
442 lines
14 KiB

/* Copyright 2018 Canaan Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "env/encoding.h"
#include "audio_bf.h"
#include "syscalls.h"
#include "sysctl.h"
#define BEAFORMING_BASE_ADDR (0x50250200U)
volatile struct audio_bf_reg_t* const audio_bf = (volatile struct audio_bf_reg_t*)BEAFORMING_BASE_ADDR;
* Voice strength average value right shift factor. When performing sound direction detect,
* the average value of samples from different channels is required, this right shift factor
* is used to perform division.
* 0x0: no right shift;
* 0x1: right shift by 1-bit;
* . . . . . .
* 0xF: right shift by 14-bit.
void audio_bf_set_audio_gain(uint16_t gain)
struct audio_bf_ch_cfg_t ch_cfg = audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg;
ch_cfg.we_bf_target_dir = 0;
ch_cfg.we_bf_sound_ch_en = 0;
ch_cfg.we_data_src_mode = 0;
ch_cfg.we_audio_gain = 1;
ch_cfg.audio_gain = gain;
audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg = ch_cfg;
void audio_bf_set_smpl_shift(uint8_t smpl_shift)
struct audio_bf_dwsz_cfg_t tmp = audio_bf->bf_dwsz_cfg_reg;
tmp.smpl_shift_bits = smpl_shift;
audio_bf->bf_dwsz_cfg_reg = tmp;
uint8_t audio_bf_get_smpl_shift(void)
struct audio_bf_dwsz_cfg_t tmp = audio_bf->bf_dwsz_cfg_reg;
return tmp.smpl_shift_bits;
* BF unit sound channel enable control bits. Bit 'x' corresponds to enable bit for sound
* channel 'x' (x = 0, 1, 2, . . ., 7). BF sound channels are related with I2S host RX channels.
* BF sound channel 0/1 correspond to the left/right channel of I2S RX0; BF channel 2/3 correspond
* to left/right channels of I2S RX1; and things like that. Software write '1' to enable a sound
* channel and hardware automatically clear the bit after the sample buffers used for direction
* searching is filled full.
* 0x1: writing '1' to enable the corresponding BF sound channel.
void audio_bf_set_channel_enabled(uint8_t channel_bit)
struct audio_bf_ch_cfg_t ch_cfg;
ch_cfg.we_audio_gain = 0;
ch_cfg.we_bf_target_dir = 0;
ch_cfg.we_bf_sound_ch_en = 1;
ch_cfg.bf_sound_ch_en = channel_bit;
audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg = ch_cfg;
* BF unit sound channel enable control bits. Bit 'x' corresponds to enable bit for sound
* channel 'x' (x = 0, 1, 2, . . ., 7). BF sound channels are related with I2S host RX channels.
* BF sound channel 0/1 correspond to the left/right channel of I2S RX0; BF channel 2/3 correspond
* to left/right channels of I2S RX1; and things like that. Software write '1' to enable a sound
* channel and hardware automatically clear the bit after the sample buffers used for direction
* searching is filled full.
* 0x1: writing '1' to enable the corresponding BF sound channel.
void audio_bf_channel_enable(uint8_t channel_bit)
struct audio_bf_ch_cfg_t ch_cfg = audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg;
ch_cfg.we_audio_gain = 0;
ch_cfg.we_bf_target_dir = 0;
ch_cfg.we_data_src_mode = 0;
ch_cfg.we_bf_sound_ch_en = 1;
ch_cfg.bf_sound_ch_en = channel_bit;
audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg = ch_cfg;
* audio data source configure parameter. This parameter controls where the audio data source comes from.
* 0x0: audio data directly sourcing from audio_bf internal buffer;
* 0x1: audio data sourcing from FFT result buffer.
void audio_bf_set_src_mode(uint8_t src_mode)
struct audio_bf_ch_cfg_t ch_cfg = audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg;
ch_cfg.we_audio_gain = 0;
ch_cfg.we_bf_target_dir = 0;
ch_cfg.we_bf_sound_ch_en = 0;
ch_cfg.we_data_src_mode = 1;
ch_cfg.data_src_mode = src_mode;
audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg = ch_cfg;
* I2S host beam-forming direction sample ibuffer read index configure register
void audio_bf_set_direction_delay(uint8_t dir_num, uint8_t* dir_bidx)
audio_bf->bf_dir_bidx[dir_num][0] = (struct audio_bf_dir_bidx_t){
.dir_rd_idx0 = dir_bidx[0],
.dir_rd_idx1 = dir_bidx[1],
.dir_rd_idx2 = dir_bidx[2],
.dir_rd_idx3 = dir_bidx[3]};
audio_bf->bf_dir_bidx[dir_num][1] = (struct audio_bf_dir_bidx_t){
.dir_rd_idx0 = dir_bidx[4],
.dir_rd_idx1 = dir_bidx[5],
.dir_rd_idx2 = dir_bidx[6],
.dir_rd_idx3 = dir_bidx[7]};
* Sound direction searching enable bit. Software writes '1' to start sound direction searching function.
