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/* Copyright 2018 Canaan Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "encoding.h"
#include "sysctl.h"
#include "rtc.h"
volatile struct rtc_t *const rtc = (volatile struct rtc_t *)RTC_BASE_ADDR;
struct tm rtc_date_time;
int rtc_timer_set_mode(rtc_timer_mode_e timer_mode)
struct rtc_register_ctrl_t register_ctrl = rtc->register_ctrl;
switch (timer_mode) {
register_ctrl.read_enable = 0;
register_ctrl.write_enable = 0;
register_ctrl.read_enable = 1;
register_ctrl.write_enable = 0;
register_ctrl.read_enable = 0;
register_ctrl.write_enable = 1;
register_ctrl.read_enable = 0;
register_ctrl.write_enable = 0;
rtc->register_ctrl = register_ctrl;
return 0;
rtc_timer_mode_e rtc_timer_get_mode(void)
struct rtc_register_ctrl_t register_ctrl = rtc->register_ctrl;
rtc_timer_mode_e timer_mode = RTC_TIMER_PAUSE;
if ((!register_ctrl.read_enable) && (!register_ctrl.write_enable)) {
timer_mode = RTC_TIMER_PAUSE;
} else if ((register_ctrl.read_enable) && (!register_ctrl.write_enable)) {
timer_mode = RTC_TIMER_RUNNING;
} else if ((!register_ctrl.read_enable) && (register_ctrl.write_enable)) {
timer_mode = RTC_TIMER_RUNNING;
} else {
/* Something is error, reset timer mode */
return timer_mode;
static inline int rtc_in_range(int value, int min, int max)
return ((value >= min) && (value <= max));
int rtc_timer_set_tm(const struct tm *tm)
struct rtc_date_t timer_date;
struct rtc_time_t timer_time;
struct rtc_extended_t timer_extended;
if (tm) {
* Range of tm->tm_sec could be [0,61]
* Range of tm->tm_sec allows for a positive leap second. Two
* leap seconds in the same minute are not allowed (the C90
* range 0..61 was a defect)
if (rtc_in_range(tm->tm_sec, 0, 59))
timer_time.second = tm->tm_sec;
return -1;
/* Range of tm->tm_min could be [0,59] */
if (rtc_in_range(tm->tm_min, 0, 59))
timer_time.minute = tm->tm_min;
return -1;
/* Range of tm->tm_hour could be [0, 23] */
if (rtc_in_range(tm->tm_hour, 0, 23))
timer_time.hour = tm->tm_hour;
return -1;
/* Range of tm->tm_mday could be [1, 31] */
if (rtc_in_range(tm->tm_mday, 1, 31)) = tm->tm_mday;
return -1;
* Range of tm->tm_mon could be [0, 11]
* But in this RTC, date.month should be [1, 12]
if (rtc_in_range(tm->tm_mon, 0, 11))
timer_date.month = tm->tm_mon + 1;
return -1;
* Range of tm->tm_year is the years since 1900
* But in this RTC, year is split into year and century
* In this RTC, century range is [0,31], year range is [0,99]
int human_year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
int rtc_year = human_year % 100;
int rtc_century = human_year / 100;
if (rtc_in_range(rtc_year, 0, 99) &&
rtc_in_range(rtc_century, 0, 31)) {
timer_date.year = rtc_year;
timer_extended.century = rtc_century;
} else
return -1;
/* Range of tm->tm_wday could be [0, 6] */
if (rtc_in_range(tm->tm_wday, 0, 6))
timer_date.week = tm->tm_wday;
return -1;
/* Set RTC mode to timer setting mode */
/* Write value to RTC */
rtc->date = timer_date;
rtc->time = timer_time;
rtc->extended = timer_extended;
/* Get CPU current freq */
unsigned long freq = sysctl_clock_get_freq(SYSCTL_CLOCK_CPU);
/* Set threshold to 1/26000000 s */
freq = freq / 26000000;
/* Get current CPU cycle */
unsigned long start_cycle = read_csr(mcycle);
/* Wait for 1/26000000 s to sync data */
while (read_csr(mcycle) - start_cycle < freq)
/* Set RTC mode to timer running mode */
return 0;
int rtc_timer_set_alarm_tm(const struct tm *tm)
struct rtc_alarm_date_t alarm_date;
struct rtc_alarm_time_t alarm_time;
if (tm) {
* Range of tm->tm_sec could be [0,61]
* Range of tm->tm_sec allows for a positive leap second. Two
* leap seconds in the same minute are not allowed (the C90
* range 0..61 was a defect)
if (rtc_in_range(tm->tm_sec, 0, 59))
alarm_time.second = tm->tm_sec;
return -1;
/* Range of tm->tm_min could be [0,59] */
if (rtc_in_range(tm->tm_min, 0, 59))
alarm_time.minute = tm->tm_min;
