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using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Vanara.Extensions;
using static Vanara.PInvoke.User32;
namespace Vanara.PInvoke
public static partial class ComCtl32
/// <summary>The signature of the callback that receives messages from the Task Dialog when various events occur.</summary>
/// <param name="hwnd">The window handle of the</param>
/// <param name="msg">The message being passed.</param>
/// <param name="wParam">wParam which is interpreted differently depending on the message.</param>
/// <param name="lParam">wParam which is interpreted differently depending on the message.</param>
/// <param name="refData">The reference data that was set to TaskDialog.CallbackData.</param>
/// <returns>A HRESULT value. The return value is specific to the message being processed.</returns>
[PInvokeData("Commctrl.h", MSDNShortId = "bb760542")]
public delegate HRESULT TaskDialogCallbackProc([In] HWND hwnd, [In] TaskDialogNotification msg, [In] IntPtr wParam, [In] IntPtr lParam, [In] IntPtr refData);
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the push buttons displayed in the task dialog. If no common buttons are specified and no custom buttons are specified
/// using the cButtons and pButtons members, the task dialog will contain the OK button by default. This parameter may be a
/// combination of flags
/// </summary>
[PInvokeData("Commctrl.h", MSDNShortId = "bb760540")]
/// <summary>The task dialog contains the push button: OK.</summary>
/// <summary>The task dialog contains the push button: Yes.</summary>
/// <summary>The task dialog contains the push button: No.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// The task dialog contains the push button: Cancel. If this button is specified, the task dialog will respond to typical cancel
/// actions (Alt-F4 and Escape).
/// </summary>
/// <summary>The task dialog contains the push button: Retry.</summary>
/// <summary>The task dialog contains the push button: Close.</summary>
/// <summary>Indicates element to update for the TDM_UPDATE_ELEMENT_TEXT message.</summary>
[PInvokeData("Commctrl.h", MSDNShortId = "bb760536")]
/// <summary>The content element.</summary>
/// <summary>Expanded Information.</summary>
/// <summary>Footer.</summary>
/// <summary>Main Instructions</summary>
/// <summary>Specifies the behavior of the task dialog.</summary>
[PInvokeData("Commctrl.h", MSDNShortId = "bb787473")]
/// <summary>
/// Enables hyperlink processing for the strings specified in the pszContent, pszExpandedInformation and pszFooter members. When
/// enabled, these members may point to strings that contain hyperlinks in the following form:
/// <code>
/// <![CDATA[<A HREF = "executablestring" > Hyperlink Text</A>]]>
/// </code>
/// <note type="warning">Enabling hyperlinks when using content from an unsafe source may cause security
/// vulnerabilities.</note><note>Task Dialogs will not actually execute any hyperlinks.Hyperlink execution must be handled in the
/// callback function specified by pfCallback.For more details, see TaskDialogCallbackProc.</note>
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the dialog should use the icon referenced by the handle in the hMainIcon member as the primary icon in the
/// task dialog. If this flag is specified, the pszMainIcon member is ignored.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the dialog should use the icon referenced by the handle in the hFooterIcon member as the footer icon in the
/// task dialog. If this flag is specified, the pszFooterIcon member is ignored.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the dialog should be able to be closed using Alt-F4, Escape, and the title bar's close button even if no
/// cancel button is specified in either the dwCommonButtons or pButtons members.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the buttons specified in the pButtons member are to be displayed as command links (using a standard task
/// dialog glyph) instead of push buttons. When using command links, all characters up to the first new line character in the
/// pszButtonText member will be treated as the command link's main text, and the remainder will be treated as the command link's
/// note. This flag is ignored if the cButtons member is zero.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the buttons specified in the pButtons member are to be displayed as command links (without a glyph) instead of
/// push buttons. When using command links, all characters up to the first new line character in the pszButtonText member will be
/// treated as the command link's main text, and the remainder will be treated as the command link's note. This flag is ignored
/// if the cButtons member is zero.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the string specified by the pszExpandedInformation member is displayed at the bottom of the dialog's footer
/// area instead of immediately after the dialog's content. This flag is ignored if the pszExpandedInformation member is NULL.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the string specified by the pszExpandedInformation member is displayed when the dialog is initially displayed.