* When all the sound sample buffers are filled full, this bit is cleared by hardware (this sample buffers
* are used for direction detect only).
* 0x1: enable direction searching.
void audio_bf_dir_enable(void)
struct audio_bf_ctl_t bf_en_tmp = audio_bf->bf_ctl_reg;
bf_en_tmp.we_bf_dir_search_en = 1;
bf_en_tmp.bf_dir_search_en = 1;
audio_bf->bf_ctl_reg = bf_en_tmp;
void audio_bf_dir_reset(void)
struct audio_bf_ctl_t bf_en_tmp = audio_bf->bf_ctl_reg;
bf_en_tmp.we_search_path_rst = 1;
bf_en_tmp.search_path_reset = 1;
audio_bf->bf_ctl_reg = bf_en_tmp;
* Valid voice sample stream generation enable bit. After sound direction searching is done, software can
* configure this bit to generate a stream of voice samples for voice recognition.
* 0x1: enable output of voice sample stream.
* 0x0: stop the voice samlpe stream output.
void audio_bf_voc_enable(uint8_t enable_flag)
struct audio_bf_ctl_t bf_en_tmp = audio_bf->bf_ctl_reg;
bf_en_tmp.we_bf_stream_gen = 1;
bf_en_tmp.bf_stream_gen_en = enable_flag;
audio_bf->bf_ctl_reg = bf_en_tmp;
void audio_bf_voc_reset(void)
struct audio_bf_ctl_t bf_en_tmp = audio_bf->bf_ctl_reg;
bf_en_tmp.we_voice_gen_path_rst = 1;
bf_en_tmp.voice_gen_path_reset = 1;
audio_bf->bf_ctl_reg = bf_en_tmp;
* Target direction select for valid voice output. When the source voice direaction searching
* is done, software can use this field to select one from 16 sound directions for the following
* voice recognition
* 0x0: select sound direction 0; 0x1: select sound direction 1;
* . . . . . .
* 0xF: select sound direction 15.
void audio_bf_voc_set_direction(enum en_bf_dir direction)
struct audio_bf_ch_cfg_t ch_cfg = audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg;
ch_cfg.we_bf_sound_ch_en = 0;
ch_cfg.we_audio_gain = 0;
ch_cfg.we_data_src_mode = 0;
ch_cfg.we_bf_target_dir = 1;
ch_cfg.bf_target_dir = direction;
audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg = ch_cfg;
struct audio_bf_ctl_t bf_en_tmp = audio_bf->bf_ctl_reg;
bf_en_tmp.we_update_voice_dir = 1;
bf_en_tmp.update_voice_dir = 1;
audio_bf->bf_ctl_reg = bf_en_tmp;
* I2S host beam-forming Filter FIR16 Coefficient Register
void audio_bf_dir_set_prev_fir(uint16_t* fir_coef)
uint8_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
audio_bf->bf_pre_fir0_coef[i] = (struct audio_bf_fir_coef_t){
.fir_tap0 = fir_coef[i * 2],
.fir_tap1 = i == 8 ? 0 : fir_coef[i * 2 + 1]};
void audio_bf_dir_set_post_fir(uint16_t* fir_coef)
uint8_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
audio_bf->bf_post_fir0_coef[i] = (struct audio_bf_fir_coef_t){
.fir_tap0 = fir_coef[i * 2],
.fir_tap1 = i == 8 ? 0 : fir_coef[i * 2 + 1]};
void audio_bf_voc_set_prev_fir(uint16_t* fir_coef)
uint8_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
audio_bf->bf_pre_fir1_coef[i] = (struct audio_bf_fir_coef_t){
.fir_tap0 = fir_coef[i * 2],
.fir_tap1 = i == 8 ? 0 : fir_coef[i * 2 + 1]};
void audio_bf_voc_set_post_fir(uint16_t* fir_coef)
