David Hall a3cf995800 Aligned targets in high-level projects 2022-12-21 20:31:06 -07:00
Components Pushed MRUManager base class to Windows.Shell.Common 2022-06-09 22:31:52 -06:00
Contexts Renamed WIndows.Forms to Windows.Forms (#165) 2020-09-05 15:00:37 -06:00
Controls BREAKING CHANGES: I have dramatically reduced dependencies of almost all assemblies on .NET runtime assemblies not part of core System assemblies, most specifically System.Drawing and System.Windows.Forms. This forced the removal of some overloaded methods and the replacement of leveraged structures and enums with native equivalents. I added Vanara.Windows.Shell.Common which has all the content from Vanara.WIndows.Shell that did not have dependencies. I extracted all extension methods from Gdi32 and User32 and moved them to Vanara.Windows.Extensions. 2022-01-14 07:32:51 -07:00
Design Corrected build warnings related to RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute 2022-10-04 09:06:09 -06:00
Dialogs Removed all calls to `Marshal.ReleaseComObject` where there exists a possibility that the interface could have been referenced by another object and changed to nulling the holding variable. See discussion thread #188. 2021-02-01 16:08:43 -07:00
Drawing BREAKING CHANGES: I have dramatically reduced dependencies of almost all assemblies on .NET runtime assemblies not part of core System assemblies, most specifically System.Drawing and System.Windows.Forms. This forced the removal of some overloaded methods and the replacement of leveraged structures and enums with native equivalents. I added Vanara.Windows.Shell.Common which has all the content from Vanara.WIndows.Shell that did not have dependencies. I extracted all extension methods from Gdi32 and User32 and moved them to Vanara.Windows.Extensions. 2022-01-14 07:32:51 -07:00
Extenders Renamed WIndows.Forms to Windows.Forms (#165) 2020-09-05 15:00:37 -06:00
Extensions BREAKING CHANGES: I have dramatically reduced dependencies of almost all assemblies on .NET runtime assemblies not part of core System assemblies, most specifically System.Drawing and System.Windows.Forms. This forced the removal of some overloaded methods and the replacement of leveraged structures and enums with native equivalents. I added Vanara.Windows.Shell.Common which has all the content from Vanara.WIndows.Shell that did not have dependencies. I extracted all extension methods from Gdi32 and User32 and moved them to Vanara.Windows.Extensions. 2022-01-14 07:32:51 -07:00
Properties Renamed WIndows.Forms to Windows.Forms (#165) 2020-09-05 15:00:37 -06:00
Resources Renamed WIndows.Forms to Windows.Forms (#165) 2020-09-05 15:00:37 -06:00
_InProgress_ Removed files no longer needed 2020-12-14 16:12:41 -07:00
DesktopWindowManager.cs BREAKING CHANGES: I have dramatically reduced dependencies of almost all assemblies on .NET runtime assemblies not part of core System assemblies, most specifically System.Drawing and System.Windows.Forms. This forced the removal of some overloaded methods and the replacement of leveraged structures and enums with native equivalents. I added Vanara.Windows.Shell.Common which has all the content from Vanara.WIndows.Shell that did not have dependencies. I extracted all extension methods from Gdi32 and User32 and moved them to Vanara.Windows.Extensions. 2022-01-14 07:32:51 -07:00
LiveThumbnail.cs Renamed WIndows.Forms to Windows.Forms (#165) 2020-09-05 15:00:37 -06:00
Styles.cs Renamed WIndows.Forms to Windows.Forms (#165) 2020-09-05 15:00:37 -06:00
Vanara.Windows.Forms.csproj Aligned targets in high-level projects 2022-12-21 20:31:06 -07:00
VisualTheme.cs BREAKING CHANGES: I have dramatically reduced dependencies of almost all assemblies on .NET runtime assemblies not part of core System assemblies, most specifically System.Drawing and System.Windows.Forms. This forced the removal of some overloaded methods and the replacement of leveraged structures and enums with native equivalents. I added Vanara.Windows.Shell.Common which has all the content from Vanara.WIndows.Shell that did not have dependencies. I extracted all extension methods from Gdi32 and User32 and moved them to Vanara.Windows.Extensions. 2022-01-14 07:32:51 -07:00 Updated project files 2022-07-16 19:30:05 -06:00 Renamed all project report files to '' so they show in GitHub 2022-09-01 14:43:04 -06:00

Assembly report for Vanara.Windows.Forms.dll

Classes for user interface related items derived from the Vanara PInvoke libraries. Includes extensions for almost all common controls to give post Vista capabilities, WinForms controls (panel, commandlink, enhanced combo boxes, IPAddress, split button, trackbar and themed controls), shutdown/restart/lock control, buffered painting, resource files, access control editor, simplifed designer framework for Windows.Forms.