/// This flag is ignored if the pszExpandedInformation member is NULL.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the verification checkbox in the dialog is checked when the dialog is initially displayed. This flag is
/// ignored if the pszVerificationText parameter is NULL.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>Indicates that a Progress Bar is to be displayed.</summary>
/// <summary>Indicates that an Marquee Progress Bar is to be displayed.</summary>
/// <summary>Indicates that the task dialog's callback is to be called approximately every 200 milliseconds.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the task dialog is positioned (centered) relative to the window specified by hwndParent. If the flag is not
/// supplied (or no hwndParent member is specified), the task dialog is positioned (centered) relative to the monitor.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>Indicates that text is displayed reading right to left.</summary>
TDF_RTL_LAYOUT = 0x2000,
/// <summary>Indicates that no default item will be selected.</summary>
/// <summary>Indicates that the task dialog can be minimized.</summary>
/// <summary>Don't call SetForegroundWindow() when activating the dialog.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the width of the task dialog is determined by the width of its content area. This flag is ignored if cxWidth
/// is not set to 0.
/// </summary>
TDF_SIZE_TO_CONTENT = 0x01000000
/// <summary>Indicates which icon element to update for the TDM_UPDATE_ICON message.</summary>
[PInvokeData("Commctrl.h", MSDNShortId = "bb760538")]
/// <summary>Main instruction icon.</summary>
/// <summary>Footer icon.</summary>
/// <summary>The System icons the TaskDialog supports for <see cref="TASKDIALOGCONFIG.footerIcon"/> and <see cref="TASKDIALOGCONFIG.mainIcon"/>.</summary>
[PInvokeData("Commctrl.h", MSDNShortId = "bb787473")]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1028:EnumStorageShouldBeInt32")] // Type comes from CommCtrl.h
public enum TaskDialogIcon : uint
/// <summary>An exclamation-point icon appears in the task dialog.</summary>
/// <summary>A stop-sign icon appears in the task dialog.</summary>
/// <summary>An icon consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle appears in the task dialog.</summary>
/// <summary>A shield icon appears in the task dialog.</summary>
/// <summary>Shield icon on a blue background. Only available on Windows 8 and later.</summary>
/// <summary>Warning Shield icon on a yellow background. Only available on Windows 8 and later.</summary>
/// <summary>Error Shield icon on a red background. Only available on Windows 8 and later.</summary>
/// <summary>Success Shield icon on a green background. Only available on Windows 8 and later.</summary>
/// <summary>Shield icon on a gray background. Only available on Windows 8 and later.</summary>
/// <summary>TaskDialogMessage taken from CommCtrl.h.</summary>
[PInvokeData("Commctrl.h", MSDNShortId = "bb787473")]
public enum TaskDialogMessage : uint
/// <summary>Navigate page.</summary>
TDM_NAVIGATE_PAGE = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 101,
/// <summary>Click button.</summary>
TDM_CLICK_BUTTON = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 102, // wParam = Button ID
/// <summary>Set Progress bar to be marquee mode.</summary>
TDM_SET_MARQUEE_PROGRESS_BAR = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 103, // wParam = 0 (nonMarque) wParam != 0 (Marquee)
/// <summary>Set Progress bar state.</summary>
TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_STATE = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 104, // wParam = new progress state
/// <summary>Set progress bar range.</summary>
TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_RANGE = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 105, // lParam = MAKELPARAM(nMinRange, nMaxRange)
/// <summary>Set progress bar position.</summary>
TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_POS = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 106, // wParam = new position
/// <summary>Set progress bar marquee (animation).</summary>
TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_MARQUEE = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 107, // wParam = 0 (stop marquee), wParam != 0 (start marquee), lparam = speed (milliseconds between repaints)
/// <summary>Set a text element of the Task Dialog.</summary>
TDM_SET_ELEMENT_TEXT = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 108, // wParam = element (TASKDIALOG_ELEMENTS), lParam = new element text (LPCWSTR)
/// <summary>Click a radio button.</summary>
TDM_CLICK_RADIO_BUTTON = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 110, // wParam = Radio Button ID
/// <summary>Enable or disable a button.</summary>
TDM_ENABLE_BUTTON = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 111, // lParam = 0 (disable), lParam != 0 (enable), wParam = Button ID
/// <summary>Enable or disable a radio button.</summary>
TDM_ENABLE_RADIO_BUTTON = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 112, // lParam = 0 (disable), lParam != 0 (enable), wParam = Radio Button ID
/// <summary>Check or uncheck the verification checkbox.</summary>
TDM_CLICK_VERIFICATION = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 113, // wParam = 0 (unchecked), 1 (checked), lParam = 1 (set key focus)
/// <summary>Update the text of an element (no effect if originally set as null).</summary>
TDM_UPDATE_ELEMENT_TEXT = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 114, // wParam = element (TASKDIALOG_ELEMENTS), lParam = new element text (LPCWSTR)
/// <summary>
/// Designate whether a given Task Dialog button or command link should have a User Account Control (UAC) shield icon.