uint8_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
audio_bf->bf_post_fir1_coef[i] = (struct audio_bf_fir_coef_t){
.fir_tap0 = fir_coef[i * 2],
.fir_tap1 = i == 8 ? 0 : fir_coef[i * 2 + 1]};
void audio_bf_set_fft_shift_factor(uint8_t enable_flag, uint16_t shift_factor)
audio_bf->bf_fft_cfg_reg = (struct audio_bf_fft_cfg_t){
.fft_enable = enable_flag,
.fft_shift_factor = shift_factor};
struct audio_bf_ch_cfg_t ch_cfg = audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg;
ch_cfg.we_data_src_mode = 1;
ch_cfg.data_src_mode = enable_flag;
audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg = ch_cfg;
void audio_bf_dir_set_down_size(uint8_t dir_dwn_size)
struct audio_bf_dwsz_cfg_t tmp = audio_bf->bf_dwsz_cfg_reg;
tmp.dir_dwn_siz_rate = dir_dwn_size;
audio_bf->bf_dwsz_cfg_reg = tmp;
void audio_bf_dir_set_interrupt_mask(uint8_t dir_int_mask)
struct audio_bf_int_mask_t tmp = audio_bf->bf_int_mask_reg;
tmp.dir_data_rdy_msk = dir_int_mask;
audio_bf->bf_int_mask_reg = tmp;
void audio_bf_voc_set_down_size(uint8_t voc_dwn_size)
struct audio_bf_dwsz_cfg_t tmp = audio_bf->bf_dwsz_cfg_reg;
tmp.voc_dwn_siz_rate = voc_dwn_size;
audio_bf->bf_dwsz_cfg_reg = tmp;
void audio_bf_voc_set_interrupt_mask(uint8_t voc_int_mask)
struct audio_bf_int_mask_t tmp = audio_bf->bf_int_mask_reg;
tmp.voc_buf_rdy_msk = voc_int_mask;
audio_bf->bf_int_mask_reg = tmp;
void audio_bf_set_down_size(uint8_t dir_dwn_size, uint8_t voc_dwn_size)
struct audio_bf_dwsz_cfg_t tmp = audio_bf->bf_dwsz_cfg_reg;
tmp.dir_dwn_siz_rate = dir_dwn_size;
tmp.voc_dwn_siz_rate = voc_dwn_size;
audio_bf->bf_dwsz_cfg_reg = tmp;
void audio_bf_set_interrupt_mask(uint8_t dir_int_mask, uint8_t voc_int_mask)
audio_bf->bf_int_mask_reg = (struct audio_bf_int_mask_t){
.dir_data_rdy_msk = dir_int_mask,
.voc_buf_rdy_msk = voc_int_mask};
void audio_bf_dir_clear_int_state(void)
audio_bf->bf_int_stat_reg = (struct audio_bf_int_stat_t){
.dir_search_data_rdy = 1};
void audio_bf_voc_clear_int_state(void)
audio_bf->bf_int_stat_reg = (struct audio_bf_int_stat_t){
.voc_buf_data_rdy = 1};
void audio_bf_voc_reset_saturation_counter(void)
audio_bf->saturation_counter = 1 << 31;
/* heigh 16 bit is counter, low 16 bit is total.*/
uint32_t audio_bf_voc_get_saturation_counter(void)
return audio_bf->saturation_counter;
void audio_bf_voc_set_saturation_limit(uint16_t upper, uint16_t bottom)
audio_bf->saturation_limits = (uint32_t)bottom << 16 | upper;
/* heigh 16 bit is counter, low 16 bit is total.*/
uint32_t audio_bf_voc_get_saturation_limit(void)
return audio_bf->saturation_limits;
static void print_fir(const char* member_name, volatile struct audio_bf_fir_coef_t* pfir)
int i;
printf(" for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){\n");
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
struct audio_bf_fir_coef_t fir = pfir[i];
printf(" audio_bf->%s[%d] = (struct audio_bf_fir_coef_t){\n", member_name, i);
printf(" .fir_tap0 = 0x%x,\n", fir.fir_tap0);