Enum Description Values
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.BitmapProperty Properties accessible via Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.GetBitmap(System.Int32,System.Int32,Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.BitmapProperty). BackgroundImage, GlyphImage, Handle
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.BoolProperty Properties accessible via Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.GetBool(System.Int32,System.Int32,Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.BoolProperty). FlatMenus, Transparent, AutoSize, BorderOnly, Composited, BackgroundFill, GlyphTransparent, GlyphOnly, AlwaysShowSizingBar, MirrorImage, UniformSizing, IntegralSizing, SourceGrow, SourceShrink, DrawBorders, NoEtchedEffect, TextApplyOverlay, TextGlow, TextItalic, CompositedOpaque, LocalizedMirrorImage, UserPicture, ScaledBackground
Vanara.Windows.Forms.DesktopWindowManager.CloakingSource Use with GetWindowAttr and WindowAttribute.Cloaked. If the window is cloaked, provides one of the following values explaining why. App, Shell, Inherited
Vanara.Windows.Forms.CollapsiblePanelBorderCondition Determines when a border will be displayed. Always, OnlyExpanded, Never
Vanara.Windows.Forms.CollapsiblePanelHeaderState Determines the state of the panel's header. Normal, Hot, Pressed, ExpandedNormal, ExpandedHot, ExpandedPressed, Disabled, ExpandedDisabled
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.ColorProperty Properties accessible via Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.GetColor(System.Int32,System.Int32,Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.ColorProperty). ScrollBar, Background, ActiveCaption, InactiveCaption, Menu, Window, WindowFrame, MenuText, WindowText, CaptionText, ActiveBorder, InactiveBorder, AppWorkspace, Highlight, HighlightText, ButtonFace, ButtonShadow, GrayText, ButtonText, InactiveCaptionText, ButtonHighlight, DarkShadow3D, Light3D, InfoText, InfoBackground, ButtonAlternateFace, HotTracking, GradientActiveCaption, GradientInactiveCaption, MenuHilight, MenuBar, FromColor1, FromColor2, FromColor3, FromColor4, FromColor5, BorderColor, FillColor, TextColor, EdgeLightColor, EdgeHighlightColor, EdgeShadowColor, EdgeDarkShadowColor, EdgeFillColor, TransparentColor, GradientColor1, GradientColor2, GradientColor3, GradientColor4, GradientColor5, ShadowColor, GlowColor, TextBorderColor, TextShadowColor, GlyphTextColor, GlyphTransparentColor, FillColorHint, BorderColorHint, AccentColorHint, TextColorHint, Heading1TextColor, Heading2TextColor, BodyTextColor, BlendColor
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ControlState State flags for controls derived from Vanara.Windows.Forms.CustomDrawBase. Hot, Pressed, Disabled, Animating, MouseDown, InButtonUp, Defaulted, Focused
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.EnumProperty Properties accessible via GetEnumValue. BackgroundType, BorderType, FillType, SizingType, HAlign, ContentAlignment, VAlign, OffsetType, IconEffect, TextShadowType, ImageLayout, GlyphType, ImageSelectType, GlyphFontSizingType, TrueSizeScalingType
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowserContentSectionOptions Indicates the content options of the explorer browser. Typically use one, or a bitwise combination of these flags to specify how content should appear in the explorer browser control None, AutoArrange, Desktop, SingleSelection, NoSubfolders, Transparent, NoScrollBars, AlignLeft, NoIcons, SingleClickActivate, NoWebView, HideFileNames, CheckSelect, NoEnumOnRefresh, NoGrouping, FullRowSelect, NoFilters, NoColumnHeader, NoHeaderInAllViews, ExtendedTiles, AutoCheckSelect, NoBrowserViewState, SubsetGroup, UseSearchFolder, AllowRtlReading
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowserLoadFlags These flags are used with Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowser.LoadCustomItems(System.Object,Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowserLoadFlags). None, SelectFromDataObject, NoDropTarget
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowserNavigateOptions Specifies the options that control subsequent navigation. Typically use one, or a bitwise combination of these flags to specify how the explorer browser navigates. None, NavigateOnce, ShowFrames, AlwaysNavigate, NoTravelLog, NoWrapperWindow, HtmlSharePointView, NoBorder, NoPersistViewState