/// </summary>
TDM_SET_BUTTON_ELEVATION_REQUIRED_STATE = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 115, // wParam = Button ID, lParam = 0 (elevation not required), lParam != 0 (elevation required)
/// <summary>Refreshes the icon of the task dialog.</summary>
TDM_UPDATE_ICON = WindowMessage.WM_USER + 116 // wParam = icon element (TASKDIALOG_ICON_ELEMENTS), lParam = new icon (hIcon if TDF_USE_HICON_* was set, PCWSTR otherwise)
/// <summary>Task Dialog callback notifications.</summary>
[PInvokeData("Commctrl.h", MSDNShortId = "bb787473")]
public enum TaskDialogNotification : uint
/// <summary>
/// Sent by the task dialog after the dialog has been created and before it is displayed. This notification code is received only
/// through the task dialog callback function, which can be registered using the TaskDialogIndirect method.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Sent by a task dialog when navigation has occurred. This notification code is received only through the task dialog callback
/// function, which can be registered using the TaskDialogIndirect method.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Sent by a task dialog when the user selects a button or command link in the task dialog. This notification code is received
/// only through the task dialog callback function, which can be registered using the TaskDialogIndirect method. To prevent the
/// task dialog from closing, the application must return S_FALSE, otherwise the task dialog is closed and the button ID is
/// returned via the original application call.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Sent by a task dialog when the user clicks a hyperlink in the task dialog content. This notification code is received only
/// through the task dialog callback function, which can be registered using the TaskDialogIndirect method.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Sent by a task dialog approximately every 200 milliseconds. This notification code is sent when the TDF_CALLBACK_TIMER flag
/// has been set in the dwFlags member of the TASKDIALOGCONFIG structure that was passed to the TaskDialogIndirect function. This
/// notification code is received only through the task dialog callback function, which can be registered using the
/// TaskDialogIndirect method.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Sent by a task dialog when it is destroyed and its window handle is no longer valid. This notification code is received only
/// through the task dialog callback function, which can be registered using the TaskDialogIndirect method.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Sent by a task dialog when the user selects a radio button or command link in the task dialog. This notification code is
/// received only through the task dialog callback function, which can be registered using the TaskDialogIndirect method.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Sent by a task dialog after the dialog has been created and before it is displayed. This notification code is received only
/// through the task dialog callback function, which can be registered using the TaskDialogIndirect method.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Sent by a task dialog when the user clicks the task dialog verification check box. This notification code is received only
/// through the task dialog callback function, which can be registered using the TaskDialogIndirect method.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Sent by a task dialog when the user presses F1 on the keyboard while the dialog has focus. This notification code is received
/// only through the task dialog callback function, which can be registered using the TaskDialogIndirect method.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Sent by the task dialog when the user clicks on the dialog's expando button. This notification is received only through the
/// task dialog callback function, which can be registered using the TaskDialogIndirect method.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The TaskDialog function creates, displays, and operates a task dialog. The task dialog contains application-defined message text
/// and title, icons, and any combination of predefined push buttons. This function does not support the registration of a callback
/// function to receive notifications.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hwndParent">
/// Handle to the owner window of the task dialog to be created. If this parameter is NULL, the task dialog has no owner window.