return -1;
/* Range of tm->tm_hour could be [0, 23] */
if (rtc_in_range(tm->tm_hour, 0, 23))
alarm_time.hour = tm->tm_hour;
return -1;
/* Range of tm->tm_mday could be [1, 31] */
if (rtc_in_range(tm->tm_mday, 1, 31)) = tm->tm_mday;
return -1;
* Range of tm->tm_mon could be [0, 11]
* But in this RTC, date.month should be [1, 12]
if (rtc_in_range(tm->tm_mon, 0, 11))
alarm_date.month = tm->tm_mon + 1;
return -1;
* Range of tm->tm_year is the years since 1900
* But in this RTC, year is split into year and century
* In this RTC, century range is [0,31], year range is [0,99]
int human_year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
int rtc_year = human_year % 100;
int rtc_century = human_year / 100;
if (rtc_in_range(rtc_year, 0, 99) &&
rtc_in_range(rtc_century, 0, 31)) {
alarm_date.year = rtc_year;
} else
return -1;
/* Range of tm->tm_wday could be [0, 6] */
if (rtc_in_range(tm->tm_wday, 0, 6))
alarm_date.week = tm->tm_wday;
return -1;
/* Write value to RTC */
rtc->alarm_date = alarm_date;
rtc->alarm_time = alarm_time;
return 0;
int rtc_year_is_leap(int year)
return (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0);
int rtc_get_yday(int year, int month, int day)
static const int days[2][13] = {
{0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334},
{0, 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335}
int leap = rtc_year_is_leap(year);
return days[leap][month] + day;
int rtc_get_wday(int year, int month, int day)
/* Magic method to get weekday */
int weekday = (day += month < 3 ? year-- : year - 2, 23 * month / 9 + day + 4 + year / 4 - year / 100 + year / 400) % 7;
return weekday;
struct tm *rtc_timer_get_tm(void)
if (rtc_timer_get_mode() != RTC_TIMER_RUNNING)
return NULL;
struct rtc_date_t timer_date = rtc->date;
struct rtc_time_t timer_time = rtc->time;
struct rtc_extended_t timer_extended = rtc->extended;
struct tm *tm = &rtc_date_time;
tm->tm_sec = timer_time.second % 60;
tm->tm_min = timer_time.minute % 60;
tm->tm_hour = timer_time.hour % 24;
tm->tm_mday = % 31;
tm->tm_mon = (timer_date.month % 12) - 1;
tm->tm_year = (timer_date.year % 100) + (timer_extended.century * 100) - 1900;
tm->tm_wday = timer_date.week;
tm->tm_yday = rtc_get_yday(tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday);
tm->tm_isdst = -1;
return tm;
struct tm *rtc_timer_get_alarm_tm(void)
if (rtc_timer_get_mode() != RTC_TIMER_RUNNING)
return NULL;
struct rtc_alarm_date_t alarm_date = rtc->alarm_date;
struct rtc_alarm_time_t alarm_time = rtc->alarm_time;
struct rtc_extended_t timer_extended = rtc->extended;
struct tm *tm = &rtc_date_time;
tm->tm_sec = alarm_time.second % 60;
tm->tm_min = alarm_time.minute % 60;
tm->tm_hour = alarm_time.hour % 24;
tm->tm_mday = % 31;
tm->tm_mon = (alarm_date.month % 12) - 1;
/* Alarm and Timer use same timer_extended.century */
tm->tm_year = (alarm_date.year % 100) + (timer_extended.century * 100) - 1900;
tm->tm_wday = alarm_date.week;
tm->tm_yday = rtc_get_yday(tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday);
tm->tm_isdst = -1;
return tm;
int rtc_timer_set(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second)
struct tm date_time = {
.tm_sec = second,
.tm_min = minute,
.tm_hour = hour,
.tm_mday = day,
.tm_mon = month - 1,
.tm_year = year - 1900,
.tm_wday = rtc_get_wday(year, month, day),
.tm_yday = rtc_get_yday(year, month, day),
.tm_isdst = -1,
return rtc_timer_set_tm(&date_time);
int rtc_timer_get(int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *minute, int *second)
struct tm *tm = rtc_timer_get_tm();
if (tm) {
if (year)
*year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
if (month)
*month = tm->tm_mon + 1;
if (day)
*day = tm->tm_mday;
if (hour)
*hour = tm->tm_hour;
if (minute)
*minute = tm->tm_min;
if (second)
*second = tm->tm_sec;
} else
return -1;
return 0;
int rtc_timer_set_alarm(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second)