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowserNavigationItemCategory Flags specifying the folder to be browsed. Default, UseCurrentWindow, Absolute, SameWindow, NewWindow, NoFolderTree, ExploreMode, NoTransferHistory, Relative, ParentFolder, NavigateBack, NavigateForward, AllowAutoNavigate, KeepSearchText, ActivateNoFocus, CreateNoHistory, PlayNoSound, CallerUntrusted, TrustFirstDownload, UntrustedForDownload, NoHistorySelect, WriteNoHistory, TrustedForActiveX, FeedNavigation, Redirect
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowserViewMode Indicates the viewing mode of the explorer browser Icon, SmallIcon, List, Details, Thumbnail, Tile, ThumbStrip, Content, Auto
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.FilenameProperty Properties accessible via Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.GetFilename(System.Int32,System.Int32,Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.FilenameProperty). ImageFile, ImageFile1, ImageFile2, ImageFile3, ImageFile4, ImageFile5, GlyphImageFile
Vanara.Windows.Forms.DesktopWindowManager.Flip3DWindowPolicy Flags used by the SetWindowAttr method to specify the Flip3D window policy. Default, ExcludeBelow, ExcludeAbove
Vanara.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialogOptions Folders, FoldersAndFiles, Computers, Printers
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.FontProperty Properties accessible via Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.GetFont(System.Drawing.IDeviceContext,System.Int32,System.Int32,Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.FontProperty). Caption, SmallCaption, Menu, Status, MessageBox, IconTitle, Heading1, Heading2, Body, Glyph
Vanara.Extensions.IconSize Used to determine the size of the icon returned by various shell methods. Large, Small, ExtraLarge, Jumbo
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.IntProperty Properties accessible via Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.GetInt(System.Int32,System.Int32,Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.IntProperty). CharSet, MinimumColorDepth, FromHue1, FromHue2, FromHue3, FromHue4, FromHue5, ToHue1, ToHue2, ToHue3, ToHue4, ToHue5, ToColor1, ToColor2, ToColor3, ToColor4, ToColor5, TextGlowSize, FramesPerSecond, PixelsPerFrame, AnimationDelay, GlowIntensity, Opacity, ColorizationColor, ColorizationOpacity, AnimationDuration
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ItemHitLocation The location on the IShellItem that was clicked. NoWhere, OnIcon, OnLabel, OnIndent, OnButton, OnRight, OnStateIcon, OnItem, OnTabButton
Vanara.Windows.Forms.KnownFolder Standard folders registered with the system as Known Folders. A computer will have only folders appropriate to it installed. AccountPictures, AddNewPrograms, AdminTools, ApplicationShortcuts, AppsFolder, AppUpdates, CameraRoll, CDBurning, ChangeRemovePrograms, CommonAdminTools, CommonOEMLinks, CommonPrograms, CommonStartMenu, CommonStartup, CommonTemplates, ComputerFolder, ConflictFolder, ConnectionsFolder, Contacts, ControlPanelFolder, Cookies, Desktop, DeviceMetadataStore, Documents, DocumentsLibrary, Downloads, Favorites, Fonts, Games, GameTasks, History, HomeGroup, HomeGroupCurrentUser, ImplicitAppShortcuts, InternetCache, InternetFolder, Libraries, Links, LocalAppData, LocalAppDataLow, LocalizedResourcesDir, Music, MusicLibrary, NetHood, NetworkFolder, OriginalImages, PhotoAlbums, PicturesLibrary, Pictures, Playlists, PrintersFolder, PrintHood, Profile, ProgramData, ProgramFiles, ProgramFilesX64, ProgramFilesX86, ProgramFilesCommon, ProgramFilesCommonX64, ProgramFilesCommonX86, Programs, Public, PublicDesktop, PublicDocuments, PublicDownloads, PublicGameTasks, PublicLibraries, PublicMusic, PublicPictures, PublicRingtones, PublicUserTiles, PublicVideos, QuickLaunch, Recent, RecordedTVLibrary, RecycleBinFolder, ResourceDir, Ringtones, RoamingAppData, RoamedTileImages, RoamingTiles, SampleMusic, SamplePictures, SamplePlaylists, SampleVideos, SavedGames, SavedPictures, SavedPicturesLibrary, SavedSearches, Screenshots, SEARCH_CSC, SearchHistory, SearchHome, SEARCH_MAPI, SearchTemplates, SendTo, SidebarDefaultParts, SidebarParts, SkyDrive, SkyDriveCameraRoll, SkyDriveDocuments, SkyDrivePictures, StartMenu, Startup, SyncManagerFolder, SyncResultsFolder, SyncSetupFolder, System, SystemX86, Templates, UserPinned, UserProfiles, UserProgramFiles, UserProgramFilesCommon, UsersFiles, UsersLibraries, Videos, VideosLibrary, Windows, Undefined