/// </param>
/// <param name="hInstance">
/// Handle to the module that contains the icon resource identified by the pszIcon member, and the string resources identified by the
/// pszWindowTitle and pszMainInstruction members. If this parameter is NULL, pszIcon must be NULL or a pointer to a null-terminated,
/// Unicode string that contains a system resource identifier, for example, TD_ERROR_ICON.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pszWindowTitle">
/// Pointer to the string to be used for the task dialog title. This parameter is a null-terminated, Unicode string that contains
/// either text, or an integer resource identifier passed through the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. If this parameter is NULL, the filename
/// of the executable program is used.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pszMainInstruction">
/// Pointer to the string to be used for the main instruction. This parameter is a null-terminated, Unicode string that contains
/// either text, or an integer resource identifier passed through the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. This parameter can be NULL if no main
/// instruction is wanted.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pszContent">
/// Pointer to a string used for additional text that appears below the main instruction, in a smaller font. This parameter is a
/// null-terminated, Unicode string that contains either text, or an integer resource identifier passed through the MAKEINTRESOURCE
/// macro. Can be NULL if no additional text is wanted.
/// </param>
/// <param name="dwCommonButtons">
/// Specifies the push buttons displayed in the dialog box. This parameter may be a combination of flags from the following group.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pszIcon">
/// Pointer to a string that identifies the icon to display in the task dialog. This parameter must be an integer resource identifier
/// passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro or one of the following predefined values. If this parameter is NULL, no icon will be
/// displayed. If the hInstance parameter is NULL and one of the predefined values is not used, the TaskDialog function fails.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pnButton">
/// When this function returns, contains a pointer to an integer location that receives one of the standard button result values.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// This function can return one of these values.
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>S_OK</term>
/// <term>The operation completed successfully.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>E_OUTOFMEMORY</term>
/// <term>There is insufficient memory to complete the operation.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>E_INVALIDARG</term>
/// <term>One or more arguments are not valid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>E_FAIL</term>
/// <term>The operation failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </returns>
[PInvokeData("Commctrl.h", MSDNShortId = "bb760540")]
[DllImport(Lib.ComCtl32, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern HRESULT TaskDialog(HWND hwndParent, HINSTANCE hInstance, string pszWindowTitle, string pszMainInstruction, string pszContent, TASKDIALOG_COMMON_BUTTON_FLAGS dwCommonButtons, SafeResourceId pszIcon, out int pnButton);
/// <summary>
/// The TaskDialogIndirect function creates, displays, and operates a task dialog. The task dialog contains application-defined
/// icons, messages, title, verification check box, command links, push buttons, and radio buttons. This function can register a
/// callback function to receive notification messages.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pTaskConfig">Pointer to a TASKDIALOGCONFIG structure that contains information used to display the task dialog.</param>
/// <param name="pnButton">
/// Address of a variable that receives one of the button IDs specified in the pButtons member of the pTaskConfig parameter or a
/// standard button ID value.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pnRadioButton">
/// Address of a variable that receives one of the button IDs specified in the pRadioButtons member of the pTaskConfig parameter. If
/// this parameter is NULL, no value is returned.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pfVerificationFlagChecked">
/// Address of a variable that receives a value indicating if the verification checkbox was checked when the dialog was dismissed.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// This function can return one of these values.
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader>
/// <term>Return code</term>
/// <term>Description</term>
/// </listheader>
/// <item>
/// <term>S_OK</term>
/// <term>The operation completed successfully.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>E_OUTOFMEMORY</term>
/// <term>There is insufficient memory to complete the operation.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>E_INVALIDARG</term>
/// <term>One or more arguments are not valid.</term>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <term>E_FAIL</term>
/// <term>The operation failed.</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </returns>
[PInvokeData("Commctrl.h", MSDNShortId = "bb760544")]
[DllImport(Lib.ComCtl32, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern HRESULT TaskDialogIndirect([In] TASKDIALOGCONFIG pTaskConfig, out int pnButton, out int pnRadioButton, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] out bool pfVerificationFlagChecked);
/// <summary>
/// The TASKDIALOG_BUTTON structure contains information used to display a button in a task dialog. The TASKDIALOGCONFIG structure
/// uses this structure.
