
202 lines
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using System.Linq;
using JsonDiffPatchDotNet.Formatters.JsonPatch;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Linq;
namespace JsonDiffPatchDotNet.UnitTests
public class JsonDeltaFormatterUnitTests
private static readonly JsonDiffPatch Differ = new JsonDiffPatch();
private static readonly JsonDeltaFormatter Formatter = new JsonDeltaFormatter();
public void Format_EmptyDiffIsEmpty_Success()
var left = JObject.Parse(@"{}");
var right = JObject.Parse(@"{}");
var patch = Differ.Diff(left, right);
var operations = Formatter.Format(patch);
Assert.AreEqual(0, operations.Count);
public void Format_SupportsRemove_Success()
var left = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""a"": ""a"", ""b"": ""b"", ""c"" : ""c"" }");
var right = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""a"": ""a"", ""b"": ""b"" }");
var patch = Differ.Diff(left, right);
var operations = Formatter.Format(patch);
Assert.AreEqual(1, operations.Count);
AssertOperation(operations[0], OperationTypes.Remove, "/c");
public void Format_SupportsAdd_Success()
var left = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""a"": ""a"", ""b"": ""b"" }");
var right = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""a"": ""a"", ""b"": ""b"", ""c"" : ""c"" }");
var patch = Differ.Diff(left, right);
var operations = Formatter.Format(patch);
Assert.AreEqual(1, operations.Count);
AssertOperation(operations[0], OperationTypes.Add, "/c", new JValue("c"));
public void Format_SupportsReplace_Success()
var left = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""a"": ""a"", ""b"": ""b"" }");
var right = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""a"": ""a"", ""b"": ""c"" }");
var patch = Differ.Diff(left, right);
var operations = Formatter.Format(patch);
Assert.AreEqual(1, operations.Count);
AssertOperation(operations[0], OperationTypes.Replace, "/b", new JValue("c"));
public void Format_SupportsArrayAdd_Success()
var left = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""items"" : [""car"", ""bus""] }");
var right = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""items"" : [""bike"", ""car"", ""bus""] }");
var patch = Differ.Diff(left, right);
var operations = Formatter.Format(patch);
Assert.AreEqual(1, operations.Count);
AssertOperation(operations[0], OperationTypes.Add, "/items/0", JValue.CreateString("bike"));
public void Format_SupportsArrayRemove_Success()
var left = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""items"" : [""bike"", ""car"", ""bus""] }");
var right = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""items"" : [""car"", ""bus""] }");
var patch = Differ.Diff(left, right);
var operations = Formatter.Format(patch);
Assert.AreEqual(1, operations.Count);
AssertOperation(operations[0], OperationTypes.Remove, "/items/0");
public void Format_SupportsArrayMove_Success()
var left = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""items"" : [""bike"", ""car"", ""bus""] }");
var right = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""items"" : [""bike"", ""bus"", ""car""] }");
var patch = Differ.Diff(left, right);
var operations = Formatter.Format(patch);
Assert.AreEqual(2, operations.Count);
AssertOperation(operations[0], OperationTypes.Remove, "/items/2");
AssertOperation(operations[1], OperationTypes.Add, "/items/1", JValue.CreateString("bus"));
public void Format_ArrayAddsInAscOrder_Success()
var left = JArray.Parse(@"[]");
var right = JArray.Parse(@"[1, 2, 3]");
var patch = Differ.Diff(left, right);
var operations = Formatter.Format(patch);
Assert.AreEqual(3, operations.Count);
AssertOperation(operations[0], OperationTypes.Add, "/0", new JValue(1));
AssertOperation(operations[1], OperationTypes.Add, "/1", new JValue(2));
AssertOperation(operations[2], OperationTypes.Add, "/2", new JValue(3));
public void Format_ArrayRemoveInDescOrder_Success()
var left = JArray.Parse("[1, 2, 3]");
var right = JArray.Parse("[1]");
var patch = Differ.Diff(left, right);
var operations = Formatter.Format(patch);
Assert.AreEqual(2, operations.Count);
AssertOperation(operations[0], OperationTypes.Remove, "/2");
AssertOperation(operations[1], OperationTypes.Remove, "/1");
public void Format_SortsRemoveOperations_Success()
const string patchJson = @"
""a"": {
""a"": [0,0,0],
""b"": [0,0,0],
""c"": {
""a"": {
""a"": [0,0,0],
""b"": [0,0,0],
""c"": [0,0,0],
""d"": [0,0,0],
""e"": [0,0,0],
""f"": [0,0,0]
""b"": [0,0,0],
""c"": [0,0,0],
""d"": [0,0,0],
""e"": [0,0,0],
""f"": [0,0,0],
""g"": [0,0,0],
""h"": [0,0,0],
""i"": {
""a"": {
""a"": {
""_t"": ""a"",
""_0"": [0,0,0],
""_1"": [0,0,0]
var patch = JToken.Parse(patchJson);
var operations = Formatter.Format(patch);
var paths = operations.Select(o => o.Path).ToList();
// removal of the array item at index 1 should come before the item at index 0
Assert.Less(paths.IndexOf("/i/a/a/1"), paths.IndexOf("/i/a/a/0"));
public void Format_EscapeOfJsonPointer_Success()
var left = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""a/b"": ""a"", ""a~b"": ""ab"", ""a/~b"": ""abb"",""a/b/c~"": ""abc"" }");
var right = JObject.Parse(@"{ ""a/b"": ""ab"", ""a~b"": ""ba"", ""a/~b"": ""bba"",""a/b/c~"": ""cba"" }");
var patch = Differ.Diff(left, right);
var operations = Formatter.Format(patch);
Assert.IsTrue(operations.Any(x => x.Path.Equals("/a~1b") && x.Value.ToString().Equals("ab")));
Assert.IsTrue(operations.Any(x => x.Path.Equals("/a~0b") && x.Value.ToString().Equals("ba")));
Assert.IsTrue(operations.Any(x => x.Path.Equals("/a~1~0b") && x.Value.ToString().Equals("bba")));
Assert.IsTrue(operations.Any(x => x.Path.Equals("/a~1b~1c~0") && x.Value.ToString().Equals("cba")));
private void AssertOperation(Operation operation, string expectedOp, string expectedPath, JValue expectedValue = null)
Assert.AreEqual(expectedOp, operation.Op);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedPath, operation.Path);
if (expectedValue != null)
var value = operation.Value as JValue;
Assert.IsNotNull(value, "Operation value was expected to be a JValue");
Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, value);