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.MarginsProperty Properties accessible via Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.GetMargins(System.Drawing.IDeviceContext,System.Int32,System.Int32,Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.MarginsProperty). Sizing, Content, Caption
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.MetricProperty Properties accessible via Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.GetMetric(System.Drawing.IDeviceContext,System.Int32,System.Int32,Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.MetricProperty). ImageCount, AlphaLevel, BorderSize, RoundCornerWidth, RoundCornerHeight, GradientRatio1, GradientRatio2, GradientRatio3, GradientRatio4, GradientRatio5, ProgressChunkSize, ProgressSpaceSize, Saturation, TextBorderSize, AlphaThreshold, Width, Height, GlyphIndex, TrueSizeStretchMark, MinDpi1, MinDpi2, MinDpi3, MinDpi4, MinDpi5
Vanara.Windows.Forms.DesktopWindowManager.NonClientRenderingPolicy Flags used by the SetWindowAttr method to specify the non-client area rendering policy. UseWindowStyle, Disabled, Enabled
Vanara.Windows.Forms.PaneVisibilityState Indicates the visibility state of an ExplorerBrowser pane. Default, Show, Hide
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.PartSize Identifies the type of size value to retrieve for a visual style part. Minimum, BestFit, Default
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.PositionProperty Properties accessible via Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.GetPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.PositionProperty). Offset, TextShadowOffset, MinSize, MinSize1, MinSize2, MinSize3, MinSize4, MinSize5, NormalSize
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ProgressBarState Progress bar state. Normal, Error, Paused
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.PropertyOrigin Returned by GetPropertyOrigin to specify where a property was found. State, Part, Class, Global, NotFound
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.RectangleProperty Properties accessible via Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.GetRect(System.Int32,System.Int32,Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.RectangleProperty). DefaultPane, CustomSplit, AnimationButton, Atlas
Vanara.Windows.Forms.RenderStyle Style used to render the theme. SystemTheme, Custom
Vanara.Windows.Forms.SecurityPageType Values that indicate the types of property pages in an access control editor property sheet. BasicPermissions, AdvancedPermissions, Audit, Owner, EffectiveRights, TakeOwnership, Share
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControlAction Actions on a Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControl exposed through Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControlEventArgs. Unknown, ByKeyboard, ByMouse, AfterAdd, AfterDelete, BeforeDelete, Collapse, Expand
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellProgressDialogStyle Display style for a Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellProgressDialog. Normal, Marquee, Hidden
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellTreeItemButton Determines the image displayed to the right of an item in Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControl. None, Arrow, Delete, Refresh
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellTreeItemCheckBoxStyle The style of check box to display. None, Normal, Partial, Exclusion, Dimmed
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellTreeItemState Specifies the state of a tree item. None, Selected, Expanded, Bold, Disabled, SelectedNotExpanded
Vanara.Windows.Forms.CustomComboBox.SizeMode Sizing mode for the CustomComboBox drop-down area. UseComboSize, UseControlSize, UseDropDownSize
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.StringProperty Properties accessible via Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.GetString(System.Int32,System.Int32,Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme.StringProperty). ColorSchemes, Sizes, Name, DisplayName, Tooltip, Company, Author, Copyright, Url, Version, Description, CssName, XmlName, LastUpdated, Alias, Text, ClassicValue, AtlasInputImage