/// </summary>
[PInvokeData("Commctrl.h", MSDNShortId = "bb787475")]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
/// <summary>Indicates the value to be returned when this button is selected.</summary>
public int nButtonID;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer that references the string to be used to label the button. This parameter can be either a null-terminated string or
/// an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. When using Command Links, you delineate the command from
/// the note by placing a new line character in the string.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr pszButtonText;
/// <summary>
/// The <c>TASKDIALOGCONFIG</c> structure contains information used to display a task dialog. The TaskDialogIndirect function uses
/// this structure.
/// </summary>
[PInvokeData("commctrl.h", MSDNShortId = "bb787473")]
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, Pack = 1)]
public class TASKDIALOGCONFIG : IDisposable
/// <summary>Specifies the structure size, in bytes.</summary>
public uint cbSize;
/// <summary>Handle to the parent window. This member can be NULL.</summary>
public HWND hwndParent;
/// <summary>
/// Handle to the module that contains the icon resource identified by the pszMainIcon or pszFooterIcon members, and the string
/// resources identified by the pszWindowTitle, pszMainInstruction, pszContent, pszVerificationText, pszExpandedInformation,
/// pszExpandedControlText, pszCollapsedControlText or pszFooter members.
/// </summary>
public HINSTANCE hInstance;
/// <summary>Specifies the behavior of the task dialog. This parameter can be a combination of flags.</summary>
public TASKDIALOG_FLAGS dwFlags;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the push buttons displayed in the task dialog. If no common buttons are specified and no custom buttons are
/// specified using the cButtons and pButtons members, the task dialog will contain the OK button by default. This parameter may
/// be a combination of flags.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Pointer that references the string to be used for the task dialog title. This parameter can be either a null-terminated
/// string or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. If this parameter is NULL, the filename of the
/// executable program is used.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr pszWindowTitle;
/// <summary>
/// A handle to an Icon that is to be displayed in the task dialog. This member is ignored unless the TDF_USE_HICON_MAIN flag is
/// specified. If this member is NULL and the TDF_USE_HICON_MAIN is specified, no icon will be displayed.
/// <para><c>OR</c></para>
/// <para>
/// Pointer that references the icon to be displayed in the task dialog. This parameter is ignored if the USE_HICON_MAIN flag is
/// specified. Otherwise, if this parameter is NULL or the hInstance parameter is NULL, no icon will be displayed. This parameter
/// must be an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
public IntPtr mainIcon;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer that references the string to be used for the main instruction. This parameter can be either a null-terminated string
/// or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr pszMainInstruction;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer that references the string to be used for the dialog's primary content. This parameter can be either a
/// null-terminated string or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. If the ENABLE_HYPERLINKS flag
/// is specified for the dwFlags member, then this string may contain hyperlinks in the form: <A
/// HREF="executablestring">Hyperlink Text</A>. WARNING: Enabling hyperlinks when using content from an unsafe source may cause
/// security vulnerabilities.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr pszContent;
/// <summary>
/// The number of entries in the pButtons array that is used to create buttons or command links in the task dialog. If this
/// member is zero and no common buttons have been specified using the dwCommonButtons member, then the task dialog will have a
/// single OK button displayed.
/// </summary>
public uint cButtons;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to an array of TASKDIALOG_BUTTON structures containing the definition of the custom buttons that are to be displayed
/// in the task dialog. This array must contain at least the number of entries that are specified by the cButtons member.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr pButtons;
/// <summary>
/// The default button for the task dialog. This may be any of the values specified in nButtonID members of one of the
/// TASKDIALOG_BUTTON structures in the pButtons array, or one of the IDs corresponding to the buttons specified in the
/// dwCommonButtons member. If this member is zero or its value does not correspond to any button ID in the dialog, then the
/// first button in the dialog will be the default.
/// </summary>
public int nDefaultButton;
/// <summary>The number of entries in the pRadioButtons array that is used to create radio buttons in the task dialog.</summary>
public uint cRadioButtons;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to an array of TASKDIALOG_BUTTON structures containing the definition of the radio buttons that are to be displayed
/// in the task dialog. This array must contain at least the number of entries that are specified by the cRadioButtons member.
