
372 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) Canaan Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using GiGraph.Dot.Entities.Clusters;
using GiGraph.Dot.Entities.Graphs;
using GiGraph.Dot.Entities.Html.Table;
using GiGraph.Dot.Entities.Nodes;
using GiGraph.Dot.Extensions;
using GiGraph.Dot.Types.Colors;
using GiGraph.Dot.Types.Edges;
using GiGraph.Dot.Types.Fonts;
using GiGraph.Dot.Types.Graphs;
using GiGraph.Dot.Types.Nodes;
using GiGraph.Dot.Types.Records;
using GiGraph.Dot.Types.Styling;
using Nncase.IR;
namespace Nncase.IR;
internal sealed class ILDotOption
private readonly DotNode? _dotNode;
private readonly string? _str;
public ILDotOption(DotNode dotNode)
_dotNode = dotNode;
_str = null;
public ILDotOption(string str)
_dotNode = null;
_str = str;
public DotNode DotNode => _dotNode!;
public string Str => _str!;
public bool IsDotNode => _dotNode is not null;
internal sealed class ILDotPrintVisitor : ExprVisitor<ILDotOption, string>
private readonly bool _display_callable;
private readonly DotGraph _dotGraph;
private readonly List<(string, DotGraph)> _subdotGraphs;
private int _idCounter;
private BaseFunction? _entryBaseFunc;
public ILDotPrintVisitor(bool display_callable)
_display_callable = display_callable;
_dotGraph = new(directed: true);
_subdotGraphs = new();
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override ILDotOption Visit(BaseFunction baseFunction)
_entryBaseFunc ??= baseFunction;
return base.Visit(baseFunction);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override ILDotOption Visit(PrimFunctionWrapper expr)
if (!ExpressionMemo.TryGetValue(expr, out var result))
var id = _idCounter++;
_ = "\"" + id.ToString() + "\"";
result = new(expr.Name);
ExpressionMemo.Add(expr, result);
return result;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override ILDotOption Visit(TIR.PrimFunction expr)
if (!ExpressionMemo.TryGetValue(expr, out var result))
var id = _idCounter++;
_ = "\"" + id.ToString() + "\"";
result = new(expr.Name);
ExpressionMemo.Add(expr, result);
return result;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override ILDotOption Visit(Fusion expr)
_entryBaseFunc ??= expr;
if (!object.ReferenceEquals(_entryBaseFunc, expr))
if (_display_callable)
var visitor = new ILDotPrintVisitor(_display_callable);
_subdotGraphs.Add((expr.Name, visitor._dotGraph));
return new(expr.Name);
return base.Visit(expr);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override ILDotOption Visit(Function expr)
_entryBaseFunc ??= expr;
if (!object.ReferenceEquals(_entryBaseFunc, expr))
if (_display_callable)
var visitor = new ILDotPrintVisitor(_display_callable);
_subdotGraphs.Add((expr.Name, visitor._dotGraph));
return new(expr.Name);
return base.Visit(expr);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override ILDotOption VisitLeaf(Fusion expr)
return new(expr.Name);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override ILDotOption VisitLeaf(Function expr)
return new(expr.Name);
public override ILDotOption VisitLeaf(Tuple expr)
var id = _idCounter++;
string exprId = "\"" + id.ToString() + "\"";
var table = new DotHtmlTable
BorderWidth = 0,
CellBorderWidth = 1,
CellSpacing = 0,
var connect_list = new List<(Expr, string)>();
// 1. the connect type.
table.AddRow(row =>
row.AddCell("Tuple"); // key wrods type.
int count = 0;
foreach (var child in expr.Fields)
var childnode = Visit(child);
var portName = $"P{count++}";
row.AddCell(childnode.IsDotNode ? string.Empty : childnode.Str, cell => cell.PortName = portName);
if (childnode.IsDotNode)
connect_list.Add((child, portName));
// 3. make crrent node.
var dotNode = _dotGraph.Nodes.Add(exprId);
// 4. connect edge.
