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// Copyright (c) Canaan Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using NetFabric.Hyperlinq;
using Nncase.Evaluator;
using Nncase.IR;
using Nncase.IR.Math;
using Nncase.Quantization;
using Nncase.Runtime.Interop;
using Nncase.Utilities;
namespace Nncase.Compiler;
public static class PythonHelper
public static void LaunchDebugger()
public static IValue TensorValueFromBytes(DataType type, byte[] span, int[] dimensions)
return Value.FromTensor(Tensor.FromBytes(type, span, dimensions));
public static Tensor TensorFromBytes(DataType type, byte[] span, int[] dimensions)
return Tensor.FromBytes(type, span, dimensions);
public static byte[] BytesBufferFromTensor(Tensor value)
return value.BytesBuffer.ToArray();
public static Memory<byte> ToMemory(byte[] bytes) => new(bytes);
public static byte[] GetRTTensorBytes(RTTensor tensor)
var buffer = tensor.Buffer.Buffer.AsHost()!;
using (var mmOwner = buffer.Map(RTMapAccess.Read))
return mmOwner.Memory.Span.ToArray();
public static uint[] GetRTTensorDims(RTTensor tensor)
return tensor.Dimensions.ToArray();
public static IValue Evaluate(Expr expr, IReadOnlyDictionary<Var, IValue>? varsValues = null)
if (CompilerServices.CompileOptions.DumpLevel > 4)
return DumpManager.RunWithDump("Evaluator", () => CompilerServices.Evaluate(expr, varsValues));
return CompilerServices.Evaluate(expr, varsValues);
public static RTTensor[] RunSimulator(RTInterpreter interp, RTValue[] input)
var entry = interp.Entry;
var result = entry.Invoke(input);
if (result is RTTensor tensor)
return new[] { tensor };
else if (result is RTTuple tuple)
// todo: field maybe a tuple, but not process in this
return tuple.Fields.Select(x => (RTTensor)x).ToArray();
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static bool TargetExist(string target)
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
// Tensor[sample_count * input_count] dataSet
public static PytestCalibrationDatasetProvider MakeDatasetProvider(Tensor[] dataSet, int sampleCount, Var[] fnParams)
var inputCount = dataSet[0].Length / sampleCount;
var samples = dataSet.Chunk(inputCount).Select(inputs => inputs.Zip(fnParams).ToDictionary(
item => item.Item2,
item => (IValue)Value.FromTensor(item.Item1))).ToArray().ToAsyncEnumerable();
return new PytestCalibrationDatasetProvider(samples, sampleCount);
public static QuantizeOptions MakeQuantizeOptions(ICalibrationDatasetProvider datasetProvider)
return new QuantizeOptions
{ BindQuantMethod = false, CalibrationDataset = datasetProvider, CalibrationMethod = CalibMethod.NoClip };
public class PytestCalibrationDatasetProvider : ICalibrationDatasetProvider
private readonly int _sampleCount;
public PytestCalibrationDatasetProvider(IAsyncEnumerable<IReadOnlyDictionary<Var, IValue>> samples, int sampleCount)
Samples = samples;
_sampleCount = sampleCount;
public int? Count => _sampleCount;
public IAsyncEnumerable<IReadOnlyDictionary<Var, IValue>> Samples { get; }