/// This parameter can be NULL.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr pRadioButtons;
/// <summary>
/// The button ID of the radio button that is selected by default. If this value does not correspond to a button ID, the first
/// button in the array is selected by default.
/// </summary>
public int nDefaultRadioButton;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer that references the string to be used to label the verification checkbox. This parameter can be either a
/// null-terminated string or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. If this parameter is NULL, the
/// verification checkbox is not displayed in the task dialog. If the pfVerificationFlagChecked parameter of TaskDialogIndirect
/// is NULL, the checkbox is not enabled.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr pszVerificationText;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer that references the string to be used for displaying additional information. This parameter can be either a
/// null-terminated string or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. The additional information is
/// displayed either immediately below the content or below the footer text depending on whether the TDF_EXPAND_FOOTER_AREA flag
/// is specified. If the TDF_ENABLE_HYPERLINKS flag is specified for the dwFlags member, then this string may contain hyperlinks
/// in the form: <A HREF="executablestring">Hyperlink Text</A>. WARNING: Enabling hyperlinks when using content from an unsafe
/// source may cause security vulnerabilities.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr pszExpandedInformation;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer that references the string to be used to label the button for collapsing the expandable information. This parameter
/// can be either a null-terminated string or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. This member is
/// ignored when the pszExpandedInformation member is NULL. If this member is NULL and the pszCollapsedControlText is specified,
/// then the pszCollapsedControlText value will be used for this member as well.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr pszExpandedControlText;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer that references the string to be used to label the button for expanding the expandable information. This parameter
/// can be either a null-terminated string or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. This member is
/// ignored when the pszExpandedInformation member is NULL. If this member is NULL and the pszCollapsedControlText is specified,
/// then the pszCollapsedControlText value will be used for this member as well.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr pszCollapsedControlText;
/// <summary>
/// A handle to an Icon that is to be displayed in the footer of the task dialog. This member is ignored unless the
/// TDF_USE_HICON_FOOTER flag is specified and the pszFooterIcon is not. If this member is NULL and the TDF_USE_HICON_FOOTER is
/// specified, no icon is displayed.
/// <para><c>OR</c></para>
/// <para>
/// Pointer that references the icon to be displayed in the footer area of the task dialog. This parameter is ignored if the
/// TDF_USE_HICON_FOOTER flag is specified, or if pszFooter is NULL. Otherwise, if this parameter is NULL or the hInstance
/// parameter is NULL, no icon is displayed. This parameter must be an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE
/// macro or one of the predefined values listed for pszMainIcon.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
public IntPtr footerIcon;
/// <summary>
/// Pointer to the string to be used in the footer area of the task dialog. This parameter can be either a null-terminated string
/// or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. If the TDF_ENABLE_HYPERLINKS flag is specified for the
/// dwFlags member, then this string may contain hyperlinks in this form.
/// <para>&lt;A HREF="executablestring"&gt;Hyperlink Text&lt;/A&gt;</para>
/// <note type="warning">Enabling hyperlinks when using content from an unsafe source may cause security vulnerabilities.</note>
/// </summary>
public IntPtr pszFooter;
/// <summary>Pointer to an application-defined callback function. For more information see TaskDialogCallbackProc.</summary>
public TaskDialogCallbackProc pfCallbackProc;
/// <summary>A pointer to application-defined reference data. This value is defined by the caller.</summary>
public IntPtr lpCallbackData;
/// <summary>
/// The width of the task dialog's client area, in dialog units. If 0, the task dialog manager will calculate the ideal width.
/// </summary>
public uint cxWidth;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TASKDIALOGCONFIG"/> class setting the <see cref="cbSize"/> field properly.
/// </summary>
cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TASKDIALOGCONFIG));
/// <summary>
/// The string to be used for the task dialog title. If this parameter is NULL, the filename of the executable program is used.
