GetAssemblyAttribute<T>() => (T)Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), true).FirstOrDefault();
private IEnumerable<string> GetFiles(SafeRegKey rK)
for (var i = 0; ; i++)
if (!(rK.Key.GetValue(i.ToString(), null) is string s))
yield return s;
private SafeRegKey GetKey() => new SafeRegKey(Registry.CurrentUser, SubKeyName, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree);
private void SetFiles(SafeRegKey rK, IEnumerable<string> value)
var i = 0;
while (true)
try { rK.Key.DeleteValue(i++.ToString(), true); }
catch { break; }
i = 0;
foreach (var s in value)
rK.Key.SetValue(i++.ToString(), s);
private class SafeRegKey : IDisposable
public readonly RegistryKey Key;
public SafeRegKey(RegistryKey root, string subKeyName, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck opt)
Key = root.CreateSubKey(subKeyName, opt);
public static implicit operator RegistryKey(SafeRegKey k) => k.Key;
public void Dispose()
namespace Vanara.Windows.Forms
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Vanara.Configuration;
/// <summary>
/// A class that manages a Most Recently Used file listing and interacts with a MenuStrip to display a menu list of the files. By
/// default, the application settings are used to store the history. Optionally a constructor can be used to provide an alternate class
/// to handle that work.
/// </summary>
public class MenuStripMRUManager : MRUManager
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MenuStripMRUManager"/> class.</summary>
public MenuStripMRUManager() : base(new AppSettingsFileListStorage(), new MenuStripMenuBuilder())
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MRUManager"/> class.</summary>
/// <param name="extensions">The extensions of files to find in system MRU list.</param>
/// <param name="parentMenuItem">The parent "Recent Files" menu item.</param>
/// <param name="onRecentFileClick">Action to run when The on recent file click.</param>
/// <param name="onClearRecentFilesClick">Optional. The on clear recent files click.</param>
/// <param name="storageHandler">Optional. The storage handler.</param>
public MenuStripMRUManager(string extensions, ToolStripMenuItem parentMenuItem, Action<string> onRecentFileClick,
Action<StringCollection> onClearRecentFilesClick = null, IFileListStorage storageHandler = null)
: base(storageHandler ?? new AppSettingsFileListStorage(), new MenuStripMenuBuilder())
FileExtensions = extensions;
((MenuStripMenuBuilder)MenuBuilderHandler).RecentFileMenuItem = parentMenuItem;
if (onRecentFileClick != null)
RecentFileMenuItemClick += onRecentFileClick;
if (onClearRecentFilesClick != null)
ClearListMenuItemClick += onClearRecentFilesClick;
/// <summary>Gets or sets the clear list menu item image.</summary>
/// <value>The clear list menu item image.</value>
[Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue(null), Description("The clear list menu item icon."), Localizable(true)]
public Image ClearListMenuItemImage
get => clearListMenuItemImage as Image;
if (!(value is Image))
throw new ArgumentException("Must be of type Image.");
clearListMenuItemImage = value;
/// <summary>Gets or sets the recent file menu item.</summary>
/// <value>The recent file menu item.</value>
[DefaultValue(null), Category("Behavior"), Description("The recent file menu item.")]
public ToolStripMenuItem RecentFileMenuItem
get => ((MenuStripMenuBuilder)MenuBuilderHandler).RecentFileMenuItem;
set { ((MenuStripMenuBuilder)MenuBuilderHandler).RecentFileMenuItem = value; RefreshRecentFilesMenu(); }
/// <summary>Builds a menu within a MenuStrip.</summary>
private class MenuStripMenuBuilder : IMenuBuilder
private Action<string> fileMenuItemClickAction;
/// <summary>Gets or sets the recent file menu item.</summary>
/// <value>The recent file menu item.</value>
public ToolStripMenuItem RecentFileMenuItem { get; set; }
/// <summary>Compacts the path.</summary>
/// <param name="stringToCompact">The string to compact.</param>
/// <param name="font">The font.</param>
/// <param name="maxWidthInPts">The maximum width in PTS.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string CompactPath(string stringToCompact, Font font, int maxWidthInPts)
TextRenderer.MeasureText(stringToCompact, font, new Size(maxWidthInPts, 0), TextFormatFlags.PathEllipsis | TextFormatFlags.ModifyString);
return string.Concat(stringToCompact.TakeWhile(c => c != '\0'));
/// <summary>Clears the recent files.</summary>
public void ClearRecentFiles()
if (RecentFileMenuItem == null) return;
RecentFileMenuItem.Enabled = false;
/// <summary>Rebuilds the menus.</summary>
/// <param name="files">The file listing.</param>
/// <param name="fileMenuItemClick">The handler for when one of the automatically added recent file menu items is clicked..</param>
/// <param name="clearListMenuItemText">
/// The clear list menu item text. A <c>null</c> value indicates that this menu item should not be shown.
/// </param>
/// <param name="clearListMenuItemClick">The handler for when the clear recent files menu item is clicked.</param>
/// <param name="clearListMenuItemImage">
/// The clear list menu item image. A <c>null</c> value indicates that this menu item's image should not be shown.