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialogButtonDisplay Indicates how buttons are displayed on a Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog. StandardButton, CommandLink, CommandLinkNoIcon
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialogCommonButtons The TaskDialog common button flags used to specify the built in buttons to show in the TaskDialog. None, Ok, Yes, No, Cancel, Retry, Close
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialogIcon The System icons the TaskDialog supports. None, ShieldGray, SecuritySuccess, SecurityError, SecurityWarning, ShieldBlue, Shield, Information, Error, Warning


Struct Description
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.TaskDialogResult Results from running the Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.


Interface Description
Vanara.Security.AccessControl.IAccessControlEditorDialogProvider An interface for defining an information provider for object types supplied to the Vanara.Windows.Forms.AccessControlEditorDialog.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.IActionGetItem Interface for an action that has items and a category.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.IDrawingStyle An interface for controls that provide drawing styles.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.IEnableable Interface that exposes an Enabled property for an item supplied to Vanara.Windows.Forms.DisabledItemComboBox.


Class Description
Vanara.Windows.Forms.AccessControlEditorDialog Displays a property sheet that contains a basic security property page. This property page enables the user to view and edit the access rights allowed or denied by the ACEs in an object's DACL.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ActivationContext Provides an activation context for a manifest file or PE image. On disposal, the context is deactivated.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.AttributedComponentDesigner A designer for components that support attributes.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.AttributedComponentDesignerEx An extended designer for components that support attributes.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.AttributedControlDesigner A designer for controls that support attributes.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.AttributedControlDesignerEx An extended designer for controls that support attributes.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.AttributedDesignerActionList A designer action list pulled from attributes.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.AttributedParentControlDesigner A designer for parent controls supported by attributes.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.AttributedParentControlDesignerEx An extended designer for parent controls supported by attributes.
Vanara.Security.AuthenticationBuffer Safe container for an authentication buffer. Allows for creation using native CredPackAuthenticationBuffer method or assignment from an existing IntPtr. Can unpack to System.String or System.Security.SecureString values.
Vanara.Drawing.BufferedAnimationPainter Use to paint a buffered animation.
Vanara.Drawing.BufferedPaint Buffered painting helper class.
Vanara.Drawing.BufferedPainter Use to perform buffered painting.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.ButtonClickedEventArgs Provides data for the Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.ButtonClicked and the Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.RadioButtonClicked events.
Vanara.Extensions.ButtonExtension Extension methods for System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.CollapsiblePanel Control providing a panel that can be collapsed.
Vanara.Extensions.ComboBoxExtension Extension methods for System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.CommandLink Represents a Windows Command Link control.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.ComponentDesignerExtension Methods to assist when using designer code.
Vanara.Extensions.ControlExtension Control extension methods.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ControlImage Represents an image used within a control.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.CredentialsDialog Dialog box which prompts for user credentials using the Win32 CREDUI methods.