/// </summary>
public string WindowTitle
get => SafeResourceId.GetString(pszWindowTitle, CharSet.Unicode);
set => StringHelper.RefreshString(ref pszWindowTitle, out var _, value, CharSet.Unicode);
/// <summary>The string to be used for the main instruction.</summary>
public string MainInstruction
get => SafeResourceId.GetString(pszMainInstruction, CharSet.Unicode);
set => StringHelper.RefreshString(ref pszMainInstruction, out var _, value, CharSet.Unicode);
/// <summary>
/// The string to be used for the dialog's primary content. If the ENABLE_HYPERLINKS flag is specified for the dwFlags member,
/// then this string may contain hyperlinks in the form: &lt;A HREF="executablestring"&gt;Hyperlink Text&lt;/A&gt;. WARNING:
/// Enabling hyperlinks when using content from an unsafe source may cause security vulnerabilities.
/// </summary>
public string Content
get => SafeResourceId.GetString(pszContent, CharSet.Unicode);
set => StringHelper.RefreshString(ref pszContent, out var _, value, CharSet.Unicode);
/// <summary>
/// The string to be used to label the verification checkbox. If this parameter is NULL, the verification checkbox is not
/// displayed in the task dialog. If the pfVerificationFlagChecked parameter of TaskDialogIndirect is NULL, the checkbox is not enabled.
/// </summary>
public string VerificationText
get => SafeResourceId.GetString(pszVerificationText, CharSet.Unicode);
set => StringHelper.RefreshString(ref pszVerificationText, out var _, value, CharSet.Unicode);
/// <summary>
/// The string to be used for displaying additional information. The additional information is displayed either immediately below
/// the content or below the footer text depending on whether the TDF_EXPAND_FOOTER_AREA flag is specified. If the
/// TDF_ENABLE_HYPERLINKS flag is specified for the dwFlags member, then this string may contain hyperlinks in the form: &lt;A
/// HREF="executablestring"&gt;Hyperlink Text&lt;/A&gt;. WARNING: Enabling hyperlinks when using content from an unsafe source
/// may cause security vulnerabilities.
/// </summary>
public string ExpandedInformation
get => SafeResourceId.GetString(pszExpandedInformation, CharSet.Unicode);
set => StringHelper.RefreshString(ref pszExpandedInformation, out var _, value, CharSet.Unicode);
/// <summary>
/// The string to be used to label the button for collapsing the expandable information. This member is ignored when the
/// pszExpandedInformation member is NULL. If this member is NULL and the pszCollapsedControlText is specified, then the
/// pszCollapsedControlText value will be used for this member as well.
/// </summary>
public string ExpandedControlText
get => SafeResourceId.GetString(pszExpandedControlText, CharSet.Unicode);
set => StringHelper.RefreshString(ref pszExpandedControlText, out var _, value, CharSet.Unicode);
/// <summary>
/// The string to be used to label the button for expanding the expandable information. This member is ignored when the
/// pszExpandedInformation member is NULL. If this member is NULL and the pszCollapsedControlText is specified, then the
/// pszCollapsedControlText value will be used for this member as well.
/// </summary>
public string CollapsedControlText
get => SafeResourceId.GetString(pszCollapsedControlText, CharSet.Unicode);
set => StringHelper.RefreshString(ref pszCollapsedControlText, out var _, value, CharSet.Unicode);
/// <summary>
/// The string to be used in the footer area of the task dialog. If the TDF_ENABLE_HYPERLINKS flag is specified for the dwFlags
/// member, then this string may contain hyperlinks in this form.
/// <para>&lt;A HREF="executablestring"&gt;Hyperlink Text&lt;/A&gt;</para>
/// <note type="warning">Enabling hyperlinks when using content from an unsafe source may cause security vulnerabilities.</note>
/// </summary>
public string Footer
get => SafeResourceId.GetString(pszFooter, CharSet.Unicode);
set => StringHelper.RefreshString(ref pszFooter, out var _, value, CharSet.Unicode);
/// <inheritdoc/>
void IDisposable.Dispose()
FreeResource(ref pszWindowTitle);
FreeResource(ref pszMainInstruction);
FreeResource(ref pszContent);
FreeResource(ref pszVerificationText);
FreeResource(ref pszExpandedInformation);
FreeResource(ref pszExpandedControlText);
FreeResource(ref pszCollapsedControlText);
FreeResource(ref pszFooter);
private static void FreeResource(ref IntPtr ptr)
StringHelper.FreeString(ptr, CharSet.Unicode);
ptr = IntPtr.Zero;