printf(" .fir_tap1 = 0x%x\n", fir.fir_tap1);
printf(" };\n");
printf(" }\n");
void audio_bf_print_setting(void)
int i;
printf("void audio_bf_setting(void) {\n");
struct audio_bf_ch_cfg_t bf_ch_cfg_reg = audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg;
printf(" audio_bf->bf_ch_cfg_reg = (struct audio_bf_ch_cfg_t){\n");
printf(" .we_audio_gain = 1, .we_bf_target_dir = 1, .we_bf_sound_ch_en = 1,\n");
printf(" .audio_gain = 0x%x, .bf_target_dir = %d, .bf_sound_ch_en = %d, .data_src_mode = %d\n",
bf_ch_cfg_reg.audio_gain, bf_ch_cfg_reg.bf_target_dir, bf_ch_cfg_reg.bf_sound_ch_en, bf_ch_cfg_reg.data_src_mode);
printf(" };\n");
struct audio_bf_ctl_t bf_ctl_reg = audio_bf->bf_ctl_reg;
printf(" audio_bf->bf_ctl_reg = (struct audio_bf_ctl_t){\n");
printf(" .we_bf_stream_gen = 1, .we_bf_dir_search_en = 1,\n");
printf(" .bf_stream_gen_en = %d, .bf_dir_search_en = %d\n",
bf_ctl_reg.bf_stream_gen_en, bf_ctl_reg.bf_dir_search_en);
printf(" };\n");
printf(" for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++){\n");
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
struct audio_bf_dir_bidx_t bidx0 = audio_bf->bf_dir_bidx[i][0];
struct audio_bf_dir_bidx_t bidx1 = audio_bf->bf_dir_bidx[i][1];
printf(" audio_bf->bf_dir_bidx[%d][0] = (struct audio_bf_dir_bidx_t){\n", i);
printf(" .dir_rd_idx0 = 0x%x,\n", bidx0.dir_rd_idx0);
printf(" .dir_rd_idx1 = 0x%x,\n", bidx0.dir_rd_idx1);
printf(" .dir_rd_idx2 = 0x%x,\n", bidx0.dir_rd_idx2);
printf(" .dir_rd_idx3 = 0x%x\n", bidx0.dir_rd_idx3);
printf(" };\n");
printf(" audio_bf->bf_dir_bidx[%d][1] = (struct audio_bf_dir_bidx_t){\n", i);
printf(" .dir_rd_idx0 = 0x%x,\n", bidx1.dir_rd_idx0);
printf(" .dir_rd_idx1 = 0x%x,\n", bidx1.dir_rd_idx1);
printf(" .dir_rd_idx2 = 0x%x,\n", bidx1.dir_rd_idx2);
printf(" .dir_rd_idx3 = 0x%x\n", bidx1.dir_rd_idx3);
printf(" };\n");
printf(" }\n");
print_fir("bf_pre_fir0_coef", audio_bf->bf_pre_fir0_coef);
print_fir("bf_post_fir0_coef", audio_bf->bf_post_fir0_coef);
print_fir("bf_pre_fir1_coef", audio_bf->bf_pre_fir1_coef);
print_fir("bf_post_fir1_coef", audio_bf->bf_post_fir1_coef);
struct audio_bf_dwsz_cfg_t bf_dwsz_cfg_reg = audio_bf->bf_dwsz_cfg_reg;
printf(" audio_bf->bf_dwsz_cfg_reg = (struct audio_bf_dwsz_cfg_t){\n");
printf(" .dir_dwn_siz_rate = %d, .voc_dwn_siz_rate = %d\n",
bf_dwsz_cfg_reg.dir_dwn_siz_rate, bf_dwsz_cfg_reg.voc_dwn_siz_rate);
printf(" };\n");
struct audio_bf_fft_cfg_t bf_fft_cfg_reg = audio_bf->bf_fft_cfg_reg;
printf(" audio_bf->bf_fft_cfg_reg = (struct audio_bf_fft_cfg_t){\n");
printf(" .fft_enable = %d, .fft_shift_factor = 0x%x\n",
bf_fft_cfg_reg.fft_enable, bf_fft_cfg_reg.fft_shift_factor);
printf(" };\n");
struct audio_bf_int_mask_t bf_int_mask_reg = audio_bf->bf_int_mask_reg;
printf(" audio_bf->bf_int_mask_reg = (struct audio_bf_int_mask_t){\n");
printf(" .dir_data_rdy_msk = %d, .voc_buf_rdy_msk = %d\n",
bf_int_mask_reg.dir_data_rdy_msk, bf_int_mask_reg.voc_buf_rdy_msk);
printf(" };\n");