Vanara.Extensions.CursorExtension Extension methods for System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.CustomButton A custom drawn button.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.CustomComboBox CustomComboBox is an extension of System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox which provides drop-down customization.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.CustomDrawBase Abstract class for implementing a custom-drawn control that tracks mouse movement and has text and/or an image. It exposes all property changes.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.DesignerActionMethodAttribute Attribute placed on methods that indicate they support a designer action.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.DesignerActionPropertyAttribute Attribute placed on properties that indicate they support a designer action.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.DesignerVerbAttribute Attribute placed on methods that indicate they support a designer attribute.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.DesktopWindowManager Main DWM class, provides glass sheet effect and blur behind.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.DisabledItemComboBox A version of System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox that allows for disabled items.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.CustomButton.DrawPattern A pattern to use for drawing the button.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.EditorServiceContext A service context implementation for an editor.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.EnumComboBox A combo box that displays the items of an System.Enum type. If the Enum type has a System.FlagsAttribute, then the drop-down will be checked list of the values.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.ExpandedEventArgs Provides data for the Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.ExpandedEventArgs.Expanded event.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowser ExplorerBrowser is a browser object that can be either navigated or that can host a view of a data object. As a full-featured browser object, it also supports an automatic travel log.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowser.ExplorerBrowserPaneVisibility Controls the visibility of the various ExplorerBrowser panes on subsequent navigation
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.FlagEnumUIEditor.FlagCheckedListBox A checked list box to use as the editor.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.FlagEnumUIEditor A System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor for editing flag enums.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog Class to let the user browse for a folder.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialogInitializedEventArgs Event arguments for when the Vanara.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog has been initialized.
Vanara.Security.AccessControl.GenericProvider Base implementation of Vanara.Security.AccessControl.IAccessControlEditorDialogProvider.
Vanara.Drawing.BufferedPaint.GetDuration A method delegate that retrieves a duration, in milliseconds, to use as the time over which buffered painting occurs.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.GlassExtenderProvider GlassExtenderProvider extends a System.Windows.Forms.Form and provides glass margins.
Vanara.Extensions.GraphicsExtension Extensions to Graphics related classes.
Vanara.Resources.ResourceFile.GroupIconResIndexer An indexer for group icons.
Vanara.Extensions.IconExtension Extension methods for System.Drawing.Icon.
Vanara.Extensions.ImageListExtension Extension methods for System.Windows.Forms.ImageList.
Vanara.Resources.ResourceFile.ImageResIndexer An indexer for images.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.InputDialog An input dialog that automatically creates controls to collect the values of the object supplied via the Vanara.Windows.Forms.InputDialog.Data property.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.InputDialogItemAttribute Allows a developer to attribute a property or field with text that gets shown instead of the field or property name in an Vanara.Windows.Forms.InputDialog.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.InvalidFolderEventArgs Event arguments for when an invalid folder is selected.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.IPAddressBox An Internet Protocol (IP) address control allows the user to enter an IP address in an easily understood format.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.IPAddressFieldChangedEventArgs Contains the arguments needed to handle the Vanara.Windows.Forms.IPAddressBox.FieldChanged event.
Vanara.Extensions.LabelExtension Extension methods for System.Windows.Forms.Label.
Vanara.Extensions.ListViewExtension Extension methods for System.Windows.Forms.ListView.
Vanara.Extensions.ListViewGroupingSet Takes a list of groups and matching predicates to be used by the ApplyGroupingSet extension method.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.LiveThumbnail Extracts all or a portion of a window and renders it as a thumbnail on another portion of the desktop.
Vanara.Extensions.MapPointExtension Extension methods for windows to process points in the coordinate space.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.MenuStripMRUManager A class that manages a Most Recently Used file listing and interacts with a MenuStrip to display a menu list of the files. By default, the application settings are used to store the history. Optionally a constructor can be used to provide an alternate class to handle that work.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowser.NavigatedEventArgs Event argument for The Navigated event
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowser.NavigatingEventArgs Event argument for The Navigating event
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowser.NavigationFailedEventArgs Event argument for the NavigatinoFailed event
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowser.NavigationLog The navigation log is a history of the locations visited by the explorer browser.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ExplorerBrowser.NavigationLogEventArgs The event argument for NavigationLogChangedEvent
Vanara.Windows.Forms.NetworkConnectionDialog A dialog box that allows the user to browse and connect to network resources.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.NetworkDisconnectDialog A dialog box that allows the user to browse and connect to network resources.