foreach (var (child, port_name) in connect_list)
_dotGraph.Edges.Add(Visit(child).DotNode, dotNode, edge =>
edge.Head.Endpoint.Port = new DotEndpointPort(port_name);
return new(dotNode);
public override ILDotOption VisitLeaf(Op expr)
return new(expr.GetType().Name + $"({expr.DisplayProperty()})");
public override ILDotOption VisitLeaf(Const expr)
return new(CompilerServices.Print(expr));
public override ILDotOption VisitLeaf(None expr)
return new("None");
public override ILDotOption VisitLeaf(Marker expr)
var id = _idCounter++;
string exprId = "\"" + id.ToString() + "\"";
var table = new DotHtmlTable
BorderWidth = 0,
CellBorderWidth = 1,
CellSpacing = 0,
var target = Visit(expr.Target);
var attr = Visit(expr.Attribute);
// 1. the connect type.
table.AddRow(row =>
row.AddCell("Marker"); // key wrods type.
if (target.IsDotNode)
row.AddCell("Target", cell => cell.PortName = "P0"); // target.
row.AddCell(target.Str, cell => cell.PortName = "P0");
if (attr.IsDotNode)
row.AddCell("Attr", cell => cell.PortName = "P1"); // attr
row.AddCell(attr.Str, cell => cell.PortName = "P1");
table.AddRow(row =>
row.AddCell(expr.CheckedType is null ? "Null" : CompilerServices.Print(expr.CheckedType), cell => cell.ColumnSpan = 3);
// 3. make crrent node.
var dotNode = _dotGraph.Nodes.Add(exprId);
// 4. connect edge.
if (target.IsDotNode)
_dotGraph.Edges.Add(target.DotNode, dotNode, edge =>
edge.Head.Endpoint.Port = new DotEndpointPort("P0");
if (attr.IsDotNode)
_dotGraph.Edges.Add(attr.DotNode, dotNode, edge =>
edge.Head.Endpoint.Port = new DotEndpointPort("P1");
return new(dotNode);
public override ILDotOption VisitLeaf(Var expr)
var id = _idCounter++;
string exprId = "\"" + id.ToString() + "\"";
var dotNode = new DotNode(exprId) { Label = expr.Name, Shape = DotNodeShape.Rectangle };
return new(dotNode);
public override ILDotOption VisitLeaf(Call expr)
var id = _idCounter++;
string exprId = "\"" + id.ToString() + "\"";
var table = new DotHtmlTable
BorderWidth = 0,
CellBorderWidth = 1,
CellSpacing = 0,
var connect_list = new List<(Expr, string)>();
// 1. the connect type.
table.AddRow(row =>
row.AddCell("Call"); // key wrods type.
row.AddCell(Visit(expr.Target).Str); // target.
int count = 0;
foreach (var (child, arg_name) in expr.Parameters.Zip(expr.Target switch
Op op => op.Parameters.Select(info => info.Name),
Fusion fusion => fusion.Parameters.Select(v => v.Name),
Function func => func.Parameters.Select(v => v.Name),
PrimFunctionWrapper wrapper => wrapper.Target.Parameters.Select(b => b.Name),
_ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Target type {expr.Target.GetType()} is not supported."),
if (child is Const or None)
var portName = $"P{count++}";
row.AddCell(arg_name, cell => cell.PortName = portName);
connect_list.Add((child, portName));
table.AddRow(row =>
row.AddCell(expr.CheckedType is null ? "Null" : CompilerServices.Print(expr.CheckedType), cell => cell.ColumnSpan = connect_list.Count + 2);
// 3. make crrent node.
var dotNode = _dotGraph.Nodes.Add(exprId);
// 4. connect edge.
foreach (var (child, port_name) in connect_list)
_dotGraph.Edges.Add(Visit(child).DotNode, dotNode, edge =>
edge.Head.Endpoint.Port = new DotEndpointPort(port_name);
return new(dotNode);
/// <summary>
/// Save the dot to File.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">name.</param>
/// <param name="prefix">prefix.</param>
/// <param name="dumpDir">dump dir.</param>
public void SaveToFile(string name, string prefix, string dumpDir)
SaveToFileCore(_dotGraph, name, prefix, dumpDir);
foreach (var (sub_name, subGraph) in _subdotGraphs)
SaveToFileCore(subGraph, name + "_" + sub_name, prefix, dumpDir);
private static void SaveToFileCore(DotGraph dotGraph, string name, string prefix, string dumpDir)
var nprefix = prefix.Any() ? prefix + "_" : prefix;
string dump_path = Path.Combine(dumpDir, $"{nprefix}{name}.dot");