
53 lines
1.8 KiB

import enum
import math
import os
import re
import struct
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Tuple
from pathlib import Path
def cosine(gt: np.ndarray, pred: np.ndarray):
return (gt @ pred) / (np.linalg.norm(gt, 2) * np.linalg.norm(pred, 2))
def euclidean(gt: np.ndarray, pred: np.ndarray):
return np.linalg.norm(gt - pred, 2)**2
simarity_func = {
'cosine': cosine,
'euclidean': euclidean
def compare(result_path: Tuple[str, str],
ground_truth_path: Tuple[str, str],
simarity_name: str = 'cosine',
threshold: float = 0.99,
hist: bool = True) -> bool:
# NOTE the result_path is Tuple[ bin_path, txt_path ]
ground_truth_path_bin, ground_truth_path_txt = result_path
result_path_bin, result_path_txt = ground_truth_path
if 'npy' in ground_truth_path_bin: # bfloat16
# gt, pred = bytes.fromhex(gt.strip()), bytes.fromhex(pred.strip())
# gt, pred = struct.unpack('>H', gt)[0], struct.unpack('>H', pred)[0]
raise NotImplemented("need support bfloat16 judge!")
else: # float
gt_arr = np.fromfile(ground_truth_path_bin, np.float32)
pred_arr = np.fromfile(result_path_bin, np.float32)
if gt_arr.size == pred_arr.size:
simarity = simarity_func[simarity_name](gt_arr, pred_arr)
raise ValueError("The number of elements in gt and result not match\n")
if hist:
y, x = np.histogram(gt_arr - pred_arr, 100)
p = Path(result_path_bin)
np.savetxt(p.parent / (p.stem + '_hist.csv'),
np.stack((x[:-1], y)).T, fmt='%f', delimiter=',')
simarity_info = f"\n{simarity_name} similarity = {simarity:.4f}, threshold = {threshold:.4f}\n"
if simarity < threshold:
return False, simarity_info
return True, simarity_info