Vanara.Extensions.NotifyIconExtensions Extension methods for System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon.
Vanara.Drawing.BufferedPaint.PaintAction A method delegate to paint a stateful image.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.CredentialsDialog.PasswordValidatorEventArgs Used by the Vanara.Windows.Forms.CredentialsDialog.ValidatePassword event.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Forms.PreventShutdownContext Used to define a set of operations within which any shutdown request will be met with a reason why this application is blocking it.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ProgressDialog Multi-level, auto-sizing, progress dialog supporting asyncronous tasks. The background activities are provided as asyncronous methods who have a System.Threading.CancellationToken and an System.IProgress1instance passed as parameters. The method uses theSystem.Threading.CancellationTokeninstance to determine if the user has pressed the "Cancel" button and theSystem.IProgress1.Report(0)` method to report progress.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ProgressEventArgs Updates progress on a Vanara.Windows.Forms.ProgressDialog.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.RedirectedDesignerItemAttribute Attribute placed on class items that indicate they support a designer redirected item.
Vanara.Resources.ResourceFile Represents a file that contains resources.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.ServiceProviderExtension Extension methods for IServiceProvider.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControl A control used to view and manipulate nodes in a tree of Shell items.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControlCancelEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeExpand, and BeforeSelect events of a Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControl control.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControlEventArgs Event arguments for actions against Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControl.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControlItemLabelEditEventArgs Arguments for item label edit events in a Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControl.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControlItemMouseClickEventArgs Arguments for mouse click events in a Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControl.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeRootList Encapsulates the list of root items in a Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellNamespaceTreeControl.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ShellProgressDialog Wrapper for IProgressDialog which displays a system progress dialog. This object is a generic way to show a user how an operation is progressing. It is typically used when deleting, uploading, copying, moving, or downloading large numbers of files. The dialog is shown on a separate thread and will not block operations in the current thread.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.SplitButton The SplitButton is a composite control with which the user can select from a drop-down list bound to the button.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.SplitButton.SplitMenuEventArgs Provides data for the clicking of split buttons and the opening of context menus.
Vanara.Resources.ResourceFile.StringResIndexer An indexer for strings.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.CollapsiblePanel.Style The panel's style.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog A Task Dialog. This is like a MessageBox but with many more features. For Windows version prior to Vista, an emulated version of the system dialog is displayed.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialogButton Represents a button on a task dialog.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.TaskDialogButtonBase A custom button for the TaskDialog.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.TaskDialogButtonCollection A collection of Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialogButton elements.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.TaskDialogProgressBar Represents the progress bar that can be displayed in a task dialog.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialogRadioButton Represents a radio button on a task dialog.
Vanara.Extensions.TextBoxExtension Extension methods for System.Windows.Forms.TextBox.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ThemedImageDraw A button that displays an image and no text.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ThemedLabel A Label containing some text that will be drawn with glowing border on top of the Glass Sheet effect.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ThemedPanel A panel that supports a glass overlay and is drawn using a visual style.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.ThemedTableLayoutPanel A table layout panel that supports a glass overlay.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.TimerEventArgs Provides data for the Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.Timer event.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TrackBarEx Extends the System.Windows.Forms.TrackBar class to provide full native-control functionality, including tick marks and value, and custom drawing.
Vanara.Extensions.TreeViewExtension Extension methods for System.Windows.Forms.TreeView controls.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.TypedBehavior A behavior derivative for a supplied type.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.TypedDesignerActionList An action list for a generic designer.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.Design.TypedGlyph A glyph associated with a designer.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.VerificationClickedEventArgs Provides data for the Vanara.Windows.Forms.TaskDialog.VerificationClicked event.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VistaButtonBase Implements a CommandLink button that can be used in WinForms user interfaces.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VistaControlExtender Extends standard WinForms controls with post-Vista capabilities.
Vanara.Extensions.VisualStylesRendererExtension Extension methods for System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleRenderer for glass effects and extended method functionality. Also provides GetFont2 and GetMargins2 methods that corrects base library's non-functioning methods.
Vanara.Windows.Forms.VisualTheme A wrapper around the UxTheme methods.