/// </param>
/// <param name="clearListMenuItemOnTop">if set to <see langword="true"/>, the clear list menu item precedes the files.</param>
/// <param name="menuImageCallback">The menu image callback delegate.</param>
public void RebuildMenus(IEnumerable<string> files, Action<string> fileMenuItemClick, string clearListMenuItemText = null, Action clearListMenuItemClick = null, object clearListMenuItemImage = null, bool clearListMenuItemOnTop = false, Func<string, object> menuImageCallback = null)
if (RecentFileMenuItem == null) return;
if (files is null || !files.Any())
RecentFileMenuItem.Enabled = false;
if (clearListMenuItemOnTop && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(clearListMenuItemText))
RecentFileMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(clearListMenuItemText, clearListMenuItemImage as Image, (o, e) => clearListMenuItemClick?.Invoke());
fileMenuItemClickAction = fileMenuItemClick;
foreach (var f in files)
RecentFileMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem(CompactPath(f, RecentFileMenuItem.Font, RecentFileMenuItem.Width), menuImageCallback?.Invoke(f) as Image, OnFileMenuItemClick) { Tag = f });
if (!clearListMenuItemOnTop && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(clearListMenuItemText))
RecentFileMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(clearListMenuItemText, clearListMenuItemImage as Image, (o, e) => clearListMenuItemClick?.Invoke());
RecentFileMenuItem.Enabled = true;
private void OnFileMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender is ToolStripMenuItem item)
//namespace Vanara.Windows.Controls
// using Vanara.Configuration;
// using System.Windows.Controls;
// ///
// <summary>
// /// A class that manages a Most Recently Used file listing and interacts with a MenuStrip to display a menu list of the files. By
// default, the application /// settings are used to store the history. Optionally a constructor can be used to provide an alternate class
// to handle that work. ///
// </summary>
// [DefaultProperty("RecentFileMenuItem")] public class MenuMRUManager : MRUManager { ///
// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MenuMRUManager"/> class.</summary>
// public MenuMRUManager() : base(new AppSettingsFileListStorage(), new MenuBuilder()) { }
// /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MenuMRUManager"/> class.</summary> /// <param name="extensions">The extensions
// of files to find in system MRU list.</param> /// <param name="parentMenuItem">The parent "Recent Files" menu item.</param> /// <param
// name="onRecentFileClick">Action to run when The on recent file click.</param> /// <param name="onClearRecentFilesClick">Optional. The on
// clear recent files click.</param> /// <param name="storageHandler">Optional. The storage handler.</param> public MenuMRUManager(string
// extensions, MenuItem parentMenuItem, Action<string> onRecentFileClick, Action<StringCollection> onClearRecentFilesClick = null,
// IFileListStorage storageHandler = null) : base(storageHandler ?? new AppSettingsFileListStorage(), new MenuBuilder()) { FileExtensions =
// extensions; ((MenuBuilder)MenuBuilderHandler).RecentFileMenuItem = parentMenuItem; if (onRecentFileClick != null) RecentFileMenuItemClick
// += onRecentFileClick; if (onClearRecentFilesClick != null) ClearListMenuItemClick += onClearRecentFilesClick;
// RefreshRecentFilesMenu(); }
// ///
// <summary>Gets or sets the recent file menu item.</summary>
// ///
// <value>The recent file menu item.</value>
// [DefaultValue(null), Category("Behavior"), Description("The recent file menu item.")] public MenuItem RecentFileMenuItem { get =&gt;
// ((MenuBuilder)MenuBuilderHandler).RecentFileMenuItem; set { ((MenuBuilder)MenuBuilderHandler).RecentFileMenuItem = value;
// RefreshRecentFilesMenu(); } }
// /// <summary>Builds a menu within a MenuStrip.</summary> private class MenuBuilder : IMenuBuilder { private Action<string> fileMenuItemClickAction;
// ///
// <summary>Gets or sets the recent file menu item.</summary>
// ///
// <value>The recent file menu item.</value>
// public MenuItem RecentFileMenuItem { get; set; }
// ///
// <summary>Clears the recent files.</summary>
// public void ClearRecentFiles() { if (RecentFileMenuItem == null) return; RecentFileMenuItem.Items.Clear(); RecentFileMenuItem.IsEnabled =
// false; }
// /// <summary>Rebuilds the menus.</summary> /// <param name="files">The file listing.</param> /// <param name="fileMenuItemClick">The
// handler for when one of the automatically added recent file menu items is clicked..</param> /// <param name="clearListMenuItemText">The
// clear list menu item text. A <c>null</c> value indicates that this menu item should not be shown.</param> /// <param
// name="clearListMenuItemClick">The handler for when the clear recent files menu item is clicked.</param> /// <param
// name="clearListMenuItemImage">The clear list menu item image. A <c>null</c> value indicates that this menu item's image should not be
// shown.</param> /// <param name="clearListMenuItemOnTop">if set to <see langword="true" />, the clear list menu item precedes the
// files.</param> /// <param name="menuImageCallback">The menu image callback delegate.</param> public void RebuildMenus(IEnumerable<string>
// files, Action<string> fileMenuItemClick, string clearListMenuItemText = null, Action clearListMenuItemClick = null, object
// clearListMenuItemImage = null, bool clearListMenuItemOnTop = false, Func<string, object> menuImageCallback = null) { if
// (RecentFileMenuItem == null) return;
// RecentFileMenuItem.Items.Clear();
// fileMenuItemClickAction = fileMenuItemClick; foreach (var f in files) AddMenuItem(f, OnFileMenuItemClick);
// if (RecentFileMenuItem.Items.Count == 0) { RecentFileMenuItem.IsEnabled = false; return; }
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clearListMenuItemText)) { RecentFileMenuItem.Items.Add(new Separator()); AddMenuItem(clearListMenuItemText, (o,
// e) => clearListMenuItemClick()); } RecentFileMenuItem.IsEnabled = true; }
// private void AddMenuItem(string f, System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler handler) { var m = new MenuItem() { Header = f, Tag = f }; m.Click
// += handler; RecentFileMenuItem.Items.Add(m); }
// private void OnFileMenuItemClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// {
// if (sender is MenuItem item)
// fileMenuItemClickAction(item.Tag.ToString());
// }
// }
// }