struct tm date_time = {
.tm_sec = second,
.tm_min = minute,
.tm_hour = hour,
.tm_mday = day,
.tm_mon = month - 1,
.tm_year = year - 1900,
.tm_wday = rtc_get_wday(year, month, day),
.tm_yday = rtc_get_yday(year, month, day),
.tm_isdst = -1,
return rtc_timer_set_alarm_tm(&date_time);
int rtc_timer_get_alarm(int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *minute, int *second)
struct tm *tm = rtc_timer_get_alarm_tm();
if (tm) {
if (year)
*year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
if (month)
*month = tm->tm_mon + 1;
if (day)
*day = tm->tm_mday;
if (hour)
*hour = tm->tm_hour;
if (minute)
*minute = tm->tm_min;
if (second)
*second = tm->tm_sec;
} else
return -1;
return 0;
int rtc_timer_set_clock_frequency(unsigned int frequency)
struct rtc_initial_count_t initial_count;
initial_count.count = frequency;
rtc->initial_count = initial_count;
return 0;
unsigned int rtc_timer_get_clock_frequency(void)
return rtc->initial_count.count;
int rtc_timer_set_clock_count_value(unsigned int count)
struct rtc_current_count_t current_count;
current_count.count = count;
rtc->current_count = current_count;
return 0;
unsigned int rtc_timer_get_clock_count_value(void)
return rtc->current_count.count;
int rtc_tick_interrupt_set(int enable)
struct rtc_interrupt_ctrl_t interrupt_ctrl = rtc->interrupt_ctrl;
interrupt_ctrl.tick_enable = enable;
rtc->interrupt_ctrl = interrupt_ctrl;
return 0;
int rtc_tick_interrupt_get(void)
struct rtc_interrupt_ctrl_t interrupt_ctrl = rtc->interrupt_ctrl;
return interrupt_ctrl.tick_enable;
int rtc_tick_interrupt_mode_set(rtc_tick_interrupt_mode_e mode)
struct rtc_interrupt_ctrl_t interrupt_ctrl = rtc->interrupt_ctrl;
interrupt_ctrl.tick_int_mode = mode;
rtc->interrupt_ctrl = interrupt_ctrl;
return 0;
rtc_tick_interrupt_mode_e rtc_tick_interrupt_mode_get(void)
struct rtc_interrupt_ctrl_t interrupt_ctrl = rtc->interrupt_ctrl;
return interrupt_ctrl.tick_int_mode;
int rtc_alarm_interrupt_set(int enable)
struct rtc_interrupt_ctrl_t interrupt_ctrl = rtc->interrupt_ctrl;
interrupt_ctrl.alarm_enable = enable;
rtc->interrupt_ctrl = interrupt_ctrl;
return 0;
int rtc_alarm_interrupt_get(void)
struct rtc_interrupt_ctrl_t interrupt_ctrl = rtc->interrupt_ctrl;
return interrupt_ctrl.alarm_enable;
int rtc_alarm_interrupt_mask_set(struct rtc_mask_t mask)
struct rtc_interrupt_ctrl_t interrupt_ctrl = rtc->interrupt_ctrl;
interrupt_ctrl.alarm_compare_mask = *(uint8_t *)&mask;
rtc->interrupt_ctrl = interrupt_ctrl;
return 0;
struct rtc_mask_t rtc_alarm_interrupt_mask_get(void)
struct rtc_interrupt_ctrl_t interrupt_ctrl = rtc->interrupt_ctrl;
uint8_t compare_mask = interrupt_ctrl.alarm_compare_mask;
return *(struct rtc_mask_t *)&compare_mask;
int rtc_protect_set(int enable)
struct rtc_register_ctrl_t register_ctrl = rtc->register_ctrl;
struct rtc_mask_t mask = {
.second = 1,
/* Second mask */
.minute = 1,
/* Minute mask */
.hour = 1,
/* Hour mask */
.week = 1,
/* Week mask */
.day = 1,
/* Day mask */
.month = 1,
/* Month mask */
.year = 1,
struct rtc_mask_t unmask = {
.second = 0,
/* Second mask */
.minute = 0,
/* Minute mask */
.hour = 0,
/* Hour mask */
.week = 0,
/* Week mask */
.day = 0,
/* Day mask */
.month = 0,
/* Month mask */
.year = 0,
if (enable) {
/* Turn RTC in protect mode, no one can write time */
register_ctrl.timer_mask = *(uint8_t *)&unmask;
register_ctrl.alarm_mask = *(uint8_t *)&unmask;
register_ctrl.initial_count_mask = 0;
register_ctrl.interrupt_register_mask = 0;
} else {
/* Turn RTC in unprotect mode, everyone can write time */
register_ctrl.timer_mask = *(uint8_t *)&mask;
register_ctrl.alarm_mask = *(uint8_t *)&mask;
register_ctrl.initial_count_mask = 1;
register_ctrl.interrupt_register_mask = 1;
rtc->register_ctrl = register_ctrl;
return 0;
int rtc_init(void)
/* Reset RTC */
/* Enable RTC */
/* Unprotect RTC */
/* Set RTC clock frequency */
/* Set RTC mode to timer running mode */
return 0;